Wouldn’t it be nice if she got nude
Wouldn’t it be nice if ……. Feel those words …. And place yourself on the emotional scale while feeling the words package ..the word tool …. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html the freedom and self empowerment of a daydream ..of thoughts .. a place no one eles can SO CALLED force you to feel … other than in the way you want to feel ….
Young master everything is in the Head … sages of ages have been trying to figure out what the fuck is going on ,,from inside of the confusion state of ..divide and conquer we only get a % percentage …. But a % is better than nothing … the exterior world IS NOT EXCEPT THAT YOU HAVE A BRAIN TO process THE 2 GIGS OF DATA per second ,,storing and comparing the NOW to what you have experienced in the past and the …. Wants you have …the free choice of I like chocolate more than vanilla right at theis minute ,,this does not pre-clude that later on I may want vanilla more than choclate ..
Wouldn’t it be nice if ..what ever the issue or problem big or small acute or long term ..use this tool ..this grouping of words ,,if you find that this tool serves you BREAKS you free to allow for …PURE WANTS … unpolluted wants of YEAH BUT’S …. Bringing the limits of the agreement state of the currently experiencing activity of the Quantas that are in the process of assemblage …. Assembling for the current experience of a NOW and then disappearing to be lonely STROED DATA or memeory …. Any recreation of a memeory is actually anew ASSEMBALGE of quantas …. Different than the memeory or data stored events …. Assembling and disa aseembling so fast that the BIO MACHINE WE USE FOR TIME/SPACE ..can not detect it …. Since we have to deal with living hru the aCCEPTED limits of the DAN design ….. which using SENSOR FITLERS … like sight ,, taste touch hearing .. THAT PICK UP LIMITED data blocks … I as human can not pick up witht sensativiy of a dog when it comes to hearing …the ablity to see details far away like the eagle or to smelll a drop of blood in the whole ocean like the shark …. Yet they too only detect data blocks …. For blood is the ASSEMBLAGE of the quantas which make up the atoms which make up the molecules which make up the SUBSATNCES … getting a grip on the limited ..ablitiy of the body ,,is letting go of RESISTANCE ..coming into PEACE with the deisgn of the CAR that we use for life travels …. A commonality of DNA ….so that we can experience ..from different vantage points ..have indidivula free choices … wants and UNWANTS .. and choice our own CUREENT adventure path …
Wouldn’t it be nice if my Refrigerator …self repepaired itself …. Ahh but the THING the accumulation of atoms … into a thing and form A BEING of phils refrig …. Not sam’s or sally’s but phil’s Frig … ahh so the firg has NAME ..like I have name … I am not really SON OF VAN aka phil ….. OR MAC or minesota or Zeek or animal … no I am the un namable experiencer using the atoms which are forming a SELF REPAIRING body … http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html ..... my frig is not self repairing ….. ahhh constrast … so I go off to work … the have to ..i had to … not able to stop the rest of my adventure to deal or think about the frig. ….the sick and dieing frig is a contrast …
Wouldn’t it be nice if ,, when I came home ,the frig was cold again ….. alas no ….. so I gotta go buy a firg ..but I want my savings to ..be safe to buy land later on …so how to get the $$$$ without eating my EGGS … my principle … well my choice to be creative … and I did and I got a new frig …. And I saw some thing realy cool …the newer energy efficient cheap chest freezers …. A/C would need a 70 buck inverter but I should do test on the use of one of those ….. see from the group discussion of others I have heard that you can use chest freezers as firgs by only allowing them to run for a ½ hour at a time twice a day ….. using a timer to control the energy heading into the inverter ..and so you can better BUDGET YOUR CASH YOUNG MASTER …. When you are starting off …. That will
FREE you of some of the YEAH BUT stress ..the chains of THE REAL …. And get a frig for like 250 instead of 900 for a good D/c unit …. The $ 600 dollar saving buys a lot LUMBER for building the next house at about a cost of 40 bucks per rib …. That would be 15 ribs of like 1/3 the cost of the next homes structure …. Or it is like 4 PV units the energy needs of a basic home done ….
So acutally the REGULAR frig I had to buy this time ..to MAINTAIN the life style of those I brought inot my life who EXPECT things tob e a certain way while with me … the firg I need for them and this current home ..well in the contrast of buying that … I learned about a potential savings for my future of close to 2 grand …. Now that is a fucking silver lining ….. dark clouds ..contrasts have learnings in them ?
To ease the ..stress ..of the NOW experience I have the right to be ..be in … in the mind .free of the AGREED UPON limits of the palying field called ..REALITY … WHOLE –ISITC …you … mind reality ,,,body DAN atomic limits self repairing falsing in and out of exisiatnce .. spirit your UN NAMEABLE toa self … http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
Now wouldn’t it be nice if she was not so covered up in all those tools of SEXUAL AMNIPULATION we call clothes for sure it is cold outside but warm in here she could be wearing a realy comfy ROBE to go from the office to her car ..but her she could be naked that is natural ..her legs spread wide herself playing mindlessly with the trimmed hairs of her cunt …… that glimmer of wetness to be reflected off her pussy for me to see …. THAT WOULD BE NICE …..
Oooh I got he wouldn’t ibe nice word tool from ESTER hicks … the entertainer
You are magnificent beings, in the perfect place at the perfect time, unfolding perfectly, never getting it done, and never getting it wrong. Be more playful about all of it. "Today, no matter where I'm going, no matter what I am doing, and no matter who I'm doing it with -- it is my dominant intent to look for that which I'm wanting to see. I'm wanting to find thoughts and words and actions that feel good while I'm finding them. For in doing so, I am, in the moment, practicing the art of allowing all that I've been telling the Universe I'm wanting, for all of the days of my existence --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, October 29th, 2000
Monday, January 26, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Pussy cumms easy
Young master your TRAINED expectations ..are resuted from training many thru the life MODELS you lived , the $$$ cash flow of your parents … since they had a certain social group you have been kinda born in to a CLASS system … and you tooo gravitate to that which is familiar because the unfamiliar is un comfortable ….. the AUTO PILOT … of the BIO machine ..
WORD TOOLS and teachers I bring up ESTER HICKS a lot for her word tool I understand ..her clarity of telling everyone think for yourself do it your self you do not need me ..but I am here for these baby steps you need hand holding to break free of your PROGRAMING …. Another good fashionable teacher is ..the CONVERSATION WITH GOD dude …his links you find on the Children Issues pages http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html why because ..at home schooling to help create a stablier BUBBLE for your family ,,, FREE choice …. The kids willhave the right and desire to eXPLORE the contrast later as their INSTINCTUAL MATURE ARRIVES AND the expression of wanting to leave the nest comes into tplay around 15 +/- before the harem family and the children born to the moms who INSTINCTUALLY by FREE choice have choosen this life style …. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html there should be a new play mate for each mom on average of every 5 years …. With a common starting point of having a baby fairy quickly after decidieng to be part of a poly family …. Then slowing down to enjoy the flow of the other girls having new babys to dote over … and you dumb ass welll we just be DADDYS ….. not mommys like current relationship models try to create the male to be ..
But today is supposed about about the repressed sexual expression … of ressitance to feeling her orgasim because of the repeated social training that sex is BAD …. Well that topic expressed is over you can understand it ,,it is easy ….. if she was able to and trained to and modeled that sex was natural and good well the repression would not be there … so . understanding the ROOTS of the BOX OF THE MIND …the unwanted … understanding step 1 http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html helps a person to think more PURELY to want more purely … and in that thnking …step to ..want everything …. The energyt hat CREATES WORLD will be sent out into the UNFORMED .. toa … as a persenel choice of you an INDIVUAUL user of a bio-machine to then expreince variations on the WANTED theme further Clarifying the wanted Aspects for YOU . so I guess I should bring up again the reference to masturbation ..found in http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
But the BOX the limited or trained expecations of life style … hmmmm $$$$ …. You can get a $3.00 tub of fresh greens at SAMS club ….. cheap cheap cheap ….. permaculture the tour of duty ,,the paid off houses ,,the ablity to have your own MICRO industry company ….. and then fruit trees ( it will take 5 years for them to be areal source of food depending on the size and type of trees you buy ) ….. and the SQUARE FOOT GARDEN … there you will realize a food flow within 6 months of learning and expereimenting …. http://www.instinctualism.org/sfg_gardening.html
Now the picture of the lil’angle playing in the idrt with her parents …… ahhh there is something that can NOT be bought with 3 dollars at the corporation sotre …. $$$ can not do everything …. It is not about the $3 bucks realy yet it is about MONEY tooo.. it is about mental freedom deep inner ffeeelings of SELF ….. satlbity on the deepest level to be FREE of the constant need to jump thru hoops for the basisics of MASLOW HIERARCHY OF NEEDS ..sure young master make that cash ,,,, buy shit have fun ,,, hey invest some in lands for the next genenartion instead of saving for university … if they want to go to college they can find their own funding but developing start up land for them ,,planting the food while they are still only 8 or ten .. well when they are 18 …they have a sense of securuity their BAcholars Degree realy does not give …
The DEGREE just means they can make more $$$ to spend more $$ and actually live more DEPNDANT …. More trapped on the and in the system of slavery … I wonder if you are getting the freedom BASSIS ia m trying to open your mind to ,, are you feeling it or is this concept so far OUTSIDE of the model of your up bringing that you can ot evn conceptualize …? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs getting this aspect of living so ..easy to CARCK THAT NUT ..that it is a non thought … housing electric food …. Done done done never to be thougt about …is freedom of the BIO MACHINE … that is SECurity we all want for OUR loved ones and well your kids even though you do not know it yet ..they will be a very important loved one ….. their free choice not to take dad up on living on the land he created for them while they were kids is their free choice ,,the concept that the land is always there …… is a safety net ..that allows them to walk higher on the HIGH WIRE of explorations …it is NOT ABOUT THE $3.OO … for the box of greens …. It is so much more deeper
It is not about the concept of GOD or spirit it is the understanding of the ..WHOLE ISTIC adventure …. Mind .stress ….. bio mechanics and recreations moving towards the wanted ..THE SPIRIT AND understanding the trained concepts and the UNTHINKABLE NESS of in fi nite …. Unthinkable beyond 2 gigs of human brain processing …. We only process DATA blocks that are able to be recongnized by limited senors tools of touch hearing sight ..we do not seee ..the REAL data of an object … we just see the block called tree , we do not see the DATA of molecules ..for at that leve just 1 molecule express’s more than 2 gigs of data per second more than our brain can process so OUR BIO MACHINE filters LIMITES reality so that we can function . … understanding the UNWANTED to ehlp you live the wanted and the wanted ..well is simple ….
You like smiles …. But living only for the smiles of others …. And suppressing the smiles of you is TIWISTED use of the concept …. It is the raining of serving the god/king MAKING paharoh smile AND then earning a right to go to heaven after your service with PAHROH …. No …… you thinking aobut what makes you SMILE expressing … YOU and then realizing the nature of social animal values that are OUR ISNTICNTS ..the auto macitc blending …. So that in being true to yourself … you provide a stability that will create DEEPER TRUER SMILES ….being true to your self is BEING A HARD DICKED HORNY MALE ……
Young master your TRAINED expectations ..are resuted from training many thru the life MODELS you lived , the $$$ cash flow of your parents … since they had a certain social group you have been kinda born in to a CLASS system … and you tooo gravitate to that which is familiar because the unfamiliar is un comfortable ….. the AUTO PILOT … of the BIO machine ..
WORD TOOLS and teachers I bring up ESTER HICKS a lot for her word tool I understand ..her clarity of telling everyone think for yourself do it your self you do not need me ..but I am here for these baby steps you need hand holding to break free of your PROGRAMING …. Another good fashionable teacher is ..the CONVERSATION WITH GOD dude …his links you find on the Children Issues pages http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html why because ..at home schooling to help create a stablier BUBBLE for your family ,,, FREE choice …. The kids willhave the right and desire to eXPLORE the contrast later as their INSTINCTUAL MATURE ARRIVES AND the expression of wanting to leave the nest comes into tplay around 15 +/- before the harem family and the children born to the moms who INSTINCTUALLY by FREE choice have choosen this life style …. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html there should be a new play mate for each mom on average of every 5 years …. With a common starting point of having a baby fairy quickly after decidieng to be part of a poly family …. Then slowing down to enjoy the flow of the other girls having new babys to dote over … and you dumb ass welll we just be DADDYS ….. not mommys like current relationship models try to create the male to be ..
But today is supposed about about the repressed sexual expression … of ressitance to feeling her orgasim because of the repeated social training that sex is BAD …. Well that topic expressed is over you can understand it ,,it is easy ….. if she was able to and trained to and modeled that sex was natural and good well the repression would not be there … so . understanding the ROOTS of the BOX OF THE MIND …the unwanted … understanding step 1 http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html helps a person to think more PURELY to want more purely … and in that thnking …step to ..want everything …. The energyt hat CREATES WORLD will be sent out into the UNFORMED .. toa … as a persenel choice of you an INDIVUAUL user of a bio-machine to then expreince variations on the WANTED theme further Clarifying the wanted Aspects for YOU . so I guess I should bring up again the reference to masturbation ..found in http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
But the BOX the limited or trained expecations of life style … hmmmm $$$$ …. You can get a $3.00 tub of fresh greens at SAMS club ….. cheap cheap cheap ….. permaculture the tour of duty ,,the paid off houses ,,the ablity to have your own MICRO industry company ….. and then fruit trees ( it will take 5 years for them to be areal source of food depending on the size and type of trees you buy ) ….. and the SQUARE FOOT GARDEN … there you will realize a food flow within 6 months of learning and expereimenting …. http://www.instinctualism.org/sfg_gardening.html
Now the picture of the lil’angle playing in the idrt with her parents …… ahhh there is something that can NOT be bought with 3 dollars at the corporation sotre …. $$$ can not do everything …. It is not about the $3 bucks realy yet it is about MONEY tooo.. it is about mental freedom deep inner ffeeelings of SELF ….. satlbity on the deepest level to be FREE of the constant need to jump thru hoops for the basisics of MASLOW HIERARCHY OF NEEDS ..sure young master make that cash ,,,, buy shit have fun ,,, hey invest some in lands for the next genenartion instead of saving for university … if they want to go to college they can find their own funding but developing start up land for them ,,planting the food while they are still only 8 or ten .. well when they are 18 …they have a sense of securuity their BAcholars Degree realy does not give …
The DEGREE just means they can make more $$$ to spend more $$ and actually live more DEPNDANT …. More trapped on the and in the system of slavery … I wonder if you are getting the freedom BASSIS ia m trying to open your mind to ,, are you feeling it or is this concept so far OUTSIDE of the model of your up bringing that you can ot evn conceptualize …? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs getting this aspect of living so ..easy to CARCK THAT NUT ..that it is a non thought … housing electric food …. Done done done never to be thougt about …is freedom of the BIO MACHINE … that is SECurity we all want for OUR loved ones and well your kids even though you do not know it yet ..they will be a very important loved one ….. their free choice not to take dad up on living on the land he created for them while they were kids is their free choice ,,the concept that the land is always there …… is a safety net ..that allows them to walk higher on the HIGH WIRE of explorations …it is NOT ABOUT THE $3.OO … for the box of greens …. It is so much more deeper
It is not about the concept of GOD or spirit it is the understanding of the ..WHOLE ISTIC adventure …. Mind .stress ….. bio mechanics and recreations moving towards the wanted ..THE SPIRIT AND understanding the trained concepts and the UNTHINKABLE NESS of in fi nite …. Unthinkable beyond 2 gigs of human brain processing …. We only process DATA blocks that are able to be recongnized by limited senors tools of touch hearing sight ..we do not seee ..the REAL data of an object … we just see the block called tree , we do not see the DATA of molecules ..for at that leve just 1 molecule express’s more than 2 gigs of data per second more than our brain can process so OUR BIO MACHINE filters LIMITES reality so that we can function . … understanding the UNWANTED to ehlp you live the wanted and the wanted ..well is simple ….
You like smiles …. But living only for the smiles of others …. And suppressing the smiles of you is TIWISTED use of the concept …. It is the raining of serving the god/king MAKING paharoh smile AND then earning a right to go to heaven after your service with PAHROH …. No …… you thinking aobut what makes you SMILE expressing … YOU and then realizing the nature of social animal values that are OUR ISNTICNTS ..the auto macitc blending …. So that in being true to yourself … you provide a stability that will create DEEPER TRUER SMILES ….being true to your self is BEING A HARD DICKED HORNY MALE ……
Friday, January 23, 2009
come pet a tive pussy
Come pet a tive pussy
Young master … the one who wants petting well get petting ,,the one who acts on their INDIVIVUAL wants …. Who is moving towards that which feels good gets more of hwat feels good …. Whether you KNOW IT or not yur actions are in accord with the 5 steps all the time http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ..... from the 2000 year old story of a sage like Jesus just from a different culture come the story of MR. I DON’T KNOW …. From china http://www.instinctualism.org/zhaungzi.html naturally living the expression of his wants ….. not so confused by LIVING THE wants of society … as the be confused 9 DIVIDE AND CONQUER 9 divided attention is confusion … the seeker so well trained to think about others first …… could not hear his own wants … so trained to believe the LIARS … that humanity is evil for not serving the GOD/KING must be a sin …. Think about you social conditioning young master …. How much you FEAR the approval of you friends and how you dress and act to please them in so many ways to be within the parameters of fashions … in choices like activities or clothing .. or car or where and how you live … 9 IMPORATNT ASPECTS WHEN IT COMES TO MAKING $$$ ahh now if you have designed a life where by the first few layer of MASLOW PYRIMIND IS stably under your control thru good investment practice for a few months while young ,,, you have alife time a freedom to think about your won wants ….. hence the $$$ tour of duty ideas from … http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html
What are you not moving to ,,, the things you say you want more … I do not want to say AGRRESSIVELY but that is the only word tool that come to mind … see competition is not a bad thing ..it allows for the expression of TRUE wants and the fulfillments of the desrires to give love and get love …
Ahhh now competition ,,in business can be the greatest of things ..let us say you have and idea … and it is so new as be OUTSIDE of the expectation programming of the majority … but some one else gets the concept … and starts competition to you ,,that will help you because the MASSES the sheep seeing now ,,, more than just one CRAZY person doing it ,,they will think OHH IT MUST BE OK see he is doing it also …. There is fear basing in the THINKING of the population aFRAID to think for themselves they wait to see if others will do this new thing .
An old wise business man told me once when a new bait and tackle store opened in COMPETITION to me in my area on the maing intersection actuall a better locale … and the the old redneck sage said PHIL …. It will make this part of MIAMI better known as a place for bait …. Better over all selelction and product realablity will bring in much more traffic and both of you will PRIFIT each developing their own NICHE if you … think …. Find a niche … and the old was was very right ….
