Young master , the dvd cover said it was the movie to define a genratin , welll not …not totally of course the WHOLE idea bout confuse and conqueur or divide and conquer is to keep the human mind so fucking confused and stressed that it can not see and understand the BULLSHIT being done by those players in the ECONOMY or in fact that the thought form humanity created actually has kinda become a life form on it’s own …. Living on 1000’s of years after the headlines and news ans human who livied in its ,,,its ,, its life.
20 percent of the effort OK put that inot AWARENESS of the problem ,,the other 80 is in ,,,FOCUS on the SOUTION your energy of thought is on the solution , there 5 steps and only 1 is devoted to UNDERSTANDING THE CONTRAST ..the problem and it that it is you can form a solution more clearly … then think in terms of the solution ,,,, because if the concepts of TAO ,, of the great whatever ??? That is so un-impossible to be considered UN graven … un writeable about … that shot beyond the go trip of human exploration of pyshics…EGO … if if if any of the spiririt aspects are realy real , and that is up to you …think for yourself … then you gotta understand
THOUGHT ARE THINGS ..what you focus on is what you find ….. Good or bad , the more you are thinking about a topic the more that issue becomes …a part of you life…
Only you can choose your thoughts REALLY ,, yes ,,your controller the ecomonmy or government ( only the latest tool of ecomony ) will bombard you ,, brain wash you , but again it is your choice to spend to much time on thie topics of CONFUSION.
War is a bandied … it is a confusion ,, to hide the REAL issues …. And the real issues are most often the power and greed of a very FEW and why do people get greedy ? It is ABOUT .. …ego items , it is the same shit as spending your only $10,000 dollars on a CLASSIC camero because you will look cool driving it ….
Look cool to WHO ? Ahhhhh back to the universal ..topic of PUSSY . AND THEN lets get simplier and look at our two DNA cousins the DNA and physical evidence of body designs we share wih EACH ,,, body desing again I bring up the thickness of your DICK young master ,,, I bring up that the pussy of the human fremale does not swell like the chimp but is designed to be NOT sperm competive …
Again I go back to twisedom of the ANCIENT SAGES .. Who looked to nature and did not see evil or fear ..or geed but saw cycles of nature where the PREDETOR WAS the tool was the doctor the surgeon of nature to help take those ready to TRANSISTION back into the TAO , to help it be a fast transition ,,, the last few minutes of FLIGHT AND FIGHT … it the beast was healthier than it thought it got away , the flood of hormones actually stimulated the immune system of the animal and it went on living or it got sicker and then easy PREY NEXT … the bite to the neck the SHOCK response so the TAOIST adventureer …..EQUAL…. EQUAL …to myself ,,, a point of view experiencer using the DNA body of a _____ blank …. When back in the TAO is COMPLETE ,, equal to me ,,,, no more advanced ,,for how can one side of the TAO be more advanced than the other side of the TAO , oooh but humanity lost and forgotten in its STORY BOOK of adventure ,,, forgetten its self …. And the toa…. Believing itself GOD LIKE …. Some how bought the lie .. Of the GREEDY … I am better than you because I have learned more shit and and use a tool like language better than you ,,, I must be BETTER ….. It forgot that with out the agreement of all the sub atomic particles … and bacterias that human life would not even BE …
Ahhh but it is the UN-IMPOSSIBLE tao , and if human POV’s want this sotry book this fairy tale then ,,, it must become a A POSSIBLE a thing from the NO 1 THING … no limits no impossible , the human POV can even pass from life into a semi-death to maintain the illusion of seperation as to then be re born to EVOVLE EVEN more but how can any thing evolve to be more that the WHOLE of TAO ? Again the illsuion of separation , as if “TOA is there and I am here outside observing TAO …. No
No you aren always again still IN TAO ….. Observing just a POINT OF VEIW
But back to WAR for 20% …. Understand ing the contrast ,,the minghty the rich the leader the EGO , again can often be found in the stimulation of the EVE greed … expressing thru the male her arm candy ….then the confusion ,,the beating of drums the MOTIVATIONAL SPEECHS OF THE charismacitc leaders …the fear of US OR THEM …. All that great brain wshing of BASIC ….
Solution ……. Trusting the flow of NAUTRE and the BILLIONS OF YEARS OF LVING … and doing step one …of
Comparing the contrast …. And realizing to change the world SWEEP YOUR OWN DOORSTEP first the evidence trail of your clean door step will be the best ,, taching method to change the whole fucking world ,,ahh the teaching of the ROMAN CHURCH and governmental control system …. The theme of the christain witmess.
Now how can BDSM really great hard fucking sex ,,the sound of a MULTI ORGASIMC WOMAN …. The smiles and laughs and giggles of playfull childern .. And the chatter for FRIENDLY co-operative women ( not gossiping greedy scared jelaousy females ) … the sound of birds and nature and the rustle of leaves from trees and fish in a lake … how can that be compared to the stress of living the life of the TTRAP of ecominc slavery the joy of receiving bills in the mail the sound of a COMPLAINING BOSS nd the office politics ,,the the sound of a worker drunk and poisined till his body in attempots to save itself from poinsins ,,foreces the .human to gag ,,, hurle pray ohhh my god to the porclean godd of the bathroom ass beer after beer is puked out all over the place HOW COULD THE WISDOM OF NATURE EVER COMPARE TO THE CREATION OF MANKIND ?
I gues that is for the individual to choose … free choice , 1 more choice to freely choose from , in fact the same theme ,, brought to you reader world fucking wide traslated for you to be choosen by you llll no matter what BraiN WASHING you grew up with what tool of ecomony a.k.a. god ,,, was used to create fear states in you … why are you reading my SHIT ?”
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
other masters pussy
Other masters pussy
Young master hopefully , you have no the baggage of learning WHAT IS ,,, like have when it comes to women and , honestly the earlier you have been exposed to the ideas of the less negativ expectation or other wise commonly called emotional baggae you will have for you hav experience with newer filters of possibility , you may not have developed the COMPOUND or come out of the closet so to say ,, and proclaimed to the next girl you have met for coffee saying , YES AND BY THE WAY I AM A POLILGAMIST AN INSTINCTUALIST ,,, I HAVE 3 HOMES .
All on the same 5 acres estate ,,,, I know calling it an estate is an EGO ,,, thing , but so is that Camero you are looking 10K for a fucking 20 year old used car when you can get a brand new Kia out of the box with 100K miles of warrenty for the same cash and better gas milleage ,,,the Camero is TOTALLY EGO …. Ohh but of course I drifted way off todays point ..of …
DAYDREAMING about fucking a tied up pussy , ,, and putting yourself in the EMOTIONAL STATE of that master ,,, if ,,if ,, you are like and the years of NEGATIVE expectation are making it so that even my daydreams ARE polluted with problems of my past , then the future I am expectin gthe future that I will live will be a lot like that which I expect to live ,,strange how that happens but I wish you would open you eyes , and relaize how what you think about does become ,,,the GENERAL the baisc life you do end up living ,,, you gotta take some time to think about what you expected and wht you lived so far in your past ….. Take time to remember ..things like th sprots aor game you have enjoyed ,, remember the daydreams you had about that ..ACTIVITY , can you Remember any , NEGATIVE expectations surrounding that activity ythat you would kinda of ..plan for while doing your daydreams ..?…. And did no you actually some what find that exact issue , your expectation coming into reality ..along with of course the GGOOOD aspects that you enjoyed ,,the core reason for engaging in the activitiy in the first place …
This is part and parcel of the Science of meta pyshihccal creation some have called it , the baisis behind the books like THINK AND GROW RICH ,, it is the teaching of the … THING the also limited aspect of the totla of un-impossible called TAO ,, known as ABRAHAM … Ester is just preforming an STREAM OF CONSIOSNESS ART … the law of wanto and atraction ..the chicken and the egg of time/space.
Ok when I was practising HYPNOSIS ..
I would often find people who could not VISION the good for themselves whther I was working with a cancer patient who wanted to stimulate their own immune system to act like it should and kill of unatural cells like the immune system had done for years automatically …. Or I was working with the many golf pro’s who UNERSTOOD the need for good REAL visional training ….. Often these people had BLOCKS about seeing something REALLY good happening to them ,,( ooh the gift of the programing revolving around seriving the GOD /king of PHAROH … it dates back that far , it resemble the trainin go the elephant who learns while a baby that it can not escape or break the rope , so that when big and large it does not realy try to break the rope ,,, because of past learning ,,, NEGATIVE EXPECTATIONS ) THIS IS VERY VERY VERY common your training will not allow you to see your own BEST GOOD becaue you think you are NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE that ,,it would not be humble of you ,,, and you even if you are extreme in your TATOOS or the GO item of your COOL car , still have , the traiing of being humble drilled into your PSHyCE.
So to get a person to FEEL the EMOTIOANL STATE not just the TV images of movies in their head ,,, BUT the real emotions which I knew brought about the best results … I would ave to have them think about some one ELSE living what it was that they wanted , ( some triners sy this is wrong , BUT THE KEY WAS to get them to FEEL mentally the feeling OF positve EXPECTATIONS …. Even if it meant it was from THE VANTAGE point of someone’s life ,,,ahhh but the reality is it is not someone elses experience of feelings , the TOOL of the other THE OTHER MATER MASTER allows you to be free of your own expectations to live the EMOTIONAL experience and postive expectations of another ,, I am not talking about just the fun of the MASTRUBATION fanasty ,,,, that is just a porno movie lacking the EMOTIONAL CONTENT of total relationships …. I am talking about ..using yes that type of mental porno
Where for example ,,, this other master has the 3tents and camel compound …. AND HE HAS THE MASTERS HOME , THAT STARTER home the 16 x 40 for himself , what would his be like , 1 giantic open room ,with a JACUZZI … a small comfy kitchen , a king size bed ,…. And padded , puppy chair , complete with safe comfy velcro strpas safely SECURE the girls who WANT WANT << AGIN ,,, feeling understand EXPECTING tha for this male ,the girls who are there are theier because they TOO are fullfilling living htier own best EXPECTATIONS ,, so it is girls who WANT TO .. ( wanto ) be tied and teased and fucked , naked the soft young slighty hairy pussy lips , slightly swelling … the pinkness and wettnes of her pussy noticeable…. The POSITIVE feeling of living that which is wanted ,,WANTED by both .. Can you feel his EMOTIONS ,,, his feeling of COMFORT …. His feeling that this is how life should be ,,, his state of not expecting anything else but hwat is his REALITY ,,, of being with girls who FREELY CHOOSE to be here now ,,, you can goo ahead and use this tied girl in this daydream for todays MASTRUBATION ..fanasty , fuck her as you want with the feeling aslo that you are giving what she wants .. And the end ing resutl is a girl totally exahausted for PENTRATIONS AND ORGASISMS , folling aound the floor felling like her pussy had been used by a mack truck ,,, like she is BROKEN ( LUCKLY PUSSY HEALS IN MINUTES ) I bring you back to her natural desiring and her urges of HORMONES … her own desire is to be l
If , when you think about DATING or ASKING A GIRL out and the STRESS is intense! Then realize there is baggage in your mind and experience ….. and things like practicing your cating if you are a fisherman or riding the skate baord if you are a boarder is the only way to over come probmesin your sprots ,,,, and that the daydreams hold witin them the seeds of the future events ,,what are you expectaions in other things you do and then compare the sexual expecation you have ….. And if you can not passs something , then feel it form the eyes of some ,,,, daydream person , but the whole idea is to FEEL the EMOTIONS OF SUCCESS …. If you can feel then in the body of someone else atleast you have FELT THEM .. It is the jumping off point for the next step ,,because now you atleast BELIEVE INT the possible that daydream becomes THE MODELING ..that we humans learn from … ahh back to childrens issues such a holisitc site
Young master hopefully , you have no the baggage of learning WHAT IS ,,, like have when it comes to women and , honestly the earlier you have been exposed to the ideas of the less negativ expectation or other wise commonly called emotional baggae you will have for you hav experience with newer filters of possibility , you may not have developed the COMPOUND or come out of the closet so to say ,, and proclaimed to the next girl you have met for coffee saying , YES AND BY THE WAY I AM A POLILGAMIST AN INSTINCTUALIST ,,, I HAVE 3 HOMES .
All on the same 5 acres estate ,,,, I know calling it an estate is an EGO ,,, thing , but so is that Camero you are looking 10K for a fucking 20 year old used car when you can get a brand new Kia out of the box with 100K miles of warrenty for the same cash and better gas milleage ,,,the Camero is TOTALLY EGO …. Ohh but of course I drifted way off todays point ..of …
DAYDREAMING about fucking a tied up pussy , ,, and putting yourself in the EMOTIONAL STATE of that master ,,, if ,,if ,, you are like and the years of NEGATIVE expectation are making it so that even my daydreams ARE polluted with problems of my past , then the future I am expectin gthe future that I will live will be a lot like that which I expect to live ,,strange how that happens but I wish you would open you eyes , and relaize how what you think about does become ,,,the GENERAL the baisc life you do end up living ,,, you gotta take some time to think about what you expected and wht you lived so far in your past ….. Take time to remember ..things like th sprots aor game you have enjoyed ,, remember the daydreams you had about that ..ACTIVITY , can you Remember any , NEGATIVE expectations surrounding that activity ythat you would kinda of ..plan for while doing your daydreams ..?…. And did no you actually some what find that exact issue , your expectation coming into reality ..along with of course the GGOOOD aspects that you enjoyed ,,the core reason for engaging in the activitiy in the first place …
This is part and parcel of the Science of meta pyshihccal creation some have called it , the baisis behind the books like THINK AND GROW RICH ,, it is the teaching of the … THING the also limited aspect of the totla of un-impossible called TAO ,, known as ABRAHAM … Ester is just preforming an STREAM OF CONSIOSNESS ART … the law of wanto and atraction ..the chicken and the egg of time/space.
Ok when I was practising HYPNOSIS ..
I would often find people who could not VISION the good for themselves whther I was working with a cancer patient who wanted to stimulate their own immune system to act like it should and kill of unatural cells like the immune system had done for years automatically …. Or I was working with the many golf pro’s who UNERSTOOD the need for good REAL visional training ….. Often these people had BLOCKS about seeing something REALLY good happening to them ,,( ooh the gift of the programing revolving around seriving the GOD /king of PHAROH … it dates back that far , it resemble the trainin go the elephant who learns while a baby that it can not escape or break the rope , so that when big and large it does not realy try to break the rope ,,, because of past learning ,,, NEGATIVE EXPECTATIONS ) THIS IS VERY VERY VERY common your training will not allow you to see your own BEST GOOD becaue you think you are NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE that ,,it would not be humble of you ,,, and you even if you are extreme in your TATOOS or the GO item of your COOL car , still have , the traiing of being humble drilled into your PSHyCE.
So to get a person to FEEL the EMOTIOANL STATE not just the TV images of movies in their head ,,, BUT the real emotions which I knew brought about the best results … I would ave to have them think about some one ELSE living what it was that they wanted , ( some triners sy this is wrong , BUT THE KEY WAS to get them to FEEL mentally the feeling OF positve EXPECTATIONS …. Even if it meant it was from THE VANTAGE point of someone’s life ,,,ahhh but the reality is it is not someone elses experience of feelings , the TOOL of the other THE OTHER MATER MASTER allows you to be free of your own expectations to live the EMOTIONAL experience and postive expectations of another ,, I am not talking about just the fun of the MASTRUBATION fanasty ,,,, that is just a porno movie lacking the EMOTIONAL CONTENT of total relationships …. I am talking about ..using yes that type of mental porno
Where for example ,,, this other master has the 3tents and camel compound …. AND HE HAS THE MASTERS HOME , THAT STARTER home the 16 x 40 for himself , what would his be like , 1 giantic open room ,with a JACUZZI … a small comfy kitchen , a king size bed ,…. And padded , puppy chair , complete with safe comfy velcro strpas safely SECURE the girls who WANT WANT << AGIN ,,, feeling understand EXPECTING tha for this male ,the girls who are there are theier because they TOO are fullfilling living htier own best EXPECTATIONS ,, so it is girls who WANT TO .. ( wanto ) be tied and teased and fucked , naked the soft young slighty hairy pussy lips , slightly swelling … the pinkness and wettnes of her pussy noticeable…. The POSITIVE feeling of living that which is wanted ,,WANTED by both .. Can you feel his EMOTIONS ,,, his feeling of COMFORT …. His feeling that this is how life should be ,,, his state of not expecting anything else but hwat is his REALITY ,,, of being with girls who FREELY CHOOSE to be here now ,,, you can goo ahead and use this tied girl in this daydream for todays MASTRUBATION ..fanasty , fuck her as you want with the feeling aslo that you are giving what she wants .. And the end ing resutl is a girl totally exahausted for PENTRATIONS AND ORGASISMS , folling aound the floor felling like her pussy had been used by a mack truck ,,, like she is BROKEN ( LUCKLY PUSSY HEALS IN MINUTES ) I bring you back to her natural desiring and her urges of HORMONES … her own desire is to be l
If , when you think about DATING or ASKING A GIRL out and the STRESS is intense! Then realize there is baggage in your mind and experience ….. and things like practicing your cating if you are a fisherman or riding the skate baord if you are a boarder is the only way to over come probmesin your sprots ,,,, and that the daydreams hold witin them the seeds of the future events ,,what are you expectaions in other things you do and then compare the sexual expecation you have ….. And if you can not passs something , then feel it form the eyes of some ,,,, daydream person , but the whole idea is to FEEL the EMOTIONS OF SUCCESS …. If you can feel then in the body of someone else atleast you have FELT THEM .. It is the jumping off point for the next step ,,because now you atleast BELIEVE INT the possible that daydream becomes THE MODELING ..that we humans learn from … ahh back to childrens issues such a holisitc site
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Unthinkable pussy
Young master you look for ward … you want something to haapen and are expecitn ing it it is said you are looking for ward to it ,,,,, all the things you look forward to are THINKABLE ….they are based on events you have already lived ,,,, it maybe something new to you atleast you think new to you , but it ,,the WANT and later the expectation the looking forward to having it ,,, is bassed on the hard cold ,FACTS of past experience.
The concept of what isUN THINKABLEE ,, is vast , there is unthinkable here in your current life , it is un thinkable because of RULES you have learned 9 HEY EVER break a rule smoke cigarette before you were 18 , break the HERB LAW of the US since it is not auniversally illegal action to smoke herbs that gorw naturally from the ground …. It is just a RULE ever SPEED ? While driving )
And then there is the idea of unthinkable in META TERMS 9 remember I like to open you up holistic mind body spsirit this is some more spirit shit but it has to DO WITH WANTS …. You want GOOD PUSSY and peace nad love and HARMONY …. Now attempting to make a man ,, A MAN into a woman to marriage counsel the male instinct away , to twist his instinct will give fucked up results , actually if you study a bit from the MARS AND VENUS LINK you w iil get the idea that GR>GRAY is not trying to make men into women but EDUCATING women about men …. Vast and very important difference. … there was a question posed about the descrition about the life after death experience of people who came beck or near death experience it is called ,, and the wise one said ,t he description of events is tainted with the TOOLS OF DESCRIPTION ,,, it must be talked about using COMMON agreed upon ,, understood ideas of this limited reality ,,,the TAO is unthinkable …way beyond this time/space ….. Don’t think yourself so fucking important so fucking EGO that you think humanity and this life is the UTIMATE EXPRESSION OF BEING …..
We are just adventurers on a limited adventure … and in this adventure we use BIO-MACHINES to make understadnding living operating here in time sapce easier ,,, the DAN you carry as human is a DATA bank of the vents aof all the EXPERIENCES lives of the parents that came before , all the way back to that FUCKING BACTERIA tthat started it all ,,,, the data is soted encoded in COMPRESSED from on the sub atomic particles of those copies of DNA strands passed down form parent LIFE to CHILD life ……… the expectaion is written in ther the baisc rules for OPERATING HERE EFFEICIENTLY is ther . For if the PARENT LIFE id not pereate Effeienclty it would have had NO KIDS .
How do you look forward to and event that is for you actually very UN THINKABLE … HAVING 3 HAPPY NON EGO CENTERED WOMEN WHO co-operate for their own best inerst p[eace and harmony sexual fullfillement ,,, relaxation , creative living and ease of being a mommy …. How can you concieve or look forward to the DREAM ,,, the want of that when you have never ever seen it …. Look around you really think deeply about all your nieghbors in the homes around you look a the garabage cans on garagbage days and look at the amount of wine bottles and beer bottles and remember ,,, OHH SURE WE LIE TO EACH OTHER THAT WE DRINK wine for taste and aprreciation , but the facts is the factds if you were to be honest and remember the events of learning how to DRINK POISIN ,, yes beer wine , JACK it is all poisined fruit or grain juice ,,, anturally you would avoid the juice of POISIEND fruit like you woulod avoid the smell of rotten meat …. but you TRAINED yourself to aprreciate the FASHIONALBE taste of poisin mainly to achieve the HIGH the BUZZ , the became a LIAR … about the truth of hating this confusing life so much you would ignore your won INSTINCTUAL NATUIRE for 1 minute of escape ….
