Beautiful lie
Young master …. They say it over and over ,, it is filtered into storys … even self help programs .. I think about the movie the Secret , the issues they talk about the issues that catch peoples attenion …. Money , health and sex ….tear apart the world around all the HYPNO programing of the advertising professionals …. And you will find that they use you ,,, your ,, everyones lust for money ,,, their fear of death of seperation from GOD? To sell health to live for 5 more minutes when everyone does DIE no matter what ,, and SEX ,,, and sex is a basic animal drive … YOUR DNA speaking it is not the fairy tale of soul mate
To have SOUL MATE you would have to live in a toa where reality was that you and I ,, are not I-n-I .. where we are GENDERLSS and the toa itself is gender-LESS not a human male god where the hieght of evovlution is being a stupid human animal ,,,,, talk about fucking EGO ..to think we are the most HIGH of the hogh in the whole of this universe and that this universe is all there is in an INFINTY OF ALL POSSILBES ….. but remember dipshit you have been porgrammed to accept the idea of IM-POSSIBLE . you most probably have some where in your mind this idea that something is im[possible that infinty ends wherever you think ,, impossible starts.
Remember dumbass ,,, to the ancient Egyptian priest and Pharo flying pieces of metal were IMPOSSILBE , but here on the same planet only time passed and nothing else happened we have the same general world the same sands of eygpt blowing around ,, and we have hunks of metal flying all over the place … IMPOSSIBLE , only until your little finite mind can understand POSSILBITY a new view of PHYSICS . ooooh this was to about soul mate ….
The idea that 1 person is more important than another person …. The rationale of NOT SHARING LOVE … of owning 1 person, thru the words and expectations built in and around a concept of SOUL MATE !
But really talk really listen to the girls who want to find their soul mate and you will hear them say things to explain their past relationships , like this ,,,,,,, ohhhh yes everything was great for 3 years , yes I loved him but I was young and thinking with my body not my soul …… over and over you will find girls who have loved …. Then hated . now why?
If you were to think about the effects of control and coercion ,,, you will find that often this is what happened .. the girl started off being submissive when she got the commitment she started to desire more moremore ,,, that greed of the basic female animal for sefl protection and wealth and food gathering for her won health and the baby she will grown and the baby she must feed … so her instinct is for GREED it is nature … the male is thinking about baisc gorups concepts … protecting a territory which he thinks is rich enough to provide for his goruop of females ,,, the day to day details of wealth / food resource destribution he leaves in the “ surival of the fittest “ hierachy function of the female world ,,, just like the male had to live alone .. prove it could fight out its own territory male hierarchy testing …. Ohhh wait this is about soul mate ( what animals do not have souls … what about that dog or cat you love so much , with it’s personality ,, animals express depression happiness and contentment even wild animals … evidence of the relflection the mirror of soul relflecting the experience of TOA )
Soul mate ,, the beautiful dream … the songs and emotional movie thems and storyes the peictures of smiles and togetherness …… the PROGRAMING repeated over andover for 1ooo , 500 years till it has become something real ….. and theeffect of it was to confuse the instinct of the human DNA and since the human DNA had not role model to learn from ….. it felt confused …. And hid in BEER? The male finding that the SOUL MATE he had no longer was happy with the territory he developed ,, but she was no longer smiling except when eh brought her more , more more more ,, the kiss began with ZALES ….. to the point he gave up and let her become the male ,,,, let her workk .. maybe thru , him ,,, she became the power behind the man . and US their slaves … ohhh yes just TWIST your thinking dipshit … YO! Dumbfuck it is your thinking what you think about in your mind is … YOURS .. you are allowed to think ALTERNATIVE THOUGHTS … there is no police office who can read you thoughts ? but you fear even thinking !
The girls I talk with ,,,,,, like yesterday 2 women , one was interested in my ideas ,,, my logic ,,, in the idea of her own DNA history the other ,,,,, TOOK CONTROL ….. demanding that the fairy tale of SOUL MATE was real …. Even though she lives a life of ,,,, STRUGGLE … day after year after decade …… all the time proclaiming this male new male is her ssoul mate , FINDING HER HAPPINESS IN A ??????? something or one other than herself , denying her own HOLISTIC-NESS ….
Just like her new Hybrid SUV …. Ohh the image of being concerned .. fashion ….. she has not family or need for such a large transportation machine …. So if conserving resourses so that we ahumans no longer have to blow up babies ,,, burning the alive in twisted wars of control … and divide and conquer politoco/profit religons ….. when she sould be driving the FOURTWO not a hybid but a real statement of CONCERN ….. but NO it is the stupidness of a greedy animal ….. like the rat who reproduces till it pisses and shit so much in its eviroment that the enviroment becomes TOXIC and the colony of rats kills itself offf ..