The greater slelction of a certain art form like jelwery actually benefits the WHOLE …. Events ..if there is only one … person making jewelry then there is very little reason to keep going to that …. Jelwerly show because the works of one person can get boring … there is some times the stimulation of ideas from artist to artist which ends up bringing out the best and newest of desingns from each other …and each will develop their own niche in desing ,,, but the availity to prouct will bring larger numbers of consumers for that type of product to the shopping area …
This is the ..reason MALLS do so well and LONE STORES very often DIE …. The mall has competition
Ahh but EVE fears competition ……. A family has many dynimcs … one child is quiet and one is out going ….. so out going as to now even be around and the quiet home staying child gets all the attention , yet when the out going child is at home or focused on activity in the ohouse they tend to get lots of attention … and the quiet child seems over shadowed ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html
Pets ,,,, O‘doh kitty ( orange dot on head o.d.o.h. kitty ) is a jump in your lap kitty all the time …while Cali Kitty is a pick me up when you want me I am always around ..kitty … so when ODUH … is inside she is like getting the big time loving .. and do her loud purring and Cali is hanging near talking meowwws … of hey I want some of that also …yet …… the nature of nature the INDIVUALITY ..the one more free choice … si expressed here ….. I find myself noticing that I have been mindlessly petting O’duh for like for ever that I put Oduh down to give attention to the other family member going over to pick up the PICK ME UP KITTY .. and give her some time ….. do you love either one more than the other ?
Same goes for you kids …… ( hell because of your stress about finances you may not love anything $$$ …. The stress your parents had can be your if you freely choose to do the SAME OLD THING GET THE SAME OLD RESULTS … throw a rock inot the air over and over what happens the same old results …. And kids happen it is like in the ater … and the results you felt and lived will be given to that which you said you will love the most …… because
Well because you …did not omove PASSIONATELY towards that which you realy want ……. Ahhh passion is to move outside of FEAR ow what others are thinking and thinkig about yourself ….. DEVINE SELFISH NESS ….. not having to judge your actions based upon the needs of the PHAROH ..concepts ..live for me …serve PHAORH .. serve others before self ..
When the turht is evident all around …. Did you open the door at the store lately for some one else who you could see needed the help ? the instinct to help create smiles .
No one can deny you anything. Only you deny it through your vibrational contradiction. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
Simple to the point ..but what do the words TOOLs of ESTER HICKS mean to you ..how do you trainslate the vibrations of words … what images come into your mind because of the ords are they the meaning that the speaker or writer had ( I am constantly suprized at what people get from my shit but that is what my shit is all about stimulating indidiula thinking ) ….. vibrational contradiction ,,you say you want XZY ,,but the deep PROGRAMING …. And your want is to RESPECT that programming for the DEEP inner fear of not being loved and thus not being fed by mommy the LIFE INSTINCT of the bio machine …. So over whelmed so lied to so confused and trained to ignore its own ..emotional guidances and wants ….. till you deny your own wants without knowing it … thru inner thought contradictions …serving the creation of another PHAROH … of another person the family or lover …. Or parent …. To the point you choise their wants over yours ….
Great plan for social control of slave populations don’t you think ? WAS the ROMAN EMPIRES full of brilliant mind who understand human dynimcs or what for their concepts to stillb e controlling vast segmenst of the populationa dn the $$$$ today to the point the fear of ….. not having a client base … keeps evyone in controllll ..the fear of not being fashionable …. Just look at the use of makeup and gold and bling dating back to the PICTO GRAPHAS OF EYGPT …. An rome 1000’s of years later and still today … the transforming of a human GOD/KING into a thought form GOD/KING so that there could be better stability …less personality changes surrounding the GOD . who the slaves serve .
Young master … the one who wants petting well get petting ,,the one who acts on their INDIVIVUAL wants …. Who is moving towards that which feels good gets more of hwat feels good …. Whether you KNOW IT or not yur actions are in accord with the 5 steps all the time http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ..... from the 2000 year old story of a sage like Jesus just from a different culture come the story of MR. I DON’T KNOW …. From china http://www.instinctualism.org/zhaungzi.html naturally living the expression of his wants ….. not so confused by LIVING THE wants of society … as the be confused 9 DIVIDE AND CONQUER 9 divided attention is confusion … the seeker so well trained to think about others first …… could not hear his own wants … so trained to believe the LIARS … that humanity is evil for not serving the GOD/KING must be a sin …. Think about you social conditioning young master …. How much you FEAR the approval of you friends and how you dress and act to please them in so many ways to be within the parameters of fashions … in choices like activities or clothing .. or car or where and how you live … 9 IMPORATNT ASPECTS WHEN IT COMES TO MAKING $$$ ahh now if you have designed a life where by the first few layer of MASLOW PYRIMIND IS stably under your control thru good investment practice for a few months while young ,,, you have alife time a freedom to think about your won wants ….. hence the $$$ tour of duty ideas from … http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html
What are you not moving to ,,, the things you say you want more … I do not want to say AGRRESSIVELY but that is the only word tool that come to mind … see competition is not a bad thing ..it allows for the expression of TRUE wants and the fulfillments of the desrires to give love and get love …
Ahhh now competition ,,in business can be the greatest of things ..let us say you have and idea … and it is so new as be OUTSIDE of the expectation programming of the majority … but some one else gets the concept … and starts competition to you ,,that will help you because the MASSES the sheep seeing now ,,, more than just one CRAZY person doing it ,,they will think OHH IT MUST BE OK see he is doing it also …. There is fear basing in the THINKING of the population aFRAID to think for themselves they wait to see if others will do this new thing .
An old wise business man told me once when a new bait and tackle store opened in COMPETITION to me in my area on the maing intersection actuall a better locale … and the the old redneck sage said PHIL …. It will make this part of MIAMI better known as a place for bait …. Better over all selelction and product realablity will bring in much more traffic and both of you will PRIFIT each developing their own NICHE if you … think …. Find a niche … and the old was was very right ….
The greater slelction of a certain art form like jelwery actually benefits the WHOLE …. Events ..if there is only one … person making jewelry then there is very little reason to keep going to that …. Jelwerly show because the works of one person can get boring … there is some times the stimulation of ideas from artist to artist which ends up bringing out the best and newest of desingns from each other …and each will develop their own niche in desing ,,, but the availity to prouct will bring larger numbers of consumers for that type of product to the shopping area …
This is the ..reason MALLS do so well and LONE STORES very often DIE …. The mall has competition
Ahh but EVE fears competition ……. A family has many dynimcs … one child is quiet and one is out going ….. so out going as to now even be around and the quiet home staying child gets all the attention , yet when the out going child is at home or focused on activity in the ohouse they tend to get lots of attention … and the quiet child seems over shadowed ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html
Pets ,,,, O‘doh kitty ( orange dot on head o.d.o.h. kitty ) is a jump in your lap kitty all the time …while Cali Kitty is a pick me up when you want me I am always around ..kitty … so when ODUH … is inside she is like getting the big time loving .. and do her loud purring and Cali is hanging near talking meowwws … of hey I want some of that also …yet …… the nature of nature the INDIVUALITY ..the one more free choice … si expressed here ….. I find myself noticing that I have been mindlessly petting O’duh for like for ever that I put Oduh down to give attention to the other family member going over to pick up the PICK ME UP KITTY .. and give her some time ….. do you love either one more than the other ?
Same goes for you kids …… ( hell because of your stress about finances you may not love anything $$$ …. The stress your parents had can be your if you freely choose to do the SAME OLD THING GET THE SAME OLD RESULTS … throw a rock inot the air over and over what happens the same old results …. And kids happen it is like in the ater … and the results you felt and lived will be given to that which you said you will love the most …… because
Well because you …did not omove PASSIONATELY towards that which you realy want ……. Ahhh passion is to move outside of FEAR ow what others are thinking and thinkig about yourself ….. DEVINE SELFISH NESS ….. not having to judge your actions based upon the needs of the PHAROH ..concepts ..live for me …serve PHAORH .. serve others before self ..
When the turht is evident all around …. Did you open the door at the store lately for some one else who you could see needed the help ? the instinct to help create smiles .
No one can deny you anything. Only you deny it through your vibrational contradiction. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
Simple to the point ..but what do the words TOOLs of ESTER HICKS mean to you ..how do you trainslate the vibrations of words … what images come into your mind because of the ords are they the meaning that the speaker or writer had ( I am constantly suprized at what people get from my shit but that is what my shit is all about stimulating indidiula thinking ) ….. vibrational contradiction ,,you say you want XZY ,,but the deep PROGRAMING …. And your want is to RESPECT that programming for the DEEP inner fear of not being loved and thus not being fed by mommy the LIFE INSTINCT of the bio machine …. So over whelmed so lied to so confused and trained to ignore its own ..emotional guidances and wants ….. till you deny your own wants without knowing it … thru inner thought contradictions …serving the creation of another PHAROH … of another person the family or lover …. Or parent …. To the point you choise their wants over yours ….
Great plan for social control of slave populations don’t you think ? WAS the ROMAN EMPIRES full of brilliant mind who understand human dynimcs or what for their concepts to stillb e controlling vast segmenst of the populationa dn the $$$$ today to the point the fear of ….. not having a client base … keeps evyone in controllll ..the fear of not being fashionable …. Just look at the use of makeup and gold and bling dating back to the PICTO GRAPHAS OF EYGPT …. An rome 1000’s of years later and still today … the transforming of a human GOD/KING into a thought form GOD/KING so that there could be better stability …less personality changes surrounding the GOD . who the slaves serve .
Thursday, January 22, 2009
fucking frozen pussy
Fucking frozen pussy
Young master the choice to experience varied things ….. to change up the lfaovr of the PIE you have created …. And am creating ..remember it is a a SERIES of pies fresh ones eaten daily ,,, some you may have been baking realy slowly others ..happen from SEGMENT INTENTING …. ( word tool of ESTER HICKS ) … so Ice play ..hey that is SEGMENT INTENTED EXPERINCE you thought about it you fanstyed about it ,,, she idid to at some level believe me ,,the ever changing ways to get herself FUCKED ..remember ..to alter your nice guy programming which is a truth about the instinct of the silver back gorilla male within you with the understanding of the ..her INSTINCT TO BE PENETARTED …. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html and the more relaxed she becomes with her own … realization of self too , she will start to feel and express the COMMICATION behind and in the moist wet pussy she has and come to you to cumm with you … but back to segment intenting ….the PURE WANT … of the next period of time that is REAL for you …. Whtever it is ,,going to work aor being with the girls etcetc ..hell it can be driving the car the segment …. To ..always ..intent is to see in what ever you have the OPPURUTUNITY …. To hear seee feel and and taste ,,, in what the senosors of the BIO MACHINE ..pick up for your brains ..2 GIGS OF PROCESSING ABLITLY TO STORE .. compare and choice from …to find the WANTS in it ..even that which seems UNWANTED can have the ESSENTIAL learnings in it that will help you maek one of those PIES that bakes for years and needs lots of amending to while it is cooking . the red light is a good thing ..the OOOWIES during sex while fucking her wrong are GOOD THINGS … the casting that expensive BOMBER bait in to the bush pile is agood thing … It was the expression shallenges of contrasts that tells you the all important tlee lesssion that you want to be BETTER … at what ever being patien while driving …..DRIVING HER NUTS WITH THE DILDOES with control … to casting with more finnese … ohhh the dildoe and sex play stuff get the book THE LOVIGN DOM on http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html study pussy likek you do fishing do you read florida sportsman well pussy is just as important …. Read ans study it ..too
But actuall I was going to writea bout …. Clothes ,,, naturism ,,, nudist stuff … wearing clothes on a cold day and the heated house which first designed to be part of the arth NOT OUTSIDE OF IT … out side of nature ..outside of the TAO ….. you were trained that you were a SOUL outside of GOD who had to EARN his way to to the grace of god …..again this is the tool of social manipulation based in the use of fear .. in SLAVES …. Be a good slave work hard for PHAROH and live …. For you are UNWORTHY to live in the PRESENCE of the MAGNIFENCENse … OF THE GOD/KINGS …
We .. for 1000’s year depeneded on TECHNOLOGIES on our evolution in spreading out of our originally ECO SSYTEMS …. We did not grow thicker fur ,, we used the fur of dead animals and expaded our living spaces …. Ok TOOL use technology use is seen in nature from the BUTCHER BIRD impaling its prey on catus spikes so it can eat a leasure to sea otters ,,, bringing rocks up from the bootom to bang snail shells against to open them …. TECHNOLOGY USE is NATURAL ….
But we DO LIKE TO BE NUDE WE HUNGER of sexual recreation ,,it is in our DAN it is evidenced in our cock and pussy design ,,her WETTNESS and ALTERED MESNSTUAIL AND EUSTRISI hormaoial flows ..whihc allow her to be very sexually recreational ….. the LENGTH of your cock the a acorn head on a RECREATIONAL SHAFT . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html .allowing for good friction and feeling for you ,,her pussy iher clit is also ,,stimulated by ..the length of the shaft …. Plus intitall repeating of penentations frictions …
Back to being NUDE as instinct ..in a WNTER WORLD …. When outside we have to USE TECHNOLOGY other wise our BIO machine will freese … simple ….. when at home we hunger to fuck and suck and nastrubate etc …. So make home more comfy ..the earth it’s self is a constant 65 degrees … and with a simple cooking fire going on the temps become NUDIST COMFY Even during the winter months ,,when the sun is not around and the urge to slow down is natural to covent ..to not use energy in experterior activity but be RELAXED in home in BED fuckig an sucking …. The inof on sand bags on earth building …. Here http://www.instinctualism.org/construction.html and from the examples of http://www.earthship.net/web/ are the tools for you to use to ..bring to the table to your local engneer when getting plans drawn and CERTIFIED…
Remember do not get caught in his trpped … limited construction ideas when the vedence trail …shows with an OPEN MIND ( whih he may not have ) …. You can have that PURE WANT …. Do not accept limits ..he is just the RED LIGHT on a road while bakeing th pie ….. the understand and experience of casint into the trees …. Shop smart use cash smart ..ask questions before investing cash ,,, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW UP FRONT .. and if it is hard or stressful then time to grow towards a different angle of sun light moving towards bliss in your local areana of construction professionals . …to create a home esy to m,aintain , that is stead
Instead of the exterior walls being expsed and becoming chilled down tth 20 or teens where you have to apply energy inside to in sure the cold does not get in ….. you are in touch with MOTHER NATURE … and her 65 degress only needing to raise the temp 10 degress done so easy with a small cooking finre captured in the thermal mass again of mother nature …. And the atleast 2 feet of earth around you …and the insutlatinng GREEN ROOF now ,,borwn but insulating the roots of the plants themselves to prevent freezing and DEATH mother nature designed the grasses to maintain ceratin temps …. In their roots zones with the thickness of the brown grass above …. Coviering and insulating …. …… ahh so winter nudists …. Naturally ..hmmm
Negative emotion is your indicator of resistance, while positive emotion is your indicator of allowance. And they are on the same meter: allowance; resistance. Allowance; resistance.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Monterey, CA on Tuesday, March 20th, 2001
Young master the choice to experience varied things ….. to change up the lfaovr of the PIE you have created …. And am creating ..remember it is a a SERIES of pies fresh ones eaten daily ,,, some you may have been baking realy slowly others ..happen from SEGMENT INTENTING …. ( word tool of ESTER HICKS ) … so Ice play ..hey that is SEGMENT INTENTED EXPERINCE you thought about it you fanstyed about it ,,, she idid to at some level believe me ,,the ever changing ways to get herself FUCKED ..remember ..to alter your nice guy programming which is a truth about the instinct of the silver back gorilla male within you with the understanding of the ..her INSTINCT TO BE PENETARTED …. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html and the more relaxed she becomes with her own … realization of self too , she will start to feel and express the COMMICATION behind and in the moist wet pussy she has and come to you to cumm with you … but back to segment intenting ….the PURE WANT … of the next period of time that is REAL for you …. Whtever it is ,,going to work aor being with the girls etcetc ..hell it can be driving the car the segment …. To ..always ..intent is to see in what ever you have the OPPURUTUNITY …. To hear seee feel and and taste ,,, in what the senosors of the BIO MACHINE ..pick up for your brains ..2 GIGS OF PROCESSING ABLITLY TO STORE .. compare and choice from …to find the WANTS in it ..even that which seems UNWANTED can have the ESSENTIAL learnings in it that will help you maek one of those PIES that bakes for years and needs lots of amending to while it is cooking . the red light is a good thing ..the OOOWIES during sex while fucking her wrong are GOOD THINGS … the casting that expensive BOMBER bait in to the bush pile is agood thing … It was the expression shallenges of contrasts that tells you the all important tlee lesssion that you want to be BETTER … at what ever being patien while driving …..DRIVING HER NUTS WITH THE DILDOES with control … to casting with more finnese … ohhh the dildoe and sex play stuff get the book THE LOVIGN DOM on http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html study pussy likek you do fishing do you read florida sportsman well pussy is just as important …. Read ans study it ..too
But actuall I was going to writea bout …. Clothes ,,, naturism ,,, nudist stuff … wearing clothes on a cold day and the heated house which first designed to be part of the arth NOT OUTSIDE OF IT … out side of nature ..outside of the TAO ….. you were trained that you were a SOUL outside of GOD who had to EARN his way to to the grace of god …..again this is the tool of social manipulation based in the use of fear .. in SLAVES …. Be a good slave work hard for PHAROH and live …. For you are UNWORTHY to live in the PRESENCE of the MAGNIFENCENse … OF THE GOD/KINGS …
We .. for 1000’s year depeneded on TECHNOLOGIES on our evolution in spreading out of our originally ECO SSYTEMS …. We did not grow thicker fur ,, we used the fur of dead animals and expaded our living spaces …. Ok TOOL use technology use is seen in nature from the BUTCHER BIRD impaling its prey on catus spikes so it can eat a leasure to sea otters ,,, bringing rocks up from the bootom to bang snail shells against to open them …. TECHNOLOGY USE is NATURAL ….
