Master / slave hibernation
Right back in the 1920’s , young master I just heard that on NPR the difference fo rich and poor is like it was in the old days when things started to change and a middle class started to evovle ….. you dipshit by your habits by your sddictions to comofts allowed this ….. real quick on the topic of the title she dumbass may need that hiding time ,, a time to become a person again , yet with the love of the SEXUAL slave staying in her heart after understanding that her master does not want to TAKE as much as RECEIVE her choice of shoosing him …. Choosing you …. I can see it in girls in their teens and I feel it is natural for a girl to search a GOOD DOM a good man , to protect her to think for her in many many ways while she learns to think for herself ,, see she is not designed to … become an adult in a CRUCILBE of life and death like the male like the BRAVE of tribal life , like the male harem animal that neeeds to develop his own teritory ….. no she goes from one form of protections then because of the family the familiarty of scents , the inner drive to NOT inbreeed … she moves out away from the family circle on explorations and there encounters the other males of her own species …. And has the choice to be guided into his territory or not , and to RUN AWAY … if she finds the new male to be abusive ,,, abusive in the animal world since I have no other word to touch your emotional thinking I use abuse to show that in the animal world if a male is not the right male a female does and WILL choose to leave in fact returing to her home ,, yet the drive in her to find new males will cause her to explore the other side of the family territoy to find a new male ,,,,, if the male close to her family territory still do not fullfill her well she will explore the edge of the next territory ,,, yet the percentages compared to what we human do , the changing of girls with males is not where natural to other harem animals , but females in the animal world do have the freedom of choice like humans do … it is not a fixed in stone caged life like we think animals live it is that they are more natural and in being more natural they do not SEEEK some FAIRY TALE . here dumb ass is where the idea of MASTER / slave comes in , it is a fairy tale but susefull like a special diet is to a person who has to lose wieght ,, it shocks the mind Master / slave shoices the choice to allow some one to force you girl ( which in truth is not a force but a choice on the part of the subbie not force all ) helps you break habits … like a special diet can help you realize that you can live without ,,, the prepared foods and junk you have allowed yourself to become addicted ,,, thinking it, the foods are really what humans eat ….. like thinking that feminism is the way humans were meant to live …… think about it giving her time to hide gives her time to HEAL to re learn what is natural and right for her
Now dipshit addiction to life style ,, to technology ,,, deb was consuling talking with this girl about mediatation and stuff , and the topic about night time the time when the noise level the distraction level ends and we all have to live with the thoughts in our head …… and I got to thinking ,,,,
Electric lights are not natural ,,, people think that humans spent the nights from the time that fire was started , they spent their nights talking and partying around camp fires ,,, well dumbass ,that is part and parcel of the fairy tale ,,,, not good science ,, see fire wood is a resource ,,,, needed for hrat and cooking ,,, lite is a play iten great for festivals and sure people love to socialize and have a drink and celebrate the full mooon each month with a little extra artifical light and drink some beer finaaly aged for a month or whatever spirit guide mushroom they use to KNOW GOD ….become 1 with the spirit of the animals and land around them …. But they did not do this daily ,,, no because the fuel , the wires were not full of the DRUG of lite …. The DRUG of becoming lazy and part of the 60 percent over wieght …. The drug of easy way without thinking ,, remember dumbass electric light is less than 100 years old , LESS than 100 years old ,,,, before the 1920’s ,,,, only city centers had electricty …. 99 percent of homes did not have lights …. It is 2007 … less than 100 years ,,, the homes the 99 percent ,, sure had candles ,, but get real ,, radio listening was not the habit or fashion untill the 1940’s …. No elctricty …. There was not TV or video games ,,,, and dipshit have you ever really tried to read by candle light , you hear stories about people learning to read at night by candle light , brave slaves or women who faought against the STUPID controls of humanity that evolved from the MANIPULATION OF Roman religion ( the great mind fuck ) sure very very few did rea by candle lite ,, but most read during the day light ….