Like INCA , ROMAN , GREEK , HAUN CHINA , EYGPT ..etc etc ….. from the macro cultures to the micro family …. The basics problems is the baisc problem . what is the problem DIPSHIT ? what do you think
Young master …. They say it over and over ,, it is filtered into storys … even self help programs .. I think about the movie the Secret , the issues they talk about the issues that catch peoples attenion …. Money , health and sex ….tear apart the world around all the HYPNO programing of the advertising professionals …. And you will find that they use you ,,, your ,, everyones lust for money ,,, their fear of death of seperation from GOD? To sell health to live for 5 more minutes when everyone does DIE no matter what ,, and SEX ,,, and sex is a basic animal drive … YOUR DNA speaking it is not the fairy tale of soul mate
To have SOUL MATE you would have to live in a toa where reality was that you and I ,, are not I-n-I .. where we are GENDERLSS and the toa itself is gender-LESS not a human male god where the hieght of evovlution is being a stupid human animal ,,,,, talk about fucking EGO ..to think we are the most HIGH of the hogh in the whole of this universe and that this universe is all there is in an INFINTY OF ALL POSSILBES ….. but remember dipshit you have been porgrammed to accept the idea of IM-POSSIBLE . you most probably have some where in your mind this idea that something is im[possible that infinty ends wherever you think ,, impossible starts.
Remember dumbass ,,, to the ancient Egyptian priest and Pharo flying pieces of metal were IMPOSSILBE , but here on the same planet only time passed and nothing else happened we have the same general world the same sands of eygpt blowing around ,, and we have hunks of metal flying all over the place … IMPOSSIBLE , only until your little finite mind can understand POSSILBITY a new view of PHYSICS . ooooh this was to about soul mate ….
The idea that 1 person is more important than another person …. The rationale of NOT SHARING LOVE … of owning 1 person, thru the words and expectations built in and around a concept of SOUL MATE !
But really talk really listen to the girls who want to find their soul mate and you will hear them say things to explain their past relationships , like this ,,,,,,, ohhhh yes everything was great for 3 years , yes I loved him but I was young and thinking with my body not my soul …… over and over you will find girls who have loved …. Then hated . now why?
If you were to think about the effects of control and coercion ,,, you will find that often this is what happened .. the girl started off being submissive when she got the commitment she started to desire more moremore ,,, that greed of the basic female animal for sefl protection and wealth and food gathering for her won health and the baby she will grown and the baby she must feed … so her instinct is for GREED it is nature … the male is thinking about baisc gorups concepts … protecting a territory which he thinks is rich enough to provide for his goruop of females ,,, the day to day details of wealth / food resource destribution he leaves in the “ surival of the fittest “ hierachy function of the female world ,,, just like the male had to live alone .. prove it could fight out its own territory male hierarchy testing …. Ohhh wait this is about soul mate ( what animals do not have souls … what about that dog or cat you love so much , with it’s personality ,, animals express depression happiness and contentment even wild animals … evidence of the relflection the mirror of soul relflecting the experience of TOA )
Soul mate ,, the beautiful dream … the songs and emotional movie thems and storyes the peictures of smiles and togetherness …… the PROGRAMING repeated over andover for 1ooo , 500 years till it has become something real ….. and theeffect of it was to confuse the instinct of the human DNA and since the human DNA had not role model to learn from ….. it felt confused …. And hid in BEER? The male finding that the SOUL MATE he had no longer was happy with the territory he developed ,, but she was no longer smiling except when eh brought her more , more more more ,, the kiss began with ZALES ….. to the point he gave up and let her become the male ,,,, let her workk .. maybe thru , him ,,, she became the power behind the man . and US their slaves … ohhh yes just TWIST your thinking dipshit … YO! Dumbfuck it is your thinking what you think about in your mind is … YOURS .. you are allowed to think ALTERNATIVE THOUGHTS … there is no police office who can read you thoughts ? but you fear even thinking !
The girls I talk with ,,,,,, like yesterday 2 women , one was interested in my ideas ,,, my logic ,,, in the idea of her own DNA history the other ,,,,, TOOK CONTROL ….. demanding that the fairy tale of SOUL MATE was real …. Even though she lives a life of ,,,, STRUGGLE … day after year after decade …… all the time proclaiming this male new male is her ssoul mate , FINDING HER HAPPINESS IN A ??????? something or one other than herself , denying her own HOLISTIC-NESS ….
Just like her new Hybrid SUV …. Ohh the image of being concerned .. fashion ….. she has not family or need for such a large transportation machine …. So if conserving resourses so that we ahumans no longer have to blow up babies ,,, burning the alive in twisted wars of control … and divide and conquer politoco/profit religons ….. when she sould be driving the FOURTWO not a hybid but a real statement of CONCERN ….. but NO it is the stupidness of a greedy animal ….. like the rat who reproduces till it pisses and shit so much in its eviroment that the enviroment becomes TOXIC and the colony of rats kills itself offf ..
Like INCA , ROMAN , GREEK , HAUN CHINA , EYGPT ..etc etc ….. from the macro cultures to the micro family …. The basics problems is the baisc problem . what is the problem DIPSHIT ? what do you think
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