But we DO LIKE TO BE NUDE WE HUNGER of sexual recreation ,,it is in our DAN it is evidenced in our cock and pussy design ,,her WETTNESS and ALTERED MESNSTUAIL AND EUSTRISI hormaoial flows ..whihc allow her to be very sexually recreational ….. the LENGTH of your cock the a acorn head on a RECREATIONAL SHAFT . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html .allowing for good friction and feeling for you ,,her pussy iher clit is also ,,stimulated by ..the length of the shaft …. Plus intitall repeating of penentations frictions …
Back to being NUDE as instinct ..in a WNTER WORLD …. When outside we have to USE TECHNOLOGY other wise our BIO machine will freese … simple ….. when at home we hunger to fuck and suck and nastrubate etc …. So make home more comfy ..the earth it’s self is a constant 65 degrees … and with a simple cooking fire going on the temps become NUDIST COMFY Even during the winter months ,,when the sun is not around and the urge to slow down is natural to covent ..to not use energy in experterior activity but be RELAXED in home in BED fuckig an sucking …. The inof on sand bags on earth building …. Here http://www.instinctualism.org/construction.html and from the examples of http://www.earthship.net/web/ are the tools for you to use to ..bring to the table to your local engneer when getting plans drawn and CERTIFIED…
Remember do not get caught in his trpped … limited construction ideas when the vedence trail …shows with an OPEN MIND ( whih he may not have ) …. You can have that PURE WANT …. Do not accept limits ..he is just the RED LIGHT on a road while bakeing th pie ….. the understand and experience of casint into the trees …. Shop smart use cash smart ..ask questions before investing cash ,,, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW UP FRONT .. and if it is hard or stressful then time to grow towards a different angle of sun light moving towards bliss in your local areana of construction professionals . …to create a home esy to m,aintain , that is stead
Instead of the exterior walls being expsed and becoming chilled down tth 20 or teens where you have to apply energy inside to in sure the cold does not get in ….. you are in touch with MOTHER NATURE … and her 65 degress only needing to raise the temp 10 degress done so easy with a small cooking finre captured in the thermal mass again of mother nature …. And the atleast 2 feet of earth around you …and the insutlatinng GREEN ROOF now ,,borwn but insulating the roots of the plants themselves to prevent freezing and DEATH mother nature designed the grasses to maintain ceratin temps …. In their roots zones with the thickness of the brown grass above …. Coviering and insulating …. …… ahh so winter nudists …. Naturally ..hmmm
Negative emotion is your indicator of resistance, while positive emotion is your indicator of allowance. And they are on the same meter: allowance; resistance. Allowance; resistance.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Monterey, CA on Tuesday, March 20th, 2001
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
breaking into pussy
Breaking into pussy
Young master … it is like clothes are a COMBINATION to a safe each piece of closes is like the number of the combination that unlocks the pussy under neath …..it is manipulation. For the human skin is NATURAL http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html ..helll all around you are people talking shit about how healthy and naturl they are are then look at how up tight we all are and they TOO are about their clothes ..their true self esteem is shownin the manipulations they go thru to hide themselves ..for they are not the clothes or the big white SUV but the flesh … the human ..
Now girls wonder why are guys so fucking mean why do they lie so much etc etc etc .. why are they such drunks why do they spend all their time involved in sprots …. And all of this can be found in the effects of manipulation expecally chroninc manipulation confusion anxiety about not realy understanding the RULES ..really …. The effects of manipulation http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
1. resistance , defiance , rebellion , negativism
2. resentment , anger , hostility
3. aggression , retaliation , striking back
4. lying ,
5. blaming ,
6. dominating , bossing , bullying
7. needing to win , hating to lose
8. forming alliances , organizing against
9. submission , obedience , compliance
10. courting Favor (
11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new
12. withdrawing , escaping , fantasying , regression
giving the fuck up and investing your money in Budweiser or getting lost in activities that a person feels they have some form of control over or understanding about ….can be seen in numbers 9 and in number 12
I am going to refer back to the entertainer ESTER HICKS here …. ( entertainer teachers are not supposed to be like Fucking Gods to you their QUANTUM equal you a = I of I … good teachera are supposed stimulate your individual thinking ..not use their knowledge to control you to GUILT you into living their way ,,but guide you and expand you .help you realize form your won experience ..because words do not TEACH they are only DATA it is the comparison of the DATA with you personel exerpince which realy teaches ..the comparison thru realiazing wht your inner self is feeling FREE OF SOCIAL GUILT and shoulds … emtioanl guidance scale realizing all NATURAL LIFE strives for the sun light it is INSTINCT ..strives for what feels better and better , http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
Ester talks about Dope or BEER as tools of … finding any form of aligment the INSTINCTUAL inner self being expressed thru a DNA bio machine can do given its state of MANIPULATION …. A tool for numbing and become submissive in the end to the CONFUSE AND CONQUER of societys rules ….
You willnot walk around with a constant hard on if you were in a social family oriented NUDIST environment …..SEX WOULD BECOME a ntural expression of UNCONDITIONAL love … of giving to each other thru the PLEASURE of touch …. The feel good spots …kinda like how natural it is to masturbate it is done thru out nature animals do it … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
masturbation is a normal part of childChild neglect and psychological abuseChild safety seatsChild tylenol cold multi-symptom plus coughSchool age child development
hover_boxes.hoverize_link('term_22581_1', 'highlight_term')
developmentAdolescent developmentAsperger syndromeAutismDevelopment of baby teethDevelopment of permanent teethDevelopmental dysplasia of the hipDevelopmental growthDevelopmental milestonesDevelopmental milestones recordDevelopmental process of atherosclerosisDevelopmental reading disorder
hover_boxes.hoverize_link('term_22581_2', 'highlight_term')
. Don't punish a child for engaging in this behaviorAutistic behaviorBehavior - unusual or strangeBulimiaHyperactivitySuicide and suicidal behaviorTemper tantrums
hover_boxes.hoverize_link('term_22581_3', 'highlight_term')
, but it would be appropriate to have a chat with the child and explain to her/him that if when they does that, she should do it in privacy like in the bathroom, a bedroom, etc.
all the TWISTED INSTINCT we have been guilted inot accepting that fucks up the basis for natural expressions of humanity love for each other …. And family acceptance of the natural goal of feeling good moving towards the sumlight like every expression of DNa life soes here in this time/space adventure .
If you have the ability to desire it, the Universe has the ability to deliver it. You’ve just got to line up with what you want, which means—be as happy as you can be as often as you can be there, and let everything else take care of itself.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, April 25th, 2004
The thoughts you experience … you allow yourself to think ..the FREE choice to choose ANOTHER thought about what yu are expeincing ..the choice to notice the other 97% of life of …atomic matter of activity that is actually PRETTY FUCKING …OK …. The sky is ever changing and dynimc and fun to watch the trees moe the bird fly the dust blows … every where in everything are OTHER THINGS or aspects to FOCUS ON ..to allowy you reslt to think to realize that GOOD abounds if you would just let yourself seee that more often then you will get a bigger and bigger Quantum stream of things like that
Yeah but… is that your reaction to my words ….. it takes time to break old habits … are you 20 it will take a good 10% of your years to break the training that you have been mind fucked with …. It will take 2 years to … become naturally more positiviely focused until then …… you will be doing a lot of yeah buts ..and the staying focused on the negatives is remember your choice … you can choose to focus on something better …
Back to being nude …… and touching human skin and the unlocking of the PRIZE under that sexy chicks clothes ,,,, think for yourself about the level of CONTROL her clothes gives her ,,,she knows about the flood of HORMONES rushing thru your viesn …she understanding the industry of SEX of strippers and how the TEASE effects men into …. Welll it is almost valentines day … AND DIAMONDS Will make the clothes f many many girls fall right off .. EVERY KISS BEGINS WILL …ZALES ….. ahhh the gold the power expressions of the kings an queens AND WHO IS REALY PULLING THE STRINGS in sublte manipulative ways creating THE NIGHTMARE then blaming MEN for the effects of the manipulation the created and maintain …. POINT A FINGER AND REMEMBER 3 MORE ARE POINTING BACK AT YOU … ( fathers who wanted to catch the ye of PHAROH sold their daughters thru exanagrated sexuality so as to gain position in court ….. the 3 fingers pointing back at me …yet men did not know the arts of make up so …mommy and grand mommy had to educate the daughters in the arts of sexual manipulation ,,,,, WE ALL ARE TO BLAME >>>
Young master … it is like clothes are a COMBINATION to a safe each piece of closes is like the number of the combination that unlocks the pussy under neath …..it is manipulation. For the human skin is NATURAL http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html ..helll all around you are people talking shit about how healthy and naturl they are are then look at how up tight we all are and they TOO are about their clothes ..their true self esteem is shownin the manipulations they go thru to hide themselves ..for they are not the clothes or the big white SUV but the flesh … the human ..
Now girls wonder why are guys so fucking mean why do they lie so much etc etc etc .. why are they such drunks why do they spend all their time involved in sprots …. And all of this can be found in the effects of manipulation expecally chroninc manipulation confusion anxiety about not realy understanding the RULES ..really …. The effects of manipulation http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
1. resistance , defiance , rebellion , negativism
2. resentment , anger , hostility
3. aggression , retaliation , striking back
4. lying ,
5. blaming ,
6. dominating , bossing , bullying
7. needing to win , hating to lose
8. forming alliances , organizing against
9. submission , obedience , compliance
10. courting Favor (
11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new
12. withdrawing , escaping , fantasying , regression
giving the fuck up and investing your money in Budweiser or getting lost in activities that a person feels they have some form of control over or understanding about ….can be seen in numbers 9 and in number 12
I am going to refer back to the entertainer ESTER HICKS here …. ( entertainer teachers are not supposed to be like Fucking Gods to you their QUANTUM equal you a = I of I … good teachera are supposed stimulate your individual thinking ..not use their knowledge to control you to GUILT you into living their way ,,but guide you and expand you .help you realize form your won experience ..because words do not TEACH they are only DATA it is the comparison of the DATA with you personel exerpince which realy teaches ..the comparison thru realiazing wht your inner self is feeling FREE OF SOCIAL GUILT and shoulds … emtioanl guidance scale realizing all NATURAL LIFE strives for the sun light it is INSTINCT ..strives for what feels better and better , http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
Ester talks about Dope or BEER as tools of … finding any form of aligment the INSTINCTUAL inner self being expressed thru a DNA bio machine can do given its state of MANIPULATION …. A tool for numbing and become submissive in the end to the CONFUSE AND CONQUER of societys rules ….
You willnot walk around with a constant hard on if you were in a social family oriented NUDIST environment …..SEX WOULD BECOME a ntural expression of UNCONDITIONAL love … of giving to each other thru the PLEASURE of touch …. The feel good spots …kinda like how natural it is to masturbate it is done thru out nature animals do it … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
masturbation is a normal part of childChild neglect and psychological abuseChild safety seatsChild tylenol cold multi-symptom plus coughSchool age child development
hover_boxes.hoverize_link('term_22581_1', 'highlight_term')
developmentAdolescent developmentAsperger syndromeAutismDevelopment of baby teethDevelopment of permanent teethDevelopmental dysplasia of the hipDevelopmental growthDevelopmental milestonesDevelopmental milestones recordDevelopmental process of atherosclerosisDevelopmental reading disorder
hover_boxes.hoverize_link('term_22581_2', 'highlight_term')
. Don't punish a child for engaging in this behaviorAutistic behaviorBehavior - unusual or strangeBulimiaHyperactivitySuicide and suicidal behaviorTemper tantrums
hover_boxes.hoverize_link('term_22581_3', 'highlight_term')
, but it would be appropriate to have a chat with the child and explain to her/him that if when they does that, she should do it in privacy like in the bathroom, a bedroom, etc.
all the TWISTED INSTINCT we have been guilted inot accepting that fucks up the basis for natural expressions of humanity love for each other …. And family acceptance of the natural goal of feeling good moving towards the sumlight like every expression of DNa life soes here in this time/space adventure .
If you have the ability to desire it, the Universe has the ability to deliver it. You’ve just got to line up with what you want, which means—be as happy as you can be as often as you can be there, and let everything else take care of itself.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, April 25th, 2004
The thoughts you experience … you allow yourself to think ..the FREE choice to choose ANOTHER thought about what yu are expeincing ..the choice to notice the other 97% of life of …atomic matter of activity that is actually PRETTY FUCKING …OK …. The sky is ever changing and dynimc and fun to watch the trees moe the bird fly the dust blows … every where in everything are OTHER THINGS or aspects to FOCUS ON ..to allowy you reslt to think to realize that GOOD abounds if you would just let yourself seee that more often then you will get a bigger and bigger Quantum stream of things like that
Yeah but… is that your reaction to my words ….. it takes time to break old habits … are you 20 it will take a good 10% of your years to break the training that you have been mind fucked with …. It will take 2 years to … become naturally more positiviely focused until then …… you will be doing a lot of yeah buts ..and the staying focused on the negatives is remember your choice … you can choose to focus on something better …
Back to being nude …… and touching human skin and the unlocking of the PRIZE under that sexy chicks clothes ,,,, think for yourself about the level of CONTROL her clothes gives her ,,,she knows about the flood of HORMONES rushing thru your viesn …she understanding the industry of SEX of strippers and how the TEASE effects men into …. Welll it is almost valentines day … AND DIAMONDS Will make the clothes f many many girls fall right off .. EVERY KISS BEGINS WILL …ZALES ….. ahhh the gold the power expressions of the kings an queens AND WHO IS REALY PULLING THE STRINGS in sublte manipulative ways creating THE NIGHTMARE then blaming MEN for the effects of the manipulation the created and maintain …. POINT A FINGER AND REMEMBER 3 MORE ARE POINTING BACK AT YOU … ( fathers who wanted to catch the ye of PHAROH sold their daughters thru exanagrated sexuality so as to gain position in court ….. the 3 fingers pointing back at me …yet men did not know the arts of make up so …mommy and grand mommy had to educate the daughters in the arts of sexual manipulation ,,,,, WE ALL ARE TO BLAME >>>
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
pussy putting in
Pussy putting in
So young master …. She wants to be a PART of it … why ? what is the under neath dynimcs beneath her desire to have a feeling that she has a STKE in the ownership of the compound the land the houses etc …. She says it is so she feels she is contributing to the family unit …… that is a surface , response crafted by an EVE ego to deceive herself and everyone else.
http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html 1 more FREE choice to freely choose from ..means you do not have to maintain to CURRENT social ideals ….. this is an ALTERNATIVE get it and do not POLLUTE the ,,YOUR future with the poisins that have not worked in the rest of the world …
simply stated based on the instinctual actions common to GREAT apes like us …you have a deep need to be OWNER of your LIFE controller of your CASTLE and territory and the instinct to be a Benvolent King is writtenin your peaceful UNCONDITIONAL loving nature that instinct to see your family members smile. Ths siver back gorilla male has a JOB to do first then the girls can come in and be of assistance . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html to each other and you , in fact they are great defenders of the territory … the female is a vicous cruel soldier if family is threatened. …but the first steps have to be of you .
so what is the current income producing chick who is interested in you ,,to do with her income stream ?
well remember go over the site plan with me http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html the 3 ..3/2 home are thier domains ,,individual expressions of their own personality ,,, you build them you equip them BASICALLy but the girl then can UP GRADE all she wants … she has ample land around her home much to the level of any ..yard in a community for her self to decorate etc..etc …. Hell she can decorate the WHOLE 5 acres if she wants ..but but but
here is what may happen a very real possible ,,remember she is INFECTED and Effected by wild swings of mood altering hormones …. During these mood swings if she were to ever USE her investment in decorating the entire 5 acres ..saying something like “ but look how I ,,,, I made this whole property beautiful for you …! You should do ..X y or Z for me ” wrong! She decorated the entire 5 acres to satify herself ,,if she idid anything to CREATE HAPPINESS in the world of another …she is acting outside the limits of power of TAO ..individuality ..to never be able to create in the world of an other …
you create the compound an reflection of YOU ….. they can like it or not ..come oand stay ..or move on in search of their own bliss ..you never have the RIGHT to expect form them HAPPINESS ..but you do have the right to suggest that they leave when they show continued evidence of UN HAPPINESS …. Again I know my word TOOLs are limited in getting the point across you would have to have lived the arguments with girls who …. Feel the CLEAN THE HOUSE NOT FOR THEMSELVES BUT FOR THE OTHERS …. And then blame the world for not doing as they do …
young master you world is as you have thought it to be ..if there is a messed up aspect of your living quarters …. And you yourself do not bend down and clean up that dust bunny …. Then it is YOUR THINKING that allows the dust bunny to exisit in your world for you to NOTICE next time you walk by …..
but if the chick has her own house she can have fucking pet dust bunnys if she wants it is not your world and like wise you can have …. Named cockroaches living in you home if you want ,,, but that would mean that maybe none of the girls want to come ..play BEING TIED UP ..in amsters quarters because they willfear the cockroaches will want to join in on the sex play ,,not at all inviting ..so . I know that you will keep your world to a level that is inviting for the girls to come over without the dependence on them to do it for you ..
now the COMMON house ..the day home … that again is to be maintained no to the level of CLEAN as NEEDED BY THE MOST ANAL of girls there ,,ohhhh that girl can clean extra well if she wants but never never never will it be a tool for her in her confused frustrated … extremem hormonal condition a tool …. Of fighting about OHHH POOR ME I GET NOT RESEPCT .
the EVE greed thought form is born of the instinct .that female is designed by and around the GESTATION period …… and the breeding cycles …. She has to be GREEDY to insure her own health wellness and that of the baby growing with in her … self centered … and that is natural … but in the balance of the female group she has other girls who SPEAK CHICK .. they understand the confsusion of hormones …. And the balance of sexual ….. issues reveolving around the use of your cock and the maintaining of your presence as a good male in their lives . so
so … where am I going ,,, about $$$$ … she should bank it to buy her own furniture .. bank it og buy an upgraded …. http://www.instinctualism.org/dcappliances.html if she buys the washer dryer and the exptra PV’s needed to run them ,, well it is her property … if she ..brings in a cluod of control …. stimulates unhappiness in herself and others well eerye must realize that that FUN is more important than the washer or dyer … there are very SUBTLE dynamics at work here ….
Wherever you are, is just fine…You can get to wherever you want to be from wherever you are… It’s time to stop measuring where you are in relationship to where anybody else is. The only factor that has anything to do with you is where you are in relationship with where you want to be.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Saturday, October 25th, 2003
The experience of time is you ..getting into alignment with … the thoughts you have made …. And you have made a lot of thingking it happems everyday ,,, while driving while mindlessly working ..you are never never ever mindless … the mind keeps thinking and your thinking YOUR POSSIBLES keep evolving and the expression of that continued evolution is the world you live … your dust bunnys in the hall or the clean floors …… the cash in the savings bonds or the bitching about not having any money …
What you expect … is what you mostly are living to great extent ,,, the deep hideen expectations … are important to FEEL ,the expectation revolving around your personel $$$ flow and use of cash are very important …. You are not a victum of circumstance ..you are the victum maybe of programmed in expectations ,but when you have FINNALLY HAD IT ! .. the contrast has gotten bad enough you will make the PERSENAL CHANGES in your world ..to change the world outside of you .
