Up for something
Young Master in a world where conforming ,, has been drilled intoyou rmind , since the days you were forced to grow up in a home filled with breakable objects , things it seemed that were more important to mom dad gand parents aunts and uncles ,,, things only things , yet those things were more important thatn you ,,, atleast the is the MESSAGE your little growing mind gathered from all the COMFORMITY trainng you got …. DO NOT TOUCH no no no noNO ! and it continued into schooling and the daycare years conform fit into a mold of predicablity sothat you could be WAREHOUSED and dealt with ,, efficeiently , while your slave parents worked int that abstarct place called JOB …….. it must have been slavery since when they got home they were tired from being somewhere that they HATED ……. On average most people hate their jobs !
Pretty fucked up huh? Dipshit and you are going down that same road …. Laying the ground work for your own children to feel and live the confusions you did … NEVER THINKING ABOUT AN ……. ALTERNATIVE …. Standing up for something ? is hard because you have been trained to receive your self worth from the reactions you got … the smile the body language of ACCEPTANCE we interprated that we learned to read as kids …. And still look for when we buy a kiss …..
Listening to a young woman I know who was hurt by the FAIRY TALE OF love just recently to hear her talk about ther new guy ,,,, in terms of him HAVING A JOB AND HAVING A CAR …. Means to me she learned ,,, form the lessons of the fary tale of love ,,, that the feelings of animal lust and the dreams and prince charming ideals the GREAT POTENTIALS ….. are just fairy tales
So dipshit the idea of you being like our DNA ancestors and building the poly compound when young , spending your money there while not living the life you have been conditioned to live , the EXPECTED way thing s should be ….. is ALTERNATIVE , but how to show all the 10’s of thoushands of girls in your age group in that surrounding area around you that you EXIST … how to do that ?
Well it would mean some how exposing yourself to being different realy different ,,, see having a TATOO is not idfferent it si a statement af group ,, gang ,, inclusion ,,,, it is a sheep coloring itself like the rest of the sheep .
I have talked about ideas on advertising ,,, I have tried styles f business cards with ,,,, hints to BDSM lifestyle etc . but honestly the ….. resonanting feeling of working with those cards was not right deep in my INTUTITIVE mind … how how to express the complexity of this ALTERNATIVE LIFE STYLE … correctly ,,, creating the oppurutunity for slow relationship developments .
AHHH the TAO ….. spiritualism is a thing humans graivitate to ….. the tarot cards , and groups and new age stuff ….. even mainstream church are all human looking for answers . but I betcha there is not ,, TAO ist study group in your area ,, and the nice thing about TAOism is that it is a study religon faith that is meant to be changing from age to age , fro generation to genratin , the following blidnly of the recommendation of wise old words of dead men is ,,, not recommended ,,, the sriptures are the old clothes of DEAD MEN … useful if you have not made your own clothes yet , they are the designs form which you may create your won clothes ,,,
Clthes are the answer to a problem , the problem a human being cold or wet so wear fucking clothing … now you have problems with the INSANTIY of dating and debt , and work stress , and proterty ,, and the 80 percent chance your kids will grow up in the split house of divorce or hidden hatered of staying together for the kids …. What solutions do you have ,, for those problems ? AHHHH starting a after work study gorup under the concept of studying the TOA lets you oppurtunity to STAND UP FOR SOMETHING ….. but that would take guts … gut to be wrong to not be and expert ,,, but who could ever be an EXPERT on something as big as INFINTY … NO ONE that is who and if someone did state they were MASTER , well they would in reality be lieing showing their deepest FOOLISHNESS …….
But to give people the oppurutunity to visit your CHURCH …. Not your church … no like inviting people to come you’re your meeting of the local loving of TOY CARS .. or like you may have in your past if you were christain based you invited people to your church … so how about starting a study group about the TOA use the INSTINCTUALISM.ORG website as your base … meet after work at some park , for 1 hour ,, and if the market is right your magic is good you will have the OP to discuss what you believe ,,, the solutions to what is your problems ,,, stand up for something …….. and if you have aoready started building the compound you get to show it offf ….. that you are making difference in the world not just talking big shit . ….. so
Idea you first study abit about the old clothes of the wise humans of the world not just the TOAist master but even the wise words of Ben Franklin …. And make that the topic of dicssuion lead the disccuions into what is the basic drive of INSTINCT HUMAN … try to peel off the layers of 1500 years of christian social programing …. HEY DIPSHIT YOU MAY BUIILD SOME REALY GREAT FRIENSHIPS ONE PERSON AT A TIME …. Make a business card this time using the symbaolism of instinctualism .. use the mediation on the front page as the back side of the card ……… and then you for your self ,, just go once a wwek to a park and enjoy nature and if a friend comes to talk ,,, great if not you get one hour to watch the world go by in peace …. NO TV , NO WORRY .. NO PLANNING …. Creativity dipshit doyou have any?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
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