Ahh this is , important ,, emotion ,,, what feels good and what feels bad ,,, you have been trained so much to not worry about your won feelings , but live in the MOLD of what is expected of …of … you by sociaety ,,,, to the point you accept living in hatered of your won life as ,,,, NORMAL … then how can you really feel the truth about your won emotional guidance if your guidance is so tainted as to BE A LIAR TO SELF … the emotional guidance SCALE on this page a reference to learning once more how you are really feely , expecially in terms of what you are LOOKING FORWARD TO …. When you are looking forward to and event that you have data about that you feel is POSSIBLE , how do you feel on the sacle , I am talking in terms about WANTED things like the anticaption of a cool fishing trip …. Now something as unreal ,,, as having antural peace relationship with THE OPPISITE SEX ,,, we all KNOW that relationships are hard you gotta work at ,,, there will be fighting etc etcetc ….. And this is not reflected any where else in the natural world of DNA animals except here in the human experience why is that dipshit my friend ?
The idea that 3 women can LOOK FORWARD TO SHARING YOU , how does that realy feel be honest with your self , if that feels like you are being a LIAR ,,,, that feeling is is important …. Moving that feeling up the scale will be the key to having the WANTED event happen in your life ,,, if your fishing trip …. Feels way down on the scale versus another fishing trip that feels way up on the sacel which trip in you PAST DID YOU REALLY ACTUALLY HAVE … the one that was UNTHINKABLE . OR THINAKBLE ..
Understanding ,,,,the truth about your DNA anture , as compared to your programeed expectaitons…. And and , then remember this is a TIME - SPACE adventure it will take time to make the changes upt he scale of expectations… I feel it isl like this ,,, 10 perecnt of the years you have lived + /- if you are 18 …. It will take about a year plus for you to really feel that the BEST vsion is possible ,,, ohh you my accept or create a , half assed vision only to feel frustration and return to old patterns ,,,, this is because you LEAPED thru time instead of experienced the adventure of time ….. Like so GURUS talk about manifestation , of the thought energy ,,,, gurus like NAPOLEN HILL hardly a guru many would think him more a strat forward CAPATALIST…. $$$$ show me the cash … but actuall if you read his later book a META THINKER AT HEART WHO KEPT IT ALL HIDEEN TO FIT INTO THW ROLD AND CULTURE of his reality . Manifestation … will happen the QUARKS and QUANTAS that make up this time/space ..of wants …. Who want and agree to form , THING so that EXPERIENCE CAN BE … that time space thing can be that we can have storyies to live ,.,,, instead of being the very possible thing every possible second all the time to the point that is is NOTHING … no 1 thing ,
Back to unthinkable pussy ,,,, you fanansty ideas of the POLY THE HAREM ,,, then there is real day to day year after year reality of the poly the harem ,,, there is the dream of landing the 6 lb bass there is the fact of casting my BOMBER bait INTO A TREE … also . Rainy days for sunny days , winters and summers ….. The design of the BIO MACHINE we use is such as to give us the chance to NOT HAVE TO …RE-INVENT the wehheell each life time ….. We carry with us knowledge for areason …. In your DAN is the compressed data to show that being a HAREM SPEICES will be easier and more fulfilling ,, AND THE EVEDENCE IS IN THE DESIGN OF HER PUSSY ,,, it is not exactly like other cousing apes who are not harem ,,family based ,,, more confusion family based aviolence family based .. violence like over 1 in 10 kids getting murdered mainly because of the manipulation of competing greedy females ,,,,, ahh the genisis of the eve spirit and a very close DNA cousint to us ,, yet the pussy all around real resembles the pussy of GORILLA LIKE YOUR , fat acorn headed dick resembles the non-sperm competive Gorilla , our size our LENGTH shows the EVNTS of sexual RECREATIOANL selection over the last 10,000 years a that is all . The more I can get you open to the idea of THINKABLE , THE FASTER AND HAPPIER THE ARRIVAL OF WHAT YOU LOOK FORWARD TO WILL BE.
Young master you look for ward … you want something to haapen and are expecitn ing it it is said you are looking for ward to it ,,,,, all the things you look forward to are THINKABLE ….they are based on events you have already lived ,,,, it maybe something new to you atleast you think new to you , but it ,,the WANT and later the expectation the looking forward to having it ,,, is bassed on the hard cold ,FACTS of past experience.
The concept of what isUN THINKABLEE ,, is vast , there is unthinkable here in your current life , it is un thinkable because of RULES you have learned 9 HEY EVER break a rule smoke cigarette before you were 18 , break the HERB LAW of the US since it is not auniversally illegal action to smoke herbs that gorw naturally from the ground …. It is just a RULE ever SPEED ? While driving )
And then there is the idea of unthinkable in META TERMS 9 remember I like to open you up holistic mind body spsirit this is some more spirit shit but it has to DO WITH WANTS …. You want GOOD PUSSY and peace nad love and HARMONY …. Now attempting to make a man ,, A MAN into a woman to marriage counsel the male instinct away , to twist his instinct will give fucked up results , actually if you study a bit from the MARS AND VENUS LINK you w iil get the idea that GR>GRAY is not trying to make men into women but EDUCATING women about men …. Vast and very important difference. … there was a question posed about the descrition about the life after death experience of people who came beck or near death experience it is called ,, and the wise one said ,t he description of events is tainted with the TOOLS OF DESCRIPTION ,,, it must be talked about using COMMON agreed upon ,, understood ideas of this limited reality ,,,the TAO is unthinkable …way beyond this time/space ….. Don’t think yourself so fucking important so fucking EGO that you think humanity and this life is the UTIMATE EXPRESSION OF BEING …..
We are just adventurers on a limited adventure … and in this adventure we use BIO-MACHINES to make understadnding living operating here in time sapce easier ,,, the DAN you carry as human is a DATA bank of the vents aof all the EXPERIENCES lives of the parents that came before , all the way back to that FUCKING BACTERIA tthat started it all ,,,, the data is soted encoded in COMPRESSED from on the sub atomic particles of those copies of DNA strands passed down form parent LIFE to CHILD life ……… the expectaion is written in ther the baisc rules for OPERATING HERE EFFEICIENTLY is ther . For if the PARENT LIFE id not pereate Effeienclty it would have had NO KIDS .
How do you look forward to and event that is for you actually very UN THINKABLE … HAVING 3 HAPPY NON EGO CENTERED WOMEN WHO co-operate for their own best inerst p[eace and harmony sexual fullfillement ,,, relaxation , creative living and ease of being a mommy …. How can you concieve or look forward to the DREAM ,,, the want of that when you have never ever seen it …. Look around you really think deeply about all your nieghbors in the homes around you look a the garabage cans on garagbage days and look at the amount of wine bottles and beer bottles and remember ,,, OHH SURE WE LIE TO EACH OTHER THAT WE DRINK wine for taste and aprreciation , but the facts is the factds if you were to be honest and remember the events of learning how to DRINK POISIN ,, yes beer wine , JACK it is all poisined fruit or grain juice ,,, anturally you would avoid the juice of POISIEND fruit like you woulod avoid the smell of rotten meat …. but you TRAINED yourself to aprreciate the FASHIONALBE taste of poisin mainly to achieve the HIGH the BUZZ , the became a LIAR … about the truth of hating this confusing life so much you would ignore your won INSTINCTUAL NATUIRE for 1 minute of escape ….
Ahh this is , important ,, emotion ,,, what feels good and what feels bad ,,, you have been trained so much to not worry about your won feelings , but live in the MOLD of what is expected of …of … you by sociaety ,,,, to the point you accept living in hatered of your won life as ,,,, NORMAL … then how can you really feel the truth about your won emotional guidance if your guidance is so tainted as to BE A LIAR TO SELF … the emotional guidance SCALE on this page a reference to learning once more how you are really feely , expecially in terms of what you are LOOKING FORWARD TO …. When you are looking forward to and event that you have data about that you feel is POSSIBLE , how do you feel on the sacle , I am talking in terms about WANTED things like the anticaption of a cool fishing trip …. Now something as unreal ,,, as having antural peace relationship with THE OPPISITE SEX ,,, we all KNOW that relationships are hard you gotta work at ,,, there will be fighting etc etcetc ….. And this is not reflected any where else in the natural world of DNA animals except here in the human experience why is that dipshit my friend ?
The idea that 3 women can LOOK FORWARD TO SHARING YOU , how does that realy feel be honest with your self , if that feels like you are being a LIAR ,,,, that feeling is is important …. Moving that feeling up the scale will be the key to having the WANTED event happen in your life ,,, if your fishing trip …. Feels way down on the scale versus another fishing trip that feels way up on the sacel which trip in you PAST DID YOU REALLY ACTUALLY HAVE … the one that was UNTHINKABLE . OR THINAKBLE ..
Understanding ,,,,the truth about your DNA anture , as compared to your programeed expectaitons…. And and , then remember this is a TIME - SPACE adventure it will take time to make the changes upt he scale of expectations… I feel it isl like this ,,, 10 perecnt of the years you have lived + /- if you are 18 …. It will take about a year plus for you to really feel that the BEST vsion is possible ,,, ohh you my accept or create a , half assed vision only to feel frustration and return to old patterns ,,,, this is because you LEAPED thru time instead of experienced the adventure of time ….. Like so GURUS talk about manifestation , of the thought energy ,,,, gurus like NAPOLEN HILL hardly a guru many would think him more a strat forward CAPATALIST…. $$$$ show me the cash … but actuall if you read his later book a META THINKER AT HEART WHO KEPT IT ALL HIDEEN TO FIT INTO THW ROLD AND CULTURE of his reality . Manifestation … will happen the QUARKS and QUANTAS that make up this time/space ..of wants …. Who want and agree to form , THING so that EXPERIENCE CAN BE … that time space thing can be that we can have storyies to live ,.,,, instead of being the very possible thing every possible second all the time to the point that is is NOTHING … no 1 thing ,
Back to unthinkable pussy ,,,, you fanansty ideas of the POLY THE HAREM ,,, then there is real day to day year after year reality of the poly the harem ,,, there is the dream of landing the 6 lb bass there is the fact of casting my BOMBER bait INTO A TREE … also . Rainy days for sunny days , winters and summers ….. The design of the BIO MACHINE we use is such as to give us the chance to NOT HAVE TO …RE-INVENT the wehheell each life time ….. We carry with us knowledge for areason …. In your DAN is the compressed data to show that being a HAREM SPEICES will be easier and more fulfilling ,, AND THE EVEDENCE IS IN THE DESIGN OF HER PUSSY ,,, it is not exactly like other cousing apes who are not harem ,,family based ,,, more confusion family based aviolence family based .. violence like over 1 in 10 kids getting murdered mainly because of the manipulation of competing greedy females ,,,,, ahh the genisis of the eve spirit and a very close DNA cousint to us ,, yet the pussy all around real resembles the pussy of GORILLA LIKE YOUR , fat acorn headed dick resembles the non-sperm competive Gorilla , our size our LENGTH shows the EVNTS of sexual RECREATIOANL selection over the last 10,000 years a that is all . The more I can get you open to the idea of THINKABLE , THE FASTER AND HAPPIER THE ARRIVAL OF WHAT YOU LOOK FORWARD TO WILL BE.
Monday, July 28, 2008
spreading her legs
Spreading her legs
Young master ,,, so you want to be a millionaire ,,, hmmm ok fine no value judgements like it is beeter to be rich than poor in terms of money of shit … no ,,, like yesterday I did not mean to DEMENA people who ride harley’s …it is a big world with lots a FREE choices just kinda understand the RAOSNS behind the choices you are making ….. Why you strive for 1 and only girl … why you feel so angery when she is not acting RIGHT ..
Understanding this forced life of confusion and see for WHO OR WHAAT our confusion beneifits …ok having done that lets move on to …. What 1 human is TRANSLATING into with her words ..what she calls ..her interp …. The law of attraction .
So whatca gonna do with that millions of dollar ,,, well fisrt you are goona get a COMFY PAD …. How about a 5 acres estate home 12 bedrooms 2 garages massive private office playroom dungeon how about a fishing pond so clean and clear you use it like a pool having it heated also a mile worth of nature trails do to do you morining run on .. Etc etc etc …. … hmmm does this fit the bill ?
Ok my firned it is not the NUMBER …. It is not the green stuff the tool which is gonna make you happy …. It is the expereinces of living .
If it were only about hooking and landing of fish and if every cast you made you caught a lunker large mouth bass no matter wheere or when you went fishing soon you would get bored with fishing there is NO ADVENTURE …. If everytime you opened a new video game you automatically were able to win it to its MAXIUM LEVEL right from the first playing soon you would get bored with ALL video games
But you know something this does not realy hold ture for sex….. Becaue sex is TRUTHFULLY dynamic … and it is natural like eating like running like breathing in fact it is a needed BODY FUNCTION … that is designed to be FUNN . ( fun…. Hmmm test this tease the girl you are with by not ..not …not letting her open her legs …..ahh this you will find in the 1 on 1 ,, something you can do with her while in the beginning phase of the relationships after the 1 on 1 has aged liked it does … and you are not COMMITED to serve her and only her because of your statement of HONOR … the I love you statement …. You can no longer tease her the same becaue if you LOVE HER YOU WILL NOT CREATE IN HER STATES OF DISCOMFORT or teasing ,, that is not anexpression of love …. It is INGONGROUIS….. So in fact what she gets is what she does not really want to have forcing you to be what is un natural for both of you … if she is living in a system of friendly supportive competition like nature designed and she has to Sseduce YOU TO GET YOU ATTENTIOn , she is still..
Growing ……. SHE IS NOT , like the fisherman who has always available the fish on each and every cast ,,, subtle dynimcs.
But back to the lust she feels when not able to open her sefl up FOR PENETRATION YOU FIND THIS LINK first on the page .. It is good to understand it in context .. The HOLISTIC life .. Of human female , form carreer outside of the home and family to fulltime of healthy living to children to sex , to health care etc etc etc , all to be found on this page ….. But the NTURE OF her desire to OPEN HER LEGS FOR fucking is the truth of humanity ,,, no matter what else .. You think .. It is NATURE . Of the bio machine we use for the experience of 1 point of view of the TAO .
Back to law of attaction , and another way of descrbing that force that TAO is to call it WANTO … want … becaue if you want … that action that emotin that feeling is one of ATTRACTION ,,,, the whole of the to… all the countless Quarks that are expereincing themselves as Quark for their own beneift remember they are like you IN FI NITE , so what does 5 or 10 billion years of being a Quark rela mattrer to some one who is IN FI NITE ….. When thye stop being Quark that 10 billion years will semm like 10 seconds as they remember re-emerge into the TAO …. So it is with you and your short 70 to 100 years of being a human …. But you wantede to be a human and to be human means you depend on the TAO of everyopther point of veiw expereinceer to WANT to be the particles that will make up a universe for you to experience being HUMAN …
Now … that does not help you with ,,, you ILLUSION of needing a $1,000,000 before you will be happy ….. How do you get that $1,000,000.00 first understand it is most probably NOT the number in a bank account that you want it is the lifestyle that you want ,,,yes some do want the number th achievement of numbers for them is what is nice ,,,, often these people will live what looks like struglling lives so that they can AC HIEVE the score keeping the growth the challenge of making their numbers GROW… their own video game ..
But you in reality are looking to sped that $1,000,000 on life style on comfort and safety and not working to hard …. Ahhh again I desinged a company where you never work at the same job more than one day a week … I re-frame any job you do into , and ART FORM aand expression of your own personel skill you do , and guess what PEOPLE PAY YOU FOR HAVING FUN …. it is about opening your mind and re thinking the TRPA of economy you have ACCEPTED .. Undestand free choices …
Now ,, the law …… of want to …. The quARK wants to be quark , it is s cool 10 billion years state of deep ZEN meidation and purposefull expresion of being and service .
It can not fullfill this goal unless something else wants something from the expression fo what can be formed with QUARKS ,, do you get that ?
I can not receive the SMILE of APPROVAL from my expression of art … tha being coming homw with a 6 lb bass fresh for a clean lake to slip in the oven with lemon and garlic to be enjoyed aby family and friends ..their smiles are as much fun as catching the fish …. I can not enjoy the smiles of people telling me that I am the best and happiest window washier they have ever seen …. Without their smiles my day is much less enjoyable.
The quark needs to be needed , without the WANTING it would be floating uselsess in the expanse of TAO alone …. Bummer we all like to be needed and appreciated ..that wet pussy looves to feel the throbbing of your cock in it …. The feeling of being NEEDED.
It is a YIN and YANG .. The wnater is as im protant as the person who wants to be wanted …. I as a male want to be wanted ..for my many values of protector and fucker …etc.. as a hunter or farmer or fisher man I want to be wanted for that which I bring home to the cave … as the window wahser iw ant to be wanted for my skill ( and my whistle ) …
As you want , there is A WHOLE UNIVERSE here of infitnite numbers of ZEN expereieicers who want to BE WANTED ,,, they want to be the paritcles of the creations that will make you smile ,,, if that thing that will make you smile is the 5 acres setate then reality will form for you … into a 5 acre estate ,, if it is elelctronicn numbers on a banks balance sheet stating $1,000,000.00 then eletirc particles forms will BE to provide you that smile ,,,,, but first comes your WANTO …
Ahhh but time/space is not the INSTANT EXPERINCE OF tao …. No no no … we wanted the experience of TIME of challenge of adventure ,, we did not want to catch a fish on every cast we do in the TAO …. The JOURNEY fun , too.
Just clarify your wants ,,,, understand contrasts and the limits you have been trained to expect … like the chooice to be a slave to economy ,, or not …. The coice to study something different … like also is 1 more choice in a world of things to freely choose from … why are you atracting this information into your experience of living ?
Young master ,,, so you want to be a millionaire ,,, hmmm ok fine no value judgements like it is beeter to be rich than poor in terms of money of shit … no ,,, like yesterday I did not mean to DEMENA people who ride harley’s …it is a big world with lots a FREE choices just kinda understand the RAOSNS behind the choices you are making ….. Why you strive for 1 and only girl … why you feel so angery when she is not acting RIGHT ..
Understanding this forced life of confusion and see for WHO OR WHAAT our confusion beneifits …ok having done that lets move on to …. What 1 human is TRANSLATING into with her words ..what she calls ..her interp …. The law of attraction .
So whatca gonna do with that millions of dollar ,,, well fisrt you are goona get a COMFY PAD …. How about a 5 acres estate home 12 bedrooms 2 garages massive private office playroom dungeon how about a fishing pond so clean and clear you use it like a pool having it heated also a mile worth of nature trails do to do you morining run on .. Etc etc etc …. … hmmm does this fit the bill ?
Ok my firned it is not the NUMBER …. It is not the green stuff the tool which is gonna make you happy …. It is the expereinces of living .
If it were only about hooking and landing of fish and if every cast you made you caught a lunker large mouth bass no matter wheere or when you went fishing soon you would get bored with fishing there is NO ADVENTURE …. If everytime you opened a new video game you automatically were able to win it to its MAXIUM LEVEL right from the first playing soon you would get bored with ALL video games
But you know something this does not realy hold ture for sex….. Becaue sex is TRUTHFULLY dynamic … and it is natural like eating like running like breathing in fact it is a needed BODY FUNCTION … that is designed to be FUNN . ( fun…. Hmmm test this tease the girl you are with by not ..not …not letting her open her legs …..ahh this you will find in the 1 on 1 ,, something you can do with her while in the beginning phase of the relationships after the 1 on 1 has aged liked it does … and you are not COMMITED to serve her and only her because of your statement of HONOR … the I love you statement …. You can no longer tease her the same becaue if you LOVE HER YOU WILL NOT CREATE IN HER STATES OF DISCOMFORT or teasing ,, that is not anexpression of love …. It is INGONGROUIS….. So in fact what she gets is what she does not really want to have forcing you to be what is un natural for both of you … if she is living in a system of friendly supportive competition like nature designed and she has to Sseduce YOU TO GET YOU ATTENTIOn , she is still..
Growing ……. SHE IS NOT , like the fisherman who has always available the fish on each and every cast ,,, subtle dynimcs.
