Friday, January 23, 2009

come pet a tive pussy

Come pet a tive pussy

Young master … the one who wants petting well get petting ,,the one who acts on their INDIVIVUAL wants …. Who is moving towards that which feels good gets more of hwat feels good …. Whether you KNOW IT or not yur actions are in accord with the 5 steps all the time ..... from the 2000 year old story of a sage like Jesus just from a different culture come the story of MR. I DON’T KNOW …. From china naturally living the expression of his wants ….. not so confused by LIVING THE wants of society … as the be confused 9 DIVIDE AND CONQUER 9 divided attention is confusion … the seeker so well trained to think about others first …… could not hear his own wants … so trained to believe the LIARS … that humanity is evil for not serving the GOD/KING must be a sin …. Think about you social conditioning young master …. How much you FEAR the approval of you friends and how you dress and act to please them in so many ways to be within the parameters of fashions … in choices like activities or clothing .. or car or where and how you live … 9 IMPORATNT ASPECTS WHEN IT COMES TO MAKING $$$ ahh now if you have designed a life where by the first few layer of MASLOW PYRIMIND IS stably under your control thru good investment practice for a few months while young ,,, you have alife time a freedom to think about your won wants ….. hence the $$$ tour of duty ideas from …

What are you not moving to ,,, the things you say you want more … I do not want to say AGRRESSIVELY but that is the only word tool that come to mind … see competition is not a bad thing allows for the expression of TRUE wants and the fulfillments of the desrires to give love and get love …

Ahhh now competition ,,in business can be the greatest of things ..let us say you have and idea … and it is so new as be OUTSIDE of the expectation programming of the majority … but some one else gets the concept … and starts competition to you ,,that will help you because the MASSES the sheep seeing now ,,, more than just one CRAZY person doing it ,,they will think OHH IT MUST BE OK see he is doing it also …. There is fear basing in the THINKING of the population aFRAID to think for themselves they wait to see if others will do this new thing .

An old wise business man told me once when a new bait and tackle store opened in COMPETITION to me in my area on the maing intersection actuall a better locale … and the the old redneck sage said PHIL …. It will make this part of MIAMI better known as a place for bait …. Better over all selelction and product realablity will bring in much more traffic and both of you will PRIFIT each developing their own NICHE if you … think …. Find a niche … and the old was was very right ….

The greater slelction of a certain art form like jelwery actually benefits the WHOLE …. Events ..if there is only one … person making jewelry then there is very little reason to keep going to that …. Jelwerly show because the works of one person can get boring … there is some times the stimulation of ideas from artist to artist which ends up bringing out the best and newest of desingns from each other …and each will develop their own niche in desing ,,, but the availity to prouct will bring larger numbers of consumers for that type of product to the shopping area …

This is the ..reason MALLS do so well and LONE STORES very often DIE …. The mall has competition

Ahh but EVE fears competition ……. A family has many dynimcs … one child is quiet and one is out going ….. so out going as to now even be around and the quiet home staying child gets all the attention , yet when the out going child is at home or focused on activity in the ohouse they tend to get lots of attention … and the quiet child seems over shadowed …..

Pets ,,,, O‘doh kitty ( orange dot on head o.d.o.h. kitty ) is a jump in your lap kitty all the time …while Cali Kitty is a pick me up when you want me I am always around ..kitty … so when ODUH … is inside she is like getting the big time loving .. and do her loud purring and Cali is hanging near talking meowwws … of hey I want some of that also …yet …… the nature of nature the INDIVUALITY ..the one more free choice … si expressed here ….. I find myself noticing that I have been mindlessly petting O’duh for like for ever that I put Oduh down to give attention to the other family member going over to pick up the PICK ME UP KITTY .. and give her some time ….. do you love either one more than the other ?

Same goes for you kids …… ( hell because of your stress about finances you may not love anything $$$ …. The stress your parents had can be your if you freely choose to do the SAME OLD THING GET THE SAME OLD RESULTS … throw a rock inot the air over and over what happens the same old results …. And kids happen it is like in the ater … and the results you felt and lived will be given to that which you said you will love the most …… because

Well because you …did not omove PASSIONATELY towards that which you realy want ……. Ahhh passion is to move outside of FEAR ow what others are thinking and thinkig about yourself ….. DEVINE SELFISH NESS ….. not having to judge your actions based upon the needs of the PHAROH ..concepts for me …serve PHAORH .. serve others before self ..

When the turht is evident all around …. Did you open the door at the store lately for some one else who you could see needed the help ? the instinct to help create smiles .

No one can deny you anything. Only you deny it through your vibrational contradiction. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
Simple to the point ..but what do the words TOOLs of ESTER HICKS mean to you do you trainslate the vibrations of words … what images come into your mind because of the ords are they the meaning that the speaker or writer had ( I am constantly suprized at what people get from my shit but that is what my shit is all about stimulating indidiula thinking ) ….. vibrational contradiction ,,you say you want XZY ,,but the deep PROGRAMING …. And your want is to RESPECT that programming for the DEEP inner fear of not being loved and thus not being fed by mommy the LIFE INSTINCT of the bio machine …. So over whelmed so lied to so confused and trained to ignore its own ..emotional guidances and wants ….. till you deny your own wants without knowing it … thru inner thought contradictions …serving the creation of another PHAROH … of another person the family or lover …. Or parent …. To the point you choise their wants over yours ….
Great plan for social control of slave populations don’t you think ? WAS the ROMAN EMPIRES full of brilliant mind who understand human dynimcs or what for their concepts to stillb e controlling vast segmenst of the populationa dn the $$$$ today to the point the fear of ….. not having a client base … keeps evyone in controllll ..the fear of not being fashionable …. Just look at the use of makeup and gold and bling dating back to the PICTO GRAPHAS OF EYGPT …. An rome 1000’s of years later and still today … the transforming of a human GOD/KING into a thought form GOD/KING so that there could be better stability …less personality changes surrounding the GOD . who the slaves serve .

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