Hidden behind a skirt
Young master ,,,, in old time really when compared to 3.3 million years it was not a long time a go ,,, but to us human we who have been trained to have a smaller on average attention that a 5 year old , we live in the expectation that complex issues can be explained in the 30 seconds of a TV commericial …… weel for that person you ,,, a long time a go in a place called psarta it was common , ( not just in sparta ) that after a male child reached the age of weaning it lost its Milk teeth the baby teeth …the male child would move into the world of men ,,, and in that world the child would eventually bee trained and,,, nad ,,, and more importantly tested ,,, with out the compassion the tears the …. OHHH NY BABY ! SCREAMS OF THE WOMEN FOLK ,,, TESTED BY THEMSELVES ACTUALLY FOR A GOOD MAN does test himself in comparision to himself , being that it is our instinct to be more a loner animale ,,, where the female is a group animal and conmpares herself in terms of others in the group ,,,, hence the growth of greed , COVETTING the position and pssessions of others in the gorup …. But the boy becoming aman had to pass test of manhood!
With out being able to hid behind a SKIRT ….. be protected by mommy , in whatever form ,,,, any girl girl protecting enableing ,,, a male becomes in a way a mommy ,,, and the inner man some day will resent himself and take out his choice to hide … on the helper the female who SAVED him! It is a subtle self destructive pattern that many many many males in todays world get trapped in and since you dipshit do not really think about yourself your life in instinctual terms you do not see this dymanic in yourself ,,,,, you listen to more women you go on learning more ane more bullshit ,,,,, sfeeding only 1 part of the 3 p[arts which make up animals , like us ,, mind boy and spirit … you feed the mind more knowledge , maybe from Proffessional like therapists , who put band-aids on your life issues helping you , proetecting thru ,, accute life issues of DRUGS/alcohol self poisining and job carreer issues , without though really understanding that you the male animal , needed this………
You needed to be treated like you were eveovled to be treated ,,, like the lion , or male deer , the young maturing elephant , or gorilla ….. as he started sexually mature he was driven out of the family circel slowly pushed to toward the edge of the territory eventually dad growed and said leave …… go become a man!~….. the BRAVE ( why did that word become the english translate for the indain word for a GOOD MAN …. He was sent out of the territory ,, somewhere ,, where mom , sisters lovers , aunts and grandmoms could not help him ,,, he was expected to live … YES live , and more … he was expected to come back a year later bringing gifts of arts he made during those long hours alone in the lean too houseing he created , he was exted to bring back bone and antler tools ,,, dryed foods and meats and berries …. Skins …. Thing to show he was aman who could take care of himself and a family ….. or he was expected to be amale who if allowed to be PROTECTED , to be hidden by the skirts of his tribe , well that male , forced to live alone would get sick … he would get illl , unable to live alone eh would ,, be culled out by NATURAL FORCES … and the women of the tribe would MORN him ,, when theyear came and went without the son nephew grandbaby boy did not come back ……
Disphti , I remember living on the streets for a while , hanging , and LESSON one ,,, was to learn how to say BELIAVABLEY to any woman ,,, I LOVE YOU …. For any trained male in our wilderness of humanity knows ,,, say that and the girls will take you in her home ,, she will feed you take care of you ,, SEE IN YOU POTENTIALS … and give you $$$ so you can hang out playing pool drinking a beer instead of building a life ,,,
Dipshit think about your lfie ,,, do you let a woman with a little money capture you , do you stop being motivated in reality when this girl helps you , when she becomes your biggest …customer ,,, it seeems like it is work but dumbass ,,, having only 1 client to depend on is …. Being not male it is depenadancy …. Like a baby to a tit … now the street is hard, but it will make you or break you ,,, it is the choice of the BRAVE to become the man…. Or hide behind a skirt ..
Now dipshit if yo9u are smart you during your yuouth grown the savings needed to buy land put down the first tent , in CCORD with your own budget not based on becominmg trapped by loans ,,, not based on buying [pretty things or styles to compare yourself thru the eyes of the female who you are trying to impress or who is trying to help you DOTHE RIGHT THING …. No dumbasss it you who has to do what is right for you ,,, but our training is in direct conflict with our natures …. And it has been repeated over and over that the best advise is just that BEST … yet you look AT THE EVIDENCE TRAIL all around you ….
And then you choose dipshit … what lessons can you dipshit extract from thinking about your animal nature the ways of the ancient man …. So you buy based on your own money and ideas ….. you do like the BRAVE , but within the world of having everyone IMPROTATN TO you thinking for you ,,,,IF YOU ARE LUCKY m and can explain these INSTINCTUAL concepts to those who are important ot you …. They willl become quit and if you talk about your dreams with them they will LOVE you enough to insure that you do not ,,,, hide behind a skirt act just to make her happy …… if I build my life just in terms of her ,,,, it will all be destroyed why?
Because I am not feeling my own dreams ,,, following my own path because I do things with her in mind instead of trusting that . it is my instinct to build what is right … she will not be building somethng for her self ,,, because it is a man’s job to tdo a man’s job ,, IT IS HER JOB . to choose that man at the end or not ….. TO CHOOSE or not … to choose or not , it is in here that the child care issues and trap need to be explored more ,,, for ifff she chooses you during that intiall attraction phase ….. that horniness phase and SHE ALLOWS herself to create life , ( remember you a re loaded each and every fuck .. babys are her choice ) is she cooses then re chooses , later after the fact of baby ,,, is it your FAULT ….. you showed her your lie time commitment your life style , the compound the homes , the way you work and take care of things , you have food treees etc . etc . to show you are FREE …. You work because you love work not only because of NEED because you are a SLAVE to the banks and credit card companies or even MUCH WORSE , to the addictive medical for PROFIT insdustry ………..
If she leaves you and you are still being the same BRAVE , providing like you did in day 1 ,,, in fact hpefully in the system where you are not repsonsible to her ills or dreams for her $$$$ ,,, you provide her the basis for safety , you supply MALSOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS …. For her safety …. But money ,,, you dumbass can keep your money for making you land even better …..if that is what is reality then if she leaves ,,, why should you be respinsuible for CHILD CARE ,,, you have chold care here in the world you created ,,, it was her greed that is why she is leaving not that you YOUNG MASTER have not done your thing ,,,, in the POLY she has a resposniblity to herself to create happiness within the family …. She needs to SEDUCE YOU …. The fact of sublte competitions , if she does not and finds herself feeling alone , without attention ,, is she really trying any more to seduce you like she really did in the beginning ,,, sublties of life dipshit …. Seduciton is in the forms of many things …. Go back to tWISTED INSTINCT… why be trapped by built to be forced like an ecomoinc slave , when you have the truest form of stablity in your compound , housing power and food …. Again , examples mobile houseing a park here in jesne opened up in 1938 ,,,, and home there from the 50 & 60’s the exteriors redone over and over , the insides rebuilt …. Lived thru 3 cat 3 hurrincanes still are being living in ….. solar power , carbon cylce wood burning heating …. Wind power and personel understanding of power usage …. And FOOD ,,, just think about the RICE DIET ,, from DUKE unvierstiy ,,,, it will REVERSE diabeties and heart dis-ease …. And much more chronic ills , and what is it ,,,, FRUIT ! ….. trees are real easy to grown amd acres can grow tree after treee …. Secerutiy ! ,,., mental fucking secruty , for you for the girls …. Think about it study it
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
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