But back to the lust she feels when not able to open her sefl up FOR PENETRATION YOU FIND THIS LINK first on the page .. It is good to understand it in context .. The HOLISTIC life .. Of human female , form carreer outside of the home and family to fulltime of healthy living to children to sex , to health care etc etc etc , all to be found on this page ….. But the NTURE OF her desire to OPEN HER LEGS FOR fucking is the truth of humanity ,,, no matter what else .. You think .. It is NATURE . Of the bio machine we use for the experience of 1 point of view of the TAO .
Back to law of attaction , and another way of descrbing that force that TAO is to call it WANTO … want … becaue if you want … that action that emotin that feeling is one of ATTRACTION ,,,, the whole of the to… all the countless Quarks that are expereincing themselves as Quark for their own beneift remember they are like you IN FI NITE , so what does 5 or 10 billion years of being a Quark rela mattrer to some one who is IN FI NITE ….. When thye stop being Quark that 10 billion years will semm like 10 seconds as they remember re-emerge into the TAO …. So it is with you and your short 70 to 100 years of being a human …. But you wantede to be a human and to be human means you depend on the TAO of everyopther point of veiw expereinceer to WANT to be the particles that will make up a universe for you to experience being HUMAN …
Now … that does not help you with ,,, you ILLUSION of needing a $1,000,000 before you will be happy ….. How do you get that $1,000,000.00 first understand it is most probably NOT the number in a bank account that you want it is the lifestyle that you want ,,,yes some do want the number th achievement of numbers for them is what is nice ,,,, often these people will live what looks like struglling lives so that they can AC HIEVE the score keeping the growth the challenge of making their numbers GROW… their own video game ..
But you in reality are looking to sped that $1,000,000 on life style on comfort and safety and not working to hard …. Ahhh again I desinged a company where you never work at the same job more than one day a week … I re-frame any job you do into , and ART FORM aand expression of your own personel skill you do , and guess what PEOPLE PAY YOU FOR HAVING FUN …. it is about opening your mind and re thinking the TRPA of economy you have ACCEPTED .. Undestand free choices …
Now ,, the law …… of want to …. The quARK wants to be quark , it is s cool 10 billion years state of deep ZEN meidation and purposefull expresion of being and service .
It can not fullfill this goal unless something else wants something from the expression fo what can be formed with QUARKS ,, do you get that ?
I can not receive the SMILE of APPROVAL from my expression of art … tha being coming homw with a 6 lb bass fresh for a clean lake to slip in the oven with lemon and garlic to be enjoyed aby family and friends ..their smiles are as much fun as catching the fish …. I can not enjoy the smiles of people telling me that I am the best and happiest window washier they have ever seen …. Without their smiles my day is much less enjoyable.
The quark needs to be needed , without the WANTING it would be floating uselsess in the expanse of TAO alone …. Bummer we all like to be needed and appreciated ..that wet pussy looves to feel the throbbing of your cock in it …. The feeling of being NEEDED.
It is a YIN and YANG .. The wnater is as im protant as the person who wants to be wanted …. I as a male want to be wanted ..for my many values of protector and fucker …etc.. as a hunter or farmer or fisher man I want to be wanted for that which I bring home to the cave … as the window wahser iw ant to be wanted for my skill ( and my whistle ) …
As you want , there is A WHOLE UNIVERSE here of infitnite numbers of ZEN expereieicers who want to BE WANTED ,,, they want to be the paritcles of the creations that will make you smile ,,, if that thing that will make you smile is the 5 acres setate then reality will form for you … into a 5 acre estate ,, if it is elelctronicn numbers on a banks balance sheet stating $1,000,000.00 then eletirc particles forms will BE to provide you that smile ,,,,, but first comes your WANTO …
Ahhh but time/space is not the INSTANT EXPERINCE OF tao …. No no no … we wanted the experience of TIME of challenge of adventure ,, we did not want to catch a fish on every cast we do in the TAO …. The JOURNEY fun , too.
Just clarify your wants ,,,, understand contrasts and the limits you have been trained to expect … like the chooice to be a slave to economy ,, or not …. The coice to study something different … like also is 1 more choice in a world of things to freely choose from … why are you atracting this information into your experience of living ?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
happy birthday Crystal
Happy birthday Crystal
Young master , holistic means ,,, balance of all aspects that we can think about ,,, to best of a ability …. Sex is cool , $ ,,is cool , freedom is cool , understanding is cool , moderate escapeism of beer is cool ( especially if you raised the barly and hops yourself and made it yourself even more cool ) ……the totall confsuion of TOA is cool … mind body spirit
What is this whole busshit about age time ,,, in fact days OFF and holidays and vactions ,e etc…. … again I go back to nature the vast bulk of life forms around us all seemly able to live for years and years withou the ,,,,CRUTCH …. Of Ecomony … the thought form the creation of our own focus on it to the point it has it’s own life force , livnig beyond the years of the workers WHO PROFIT FROM IT … it can be compared the the bacteria in our gut who make it possible for us to live , who in fact the DNA from that bacteria is the basis for our own Dna .. We are their kids ….. But here we are the BACTERIA and …. ECOMONY is our child who we serve .. And it so nicely even allows us a DAY OFF !
Who a whole day off from the slavery of serving a thought form that reproduces itself expanding itself destroying …. Aborginall cultures to to establish itself ,, and it lives on age after age beyond the humans who served it , who by their focus upon it crearted it …
Lkwe have now ..the gift of a day offf… the blessing of Ecomony , in fact hidden thro out the yearsa dn days is ..the illusion of being specialll things like BIRTHDAYS to be celebrated ,,, to obe counted , something to keep our minds off the SLAVERY of our choice to serve eocmony …
The UN-impossible Tao .. In-fi-nite way bigger than a tiny little brain of a simple Crab fisherman , bait and tckelshop owner , windowashing human being like myself , or you !
The EGO of ourselves to think we aRE the most important POINT OF VIEW .. In the whole of the un-impossible is ,,,, stupid . CAN YOU GET THAT ? Will you NOT RESIST ? The I - in - I of that ….. Not fear being less than …? The master is the slave Jesus said ….. His shistory was that realy of the concept of UN GRAVEN …. Somthng so vast that it can not be engraved on stone tablets or pypayrus paper …. . A toaist sage that jesus was ….
What would it be like to NOT know your age to count your eyears to live your life based on taking the day off on Sunday to worship a thought form …. To think in terms of the hours of SLAVERY 9 to 5 ….. To living based on the gift of freedom called vacations or HOLY DAYS … holidays like july the 4 memeorial day , labor day ,thankgiving … etc. how do the animals of th forest live without it? They live long life times ,, ageless life times stressless life times ( except when we human encroach upon tthem and , RUIN … THE HARMONY AND BALANCE OF THE ECO-SYSTMES THAT SERVICED ALL LIFE FORMS except ecomony FOR MILLION AND MILLION AND MILLLIONS of years )
OK now to the crystal , and the idea of being POWERFUL controlling the FLOW OF CHI…. I love the ABRAHAM thing … ( remember from the no 1 thing comes thing yin and yang , master servant) and how it says over and over about the RESPONSSIBLITY OF SELF …. Think for yourself … respond with ability … this life is here for your enjoyment … and the experince of …. Whatever is that joy . Whwether your POWER OR EGO COMES from owning a crystal or being able to paly amagically tuned HARP or riding a Harley Davidson Bike ,,, looking all so cool waving at each other with that stupid look upon your face of I DON’T CARE …. You all end the end are slaves to FOOD and you without the farmer giving of his efforts in EXCHANGE for sheets of GREEN PAPER you would not ride that harley because there would be no fucking OIL to make that loud sound you get your
EGO from … because if there is no food on the oil rigs off the gulf of mexico or the frozen waste land of alssaka or the HOT DESERT if the farmer does not play along with the ecomony , well there is no oil to feed YOUR POWER ….
That crystal . Will grow no food unless you first plant seeds ….. Work within the agreement of this time/space … all your meta pyshihcal power is for nothing unless you have some food…. What about that young master ? pretty simple to understand the root of things when you no longer RESIST but become free with tiny little understandings … the combination of friends doing mulitple jobs in an eco system ….. Of 24/7 that has not birthdays or 9 to 5 ‘s yet things seem to get along fine , DNA life forms living happy being what they are designed to be … within the harmony of their isntinctual natures ohhh birds a Dna life which branched off from the MAMMALS like us some 20 million years or so ….. They are a 1 on 1 … not mammlas. Even the pack of dog is not a one on one ….. But you dumbas by evidence of the design of your COCK and the design of the lips of her pussy ..both show the evidence trail CLEARLY of being a harem species … your hands made to feel the softness of fruit , out teeth designed to peel fruit or crack eggs , our molars desgned to crush grass seeds like wheat or barley ……. And each life form benifiting from the exositance othe the other like ecomony depends on us sn we on it for things like ,,, beer distrubution or the invention of CRACK COCAINE and OPIUM ….. To dull the apin of living like Shakespeare said , 100’s of years ago as he TOO , just reguratated the wisdom of the ages before him …
“ man lives in a state of silent desperation “ ….. freedom of choice .. Resist and it will persisit.
Young master , holistic means ,,, balance of all aspects that we can think about ,,, to best of a ability …. Sex is cool , $ ,,is cool , freedom is cool , understanding is cool , moderate escapeism of beer is cool ( especially if you raised the barly and hops yourself and made it yourself even more cool ) ……the totall confsuion of TOA is cool … mind body spirit
What is this whole busshit about age time ,,, in fact days OFF and holidays and vactions ,e etc…. … again I go back to nature the vast bulk of life forms around us all seemly able to live for years and years withou the ,,,,CRUTCH …. Of Ecomony … the thought form the creation of our own focus on it to the point it has it’s own life force , livnig beyond the years of the workers WHO PROFIT FROM IT … it can be compared the the bacteria in our gut who make it possible for us to live , who in fact the DNA from that bacteria is the basis for our own Dna .. We are their kids ….. But here we are the BACTERIA and …. ECOMONY is our child who we serve .. And it so nicely even allows us a DAY OFF !
Who a whole day off from the slavery of serving a thought form that reproduces itself expanding itself destroying …. Aborginall cultures to to establish itself ,, and it lives on age after age beyond the humans who served it , who by their focus upon it crearted it …
Lkwe have now ..the gift of a day offf… the blessing of Ecomony , in fact hidden thro out the yearsa dn days is ..the illusion of being specialll things like BIRTHDAYS to be celebrated ,,, to obe counted , something to keep our minds off the SLAVERY of our choice to serve eocmony …
The UN-impossible Tao .. In-fi-nite way bigger than a tiny little brain of a simple Crab fisherman , bait and tckelshop owner , windowashing human being like myself , or you !
The EGO of ourselves to think we aRE the most important POINT OF VIEW .. In the whole of the un-impossible is ,,,, stupid . CAN YOU GET THAT ? Will you NOT RESIST ? The I - in - I of that ….. Not fear being less than …? The master is the slave Jesus said ….. His shistory was that realy of the concept of UN GRAVEN …. Somthng so vast that it can not be engraved on stone tablets or pypayrus paper …. . A toaist sage that jesus was ….
What would it be like to NOT know your age to count your eyears to live your life based on taking the day off on Sunday to worship a thought form …. To think in terms of the hours of SLAVERY 9 to 5 ….. To living based on the gift of freedom called vacations or HOLY DAYS … holidays like july the 4 memeorial day , labor day ,thankgiving … etc. how do the animals of th forest live without it? They live long life times ,, ageless life times stressless life times ( except when we human encroach upon tthem and , RUIN … THE HARMONY AND BALANCE OF THE ECO-SYSTMES THAT SERVICED ALL LIFE FORMS except ecomony FOR MILLION AND MILLION AND MILLLIONS of years )
OK now to the crystal , and the idea of being POWERFUL controlling the FLOW OF CHI…. I love the ABRAHAM thing … ( remember from the no 1 thing comes thing yin and yang , master servant) and how it says over and over about the RESPONSSIBLITY OF SELF …. Think for yourself … respond with ability … this life is here for your enjoyment … and the experince of …. Whatever is that joy . Whwether your POWER OR EGO COMES from owning a crystal or being able to paly amagically tuned HARP or riding a Harley Davidson Bike ,,, looking all so cool waving at each other with that stupid look upon your face of I DON’T CARE …. You all end the end are slaves to FOOD and you without the farmer giving of his efforts in EXCHANGE for sheets of GREEN PAPER you would not ride that harley because there would be no fucking OIL to make that loud sound you get your
EGO from … because if there is no food on the oil rigs off the gulf of mexico or the frozen waste land of alssaka or the HOT DESERT if the farmer does not play along with the ecomony , well there is no oil to feed YOUR POWER ….
That crystal . Will grow no food unless you first plant seeds ….. Work within the agreement of this time/space … all your meta pyshihcal power is for nothing unless you have some food…. What about that young master ? pretty simple to understand the root of things when you no longer RESIST but become free with tiny little understandings … the combination of friends doing mulitple jobs in an eco system ….. Of 24/7 that has not birthdays or 9 to 5 ‘s yet things seem to get along fine , DNA life forms living happy being what they are designed to be … within the harmony of their isntinctual natures ohhh birds a Dna life which branched off from the MAMMALS like us some 20 million years or so ….. They are a 1 on 1 … not mammlas. Even the pack of dog is not a one on one ….. But you dumbas by evidence of the design of your COCK and the design of the lips of her pussy ..both show the evidence trail CLEARLY of being a harem species … your hands made to feel the softness of fruit , out teeth designed to peel fruit or crack eggs , our molars desgned to crush grass seeds like wheat or barley ……. And each life form benifiting from the exositance othe the other like ecomony depends on us sn we on it for things like ,,, beer distrubution or the invention of CRACK COCAINE and OPIUM ….. To dull the apin of living like Shakespeare said , 100’s of years ago as he TOO , just reguratated the wisdom of the ages before him …
“ man lives in a state of silent desperation “ ….. freedom of choice .. Resist and it will persisit.
m4m , f4f
M4m . F4f
Young master , as you open your mind to the REAL choices and freedoms you have in this life…. And you see the CLOSED minded relationship forms of the controllers the churches mainly .. Have not worked for them did not provide you with a happy childhood . A lot of you young masters who have more that the average brain and mind aAblitlity are choosing to explore M4m man for man , and girls also mainly because guys are so shy because they are so confused etc ,,, the girls also to get the affection they need that all animals need ….. They too are exploring F4f ,,, girl to girl … this is all fine and as it seems very antural even in the the world of our cousin apes this is very very common m4m or f4f ,, but to do it without also understanding the reasons for the shoice without exploring is to make a choice without all the DATA and understanding of the FREEDOMS of relationship choices you actually have ,,,now is NOT supposed to promoted as the 1 and only relationship choice just because it seems to be the most natural relationship that is TRUE ,,,,, but we humans yes..YES ,, have evolved into animal that can MORPH its instinctual calling sometimes with pleasnat fulfilling results ,
Other times not ,,, this comes to mind because of the interaction I have had recently with some gay couples ,,, m4m’s and f4f’s … and in both I found the same DOM/sub theme evovle in their 1 on 1 ….. I think even here the 1 on 1 is a stressfull relationship form .
The Demand of the Silver back ,,,, to be the boss is Supressing to 1 person … the concepts of the 3 tents ,, the 3 individual homes plus the masters quarrters ,, gives each of the girls some freedom to be in control of their own space yet ,,, also on their own terms interact with the Silver back MALE the DOM , like in the gorilla harem the female seduces she attracts the male when she is ready to fuck to interact with him in the way they are BIOLOGICALLY designed to enjoy interaction.
See young master if you really think about lets us say the Mars and Venus data understanding the Futility of TRYING so hard to force humanity to live in CONTRAST to its design … here study the pages you can get there for that link .. Think for yourself .
The 3 tents gives each human their own dynimc self the expression which it needs and the support system of FRIENDHSIP ,,, ( ahh now if the GREED of eve shows up well that is the evidecnce trail for that LONE indidivual for them to SELF soul search to figure out what they actually a truly want in life ) again personel choice . Freddom of choice
For everyon else the beinfits are there to BE CREATED AND ENJOYED I say created in that it is not magic , especially when understanding that we have been trained programed c conditioned to act outside of our nature so long it is hard to return to the loving nature that is HUMAN INSTINCT. ….
The studying of nature with out the FEAR based programming … will change how you feel. Try this page about cancer …. View it differently ..view this BODY COMMICATION for what nature actually desgned if to do … NATUES LITTLE HELPER … understand the ability for the bio -machine to SELF DESTRUCT when the GAME the ADVENTURE is just to fucking stressfull is a very neat ….. Skill … special feature or desgn .. But if viewed with FEAR of DEATH ( which by the way is the reason for the business of health care or relgons , the teachin of fear of death is the basis of ECOMONY and wealth creation .
Dating back from when withc doctors and priests both controled the gate ways to the after life and the concepts and skills of medicine …. the first coloum of this page is the dicsusion about the fear of death …. And again to refer to the owrds of Buddha “ all we have to fear is FEAR itself “
Now back to sex ,,,,, the fear that there is 1 man for each girl is the fear of girls and boys , the data we have been fed … and over the last few 1000 years of birth the birth rate has given us a closer male to female ratio …. But reality is this …. 1 in10 guys will CHOOSE to be gay ( now adays actually 2 in 10 ) …leaves 8 … 1 in 10 will die or go to long term prison because of being DUMB ..leaves 7 1 will be A-sexual non sexual genetically … leaves 6 … the 80/20 rule states that 20% percent will be responsible for 80 perent of the good ….. That means 2 men will be REAL MEN …. And the balance will be the bumms most girls date and complain about ….. It is not some cut and dry birth rate data ,,,, data can be re=assembled like I just did to give the conclusion of who ever is doing the writing to support their point of view ,,, in mine ,,, I take away ,,males because of varying factors ..leaving just 2 good men to SERVICE to be MEN to the 10 girls …. Of aour current parody of birth rates …. 1 man 5 girls…. The harem nature.
In nautre ,,the mom can not keep the UMIBICAL CORD . Connected to her son like we human have been doing now for years thru the use of $$$ …. And helping the weak male to live when nautral selcetion should have selected him ( FEAR OF DEATH TAKEN OUT OF THE EQUATION ) SELECTED him for a return trip back to the TAO … where is would still be himself in NON time space and MOM would be able to ineract with him her lil’baby after she leaves this ILLUSION of time/sapce but because of the PROGRAMING of fear , moms have established this idea that to let their young men …fly or live or prove themselves by themselves , is just to scary ….. So we have to many shitty men … and expect thiese shitty men to be something other than what they are …
Whya they are is OK , they should be the adventures of their own lives ,,, and live it for what is it is and if that means eventually having a family is that they will make the EFFORTS on their own to create that future …. Ahh again going back to the MANHOOD tests of the aborignal peoples where a man had to go alone and live a year …. In the wild before being welcomed back to the tribal lands and allowing him to have MATES …. Girls …. If he did not leave for his man hood training he couls stay but he would most probably express himself in gay manners ( homo sexuality was also around in aborginal tribes …. ) hell it is kinda seen in the gorilla tribe harem also , silver backs who do not leave the ahrem but live a SUBbie males , they provide stability and enhancement for larger groupd harems….. Their DOM drives not being stimulated sometimes till they are much older than would be expected … then they go off to form their own harems ..or take power as the older Silvber back becomes to weak and is ready to retire ,,,, lose his position go off into the woods and die … a naturl death returning to the toa ,,, without tohe programmed fears of mankind.
The struggle for life , the bio-machines A, PROGRAMING IN dna TO STRUGGLE TO LIVE IS strong yet …. It is different than the fear of some fairy tale about hell and living because of fear of death … while you read blog after blog person after person you hera the same thought stream of that this life is hardly worht living … the bio logical desire to live the balance with the emotional guidance of the EXPERIENCER of the tao , who uses the BIO-MACHINE to experience PONT OF VIEW of the un-impossilbe TAO …. And then the freedom of choice of the mind of the bio - machine based on their own experience their own walk their own wants the ,,,, variety … and freedom of choice ..
1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !
The opening statement of
Young master , as you open your mind to the REAL choices and freedoms you have in this life…. And you see the CLOSED minded relationship forms of the controllers the churches mainly .. Have not worked for them did not provide you with a happy childhood . A lot of you young masters who have more that the average brain and mind aAblitlity are choosing to explore M4m man for man , and girls also mainly because guys are so shy because they are so confused etc ,,, the girls also to get the affection they need that all animals need ….. They too are exploring F4f ,,, girl to girl … this is all fine and as it seems very antural even in the the world of our cousin apes this is very very common m4m or f4f ,, but to do it without also understanding the reasons for the shoice without exploring is to make a choice without all the DATA and understanding of the FREEDOMS of relationship choices you actually have ,,,now is NOT supposed to promoted as the 1 and only relationship choice just because it seems to be the most natural relationship that is TRUE ,,,,, but we humans yes..YES ,, have evolved into animal that can MORPH its instinctual calling sometimes with pleasnat fulfilling results ,
Other times not ,,, this comes to mind because of the interaction I have had recently with some gay couples ,,, m4m’s and f4f’s … and in both I found the same DOM/sub theme evovle in their 1 on 1 ….. I think even here the 1 on 1 is a stressfull relationship form .