So young master …. She wants to be a PART of it … why ? what is the under neath dynimcs beneath her desire to have a feeling that she has a STKE in the ownership of the compound the land the houses etc …. She says it is so she feels she is contributing to the family unit …… that is a surface , response crafted by an EVE ego to deceive herself and everyone else.
http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html 1 more FREE choice to freely choose from ..means you do not have to maintain to CURRENT social ideals ….. this is an ALTERNATIVE get it and do not POLLUTE the ,,YOUR future with the poisins that have not worked in the rest of the world …
simply stated based on the instinctual actions common to GREAT apes like us …you have a deep need to be OWNER of your LIFE controller of your CASTLE and territory and the instinct to be a Benvolent King is writtenin your peaceful UNCONDITIONAL loving nature that instinct to see your family members smile. Ths siver back gorilla male has a JOB to do first then the girls can come in and be of assistance . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html to each other and you , in fact they are great defenders of the territory … the female is a vicous cruel soldier if family is threatened. …but the first steps have to be of you .
so what is the current income producing chick who is interested in you ,,to do with her income stream ?
well remember go over the site plan with me http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html the 3 ..3/2 home are thier domains ,,individual expressions of their own personality ,,, you build them you equip them BASICALLy but the girl then can UP GRADE all she wants … she has ample land around her home much to the level of any ..yard in a community for her self to decorate etc..etc …. Hell she can decorate the WHOLE 5 acres if she wants ..but but but
here is what may happen a very real possible ,,remember she is INFECTED and Effected by wild swings of mood altering hormones …. During these mood swings if she were to ever USE her investment in decorating the entire 5 acres ..saying something like “ but look how I ,,,, I made this whole property beautiful for you …! You should do ..X y or Z for me ” wrong! She decorated the entire 5 acres to satify herself ,,if she idid anything to CREATE HAPPINESS in the world of another …she is acting outside the limits of power of TAO ..individuality ..to never be able to create in the world of an other …
you create the compound an reflection of YOU ….. they can like it or not ..come oand stay ..or move on in search of their own bliss ..you never have the RIGHT to expect form them HAPPINESS ..but you do have the right to suggest that they leave when they show continued evidence of UN HAPPINESS …. Again I know my word TOOLs are limited in getting the point across you would have to have lived the arguments with girls who …. Feel the CLEAN THE HOUSE NOT FOR THEMSELVES BUT FOR THE OTHERS …. And then blame the world for not doing as they do …
young master you world is as you have thought it to be ..if there is a messed up aspect of your living quarters …. And you yourself do not bend down and clean up that dust bunny …. Then it is YOUR THINKING that allows the dust bunny to exisit in your world for you to NOTICE next time you walk by …..
but if the chick has her own house she can have fucking pet dust bunnys if she wants it is not your world and like wise you can have …. Named cockroaches living in you home if you want ,,, but that would mean that maybe none of the girls want to come ..play BEING TIED UP ..in amsters quarters because they willfear the cockroaches will want to join in on the sex play ,,not at all inviting ..so . I know that you will keep your world to a level that is inviting for the girls to come over without the dependence on them to do it for you ..
now the COMMON house ..the day home … that again is to be maintained no to the level of CLEAN as NEEDED BY THE MOST ANAL of girls there ,,ohhhh that girl can clean extra well if she wants but never never never will it be a tool for her in her confused frustrated … extremem hormonal condition a tool …. Of fighting about OHHH POOR ME I GET NOT RESEPCT .
the EVE greed thought form is born of the instinct .that female is designed by and around the GESTATION period …… and the breeding cycles …. She has to be GREEDY to insure her own health wellness and that of the baby growing with in her … self centered … and that is natural … but in the balance of the female group she has other girls who SPEAK CHICK .. they understand the confsusion of hormones …. And the balance of sexual ….. issues reveolving around the use of your cock and the maintaining of your presence as a good male in their lives . so
so … where am I going ,,, about $$$$ … she should bank it to buy her own furniture .. bank it og buy an upgraded …. http://www.instinctualism.org/dcappliances.html if she buys the washer dryer and the exptra PV’s needed to run them ,, well it is her property … if she ..brings in a cluod of control …. stimulates unhappiness in herself and others well eerye must realize that that FUN is more important than the washer or dyer … there are very SUBTLE dynamics at work here ….
Wherever you are, is just fine…You can get to wherever you want to be from wherever you are… It’s time to stop measuring where you are in relationship to where anybody else is. The only factor that has anything to do with you is where you are in relationship with where you want to be.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Saturday, October 25th, 2003
The experience of time is you ..getting into alignment with … the thoughts you have made …. And you have made a lot of thingking it happems everyday ,,, while driving while mindlessly working ..you are never never ever mindless … the mind keeps thinking and your thinking YOUR POSSIBLES keep evolving and the expression of that continued evolution is the world you live … your dust bunnys in the hall or the clean floors …… the cash in the savings bonds or the bitching about not having any money …
What you expect … is what you mostly are living to great extent ,,, the deep hideen expectations … are important to FEEL ,the expectation revolving around your personel $$$ flow and use of cash are very important …. You are not a victum of circumstance ..you are the victum maybe of programmed in expectations ,but when you have FINNALLY HAD IT ! .. the contrast has gotten bad enough you will make the PERSENAL CHANGES in your world ..to change the world outside of you .
Monday, January 19, 2009
pussy on a crotch rocket
Pussy on a crotch rocket
Young master … so what you are living now is a ccumulation of the thoughts you have let yourself think up till now … a CONTINUEING assembaleage of the past … forming a NOW ….. and wht you think in your now well that will be your future POSSIBLES to be assembled .. and wht you are thinking about you can tell something about tht form EMOTIOANL GUIDANCE … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html … and INDICATORS …. Body sensations for when you ignore you emotions … the TWISTED ISNTINCTS that generated emtionas that you were trained to IGNORE or to believe are not correct for the human DNA species ….. well ignore the emotional guidance the guidance of the whole of the Tao expressing thru the activity of the BIO MACHINE you are using for time/space adventure ..i gnore the feed back emchansisms inherent in design .. and yo will eventually get commication aobut your TRUTH … your instinctual truth thru health and wellness … http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html
Ok so … want everything ,,, need nothing be happy now ..the be happy now is of GREAT IMPORTANCE for happiness is an INIDCATOR that your activity of thought is about things you like and so ….that energy of thought will become more and more expressed in the ASSEMBALGE of quantas which will become you future nows … if you feel a TWINGE of stress or unbelief … then LISTEN to the emotional guidance for there is some wisdom …. Be imparted to you from your INSTINCTUAL SELF … and that girl on the crotch rocket ..no matter how cute she looks is also talking about she is YELLING TO THE WORLD …. What ? surely not a submissive nature http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html or even her isntinctual position of being the PENETRATED which does take submission … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
Tha spects of the building of the compound which in DAYDREAMs bring you more into ALIGNEMT …. Into a state of happiness and excitiement and passion without ..the constanst ….. under current of YEAH BUT’s …. The yeah but’s are info that you have gone beyong PURE WANTS into polluted wants …. Needing …. And not believeing that it is possible for you … listen accept go back and clarify ..your day dream with things tht FLOW EASY AND FUN …. The yeah buts will disappear by themselves in timea s the pieces of the puzzle come together as the GOOD FEELING thnking ,, starts the ball rolling OF POSITVE EXPECATATIONS … and thus the trickle of your NOW changes …and possibles idea INSPIRATIONS …. Statrt to come and belief in YEAH BUT aspect start to modify …
I do not know ho this realy relates expect … when it some how gets tie to web sites like http://sisterwives.yuku.com and some chick trying to get me to get serious with her … and I think about ….. DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR ….. YES the fairy tale training of the salve soldier of PHAROH ARMIES but more important is the INSTINCT …. ( it is bullshit training YET ….) instinctual … the instinct of the SILVER BACK gorilla for his family unit …. PHAROH’s slave masters understood this … and used this instinct in our training young master .
Yet when your soul your spirit has died from manipulation … who cares anymore http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html Guilt one of the most prevalent methods of manipulation ….. sublte …. And almost everywhere
Deb has not been around for close to a month …. When I met her I had been blogging for only about 60 days … bloggining it turns out for me is STEP 1’ing .. clarifying my wants thru understanding of my UN WANTED … feeling my way in territory I was trained to IGNORE . Well both she and I were in the state of FRUSTATION … both un clear un KNWOING …groping for smiles …. Moving the best we could like the seed towards the sun light … whatever felt better . NATURE INSTINCT …. Yet within …. Months the same old same old stresses developed in our little world and as it happened over and over 3 times on NUMBER 4 ….. I put a for sale sign in front of my house … game over .
Unclear about …the 3 wife life I was and am still determined to do it ….. you never get it done you can not get it WRONG ..this is INFINITY …. And over 18 months thigns ahave gotten so much more clear ….
But I did not just kick her out … I offered her to live there a month or so to let her get settled else where ..but no she …. Said she wanted to explore my … world to come … well tht was like 18 months … wow and we have had 18 months where is have not … had to leave the house because of a fight ( if it ever gets heated I just leave do it 3 times and I am gone ) …. Wow 18 months , when before it did not go 3 months between problems …WHY ?
What the future will bring …. I can create some what form with my day dreams my moving to what feels good for me ..but I can NOT CREATE IN THE WORLD OF ANOTHER ….. I never know what their TRUTH is and if they are ignoring things that they shoud be listening to … ohh but . the evidence trail of the indictors of their BIENG .. may talk to you young master … even when others ignore their own GUIDANCE you can HEAR …. The messages for yourself ….. about their inner states . are they ACTING TRUE TO THEMSELVES or are they living in Eygpt on the river NILE de=nile ignore your emotional guaidance and the message will just get stronger .
I have made a commitment …. To family .. to my self ….. a commitment I feel good about .. I feel good … I can not create those feelings in the world of another that is the those of the experincer … their own pie . …. I hear form girls so ,CAGED by the fairy tale of love that they ignore their emotional guidance totally . living in pain expecting MANIPULATION to bring about some sort of love ? when the BASIS thoughts of the FAIRY TALE of love are all ROOTED in FEAR . and condtions ….
Not the UN conditional love of instincts …. Of the rest of the DNA life on this planet the HARMONY of mother nature ….. ( mother nature viewed for the eyes trained in FEAR …see fear in nature ….. it is a good day to die ….. for it is only a transition …. And with that mind set it becomes and EVEN better day to live without fear …. As Buddha said all we have to fear is fear itself )
Young master … so what you are living now is a ccumulation of the thoughts you have let yourself think up till now … a CONTINUEING assembaleage of the past … forming a NOW ….. and wht you think in your now well that will be your future POSSIBLES to be assembled .. and wht you are thinking about you can tell something about tht form EMOTIOANL GUIDANCE … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html … and INDICATORS …. Body sensations for when you ignore you emotions … the TWISTED ISNTINCTS that generated emtionas that you were trained to IGNORE or to believe are not correct for the human DNA species ….. well ignore the emotional guidance the guidance of the whole of the Tao expressing thru the activity of the BIO MACHINE you are using for time/space adventure ..i gnore the feed back emchansisms inherent in design .. and yo will eventually get commication aobut your TRUTH … your instinctual truth thru health and wellness … http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html
Ok so … want everything ,,, need nothing be happy now ..the be happy now is of GREAT IMPORTANCE for happiness is an INIDCATOR that your activity of thought is about things you like and so ….that energy of thought will become more and more expressed in the ASSEMBALGE of quantas which will become you future nows … if you feel a TWINGE of stress or unbelief … then LISTEN to the emotional guidance for there is some wisdom …. Be imparted to you from your INSTINCTUAL SELF … and that girl on the crotch rocket ..no matter how cute she looks is also talking about she is YELLING TO THE WORLD …. What ? surely not a submissive nature http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html or even her isntinctual position of being the PENETRATED which does take submission … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
Tha spects of the building of the compound which in DAYDREAMs bring you more into ALIGNEMT …. Into a state of happiness and excitiement and passion without ..the constanst ….. under current of YEAH BUT’s …. The yeah but’s are info that you have gone beyong PURE WANTS into polluted wants …. Needing …. And not believeing that it is possible for you … listen accept go back and clarify ..your day dream with things tht FLOW EASY AND FUN …. The yeah buts will disappear by themselves in timea s the pieces of the puzzle come together as the GOOD FEELING thnking ,, starts the ball rolling OF POSITVE EXPECATATIONS … and thus the trickle of your NOW changes …and possibles idea INSPIRATIONS …. Statrt to come and belief in YEAH BUT aspect start to modify …
I do not know ho this realy relates expect … when it some how gets tie to web sites like http://sisterwives.yuku.com and some chick trying to get me to get serious with her … and I think about ….. DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR ….. YES the fairy tale training of the salve soldier of PHAROH ARMIES but more important is the INSTINCT …. ( it is bullshit training YET ….) instinctual … the instinct of the SILVER BACK gorilla for his family unit …. PHAROH’s slave masters understood this … and used this instinct in our training young master .
Yet when your soul your spirit has died from manipulation … who cares anymore http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html Guilt one of the most prevalent methods of manipulation ….. sublte …. And almost everywhere
Deb has not been around for close to a month …. When I met her I had been blogging for only about 60 days … bloggining it turns out for me is STEP 1’ing .. clarifying my wants thru understanding of my UN WANTED … feeling my way in territory I was trained to IGNORE . Well both she and I were in the state of FRUSTATION … both un clear un KNWOING …groping for smiles …. Moving the best we could like the seed towards the sun light … whatever felt better . NATURE INSTINCT …. Yet within …. Months the same old same old stresses developed in our little world and as it happened over and over 3 times on NUMBER 4 ….. I put a for sale sign in front of my house … game over .
Unclear about …the 3 wife life I was and am still determined to do it ….. you never get it done you can not get it WRONG ..this is INFINITY …. And over 18 months thigns ahave gotten so much more clear ….
But I did not just kick her out … I offered her to live there a month or so to let her get settled else where ..but no she …. Said she wanted to explore my … world to come … well tht was like 18 months … wow and we have had 18 months where is have not … had to leave the house because of a fight ( if it ever gets heated I just leave do it 3 times and I am gone ) …. Wow 18 months , when before it did not go 3 months between problems …WHY ?
What the future will bring …. I can create some what form with my day dreams my moving to what feels good for me ..but I can NOT CREATE IN THE WORLD OF ANOTHER ….. I never know what their TRUTH is and if they are ignoring things that they shoud be listening to … ohh but . the evidence trail of the indictors of their BIENG .. may talk to you young master … even when others ignore their own GUIDANCE you can HEAR …. The messages for yourself ….. about their inner states . are they ACTING TRUE TO THEMSELVES or are they living in Eygpt on the river NILE de=nile ignore your emotional guaidance and the message will just get stronger .
I have made a commitment …. To family .. to my self ….. a commitment I feel good about .. I feel good … I can not create those feelings in the world of another that is the those of the experincer … their own pie . …. I hear form girls so ,CAGED by the fairy tale of love that they ignore their emotional guidance totally . living in pain expecting MANIPULATION to bring about some sort of love ? when the BASIS thoughts of the FAIRY TALE of love are all ROOTED in FEAR . and condtions ….
Not the UN conditional love of instincts …. Of the rest of the DNA life on this planet the HARMONY of mother nature ….. ( mother nature viewed for the eyes trained in FEAR …see fear in nature ….. it is a good day to die ….. for it is only a transition …. And with that mind set it becomes and EVEN better day to live without fear …. As Buddha said all we have to fear is fear itself )
nude and natural
· Nude is NaTural
NUDE IS NATURAL it is INSTINCTUAL it relfects deep self esteem . How about foto of just your NUDE arm , ankle , fat belly or messed up morining hair ? The real YOU . Do you like yourself enough to be ....NUDE AND NATURAL http://groups.xanga.com/groups/group.aspx?a=1&id=2560985
Nude and antural
It is about …. Self esteem … un conditional love of SELF first ,,, ahh to start there it is always about SWEEPING YOUR FRONT DOOR STEP … all changes tarts with in …in .. you ….. young master first change your THINKING and then you actions will follow and then the world you FREELY choose to live will chage ,,what you GRAVITATE to also changes and tthen you find the UNCONDITIOANL love of humanity every where . http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html
Be naked and feel the freedom of not having the STRESS the WIEGHT of the fabric coviering you …. It is not just the FABRICS but the …SELF IMAGES that each piece of clothing brings into your mind and self image ,,, your POSITION in a social structure …
Resistance ..resistant thinking is the WORD TOOL used to describe the RESULTS of years of a life time …..or PROGRAMING of mind fuck …look around you no other DNA species lives in so much fear …. Like we do we are afraid realy of almost everything . we can find the BAD the negative expecations in anything …even when you meet the most turned On tapped In happy person if you wanted to you could find something about them to DISLIKE ..the key though …in that example is the WANT OT expressed in the finding of the negative aspect .
For it is NATURE to realize and expect the GOOD …. Ion fact that iswhy ,,, you FEEL naughty going NUDE … like breaking a law or something ,,,, again the interst in doing dope really comes from the BREAKING of parental bonds and bbreaking of STIFLING rules ( plus the effects of the poisin helping to numb the confusion of be a SLAVE ) the expression of the effects of manipulation http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
Embarrassed in your bare ass ….. dating back passed down 1000’s of year from the time when LIKE arisitole formed his ideas into WORD TOOLS for the benift of the RULERS the pharohs of his time … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html the time when CITIZENS got to where clothes and SLAVES did not ,,,, we are the only animal who depends on clothes 24/7 we even wear clothes at night in the privacy of our own beds …
You do not need the clothes ..except to satify the mind fucking ,,the PROGRAMING you were force fed in your youth by loving people who NEVER …….THOUGHT FOR THEMSELVES ..and all my words are ever supposed to be is the grain of sand put into the shell of your mind from which your THINKING will put layer upon layer until you have a pearl of PERSONEL IDEAS … the fear of the human SKIN ,,passed down to the next generation of children …
The fear of sexual recreation of MASTRUBATION ….. when masturbation is found through out the animal world as NATURAL anormaal ..time passing activity … laying around in the sun rubbing the feel good spot .WHY BECAUSE IT FEELS GOOD …. DNA life animals following their bliss. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html but humanity trains it young to FEAR … FEAR ..FEAR …
And under neath it all is the FEAR of REJECTION of society which you depend on for $$$ … ahh again I go to MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs …. And the deep reason young master you should think deeply about the benift aspects of the tour of DUTY http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html
and the fear of rejection has coupled with it … even for your young master with your NO FEAR ..tatoo is the fear of DEATH ….. fear of TRANSITON because again ,,, feel the self guided mediation of PARADOX study the Quantum theory and sciences we already know from the What the bleep movies …
http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html and realize there is NO REALITY to daeeth yes ,,the use of a NAMED BIO MECHANICAL DEVISE called human bdy … with an ID name of FRED or PHIL or SALLY …. Feels real ..the reality of the DREAM STATE ..but life is ….. never BORN NEVER DEAD …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
your SHOW of bravery is almost the confused ….. call to kill me end my pain … the effect of manipulation once again … http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html when the DAN ... Within you SPEAKS in feelings in EMOTIOANL Guidance ,,, http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html TEELING TO LISTEN TO YOUR ISNTINCTS .. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html the instinct to live in BLISs actually in peace …. The gorilla is very peacefull
from within the 5 acres you are so isolated when you want that you realy can not even hear your neighbors party or fight ,, or smell them cook or even have to see them …. I have very few people I do not like but one neighbor and I are at odds …. He lives just outside of acres circle if my current home was the middle ,,I never here or see him expcept to 4 or 5 times a year see him drive by ….. that is all PEACE IS VERY PSOOIBLE … with the design of the http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html the PRIVACY HEDGE which also is the fuel supply for heatin ( outside of solar thermal mass collection ) and cooking and reacreational bon fires …. That hedge provides him and you with …..PEACE and the OPPURUTUNITY to not notice the bad in eachother ..if you choose to ..not search for a life full of negatives .
what does the entertainer ESTER have to say to day …
Make more decisions in every day. Because a decision is a summoning of life. That's why a little chaos is good for you, because often you don't make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force. Have you ever been a place where you couldn't quite make up your mind and you just felt sort of limp? "Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." And then you decided, and you felt alive again. We want you to know that you'll never get it done. So don't approach this from, "I gotta get on this" because you're not ever going to get it done, anyway. And the other thing we want you to know is, you cannot get it wrong. So, make a decision. Let it flow. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Larkspur, CA on Sunday, August 16th, 1998
NUDE IS NATURAL it is INSTINCTUAL it relfects deep self esteem . How about foto of just your NUDE arm , ankle , fat belly or messed up morining hair ? The real YOU . Do you like yourself enough to be ....NUDE AND NATURAL http://groups.xanga.com/groups/group.aspx?a=1&id=2560985
Nude and antural
It is about …. Self esteem … un conditional love of SELF first ,,, ahh to start there it is always about SWEEPING YOUR FRONT DOOR STEP … all changes tarts with in …in .. you ….. young master first change your THINKING and then you actions will follow and then the world you FREELY choose to live will chage ,,what you GRAVITATE to also changes and tthen you find the UNCONDITIOANL love of humanity every where . http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html
Be naked and feel the freedom of not having the STRESS the WIEGHT of the fabric coviering you …. It is not just the FABRICS but the …SELF IMAGES that each piece of clothing brings into your mind and self image ,,, your POSITION in a social structure …
Resistance ..resistant thinking is the WORD TOOL used to describe the RESULTS of years of a life time …..or PROGRAMING of mind fuck …look around you no other DNA species lives in so much fear …. Like we do we are afraid realy of almost everything . we can find the BAD the negative expecations in anything …even when you meet the most turned On tapped In happy person if you wanted to you could find something about them to DISLIKE ..the key though …in that example is the WANT OT expressed in the finding of the negative aspect .
