Tied blindfolded and smiling
Young master , we can not understand the dynamics honestly but that should not prevent us from enjoying and PROVIDING htat which is needed by the many … this concept goes for me when I am dressed as a clown part of me feels foolish because I am foolish but I men like me will not dress like a clown act like a clown then people can not play ………
If you will not act like a BDSM master she can not release and relax to the point of experiencing what is natural for FEMALE …. Remember over and over , she is built to receive , to be PENTRATED , to have your hard cock forced YES … FORCED in to her body ….. and she wants it so much that her body produces a LUBE IN ADVANCE SO THAT THE PENTRATION CAN HAPPEN ,,, SHE WANTS IT !
SO WHEN I get the direct gift of coming home to my girl naked on the bed where nothing but the blindfold , she has 3 tea candles on the bedside table ready for me ,,,, the string tail flogger on the bed with the bag of dildoes plus the vibrating toys and the SPORT CUFFS ( the velcro sport cuffs are a better choice than hand cufffs hand cuffs are great to start the idea of her trying ……. Surrender …. But honstly the possibliity of damage to her wrists is to great … the flexablilty of the sprts cuffs allows her to struggle freely )
Ok young master , putting on the ROBES , the persona of master ,,,, I have been thinking about creating INSTINCTUALISM into what it is actually A SCHOOL OF TOASIT THOUGHT … I see on every fucking corner a christain church , programing people into thinking they are WRONG that they need FORGIVENESS for being INSTUNCTUALLY HUMAN ….. so I think I should provide the real time in your face oppurtunity for you people to dicuss your INSTINCTS m and this thruth … in an organized sane manner ….why?
So the female can feel better about herself when she presents you with the gift of her self ,,,, whci is as much a GIFT TO HERSELF ….. because , after she was tied to the head board and I had spent an half hour of teasing her , teasing dumbass ,,, getting her to beg ,, to push her pussy up into the air begging you ,,, please touch it ,,, please master please master ….. touching her body lightly when her inner animals wants to be held ruffly ,,, in advance of being PENETRATED …. BEING HELD SO THAT YOU CAN CONTROL HER FOR …….. Penis-tration …. PENETRATION ….
Now of course the gift of her SCREAMs .. her repeated orgasisms ,, something so strong if allowed she would stop with one , but she wants more ,,, the deepest part of her wants more and moe ,,, she is able to experiecnce MULTI ORGASISMS , in fact it is her INSTINCTUAL nature to be forced to experience them ,,,,, but our training as nice guys , that illusions of fairy tale love and FRIENDSHIP prenevents us form prodiding her with what she DEEPLY needs and what we love to hear ….. YOU KNOW YOU LOVE TO HEAR HER SCREAM WHILE SHE IS GETTING FUCKED … is just makes my fucking cock pump up and fucking grown fater and longer I can feel IT . the louder I grunt the louder she screams the bigger my dick getts the deeper I fuck her the more shecreams , the longer my cock is the more I get to enjoy the slow … slow … slow down phase as I drag the fuck out for a hour or more ….
Ohhh but I recommend dipshit use the fucking tools …. The dildoes .. the vibrators ,, before you succumb to your own lust your own need to fuck …. Get that pussy into it’s first strong orgsisms ,,,, the following fucking will be better for you both … and remember she is tied up she is not going any where …… so when I fuck her asshole with that dildoe with the large ribs , the one that she feels like when it is going in that she is being PENETRATED OPENED with the passing of each rib ….. and the pulling out of action of that dildoe ,,,, I wonder what she feels I hear her sounds and wonder about MY FRIEND …. ( THE FREINDSHIP THING IF SHE HAD 3 FRIENDS IN THE COMPOUND I BELIEVE MY CONFUSION MY POSITION AS HER MAIN FRIEND AROUND THE HOUSE would be lessened and I could enjoy this fucking of her better … but I will get there give her the gift of girlfriends and still the trust that I love her for her … for her ) …. Ohhh dumbass with this style of dildoe in her ass fuck her pussy stick some fingers in her pussy and feel the ribbing thru the thin wall between PUUSY AND ASS , and realize you get to enjoy that ribbing also while fucking her ans reaching around her ass to hold the dildoes in while you fick her …. AHHHH THE PLEASURES , you BOTH enjoy ….. AND FOR HER the experience of DOUBLE PENTRATIONS … feeds that need ….. for rape . for submissions. It is in evry female ,,, this deeply hidden need , it comes to her in occasional fansty and thoughts but she will DENY her INSTINCTS . because of training ob ,, the solidarty of being feminst ….. and she will joint the numbers of the DEPRESSED who deny their turest inner nature that should be experienced with ah LOVING DOMINAnT male like you dipshit ……..ohh the real time dicusion venue of providing a natural ceremony of toaism to compete with the every corner churh ….. hmmmm an idea to wear the BLACK ROBES of a toasit mater … is it any more than wearing the face paint of the clown>?