The Demand of the Silver back ,,,, to be the boss is Supressing to 1 person … the concepts of the 3 tents ,, the 3 individual homes plus the masters quarrters ,, gives each of the girls some freedom to be in control of their own space yet ,,, also on their own terms interact with the Silver back MALE the DOM , like in the gorilla harem the female seduces she attracts the male when she is ready to fuck to interact with him in the way they are BIOLOGICALLY designed to enjoy interaction.
See young master if you really think about lets us say the Mars and Venus data understanding the Futility of TRYING so hard to force humanity to live in CONTRAST to its design … here study the pages you can get there for that link .. Think for yourself .
The 3 tents gives each human their own dynimc self the expression which it needs and the support system of FRIENDHSIP ,,, ( ahh now if the GREED of eve shows up well that is the evidecnce trail for that LONE indidivual for them to SELF soul search to figure out what they actually a truly want in life ) again personel choice . Freddom of choice
For everyon else the beinfits are there to BE CREATED AND ENJOYED I say created in that it is not magic , especially when understanding that we have been trained programed c conditioned to act outside of our nature so long it is hard to return to the loving nature that is HUMAN INSTINCT. ….
The studying of nature with out the FEAR based programming … will change how you feel. Try this page about cancer …. View it differently ..view this BODY COMMICATION for what nature actually desgned if to do … NATUES LITTLE HELPER … understand the ability for the bio -machine to SELF DESTRUCT when the GAME the ADVENTURE is just to fucking stressfull is a very neat ….. Skill … special feature or desgn .. But if viewed with FEAR of DEATH ( which by the way is the reason for the business of health care or relgons , the teachin of fear of death is the basis of ECOMONY and wealth creation .
Dating back from when withc doctors and priests both controled the gate ways to the after life and the concepts and skills of medicine …. the first coloum of this page is the dicsusion about the fear of death …. And again to refer to the owrds of Buddha “ all we have to fear is FEAR itself “
Now back to sex ,,,,, the fear that there is 1 man for each girl is the fear of girls and boys , the data we have been fed … and over the last few 1000 years of birth the birth rate has given us a closer male to female ratio …. But reality is this …. 1 in10 guys will CHOOSE to be gay ( now adays actually 2 in 10 ) …leaves 8 … 1 in 10 will die or go to long term prison because of being DUMB ..leaves 7 1 will be A-sexual non sexual genetically … leaves 6 … the 80/20 rule states that 20% percent will be responsible for 80 perent of the good ….. That means 2 men will be REAL MEN …. And the balance will be the bumms most girls date and complain about ….. It is not some cut and dry birth rate data ,,,, data can be re=assembled like I just did to give the conclusion of who ever is doing the writing to support their point of view ,,, in mine ,,, I take away ,,males because of varying factors ..leaving just 2 good men to SERVICE to be MEN to the 10 girls …. Of aour current parody of birth rates …. 1 man 5 girls…. The harem nature.
In nautre ,,the mom can not keep the UMIBICAL CORD . Connected to her son like we human have been doing now for years thru the use of $$$ …. And helping the weak male to live when nautral selcetion should have selected him ( FEAR OF DEATH TAKEN OUT OF THE EQUATION ) SELECTED him for a return trip back to the TAO … where is would still be himself in NON time space and MOM would be able to ineract with him her lil’baby after she leaves this ILLUSION of time/sapce but because of the PROGRAMING of fear , moms have established this idea that to let their young men …fly or live or prove themselves by themselves , is just to scary ….. So we have to many shitty men … and expect thiese shitty men to be something other than what they are …
Whya they are is OK , they should be the adventures of their own lives ,,, and live it for what is it is and if that means eventually having a family is that they will make the EFFORTS on their own to create that future …. Ahh again going back to the MANHOOD tests of the aborignal peoples where a man had to go alone and live a year …. In the wild before being welcomed back to the tribal lands and allowing him to have MATES …. Girls …. If he did not leave for his man hood training he couls stay but he would most probably express himself in gay manners ( homo sexuality was also around in aborginal tribes …. ) hell it is kinda seen in the gorilla tribe harem also , silver backs who do not leave the ahrem but live a SUBbie males , they provide stability and enhancement for larger groupd harems….. Their DOM drives not being stimulated sometimes till they are much older than would be expected … then they go off to form their own harems ..or take power as the older Silvber back becomes to weak and is ready to retire ,,,, lose his position go off into the woods and die … a naturl death returning to the toa ,,, without tohe programmed fears of mankind.
The struggle for life , the bio-machines A, PROGRAMING IN dna TO STRUGGLE TO LIVE IS strong yet …. It is different than the fear of some fairy tale about hell and living because of fear of death … while you read blog after blog person after person you hera the same thought stream of that this life is hardly worht living … the bio logical desire to live the balance with the emotional guidance of the EXPERIENCER of the tao , who uses the BIO-MACHINE to experience PONT OF VIEW of the un-impossilbe TAO …. And then the freedom of choice of the mind of the bio - machine based on their own experience their own walk their own wants the ,,,, variety … and freedom of choice ..
1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !
The opening statement of
Saturday, July 26, 2008
fat duck slit pussy
Fat dick, slit pussy
Taken today form the science of others observations ,,,, I just want you to open your mind LARGER than the Ppro’s WHO we depend on for the answers , they often think about their boservations only from within the brick wall of books they all agree on as being THE WORD !
“ Chimps have a narrow muscular penis inviting intentional displays rather than the fat hydrodynamic penis of the human “ THIS again ? Yes you gotta get to open the idea of FOCUS ,, see if you can only think about what has arealdy been thought you are limited to the trap of the past …. Look at the pictures on these two pages one of a chimps which the PH’d’s all say we are like , yet the evidence trail the form of your body TEACHS something else .. here is chimp info and
“ During copulation the female exhibits compressed lips and the male exhibits pursed lips. The female will occasionally look over her shoulder at the male, and sometimes wave her head side to side with her eyes closed and may emit copulatory whimpers.” hmm animals like us other DNA beings , sem to FEEL SEX ….. Expression of the lips ,, whimpers , looking back at the man who who is fucking her getting into and expressing it by shaking her head and hari…. etc. sound fammilair ?
“ Parameters for monitoring ovulation induction in the gorilla appear to be similar to those for humans ‘ the massive labia enlargement of the female of the chimp family is so grossly different than that of the female Gorilla or female human . As to again show evidnece of our DNA nature .
Masturbation: Manual:An animal rubs its genitals repeatedly with hands. Pelvic rub:A female backs up to an object (tree, rock, etc.) and rubs anogenital area against it. Haunch-bounce:While in a squatting position, a female bounces up and down on her haunches. (Referred to as Eve's "hiccuping.") Coo vocalization:Pursed lip vocalization sometimes given when female's masturbate.
GOOD DAM DOCTORS don’t write in regular words … but you can understand this , it is the same shit we see in our word …..DATING COMMUCICATION ,, the art of SEDUCTION ……
Sexual behavior: Anogenital touch:An animal examines or fondles the anogenital region of another. Anogenital sniff:An animal sniffs the anogenital region of another . Stare:A female stands motionless while intensely observing the male. Head jerk:While staring, a female intermittently jerks head to the side. The body is relaxed and lips are not compressed. (Referred to as "the come hither look".) Extended arm invitation:A female extends her arm with open palm toward the male. Ground or object tap:While orienting toward the male, a female repeatedly taps ground, rock or log with both hands (as if playing a drum). Haunch-scoot:While squatting, a female uses her arms to propel herself on her haunches toward the male. Quadrupedal-bounce:While standing on all fours and facing another animal, a female bounces hindquarters up and down. (Similar to haunch-bounce but done while animal is standing - may be form of masturbation as well as sexual solicitation.) Pronk:While standing on all fours and facing another animal, a female hops about in a jerky fashion. The hindquarters tend to be slightly elevated. (Behavior "invented" by Cleo.) Pronk-mount:A female pronks while grasping another animal around the waist. Present:A female stands quadrupedally and orients anogenital region directly toward another animal; hindquarters are slightly elevated (but not an exaggerated display as in some primates). Back-into:While presenting, a female walks backwards directly into another animal. Play-present:A female presents in a playful context. Form is generally exaggerated, e.g., animal bends way over with head close to ground and rump in the air. (May occur only in young animals.) Spread-legs display:A female slides on an incline past another with legs spread widely apart. Occurs in a playful context. Crouch:A female bends low to the ground with her limbs pulled in. Another animal may then mount dorso-ventrally. Lie prone:An animal lies flat on the ground face downward during a sexual encounter. Lie supine:An animal lies flat on the ground face upward during a sexual encounter. Dorso-ventral mount:An animal mounts another from behind. Ventro-ventral mount:An animal mounts another from the front. (Both animals face each other.) Ventro-ventral mount of infant:An adult animal stands quadrupedally over a supine infant and thrusts without making contact. Awkward mount:An animal mounts another, but orientation is improper, e.g., mounts from side, etc. Mount and thrust:An animal mounts another and thrusts, but intromission does not occur. Copulation:An animal mounts another and intromission occurs (hard to determine whether ejaculation occurs). Coo vocalization:Pursed lips vocalization given by female which may occur before, during or after copulation. Reach and touch:During copulation, a female reaches around with one arm and touches male on the head.
Why get so ,,,LOST thoughts that you lose the evidence trail in easy sight? Why make it so difficult ….AHHHHH the F - word in the last sentence …the greed of
Does the embryological state of genital undifferentiation suggest the possibility of a collapse of gender from male and female singularities to a more complex, layered concept of sexuality where each of the sexes can be seen one within the other? Could the sexual body be represented as an ontologically transparent skin through which art and science are mutually visible? These questions are posed by the author in the form of cross-disciplinary works: original biological-visual research into the development of the genitals in the human embryo, 3D models, drawings, videos, paintings on the body and didactic lecture-performances. The works draw upon disparate fields of knowledge--linguistics, psychoanalysis, the histories of visual art and biological science, the subjectivity of the artist--to propose alternative terms for the construction of sex, sexuality and gender during this time of crisis in sexual difference as it stands at the intersection of feminism, science, art and politics.
Hey young master , this is way to complex to think about GOOD then stay LIVING THE LIFE YOU should be a good boy , and follow in foot steps of those who went before you ,,, in others words BE A FOLLOWER …. A slave …
Not the a master ….
Taken today form the science of others observations ,,,, I just want you to open your mind LARGER than the Ppro’s WHO we depend on for the answers , they often think about their boservations only from within the brick wall of books they all agree on as being THE WORD !
“ Chimps have a narrow muscular penis inviting intentional displays rather than the fat hydrodynamic penis of the human “ THIS again ? Yes you gotta get to open the idea of FOCUS ,, see if you can only think about what has arealdy been thought you are limited to the trap of the past …. Look at the pictures on these two pages one of a chimps which the PH’d’s all say we are like , yet the evidence trail the form of your body TEACHS something else .. here is chimp info and
“ During copulation the female exhibits compressed lips and the male exhibits pursed lips. The female will occasionally look over her shoulder at the male, and sometimes wave her head side to side with her eyes closed and may emit copulatory whimpers.” hmm animals like us other DNA beings , sem to FEEL SEX ….. Expression of the lips ,, whimpers , looking back at the man who who is fucking her getting into and expressing it by shaking her head and hari…. etc. sound fammilair ?
“ Parameters for monitoring ovulation induction in the gorilla appear to be similar to those for humans ‘ the massive labia enlargement of the female of the chimp family is so grossly different than that of the female Gorilla or female human . As to again show evidnece of our DNA nature .
Masturbation: Manual:An animal rubs its genitals repeatedly with hands. Pelvic rub:A female backs up to an object (tree, rock, etc.) and rubs anogenital area against it. Haunch-bounce:While in a squatting position, a female bounces up and down on her haunches. (Referred to as Eve's "hiccuping.") Coo vocalization:Pursed lip vocalization sometimes given when female's masturbate.
GOOD DAM DOCTORS don’t write in regular words … but you can understand this , it is the same shit we see in our word …..DATING COMMUCICATION ,, the art of SEDUCTION ……
Sexual behavior: Anogenital touch:An animal examines or fondles the anogenital region of another. Anogenital sniff:An animal sniffs the anogenital region of another . Stare:A female stands motionless while intensely observing the male. Head jerk:While staring, a female intermittently jerks head to the side. The body is relaxed and lips are not compressed. (Referred to as "the come hither look".) Extended arm invitation:A female extends her arm with open palm toward the male. Ground or object tap:While orienting toward the male, a female repeatedly taps ground, rock or log with both hands (as if playing a drum). Haunch-scoot:While squatting, a female uses her arms to propel herself on her haunches toward the male. Quadrupedal-bounce:While standing on all fours and facing another animal, a female bounces hindquarters up and down. (Similar to haunch-bounce but done while animal is standing - may be form of masturbation as well as sexual solicitation.) Pronk:While standing on all fours and facing another animal, a female hops about in a jerky fashion. The hindquarters tend to be slightly elevated. (Behavior "invented" by Cleo.) Pronk-mount:A female pronks while grasping another animal around the waist. Present:A female stands quadrupedally and orients anogenital region directly toward another animal; hindquarters are slightly elevated (but not an exaggerated display as in some primates). Back-into:While presenting, a female walks backwards directly into another animal. Play-present:A female presents in a playful context. Form is generally exaggerated, e.g., animal bends way over with head close to ground and rump in the air. (May occur only in young animals.) Spread-legs display:A female slides on an incline past another with legs spread widely apart. Occurs in a playful context. Crouch:A female bends low to the ground with her limbs pulled in. Another animal may then mount dorso-ventrally. Lie prone:An animal lies flat on the ground face downward during a sexual encounter. Lie supine:An animal lies flat on the ground face upward during a sexual encounter. Dorso-ventral mount:An animal mounts another from behind. Ventro-ventral mount:An animal mounts another from the front. (Both animals face each other.) Ventro-ventral mount of infant:An adult animal stands quadrupedally over a supine infant and thrusts without making contact. Awkward mount:An animal mounts another, but orientation is improper, e.g., mounts from side, etc. Mount and thrust:An animal mounts another and thrusts, but intromission does not occur. Copulation:An animal mounts another and intromission occurs (hard to determine whether ejaculation occurs). Coo vocalization:Pursed lips vocalization given by female which may occur before, during or after copulation. Reach and touch:During copulation, a female reaches around with one arm and touches male on the head.
Why get so ,,,LOST thoughts that you lose the evidence trail in easy sight? Why make it so difficult ….AHHHHH the F - word in the last sentence …the greed of
Does the embryological state of genital undifferentiation suggest the possibility of a collapse of gender from male and female singularities to a more complex, layered concept of sexuality where each of the sexes can be seen one within the other? Could the sexual body be represented as an ontologically transparent skin through which art and science are mutually visible? These questions are posed by the author in the form of cross-disciplinary works: original biological-visual research into the development of the genitals in the human embryo, 3D models, drawings, videos, paintings on the body and didactic lecture-performances. The works draw upon disparate fields of knowledge--linguistics, psychoanalysis, the histories of visual art and biological science, the subjectivity of the artist--to propose alternative terms for the construction of sex, sexuality and gender during this time of crisis in sexual difference as it stands at the intersection of feminism, science, art and politics.
Hey young master , this is way to complex to think about GOOD then stay LIVING THE LIFE YOU should be a good boy , and follow in foot steps of those who went before you ,,, in others words BE A FOLLOWER …. A slave …
Not the a master ….
Friday, July 25, 2008
stretch that pussy
Stretch that pussy
Young master the angle of your penetration … is what I am talking about since a lot of the actuall senstion for her is in the front few inches of her pussy your creativity of fucking penentration will make all the difference sometimes in the loudness of her screams of …. Oh my GOD master NO it is just a little pussy ohhh my god ! …
Now since I hope we have talked over the years enough about the beneifits of the practise of of jacking off , for you to develop the control to enjoy your won multiple orgaisms thru PLAYING STOP when fucking real live pussy …. And you understand SELF , more the idea that being fast is just a reaction to the sexual frustration … the minute is STEALNG PUSSY ..because he is afraid of getting a
NO I am not into this I got something on my mind stop and lets do it later
…. in the middle of fuck . You are better aware of the realities of the reason why you choose to fuck the way you do ,, being self aware about aspects of things that CONDITION you to do things in certain is the BEGINNING of being able to choose CHANGE.
So let us say you are in a relations hip so what stable ,, and creative … are you UP TO IT … now are you up to it … for example , this morning I am feeling the burn of a WORK OUT on the muslces on the top part og my legs ,, and I realized again something I had known .. Already , but it is nice to be remeinded so I can remeind you , keep in FUCKING SHAPE … you can enjoy the windows … of exposed pussy and oppurutune presentations .
Look my day to day , pussy is presented to me in PUPPY FASHION , SHE IS COMFY WITH HER SPECIAL PILLOW SUPPORTING HER body well so that she getts not back injury from our daily workout ( much less than daily now a days with a 5 years living with us 24/7 ahhh again another benefit of the 3 moms is to have the other supporting mom there to help give each SISTER the time to realy enjoy her penetrations! Her fucks without the fear of needing to enteratin our invited guest a child ..they need attention they are attention seeking orgaisms…)
Now at this angle on the edge of the bed , I have a wide range of angles to choose from actually Right foot on the bed or left foot on the bed gives me great side wall pussy penetrations and we get very good GRION to GRION ,.,GRINDING … because I am not punding her soft ass cheeks , now that sPANKING action of my body against her ass cheeks well IS IN ITSEFL a style … doing the bouncy , that is riding up on my toes and kness like a spring and forcing the angle of ny penetration to ride the Front wall of her cunt ….. And then with her legs wider and me in the middle pulling her ass off the bed a bit more I get an up from under neath angle and this pulls her on MORE clit ….. So the creativity of and speed of change ups in the PUPPU POSITIONS IS GREAT AND EASY
… and of course dumbass , you will enjoy it so much more if you make her cumm fisrt or get her so fucking hot that within a few minutes she is cumming while fucking ,, because after her CUMMM she is so senstative that each trust and change up will drive her screams of ooooh my GOD ,, and well I am just so fucking EGO driven that I like being called A GOD ! So ,, so ,,, if she did not cumm to face buryed I that puppy pussy , the fingers riding the front wall of the pussy while you are stroking your self hard … and you are not using the MACHINE ,, well TAKE HER HAND A AND GUIDE IT TO HER CLIT during your fucking ….. She will understand the message and take over and mastrubate herself ,,, I still do not understand why girls just do not paly with themselves each and every time I am inside of them ,,, it maybe in fact that jus the enjoy ment of the penentration is enough that climax is not the same GOAL oraientation as we have ,,, In fact much of their enjoyement is in the act of making us CUMMM of sperm collecting ..( kinda like stamp collecting just more active and wetter )
But this reliance on one main general method …. Does mean that I do not keep my mucles in shape for other activities… ok if you drive her around the bed using the HITACHI you understand what I mean yuou can steer her aound like a you were driving a skiff with a TILLER controlled engine … and end up with her head tucked down in a ball some where in a corner at the end of my leash of the HITACHI CORD …
And there you have this Whimpering ball of continuely orgasim girl THAT YOU NOW NEED TO FUCK TO get your own needs satifyied. You can just do a simple doggy stlye bang of her cunt and ass doing a switchy … but there is the DEEP KNEE fuck … where your lega are actually way up near her ships and the DRIVEN ANGLE OF YOUR COCK , stretchs her pussy so greatly as to give you newer sensations on the shaft of your dick … and what a forced sesnation she will have on the fRONT WALL her SPOT in that laready ORGASIMIC STATE … but to contiue this method means you willhave to have in your day to day enersie , routine put in , some deep kneee exercises for to enjoy this fuck will mean you will be playing stop pulling out standing up on the bed to stretch out your legs it gives her also 30 seconds to breathe your RE-insertion brings on NEW lfoods of senstiona agaian ,, good for both of you …. So …. Realize and plan exercise your muclse whether it is daily … push ups so you have good endurance fo MISSIONARY .. Of deep knee exerices so you can enjoy ,,,, the above angle of pentation , relaize the complexity and diversity of sexual enjoyment for the both of you
And how much better it would be for you and her if she was part of a SISTERHOOD of girls who realized and freely choose to be in a supportive family …. To enjoy the recreations of their bodys more . Because of the Dynimcs of the poly the harem family of … ohh do not know if touched on the feeling of the stretch ed pussy on your shaft , that tension , is a nuisance to savored by you TOO
Young master the angle of your penetration … is what I am talking about since a lot of the actuall senstion for her is in the front few inches of her pussy your creativity of fucking penentration will make all the difference sometimes in the loudness of her screams of …. Oh my GOD master NO it is just a little pussy ohhh my god ! …
Now since I hope we have talked over the years enough about the beneifits of the practise of of jacking off , for you to develop the control to enjoy your won multiple orgaisms thru PLAYING STOP when fucking real live pussy …. And you understand SELF , more the idea that being fast is just a reaction to the sexual frustration … the minute is STEALNG PUSSY ..because he is afraid of getting a
NO I am not into this I got something on my mind stop and lets do it later
…. in the middle of fuck . You are better aware of the realities of the reason why you choose to fuck the way you do ,, being self aware about aspects of things that CONDITION you to do things in certain is the BEGINNING of being able to choose CHANGE.