For it is NATURE to realize and expect the GOOD …. Ion fact that iswhy ,,, you FEEL naughty going NUDE … like breaking a law or something ,,,, again the interst in doing dope really comes from the BREAKING of parental bonds and bbreaking of STIFLING rules ( plus the effects of the poisin helping to numb the confusion of be a SLAVE ) the expression of the effects of manipulation http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
Embarrassed in your bare ass ….. dating back passed down 1000’s of year from the time when LIKE arisitole formed his ideas into WORD TOOLS for the benift of the RULERS the pharohs of his time … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html the time when CITIZENS got to where clothes and SLAVES did not ,,,, we are the only animal who depends on clothes 24/7 we even wear clothes at night in the privacy of our own beds …
You do not need the clothes ..except to satify the mind fucking ,,the PROGRAMING you were force fed in your youth by loving people who NEVER …….THOUGHT FOR THEMSELVES ..and all my words are ever supposed to be is the grain of sand put into the shell of your mind from which your THINKING will put layer upon layer until you have a pearl of PERSONEL IDEAS … the fear of the human SKIN ,,passed down to the next generation of children …
The fear of sexual recreation of MASTRUBATION ….. when masturbation is found through out the animal world as NATURAL anormaal ..time passing activity … laying around in the sun rubbing the feel good spot .WHY BECAUSE IT FEELS GOOD …. DNA life animals following their bliss. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html but humanity trains it young to FEAR … FEAR ..FEAR …
And under neath it all is the FEAR of REJECTION of society which you depend on for $$$ … ahh again I go to MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs …. And the deep reason young master you should think deeply about the benift aspects of the tour of DUTY http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html
and the fear of rejection has coupled with it … even for your young master with your NO FEAR ..tatoo is the fear of DEATH ….. fear of TRANSITON because again ,,, feel the self guided mediation of PARADOX study the Quantum theory and sciences we already know from the What the bleep movies …
http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html and realize there is NO REALITY to daeeth yes ,,the use of a NAMED BIO MECHANICAL DEVISE called human bdy … with an ID name of FRED or PHIL or SALLY …. Feels real ..the reality of the DREAM STATE ..but life is ….. never BORN NEVER DEAD …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
your SHOW of bravery is almost the confused ….. call to kill me end my pain … the effect of manipulation once again … http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html when the DAN ... Within you SPEAKS in feelings in EMOTIOANL Guidance ,,, http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html TEELING TO LISTEN TO YOUR ISNTINCTS .. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html the instinct to live in BLISs actually in peace …. The gorilla is very peacefull
from within the 5 acres you are so isolated when you want that you realy can not even hear your neighbors party or fight ,, or smell them cook or even have to see them …. I have very few people I do not like but one neighbor and I are at odds …. He lives just outside of acres circle if my current home was the middle ,,I never here or see him expcept to 4 or 5 times a year see him drive by ….. that is all PEACE IS VERY PSOOIBLE … with the design of the http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html the PRIVACY HEDGE which also is the fuel supply for heatin ( outside of solar thermal mass collection ) and cooking and reacreational bon fires …. That hedge provides him and you with …..PEACE and the OPPURUTUNITY to not notice the bad in eachother ..if you choose to ..not search for a life full of negatives .
what does the entertainer ESTER have to say to day …
Make more decisions in every day. Because a decision is a summoning of life. That's why a little chaos is good for you, because often you don't make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force. Have you ever been a place where you couldn't quite make up your mind and you just felt sort of limp? "Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." And then you decided, and you felt alive again. We want you to know that you'll never get it done. So don't approach this from, "I gotta get on this" because you're not ever going to get it done, anyway. And the other thing we want you to know is, you cannot get it wrong. So, make a decision. Let it flow. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Larkspur, CA on Sunday, August 16th, 1998
Sunday, January 18, 2009
REally right pussy
Really right pussy
Young master ..what goes around comes around …the good you will do will pay BIG dividends ….. ok , first off I hope you understand and I just want others to get it TWO … the tattoos or the ink in yur skin is not a fucking problem … for me but for those young mastersNOT ,,not like you who have ..EARNED the right to … have a face full of metal even that smiley and more visible tatos than skin and still ….. have a client base which is growing in the constructions arts ….. construction ARTS .. for you have taken what would be JOB to many and made it an art of MAKING PEOPLE SMILE … amking common TIGHT assed scared retired white people open their doors wide to th likes of you give you good cash for your services * which actually you have priced cheaply ..good move keeps you booked for weeks in advance ) …… so
The right pussy for you is not the right pussy for me ,,, when you are making apussy flavored pie you want her to be filled with metal and taste like ink …… fine thank god the world is getting so open you can have it your way … I like mine natural .
Now ….hmmmm … you got a number 2 ..before you were ready ,, a number 2 who is trying to sell you on the idea of using her HELP her funding of the compound to jump start things even though you are in the ……. ½ way point of your tour of duty , very commendable .. your first girls friend has taken on the majority of the bills for your current life .. which was her current life before you cme along anyway …. You have added no EXTRA $$$ pressures on her infact you do contribute some $$$ above and beyond … and still have been SACKING some HARD CASH away … most cool most cool ….
There is a SUBTLE poisin in taking that new girl up on her offer ,,, I have talked about this about a year ago and eagain over the summer when I was confronted with a similar offer form a girl …… YOU NEED TO DO IT YOURSELF …. There is an instinctual aspect that I have ahard time putting into words …. Or atleast in too words that are not filled with what may come out to FEEL it Blame which is not the intent it si my lack of WORD TOOLS to describe ….the un impossible …
Look you have the right to WANT … your pure wants ( purer never pure for they will always be self amending ) ….. I know you have a GREEN SOUL and those aspects of my general designs interst you as much as me ,,the striving for hierarchy thru $$$ is not your goal ( yet I still believe you strive for hierarchy thur adding more metal to your body , but hell I strive for hierarchy thru wanting to catch a larger and larger bonefish ) … so having girls not striving for CASH hierarchy is important they may though strive for their won hierarchy thru ARTS … kinda like my Deb does with her book and t-shirt arts … ( yet with her those strivings also have a taste of $$$ aspects ….. what ever is her fun her blis I will support her in )
Ahh there ….the thread ….. WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND …. If the compound is YOURS .. free and clearly yours even if it means some form of bank loan now to jump start it ( you have possible enough cash to put down have some start up building funds etc ….. examine your own belief systems around this ) back to free and clear …. If the chick funds you you will be living with in her rules actually … the first link http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html the gorilla prepares a territory that suits HIM …. And then let girls come and stay ,,never any RAPE sexual pressure they can ..walk away get lost in the jungle at any time and find their BLIss the next silver back ..their is not the Fairy tale ow the OWNERSHIP OF LOVE … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html ...... the same dynics will be yours … if the land is of OF ..OF … your own creation … reflection of you ….
Come and stay baby if you find my world to be your bliss …. Great if not ..then I help you in a form of UN CONDITIONAL love … ( that means a resiprocity from her of respect not abuse or using of your good nature ) to move on better off than when you came ….. with more self esteem ….. better and clearier in her own understanding of her own PUrER WANTS …. Her wants …. Like your wants … when they match hers and yours ..then the …LAW ( agrememnt state ) OF ATTRACTION …. Is proven once
more . if you are into GREEN THEMES and she is inot she is into … hot pockets and micro wave pizza …… veggie in fron of the TV addicted to the next series etc etc …. When things are just not right the SEX may be GREAT but life is not … you will feel comfortable enough not sexually frustrated of to scared to lose you MAIN SQUEEZE …. To help her move on to her own blisss and … what goes around wiil come around this chick will be your GREATEST advertising …….. I betcha . can you get the idea can you think for your self … ? did I get my point across or is it still hidden under my hat ….
Young master ..what goes around comes around …the good you will do will pay BIG dividends ….. ok , first off I hope you understand and I just want others to get it TWO … the tattoos or the ink in yur skin is not a fucking problem … for me but for those young mastersNOT ,,not like you who have ..EARNED the right to … have a face full of metal even that smiley and more visible tatos than skin and still ….. have a client base which is growing in the constructions arts ….. construction ARTS .. for you have taken what would be JOB to many and made it an art of MAKING PEOPLE SMILE … amking common TIGHT assed scared retired white people open their doors wide to th likes of you give you good cash for your services * which actually you have priced cheaply ..good move keeps you booked for weeks in advance ) …… so
The right pussy for you is not the right pussy for me ,,, when you are making apussy flavored pie you want her to be filled with metal and taste like ink …… fine thank god the world is getting so open you can have it your way … I like mine natural .
Now ….hmmmm … you got a number 2 ..before you were ready ,, a number 2 who is trying to sell you on the idea of using her HELP her funding of the compound to jump start things even though you are in the ……. ½ way point of your tour of duty , very commendable .. your first girls friend has taken on the majority of the bills for your current life .. which was her current life before you cme along anyway …. You have added no EXTRA $$$ pressures on her infact you do contribute some $$$ above and beyond … and still have been SACKING some HARD CASH away … most cool most cool ….
There is a SUBTLE poisin in taking that new girl up on her offer ,,, I have talked about this about a year ago and eagain over the summer when I was confronted with a similar offer form a girl …… YOU NEED TO DO IT YOURSELF …. There is an instinctual aspect that I have ahard time putting into words …. Or atleast in too words that are not filled with what may come out to FEEL it Blame which is not the intent it si my lack of WORD TOOLS to describe ….the un impossible …
Look you have the right to WANT … your pure wants ( purer never pure for they will always be self amending ) ….. I know you have a GREEN SOUL and those aspects of my general designs interst you as much as me ,,the striving for hierarchy thru $$$ is not your goal ( yet I still believe you strive for hierarchy thur adding more metal to your body , but hell I strive for hierarchy thru wanting to catch a larger and larger bonefish ) … so having girls not striving for CASH hierarchy is important they may though strive for their won hierarchy thru ARTS … kinda like my Deb does with her book and t-shirt arts … ( yet with her those strivings also have a taste of $$$ aspects ….. what ever is her fun her blis I will support her in )
Ahh there ….the thread ….. WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND …. If the compound is YOURS .. free and clearly yours even if it means some form of bank loan now to jump start it ( you have possible enough cash to put down have some start up building funds etc ….. examine your own belief systems around this ) back to free and clear …. If the chick funds you you will be living with in her rules actually … the first link http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html the gorilla prepares a territory that suits HIM …. And then let girls come and stay ,,never any RAPE sexual pressure they can ..walk away get lost in the jungle at any time and find their BLIss the next silver back ..their is not the Fairy tale ow the OWNERSHIP OF LOVE … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html ...... the same dynics will be yours … if the land is of OF ..OF … your own creation … reflection of you ….
Come and stay baby if you find my world to be your bliss …. Great if not ..then I help you in a form of UN CONDITIONAL love … ( that means a resiprocity from her of respect not abuse or using of your good nature ) to move on better off than when you came ….. with more self esteem ….. better and clearier in her own understanding of her own PUrER WANTS …. Her wants …. Like your wants … when they match hers and yours ..then the …LAW ( agrememnt state ) OF ATTRACTION …. Is proven once
more . if you are into GREEN THEMES and she is inot she is into … hot pockets and micro wave pizza …… veggie in fron of the TV addicted to the next series etc etc …. When things are just not right the SEX may be GREAT but life is not … you will feel comfortable enough not sexually frustrated of to scared to lose you MAIN SQUEEZE …. To help her move on to her own blisss and … what goes around wiil come around this chick will be your GREATEST advertising …….. I betcha . can you get the idea can you think for your self … ? did I get my point across or is it still hidden under my hat ….
rape nature
· Rape Nature
· ( I have noticed that this very old blog from aug 07 has been getting lots of notice on some sites so I repost it with links that were not available way back in ’07 )
Ok in Darfore a part of Africa there will be UN peace Keeperes and the expectations of the Female spokesperson is that SEX will not happen ! with this new force of men who will aid that region ….. Young Master what do you feel inside you every fucking day when you see girls? http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
The stupid idea that our NATURE is not part of the mind spirit body equation is STUPID …. You dick is an organ equal to anyother organ in fact even more important since it is the INSTINCT of living animals to repreoduce the chemicals stimulating reproduction pump daily thru your mind urging you to FUCK FUCK FUCK …. 1. The spirit of life wants itself to continue 2. the body the spirit uses to express itself creates chemicals of sex 3. the mind the memory forms plans to make it happen.
And since a warrior is aman pumped 24/7 with the chemical of manhood testosron . he also is highteneed in his sexual needs ………. His needs of HEALTH CARE , an natural need of his NATURAL HUMAN ORGANS ….. and he can not get release then he will take release thru RAPE or illegal sex industry .
Marriage is so often the ecomic choice on the part of poor even rich women , it is ecomonic , the female sells herself … because deep inside her she will mate with a male who won her thru force … thru beating the competition thru warfare ,,,, her instinct is to submit to a male any male in fact . the problem WE HAVE WITH SELLING SEX , WITH THE SEX INDUSTRY is because of our expectation that love is a fairy tale instead of the INSTINCT for the spirit of life to safely recreate itself ….. in a war torn land the safest male is the male with a gun , a man who is part of the winning force . the idea of a woman providing sex to keep a man around plus receive food also ,, is natural it is how we developed ….
The theory that human females eveovled into recreational sexual animals is based in the idea that she evolved to keep us around 24/7 by using her SEX as a tool …. The cave woman was a SLUT by nature ……… RAPE IS NATURAL . I know I will get trash about my way of describing that which Ph.D’s in anthropology say in nincer words ……. But dam it people the ideas of sexual controls is the reason why we have sexual abuse http://www.instinctualism.org/sexual_abuse.html
Yes what you resisit – persisits …. The more you want to ignore your true animal self , the more you twist the animal inside you the more it will express itself in abuse . especially the abuse of the HELPLESS . the young and weaker . when in fact the nature of adult males is to want fully mature females ,, as long as the female is submissive as his inner animal expects ( and if the INSTINCTUAL expectation becomes twisted by manipulation http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
Who is the one who must be kind of still , who has to be a willing target for me to stick my dick in her? If she continues to struggle to much it is hard to aim , it is hard to stay inside …SUBMISSSION is natural … the sale of her sex for food is nature ….. sexual health care is how we evolved . so to force male UN fighting me warriors to act unnatural is a stupid feminist plan destined to fail …. Dumb girls ! you want a fairy tale and you create HELL . your greed as a group . ( conditioned to expect , programed in 1000’s or years of faulty ideas http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
Girls young master love to display their sexuality ,,,, the idea of being a PLAYBOY BUNNY is a secret desire for many females of that age ,, and a point of pride for those who were . Look at the amount of girls projecting idolizing the idea of PORN STAR … themes .
SO WHY THE problem with profeesional sexual health care creers ? DIVIDE AND CONQUER ( social controls of populations for the bnifit of PHAROH classes ) .. as long as we are divied confused ,, stressed we are easy to control . the knowledge and gift to us by the beginners of POLICTICS . look deeper at the confilicts in ideas between the TOAsist of china 1000’s of years ago and the Confusiciuos follower.
HOLLAND , my home land has the right idea , make it an carreer , where training is needed and professional licsence is available …. Freedom of individual choices .
And the un pROfesional slut well she can marry a MILLIONAIRE .
Oh , I gotta talk some time about ,,, arranged marriages and the TODAYS nature of females to to choose bad men because they were taught to realy make choices based upon GOLD an ARTIFIICAL IMAGE of humanity ,, to look at RELATIONSHIPS except thru the lesnse of FASHION ,, SEx has always been a submission of a choice . http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html just look around at the choices girls make about men ,, many many men who should never have been mated have to many kids …. The old ideas of PROOF YOUR WORTHYNESS ….. to mate . the idea that the strong brave male who will protect a land to create stability for his social group … the harem the Lion Male the Gorilla male The Deer …. So many social animals have this trait … the male lives and works like a lone male ,,, and gets fucked and fucked and fucked . never begging . and the female choose to stay with that male the female has the freedom to leave everytime the male takes a nap or goes to sleep . the female is free to leave and search out a new and better amle …
· ( I have noticed that this very old blog from aug 07 has been getting lots of notice on some sites so I repost it with links that were not available way back in ’07 )
Ok in Darfore a part of Africa there will be UN peace Keeperes and the expectations of the Female spokesperson is that SEX will not happen ! with this new force of men who will aid that region ….. Young Master what do you feel inside you every fucking day when you see girls? http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
The stupid idea that our NATURE is not part of the mind spirit body equation is STUPID …. You dick is an organ equal to anyother organ in fact even more important since it is the INSTINCT of living animals to repreoduce the chemicals stimulating reproduction pump daily thru your mind urging you to FUCK FUCK FUCK …. 1. The spirit of life wants itself to continue 2. the body the spirit uses to express itself creates chemicals of sex 3. the mind the memory forms plans to make it happen.
And since a warrior is aman pumped 24/7 with the chemical of manhood testosron . he also is highteneed in his sexual needs ………. His needs of HEALTH CARE , an natural need of his NATURAL HUMAN ORGANS ….. and he can not get release then he will take release thru RAPE or illegal sex industry .
