Thursday, January 22, 2009

fucking frozen pussy

Fucking frozen pussy

Young master the choice to experience varied things ….. to change up the lfaovr of the PIE you have created …. And am creating ..remember it is a a SERIES of pies fresh ones eaten daily ,,, some you may have been baking realy slowly others ..happen from SEGMENT INTENTING …. ( word tool of ESTER HICKS ) … so Ice play ..hey that is SEGMENT INTENTED EXPERINCE you thought about it you fanstyed about it ,,, she idid to at some level believe me ,,the ever changing ways to get herself FUCKED ..remember alter your nice guy programming which is a truth about the instinct of the silver back gorilla male within you with the understanding of the ..her INSTINCT TO BE PENETARTED …. and the more relaxed she becomes with her own … realization of self too , she will start to feel and express the COMMICATION behind and in the moist wet pussy she has and come to you to cumm with you … but back to segment intenting ….the PURE WANT … of the next period of time that is REAL for you …. Whtever it is ,,going to work aor being with the girls etcetc ..hell it can be driving the car the segment …. To ..always ..intent is to see in what ever you have the OPPURUTUNITY …. To hear seee feel and and taste ,,, in what the senosors of the BIO MACHINE ..pick up for your brains ..2 GIGS OF PROCESSING ABLITLY TO STORE .. compare and choice from …to find the WANTS in it ..even that which seems UNWANTED can have the ESSENTIAL learnings in it that will help you maek one of those PIES that bakes for years and needs lots of amending to while it is cooking . the red light is a good thing ..the OOOWIES during sex while fucking her wrong are GOOD THINGS … the casting that expensive BOMBER bait in to the bush pile is agood thing … It was the expression shallenges of contrasts that tells you the all important tlee lesssion that you want to be BETTER … at what ever being patien while driving …..DRIVING HER NUTS WITH THE DILDOES with control … to casting with more finnese … ohhh the dildoe and sex play stuff get the book THE LOVIGN DOM on study pussy likek you do fishing do you read florida sportsman well pussy is just as important …. Read ans study it ..too

But actuall I was going to writea bout …. Clothes ,,, naturism ,,, nudist stuff … wearing clothes on a cold day and the heated house which first designed to be part of the arth NOT OUTSIDE OF IT … out side of nature ..outside of the TAO ….. you were trained that you were a SOUL outside of GOD who had to EARN his way to to the grace of god …..again this is the tool of social manipulation based in the use of fear .. in SLAVES …. Be a good slave work hard for PHAROH and live …. For you are UNWORTHY to live in the PRESENCE of the MAGNIFENCENse … OF THE GOD/KINGS …

We .. for 1000’s year depeneded on TECHNOLOGIES on our evolution in spreading out of our originally ECO SSYTEMS …. We did not grow thicker fur ,, we used the fur of dead animals and expaded our living spaces …. Ok TOOL use technology use is seen in nature from the BUTCHER BIRD impaling its prey on catus spikes so it can eat a leasure to sea otters ,,, bringing rocks up from the bootom to bang snail shells against to open them …. TECHNOLOGY USE is NATURAL ….

But we DO LIKE TO BE NUDE WE HUNGER of sexual recreation ,,it is in our DAN it is evidenced in our cock and pussy design ,,her WETTNESS and ALTERED MESNSTUAIL AND EUSTRISI hormaoial flows ..whihc allow her to be very sexually recreational ….. the LENGTH of your cock the a acorn head on a RECREATIONAL SHAFT . .allowing for good friction and feeling for you ,,her pussy iher clit is also ,,stimulated by ..the length of the shaft …. Plus intitall repeating of penentations frictions …

Back to being NUDE as instinct a WNTER WORLD …. When outside we have to USE TECHNOLOGY other wise our BIO machine will freese … simple ….. when at home we hunger to fuck and suck and nastrubate etc …. So make home more comfy ..the earth it’s self is a constant 65 degrees … and with a simple cooking fire going on the temps become NUDIST COMFY Even during the winter months ,,when the sun is not around and the urge to slow down is natural to covent not use energy in experterior activity but be RELAXED in home in BED fuckig an sucking …. The inof on sand bags on earth building …. Here and from the examples of are the tools for you to use to ..bring to the table to your local engneer when getting plans drawn and CERTIFIED…
Remember do not get caught in his trpped … limited construction ideas when the vedence trail …shows with an OPEN MIND ( whih he may not have ) …. You can have that PURE WANT …. Do not accept limits ..he is just the RED LIGHT on a road while bakeing th pie ….. the understand and experience of casint into the trees …. Shop smart use cash smart ..ask questions before investing cash ,,, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW UP FRONT .. and if it is hard or stressful then time to grow towards a different angle of sun light moving towards bliss in your local areana of construction professionals . …to create a home esy to m,aintain , that is stead

Instead of the exterior walls being expsed and becoming chilled down tth 20 or teens where you have to apply energy inside to in sure the cold does not get in ….. you are in touch with MOTHER NATURE … and her 65 degress only needing to raise the temp 10 degress done so easy with a small cooking finre captured in the thermal mass again of mother nature …. And the atleast 2 feet of earth around you …and the insutlatinng GREEN ROOF now ,,borwn but insulating the roots of the plants themselves to prevent freezing and DEATH mother nature designed the grasses to maintain ceratin temps …. In their roots zones with the thickness of the brown grass above …. Coviering and insulating …. …… ahh so winter nudists …. Naturally ..hmmm

Negative emotion is your indicator of resistance, while positive emotion is your indicator of allowance. And they are on the same meter: allowance; resistance. Allowance; resistance.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Monterey, CA on Tuesday, March 20th, 2001

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