You dipshit are designed to sleep when the sun goes down and wake up when the sun comes up ,,,, but today ,, your force your self to live in artifical lights ,,, then you hate to WAKE UP …. Strange , think about it shit for brains ….can you? Could you think about electricty in terms of foods in a diet ? think like a drug addict who has to give up something bad for them … in the long term . but how hard it is to get clean then live once more among their friends who still use with the drug of their love ,, their escape for the rest of their UNATURAL LIFE …. Your animal self is confused and in your confusion you become CONTROLABLE .. SIMPLE WARFARE and polictical science … Divide and Conquer ….and you do it to yourself
My dad would describe humanity to me in terms of the monkeys he used to catch in SUMATRA .. during his world travels …. They would bore a hole in a cocnut fill the coconut with rice and the chain the cocnut to a tree ,,, they would lay aline of rice along and animal path way ,,, know that the monkey would pass that way …. 9 MONKEY dna SPAPIENS dna HOMO spapiens , ever looks at dogs the great Dane and the Tea cup mini poodle , both bark both play with balls both wag their tales 9 … the monkey would taste the rice then in their greed feel the rice in the coconut and fill their hands … but they could not get that FULL hand out of the coconut ….. now they would stay that way till the next day , when he and friends would come and collect the monkeys for the pet trade …. The monkeys would see the danger of large SPAPIENS coming toward them but the stupid monkey would choose the greed of a sweet food ,,, a sweet foood … a not natural to them sweet food … like a drug over reality and life and danger …. Dad would take the chain off the tree and drop the monkey in a cage qucik easy simple late by feeding the monkey rice from a bowl the monkey would finnally let go of the rice in the coconut because it have this bingger bowl of drugs .. free rice ,, remember these monkeys were not straving to death unable to live in the jungle without human help ,,, no mankind just showed up to harvest the BOUNTY of healthy strong wild monkeys ….but out family member the monkey acts a lot like us ? what do you think dumbass ? is the monkey a DUMBASS are you ?
Right back in the 1920’s , young master I just heard that on NPR the difference fo rich and poor is like it was in the old days when things started to change and a middle class started to evovle ….. you dipshit by your habits by your sddictions to comofts allowed this ….. real quick on the topic of the title she dumbass may need that hiding time ,, a time to become a person again , yet with the love of the SEXUAL slave staying in her heart after understanding that her master does not want to TAKE as much as RECEIVE her choice of shoosing him …. Choosing you …. I can see it in girls in their teens and I feel it is natural for a girl to search a GOOD DOM a good man , to protect her to think for her in many many ways while she learns to think for herself ,, see she is not designed to … become an adult in a CRUCILBE of life and death like the male like the BRAVE of tribal life , like the male harem animal that neeeds to develop his own teritory ….. no she goes from one form of protections then because of the family the familiarty of scents , the inner drive to NOT inbreeed … she moves out away from the family circle on explorations and there encounters the other males of her own species …. And has the choice to be guided into his territory or not , and to RUN AWAY … if she finds the new male to be abusive ,,, abusive in the animal world since I have no other word to touch your emotional thinking I use abuse to show that in the animal world if a male is not the right male a female does and WILL choose to leave in fact returing to her home ,, yet the drive in her to find new males will cause her to explore the other side of the family territoy to find a new male ,,,,, if the male close to her family territory still do not fullfill her well she will explore the edge of the next territory ,,, yet the percentages compared to what we human do , the changing of girls with males is not where natural to other harem animals , but females in the animal world do have the freedom of choice like humans do … it is not a fixed in stone caged life like we think animals live it is that they are more natural and in being more natural they do not SEEEK some FAIRY TALE . here dumb ass is where the idea of MASTER / slave comes in , it is a fairy tale but susefull like a special diet is to a person who has to lose wieght ,, it shocks the mind Master / slave shoices the choice to allow some one to force you girl ( which in truth is not a force but a choice on the part of the subbie not force all ) helps you break habits … like a special diet can help you realize that you can live without ,,, the prepared foods and junk you have allowed yourself to become addicted ,,, thinking it, the foods are really what humans eat ….. like thinking that feminism is the way humans were meant to live …… think about it giving her time to hide gives her time to HEAL to re learn what is natural and right for her