Marriage is so often the ecomic choice on the part of poor even rich women , it is ecomonic , the female sells herself … because deep inside her she will mate with a male who won her thru force … thru beating the competition thru warfare ,,,, her instinct is to submit to a male any male in fact . the problem WE HAVE WITH SELLING SEX , WITH THE SEX INDUSTRY is because of our expectation that love is a fairy tale instead of the INSTINCT for the spirit of life to safely recreate itself ….. in a war torn land the safest male is the male with a gun , a man who is part of the winning force . the idea of a woman providing sex to keep a man around plus receive food also ,, is natural it is how we developed ….
The theory that human females eveovled into recreational sexual animals is based in the idea that she evolved to keep us around 24/7 by using her SEX as a tool …. The cave woman was a SLUT by nature ……… RAPE IS NATURAL . I know I will get trash about my way of describing that which Ph.D’s in anthropology say in nincer words ……. But dam it people the ideas of sexual controls is the reason why we have sexual abuse http://www.instinctualism.org/sexual_abuse.html
Yes what you resisit – persisits …. The more you want to ignore your true animal self , the more you twist the animal inside you the more it will express itself in abuse . especially the abuse of the HELPLESS . the young and weaker . when in fact the nature of adult males is to want fully mature females ,, as long as the female is submissive as his inner animal expects ( and if the INSTINCTUAL expectation becomes twisted by manipulation http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
Who is the one who must be kind of still , who has to be a willing target for me to stick my dick in her? If she continues to struggle to much it is hard to aim , it is hard to stay inside …SUBMISSSION is natural … the sale of her sex for food is nature ….. sexual health care is how we evolved . so to force male UN fighting me warriors to act unnatural is a stupid feminist plan destined to fail …. Dumb girls ! you want a fairy tale and you create HELL . your greed as a group . ( conditioned to expect , programed in 1000’s or years of faulty ideas http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
Girls young master love to display their sexuality ,,,, the idea of being a PLAYBOY BUNNY is a secret desire for many females of that age ,, and a point of pride for those who were . Look at the amount of girls projecting idolizing the idea of PORN STAR … themes .
SO WHY THE problem with profeesional sexual health care creers ? DIVIDE AND CONQUER ( social controls of populations for the bnifit of PHAROH classes ) .. as long as we are divied confused ,, stressed we are easy to control . the knowledge and gift to us by the beginners of POLICTICS . look deeper at the confilicts in ideas between the TOAsist of china 1000’s of years ago and the Confusiciuos follower.
HOLLAND , my home land has the right idea , make it an carreer , where training is needed and professional licsence is available …. Freedom of individual choices .
And the un pROfesional slut well she can marry a MILLIONAIRE .
Oh , I gotta talk some time about ,,, arranged marriages and the TODAYS nature of females to to choose bad men because they were taught to realy make choices based upon GOLD an ARTIFIICAL IMAGE of humanity ,, to look at RELATIONSHIPS except thru the lesnse of FASHION ,, SEx has always been a submission of a choice . http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html just look around at the choices girls make about men ,, many many men who should never have been mated have to many kids …. The old ideas of PROOF YOUR WORTHYNESS ….. to mate . the idea that the strong brave male who will protect a land to create stability for his social group … the harem the Lion Male the Gorilla male The Deer …. So many social animals have this trait … the male lives and works like a lone male ,,, and gets fucked and fucked and fucked . never begging . and the female choose to stay with that male the female has the freedom to leave everytime the male takes a nap or goes to sleep . the female is free to leave and search out a new and better amle …
Saturday, January 17, 2009
pussy smiles veritically
Pussy smiles vertically
Honestly what is it that you really want over and over it is things that make you smile ,,,, and the smiles of people who are around you ,,,hey you girl is around you a lot so the old saying a happy wife makes a happy life is deeply true …she honeslty feels the same way ( sometimes …except when her social shoulds kick in …. And they kick in after she is no longer worried about keeping your UNDIVIDED ATTENTION …. After the I love you honor statement has been made and tested enough to show your state of SUBMISSION to your personel HONOR.
Ahh honor a fancy word for the ..INSTINCT example of our cousin gorilla when he creates and defends a territory with his life for the FAMILY http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html over and over i want to remeid you about the sc ience the FOR PROFIT medical industry fills you with the fear of and the promise of DNA …… and it’s power . you are an ANIMAL .. a DNA great APE .. mostly the SAVANNAH APE who instead of playing the lush jungle … lived with rocks and FIRE ECO systems …. Playing with rocks created sparks repeated cause and effect ,,, created over time our tool FIRE …
But thinking about you and me ….. truth is you will always filter any interaction with a chick thru the..LENSE of your first INFATUATUING SIGHT … of her ..that set point ….. created by strong emotions , that concretes memeory and the associated strands ….ahhh not only is this agreat show to learn about Quantum theory but also for bio mechinics ( remember you as a point of view of Tao came to experience the bEING-NESS of an DNA bio mechaine. http://www.whatthebleep.com
And the truth is ..that if she was not a smiling chick then you probably only USED her viritcal smiles for fucking ans spent little to know other time around the …. BITCH …
What is important her beauty is tied directly to her smiles … bio chemicall hormonailly it is ther VERTICAL SMILE her pussy …. HUMAN wise it is her happiness smile .
In the morning when her hair is all fucked up and her sexy clothes are nothing but a pile of shit on the floor it is the SMILE on her face the joy in the sound of her voice which it …ATTRACTIVE …and that is what keeps you coming back ..day after day ,, week after week until your INSTINCT … of family …. Or silver back gorilla is voiced in words of …I LOVE YOU …… never ever does it realy have any thing to do with the sexy clothes of the jewelry or her hair do ..or her French nails …..
Ohh well I can be wrong and I am often wrong for so many men now adays are acting like women ……. That they care more about what others think of them than what they think for themselves ….. THINK FOR YOURSELF . that they need a chick who is … ahh I don’t what word to use …… but maybe you do ..that would be much better than me filling you with words to lead you into thinking about the experiences of your life to such a point that you thougt my words up for me ….. hey in that way it would not even matter if my spelling was any good for you would be so stimulated by a simple thread of thought as to fill in the blanks … on your own
WHOLE-ISTIC ……. The bio machine …. And the idea of how memeory is imprinted by emtions ….. and chemicals and stress ….. and sexual frustration .
The EVE … thought form …built around the greed of entertaining the KINGS of old with sexy girls ( daughters ) ..so to gain a foot hold in the court and social structure that revolves around PHAROH …… patterns passed down THOUGHTLESSY …. For 1000’s of years just because certain people in powerful positions wanted to protect their powerful posisitons for themselves and those important to them ..as to ….. not care about any truths ….. hmmmmm think ? the art of belly dancing 10,000 years ago ,,the current industry of stripping ? and the sexual frustration and manipulation of sexy clthes actions … COYNESS …. Social conventions …
And the effects of these manipulations? http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
Honestly what is it that you really want over and over it is things that make you smile ,,,, and the smiles of people who are around you ,,,hey you girl is around you a lot so the old saying a happy wife makes a happy life is deeply true …she honeslty feels the same way ( sometimes …except when her social shoulds kick in …. And they kick in after she is no longer worried about keeping your UNDIVIDED ATTENTION …. After the I love you honor statement has been made and tested enough to show your state of SUBMISSION to your personel HONOR.
Ahh honor a fancy word for the ..INSTINCT example of our cousin gorilla when he creates and defends a territory with his life for the FAMILY http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html over and over i want to remeid you about the sc ience the FOR PROFIT medical industry fills you with the fear of and the promise of DNA …… and it’s power . you are an ANIMAL .. a DNA great APE .. mostly the SAVANNAH APE who instead of playing the lush jungle … lived with rocks and FIRE ECO systems …. Playing with rocks created sparks repeated cause and effect ,,, created over time our tool FIRE …
But thinking about you and me ….. truth is you will always filter any interaction with a chick thru the..LENSE of your first INFATUATUING SIGHT … of her ..that set point ….. created by strong emotions , that concretes memeory and the associated strands ….ahhh not only is this agreat show to learn about Quantum theory but also for bio mechinics ( remember you as a point of view of Tao came to experience the bEING-NESS of an DNA bio mechaine. http://www.whatthebleep.com
And the truth is ..that if she was not a smiling chick then you probably only USED her viritcal smiles for fucking ans spent little to know other time around the …. BITCH …
What is important her beauty is tied directly to her smiles … bio chemicall hormonailly it is ther VERTICAL SMILE her pussy …. HUMAN wise it is her happiness smile .
In the morning when her hair is all fucked up and her sexy clothes are nothing but a pile of shit on the floor it is the SMILE on her face the joy in the sound of her voice which it …ATTRACTIVE …and that is what keeps you coming back ..day after day ,, week after week until your INSTINCT … of family …. Or silver back gorilla is voiced in words of …I LOVE YOU …… never ever does it realy have any thing to do with the sexy clothes of the jewelry or her hair do ..or her French nails …..
Ohh well I can be wrong and I am often wrong for so many men now adays are acting like women ……. That they care more about what others think of them than what they think for themselves ….. THINK FOR YOURSELF . that they need a chick who is … ahh I don’t what word to use …… but maybe you do ..that would be much better than me filling you with words to lead you into thinking about the experiences of your life to such a point that you thougt my words up for me ….. hey in that way it would not even matter if my spelling was any good for you would be so stimulated by a simple thread of thought as to fill in the blanks … on your own
WHOLE-ISTIC ……. The bio machine …. And the idea of how memeory is imprinted by emtions ….. and chemicals and stress ….. and sexual frustration .
The EVE … thought form …built around the greed of entertaining the KINGS of old with sexy girls ( daughters ) ..so to gain a foot hold in the court and social structure that revolves around PHAROH …… patterns passed down THOUGHTLESSY …. For 1000’s of years just because certain people in powerful positions wanted to protect their powerful posisitons for themselves and those important to them ..as to ….. not care about any truths ….. hmmmmm think ? the art of belly dancing 10,000 years ago ,,the current industry of stripping ? and the sexual frustration and manipulation of sexy clthes actions … COYNESS …. Social conventions …
And the effects of these manipulations? http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
PURE want to fuck
Pure want to fuck
And I am wondering to myself is FANTASY a pure want ? hey young master you KNOW that I ain’t got IT ! … experience is adventure for every one of us always in ALL WAYS ..there ain’t NO ONE with the Answer for you ..they can give ideas … info ..SPICES from the isials of the grocery soptre of IN FI NITE POSSIBLES … but you in your experience …. Have to do the living . as they have to do their living for themselves by them selves ,,, loads of teachers maybe so sad in what they have experienced and what they see around … that they would like it to be a state of 1….. 1 pure concepts …but not here that is not what … this DREAM of time/space is about ..distilling things back inot a state of 1 but the exploration thru SEPERATION of all … ALL POSSIBLES .. all possible story lines or naovels ..or adventures and each comes up twith what WORKS and ( does not work out for them ( hey even the horror lives in the state of TAO …. Will nothing more than just the GREATEST of horror fils you have ever seen while being here alive ….
Ohh but back to sex …… and your alone time ….. that time when you are doing your step 2 of the 5steps … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and i am wondering how much of SEX FANYASY could be classiflied as PURE wanting …. Wants with out the Baggage of needs …. Which are the focus in Truth of the state where you are not …thinking of where you want to go …for remember each NAO SECOND …the HERE AND NOW … is disappearing becoming justexperinced DAT or memeory in the inifite state of tao possibles …… reality is a NANO SECOND expression of QUANTUM FORM ….. the quantum being a thing for that nao second … an AGREEMENT of ATTRACTION .. assembling into what is EXPECTED … the constant Assembalage …of the universe …. Like pages of matter we travel thru the pages so fast like ,,, images on a movie film … like expressions of data assembling on the screen and then dissaparing …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html and http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html
Are your dreams of SEX your wants …. PURE or poisoned by limits and fears and mostly …. MOSTLY FRUSTRATIONS … remember sex is supposed to be a antural everyday part of being the savannah ape ..that we are ..we are from a very NATURAL nudist sexually recreation DAN strand ..of GREAT apes … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html in the REPRESSION of your INSTINCTS you act out of a state of HORMONE frustrations …
“ you will find it all very exciting at first .But can you last more than a night ? More than a week ? More than a month ? Will you want to be his slave 3 months from now? “ there is a lot of good and shityy info in the book compleat slave . http://www.amazon.com/Compleat-Slave-Creating-submissive-Lifestyle/dp/1881943135
there is the needy ness state of one who has lost her sence of self so much as to desire SLAVEHOOD and as her sence of self comes back her self esteem the relationship that first formed …will change she will no longer be that PURE FOLLOWER she came to you ..young master as …… ahhh the step1 once again the NEVER …EVER ENDING of the adventure …. Thank god it never gets done perfection is so boring we leave the state of TAO to be here in the agreement state of Limits …..forgetting WHO AND WHAT WE ARE .
THAT IS WHY ON THE section about children in http://www.instinctualism.org/relationship_contract.html there is a guide …. Guidelines NO just ideas spices for you to use to make your own Pie ….. ideas
6 months …make sure that the Fansty state born from the contrast the wants the pains and confusions of living in a fairy tale ..passed down thru the ages for 1000’s of years written by such smart reverded men of knowledge that men after men have just REJURTATED the spices of some one elses life experience …. http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
fansty is important … it is thinking ….. is it the thinking that I will be FOREVER jackin off to porn images? ..is it the tool of stimulating PURE THOUGHTS .that combine with ..the ACTIONS of PASSIONS ..that get you out of bed everyday in the building of a THOUGHT FORM life style ,,, now we have a PURER .. ( never pure noever done never compleat …. Always with the Op ..oppurutunity to exeperinece a contrast ) a purer life , based upon the expecations of the COUNTLESS tao.. beings that form the BIO MACHINE that we use … that live with Expecations built and writien in the DAN design of the form they ,,, indivuvual cells use …. To experience MULTI CELLED LIFE . AHHHHH …instincts … and th cause for the site of SPICE .. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
( think for yourself ,,feel … it … remember you have been trained to accept living in a state of slavery ….. of limits or REPRESSIONS …. So whatyou believe is happiness maybe just happiness from with the ALLOWD limits of society and not TRUTH of your instinctual nature ….. so agin re visit the emotional guidance scale feeling the Bio chemical messages of the bio machenin you use … understand expressions of the sexual lfrustartion born of floods of HORMONES …. Strong chemicals like the MORPHINES ofendorphine and the sexual hormones of testosrones . )
what does the entertainer Ester have to say today …..
Never mind what-is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
Just an entertainer ..a teacher who if you were to listen to her tells you and everyone …I AM NOT GOD … think for yourself ,, Ester is just ranslating her ideas ..her own expressions of TAO … you can and do it for yourself also everyday …. Use her spices by free chopice and in constant learning tasting your PIE each step of the way and adjusting the Recipe that tastes RIGHT for you . ( think for yourself )
And I am wondering to myself is FANTASY a pure want ? hey young master you KNOW that I ain’t got IT ! … experience is adventure for every one of us always in ALL WAYS ..there ain’t NO ONE with the Answer for you ..they can give ideas … info ..SPICES from the isials of the grocery soptre of IN FI NITE POSSIBLES … but you in your experience …. Have to do the living . as they have to do their living for themselves by them selves ,,, loads of teachers maybe so sad in what they have experienced and what they see around … that they would like it to be a state of 1….. 1 pure concepts …but not here that is not what … this DREAM of time/space is about ..distilling things back inot a state of 1 but the exploration thru SEPERATION of all … ALL POSSIBLES .. all possible story lines or naovels ..or adventures and each comes up twith what WORKS and ( does not work out for them ( hey even the horror lives in the state of TAO …. Will nothing more than just the GREATEST of horror fils you have ever seen while being here alive ….
Ohh but back to sex …… and your alone time ….. that time when you are doing your step 2 of the 5steps … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and i am wondering how much of SEX FANYASY could be classiflied as PURE wanting …. Wants with out the Baggage of needs …. Which are the focus in Truth of the state where you are not …thinking of where you want to go …for remember each NAO SECOND …the HERE AND NOW … is disappearing becoming justexperinced DAT or memeory in the inifite state of tao possibles …… reality is a NANO SECOND expression of QUANTUM FORM ….. the quantum being a thing for that nao second … an AGREEMENT of ATTRACTION .. assembling into what is EXPECTED … the constant Assembalage …of the universe …. Like pages of matter we travel thru the pages so fast like ,,, images on a movie film … like expressions of data assembling on the screen and then dissaparing …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html and http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html
Are your dreams of SEX your wants …. PURE or poisoned by limits and fears and mostly …. MOSTLY FRUSTRATIONS … remember sex is supposed to be a antural everyday part of being the savannah ape ..that we are ..we are from a very NATURAL nudist sexually recreation DAN strand ..of GREAT apes … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html in the REPRESSION of your INSTINCTS you act out of a state of HORMONE frustrations …
“ you will find it all very exciting at first .But can you last more than a night ? More than a week ? More than a month ? Will you want to be his slave 3 months from now? “ there is a lot of good and shityy info in the book compleat slave . http://www.amazon.com/Compleat-Slave-Creating-submissive-Lifestyle/dp/1881943135
there is the needy ness state of one who has lost her sence of self so much as to desire SLAVEHOOD and as her sence of self comes back her self esteem the relationship that first formed …will change she will no longer be that PURE FOLLOWER she came to you ..young master as …… ahhh the step1 once again the NEVER …EVER ENDING of the adventure …. Thank god it never gets done perfection is so boring we leave the state of TAO to be here in the agreement state of Limits …..forgetting WHO AND WHAT WE ARE .
THAT IS WHY ON THE section about children in http://www.instinctualism.org/relationship_contract.html there is a guide …. Guidelines NO just ideas spices for you to use to make your own Pie ….. ideas
6 months …make sure that the Fansty state born from the contrast the wants the pains and confusions of living in a fairy tale ..passed down thru the ages for 1000’s of years written by such smart reverded men of knowledge that men after men have just REJURTATED the spices of some one elses life experience …. http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
fansty is important … it is thinking ….. is it the thinking that I will be FOREVER jackin off to porn images? ..is it the tool of stimulating PURE THOUGHTS .that combine with ..the ACTIONS of PASSIONS ..that get you out of bed everyday in the building of a THOUGHT FORM life style ,,, now we have a PURER .. ( never pure noever done never compleat …. Always with the Op ..oppurutunity to exeperinece a contrast ) a purer life , based upon the expecations of the COUNTLESS tao.. beings that form the BIO MACHINE that we use … that live with Expecations built and writien in the DAN design of the form they ,,, indivuvual cells use …. To experience MULTI CELLED LIFE . AHHHHH …instincts … and th cause for the site of SPICE .. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
( think for yourself ,,feel … it … remember you have been trained to accept living in a state of slavery ….. of limits or REPRESSIONS …. So whatyou believe is happiness maybe just happiness from with the ALLOWD limits of society and not TRUTH of your instinctual nature ….. so agin re visit the emotional guidance scale feeling the Bio chemical messages of the bio machenin you use … understand expressions of the sexual lfrustartion born of floods of HORMONES …. Strong chemicals like the MORPHINES ofendorphine and the sexual hormones of testosrones . )
what does the entertainer Ester have to say today …..
