Fucking mind?
Or mind fucking ……… young master gleen from this whatever you find usefull , I am actually talking to someone who thinkis they are OHHHHH SOOOOO and I say to her ( no actually all three of the females NO to every female with DOMINATRIX fanasty ) but the her since I knon her have known her since her boy was born ,,,, DO YOU WANT THAT TO BE YOUR baby BOY in 10 years ? actually I am afraid she honestly does not care she has gotten so WARPED …. ( it made me think about my own daughters 4 in toatl I count as daughters steps and bio 3 adults 1 a bleeding teen so in total all women … I talk about submission do I want to submit ? but read about my observations of female submission and bdsm read and think about the instinctual aspects and then the history the mind fuck of society )
So what happened , IT TAKES 1 TO KNOW 1 … a doper can spot another doper and … a freak ( me ) can spot another freak ( them ) , them old friends and customers for like 14 years , he a blonde surfer did some illegal farmeing made some money made ti legal in a good bussiness made a ton shit load of good cash ,,,, her his cute receptionsit 14 years ago gave him a baby girl then a few yeats later a baby boy … they were the regular DID ALRIGHT family ,, both got a little fatter him a little balder , but it seemed OK from the outside , but about the same time I was going thru my second divorce he went thru his first ….. and he ( and she ) were back out in the sexual market place , sure he had cash but not longer that blonde young surfer body of lifestyle ,, he was the work hard make the cash husband type , now living under MAX stress fo broken family and loads of attorneys fees .. and $$$$$ worries about joint property ,, plus he missed his kids , ESPECIALLY that lil’ boy the lil’ boy she … she .. she was so porud of , I remember her saying how he was going to grow up just like dad , go surfing with long blonde hari of his ……
What now BITCH ,, would you want to see him wathch his wife cock and ball torture your son now ,, ? like you do his dad ?
Look during his bad times he and I talked he got one of the first few copies of my poorly written book , just two guys feeling the same confusions and angers ….. now this family I serve twice amonth often I am alone inside the family house cleaning windows room to room over a decade plus you get to know people all to fucking welll especially when you are a freak also ….. today was just to weird ,,,
What was it ? she parading her SLAVES or the idea that the Burha was there ….. I only guess that she is BURHA .. the latina word for witch ,,, now there are fairy tales and them there are myths .. witch craft is myth it has its basis in facts … yes FACTS . thru out history women have been the ones who knew the poisins and rugs , the effects and ways to use this to kill off a BAD male if warrented …. Or to maniplate the weaker males when needed ,,, traditions and herbs , passed thur centuries …. A tradition of the latina .. befrore my friend and his wife got back together his last girlfriend friend was this one fucking HOT latina …… and today as I clean the outside of the patio windows who do I see with his wife another hot chick but his old girlfriend from like 2 years back …..
The simple cute mom and wife I knew over a decade ago ,, started th=o change just bedfore she left to live in one of their investment protpeties …. She got hot real fast like in a matter of months from average … to a 10 ….. and the worker the guy that was always around working on their properties , that doper ,,, easy to control just keep him in good herb and he would be a good DOG … I knew that about him from day one … never one to do anything on his own always looking for SKIRT to hide behind …. The guy that she kept while she and my friend were broken up …. Has been living in the same house together the happy freaky family 1 bitch and 2 males …..
Now she and I have talked ,, my friend no longer talks she talks for him more ano more over the last 2 years untill as of late even when I meet him alone he has nothing to say ,, where he and I would tak about he ideas in my book the confsuions ans sexual stress the feelings of frustration in believing we did the right things how come it all went so FUCKING BADLY …. But now she says for him we … we …. We .. do not agree with the ideas in your book , the change grows subtley the confidence and power the contempt for the male of her species it ooozes from this woman ,,, but today to have her parade him and the other guy into the room and have them try … try .. try to sit , those grown men in the 30’s maybe my friend is 40’s ,,,, nakked except for the shorts they were waering , as compared to the women who still looked like they were dressed for a day at the office ,( at the office normally where he would be except when he was home getting the boat ready to go fishing ….) squirming those two looking at the floor the feeling was thick ,,, my FREAK O’METER WAS JUST GOING OFF , THE LOOK OF SWEAT on the guys of sweat and struggle and …. Restraint? That redness around my friends neck …. I was glad I had only a few more windows to finish before the parade ,,, I was not forced to witness what was surely making the women proud acting as if I was not there face stuck to the window forced to look ………ooooh she likes to think I am her servant .. since YES I AM IN THE SERVICE industry I in her mind am her servant … POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY ……..