So let us say you are in a relations hip so what stable ,, and creative … are you UP TO IT … now are you up to it … for example , this morning I am feeling the burn of a WORK OUT on the muslces on the top part og my legs ,, and I realized again something I had known .. Already , but it is nice to be remeinded so I can remeind you , keep in FUCKING SHAPE … you can enjoy the windows … of exposed pussy and oppurutune presentations .
Look my day to day , pussy is presented to me in PUPPY FASHION , SHE IS COMFY WITH HER SPECIAL PILLOW SUPPORTING HER body well so that she getts not back injury from our daily workout ( much less than daily now a days with a 5 years living with us 24/7 ahhh again another benefit of the 3 moms is to have the other supporting mom there to help give each SISTER the time to realy enjoy her penetrations! Her fucks without the fear of needing to enteratin our invited guest a child ..they need attention they are attention seeking orgaisms…)
Now at this angle on the edge of the bed , I have a wide range of angles to choose from actually Right foot on the bed or left foot on the bed gives me great side wall pussy penetrations and we get very good GRION to GRION ,.,GRINDING … because I am not punding her soft ass cheeks , now that sPANKING action of my body against her ass cheeks well IS IN ITSEFL a style … doing the bouncy , that is riding up on my toes and kness like a spring and forcing the angle of ny penetration to ride the Front wall of her cunt ….. And then with her legs wider and me in the middle pulling her ass off the bed a bit more I get an up from under neath angle and this pulls her on MORE clit ….. So the creativity of and speed of change ups in the PUPPU POSITIONS IS GREAT AND EASY
… and of course dumbass , you will enjoy it so much more if you make her cumm fisrt or get her so fucking hot that within a few minutes she is cumming while fucking ,, because after her CUMMM she is so senstative that each trust and change up will drive her screams of ooooh my GOD ,, and well I am just so fucking EGO driven that I like being called A GOD ! So ,, so ,,, if she did not cumm to face buryed I that puppy pussy , the fingers riding the front wall of the pussy while you are stroking your self hard … and you are not using the MACHINE ,, well TAKE HER HAND A AND GUIDE IT TO HER CLIT during your fucking ….. She will understand the message and take over and mastrubate herself ,,, I still do not understand why girls just do not paly with themselves each and every time I am inside of them ,,, it maybe in fact that jus the enjoy ment of the penentration is enough that climax is not the same GOAL oraientation as we have ,,, In fact much of their enjoyement is in the act of making us CUMMM of sperm collecting ..( kinda like stamp collecting just more active and wetter )
But this reliance on one main general method …. Does mean that I do not keep my mucles in shape for other activities… ok if you drive her around the bed using the HITACHI you understand what I mean yuou can steer her aound like a you were driving a skiff with a TILLER controlled engine … and end up with her head tucked down in a ball some where in a corner at the end of my leash of the HITACHI CORD …
And there you have this Whimpering ball of continuely orgasim girl THAT YOU NOW NEED TO FUCK TO get your own needs satifyied. You can just do a simple doggy stlye bang of her cunt and ass doing a switchy … but there is the DEEP KNEE fuck … where your lega are actually way up near her ships and the DRIVEN ANGLE OF YOUR COCK , stretchs her pussy so greatly as to give you newer sensations on the shaft of your dick … and what a forced sesnation she will have on the fRONT WALL her SPOT in that laready ORGASIMIC STATE … but to contiue this method means you willhave to have in your day to day enersie , routine put in , some deep kneee exercises for to enjoy this fuck will mean you will be playing stop pulling out standing up on the bed to stretch out your legs it gives her also 30 seconds to breathe your RE-insertion brings on NEW lfoods of senstiona agaian ,, good for both of you …. So …. Realize and plan exercise your muclse whether it is daily … push ups so you have good endurance fo MISSIONARY .. Of deep knee exerices so you can enjoy ,,,, the above angle of pentation , relaize the complexity and diversity of sexual enjoyment for the both of you
And how much better it would be for you and her if she was part of a SISTERHOOD of girls who realized and freely choose to be in a supportive family …. To enjoy the recreations of their bodys more . Because of the Dynimcs of the poly the harem family of … ohh do not know if touched on the feeling of the stretch ed pussy on your shaft , that tension , is a nuisance to savored by you TOO
Thursday, July 24, 2008
lose the dress
Miss the dress
Young master keep your eyes open to the sublte programming the social conditioning ,,, and realize that the efforts to correct the ILLS of HUMAN NATURE … are really human trying to fix up the fuck up of the first bit of human intterferance … the sjumping off point the social conditioning ..the forcing of humanity to live and act differently than our truest … our TRUE nature ….which honeslty even when I comes to that mean basstard at heart …. That big muscle head whose takes to many roida nad is getting one fucking ansty attitude ,,, when you realy study him ,,, you find a nice guy under there some where …..
But back to her dress , the conditioning the sublte BRAIN WASHING , till you expect nothing different ,,, in fact start to feel trapped … because the faccts is the facts .. WRONG ! They are only facts bec ause you ain’t got the guts to try something new ,, BUILD IT AND THEY WILL CUMMM …
The braINWASHING TO accept the idea that TEASING sexuall is the natural way to attaract of choose mates is SO FUCKING idiotic be out loud laughable when compared with the EYE opening of which has its roots in the anc ient understanding of a simple man ,, way fucking abck when Zhauangzi …. Who realized we … we tooo , us humans are ANIMALS , and actually nice animals AND the words of the BUDDHA are right there is nothing to fear but fear itself … ( buddha said it first the US president just ripped it off , to stimulate young men to join his army to die in the war of the GREEDY like slaves have done for 1000‘s of years like our own young people are doing right now ..all these problems in support of the grreed of the VERY VERY FEW oh the best way to change the world is to SWEEP your own door step ,, tif you are not into their CARROT AND STICK world and like christainity taught so well , by examples by witness you can change the mindset of those around you ,,those old ROMANS WERE Skilled at population amnipulation.)
Her learning and practising the skills of being
PRETTY ,, then then , realize ,,, FEEL THE STRESS of your first dates just remember …the EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE you were rec ieving from your inner being , the UNANATURALNESS of the whole evening , and what was the deepest of inner themes for you , well getting that dress off of her and her legs spread wide so you dick has access to the wett pussy inside ,,wettness being the NON VERBAL COMMINCATION … of truth … her truth the reason why she has practised to look so pretty and teasing the TRUTH IS SHE IS A LITTLE HORNYSLUT A hole ….. A hole which is a vacuum and NATURE ABHORS A BACUUM ,,it needs to be filled so that pussy wetts in ,,, invitation to your FILLING it with hard cock .
Can you realize the whole UN NATURALNESS of this event the first date ?
The years of preparation involved the expectations and SEXUAL FRIUSTRATIONS of the parst of both of you because she does not go thru all the training going to the Gym , face apinting hair messing with ,, color matching etc etc etc … for no reason also ,,,,NO HER INNER ANIMAL IS AS FRUSTRATED as you .
But why did we get so confused ,,, that reason the detailed details are not as improtant as understanding that we are confused that the BEAST aspect of humanity is not EVIL ,, in fact the FEAR of death is more EVIL that death ,, than the reutrn to the TAO . From where you came and PART ,, YES PART OF US IS STILL THERE …. just take a few weeks to think about the idea of UN - impossible , about the idea of the no 1 thing , being that sacrey place of nothing .. That fear the UNCOMFORTABLE concept of fear is ,,the TAO you saying ,, you have a chooice int his experience to DO IT ALL WRONG ,, but I am not liking the direction of OUR choice … but from the AGREEMENT of playing in time/space the God aspect of you ( I use god aspect to stimulate comcepts in your thinking right now ..only ) individual thinking ….. The agreement that in this dream we get a chance to FUCKIT ALL UP to experience things …… but with GUIDANCE ,,, that FEELING of stress saying YO! DIPSHIT ,you may want to re- assess your options ,,your choice ,,, ahh but the brain washed part of you , does nor realize you have options and you can choose them and STILL BE GOOD ,,,, the reason you do not explore real options is deep down you are still respondiong the “ you’re agood boy or a bad boy coming from the mommy of your youth “ even your choice to choose ALTERNATIVE lifestyles now , has …good boy and bad boy values in it ,,,since in reality you choose these alternative lifestyles not because of your own FREE NEWW creative thinking but based on the current fashions ,,, so it is the your are a GOOD BOY coming from anew mommy ,,this mommy is called social acceptance or fashion.
The complexity upon complexity …now the law that keeps all reality together ,,for there is not real reason for atoms and sub atomic particles to form THING … there is no real idea or rule ..or LAW .. Ther is not a subatomic police force and a prison for sub atomic particles to go to ,,, because they did not act right and stay joined together in the form of THING OR MASS …. The baisis for EXPERIENCE IS THE AGREEMENT OF ALL THE TO OF THIS FOCUS < THIS POINT OF VIEW TO agrree to ATTRACT each other …..
The underlying most ..unreal of all things we experience is a simple thing you do all the time ,,, it is a thing .. And you do have some control over it within certain boundrys of NATURE .. For the bio-machine has PARAMENTERS . Limits fo focus built in … DNA instincts. And that free dom is THOUGHT …. The paint the creative force of the shole system , the point of view which the palyers then aggree to form to make sure each POV getts to experience SHIT ..adventure …. Just because you have been brain washed does not mean you have to stay that way ……because as you read and open you thoughts up to the UN - IM- POSSIBLE ….. You see well new possibles and then FEEL …. Are you more relxed ? Hey relation feels good ,,,, ahhh aimple straight forWARD … emotional guidance coming from where ?
From where ,, emotionas are result of what …. Just animal reactions to eviromnetal events … WHY YES ! You get 10 points …… but that is whay time/space adventure this concepts of experiencing things .. Is about so the funtioning of the PERCEPTION DEVISE ,,,, you , the animal … must have the ablity to choice for it self what I fells as beneficial or not
Is stress beificial ,,,? If the stress is so bad that you have to DULL the guidance with poisins to contue with the experience because it is so UNANTUIRAL … is that relaxation or insanity ? Ohh sure you relax after you have poisined the machine with drugs or beer , but is that natural or ?being teased by a pretty dress ,,finding your COURAGE IN A CUP …hmmm whatcha think dumbass ?
Young master keep your eyes open to the sublte programming the social conditioning ,,, and realize that the efforts to correct the ILLS of HUMAN NATURE … are really human trying to fix up the fuck up of the first bit of human intterferance … the sjumping off point the social conditioning ..the forcing of humanity to live and act differently than our truest … our TRUE nature ….which honeslty even when I comes to that mean basstard at heart …. That big muscle head whose takes to many roida nad is getting one fucking ansty attitude ,,, when you realy study him ,,, you find a nice guy under there some where …..
But back to her dress , the conditioning the sublte BRAIN WASHING , till you expect nothing different ,,, in fact start to feel trapped … because the faccts is the facts .. WRONG ! They are only facts bec ause you ain’t got the guts to try something new ,, BUILD IT AND THEY WILL CUMMM …
The braINWASHING TO accept the idea that TEASING sexuall is the natural way to attaract of choose mates is SO FUCKING idiotic be out loud laughable when compared with the EYE opening of which has its roots in the anc ient understanding of a simple man ,, way fucking abck when Zhauangzi …. Who realized we … we tooo , us humans are ANIMALS , and actually nice animals AND the words of the BUDDHA are right there is nothing to fear but fear itself … ( buddha said it first the US president just ripped it off , to stimulate young men to join his army to die in the war of the GREEDY like slaves have done for 1000‘s of years like our own young people are doing right now ..all these problems in support of the grreed of the VERY VERY FEW oh the best way to change the world is to SWEEP your own door step ,, tif you are not into their CARROT AND STICK world and like christainity taught so well , by examples by witness you can change the mindset of those around you ,,those old ROMANS WERE Skilled at population amnipulation.)
Her learning and practising the skills of being
PRETTY ,, then then , realize ,,, FEEL THE STRESS of your first dates just remember …the EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE you were rec ieving from your inner being , the UNANATURALNESS of the whole evening , and what was the deepest of inner themes for you , well getting that dress off of her and her legs spread wide so you dick has access to the wett pussy inside ,,wettness being the NON VERBAL COMMINCATION … of truth … her truth the reason why she has practised to look so pretty and teasing the TRUTH IS SHE IS A LITTLE HORNYSLUT A hole ….. A hole which is a vacuum and NATURE ABHORS A BACUUM ,,it needs to be filled so that pussy wetts in ,,, invitation to your FILLING it with hard cock .
Can you realize the whole UN NATURALNESS of this event the first date ?
The years of preparation involved the expectations and SEXUAL FRIUSTRATIONS of the parst of both of you because she does not go thru all the training going to the Gym , face apinting hair messing with ,, color matching etc etc etc … for no reason also ,,,,NO HER INNER ANIMAL IS AS FRUSTRATED as you .
But why did we get so confused ,,, that reason the detailed details are not as improtant as understanding that we are confused that the BEAST aspect of humanity is not EVIL ,, in fact the FEAR of death is more EVIL that death ,, than the reutrn to the TAO . From where you came and PART ,, YES PART OF US IS STILL THERE …. just take a few weeks to think about the idea of UN - impossible , about the idea of the no 1 thing , being that sacrey place of nothing .. That fear the UNCOMFORTABLE concept of fear is ,,the TAO you saying ,, you have a chooice int his experience to DO IT ALL WRONG ,, but I am not liking the direction of OUR choice … but from the AGREEMENT of playing in time/space the God aspect of you ( I use god aspect to stimulate comcepts in your thinking right now ..only ) individual thinking ….. The agreement that in this dream we get a chance to FUCKIT ALL UP to experience things …… but with GUIDANCE ,,, that FEELING of stress saying YO! DIPSHIT ,you may want to re- assess your options ,,your choice ,,, ahh but the brain washed part of you , does nor realize you have options and you can choose them and STILL BE GOOD ,,,, the reason you do not explore real options is deep down you are still respondiong the “ you’re agood boy or a bad boy coming from the mommy of your youth “ even your choice to choose ALTERNATIVE lifestyles now , has …good boy and bad boy values in it ,,,since in reality you choose these alternative lifestyles not because of your own FREE NEWW creative thinking but based on the current fashions ,,, so it is the your are a GOOD BOY coming from anew mommy ,,this mommy is called social acceptance or fashion.
The complexity upon complexity …now the law that keeps all reality together ,,for there is not real reason for atoms and sub atomic particles to form THING … there is no real idea or rule ..or LAW .. Ther is not a subatomic police force and a prison for sub atomic particles to go to ,,, because they did not act right and stay joined together in the form of THING OR MASS …. The baisis for EXPERIENCE IS THE AGREEMENT OF ALL THE TO OF THIS FOCUS < THIS POINT OF VIEW TO agrree to ATTRACT each other …..
The underlying most ..unreal of all things we experience is a simple thing you do all the time ,,, it is a thing .. And you do have some control over it within certain boundrys of NATURE .. For the bio-machine has PARAMENTERS . Limits fo focus built in … DNA instincts. And that free dom is THOUGHT …. The paint the creative force of the shole system , the point of view which the palyers then aggree to form to make sure each POV getts to experience SHIT ..adventure …. Just because you have been brain washed does not mean you have to stay that way ……because as you read and open you thoughts up to the UN - IM- POSSIBLE ….. You see well new possibles and then FEEL …. Are you more relxed ? Hey relation feels good ,,,, ahhh aimple straight forWARD … emotional guidance coming from where ?
From where ,, emotionas are result of what …. Just animal reactions to eviromnetal events … WHY YES ! You get 10 points …… but that is whay time/space adventure this concepts of experiencing things .. Is about so the funtioning of the PERCEPTION DEVISE ,,,, you , the animal … must have the ablity to choice for it self what I fells as beneficial or not
Is stress beificial ,,,? If the stress is so bad that you have to DULL the guidance with poisins to contue with the experience because it is so UNANTUIRAL … is that relaxation or insanity ? Ohh sure you relax after you have poisined the machine with drugs or beer , but is that natural or ?being teased by a pretty dress ,,finding your COURAGE IN A CUP …hmmm whatcha think dumbass ?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pink jelly dildoe
Young master the fansty life the in the mind sex life of girls is the same as ours , until they , get that idea about OWNERSHIP of love ..the greed …. And then the the idea about using VIOLENCE to keep their POSSESION thiers … ( hmm like kids are not poseesions niether is your lover niether are you )
Girls as of late have been expressing a willingness and enjoy ment , in bi-sexual … I honeslty believe that as sexualr ecreation became part of our species those MILLIONS of years ago in the past the Bi-sexual nature of the female was very common and open agin I want o refer to the BEASTS of the field and NOT JUDGE then as un CIVIL when the most cruel species is HUAMNITY Itself … the most un civil thing is us . In the mating behavoir pages read the observations .. and think about the day to day SENUAL EXPOSURE … of the wild BEAST …. but again ohh yes notice the Evolution of CRUELITY and violence in our COUSINS , the 3 gorlilla chimp bonoboo … again relaize the FAST about body shape design and expecially the design of something directly related to the TOPIC I write about ,,, your COCK ,,, the chimp is desgned with a cock that deleivers spern directly into the opening of the womb , aPENCIL dick …. The gorilla not in competition to delviver sperm has a short fat cock … the fatter cock gives the girl better climaxs , the orgaism stimulates ovulation … the entrance of your girl pussy is the most sensitive area .. Now after she has cumm if you deep bang her ,,,, over and over well you are causing sensations on that wommb entrance which has been pumpped with blood because of first exterior stimulations …. Really deduce really think examine ,, and you will see we are desgnined for the COMMITTED sexual relationship of the HAREM ,, not the RAPE natures of CHIMP/bonobbo …
But now to the teeth of today , this one writer wants to BEAT THE ASS of her POSSENSIONS other girl …. She wants to be CRUEL , to be VIOLENT … she wants to cause PAIN … possibley kill , but mostly just cause pain to feel POWER AND control thru causing some one else pain …. And damamge the skinn of her competitior so that she is no longer competitive …..AND WE ARE CIVIL ? THERE is nothing like this in antue except in the Chimp world where the resulting violence and manipulation of the female causes over 1 baby in 10 babies will be MURDERED BY competeing female ,,,, or the effects of her aminuplations .. It is ther in the work of a great chimp observer on the mating behavior page .
Ok this girl who a few years ago used spend her nights in PLAYFUL sexual RECREATION with a girl frind she wrote about sitiing on her girl friends face enjoying the feeling of her tongue on her pussy while she would lean forward and fuck her friend with this pink jeely dildoe , and while fucking her friend see would VISAUALIZE , that she was watch in reality this 1 guy that they both liked , fucking her ,,instead of the dildoe ,,, now UNDERSTAND , the loving accepting DREAM the playfull fanansty and how she could be happy see another man fuck her friend and in watching that it drove her to acchieve GREAT flowing CUMMS and orgasisms FROM her girl friends tonguing .
BUT here it is later a few years and the truth about the LAW OF ATTRATION showed up ,,,,, caution what you wish for you will most likely get it ….. ( THAT IS A NEGATIVE EXPECTATION FOCUS … but the root is what I wanted get whay you think about ) …. A few years later she is dating that GUY she and her friend would fuck to , in their own personel dreams , now understand I am sure he was not the only TOOL of their fansty ,,, the dildoe is plastic it is the standin in for the real think , thru the dildoe fueled with the DREAM of rEAL HARD DICK the joy of CUMMMM FLOWS.