Never mind what-is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997
Just an entertainer ..a teacher who if you were to listen to her tells you and everyone …I AM NOT GOD … think for yourself ,, Ester is just ranslating her ideas ..her own expressions of TAO … you can and do it for yourself also everyday …. Use her spices by free chopice and in constant learning tasting your PIE each step of the way and adjusting the Recipe that tastes RIGHT for you . ( think for yourself )
Friday, January 16, 2009
saving marijuanna seeds
Saving marijuana seed
so I was talking with spot last nigh at JAMMIN’ IN JENSEN ,,,, covering the tye dye booth for Deb who is still out of town ….and spot said you can build anything on http://www.gaiaonline.com/mygaia / ( i am ...... the clown of tao ) hmmmm interesting worth giving a few minutes a day to ….. but I guess I wll need expert help building the http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html i wonder can i have custome furniture … would I be able to buy BDSM items like a Saint Andrews cross for my dungeon ? can I be a nudist on gaia ? have familys? Design gardens and fishing ponds ?
ahhh so if I were realy dealing in mari-juanna seed I guess I would have gotten your attention huh? Young master but instead I was saving …breaking and paking weed seed ..not weeds but second generation lettuce seed …… the genetic offspring of lettuce that TRHRIVED in my exact location and earth type ..seeds predisposed to growing in my world.
This theme has some angles to it ,,first is your young master…NEED TO ESCAPE …. Living the model that yu grew up in . I mean I am inot BLUE BERRYS but mine growon plants and wellthe active ingredient of your originated from plant origins ..OPIATES …. But your are ….. well from what I hear the SUBDUED slave on opiates is not as mean as you are when you are drunk so it is better for your chick and the kids for you to be ESCAPING thru opiates …blueberries ,the weekly cost even at the redeuced per hit cost I hear you are getting of 20 bucks each is still costing on aveage 100 per week not everyday … just 5 day the other days it is weed and beer …. But beer accomapanies even the blue berries …. OHHH OVER TIME opium based highs destroy sexual libidos . the deep cost of MENTAL SLAVERY not under standing the ..mind fuck that has casued to to seek ESCAPES …
But my lettuce seeds …… you laugh why would phil spend time with seeds when you can buy them at home depot for like a $1 …. Yes my orginal seed I bought there …. And yes you get 1000 sedd for a buck ….. but lets us look at ecomonics …. In many forms …first is recreational value ..ESCAPE …. Relaxation ….. and coming home and playing with NATURE in a very real way ..a way that is actually feeding me real food something I have to do EAT ….. is a satifying recreation much better than WI or TV or computer living like Giai ….. the better my plants are the happier they are for they are LIFE … beings ….. the toa expressed as the adventure of BEING …. ( lettuce ? hey why not INFINITY IS LONG ….. you got way to much time to explore every different possible life and state of BEING ….. so a part of the I … IN …. I … is being lettuce … actually me my inner self is still part of that I in I )
The thoughts that you think will — wanted or not wanted—eventually become manifestation if your vibrational accord is sufficient enough... And so, you could say, as you're launching thoughts of appreciation and things that make you feel good, that you're filling your Vibrational Escrow full of all kinds of things that are going to please you when you get there.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
Plus cash …… how much is it ..ohh first I think I am correct but like 2 years ago at Wendys you were bitching that they only gave you 1 piece of lettuce on your $3 burger … for sure you did not buy the Groody Dead animal flesh sandwich for the lettuce ,,but you NOTICING of the lack of lettuce does say something for the importance of lettuce ?? if I were to have fresh lettce everyday ..fresh organic lettce ibis types from lets say WHOLE FOODS markets http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com honestly with the life sapn of lettuce etc ….. it would end up over the months to have daily fresh lettuce a per day cost of about $1 …….
That bag of wild-IZED genetically modified by nature to thrive in my location …. Had enough seeds ( lettuce plants I let bolt then collected the seeds heads as they matured ) to provided about 3 sets of planting or about 3 to 4 months worth of lettuce grazing …. Or about $120 worth of the freshest most natural foods that you can not even buy at a store … the true meaning of the PHRASE …..EAT local ! …..
And you think $120 over 4 months who cares ..well you should dipshit ,,,, you are still living with mommy and daddy with you girll and the kids you have given her in onw room ….. why because you ….. are a ……____________ you fill it in ( slave to ecomony who has to excape the PAIN of being a man …. Of the divide and conquer .. not thinking for your self about what has happened and the MODEL you are now providing for your won BIO LOGICAL OFFSPRING ? )
Ahh the toatll complexity of it …..saving lettuce seeds something I can buy for a buck sounds like a waste of time when I could be escaping like you HIGH ON ..WHAT EVER ? being KEWL
so I was talking with spot last nigh at JAMMIN’ IN JENSEN ,,,, covering the tye dye booth for Deb who is still out of town ….and spot said you can build anything on http://www.gaiaonline.com/mygaia / ( i am ...... the clown of tao ) hmmmm interesting worth giving a few minutes a day to ….. but I guess I wll need expert help building the http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html i wonder can i have custome furniture … would I be able to buy BDSM items like a Saint Andrews cross for my dungeon ? can I be a nudist on gaia ? have familys? Design gardens and fishing ponds ?
ahhh so if I were realy dealing in mari-juanna seed I guess I would have gotten your attention huh? Young master but instead I was saving …breaking and paking weed seed ..not weeds but second generation lettuce seed …… the genetic offspring of lettuce that TRHRIVED in my exact location and earth type ..seeds predisposed to growing in my world.
This theme has some angles to it ,,first is your young master…NEED TO ESCAPE …. Living the model that yu grew up in . I mean I am inot BLUE BERRYS but mine growon plants and wellthe active ingredient of your originated from plant origins ..OPIATES …. But your are ….. well from what I hear the SUBDUED slave on opiates is not as mean as you are when you are drunk so it is better for your chick and the kids for you to be ESCAPING thru opiates …blueberries ,the weekly cost even at the redeuced per hit cost I hear you are getting of 20 bucks each is still costing on aveage 100 per week not everyday … just 5 day the other days it is weed and beer …. But beer accomapanies even the blue berries …. OHHH OVER TIME opium based highs destroy sexual libidos . the deep cost of MENTAL SLAVERY not under standing the ..mind fuck that has casued to to seek ESCAPES …
But my lettuce seeds …… you laugh why would phil spend time with seeds when you can buy them at home depot for like a $1 …. Yes my orginal seed I bought there …. And yes you get 1000 sedd for a buck ….. but lets us look at ecomonics …. In many forms …first is recreational value ..ESCAPE …. Relaxation ….. and coming home and playing with NATURE in a very real way ..a way that is actually feeding me real food something I have to do EAT ….. is a satifying recreation much better than WI or TV or computer living like Giai ….. the better my plants are the happier they are for they are LIFE … beings ….. the toa expressed as the adventure of BEING …. ( lettuce ? hey why not INFINITY IS LONG ….. you got way to much time to explore every different possible life and state of BEING ….. so a part of the I … IN …. I … is being lettuce … actually me my inner self is still part of that I in I )
The thoughts that you think will — wanted or not wanted—eventually become manifestation if your vibrational accord is sufficient enough... And so, you could say, as you're launching thoughts of appreciation and things that make you feel good, that you're filling your Vibrational Escrow full of all kinds of things that are going to please you when you get there.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
Plus cash …… how much is it ..ohh first I think I am correct but like 2 years ago at Wendys you were bitching that they only gave you 1 piece of lettuce on your $3 burger … for sure you did not buy the Groody Dead animal flesh sandwich for the lettuce ,,but you NOTICING of the lack of lettuce does say something for the importance of lettuce ?? if I were to have fresh lettce everyday ..fresh organic lettce ibis types from lets say WHOLE FOODS markets http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com honestly with the life sapn of lettuce etc ….. it would end up over the months to have daily fresh lettuce a per day cost of about $1 …….
That bag of wild-IZED genetically modified by nature to thrive in my location …. Had enough seeds ( lettuce plants I let bolt then collected the seeds heads as they matured ) to provided about 3 sets of planting or about 3 to 4 months worth of lettuce grazing …. Or about $120 worth of the freshest most natural foods that you can not even buy at a store … the true meaning of the PHRASE …..EAT local ! …..
And you think $120 over 4 months who cares ..well you should dipshit ,,,, you are still living with mommy and daddy with you girll and the kids you have given her in onw room ….. why because you ….. are a ……____________ you fill it in ( slave to ecomony who has to excape the PAIN of being a man …. Of the divide and conquer .. not thinking for your self about what has happened and the MODEL you are now providing for your won BIO LOGICAL OFFSPRING ? )
Ahh the toatll complexity of it …..saving lettuce seeds something I can buy for a buck sounds like a waste of time when I could be escaping like you HIGH ON ..WHAT EVER ? being KEWL
Thursday, January 15, 2009
give me orgasims
Give me orgasims
GMO .. does that what it stands for young mster …. The master of your own life ..free to think to observe to choose between the wanted and un wanted … free from the SHOULDS of others is that what is meant by MASTER … is that you ..( nope not yet )
GMO give me orgasisms ….. laugh laugh giggle giggle ….. dream dream? Fantasy fantasy ? GMO is genentically MODIFIED orgasim …. OR GAN ISM … a plant is an ORGAN – ISM ……. It has organ ,,, hey you dipshit have organs also …. Bio mechanics . individual life … indidivula cells that reproduce themselves for duty with in structure TRUE yet indidivual cells that FEED from the foods genenetated from the activitiy of th whole …… just look at the start of multi celled organisms … how they found that CO-OPERATION benifted them all until the eveolved a depednce on that FORM and structure …. Yet it all started from SINGLE life ….. and the single LIFE form theme is still the basis ….
The coprartion is based upon the USE of ..SINGLE CELLS OR HUMANS .. that co-operate … until such time that the single cells believe they are like fucking TRAPPED inot Dependdance on the CORP for life ..wrong !
Your gran mother and grand father what are they around 68 , 70 years old that means they were born around 1940 ….hmmmm in the early 1940’s before the effects of the INDUSTRIAL MACHINE BUILT TO SUSTAIN the war effort ….. took hold of US . in the 1940’s in the life time of your direct still living family ….
60% of the food eaten by AMERICANS was grown at home ! at home that means fruit from the trees in their yards …. Small patches of vegetable … that means the eating of the hickory nuts that littered the lawns instead of the grumbling about them and throwing them away ….. 60% GROWN fro seeds at home …not just food cooked at home
hell now adays you do not even cook 60% of your own meals but eat …… foods CREATED to TASTE certain ways thru ADDICTIVE FOOD ADDICTIVES .. until you have come so ACCUSTOMED to that flovoring that you do not even cook your own foods at all , but just RE HEAT foods prepared by the ORGANISM … the coprpartion . Trained to believe you are Dependant on the system .
60% so that means maybe the breads the grains were not grown and GRINdED at home ..that most meats were not raised at home but that almost every other things eaten was grown at home ….. and the all important COFFEE was of course not grown at home that had to be imported … like bananas … and coco or chocolate …. Etc tropical stuff .
http://www.instinctualism.org/free_food.html in particular i want to re touch on http://www.squarefootgardening.com/ square foot gardening ….. 3 boxes 4 foot by foot foot ..given 5 minutes of attention per day …. 5 minutes that is less than the commercial time you get FORCE feed per ½ while watcing the BRAIN DRAIN machine the boob tube …… getting your entertainment since life sucks so much yu have force yourself to live hours longer in states of axiety in search of some sort of bliss and relaxation ..since SERVICE to PHAROH or the corporation is draining you !
lat june ‘08 I started on … it failed … in failure I should have given up ….. hmmm welll young mater look at how you much effort you give many other tings you start and how fast you give up at the first few signs of FAILURE ?
well I did not ..the world of plants was not waiting for phil … but now since Oct’08 I have been able to go out every day and harvest or GRAZE like a Grasshopper with Rabies ….. on 1 box ( made another but I did not RESPECT the LOGIC behind the GRID and it did not produce as BOUNTIFULLY as the GRIDED box …. I have now 3 boxes growing in cycle ….. having my lunch salads each day for months now of fresh KALES CHARDS 2 LETTUCES radish greems onion and garlic greens and spinachs …. And finally I am having dinners at home from home HIGH PROTEIN beans included frsh baby carrots etc etc etc …..
ohh ,,, I ate all my chcickens already … I need to re work my sytem once again before I bring in more chicks ,, I was not happy with it to much effort …things have to be SIMPLE EASY FUN …….. move to wards your bliss .
hmmm I can understand how easy it is and was ..for humanity to feed itself how did we get so TRAPPED on this dependence on the COPR for life ? like cells of multi ceeled orgaisms …… the the BEE COLONY were ..indidnvuals became nothing more than STERILE MACHINS COGS …. In the hive ….
Ohhh your choice young master …. Just a grain of sand for you to think freely about … and from it you go thru ….. the steps of choice ..free choice … between the wanted and un wanted … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
( KNOW ANY ON WHO HAS HAD CANCER? …. Did you know that 1920 and before the death rate for cancer rated causes was only 100 out of 100,000 ..while today we are reaching numbers of close to 30 in 100 who get cancers ? hmmmm just food for thought ) 1 in 1000 comared to 3 in ten …. 3 in ten means count 1 person 2 person 3 CANCER person …. 1 person 2 person 3 CANCER person …… in the life time of your just grandpappy he would have had to SPEND all day counting a 1000 people to get to that 1 cancer person … all this in the life time of your family
GMO .. does that what it stands for young mster …. The master of your own life ..free to think to observe to choose between the wanted and un wanted … free from the SHOULDS of others is that what is meant by MASTER … is that you ..( nope not yet )
GMO give me orgasisms ….. laugh laugh giggle giggle ….. dream dream? Fantasy fantasy ? GMO is genentically MODIFIED orgasim …. OR GAN ISM … a plant is an ORGAN – ISM ……. It has organ ,,, hey you dipshit have organs also …. Bio mechanics . individual life … indidivula cells that reproduce themselves for duty with in structure TRUE yet indidivual cells that FEED from the foods genenetated from the activitiy of th whole …… just look at the start of multi celled organisms … how they found that CO-OPERATION benifted them all until the eveolved a depednce on that FORM and structure …. Yet it all started from SINGLE life ….. and the single LIFE form theme is still the basis ….
The coprartion is based upon the USE of ..SINGLE CELLS OR HUMANS .. that co-operate … until such time that the single cells believe they are like fucking TRAPPED inot Dependdance on the CORP for life ..wrong !
Your gran mother and grand father what are they around 68 , 70 years old that means they were born around 1940 ….hmmmm in the early 1940’s before the effects of the INDUSTRIAL MACHINE BUILT TO SUSTAIN the war effort ….. took hold of US . in the 1940’s in the life time of your direct still living family ….
60% of the food eaten by AMERICANS was grown at home ! at home that means fruit from the trees in their yards …. Small patches of vegetable … that means the eating of the hickory nuts that littered the lawns instead of the grumbling about them and throwing them away ….. 60% GROWN fro seeds at home …not just food cooked at home
hell now adays you do not even cook 60% of your own meals but eat …… foods CREATED to TASTE certain ways thru ADDICTIVE FOOD ADDICTIVES .. until you have come so ACCUSTOMED to that flovoring that you do not even cook your own foods at all , but just RE HEAT foods prepared by the ORGANISM … the coprpartion . Trained to believe you are Dependant on the system .
60% so that means maybe the breads the grains were not grown and GRINdED at home ..that most meats were not raised at home but that almost every other things eaten was grown at home ….. and the all important COFFEE was of course not grown at home that had to be imported … like bananas … and coco or chocolate …. Etc tropical stuff .
http://www.instinctualism.org/free_food.html in particular i want to re touch on http://www.squarefootgardening.com/ square foot gardening ….. 3 boxes 4 foot by foot foot ..given 5 minutes of attention per day …. 5 minutes that is less than the commercial time you get FORCE feed per ½ while watcing the BRAIN DRAIN machine the boob tube …… getting your entertainment since life sucks so much yu have force yourself to live hours longer in states of axiety in search of some sort of bliss and relaxation ..since SERVICE to PHAROH or the corporation is draining you !
lat june ‘08 I started on … it failed … in failure I should have given up ….. hmmm welll young mater look at how you much effort you give many other tings you start and how fast you give up at the first few signs of FAILURE ?
well I did not ..the world of plants was not waiting for phil … but now since Oct’08 I have been able to go out every day and harvest or GRAZE like a Grasshopper with Rabies ….. on 1 box ( made another but I did not RESPECT the LOGIC behind the GRID and it did not produce as BOUNTIFULLY as the GRIDED box …. I have now 3 boxes growing in cycle ….. having my lunch salads each day for months now of fresh KALES CHARDS 2 LETTUCES radish greems onion and garlic greens and spinachs …. And finally I am having dinners at home from home HIGH PROTEIN beans included frsh baby carrots etc etc etc …..
ohh ,,, I ate all my chcickens already … I need to re work my sytem once again before I bring in more chicks ,, I was not happy with it to much effort …things have to be SIMPLE EASY FUN …….. move to wards your bliss .
hmmm I can understand how easy it is and was ..for humanity to feed itself how did we get so TRAPPED on this dependence on the COPR for life ? like cells of multi ceeled orgaisms …… the the BEE COLONY were ..indidnvuals became nothing more than STERILE MACHINS COGS …. In the hive ….
Ohhh your choice young master …. Just a grain of sand for you to think freely about … and from it you go thru ….. the steps of choice ..free choice … between the wanted and un wanted … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
( KNOW ANY ON WHO HAS HAD CANCER? …. Did you know that 1920 and before the death rate for cancer rated causes was only 100 out of 100,000 ..while today we are reaching numbers of close to 30 in 100 who get cancers ? hmmmm just food for thought ) 1 in 1000 comared to 3 in ten …. 3 in ten means count 1 person 2 person 3 CANCER person …. 1 person 2 person 3 CANCER person …… in the life time of your just grandpappy he would have had to SPEND all day counting a 1000 people to get to that 1 cancer person … all this in the life time of your family
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
smiling she asked..?
Smiling she asked ….