What about your son bitch ,,,,, understand , everyone wants to be loved ,,,, the male trained by modeling , seeks love like he was modeled ,,,, in that family ….. it started off quite average america then became weird ,,, the male will learn to beg and buy pussy ,,, every kiss begins with Zales jewelers …. The slow slide into slavery ,, looking fior some sort of love ….. and men can do a few things ,,, become mean , become wimps , become gay ? as I have written the list of Reactions to coercion and controls from the book PARENT EFFECTIVENESS TRaINING ….
The history ,, well young master if you really opened your eyes to developments of ancient societys ,, you will seee the under lying moverment before the decay of those cultures to the presence of women in the highest of POWER circles ,,, hidden behind the face of aman was really the greed and selfishness fo a female animal …
That instinct of selfishness ,,, lets look to the harem of gorillas ,,, the make will give his life to defend the troops while the girls run away to protect themselves and their children ,,,, safety being in numbers like any group animals the predetor is able to pick off the weakest link …. While the male is occupied defending …. While the male is doing his protective territory patrols and the girls fight over foods and the control of the sweetest fruti ,, of course making sure the individual is strongest …. As long as the fights do not get out of hand the male does not get involved …. Allowing the nature of GREED to take its course creating the strongest female to be healthy ……
Ahhh but what if the male gorilla had to beg to mate ,, what is the female now in control does not want to have shildren because she may get saggy tits of stretch marks what happens to the society ….. dipshit look back to ancient Eygpt ,,, and Greeece and Rome even Chinese dynastys you can see the rise of female , power thru the weakness of sex ,,, the HORIZONTAL court of FRANCE before the revolution …. The decadance and selfish ness ….. the men actually jumpong thru hooops to fuck the prettiest of the females ,,,,,, the idea of the FASHIONABLE ,,,, again go back to eygpt greece , china , the MAYA in fact as fashion became the goal ….. and the men were trained to worry , to beg for pussy ,, to wear purfumes and get cleaned up … not be proud of their tendency to work and sweat ….but to become , METRO SEXUAL . the effect of GQ and even playboy ,,, most mens mags are actually controlled by the enviroment which is full of female employees and afemenant male writers ….. an world where the white collar decision makiners are increasingly becoming female , so that the worker male must DRESS TO IMPRE#SS …. A slow twisting of humanities instinctual nature ,,,,,, just think dipsit just think . and female what about your baby boys? Your fansty is it what you want for your son ,,, are you that sick , becoming worse than what you hated in men ?
Or mind fucking ……… young master gleen from this whatever you find usefull , I am actually talking to someone who thinkis they are OHHHHH SOOOOO and I say to her ( no actually all three of the females NO to every female with DOMINATRIX fanasty ) but the her since I knon her have known her since her boy was born ,,,, DO YOU WANT THAT TO BE YOUR baby BOY in 10 years ? actually I am afraid she honestly does not care she has gotten so WARPED …. ( it made me think about my own daughters 4 in toatl I count as daughters steps and bio 3 adults 1 a bleeding teen so in total all women … I talk about submission do I want to submit ? but read about my observations of female submission and bdsm read and think about the instinctual aspects and then the history the mind fuck of society )
So what happened , IT TAKES 1 TO KNOW 1 … a doper can spot another doper and … a freak ( me ) can spot another freak ( them ) , them old friends and customers for like 14 years , he a blonde surfer did some illegal farmeing made some money made ti legal in a good bussiness made a ton shit load of good cash ,,,, her his cute receptionsit 14 years ago gave him a baby girl then a few yeats later a baby boy … they were the regular DID ALRIGHT family ,, both got a little fatter him a little balder , but it seemed OK from the outside , but about the same time I was going thru my second divorce he went thru his first ….. and he ( and she ) were back out in the sexual market place , sure he had cash but not longer that blonde young surfer body of lifestyle ,, he was the work hard make the cash husband type , now living under MAX stress fo broken family and loads of attorneys fees .. and $$$$$ worries about joint property ,, plus he missed his kids , ESPECIALLY that lil’ boy the lil’ boy she … she .. she was so porud of , I remember her saying how he was going to grow up just like dad , go surfing with long blonde hari of his ……
What now BITCH ,, would you want to see him wathch his wife cock and ball torture your son now ,, ? like you do his dad ?
Look during his bad times he and I talked he got one of the first few copies of my poorly written book , just two guys feeling the same confusions and angers ….. now this family I serve twice amonth often I am alone inside the family house cleaning windows room to room over a decade plus you get to know people all to fucking welll especially when you are a freak also ….. today was just to weird ,,,
What was it ? she parading her SLAVES or the idea that the Burha was there ….. I only guess that she is BURHA .. the latina word for witch ,,, now there are fairy tales and them there are myths .. witch craft is myth it has its basis in facts … yes FACTS . thru out history women have been the ones who knew the poisins and rugs , the effects and ways to use this to kill off a BAD male if warrented …. Or to maniplate the weaker males when needed ,,, traditions and herbs , passed thur centuries …. A tradition of the latina .. befrore my friend and his wife got back together his last girlfriend friend was this one fucking HOT latina …… and today as I clean the outside of the patio windows who do I see with his wife another hot chick but his old girlfriend from like 2 years back …..