Ok this 1st dream guy was into distnce Bicycling .. And over time she got into Bicycleing for exercise , ok …. So they met becaue of a common Activity ,,,, but SEX is the true COMMON male female human activity sure we can enjoy similar ,, hobbys but it does cummm down to CUMMM ..if it is going to be a love a affair then the HIGH OF THE relase OF sexual frustration will show UP and the dynaimcs aof th friendship change ………. Ohhh she got the I LOVE YOU STATEMENT FROM him over time and the common hobby was great with the sex etc….. but the Dynamics of the 1 on 1 … the truth that girls do change in the 1 on 1 and do the stupid things with out realizing it even if they KNOW BETTER 1 on 1 is UNANTURAL … it leads eventually to the list of DO NOT do’s on the MARS AND VENUS link on this page
And he becomes open to ..the ACTTRACTIVE efforts of other females ,, and guess who that other female turned out to be a year later ,,,, the 1st girls old friend and bisexual playmate …… now she WRITE ME ….. If isee this this bithch if I could just catch this bitch allone I would beat her ass I would fuck up her pretty face !
WOW ARE WE HUMAN ..EVER THE LOVING CARING ,,, HUMANE species on this planet or what …?
He did what was NATURAL … he did not chase other women ,,girls have the right to say yes or NO …. we respond to the UNSPOKEN commucation ,, eye movements hair tosses ..etc etc etc …. and this also goes for during the relationship we respond to ALL the UN VERBAL COMMUCATION ,,, exaple the smell of the AIR BORNES messages of HORMONES , for example that 10 percnet of her month where is BEYOND her mental control givining of commucation in the form of hormones telling the male to GO AWAY I AM BLEEDING ….. Wha tis natural in the DAN of the male is to BE LOVING towards women who are activily commicating the desire to be LOVED ….
The ahrem nature … OF peace . AND HUMANE love and action . Not kicking ass or ripping off faces … there is no other animal in anture as violent like this except the chimp world ,, the BEAST aspect we fear so much is rooted int eh millions of years when we were the PREY speices EXPOSED out on the Savvanahs … we were driven from the safe hiding places of the jungle out of our NICHE .. Already taken by the larger brothers the GRILLA us the LESSER gorilla moved out into the open exposed savvanah and became a prey animal … and we also had to reperoduce more to deal with this PREDATION … but that is all gone over in other blogs about 3 months back in fact days and days of that theme … that is where WE have the ROOT fear of the BEAST …. That FEAR is one of the TOOLS the FEAR of DEATH used by the the thought forms of ecomony to control us ,, religons if studied you will find were realized to be many ECOMONY .. The history behind that PHAROH who tried to form a 1 god empire , it was destroying the eoconomy of multi gods and thus he a so called GOD KING ( figure head used by the ecomonic powers ) was Assainated .
Back to pussy friendship ,,, sexual recreation ,,, meeting thru hobbys ,,, the OTHER GIRL .. And the slave ..state of I LOVE YOU … nad the cohersion and control effects
( ) while it was a dream it was exciting for her to see her old friend getting fucked by the dick of an other guy ,,,, the plasic toy , was what brought about the SOUND TRACK thatt drove her won orgasimic engine … the SOUND TRACK …that BEAST sound we make during sex , it is not commucation or talking or fancy fucking words or logic , both she and you both all of us are excited by the ANIMALS THE SOUNDS FO ANIMAls sex …. We ..she can love the idea of SHARING … of friendhsip …. It can give her some the most beautifly dreams fansnty etc ..the happiest of memeories …now in her fariy tale world … of 1 on 1 …. She has only HATE AND PAIN …. And wants to give violence .
Think about it ? She was happy in her natural self to share . In fact it was better to share … maybe BARNEY IS RIGHT SHARING MEANING CARING !
Young master the fansty life the in the mind sex life of girls is the same as ours , until they , get that idea about OWNERSHIP of love ..the greed …. And then the the idea about using VIOLENCE to keep their POSSESION thiers … ( hmm like kids are not poseesions niether is your lover niether are you )
Girls as of late have been expressing a willingness and enjoy ment , in bi-sexual … I honeslty believe that as sexualr ecreation became part of our species those MILLIONS of years ago in the past the Bi-sexual nature of the female was very common and open agin I want o refer to the BEASTS of the field and NOT JUDGE then as un CIVIL when the most cruel species is HUAMNITY Itself … the most un civil thing is us . In the mating behavoir pages read the observations .. and think about the day to day SENUAL EXPOSURE … of the wild BEAST …. but again ohh yes notice the Evolution of CRUELITY and violence in our COUSINS , the 3 gorlilla chimp bonoboo … again relaize the FAST about body shape design and expecially the design of something directly related to the TOPIC I write about ,,, your COCK ,,, the chimp is desgned with a cock that deleivers spern directly into the opening of the womb , aPENCIL dick …. The gorilla not in competition to delviver sperm has a short fat cock … the fatter cock gives the girl better climaxs , the orgaism stimulates ovulation … the entrance of your girl pussy is the most sensitive area .. Now after she has cumm if you deep bang her ,,,, over and over well you are causing sensations on that wommb entrance which has been pumpped with blood because of first exterior stimulations …. Really deduce really think examine ,, and you will see we are desgnined for the COMMITTED sexual relationship of the HAREM ,, not the RAPE natures of CHIMP/bonobbo …
But now to the teeth of today , this one writer wants to BEAT THE ASS of her POSSENSIONS other girl …. She wants to be CRUEL , to be VIOLENT … she wants to cause PAIN … possibley kill , but mostly just cause pain to feel POWER AND control thru causing some one else pain …. And damamge the skinn of her competitior so that she is no longer competitive …..AND WE ARE CIVIL ? THERE is nothing like this in antue except in the Chimp world where the resulting violence and manipulation of the female causes over 1 baby in 10 babies will be MURDERED BY competeing female ,,,, or the effects of her aminuplations .. It is ther in the work of a great chimp observer on the mating behavior page .
Ok this girl who a few years ago used spend her nights in PLAYFUL sexual RECREATION with a girl frind she wrote about sitiing on her girl friends face enjoying the feeling of her tongue on her pussy while she would lean forward and fuck her friend with this pink jeely dildoe , and while fucking her friend see would VISAUALIZE , that she was watch in reality this 1 guy that they both liked , fucking her ,,instead of the dildoe ,,, now UNDERSTAND , the loving accepting DREAM the playfull fanansty and how she could be happy see another man fuck her friend and in watching that it drove her to acchieve GREAT flowing CUMMS and orgasisms FROM her girl friends tonguing .
BUT here it is later a few years and the truth about the LAW OF ATTRATION showed up ,,,,, caution what you wish for you will most likely get it ….. ( THAT IS A NEGATIVE EXPECTATION FOCUS … but the root is what I wanted get whay you think about ) …. A few years later she is dating that GUY she and her friend would fuck to , in their own personel dreams , now understand I am sure he was not the only TOOL of their fansty ,,, the dildoe is plastic it is the standin in for the real think , thru the dildoe fueled with the DREAM of rEAL HARD DICK the joy of CUMMMM FLOWS.
Ok this 1st dream guy was into distnce Bicycling .. And over time she got into Bicycleing for exercise , ok …. So they met becaue of a common Activity ,,,, but SEX is the true COMMON male female human activity sure we can enjoy similar ,, hobbys but it does cummm down to CUMMM ..if it is going to be a love a affair then the HIGH OF THE relase OF sexual frustration will show UP and the dynaimcs aof th friendship change ………. Ohhh she got the I LOVE YOU STATEMENT FROM him over time and the common hobby was great with the sex etc….. but the Dynamics of the 1 on 1 … the truth that girls do change in the 1 on 1 and do the stupid things with out realizing it even if they KNOW BETTER 1 on 1 is UNANTURAL … it leads eventually to the list of DO NOT do’s on the MARS AND VENUS link on this page
And he becomes open to ..the ACTTRACTIVE efforts of other females ,, and guess who that other female turned out to be a year later ,,,, the 1st girls old friend and bisexual playmate …… now she WRITE ME ….. If isee this this bithch if I could just catch this bitch allone I would beat her ass I would fuck up her pretty face !
WOW ARE WE HUMAN ..EVER THE LOVING CARING ,,, HUMANE species on this planet or what …?
He did what was NATURAL … he did not chase other women ,,girls have the right to say yes or NO …. we respond to the UNSPOKEN commucation ,, eye movements hair tosses ..etc etc etc …. and this also goes for during the relationship we respond to ALL the UN VERBAL COMMUCATION ,,, exaple the smell of the AIR BORNES messages of HORMONES , for example that 10 percnet of her month where is BEYOND her mental control givining of commucation in the form of hormones telling the male to GO AWAY I AM BLEEDING ….. Wha tis natural in the DAN of the male is to BE LOVING towards women who are activily commicating the desire to be LOVED ….
The ahrem nature … OF peace . AND HUMANE love and action . Not kicking ass or ripping off faces … there is no other animal in anture as violent like this except the chimp world ,, the BEAST aspect we fear so much is rooted int eh millions of years when we were the PREY speices EXPOSED out on the Savvanahs … we were driven from the safe hiding places of the jungle out of our NICHE .. Already taken by the larger brothers the GRILLA us the LESSER gorilla moved out into the open exposed savvanah and became a prey animal … and we also had to reperoduce more to deal with this PREDATION … but that is all gone over in other blogs about 3 months back in fact days and days of that theme … that is where WE have the ROOT fear of the BEAST …. That FEAR is one of the TOOLS the FEAR of DEATH used by the the thought forms of ecomony to control us ,, religons if studied you will find were realized to be many ECOMONY .. The history behind that PHAROH who tried to form a 1 god empire , it was destroying the eoconomy of multi gods and thus he a so called GOD KING ( figure head used by the ecomonic powers ) was Assainated .
Back to pussy friendship ,,, sexual recreation ,,, meeting thru hobbys ,,, the OTHER GIRL .. And the slave ..state of I LOVE YOU … nad the cohersion and control effects
( ) while it was a dream it was exciting for her to see her old friend getting fucked by the dick of an other guy ,,,, the plasic toy , was what brought about the SOUND TRACK thatt drove her won orgasimic engine … the SOUND TRACK …that BEAST sound we make during sex , it is not commucation or talking or fancy fucking words or logic , both she and you both all of us are excited by the ANIMALS THE SOUNDS FO ANIMAls sex …. We ..she can love the idea of SHARING … of friendhsip …. It can give her some the most beautifly dreams fansnty etc ..the happiest of memeories …now in her fariy tale world … of 1 on 1 …. She has only HATE AND PAIN …. And wants to give violence .
Think about it ? She was happy in her natural self to share . In fact it was better to share … maybe BARNEY IS RIGHT SHARING MEANING CARING !
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
raging hard on
Raging Hard-on
Young master a hard-on a stick pumped up cock , is the results of inner HORMAONIAL commucaition …. Different parts of your brain and expectation , telling different organs in your boday how to act what to do wthru commication thru messengers called HORMONES …. And thus you have a stiff dick I had a few minutes ,, now gone the sperm flushed down the toilet , but back to that I a minute .
The topic is of course multi=faccceted …. Cmplexity upopn complexity … it is not simple love story and fairy tales it is the reality of ….. Those HORMONES maybe it was a dream I was having at the time I was waking …hmmm maybe …. The reality of hormones and the DNA animal which we ARE ,, ( we a flesh and blood animals not fairy tale story caharacters ) …. Last night my Girl frind came home after her montlhy visit back up north to see family in fact this trip she brought back the 5 year old grand baby and the teen age daughter …. Now I my house I still have my own teen age daughter that I have raise alone since 18 months ….
I have spent 100’s of hours in marriage counseling and’s of thousands of $$$ so I learned something from that investment …way back when … when I thought that was the path to purchase my way out of a complex issue or problem … with the bes of todays SCIENCE ..( we are just the same as the idiots of arisototles times , sure we no longer bleed each other to release evil spirits but out understanding of the TAO is about the same …none ) back an issue ,,,WHY DOES MY BOYFRIEND NOT COME ON TO ME?
I FEEL IT IS HIS PLACE TO START SEX ! I FEEL LIKE A SLUT IF I START SEX … those are the statements girls write to me looking for ALTERNATIVE understanding about the issues of their lives …
In my 1 … one single family home I have 3 bleeding women ,,,, yesterday before the other woman came home from her trip ,,, my daughter another bleeding woman ,,, was in the NEED to talk , see … she was HORMONIAL ….sitting in the kitchen drinking nestlys Quick chocolate milks after chococlate milkss ….girls can understand sometimes you just NEED CHOCOLATE ! …. And well she says to me DAD you do not understand ..this is my daughter talking to me , and my daughter knows all about me I am like no other father on the fucking planet ….AND SHE IS RIGHT !! I do not understand what it is to be a woman ,,, hey girls why do you think you understand a man …? Who is also hormonal , whose blody also goes thru HORMAINAL COMMUCAITION , yours is to siganl your body to shed part of its skin to provide new fresh platform in case BABY ahppens next month ,,, mine is the the VAST growth exteneted blood restriction . For extended periods of time that can olny be relieved by active stroking of that big hard piece f blod engorged flesh called my cock , and if I do not get relief I hurt balls.
HORMONES ….. So I listened to her and did not FIX_IT …. I learned something … listen do not fix , even though MY INSTINCT MY HORMONES ARE OF THAT OF … a FIXER …. The female world expects me to SUBDUE my HORMAONIAL nature because they have a hormonal nature that expresses itself as BLOOD …. Well mine expresses itself as BLOOD ALSO ….. Trpped blood in a RAGING HARD_ON … daughter described the emotional rolerr coaster since of course I am all into finding things out so I can write about it ,, practising that science of Arisistotle Dedcutive logic.. ( I think I am correct he was deduc not induc ) and each science has it’s own time and place… I hear agin what I have heard from the past from every girl ,, that days before her period starts flowing the evidence TRAIL of blood .. Is there she can feel the changes in CRYING in emotions … she talked about crying tearing up at a simple song ,, and she realized her period was on its way …. Tears beyond her control ( sort of not total slavery to HORMONES , but the realization that they DO PLAY PART IN HER PERSONALITY
GUES WHY DUMBASS young master my friend you also an ANIMAL like her , have moods swings based on the hormones that create that fucking HARD-ON … your DNA and your body , still has RECEPTORS to sense the hormones of girls in the air , to find out which girl you should b ehanging around which one is HORNY . … !
BUT in my 1 single family home at this time there are 3 hormone messages going on ! 2 teens on the RAG ,, the commmuncation is STAY AWAY FOR NOW I AM BLEEDING ….. And my REAL ACTIVE sexual partner is starting the beginning of change of life very EARLY … so she tooo is talking to me with scents …. So times come here lets fuck others WEEKS ON END IT IS STAY WAY ! Do not ignore this aspect , if the hormoes can cause the girls to drink vast amounts of chocolate milk and cry at songs they would normally not and if ….. The other 2460 mamal species still respond to air borne SEXUAL messages and we humans still have those receptors in our noses ( which we do ! ) .. How can any logical person think we TOO do not repsond …. To the messages .
The compounding effects …of NO NO NO ,,, after a while you just stop TRYIN G and you wait till she comes on to you ….well reader girls can you DEDUCE can you use the LOGIC … I know you are capable of to relaize … the confusion of your boyfriends … I know and say over and over it is COMPLEXITY UPON COMPLESITY and since we are trying to force the DNA to live based upon the shoulds of some fucking fairy tale slove story , we all are in states Of sexual frustration ..
NOW DURING the first few months of the relationship with my girl friend if I woke with hard on , I would just CRAM it into her and because we were in that PHASE of the relationship , that pahase where she is … getting that HONOR STATEMENT of I LOVE YOU FROM ME … the turst that I will be there that I will go into NON-SEXUAL STATES FOR EXTENED periods of time because of the honor statement of I love you ..for her …but before she is comfy with my I LOVE YOU SLAVE STATEMENTS … she is open to 24/7 pentration ….. In fact encouraging me to fuck over and voer … coming on to me ..being the little slut tha you reader girl NOW DOES NOT WANT TO BE yet expects the boyfriend to to ignore his GORILLA PROTECTIVE nature … and come on to you any way , after he has been trined by weeks or months of complex confusion NO after hormaoanil NO’S plus the real no’s tha come from your mouth
To the point that in the desperation of SEXUAL release the Toliet RECIEVES THE BULK of his sperm …. Remember a healthy male is ready every 7 hours he is totally frustrated within 48 hours … frustrated at an animal level … like the girl crying at a sone or drinking choclate milk ,,,, not TOTLLY controled but ,,effected by hormones . So are you young master . Effected by hormones ..
We are animals not characters in love storys and plays and TV or childrens fairy tales .. We are DNA animals ….. …. animals that also think so I present the balance of mind body spirit ….. Making profit - mind ,,, jackin off in a toleit - body .. The I-in - I of toa - spirit …the concepts of sexual flogging of using dildoes and vibrators … of ceomincs …. It is not JUST ABOUT THE DREAM OF A SOUL MATE ….. Becaue if source energy is correct ….. The sould mate we search for is every other expresion of life on the planet , … even that which we kill for food is our soul mate the I - in -I ….
Young master a hard-on a stick pumped up cock , is the results of inner HORMAONIAL commucaition …. Different parts of your brain and expectation , telling different organs in your boday how to act what to do wthru commication thru messengers called HORMONES …. And thus you have a stiff dick I had a few minutes ,, now gone the sperm flushed down the toilet , but back to that I a minute .
The topic is of course multi=faccceted …. Cmplexity upopn complexity … it is not simple love story and fairy tales it is the reality of ….. Those HORMONES maybe it was a dream I was having at the time I was waking …hmmm maybe …. The reality of hormones and the DNA animal which we ARE ,, ( we a flesh and blood animals not fairy tale story caharacters ) …. Last night my Girl frind came home after her montlhy visit back up north to see family in fact this trip she brought back the 5 year old grand baby and the teen age daughter …. Now I my house I still have my own teen age daughter that I have raise alone since 18 months ….
I have spent 100’s of hours in marriage counseling and’s of thousands of $$$ so I learned something from that investment …way back when … when I thought that was the path to purchase my way out of a complex issue or problem … with the bes of todays SCIENCE ..( we are just the same as the idiots of arisototles times , sure we no longer bleed each other to release evil spirits but out understanding of the TAO is about the same …none ) back an issue ,,,WHY DOES MY BOYFRIEND NOT COME ON TO ME?
I FEEL IT IS HIS PLACE TO START SEX ! I FEEL LIKE A SLUT IF I START SEX … those are the statements girls write to me looking for ALTERNATIVE understanding about the issues of their lives …
In my 1 … one single family home I have 3 bleeding women ,,,, yesterday before the other woman came home from her trip ,,, my daughter another bleeding woman ,,, was in the NEED to talk , see … she was HORMONIAL ….sitting in the kitchen drinking nestlys Quick chocolate milks after chococlate milkss ….girls can understand sometimes you just NEED CHOCOLATE ! …. And well she says to me DAD you do not understand ..this is my daughter talking to me , and my daughter knows all about me I am like no other father on the fucking planet ….AND SHE IS RIGHT !! I do not understand what it is to be a woman ,,, hey girls why do you think you understand a man …? Who is also hormonal , whose blody also goes thru HORMAINAL COMMUCAITION , yours is to siganl your body to shed part of its skin to provide new fresh platform in case BABY ahppens next month ,,, mine is the the VAST growth exteneted blood restriction . For extended periods of time that can olny be relieved by active stroking of that big hard piece f blod engorged flesh called my cock , and if I do not get relief I hurt balls.
HORMONES ….. So I listened to her and did not FIX_IT …. I learned something … listen do not fix , even though MY INSTINCT MY HORMONES ARE OF THAT OF … a FIXER …. The female world expects me to SUBDUE my HORMAONIAL nature because they have a hormonal nature that expresses itself as BLOOD …. Well mine expresses itself as BLOOD ALSO ….. Trpped blood in a RAGING HARD_ON … daughter described the emotional rolerr coaster since of course I am all into finding things out so I can write about it ,, practising that science of Arisistotle Dedcutive logic.. ( I think I am correct he was deduc not induc ) and each science has it’s own time and place… I hear agin what I have heard from the past from every girl ,, that days before her period starts flowing the evidence TRAIL of blood .. Is there she can feel the changes in CRYING in emotions … she talked about crying tearing up at a simple song ,, and she realized her period was on its way …. Tears beyond her control ( sort of not total slavery to HORMONES , but the realization that they DO PLAY PART IN HER PERSONALITY
GUES WHY DUMBASS young master my friend you also an ANIMAL like her , have moods swings based on the hormones that create that fucking HARD-ON … your DNA and your body , still has RECEPTORS to sense the hormones of girls in the air , to find out which girl you should b ehanging around which one is HORNY . … !