Ok , dummy ,,,, the black robes mean that you can understand that you ,, tha I ,,, am DUMB , that we choose to forget the triest reality so that we can experience this illsuion of time space … that we can become female and male animals ….. so that I can ITE HER UP nad fuck her into PARADISE ,,,, INTO THE SUBLIME orgasims ….
Oh yes disphit ,,,,, 1 dildoe in 1 hole 1 dildoe in the other hole ,,,, and your cock forced down her throat …. And you will have a very happy girl ! ( if not do not worry she will not SUBMITT , I trust in your deepest INSTINCT for the preservation of the females in your harem …. You will not hurt really that which you love ,, and in her submission she is NOT BEING HURT ! ….. just rmember to take you dick out of her mouth so she can BREATHE ….. the gasping for breath tha is good and should be repeated ,,, but kinda of count to yourself ,, so that you donot choke her for more that 30 seconds . …PLAY SAFE dumbass … and then when you are enjoying the PENETRATIONS , with your own dick .. remember she pussy is SO SENSITVE that no matter how big the dildoe is your COCK feels even bigger no that she has had a second to relax into the orgasims before fucking her ….. her pussy closes ,,,, enjoy dipshit ,,,, fucking take yourself to the edge over and over … do not interpert the screams as paim ,,,,, but remember the turth in the end …. No mater what you think in the end she will want you to do it again! …….. if not she will would have left you after the first time you fucked her like this ,,, but she can not tell you that with her mouth ,, I know it is not LOGICAL … she does not act like a male ,, she is not like us ,, we can not understand her needs … that agins is why having the HAREM .. is best for her! And what is best for the girls in the end is best for you ,, and will be st for the children ,,,, I bring up children because of having my baby boy at home yesterday ,, having 3 moms gives each girl the choice to play exactly when she is ready to play ,, with the babies never ever focred to paly ,,,, because kids need endless attention ,, but be able to take time for them selves knowing that 3 moms are around to SUPPORT EACH oterh .. to be UNDERSTANDING FRIENDS TO EACH OTHER .. allowing me to be ME ….. a PENETRATOR.
Young master , we can not understand the dynamics honestly but that should not prevent us from enjoying and PROVIDING htat which is needed by the many … this concept goes for me when I am dressed as a clown part of me feels foolish because I am foolish but I men like me will not dress like a clown act like a clown then people can not play ………
If you will not act like a BDSM master she can not release and relax to the point of experiencing what is natural for FEMALE …. Remember over and over , she is built to receive , to be PENTRATED , to have your hard cock forced YES … FORCED in to her body ….. and she wants it so much that her body produces a LUBE IN ADVANCE SO THAT THE PENTRATION CAN HAPPEN ,,, SHE WANTS IT !
SO WHEN I get the direct gift of coming home to my girl naked on the bed where nothing but the blindfold , she has 3 tea candles on the bedside table ready for me ,,,, the string tail flogger on the bed with the bag of dildoes plus the vibrating toys and the SPORT CUFFS ( the velcro sport cuffs are a better choice than hand cufffs hand cuffs are great to start the idea of her trying ……. Surrender …. But honstly the possibliity of damage to her wrists is to great … the flexablilty of the sprts cuffs allows her to struggle freely )
Ok young master , putting on the ROBES , the persona of master ,,,, I have been thinking about creating INSTINCTUALISM into what it is actually A SCHOOL OF TOASIT THOUGHT … I see on every fucking corner a christain church , programing people into thinking they are WRONG that they need FORGIVENESS for being INSTUNCTUALLY HUMAN ….. so I think I should provide the real time in your face oppurtunity for you people to dicuss your INSTINCTS m and this thruth … in an organized sane manner ….why?
So the female can feel better about herself when she presents you with the gift of her self ,,,, whci is as much a GIFT TO HERSELF ….. because , after she was tied to the head board and I had spent an half hour of teasing her , teasing dumbass ,,, getting her to beg ,, to push her pussy up into the air begging you ,,, please touch it ,,, please master please master ….. touching her body lightly when her inner animals wants to be held ruffly ,,, in advance of being PENETRATED …. BEING HELD SO THAT YOU CAN CONTROL HER FOR …….. Penis-tration …. PENETRATION ….
