BDSM and chronic back pain
Young master , the idea that you may start y our compound your honestead well a little older than at 20 ,,,, because at 20 you are still under the influence of th barain wanshing the limiting of beliefs ,,,,, you wanna try over and over the fairy tale or you just to scared to think out side of the box …
And bdsm ,,, the whole idea of whipping your girlfriend intio submmission , sounds BAD ,, how can that be LOVE? Again dipshit what you call love is really just a fairy tale not an animal reality ,, and how can a spanking be an animal reality ,,, do lions spank .. no they do not go to the sotre to buy a floggere and lions do not drive cars nor watch , nor buy BEER …. But they do get ruff when fucking …. The fore play of many animasl is a play that can be related to the human females desire for BDSM and guess what dipshit about your age the idea that a girl as she gets into her later 20’s well she fucked up her back while acting … acting like a guy …. Living on the edge or just riding horses way to much whatever the idea that she can develop chronic pain , well dumb , a good flooging stimulates ENODROPHINES , which ,,, end discomfort , the flogging focuses her mind away from sites which carry chronic paimn ,,, now to the acute location of sexual play pain ,,, and her soon to arrive violent fucking ….. change in focus and finnaly relaxation….. so biting eating her flesh so to speak allowing yourself to be yourself and enjoy the smell and floavor of female ….. also stimulates endorphines ….
But dipshit watch what happens if you get to close touchy feely , to brother sisterish ,, with your subbie , she is no longer your subbie she is your friend , your sisiter and well you do not fuck your sister . your friendship dumbass started because of the nature of your two sexes ,,, then then a friendship and dependancy grew ,,,, now to dependancy
When I said sign a contract about NO CHILD support here is why…. If you provide a compound a homestead ,,, put it into a family trust …. She has safety life ong safety somethin unussual in this world ,,,, she lives /dates you till such time she comes over to live with you for a while … choice freedom of choice … like tha nimal male does not hand cuff the female her NUDGES HER into his territory , and she is out searching a new male because of her age and her mating instincts are motivating her to be open to new male …. He pushes her toward his ceter territory where his sent is strongest where his other females congregate ,, and the girl then can become friends with the other females or like I say she can just dissapear ehen the male is off at the edge of his territory on patrol or at night no cages of threats or guns like us humans who threaten and kill each other in jealously … it is all about CHOICE
So dumbass , you provide something different really really ALTERNATIVE … freedom of choice and securuty and ( hopefully natural sex , BDSM flavors ) the female has time to decide and if she … she … SHE decides to mate when she is ripe ( rmember she the human female can leave at anytime ) like any animal if she chooses not to leave because of money or security heyy , hint ,,,, her freedom of choice , but lets say later on she decides that she wants to re-enter the fairy tale world after she has choosen to alow you to fuck her … remember you are loaded 24/7 ,,, everytime you fuck you can produce a baby ,, it is always her choice to bring a new baby into the world I can not every really know their reproductive cycles unless they really want to keep me daily informed , even then she has the choice not leave not get fucked not return to your homestead 3 tents compound she has the right to leave her work in the city and go some where else ….. no CAGE .. only real choice and RESPOND WITH ABLITY .
So if she chooses later to leave the life long safety that you build for your harem like a good male should , if she in her menatl responsisiblity feels it is better for her child to chase the ILLUSIONS of buying happiness thru money ,,, how come you you should have to be forced to pay for her choice….. it was her choice ,,, you have done you job in creating the compound allowing her to dicoverr the life style ,,,,, why should I have to become and ECOMINC SLAVE because she is GREEDY ?
Ahhh the insantiy of todays mental/family profeesional , limited in their thinking by having no alternatives to 1 on 1 , well they developed a BLANKET law ….. treat every human like the cog of the machine ,,, just a number like me except I have 3 sets of numbers and 3 ex wives three groups of children with deep hidden mental divisions because of divorce ,,,, the poly has not legal marriage liscense no legal contract … it is freedom of choice the girl wants to be with you ….
If she started off be friendly with everyone and fucking you the way you naturally fuck , but she decided to change ,,,,then why should you be punished? Except that you are just a slave in this world a part of a sublte ecominc machine …. And reality plays not part in it except to provide that the industrila machine continues and a low padi work force is kept available thru maintianing the GREED thru social programing …. Divide and conquer and limiting of freedom of choice … of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness . and is building stablity the pursuit of happiness ? is tieing that new girlfriend up and fucking her with a dildoes having her call you master …. And fucking her ass and pussy at will , your willl … and then like she came freeely hse can leave freely but if she stays if she moves the fuck into one of your homes … and after she stays for days weeks months …. Who and what is her choice of the pursuit of happiness ? stay true to you dipshit …. Actually if you build the life you feel comfortable with .. if you engage in sex which is very very natural for animals and human animals ,, sex that is ruffer that VANILLA touchy feely tenderness and softness … guess what dumbass you will find the real you . a person who does not really need much , that fisherman I studied years after year at phils bait and tackle , the bank president and jantior who each Came in the shop wearing a blood stained t-shirt ,,, NATURAL MALE . you want for her to want you … the fairy tale deoends on you BEGGING FOR PUSSY …… every kiss begins with Zales with blood soaked diamonds , with greed and fancy car , with world wide enviromental degradation so you can show an image of wealth to a greedy EVE ,,, and in doing this you show the waekness of Adam his greed to forget the whole family to attract just one ! face painted , sexy clothed bitch … think dumbass , look at life’s evidence trail the law of averages ,,,,
If you plant you sedds during indain summer because you want to ignore nature ,, because to day it is warm you want to think the warmness is a signal that winter will never come so you plant your seeeds … only to see the investment die at the first frost of winter , since the law of averages states winter will come … sure maybe once every 100 years there will be a mild winter ….. ahhhhh but the law of averages …. Think dipshit
Thursday, October 4, 2007
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