BUT in my 1 single family home at this time there are 3 hormone messages going on ! 2 teens on the RAG ,, the commmuncation is STAY AWAY FOR NOW I AM BLEEDING ….. And my REAL ACTIVE sexual partner is starting the beginning of change of life very EARLY … so she tooo is talking to me with scents …. So times come here lets fuck others WEEKS ON END IT IS STAY WAY ! Do not ignore this aspect , if the hormoes can cause the girls to drink vast amounts of chocolate milk and cry at songs they would normally not and if ….. The other 2460 mamal species still respond to air borne SEXUAL messages and we humans still have those receptors in our noses ( which we do ! ) .. How can any logical person think we TOO do not repsond …. To the messages .
The compounding effects …of NO NO NO ,,, after a while you just stop TRYIN G and you wait till she comes on to you ….well reader girls can you DEDUCE can you use the LOGIC … I know you are capable of to relaize … the confusion of your boyfriends … I know and say over and over it is COMPLEXITY UPON COMPLESITY and since we are trying to force the DNA to live based upon the shoulds of some fucking fairy tale slove story , we all are in states Of sexual frustration ..
NOW DURING the first few months of the relationship with my girl friend if I woke with hard on , I would just CRAM it into her and because we were in that PHASE of the relationship , that pahase where she is … getting that HONOR STATEMENT of I LOVE YOU FROM ME … the turst that I will be there that I will go into NON-SEXUAL STATES FOR EXTENED periods of time because of the honor statement of I love you ..for her …but before she is comfy with my I LOVE YOU SLAVE STATEMENTS … she is open to 24/7 pentration ….. In fact encouraging me to fuck over and voer … coming on to me ..being the little slut tha you reader girl NOW DOES NOT WANT TO BE yet expects the boyfriend to to ignore his GORILLA PROTECTIVE nature … and come on to you any way , after he has been trined by weeks or months of complex confusion NO after hormaoanil NO’S plus the real no’s tha come from your mouth
To the point that in the desperation of SEXUAL release the Toliet RECIEVES THE BULK of his sperm …. Remember a healthy male is ready every 7 hours he is totally frustrated within 48 hours … frustrated at an animal level … like the girl crying at a sone or drinking choclate milk ,,,, not TOTLLY controled but ,,effected by hormones . So are you young master . Effected by hormones ..
We are animals not characters in love storys and plays and TV or childrens fairy tales .. We are DNA animals ….. …. animals that also think so I present the balance of mind body spirit ….. Making profit - mind ,,, jackin off in a toleit - body .. The I-in - I of toa - spirit …the concepts of sexual flogging of using dildoes and vibrators … of ceomincs …. It is not JUST ABOUT THE DREAM OF A SOUL MATE ….. Becaue if source energy is correct ….. The sould mate we search for is every other expresion of life on the planet , … even that which we kill for food is our soul mate the I - in -I ….
Monday, July 21, 2008
… I swear I don’t care ……hmmm young master this is not INSTINCTUAL …. CHECK OUT THE BAND … APOCALYPTICA … THE Sound track tracks startw with I’m not Jesus ,, but the next song is what is sparking my interest that along with the flow theme of a lot of letters I have been getting , of course mainly from girls .. Questioning me about shit ….
Now the topic is BREAKING UP …… and that was leading back over and over to the idea of listening to our emotional guidance …. And then the PERSONAL responsilblity we each have after realizing that our NON-Physwical self our toa self is commucating with us thru urges often relating to the dymincs of the DNA bio-machine we ARE using for this ,, this 1 ,, time/space adventure … your current NOW .
And I left with an evidence trail in fact again … my assumptions to follow I think are even supported by the observations of Dr.Gray of mars and venus books which can be linked to form the LINKS page also .
The instinctual males of the MAMMAL world do their own thing and if that thing is good in the eyes of the girls then the girls come and stick around that male ,,,,, or MOVE ON ,…. In search of that hard dick to fill the vacuum of their HOLE , for we all KNOW that NATURE abhors a vacuum and her pussy being ahole is a state of vacuum in search in fact self lubricating ….
The vacuumm searching to be filled with SPERM ….
I am supposed to be living my life and if she likes it she will follow , the creedo of the BDSM master , but because ot the TWISTED nature of the 1on1 fairy tale , that idea that girl did not our grow at age 7 … of the prince coming to save them …. Human mating behavior has gotten screwed up and stressful she is NOT LISTENING TO HER EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE , if there is something about you , or that guy she is dating and she is un happy she should move on ….. But NO she starts fights with the male in actuallity causing the vent of moving on but in an UN INSTINCTUAL MANNER ….
you are DNA ….. Flesh blood bones ,, hardons AND WET PUSSY , you are hormones ,, not ,, dressed up in white fairy princess’ waiting for the hansome pricne … the love story book ideal of a SOUL mate ,,, you are of the TOA in THE … TAO , never seperated from the TAO ,,, we are all part of each other in the I and I … the I in I ….. his nature is to create the stable territory ,,,, and if she likes it she stays if not she moves to the edge of the territory exploring the other male and famliy there and then moves over there ,,,, NO FIGHTING between ex lovers she is just GONE ……..
And the MALE keeps on keeping on , making the girls who stay happy …. Now if he has not GIRL then that is natural selection at work he must be a drunk dumb useless bumm….. Whose territory is acard board box under and over pass on I - 95 ,,,,,, instead of the
So if a gril is currently in relationship with some guy who is doing things she does not feel good about … and she sticks around because the ..SOCIETY the social mores , expectations of a GOOD GIRL who should stick around ,,,,, SHOULD living based on the shoulds of the CONFUSE and CONQUER ,,, thought forms . If she is listening to the THEMS the programming ….. Who is at fault the male who is living his own TAO ?
Natural selection if the guy is a bum ..why are the girls with him ? Ahhh how fucking confused is the whole system , and then to blame the MALE …. For being what and who he is when she met him … or did she drive him away ….. the 5 things girls do to drive men away ….
No it is her job to BREAK UP … it is the amans job to do what ever he is doing …. Becaue as evedenced in the beginning he was trying to CREATE smiles , that is why she gott together with him in the first place now …WHY DID HE CHANGE ….. Aoooh now why ? Did he change …. The chicken or the egg ?
… I swear I don’t care ……hmmm young master this is not INSTINCTUAL …. CHECK OUT THE BAND … APOCALYPTICA … THE Sound track tracks startw with I’m not Jesus ,, but the next song is what is sparking my interest that along with the flow theme of a lot of letters I have been getting , of course mainly from girls .. Questioning me about shit ….
Now the topic is BREAKING UP …… and that was leading back over and over to the idea of listening to our emotional guidance …. And then the PERSONAL responsilblity we each have after realizing that our NON-Physwical self our toa self is commucating with us thru urges often relating to the dymincs of the DNA bio-machine we ARE using for this ,, this 1 ,, time/space adventure … your current NOW .
And I left with an evidence trail in fact again … my assumptions to follow I think are even supported by the observations of Dr.Gray of mars and venus books which can be linked to form the LINKS page also .
The instinctual males of the MAMMAL world do their own thing and if that thing is good in the eyes of the girls then the girls come and stick around that male ,,,,, or MOVE ON ,…. In search of that hard dick to fill the vacuum of their HOLE , for we all KNOW that NATURE abhors a vacuum and her pussy being ahole is a state of vacuum in search in fact self lubricating ….
The vacuumm searching to be filled with SPERM ….
I am supposed to be living my life and if she likes it she will follow , the creedo of the BDSM master , but because ot the TWISTED nature of the 1on1 fairy tale , that idea that girl did not our grow at age 7 … of the prince coming to save them …. Human mating behavior has gotten screwed up and stressful she is NOT LISTENING TO HER EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE , if there is something about you , or that guy she is dating and she is un happy she should move on ….. But NO she starts fights with the male in actuallity causing the vent of moving on but in an UN INSTINCTUAL MANNER ….
you are DNA ….. Flesh blood bones ,, hardons AND WET PUSSY , you are hormones ,, not ,, dressed up in white fairy princess’ waiting for the hansome pricne … the love story book ideal of a SOUL mate ,,, you are of the TOA in THE … TAO , never seperated from the TAO ,,, we are all part of each other in the I and I … the I in I ….. his nature is to create the stable territory ,,,, and if she likes it she stays if not she moves to the edge of the territory exploring the other male and famliy there and then moves over there ,,,, NO FIGHTING between ex lovers she is just GONE ……..
And the MALE keeps on keeping on , making the girls who stay happy …. Now if he has not GIRL then that is natural selection at work he must be a drunk dumb useless bumm….. Whose territory is acard board box under and over pass on I - 95 ,,,,,, instead of the
So if a gril is currently in relationship with some guy who is doing things she does not feel good about … and she sticks around because the ..SOCIETY the social mores , expectations of a GOOD GIRL who should stick around ,,,,, SHOULD living based on the shoulds of the CONFUSE and CONQUER ,,, thought forms . If she is listening to the THEMS the programming ….. Who is at fault the male who is living his own TAO ?
Natural selection if the guy is a bum ..why are the girls with him ? Ahhh how fucking confused is the whole system , and then to blame the MALE …. For being what and who he is when she met him … or did she drive him away ….. the 5 things girls do to drive men away ….
No it is her job to BREAK UP … it is the amans job to do what ever he is doing …. Becaue as evedenced in the beginning he was trying to CREATE smiles , that is why she gott together with him in the first place now …WHY DID HE CHANGE ….. Aoooh now why ? Did he change …. The chicken or the egg ?
tied teased and fucked
Tied teased and fucked
Young master remember it is nothing that she does not ddeply inwardly really desire …. Ok just to go over it again you were born with something that will ENLARGE and get stick called a COCK that is a DNA expression … she was born with a HOLE … that wants to be filled in fact it wetts it is SELF LUBRICATING an expression of her NATURE her DNA to be pene trated due to the TEACHING due to the BRAIN WASHING , the continues repition of the ideas of the CONTROLERS , you have come to feel and think about sex as being UN NATURAL , when it is the most of NATURAL things in fact it is your INSTINCT .. It is your DNA ,, you are an ANIMAL , hairy with flesh and bones ans skin and HORMONES etc . like any other animal . In the MAMMAL ANIMAL KINGDOM , VARIATIONS ON THE poly / harem theme ARE THE BY far THE MOST COMMON family unit .. For many many reason and one is …
To allow the recreation of SEX ? Think about the fact that you very well maybe a daddy some day in fact every one of you young master who I meet with a child on the way for example you guys are so frucking proud and EXCITED with the idea of being Daddy ,,, yet you are still worthless bumms most of you not working and not saving , just starting life off like the ECONOMIC SLAVE model you grew up seeing … again think about the concepts on this page about modeling you become a person often like the people who riased you
But back to having time to realy enjoy , tieing her up to free her to feel that sensative body , to relax and be submissive finnally to be the PENETRATED AND THE FACTS ABOUT THE harem lifestyle THA FAMILY UNIT MOST easy FOR HUMANS TO REALY enjoy LIFE BY living … THE MOST EASY AND RELAXING LIFESTYLE …. Instinctualism… think about the opening statement of this page .
And undersstand ..the contrst the comparison between the stress of the NUCLEAR BOMB FAMILY of the society that has programed ,,, where the instinct of the child that you are so proud to create and invite into thtis world well it’s instinct to have attention will overwhelm you and your lover ….by having the 3 moms there is FREEDOM and benefits for everyone , the natural flow , the… the … truth behind the saying it takes a village to raise a s child well the single family concrete box home of 1 on 1 fairy tale about the handsome prince and the cute princess living in BLISS alone together …
Is not the reality you have seen in the world around
You want to have time and have space to CREATE ….. A play room ,, and then also have time to use it , and she too would love to have the FREEDOM to be used in your PLAY ROOM … ( ohh this page is still in the building I will putting in the links as time goes on )
Now rmember build it and they will come and cummm …. The action of your action will brin into your world those who are like minded with you …… the law of ATRRACTION ….. What yu are doing is not UNATURAL or evil or bad it is very very natural , and even the St,Andrew Cross is as natural to sexual ..submission to returning to her instincts as ,,,using electricty is for nioght time light ,,, just a tool that the human mind has created to aid it in enjoying it’s own personel experience of living ..for the only natural night time light is moon and star light , but we use light bulbs and in fact have in the past on occaions used more direct fuel based lighting like fire flame and candle …… the CREATIVE TABLES AND BEDS AND AND SHIT THAT YOU CAN BUILD IN YOUR …your home see 5 acre site plan ½ down the page …well like buying a nice massage table is not WEIRD Or shit …. So why would building a puppy chair be weird ,,, oh a pussy chair is a comfy like foot stool thing to tie her to , so she can get fucked like a puppy ,, and of ourse played with and of course whipeed ,,,,
Why whipping , it is not for the damamging of her skin ,,NO NO NO … THE FLOGGER WITH ITS MULTI FINE STRANDS GIVES A CARESS TO HER SENSATIVE SKIN LIKE NOTHG ELSE CAN ,,, IT IS AN exciting FLAVER OF BEING TOUCHED AS NATURAL AS …. Well as getting a chocolate milk shake … for the milk shake itself can not be found in NATURE it is the xperince of the creative mind of man ,,, and a treat to be enjoyed …. Every thin done in MODERATION is ussaly ok ,,, ( some excepts maybe herion and crack ..but hey they are not fun they are suicides in reality , poisins) the feeling of the barbers strap …. Now that need some skill in using for the corse leather of the barbers strap could cause real damamge to skin ….. Ahhh but that is like the stretched muscles the skinned knees of really giving it your all in your favorite active sport , sometimes thing do go kinda wrong but it is not CALL to stop riding the orse just because you felll off …….
But young maste now with the baby on the way ,,, now tith you having to live hand to mouth at a job you hate ,,, now tih living in a 2/2 apt. where and how are you EVER gonna have the dungeon ? The paly room because facts are facts you will become 96 out of the 100 …. The ODDS are …. You will just be a slave. And worse than that ,,, you will most likey be a divorced salve in afew years … ohh but if you
Thought first would could your future be like ,,, and why why , buck the REALITY of time/space we all have agreed to live within ,,, we came here to experience time/sapce as human animals not as indiviual GODS …. But as cool thinking animals …… with built in knowledge of how the bio-machine works and is designed …. And of our DNA designed favortie recreational activity all aready programmed in ….. why make living more complicated than it is naturally desgned to be ,,,, JUST TO MAKE SOMEONE ELSE HAPPY like the priest of some fucking CHURCH ? Your alsmost dead grandmom ( god rest her soul soon ) just to live up to SHOULDS .
Young master remember it is nothing that she does not ddeply inwardly really desire …. Ok just to go over it again you were born with something that will ENLARGE and get stick called a COCK that is a DNA expression … she was born with a HOLE … that wants to be filled in fact it wetts it is SELF LUBRICATING an expression of her NATURE her DNA to be pene trated due to the TEACHING due to the BRAIN WASHING , the continues repition of the ideas of the CONTROLERS , you have come to feel and think about sex as being UN NATURAL , when it is the most of NATURAL things in fact it is your INSTINCT .. It is your DNA ,, you are an ANIMAL , hairy with flesh and bones ans skin and HORMONES etc . like any other animal . In the MAMMAL ANIMAL KINGDOM , VARIATIONS ON THE poly / harem theme ARE THE BY far THE MOST COMMON family unit .. For many many reason and one is …
To allow the recreation of SEX ? Think about the fact that you very well maybe a daddy some day in fact every one of you young master who I meet with a child on the way for example you guys are so frucking proud and EXCITED with the idea of being Daddy ,,, yet you are still worthless bumms most of you not working and not saving , just starting life off like the ECONOMIC SLAVE model you grew up seeing … again think about the concepts on this page about modeling you become a person often like the people who riased you
But back to having time to realy enjoy , tieing her up to free her to feel that sensative body , to relax and be submissive finnally to be the PENETRATED AND THE FACTS ABOUT THE harem lifestyle THA FAMILY UNIT MOST easy FOR HUMANS TO REALY enjoy LIFE BY living … THE MOST EASY AND RELAXING LIFESTYLE …. Instinctualism… think about the opening statement of this page .
And undersstand ..the contrst the comparison between the stress of the NUCLEAR BOMB FAMILY of the society that has programed ,,, where the instinct of the child that you are so proud to create and invite into thtis world well it’s instinct to have attention will overwhelm you and your lover ….by having the 3 moms there is FREEDOM and benefits for everyone , the natural flow , the… the … truth behind the saying it takes a village to raise a s child well the single family concrete box home of 1 on 1 fairy tale about the handsome prince and the cute princess living in BLISS alone together …
Is not the reality you have seen in the world around
You want to have time and have space to CREATE ….. A play room ,, and then also have time to use it , and she too would love to have the FREEDOM to be used in your PLAY ROOM … ( ohh this page is still in the building I will putting in the links as time goes on )
Now rmember build it and they will come and cummm …. The action of your action will brin into your world those who are like minded with you …… the law of ATRRACTION ….. What yu are doing is not UNATURAL or evil or bad it is very very natural , and even the St,Andrew Cross is as natural to sexual ..submission to returning to her instincts as ,,,using electricty is for nioght time light ,,, just a tool that the human mind has created to aid it in enjoying it’s own personel experience of living ..for the only natural night time light is moon and star light , but we use light bulbs and in fact have in the past on occaions used more direct fuel based lighting like fire flame and candle …… the CREATIVE TABLES AND BEDS AND AND SHIT THAT YOU CAN BUILD IN YOUR …your home see 5 acre site plan ½ down the page …well like buying a nice massage table is not WEIRD Or shit …. So why would building a puppy chair be weird ,,, oh a pussy chair is a comfy like foot stool thing to tie her to , so she can get fucked like a puppy ,, and of ourse played with and of course whipeed ,,,,
Why whipping , it is not for the damamging of her skin ,,NO NO NO … THE FLOGGER WITH ITS MULTI FINE STRANDS GIVES A CARESS TO HER SENSATIVE SKIN LIKE NOTHG ELSE CAN ,,, IT IS AN exciting FLAVER OF BEING TOUCHED AS NATURAL AS …. Well as getting a chocolate milk shake … for the milk shake itself can not be found in NATURE it is the xperince of the creative mind of man ,,, and a treat to be enjoyed …. Every thin done in MODERATION is ussaly ok ,,, ( some excepts maybe herion and crack ..but hey they are not fun they are suicides in reality , poisins) the feeling of the barbers strap …. Now that need some skill in using for the corse leather of the barbers strap could cause real damamge to skin ….. Ahhh but that is like the stretched muscles the skinned knees of really giving it your all in your favorite active sport , sometimes thing do go kinda wrong but it is not CALL to stop riding the orse just because you felll off …….
But young maste now with the baby on the way ,,, now tith you having to live hand to mouth at a job you hate ,,, now tih living in a 2/2 apt. where and how are you EVER gonna have the dungeon ? The paly room because facts are facts you will become 96 out of the 100 …. The ODDS are …. You will just be a slave. And worse than that ,,, you will most likey be a divorced salve in afew years … ohh but if you
Thought first would could your future be like ,,, and why why , buck the REALITY of time/space we all have agreed to live within ,,, we came here to experience time/sapce as human animals not as indiviual GODS …. But as cool thinking animals …… with built in knowledge of how the bio-machine works and is designed …. And of our DNA designed favortie recreational activity all aready programmed in ….. why make living more complicated than it is naturally desgned to be ,,,, JUST TO MAKE SOMEONE ELSE HAPPY like the priest of some fucking CHURCH ? Your alsmost dead grandmom ( god rest her soul soon ) just to live up to SHOULDS .
Sunday, July 20, 2008
nude on a $1.50 yacht
Nude on a $1.50 yacht
Ok young master , honestly I am into PROFIT ( ) …. I love the OP of being able to have THINGS ,,, but , but ubt ….. If you are living a trap of buying more ane more shit ,,, just to escape to escape the pains of living the life of of working like a SLAVE only to buy more and more shit to escape the pain of working so hard like slave to buy more shit ……. If you are in this trap then ,, then I believe that if you WANT TO … you can ahange the dynaimcs by understanding the WHYS ,, real the whys …not the BANDAID whys that you think are the real reason , but the basic , instinctual urges un met ,,,ignored coming out in the HURT THAT buying more shit helps you escape from the trap of working to buy more shit …
The idea that you can live simple enjoy living simply seeing that in the simple is the everything you NOW buy …buy … ok what do I mean ,,, I went out for ride on my 1.50 yyatch while I watched my nieghbor leaving to do the same thing but he left his dock fdriving 30k worth of boat ….. He had the family with him and a load of Rafts to float around on … they were probably heading upt the indian river lagoon to this place that boaters gather ….. The same water just that it will cost my nieghbor about $100 …ok so what …. 100 bucks …. Now while I am running in the morning he is leaving to drive to work ,,,, in the evening as wee mmet at our docks talking acroos the water to each other ,,he with that 3rd beer of the night ,,, is fiannally feeling NO PAIN ……. Sure he makes 50 per hour but most of that hour is spent AT THINGS HE HATES , sure there is a basic love of his career but it has grown into something that he hates ……. And needs to poisin his mind to stop the PAIN …..
