The thankyou change
Young master , the subtle changes that happen in relationships …. The evlution of love ,,,, that the fairy tale says we must live with ,,,yet when it does happen it does not make iether party happy yet since no you , SCREAMS ,, HEY what the FUCK ,,,,it goes on and on ,, eventually you two are not the same people who met in the first place ,,,, and you end up searching again for that person you met during the dating phase …. Wha was that girl ?
She said thatnkyou after you fucker her so hard she screamed …… yes she said OUCHIE and ooowiiee ,,, and then eventually her safe word ….. but at the end was a THANK YOU a real in words thank you …. Not a kinda reading between the lines thank you , but she actuaaly says , thank you for fucking so hard it was beyond my level of comfort but thank you for taking me THERE … to that level of PENTRATION …. Which needs submission for her to receive … the act of the PENTRATOR me ..
But young master , I want you to think back I know you arleady , comparing the girl you first met with the girl you know now …… in each part of the relationsbhip is a constant on your part which is you wanting to ntoce a smile from her ,,,, a real smile , a word of thank you , something which says you were good …. Is it the searching for the love of mommmy?
Is it the protective nature of the silver back Gorilla ,, who also like to hear certain commucative sounds and have his female rub agaisnt him in affections and thankyous …
Your search for the smile from your female of degrades … DEGRADES into the search of a smile from a MOMMY figure ….. instead of if you were a HAREM male with more than one female …. The chance of getting appreciated for being the PENETRATOR , I feel is strong … since the girls need to compete at certain levels for the finite time you have , even though you are able to satify the females ,,,, because after the first flush of sexual activity she would like to have the sex less than daily … after that first flush …. After that first few months of feeding sexuall and she feels the sex will not go away her need .. her lust cools NOT DISAPPEARS … that disappearing happens because of the confusions that evolve … the confusions
Like you receeding after you get slaps insteads of thankyous , now mind you the other body oanguage and ations speak of thanks ,,,,, but there is also an increase in the commucation of YOU ARE BEING TO RUFF …. WeLL the gorilla in me will stop , he does not want to hurt the female NO ,,, sadism is not natural ( but that FEMDOM I wrote of a day ago , for her to evlove into sadism is expected ) sadism would destroy the health of the female who will bring forth DNA shildren ….
FORCING PENTRATION AND ORGASIM is idfferent than sadism ,,,, ruff sex KICK SATRTS .. the sexuall immune system and ovulation .
But the frindship you develop with the 1 on 1 female will destroy the TOA that brought you two together ,,,, the TOA being the natural flow of INSTINCTS …. In the beigning she said thanyou and she laid the twitching in continued orgasims , and she cleaned my cock and dryed the sweat off my body , and later cuddled up next to me and said thanyou . in word and action ….. now after those minutes of continued orgasimsing end ,,,,,, I get hit 9 PLAYFULLY 9 but more and more I am being hit , the MIXED message that will eventually lead the male into doing NOTHING …. For fear of not being GOOD ….
Ahhhhhhhhh , it is so fucked up ,,,, the same old patterns re-emerge of interactions sublte changes that will lead to no GOOD….. I can not wait to build the compound … to complete the TERRITORY …. To get it over to not longer suffer sublte jokes about my Gorilla ideas … but do it live it … be the good male I feel I should be , then I can PROUDLY talk to other women and describe my ideas ,,, for without the compound I talk just stories ,,, empty air , the lies ….. ( hey universe genie dude the ask has been made it is time for manifestation , yo! Are you listening ? knock knock any infintie power there ?)
I want to experience another AN ALTERNATIVE , to get real time comparisons ……. And write and think , and feel what the fuck is the reality .( my current reality is wonderful ,,, I got great girl who is growning and becoming some one different than who I met and I am extrememly happy for her and wish her nothing but happiness …………. NOTHING BUT HAPPINESS …. What do yu wish when you buy a girl that … every kiss begins with ZALES ….. thing … do you do it so she will be UN HAPPY ? …. SO as the relationship evovles it evlovles thru you desire for what you think is her communcation of her Hppiness , you do what you think will provide her happiness
BUT SUBMISSION DEMANDS … the igornace of what seems logical and the folllowing of that which is isnticntual … and her inner self needs….. to submit … to PERMIT …. PENTRATIONS.