Do you have a TREAT for me …….. smiles ,, bright happy smiles …. Actually 1000’s of people … and for her well the answer is yes … as I drop off the smilie face bag where within there is treat ..for everyone ,, what a great gig I get to walk around … listen to KRON , SYSTEM OF A DOWN , SKIN DRED ….. and hand out chocolate to to shocked smiling happy people well much happier after I shocked them out of their ..NATIVE STATE … their complacent state of accepting the same old same old …
Ohh what I am doing is the gold for the creative young master to mine from the pages of http://www.instinctualism.org/ it is one of the cash cows …. Now as I have trained some other young men on doing this to JUMP START THEIR OWN .. business adventure in years past I remember how easy it is to get that NEGATIVE MIND set even though ,, you can see SHE and the 100’s of other girls and then 1000’s of people who flock to the bag left by me in my 1 second long entertainment gig …. Yet ..out of 400 address so far ( 2 days ) … I had 1 onloy 1 B I T C H … who said HEY YOU HEY YOU you can not leave anything here ….well I was already gone by the time she could start complaining the other 3 girls stylists in the shop were smiling and laughing
But would you remember ….. the NEGATIVES or the 1000’s of paositeves ,, all the smiling children who run up to you and give you hugs ,, people who stop you for a photo ….. all the cute girls BEAMING happiness at seeing something other than sadness in the world …… or would you FOUCS ON THE . BEE … I ..tch …. So deprtessed she can no longer smile ? interesting thing about the men I told to do this in past years to a 1 all of them ,, felt un comfortable un cool em-bare ass-ed and used the FOCUS ON a 1 negative response ( 1 out of 400 is a ngative response on the level of less that point .25 % .. less than 1 percent way fucking less than one percent … only a ¼ percent … 99.75 percent GOOD …. Life is good ) or they would stop becaue of the signs every where about soliciting ,,hey but solicitng is SELLING …… the UPS GUY IS a delivery man …. FED EX .. or the psot office all delivery people bringing stuff to people who may or MAYNOT hve been expecting a delivery ……hmmmmm you see no signs stated NO DELIVERYS ALLOWED . because to do that would illegalized UPS , OR FED EX or the post office … what limits do you want to create for yourself young master ?
Just to support you KEWL your self image ,, your position in the eyes of others ? keeping up with the JONES huh ?
Ok well remember these piece of wisdom if you are going to start a cash cow young master …… the world has not been sitting around waiting for young master to start a project and when you transition ( die ) the world will keep on going just fine without you in it ….. it will take atleast 3 good strong direct contacts with a prospect done over 3 months for your message to sink in …. Suerte
Do you have a TREAT for me …….. smiles ,, bright happy smiles …. Actually 1000’s of people … and for her well the answer is yes … as I drop off the smilie face bag where within there is treat ..for everyone ,, what a great gig I get to walk around … listen to KRON , SYSTEM OF A DOWN , SKIN DRED ….. and hand out chocolate to to shocked smiling happy people well much happier after I shocked them out of their ..NATIVE STATE … their complacent state of accepting the same old same old …
Ohh what I am doing is the gold for the creative young master to mine from the pages of http://www.instinctualism.org/ it is one of the cash cows …. Now as I have trained some other young men on doing this to JUMP START THEIR OWN .. business adventure in years past I remember how easy it is to get that NEGATIVE MIND set even though ,, you can see SHE and the 100’s of other girls and then 1000’s of people who flock to the bag left by me in my 1 second long entertainment gig …. Yet ..out of 400 address so far ( 2 days ) … I had 1 onloy 1 B I T C H … who said HEY YOU HEY YOU you can not leave anything here ….well I was already gone by the time she could start complaining the other 3 girls stylists in the shop were smiling and laughing
But would you remember ….. the NEGATIVES or the 1000’s of paositeves ,, all the smiling children who run up to you and give you hugs ,, people who stop you for a photo ….. all the cute girls BEAMING happiness at seeing something other than sadness in the world …… or would you FOUCS ON THE . BEE … I ..tch …. So deprtessed she can no longer smile ? interesting thing about the men I told to do this in past years to a 1 all of them ,, felt un comfortable un cool em-bare ass-ed and used the FOCUS ON a 1 negative response ( 1 out of 400 is a ngative response on the level of less that point .25 % .. less than 1 percent way fucking less than one percent … only a ¼ percent … 99.75 percent GOOD …. Life is good ) or they would stop becaue of the signs every where about soliciting ,,hey but solicitng is SELLING …… the UPS GUY IS a delivery man …. FED EX .. or the psot office all delivery people bringing stuff to people who may or MAYNOT hve been expecting a delivery ……hmmmmm you see no signs stated NO DELIVERYS ALLOWED . because to do that would illegalized UPS , OR FED EX or the post office … what limits do you want to create for yourself young master ?
Just to support you KEWL your self image ,, your position in the eyes of others ? keeping up with the JONES huh ?
Ok well remember these piece of wisdom if you are going to start a cash cow young master …… the world has not been sitting around waiting for young master to start a project and when you transition ( die ) the world will keep on going just fine without you in it ….. it will take atleast 3 good strong direct contacts with a prospect done over 3 months for your message to sink in …. Suerte
petting pussys
Petting pussy’s
Petting pussy to get it warm wet and excited usre that is ,, growing towards the sunlight ,,I find it feels good …. I like going fishing that feels good I do that I do not like horror flicks …. That does not feel good I am not into that …. I like SKIN DRED .. I go to their shows ,,, that feels good … I am not inot country msic that does not feel good I do not go there … but I do go here http://www.instinctualism.org/
The kitchen of this unverse this life is stocked with a bunch of different spices if you do not want HOT SAUCE in your choclate pie them AVAIOD the fuicking hot sauce isle while buying shit to make your fucking pie
So young master when you encounter some chick TRAPPED by her own free choice to IGNORE REALITY and live in the DREAM remember we are all EQUAL ..she is living her own SELF CHOOSEN night mare and asking you not to pet her psuuy but pet her DEAD CAT ..her stinky decaying dead cat ….. all gooey in bad emotions which will stick to your hands and make you smell like death and NOT HAVING FUN … like her ..but she likes that …that is her advbenture ..it does not have to be yours .
As you think you will actract …. What is your PURE WANTS ? ( for me to have people come around with dead cats ,,, helps timulate writing ahhh I ENJOY WRITING .. so her DEAD cat is FERTILIZER for …. She works in the ARENA of shit to generate fertilizer ofr my GOOD FEELINGS which is to write …. I believe she is choosing her adventure ..i believe we are I in I ,,,, soul mates … I am even equyal soul mates to bugs and trees .. all points of view of quantas .. indivual equals .
Now I do not want her shit in my pie ….. I just want aspice for a dish …. Called my morning BLOG …. Nothing more .. I choose to ignore her in her HAPPINESS OF CREATING AND SUSTAINING HER OWN MISERY …. IN THE FACE OF … other free choices which she chooses to ignore and NOT THINK FOR HERSELF ABOUT …not my life … not my universe ..but hers to have adventure in …. Not mine to jugde right or worng except thru what I want to live in my own ..day to days .
I do not like horror stories ,, so I don’t watch’em .. simple realy .
Ohhh her horror story is ..one of not getting her SELF WORTH … generated by men adoring her ….. her self worth from the actions of others …. We are designed to CO-EXISIT be family but self worth is ..of SELF
Next is ..the CHRONIC effect of shitty thinking ..of ignoring the messages of FEELINGS till you FEEL LIKE SHIT ……. You will GET your attention eventually …if you are thinking in ways that are of a FOCUS that is NOT FUN …. The accumulated effect will be DIS – EASE …and dis EASE cn be like an OLD INJURY FLAIR UP …. Just feel young master that when you are livng ..really living not thinking JUDGING YOUR THOUGHTS ..thinking about the SHOULDS OF OTHERS … and maybe how others have treated you wrong did NOT provide you with what only you can provide your self ..self esteem …. He or she made me FEEL /// that means you are truly under the control of someone else and you have no RIGHTS …but that is not the reality …it is your won choices of thinking or awareness that ADDS up to the life and way you FEEL now .
Clock watching … your focus is not on the FUN aspects of your now the 97% that is good the stuff you may want ( not a should but I could have written this using the words should ..as in .. you ahould do this or that ..but NO I put in a grain of sand into your shell from where your own thinking will create the pearls ) you may want to write in a book called the book of POSITIVE ASPECTS ..the actions of thinking about the positive then realy writing then out in ink on paper helps EMBEDD the TRUTH About the life you are iving and helps you imenesly in times when you are FEELING …. Shitty . and never is you choice to focus on the SHITTY never is it the repsonsiblity of someone else to be or do something else it is you who has to choose what to FOCUS on .
It is cold today ….. I wasrunning wearing a HODDIE … tighted tight so as not to let the cold wind rool against my head amdn face to much …. ( strange how MUCH FASHION plays on peoples actions ….. I watched two girls yesterday not ..NOT use their umbrella while walking in the rain at first they were using it then they closed it ,,, I could see from the expressions on their faces that they were not happy walking in the cold rain …so I thought why would they close the umbrella and be UNCOMFORTABLE ? AND I THOUGHT ABOUT self ESTEEM AND fashion AND HOW SOME PEOPLE THINK MORE ABOUT HOW OTHERS LOOK AT THEM THEN THEIR OWN comfort AND THE goofy umbrella THEY had was not fashionable …. Fashion was more important than comfort …
So my hoddie was comfort ..but it limited my ablitly to watch clouds …. And get lost in my run ….. and to limit the wind I had to keep my head down on my run ..kinda of PLOD along … and then I found myself getting lost in the passing of the WHITE line on the road …a nd as I got PURELY … lost in the NOW of watching the nuiacnces of the white line I found I had run way on past ..PAST my run to point not winded or even notincing that I SHOULD HAVE BEEN some what WINDED or some how tired ?
And plus again the INDICATOR … discomfort I have been feeling on and off for the last couple of days was NO WHERE TO BE FELT …. But I had been noticing that same MAGIC … for 3 days now … when I was into laughing talking with friends and customers I felt no DISCOMFORT .. when I was not PURELY FOCUSED in the fun of my now .. I felt ..the tightness in my chest to the point it realy did hurt … but I am yet ot get the TRIGGER of the DIS-EASE …. Clear in my mind or … worse yet .. I know what iti is but the PLEASER ASPECT OF ME will not allow myself to admit it …
Ahhh the truth about CHRONIC anxiety and stress ….. is the living for others , when the truth is they need to LIVE FOR THEMSELVES ..be respondsilbe for their own goals choices happiness …… they have the same rights of FREE THINKING as I do . but humans are NICE SPECIES …. So we are often over concerned with PLESING THOSE who are important to us ….. to the point we cause ourselves dis comfort ..and then be come UN USE FULL TO them or ourselves ….. ahhhhhhh if I were to go begging of a doctor please SEARCH out the cause ofr my DISCOMFIORT ..he could very easly come back with a DIA ANGLE KNOWS ….. a knowing form an angle not from within … and call my discocmfrt … maybe CANCERS …. But I go OT to search for his OPION OF IT the disease ..but realize the truth about the SELF REPARING bio machine ….i can tap pinot the that REGENERATIVE nature of bio mechanics evidenced in all life ( expcept of the DAN human who searches out the KNOWING OF SOME ONE ELSE LIKE A PHD. ) http://www.instinctualism.org/cancers_blessing.html my dis comfort is ,,me talking to myself ..saying ..yur focus is wrong … are you looking at the goal phil and not living the run ? …… are you living in a state of needy ….. instead of INTEREST and happy ..captured by the 97% of great things all around you ? am I worried about how I look in the eyes of other people ? all of this is probably true and it all diss appears the second I get ….. living life .. being mister I DON’T KNOW …. http://www.instinctualism.org/zhaungzi.html the observations of the sages Zhaungzi from 1000’s of years ago when they wondered why do we NOW HAVE TUMORS and disease ?
Whatever you are giving your attention to is already vibrating. And when you give your attention to it, if you maintain your focus for as little as 17 seconds, you begin to include its vibration, whatever it is, in your vibration. When you see something you want, and you give it your attention, and you say yes to it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. When you see something you do not want, and you shout no at it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. In this vibrational world, which is everything, you are far more vibrational beings than you are verbal beings. You are communicating with everyone far more on a vibrational basis, than you are on a verbal basis. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Sunday, July 11th, 1999
Petting pussy to get it warm wet and excited usre that is ,, growing towards the sunlight ,,I find it feels good …. I like going fishing that feels good I do that I do not like horror flicks …. That does not feel good I am not into that …. I like SKIN DRED .. I go to their shows ,,, that feels good … I am not inot country msic that does not feel good I do not go there … but I do go here http://www.instinctualism.org/
The kitchen of this unverse this life is stocked with a bunch of different spices if you do not want HOT SAUCE in your choclate pie them AVAIOD the fuicking hot sauce isle while buying shit to make your fucking pie
So young master when you encounter some chick TRAPPED by her own free choice to IGNORE REALITY and live in the DREAM remember we are all EQUAL ..she is living her own SELF CHOOSEN night mare and asking you not to pet her psuuy but pet her DEAD CAT ..her stinky decaying dead cat ….. all gooey in bad emotions which will stick to your hands and make you smell like death and NOT HAVING FUN … like her ..but she likes that …that is her advbenture ..it does not have to be yours .
As you think you will actract …. What is your PURE WANTS ? ( for me to have people come around with dead cats ,,, helps timulate writing ahhh I ENJOY WRITING .. so her DEAD cat is FERTILIZER for …. She works in the ARENA of shit to generate fertilizer ofr my GOOD FEELINGS which is to write …. I believe she is choosing her adventure ..i believe we are I in I ,,,, soul mates … I am even equyal soul mates to bugs and trees .. all points of view of quantas .. indivual equals .
Now I do not want her shit in my pie ….. I just want aspice for a dish …. Called my morning BLOG …. Nothing more .. I choose to ignore her in her HAPPINESS OF CREATING AND SUSTAINING HER OWN MISERY …. IN THE FACE OF … other free choices which she chooses to ignore and NOT THINK FOR HERSELF ABOUT …not my life … not my universe ..but hers to have adventure in …. Not mine to jugde right or worng except thru what I want to live in my own ..day to days .
I do not like horror stories ,, so I don’t watch’em .. simple realy .
Ohhh her horror story is ..one of not getting her SELF WORTH … generated by men adoring her ….. her self worth from the actions of others …. We are designed to CO-EXISIT be family but self worth is ..of SELF
Next is ..the CHRONIC effect of shitty thinking ..of ignoring the messages of FEELINGS till you FEEL LIKE SHIT ……. You will GET your attention eventually …if you are thinking in ways that are of a FOCUS that is NOT FUN …. The accumulated effect will be DIS – EASE …and dis EASE cn be like an OLD INJURY FLAIR UP …. Just feel young master that when you are livng ..really living not thinking JUDGING YOUR THOUGHTS ..thinking about the SHOULDS OF OTHERS … and maybe how others have treated you wrong did NOT provide you with what only you can provide your self ..self esteem …. He or she made me FEEL /// that means you are truly under the control of someone else and you have no RIGHTS …but that is not the reality …it is your won choices of thinking or awareness that ADDS up to the life and way you FEEL now .
Clock watching … your focus is not on the FUN aspects of your now the 97% that is good the stuff you may want ( not a should but I could have written this using the words should ..as in .. you ahould do this or that ..but NO I put in a grain of sand into your shell from where your own thinking will create the pearls ) you may want to write in a book called the book of POSITIVE ASPECTS ..the actions of thinking about the positive then realy writing then out in ink on paper helps EMBEDD the TRUTH About the life you are iving and helps you imenesly in times when you are FEELING …. Shitty . and never is you choice to focus on the SHITTY never is it the repsonsiblity of someone else to be or do something else it is you who has to choose what to FOCUS on .
It is cold today ….. I wasrunning wearing a HODDIE … tighted tight so as not to let the cold wind rool against my head amdn face to much …. ( strange how MUCH FASHION plays on peoples actions ….. I watched two girls yesterday not ..NOT use their umbrella while walking in the rain at first they were using it then they closed it ,,, I could see from the expressions on their faces that they were not happy walking in the cold rain …so I thought why would they close the umbrella and be UNCOMFORTABLE ? AND I THOUGHT ABOUT self ESTEEM AND fashion AND HOW SOME PEOPLE THINK MORE ABOUT HOW OTHERS LOOK AT THEM THEN THEIR OWN comfort AND THE goofy umbrella THEY had was not fashionable …. Fashion was more important than comfort …
So my hoddie was comfort ..but it limited my ablitly to watch clouds …. And get lost in my run ….. and to limit the wind I had to keep my head down on my run ..kinda of PLOD along … and then I found myself getting lost in the passing of the WHITE line on the road …a nd as I got PURELY … lost in the NOW of watching the nuiacnces of the white line I found I had run way on past ..PAST my run to point not winded or even notincing that I SHOULD HAVE BEEN some what WINDED or some how tired ?
And plus again the INDICATOR … discomfort I have been feeling on and off for the last couple of days was NO WHERE TO BE FELT …. But I had been noticing that same MAGIC … for 3 days now … when I was into laughing talking with friends and customers I felt no DISCOMFORT .. when I was not PURELY FOCUSED in the fun of my now .. I felt ..the tightness in my chest to the point it realy did hurt … but I am yet ot get the TRIGGER of the DIS-EASE …. Clear in my mind or … worse yet .. I know what iti is but the PLEASER ASPECT OF ME will not allow myself to admit it …
Ahhh the truth about CHRONIC anxiety and stress ….. is the living for others , when the truth is they need to LIVE FOR THEMSELVES ..be respondsilbe for their own goals choices happiness …… they have the same rights of FREE THINKING as I do . but humans are NICE SPECIES …. So we are often over concerned with PLESING THOSE who are important to us ….. to the point we cause ourselves dis comfort ..and then be come UN USE FULL TO them or ourselves ….. ahhhhhhh if I were to go begging of a doctor please SEARCH out the cause ofr my DISCOMFIORT ..he could very easly come back with a DIA ANGLE KNOWS ….. a knowing form an angle not from within … and call my discocmfrt … maybe CANCERS …. But I go OT to search for his OPION OF IT the disease ..but realize the truth about the SELF REPARING bio machine ….i can tap pinot the that REGENERATIVE nature of bio mechanics evidenced in all life ( expcept of the DAN human who searches out the KNOWING OF SOME ONE ELSE LIKE A PHD. ) http://www.instinctualism.org/cancers_blessing.html my dis comfort is ,,me talking to myself ..saying ..yur focus is wrong … are you looking at the goal phil and not living the run ? …… are you living in a state of needy ….. instead of INTEREST and happy ..captured by the 97% of great things all around you ? am I worried about how I look in the eyes of other people ? all of this is probably true and it all diss appears the second I get ….. living life .. being mister I DON’T KNOW …. http://www.instinctualism.org/zhaungzi.html the observations of the sages Zhaungzi from 1000’s of years ago when they wondered why do we NOW HAVE TUMORS and disease ?
Whatever you are giving your attention to is already vibrating. And when you give your attention to it, if you maintain your focus for as little as 17 seconds, you begin to include its vibration, whatever it is, in your vibration. When you see something you want, and you give it your attention, and you say yes to it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. When you see something you do not want, and you shout no at it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. In this vibrational world, which is everything, you are far more vibrational beings than you are verbal beings. You are communicating with everyone far more on a vibrational basis, than you are on a verbal basis. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Sunday, July 11th, 1999
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