So in his escape from his pain he must work 2 more hours at the pain he is trying to escape from … while I also float on the same indian river lagoon on a $1.50 raft and in my tiney OWNER OPERATOR BUSINESS one of the cash cows described … I have to SLAVE for about 2 minutes … while he has to suffer for about 2 hours … ( butrsince I have not allowed myself to get trapped I work still at the job I loved in the beginning while he had to evovle the carreer he once loved into a trapp he know has to DRINK TO FORGET … ) hmmmm do you get it ? I realy do not lsave for those 2 minutes ,,, I do what I love …. I create smiles .. I provide service ,,, I express PRIDE FOR 2 MINUTES …. To enjoy the same whater he does …. Except he know enjoys the water in a gorup of others like himself all getting drunk to escape the TRAP they used to get the paradise they now enjoy with me ….. Complexity after complexity ….
Ahhh but on my yatch I must move my arms gently to slowly and comfortably push my yatch out inot the lagoon so I can ride the wind back to shore like a SAIL BOAT … ( going nowhere slowly the creedo so the sailor ) while I listen to the waves and sea birds mainly enjoy the SILENCE , aand feel the sunshine an the RHYTHM of the waves directly traslated to my body thru the raft I ride …….
Ahhh but me Phil ,, the owner of how many boats in ly past , the git there fast boats of my past ,,, the pains of buying and slaveing …. To find the pleasure ….. Told to me I would find in OWNERSHIP of the MO’Better ….
But young master , the design of the compound the ,,,,, nude and a ntural lifestlye , the harem . Life style the understanding of ,, child rearing in terms of the invited guest ,, and the toa of their own experience and adventure which is not mine , but thiers .. To experience as they choose based on their , interuptations. The fun of the freedom of knowing that the most baisc life issues like food housing etc , are in your total control not some mortage company of grocery store …. And YET YOU HAVE ….
CASH COWS ……….. To buy more and more shit ….. Not to escape a terrible life or job or relationship !
Picking wild grapes is not about profit it is about recreation ….. I could choose to VEG in front of the TV or computer … I could work harder buy more stuff and then dringk to hide the pain ….. Or I could enjoy the fresh air and PRIDE of nature I have all around me ……….. And have that fresh natural foods that most people have to go to fansy stores to get , things like pills that are derived from the fruits I pick from nature for free while I enjoy the action and feel pride in the end result. …… hmmmm it is not Welchs it is not hybred it does not taste the same as the surgary sweet shit we have been trained to drink …. Ohh NO , it tastes wild like the flavor of wild game is different than , the meats which are tasteless creations of indsutrial farming …. Hmmmmm ALTERNTIVES all around you …. But you can not see it ! And guess what it is free , the same EFFORT redirected ….. Into living by CHOICE INSTEAD OF TRAP .
Ohh the nude part ….. Welll since the hurricanes have destroyed my screen of shorline trees I can only enjoy nude floating in close to shore , and what happened since my property is for sale to fund the compound ….. I am designing and want to build to prove …. To give a place to experience .. well I am enjoying the sun in the shallows the neighbors gone for the day I know I am cool to be a … an dam if I don’t hear some one pull over to pick up a flyer and the sound of a talking couple who are moving toward the cliff the enjoy the view of the waterfront ,,,, I had to bail off the raft and pull on my shorts ….. Bummer …. Hence the reason for the 25 ft privacy of woods I design in plus that 25 foot will provide fire wood if processed into spliffs or bricks … a pellet stlye fire wood but in brick form . And to allow you to be dressed in the way that humans are designed to be dressed and that is UNDRESSED !
Ok young master , honestly I am into PROFIT ( ) …. I love the OP of being able to have THINGS ,,, but , but ubt ….. If you are living a trap of buying more ane more shit ,,, just to escape to escape the pains of living the life of of working like a SLAVE only to buy more and more shit to escape the pain of working so hard like slave to buy more shit ……. If you are in this trap then ,, then I believe that if you WANT TO … you can ahange the dynaimcs by understanding the WHYS ,, real the whys …not the BANDAID whys that you think are the real reason , but the basic , instinctual urges un met ,,,ignored coming out in the HURT THAT buying more shit helps you escape from the trap of working to buy more shit …
The idea that you can live simple enjoy living simply seeing that in the simple is the everything you NOW buy …buy … ok what do I mean ,,, I went out for ride on my 1.50 yyatch while I watched my nieghbor leaving to do the same thing but he left his dock fdriving 30k worth of boat ….. He had the family with him and a load of Rafts to float around on … they were probably heading upt the indian river lagoon to this place that boaters gather ….. The same water just that it will cost my nieghbor about $100 …ok so what …. 100 bucks …. Now while I am running in the morning he is leaving to drive to work ,,,, in the evening as wee mmet at our docks talking acroos the water to each other ,,he with that 3rd beer of the night ,,, is fiannally feeling NO PAIN ……. Sure he makes 50 per hour but most of that hour is spent AT THINGS HE HATES , sure there is a basic love of his career but it has grown into something that he hates ……. And needs to poisin his mind to stop the PAIN …..
So in his escape from his pain he must work 2 more hours at the pain he is trying to escape from … while I also float on the same indian river lagoon on a $1.50 raft and in my tiney OWNER OPERATOR BUSINESS one of the cash cows described … I have to SLAVE for about 2 minutes … while he has to suffer for about 2 hours … ( butrsince I have not allowed myself to get trapped I work still at the job I loved in the beginning while he had to evovle the carreer he once loved into a trapp he know has to DRINK TO FORGET … ) hmmmm do you get it ? I realy do not lsave for those 2 minutes ,,, I do what I love …. I create smiles .. I provide service ,,, I express PRIDE FOR 2 MINUTES …. To enjoy the same whater he does …. Except he know enjoys the water in a gorup of others like himself all getting drunk to escape the TRAP they used to get the paradise they now enjoy with me ….. Complexity after complexity ….
Ahhh but on my yatch I must move my arms gently to slowly and comfortably push my yatch out inot the lagoon so I can ride the wind back to shore like a SAIL BOAT … ( going nowhere slowly the creedo so the sailor ) while I listen to the waves and sea birds mainly enjoy the SILENCE , aand feel the sunshine an the RHYTHM of the waves directly traslated to my body thru the raft I ride …….
Ahhh but me Phil ,, the owner of how many boats in ly past , the git there fast boats of my past ,,, the pains of buying and slaveing …. To find the pleasure ….. Told to me I would find in OWNERSHIP of the MO’Better ….
But young master , the design of the compound the ,,,,, nude and a ntural lifestlye , the harem . Life style the understanding of ,, child rearing in terms of the invited guest ,, and the toa of their own experience and adventure which is not mine , but thiers .. To experience as they choose based on their , interuptations. The fun of the freedom of knowing that the most baisc life issues like food housing etc , are in your total control not some mortage company of grocery store …. And YET YOU HAVE ….
CASH COWS ……….. To buy more and more shit ….. Not to escape a terrible life or job or relationship !
Picking wild grapes is not about profit it is about recreation ….. I could choose to VEG in front of the TV or computer … I could work harder buy more stuff and then dringk to hide the pain ….. Or I could enjoy the fresh air and PRIDE of nature I have all around me ……….. And have that fresh natural foods that most people have to go to fansy stores to get , things like pills that are derived from the fruits I pick from nature for free while I enjoy the action and feel pride in the end result. …… hmmmm it is not Welchs it is not hybred it does not taste the same as the surgary sweet shit we have been trained to drink …. Ohh NO , it tastes wild like the flavor of wild game is different than , the meats which are tasteless creations of indsutrial farming …. Hmmmmm ALTERNTIVES all around you …. But you can not see it ! And guess what it is free , the same EFFORT redirected ….. Into living by CHOICE INSTEAD OF TRAP .
Ohh the nude part ….. Welll since the hurricanes have destroyed my screen of shorline trees I can only enjoy nude floating in close to shore , and what happened since my property is for sale to fund the compound ….. I am designing and want to build to prove …. To give a place to experience .. well I am enjoying the sun in the shallows the neighbors gone for the day I know I am cool to be a … an dam if I don’t hear some one pull over to pick up a flyer and the sound of a talking couple who are moving toward the cliff the enjoy the view of the waterfront ,,,, I had to bail off the raft and pull on my shorts ….. Bummer …. Hence the reason for the 25 ft privacy of woods I design in plus that 25 foot will provide fire wood if processed into spliffs or bricks … a pellet stlye fire wood but in brick form . And to allow you to be dressed in the way that humans are designed to be dressed and that is UNDRESSED !
seducing my hard cock
Seducing my hard cock
Young Master the act of SEDUCTION is the CONTINUEING responsibility of the female , actually that is the core teaching of the REAL …KAMA SUTRA ,,, it has been lost in the newer Feminist trasnlations amd manipulations of the ancient theme of the KAMA SUTRA which was taught female to female they understood still back then the INSTINCTUAL the DNA of their bodies . …
But the CONFUSE AND CONQUER got brouthg in ..that BOX from which you think you choose your life and actions … step 1 again understand what you do not want ….. UNDERSTAND THE STRESS and un-naturalness of the relationship world you have to choose from … understasnd that this is only a CONSTRUCT of society and ecomony ,,it is not real … REAL limits … rmember the TACO BELL commericail think out side of the BUN out side of the box .. Of limmits ….. Outside of the wall in heaven ( ½ way down the page read Zhuangzi’s old story ) … understand that way back in time of PHAROH mankind was understanding how to manipulate populations .. For the benift of the FEW …. And you dumbshit are one of the MASSES , still used by the few controled in sublte ways … look at the hisory behind the PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENTS around the 1900’s the exposing of ECOMINC SLAVERY then realize why …why did people choose to allow themselves to be used when they really did have options like not gravitating towards citys .. Why did they leave the farms and go to town in the first place ? WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH YOUR HARD DICK ?
Because I know you read my shit , searching for the BANDAID , the simple tool for getting your rocks off … wether it is for mastrubation or for actual leraning about dating to get laid or LUCKY more often … but in reality I am MODELING FOR YOU , giving you tidbits of thoughts of concepts so that your BOX expands slowly …. And you have new OP’s to choose from the POSSILBEITY expands the wall in INFINITY MOVES …outward allowing new possilbes to exisit in the wall … since we humans like the safety of the CAVE the wall … the direction of some one who knows more than US. The recommendations of PRO’S AND PREISTS AND KINGS AND PRESIDENTS.
Ok so there is this girl who wrote to me upset about her feeling SLUTTY for having to seduce …. The hardeness of her boyfriend COCK … she felt it was not her job to be nice and sexy … ohhh yes she would be sexy , maybe wear a
TEDDY or something ,,,, but it was TO LITTLE TO LATE ahh the great work of DRGRAY amrs and venus … she had already poisined the relationship … the effects of the 1 on 1 , had confused and conquered her male that she first fell in love with , ( again the first flush of love is the eefects of sexual frustration , because of living within the BOX of sociala expectiatons , it is not the natural real love of humanity )
So , over time this young lady .. Has gotten mad at ahving to seduce her male …
Look he , in the beginning was being fucked 5 times a day by a girl was UNKNOWING to herself was in competition with every other girl in the world ,, her instinct was to fuck him into the trapp of 1 on 1 love , then as she felt she had security , she received the ILOVE YOU STATEMENT form him , she started slowly …. Saying NO … NO … NO .. I am busy I have a headache I am on my period , I have school work lets go out instead of fucking like we used ,,, small little tiny changes over time ,,, each is a NO to the instinctual mind of the male . Yet the HONOR aspect of that instinctual male is also very strong ,,, the honor aspect is the INSTINCT OF PROTECTOR …. OF THE territory and harem … ( read down the bottom of the page when I bring up data on Gorillas )
Ok no dipshit my friend ( I call you dispshit ass I call myself like wise ) ….. It is hard to understand , that is the EVIDENCE TRAIL of the confuse and conquer , the effeciency of this tool of SOCIAL CONTROLS learnes and put into action so many 1000’s of yearsa ago , perfected and tweeaked by …. Very intelligent policitc scientist of their ages like for example the ROMANS , discussed by leaders around the ORGY ROOM …… sahred culture to culture king to king , in fact QUEEN TO QUEEN … because THE WOMEN ALSO HAVE MUCH REXPOSNLIBLITY IN THE UNDER LIEING MOVEMENT OF THE Greed ASPECT …. REMEMBER WE LIKE AND ARE COMFORTABLE IN OUR BLOOD STAINED t-shirts ,, the wearing of bright and shiny gold , will scare of game while we are having fun hunting and fishing … the trapping and fasions are thingsthat are REAL only in the CITY and the thought form ECO SYSTEM called ecomony and city ….. The safety of the cave and walls while we , men like the outdoors even today , it is hard to ride your skateboard in the house , yes you may have a skate park but you gravite to that large WILD HILL …. The search for freedom ….has its eviedence trail in you still today … the INSTINCTUAL PART OF YOU .is real !
So that girl , breaks up with her boyfriend because the sex is bad ,, he has been CONDITIONED to not expect sex .. To the poin the becomes NON-SEXUAL in fact he my even have started to rranslate her ..sublte controlling actions to be equal with the controller of his youth ,,,, MOTHER ,, and by association she like wise became mommy ,,, and well we do no like to FUCK MOMMY …. Mommy is natractive . YET OUR GIRLS FRINDS ARE NOT NOT MOMMY …. So what happens is like the eeefects of themeantl box of personality that women live in ,,, one personality for those at work , one for her family mom and dad , one for her husband the good wife and one for sex… the slut …. Well BOXES are not natural for the male mind ohh we can be trained to create them but ,, we do not have the ablitly to switch form personality to persoanlity as wuicly as females do … so the end result is , the TRAINED good honorable male , who learned to RESPECT your NO’S ….. is left confused when she the female ahnges once more and expects us to react kind when our brains are not wired like that .
If you are in the HARME OR POLY , the effects of the 1 on 1 never get started since the competition for your affection is still there yet , again with the instinctual nature and stablity of the SILVER BACK GORILLA our instinctual nautre as her desire for sex EBBS and FLOWS she can come and seduce the hardness of my cock …. Because I will always be around some where ….. The instinct of protection ….. Of territory and family … you gotta take all this ,, get UN- CONFUSED … think for yourself , take aspects to think about a little at a time , expand the box of the possible .
Or continue on the same ROAD ….. Doing the same old thing getting the same old results ….
Young Master the act of SEDUCTION is the CONTINUEING responsibility of the female , actually that is the core teaching of the REAL …KAMA SUTRA ,,, it has been lost in the newer Feminist trasnlations amd manipulations of the ancient theme of the KAMA SUTRA which was taught female to female they understood still back then the INSTINCTUAL the DNA of their bodies . …
But the CONFUSE AND CONQUER got brouthg in ..that BOX from which you think you choose your life and actions … step 1 again understand what you do not want ….. UNDERSTAND THE STRESS and un-naturalness of the relationship world you have to choose from … understasnd that this is only a CONSTRUCT of society and ecomony ,,it is not real … REAL limits … rmember the TACO BELL commericail think out side of the BUN out side of the box .. Of limmits ….. Outside of the wall in heaven ( ½ way down the page read Zhuangzi’s old story ) … understand that way back in time of PHAROH mankind was understanding how to manipulate populations .. For the benift of the FEW …. And you dumbshit are one of the MASSES , still used by the few controled in sublte ways … look at the hisory behind the PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENTS around the 1900’s the exposing of ECOMINC SLAVERY then realize why …why did people choose to allow themselves to be used when they really did have options like not gravitating towards citys .. Why did they leave the farms and go to town in the first place ? WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH YOUR HARD DICK ?
Because I know you read my shit , searching for the BANDAID , the simple tool for getting your rocks off … wether it is for mastrubation or for actual leraning about dating to get laid or LUCKY more often … but in reality I am MODELING FOR YOU , giving you tidbits of thoughts of concepts so that your BOX expands slowly …. And you have new OP’s to choose from the POSSILBEITY expands the wall in INFINITY MOVES …outward allowing new possilbes to exisit in the wall … since we humans like the safety of the CAVE the wall … the direction of some one who knows more than US. The recommendations of PRO’S AND PREISTS AND KINGS AND PRESIDENTS.
Ok so there is this girl who wrote to me upset about her feeling SLUTTY for having to seduce …. The hardeness of her boyfriend COCK … she felt it was not her job to be nice and sexy … ohhh yes she would be sexy , maybe wear a
TEDDY or something ,,,, but it was TO LITTLE TO LATE ahh the great work of DRGRAY amrs and venus … she had already poisined the relationship … the effects of the 1 on 1 , had confused and conquered her male that she first fell in love with , ( again the first flush of love is the eefects of sexual frustration , because of living within the BOX of sociala expectiatons , it is not the natural real love of humanity )
So , over time this young lady .. Has gotten mad at ahving to seduce her male …
Look he , in the beginning was being fucked 5 times a day by a girl was UNKNOWING to herself was in competition with every other girl in the world ,, her instinct was to fuck him into the trapp of 1 on 1 love , then as she felt she had security , she received the ILOVE YOU STATEMENT form him , she started slowly …. Saying NO … NO … NO .. I am busy I have a headache I am on my period , I have school work lets go out instead of fucking like we used ,,, small little tiny changes over time ,,, each is a NO to the instinctual mind of the male . Yet the HONOR aspect of that instinctual male is also very strong ,,, the honor aspect is the INSTINCT OF PROTECTOR …. OF THE territory and harem … ( read down the bottom of the page when I bring up data on Gorillas )
Ok no dipshit my friend ( I call you dispshit ass I call myself like wise ) ….. It is hard to understand , that is the EVIDENCE TRAIL of the confuse and conquer , the effeciency of this tool of SOCIAL CONTROLS learnes and put into action so many 1000’s of yearsa ago , perfected and tweeaked by …. Very intelligent policitc scientist of their ages like for example the ROMANS , discussed by leaders around the ORGY ROOM …… sahred culture to culture king to king , in fact QUEEN TO QUEEN … because THE WOMEN ALSO HAVE MUCH REXPOSNLIBLITY IN THE UNDER LIEING MOVEMENT OF THE Greed ASPECT …. REMEMBER WE LIKE AND ARE COMFORTABLE IN OUR BLOOD STAINED t-shirts ,, the wearing of bright and shiny gold , will scare of game while we are having fun hunting and fishing … the trapping and fasions are thingsthat are REAL only in the CITY and the thought form ECO SYSTEM called ecomony and city ….. The safety of the cave and walls while we , men like the outdoors even today , it is hard to ride your skateboard in the house , yes you may have a skate park but you gravite to that large WILD HILL …. The search for freedom ….has its eviedence trail in you still today … the INSTINCTUAL PART OF YOU .is real !
So that girl , breaks up with her boyfriend because the sex is bad ,, he has been CONDITIONED to not expect sex .. To the poin the becomes NON-SEXUAL in fact he my even have started to rranslate her ..sublte controlling actions to be equal with the controller of his youth ,,,, MOTHER ,, and by association she like wise became mommy ,,, and well we do no like to FUCK MOMMY …. Mommy is natractive . YET OUR GIRLS FRINDS ARE NOT NOT MOMMY …. So what happens is like the eeefects of themeantl box of personality that women live in ,,, one personality for those at work , one for her family mom and dad , one for her husband the good wife and one for sex… the slut …. Well BOXES are not natural for the male mind ohh we can be trained to create them but ,, we do not have the ablitly to switch form personality to persoanlity as wuicly as females do … so the end result is , the TRAINED good honorable male , who learned to RESPECT your NO’S ….. is left confused when she the female ahnges once more and expects us to react kind when our brains are not wired like that .
If you are in the HARME OR POLY , the effects of the 1 on 1 never get started since the competition for your affection is still there yet , again with the instinctual nature and stablity of the SILVER BACK GORILLA our instinctual nautre as her desire for sex EBBS and FLOWS she can come and seduce the hardness of my cock …. Because I will always be around some where ….. The instinct of protection ….. Of territory and family … you gotta take all this ,, get UN- CONFUSED … think for yourself , take aspects to think about a little at a time , expand the box of the possible .
Or continue on the same ROAD ….. Doing the same old thing getting the same old results ….
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