The simple cute mom and wife I knew over a decade ago ,, started th=o change just bedfore she left to live in one of their investment protpeties …. She got hot real fast like in a matter of months from average … to a 10 ….. and the worker the guy that was always around working on their properties , that doper ,,, easy to control just keep him in good herb and he would be a good DOG … I knew that about him from day one … never one to do anything on his own always looking for SKIRT to hide behind …. The guy that she kept while she and my friend were broken up …. Has been living in the same house together the happy freaky family 1 bitch and 2 males …..
Now she and I have talked ,, my friend no longer talks she talks for him more ano more over the last 2 years untill as of late even when I meet him alone he has nothing to say ,, where he and I would tak about he ideas in my book the confsuions ans sexual stress the feelings of frustration in believing we did the right things how come it all went so FUCKING BADLY …. But now she says for him we … we …. We .. do not agree with the ideas in your book , the change grows subtley the confidence and power the contempt for the male of her species it ooozes from this woman ,,, but today to have her parade him and the other guy into the room and have them try … try .. try to sit , those grown men in the 30’s maybe my friend is 40’s ,,,, nakked except for the shorts they were waering , as compared to the women who still looked like they were dressed for a day at the office ,( at the office normally where he would be except when he was home getting the boat ready to go fishing ….) squirming those two looking at the floor the feeling was thick ,,, my FREAK O’METER WAS JUST GOING OFF , THE LOOK OF SWEAT on the guys of sweat and struggle and …. Restraint? That redness around my friends neck …. I was glad I had only a few more windows to finish before the parade ,,, I was not forced to witness what was surely making the women proud acting as if I was not there face stuck to the window forced to look ………ooooh she likes to think I am her servant .. since YES I AM IN THE SERVICE industry I in her mind am her servant … POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY ……..
What about your son bitch ,,,,, understand , everyone wants to be loved ,,,, the male trained by modeling , seeks love like he was modeled ,,,, in that family ….. it started off quite average america then became weird ,,, the male will learn to beg and buy pussy ,,, every kiss begins with Zales jewelers …. The slow slide into slavery ,, looking fior some sort of love ….. and men can do a few things ,,, become mean , become wimps , become gay ? as I have written the list of Reactions to coercion and controls from the book PARENT EFFECTIVENESS TRaINING ….
The history ,, well young master if you really opened your eyes to developments of ancient societys ,, you will seee the under lying moverment before the decay of those cultures to the presence of women in the highest of POWER circles ,,, hidden behind the face of aman was really the greed and selfishness fo a female animal …
That instinct of selfishness ,,, lets look to the harem of gorillas ,,, the make will give his life to defend the troops while the girls run away to protect themselves and their children ,,,, safety being in numbers like any group animals the predetor is able to pick off the weakest link …. While the male is occupied defending …. While the male is doing his protective territory patrols and the girls fight over foods and the control of the sweetest fruti ,, of course making sure the individual is strongest …. As long as the fights do not get out of hand the male does not get involved …. Allowing the nature of GREED to take its course creating the strongest female to be healthy ……
Ahhh but what if the male gorilla had to beg to mate ,, what is the female now in control does not want to have shildren because she may get saggy tits of stretch marks what happens to the society ….. dipshit look back to ancient Eygpt ,,, and Greeece and Rome even Chinese dynastys you can see the rise of female , power thru the weakness of sex ,,, the HORIZONTAL court of FRANCE before the revolution …. The decadance and selfish ness ….. the men actually jumpong thru hooops to fuck the prettiest of the females ,,,,,, the idea of the FASHIONABLE ,,,, again go back to eygpt greece , china , the MAYA in fact as fashion became the goal ….. and the men were trained to worry , to beg for pussy ,, to wear purfumes and get cleaned up … not be proud of their tendency to work and sweat ….but to become , METRO SEXUAL . the effect of GQ and even playboy ,,, most mens mags are actually controlled by the enviroment which is full of female employees and afemenant male writers ….. an world where the white collar decision makiners are increasingly becoming female , so that the worker male must DRESS TO IMPRE#SS …. A slow twisting of humanities instinctual nature ,,,,,, just think dipsit just think . and female what about your baby boys? Your fansty is it what you want for your son ,,, are you that sick , becoming worse than what you hated in men ?
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