Now dipshit addiction to life style ,, to technology ,,, deb was consuling talking with this girl about mediatation and stuff , and the topic about night time the time when the noise level the distraction level ends and we all have to live with the thoughts in our head …… and I got to thinking ,,,,
Electric lights are not natural ,,, people think that humans spent the nights from the time that fire was started , they spent their nights talking and partying around camp fires ,,, well dumbass ,that is part and parcel of the fairy tale ,,,, not good science ,, see fire wood is a resource ,,,, needed for hrat and cooking ,,, lite is a play iten great for festivals and sure people love to socialize and have a drink and celebrate the full mooon each month with a little extra artifical light and drink some beer finaaly aged for a month or whatever spirit guide mushroom they use to KNOW GOD ….become 1 with the spirit of the animals and land around them …. But they did not do this daily ,,, no because the fuel , the wires were not full of the DRUG of lite …. The DRUG of becoming lazy and part of the 60 percent over wieght …. The drug of easy way without thinking ,, remember dumbass electric light is less than 100 years old , LESS than 100 years old ,,,, before the 1920’s ,,,, only city centers had electricty …. 99 percent of homes did not have lights …. It is 2007 … less than 100 years ,,, the homes the 99 percent ,, sure had candles ,, but get real ,, radio listening was not the habit or fashion untill the 1940’s …. No elctricty …. There was not TV or video games ,,,, and dipshit have you ever really tried to read by candle light , you hear stories about people learning to read at night by candle light , brave slaves or women who faought against the STUPID controls of humanity that evolved from the MANIPULATION OF Roman religion ( the great mind fuck ) sure very very few did rea by candle lite ,, but most read during the day light ….
You dipshit are designed to sleep when the sun goes down and wake up when the sun comes up ,,,, but today ,, your force your self to live in artifical lights ,,, then you hate to WAKE UP …. Strange , think about it shit for brains ….can you? Could you think about electricty in terms of foods in a diet ? think like a drug addict who has to give up something bad for them … in the long term . but how hard it is to get clean then live once more among their friends who still use with the drug of their love ,, their escape for the rest of their UNATURAL LIFE …. Your animal self is confused and in your confusion you become CONTROLABLE .. SIMPLE WARFARE and polictical science … Divide and Conquer ….and you do it to yourself
My dad would describe humanity to me in terms of the monkeys he used to catch in SUMATRA .. during his world travels …. They would bore a hole in a cocnut fill the coconut with rice and the chain the cocnut to a tree ,,, they would lay aline of rice along and animal path way ,,, know that the monkey would pass that way …. 9 MONKEY dna SPAPIENS dna HOMO spapiens , ever looks at dogs the great Dane and the Tea cup mini poodle , both bark both play with balls both wag their tales 9 … the monkey would taste the rice then in their greed feel the rice in the coconut and fill their hands … but they could not get that FULL hand out of the coconut ….. now they would stay that way till the next day , when he and friends would come and collect the monkeys for the pet trade …. The monkeys would see the danger of large SPAPIENS coming toward them but the stupid monkey would choose the greed of a sweet food ,,, a sweet foood … a not natural to them sweet food … like a drug over reality and life and danger …. Dad would take the chain off the tree and drop the monkey in a cage qucik easy simple late by feeding the monkey rice from a bowl the monkey would finnally let go of the rice in the coconut because it have this bingger bowl of drugs .. free rice ,, remember these monkeys were not straving to death unable to live in the jungle without human help ,,, no mankind just showed up to harvest the BOUNTY of healthy strong wild monkeys ….but out family member the monkey acts a lot like us ? what do you think dumbass ? is the monkey a DUMBASS are you ?
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