Now of course the gift of her SCREAMs .. her repeated orgasisms ,, something so strong if allowed she would stop with one , but she wants more ,,, the deepest part of her wants more and moe ,,, she is able to experiecnce MULTI ORGASISMS , in fact it is her INSTINCTUAL nature to be forced to experience them ,,,,, but our training as nice guys , that illusions of fairy tale love and FRIENDSHIP prenevents us form prodiding her with what she DEEPLY needs and what we love to hear ….. YOU KNOW YOU LOVE TO HEAR HER SCREAM WHILE SHE IS GETTING FUCKED … is just makes my fucking cock pump up and fucking grown fater and longer I can feel IT . the louder I grunt the louder she screams the bigger my dick getts the deeper I fuck her the more shecreams , the longer my cock is the more I get to enjoy the slow … slow … slow down phase as I drag the fuck out for a hour or more ….
Ohhh but I recommend dipshit use the fucking tools …. The dildoes .. the vibrators ,, before you succumb to your own lust your own need to fuck …. Get that pussy into it’s first strong orgsisms ,,,, the following fucking will be better for you both … and remember she is tied up she is not going any where …… so when I fuck her asshole with that dildoe with the large ribs , the one that she feels like when it is going in that she is being PENETRATED OPENED with the passing of each rib ….. and the pulling out of action of that dildoe ,,,, I wonder what she feels I hear her sounds and wonder about MY FRIEND …. ( THE FREINDSHIP THING IF SHE HAD 3 FRIENDS IN THE COMPOUND I BELIEVE MY CONFUSION MY POSITION AS HER MAIN FRIEND AROUND THE HOUSE would be lessened and I could enjoy this fucking of her better … but I will get there give her the gift of girlfriends and still the trust that I love her for her … for her ) …. Ohhh dumbass with this style of dildoe in her ass fuck her pussy stick some fingers in her pussy and feel the ribbing thru the thin wall between PUUSY AND ASS , and realize you get to enjoy that ribbing also while fucking her ans reaching around her ass to hold the dildoes in while you fick her …. AHHHH THE PLEASURES , you BOTH enjoy ….. AND FOR HER the experience of DOUBLE PENTRATIONS … feeds that need ….. for rape . for submissions. It is in evry female ,,, this deeply hidden need , it comes to her in occasional fansty and thoughts but she will DENY her INSTINCTS . because of training ob ,, the solidarty of being feminst ….. and she will joint the numbers of the DEPRESSED who deny their turest inner nature that should be experienced with ah LOVING DOMINAnT male like you dipshit ……..ohh the real time dicusion venue of providing a natural ceremony of toaism to compete with the every corner churh ….. hmmmm an idea to wear the BLACK ROBES of a toasit mater … is it any more than wearing the face paint of the clown>?
Ok , dummy ,,,, the black robes mean that you can understand that you ,, tha I ,,, am DUMB , that we choose to forget the triest reality so that we can experience this illsuion of time space … that we can become female and male animals ….. so that I can ITE HER UP nad fuck her into PARADISE ,,,, INTO THE SUBLIME orgasims ….
Oh yes disphit ,,,,, 1 dildoe in 1 hole 1 dildoe in the other hole ,,,, and your cock forced down her throat …. And you will have a very happy girl ! ( if not do not worry she will not SUBMITT , I trust in your deepest INSTINCT for the preservation of the females in your harem …. You will not hurt really that which you love ,, and in her submission she is NOT BEING HURT ! ….. just rmember to take you dick out of her mouth so she can BREATHE ….. the gasping for breath tha is good and should be repeated ,,, but kinda of count to yourself ,, so that you donot choke her for more that 30 seconds . …PLAY SAFE dumbass … and then when you are enjoying the PENETRATIONS , with your own dick .. remember she pussy is SO SENSITVE that no matter how big the dildoe is your COCK feels even bigger no that she has had a second to relax into the orgasims before fucking her ….. her pussy closes ,,,, enjoy dipshit ,,,, fucking take yourself to the edge over and over … do not interpert the screams as paim ,,,,, but remember the turth in the end …. No mater what you think in the end she will want you to do it again! …….. if not she will would have left you after the first time you fucked her like this ,,, but she can not tell you that with her mouth ,, I know it is not LOGICAL … she does not act like a male ,, she is not like us ,, we can not understand her needs … that agins is why having the HAREM .. is best for her! And what is best for the girls in the end is best for you ,, and will be st for the children ,,,, I bring up children because of having my baby boy at home yesterday ,, having 3 moms gives each girl the choice to play exactly when she is ready to play ,, with the babies never ever focred to paly ,,,, because kids need endless attention ,, but be able to take time for them selves knowing that 3 moms are around to SUPPORT EACH oterh .. to be UNDERSTANDING FRIENDS TO EACH OTHER .. allowing me to be ME ….. a PENETRATOR.
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