Alter Native
Young Master , to change what is now native , doing something different …. And finding that you do things in condtioned ways because you grew up seeing everyone else doing it , I hope is EYE openeing ,, the idea of how much we all are FOLLOWERS not leaders even though we lie to ourselves and everyone else and say we are … the L:EADERS of our own life ,,, but in the end you dumbass are to fucking scared to act ……. Even when the level of LOGIC is slapped into your face …
LOGIC we are not more important thatn any other living thing ,,, and that life itself is not something that should be judged just on its use of matter …….that us humans are the highest level of evolution in the WHILE of INFINITY …. Us ,, us stupid followeres , us brainwashed slaves to ideas and native customs that we do not even realize that we are slaves to …. And it is us who is EVOVLED …. While another thought form enenrgy epxeriencr .. who takes on the form of a kitty cat or dog …. Is of less evovled ,,, it comes for the COMPLETENESS of toa to experience the ILLUSIONS of limits , to return to the TOA and remembering all knowing ….
Now the cat does not need to QUESTION GOD . or WORSHIP or even turn on lights ….. ( oh yes it did not invent lights … but the cat does invent stuff …. Invent is a reaction to the wants and desires of animals … does your cat choose things ,,,,? Will it choose to get up off your lap … will it choose to force you to SROP reading a book and pet it ,, will it refuse to eat ( until almost like dieing of hunger ) before it eats that brand of cat food it hates ? are these not evidence of CHOICE ….. and dumbass the actions it takes to fullfill those wants ,,,, are the building of a light bulb or a space shuttle ,,, expect us humans being so fucking MENTAL ,, have to destroy things to create space shuttles to fullfill the hole in our head and hearts , where the cat ,,,,,, if the food you give it sucks will go catch a nice fresh mouse ! watch the much smarter animal kingdon …. Being happy is evidence of higher EVOLUTION ……
OK last night as I was practising this whole SLEEP CYCLE shit ,,,,, I was thinking Twye lite is made for fucking …. But not last night … last night I was again shown to be the luckest Male living on this PLANET today ….. my 19 month old son I have him once a week for a few hours …. As the sun was going down and his Barney vidoe was ending I was just in AWE of him ,,,, what does this new clean life EXPERIENCER do ….. what does he do with the reality of the world ….. and his DNA …. Tell him , as the sun went down , the lights from the screen stopped flashing ….. he started to calm down …. He I could see and feel was slowing , I could have turned on the house lights but I left them off ….. I remember doing this experiment with my other kids , the experiment of letting slkeep come to the baby naturally instead of FORCED sepeeration for the parent and light and the family activitys .. like most nights …..
The little guy then noticed the bright blue light from the Computer speakers …… like a Moth to a Flame he went to the light , the stimuli to maintain activity was held in that bright lite ….. so I turn it off ,,,,, and his interst wainned ,,,, I walked him holding my finger to the bed and …… he crewled over his private TOY called daddy getting on and off the bed and daddy…… he would go to the back window of that room to look at the west lite … he would head into the Hallway which darkend with each minute till he closed the door ,,, that little toddlees draging a teddyy bear in one hand closed the door on darkness and the unknown ,, that world his eyes are not designed to fucntion in , he created for himself a safe …. Safe cave of 1 room bt clsoing a door … and he returned to playing with me and looking out the back windown ,,, but I noticed something the orange glow form a a power bar that lite which tells me those plgs are working … well that orange glw did not attract the MOTH in my son like the strong blue lite ….. hmmm interestin ,,, welll
Since I ,,, also ,, am starting to repect the human nature I have in me , that wisdom of 3,3 million years … I was in no hurry to leave my baby son to return ,, to force my self to continue to be awake when the inner animal KNOWS it is time to CHILL ….. so I was in no hurry for my son to go to sleep I could let him play …… to crwal aroung the bed to talk to his teddy bears and eventual lay himself acrros my chesst like he loves to do , grab firmly in his hand one of my fingers and go off to the deepness of sleep that the babys we love go to ….
THAT IS LIVING dumbfuck …… like fucking my Debbie that same morning is living the noisy yet silent , commucation , between ,,,,, pentrated and PENTRATOR … nature !
Being the bed of your Flesh and blood is also living ,,,,, having totall strangers talk and smile and thank you for your service to them in their life , for creating in them a smile that day that is living …… DO YOU live in you day to day life ?
Is that new Video game living , that waiting for your favorite TV proagram is that living? ,, for me in my early twentys ,, getting the FLAts grand slam was living the bonefish tarpon and permit on the same day that was living , travel was living and after that I found …. Building a family was what nature really called me to do … not just were girls something to fuck in between fishing trips … no they carryed in them something more important …. They carried in them that PURPOSE FOR FUCKING BEING ….ALIVE
After you have done all those great adventures you dreamed during your childhood have been CONQUERED … and that PURPOSE for living tha reason to keep on going .. what is yours ? do it really carry you forward with STRENGHT of PURPOSE ?
What does this have to do “ early to bed and early to rise makes a nam healthy wealthy and wise “ the words of the sage ? what does it have to do with INSTINCTUALISM.ORG everything as you start to notice that so much of your lie is nothing more thatn you BEING A FOLLOWER OF THE native ways you grew up in ,,,,not being truly ALTERNATIVE . why is it COOL to do what ever it is to do what ever it is you do ! the lifestyle you have been trained to think is natural ……. For example decorating the house for halloweeen studies have been showing is a result of the CONDITIONING of advertising over 20 years … to the point that halloweeen is the 4th largest CONSUMING season event in AMERICAN CULTURE .. not worldwide just the people who have been stupid enough to FOLLOW the orders of their MASTERS , the non-corpoerial being called ECONOMY … that thought form …. A being like us yet , we express thur matter …. We are not matter ,,, never can you find that energywhich makes the …. Atoms of your body stay in the form of body … in the body … you can not find YOU in you …. Thoughts do not live in the mind they use the mind ,, where do your wants come from ,, the wants of a cat for one food more that the other ,, isn ot in the brain of the cat ,,, it is the CHOICE OF THE CHOOSER …. Who uses the cat to experience being as CAT …. The one who uses your memeories to experience being human ,, the Chooser is not in your brain … yet uses this DNA oppurutunity to experience being human ….. ahhhh back into the Toa we go .
And now you have the choice to understand that alternative is feeling that call of your deepest feelings of nature ….. you are designed to be. Think dumbass …….. what if you did not acknowledge the CLOCK the CALENDaR …. That you let the memories be memeories without the daily forcing of themn into files of time ,,,, if you woke each day not being 20 or 30 or 40 or 17 ,, but woke being the age you were felling … if you felt a life of purpose , if you feel excited and live you were ……… alive ! not 27 …. 27 there but naybe not quite there in terms of your long term goals .. another complex theme ….. expeciall for women who fear ,,, age. Who fear that 30 is comeing and that 40 will follow that .
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
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