Young master , the subtle changes that happen in relationships …. The evlution of love ,,,, that the fairy tale says we must live with ,,,yet when it does happen it does not make iether party happy yet since no you , SCREAMS ,, HEY what the FUCK ,,,,it goes on and on ,, eventually you two are not the same people who met in the first place ,,,, and you end up searching again for that person you met during the dating phase …. Wha was that girl ?
She said thatnkyou after you fucker her so hard she screamed …… yes she said OUCHIE and ooowiiee ,,, and then eventually her safe word ….. but at the end was a THANK YOU a real in words thank you …. Not a kinda reading between the lines thank you , but she actuaaly says , thank you for fucking so hard it was beyond my level of comfort but thank you for taking me THERE … to that level of PENTRATION …. Which needs submission for her to receive … the act of the PENTRATOR me ..
But young master , I want you to think back I know you arleady , comparing the girl you first met with the girl you know now …… in each part of the relationsbhip is a constant on your part which is you wanting to ntoce a smile from her ,,,, a real smile , a word of thank you , something which says you were good …. Is it the searching for the love of mommmy?
Is it the protective nature of the silver back Gorilla ,, who also like to hear certain commucative sounds and have his female rub agaisnt him in affections and thankyous …
Your search for the smile from your female of degrades … DEGRADES into the search of a smile from a MOMMY figure ….. instead of if you were a HAREM male with more than one female …. The chance of getting appreciated for being the PENETRATOR , I feel is strong … since the girls need to compete at certain levels for the finite time you have , even though you are able to satify the females ,,,, because after the first flush of sexual activity she would like to have the sex less than daily … after that first flush …. After that first few months of feeding sexuall and she feels the sex will not go away her need .. her lust cools NOT DISAPPEARS … that disappearing happens because of the confusions that evolve … the confusions
Like you receeding after you get slaps insteads of thankyous , now mind you the other body oanguage and ations speak of thanks ,,,,, but there is also an increase in the commucation of YOU ARE BEING TO RUFF …. WeLL the gorilla in me will stop , he does not want to hurt the female NO ,,, sadism is not natural ( but that FEMDOM I wrote of a day ago , for her to evlove into sadism is expected ) sadism would destroy the health of the female who will bring forth DNA shildren ….
FORCING PENTRATION AND ORGASIM is idfferent than sadism ,,,, ruff sex KICK SATRTS .. the sexuall immune system and ovulation .
But the frindship you develop with the 1 on 1 female will destroy the TOA that brought you two together ,,,, the TOA being the natural flow of INSTINCTS …. In the beigning she said thanyou and she laid the twitching in continued orgasims , and she cleaned my cock and dryed the sweat off my body , and later cuddled up next to me and said thanyou . in word and action ….. now after those minutes of continued orgasimsing end ,,,,,, I get hit 9 PLAYFULLY 9 but more and more I am being hit , the MIXED message that will eventually lead the male into doing NOTHING …. For fear of not being GOOD ….
Ahhhhhhhhh , it is so fucked up ,,,, the same old patterns re-emerge of interactions sublte changes that will lead to no GOOD….. I can not wait to build the compound … to complete the TERRITORY …. To get it over to not longer suffer sublte jokes about my Gorilla ideas … but do it live it … be the good male I feel I should be , then I can PROUDLY talk to other women and describe my ideas ,,, for without the compound I talk just stories ,,, empty air , the lies ….. ( hey universe genie dude the ask has been made it is time for manifestation , yo! Are you listening ? knock knock any infintie power there ?)
I want to experience another AN ALTERNATIVE , to get real time comparisons ……. And write and think , and feel what the fuck is the reality .( my current reality is wonderful ,,, I got great girl who is growning and becoming some one different than who I met and I am extrememly happy for her and wish her nothing but happiness …………. NOTHING BUT HAPPINESS …. What do yu wish when you buy a girl that … every kiss begins with ZALES ….. thing … do you do it so she will be UN HAPPY ? …. SO as the relationship evovles it evlovles thru you desire for what you think is her communcation of her Hppiness , you do what you think will provide her happiness
BUT SUBMISSION DEMANDS … the igornace of what seems logical and the folllowing of that which is isnticntual … and her inner self needs….. to submit … to PERMIT …. PENTRATIONS.
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