Petting pussy’s
Petting pussy to get it warm wet and excited usre that is ,, growing towards the sunlight ,,I find it feels good …. I like going fishing that feels good I do that I do not like horror flicks …. That does not feel good I am not into that …. I like SKIN DRED .. I go to their shows ,,, that feels good … I am not inot country msic that does not feel good I do not go there … but I do go here
The kitchen of this unverse this life is stocked with a bunch of different spices if you do not want HOT SAUCE in your choclate pie them AVAIOD the fuicking hot sauce isle while buying shit to make your fucking pie
So young master when you encounter some chick TRAPPED by her own free choice to IGNORE REALITY and live in the DREAM remember we are all EQUAL ..she is living her own SELF CHOOSEN night mare and asking you not to pet her psuuy but pet her DEAD CAT ..her stinky decaying dead cat ….. all gooey in bad emotions which will stick to your hands and make you smell like death and NOT HAVING FUN … like her ..but she likes that …that is her advbenture does not have to be yours .
As you think you will actract …. What is your PURE WANTS ? ( for me to have people come around with dead cats ,,, helps timulate writing ahhh I ENJOY WRITING .. so her DEAD cat is FERTILIZER for …. She works in the ARENA of shit to generate fertilizer ofr my GOOD FEELINGS which is to write …. I believe she is choosing her adventure ..i believe we are I in I ,,,, soul mates … I am even equyal soul mates to bugs and trees .. all points of view of quantas .. indivual equals .
Now I do not want her shit in my pie ….. I just want aspice for a dish …. Called my morning BLOG …. Nothing more .. I choose to ignore her in her HAPPINESS OF CREATING AND SUSTAINING HER OWN MISERY …. IN THE FACE OF … other free choices which she chooses to ignore and NOT THINK FOR HERSELF ABOUT …not my life … not my universe ..but hers to have adventure in …. Not mine to jugde right or worng except thru what I want to live in my own to days .
I do not like horror stories ,, so I don’t watch’em .. simple realy .
Ohhh her horror story is of not getting her SELF WORTH … generated by men adoring her ….. her self worth from the actions of others …. We are designed to CO-EXISIT be family but self worth is ..of SELF
Next is ..the CHRONIC effect of shitty thinking ..of ignoring the messages of FEELINGS till you FEEL LIKE SHIT ……. You will GET your attention eventually …if you are thinking in ways that are of a FOCUS that is NOT FUN …. The accumulated effect will be DIS – EASE …and dis EASE cn be like an OLD INJURY FLAIR UP …. Just feel young master that when you are livng ..really living not thinking JUDGING YOUR THOUGHTS ..thinking about the SHOULDS OF OTHERS … and maybe how others have treated you wrong did NOT provide you with what only you can provide your self ..self esteem …. He or she made me FEEL /// that means you are truly under the control of someone else and you have no RIGHTS …but that is not the reality …it is your won choices of thinking or awareness that ADDS up to the life and way you FEEL now .
Clock watching … your focus is not on the FUN aspects of your now the 97% that is good the stuff you may want ( not a should but I could have written this using the words should in .. you ahould do this or that ..but NO I put in a grain of sand into your shell from where your own thinking will create the pearls ) you may want to write in a book called the book of POSITIVE ASPECTS ..the actions of thinking about the positive then realy writing then out in ink on paper helps EMBEDD the TRUTH About the life you are iving and helps you imenesly in times when you are FEELING …. Shitty . and never is you choice to focus on the SHITTY never is it the repsonsiblity of someone else to be or do something else it is you who has to choose what to FOCUS on .
It is cold today ….. I wasrunning wearing a HODDIE … tighted tight so as not to let the cold wind rool against my head amdn face to much …. ( strange how MUCH FASHION plays on peoples actions ….. I watched two girls yesterday not ..NOT use their umbrella while walking in the rain at first they were using it then they closed it ,,, I could see from the expressions on their faces that they were not happy walking in the cold rain …so I thought why would they close the umbrella and be UNCOMFORTABLE ? AND I THOUGHT ABOUT self ESTEEM AND fashion AND HOW SOME PEOPLE THINK MORE ABOUT HOW OTHERS LOOK AT THEM THEN THEIR OWN comfort AND THE goofy umbrella THEY had was not fashionable …. Fashion was more important than comfort …
So my hoddie was comfort ..but it limited my ablitly to watch clouds …. And get lost in my run ….. and to limit the wind I had to keep my head down on my run ..kinda of PLOD along … and then I found myself getting lost in the passing of the WHITE line on the road …a nd as I got PURELY … lost in the NOW of watching the nuiacnces of the white line I found I had run way on past ..PAST my run to point not winded or even notincing that I SHOULD HAVE BEEN some what WINDED or some how tired ?
And plus again the INDICATOR … discomfort I have been feeling on and off for the last couple of days was NO WHERE TO BE FELT …. But I had been noticing that same MAGIC … for 3 days now … when I was into laughing talking with friends and customers I felt no DISCOMFORT .. when I was not PURELY FOCUSED in the fun of my now .. I felt ..the tightness in my chest to the point it realy did hurt … but I am yet ot get the TRIGGER of the DIS-EASE …. Clear in my mind or … worse yet .. I know what iti is but the PLEASER ASPECT OF ME will not allow myself to admit it …
Ahhh the truth about CHRONIC anxiety and stress ….. is the living for others , when the truth is they need to LIVE FOR THEMSELVES respondsilbe for their own goals choices happiness …… they have the same rights of FREE THINKING as I do . but humans are NICE SPECIES …. So we are often over concerned with PLESING THOSE who are important to us ….. to the point we cause ourselves dis comfort ..and then be come UN USE FULL TO them or ourselves ….. ahhhhhhh if I were to go begging of a doctor please SEARCH out the cause ofr my DISCOMFIORT ..he could very easly come back with a DIA ANGLE KNOWS ….. a knowing form an angle not from within … and call my discocmfrt … maybe CANCERS …. But I go OT to search for his OPION OF IT the disease ..but realize the truth about the SELF REPARING bio machine ….i can tap pinot the that REGENERATIVE nature of bio mechanics evidenced in all life ( expcept of the DAN human who searches out the KNOWING OF SOME ONE ELSE LIKE A PHD. ) my dis comfort is ,,me talking to myself ..saying ..yur focus is wrong … are you looking at the goal phil and not living the run ? …… are you living in a state of needy ….. instead of INTEREST and happy ..captured by the 97% of great things all around you ? am I worried about how I look in the eyes of other people ? all of this is probably true and it all diss appears the second I get ….. living life .. being mister I DON’T KNOW …. the observations of the sages Zhaungzi from 1000’s of years ago when they wondered why do we NOW HAVE TUMORS and disease ?
Whatever you are giving your attention to is already vibrating. And when you give your attention to it, if you maintain your focus for as little as 17 seconds, you begin to include its vibration, whatever it is, in your vibration. When you see something you want, and you give it your attention, and you say yes to it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. When you see something you do not want, and you shout no at it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. In this vibrational world, which is everything, you are far more vibrational beings than you are verbal beings. You are communicating with everyone far more on a vibrational basis, than you are on a verbal basis. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Sunday, July 11th, 1999
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
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