Alter Native
Young Master , to change what is now native , doing something different …. And finding that you do things in condtioned ways because you grew up seeing everyone else doing it , I hope is EYE openeing ,, the idea of how much we all are FOLLOWERS not leaders even though we lie to ourselves and everyone else and say we are … the L:EADERS of our own life ,,, but in the end you dumbass are to fucking scared to act ……. Even when the level of LOGIC is slapped into your face …
LOGIC we are not more important thatn any other living thing ,,, and that life itself is not something that should be judged just on its use of matter …….that us humans are the highest level of evolution in the WHILE of INFINITY …. Us ,, us stupid followeres , us brainwashed slaves to ideas and native customs that we do not even realize that we are slaves to …. And it is us who is EVOVLED …. While another thought form enenrgy epxeriencr .. who takes on the form of a kitty cat or dog …. Is of less evovled ,,, it comes for the COMPLETENESS of toa to experience the ILLUSIONS of limits , to return to the TOA and remembering all knowing ….
Now the cat does not need to QUESTION GOD . or WORSHIP or even turn on lights ….. ( oh yes it did not invent lights … but the cat does invent stuff …. Invent is a reaction to the wants and desires of animals … does your cat choose things ,,,,? Will it choose to get up off your lap … will it choose to force you to SROP reading a book and pet it ,, will it refuse to eat ( until almost like dieing of hunger ) before it eats that brand of cat food it hates ? are these not evidence of CHOICE ….. and dumbass the actions it takes to fullfill those wants ,,,, are the building of a light bulb or a space shuttle ,,, expect us humans being so fucking MENTAL ,, have to destroy things to create space shuttles to fullfill the hole in our head and hearts , where the cat ,,,,,, if the food you give it sucks will go catch a nice fresh mouse ! watch the much smarter animal kingdon …. Being happy is evidence of higher EVOLUTION ……
OK last night as I was practising this whole SLEEP CYCLE shit ,,,,, I was thinking Twye lite is made for fucking …. But not last night … last night I was again shown to be the luckest Male living on this PLANET today ….. my 19 month old son I have him once a week for a few hours …. As the sun was going down and his Barney vidoe was ending I was just in AWE of him ,,,, what does this new clean life EXPERIENCER do ….. what does he do with the reality of the world ….. and his DNA …. Tell him , as the sun went down , the lights from the screen stopped flashing ….. he started to calm down …. He I could see and feel was slowing , I could have turned on the house lights but I left them off ….. I remember doing this experiment with my other kids , the experiment of letting slkeep come to the baby naturally instead of FORCED sepeeration for the parent and light and the family activitys .. like most nights …..
The little guy then noticed the bright blue light from the Computer speakers …… like a Moth to a Flame he went to the light , the stimuli to maintain activity was held in that bright lite ….. so I turn it off ,,,,, and his interst wainned ,,,, I walked him holding my finger to the bed and …… he crewled over his private TOY called daddy getting on and off the bed and daddy…… he would go to the back window of that room to look at the west lite … he would head into the Hallway which darkend with each minute till he closed the door ,,, that little toddlees draging a teddyy bear in one hand closed the door on darkness and the unknown ,, that world his eyes are not designed to fucntion in , he created for himself a safe …. Safe cave of 1 room bt clsoing a door … and he returned to playing with me and looking out the back windown ,,, but I noticed something the orange glow form a a power bar that lite which tells me those plgs are working … well that orange glw did not attract the MOTH in my son like the strong blue lite ….. hmmm interestin ,,, welll
Since I ,,, also ,, am starting to repect the human nature I have in me , that wisdom of 3,3 million years … I was in no hurry to leave my baby son to return ,, to force my self to continue to be awake when the inner animal KNOWS it is time to CHILL ….. so I was in no hurry for my son to go to sleep I could let him play …… to crwal aroung the bed to talk to his teddy bears and eventual lay himself acrros my chesst like he loves to do , grab firmly in his hand one of my fingers and go off to the deepness of sleep that the babys we love go to ….
THAT IS LIVING dumbfuck …… like fucking my Debbie that same morning is living the noisy yet silent , commucation , between ,,,,, pentrated and PENTRATOR … nature !
Being the bed of your Flesh and blood is also living ,,,,, having totall strangers talk and smile and thank you for your service to them in their life , for creating in them a smile that day that is living …… DO YOU live in you day to day life ?
Is that new Video game living , that waiting for your favorite TV proagram is that living? ,, for me in my early twentys ,, getting the FLAts grand slam was living the bonefish tarpon and permit on the same day that was living , travel was living and after that I found …. Building a family was what nature really called me to do … not just were girls something to fuck in between fishing trips … no they carryed in them something more important …. They carried in them that PURPOSE FOR FUCKING BEING ….ALIVE
After you have done all those great adventures you dreamed during your childhood have been CONQUERED … and that PURPOSE for living tha reason to keep on going .. what is yours ? do it really carry you forward with STRENGHT of PURPOSE ?
What does this have to do “ early to bed and early to rise makes a nam healthy wealthy and wise “ the words of the sage ? what does it have to do with INSTINCTUALISM.ORG everything as you start to notice that so much of your lie is nothing more thatn you BEING A FOLLOWER OF THE native ways you grew up in ,,,,not being truly ALTERNATIVE . why is it COOL to do what ever it is to do what ever it is you do ! the lifestyle you have been trained to think is natural ……. For example decorating the house for halloweeen studies have been showing is a result of the CONDITIONING of advertising over 20 years … to the point that halloweeen is the 4th largest CONSUMING season event in AMERICAN CULTURE .. not worldwide just the people who have been stupid enough to FOLLOW the orders of their MASTERS , the non-corpoerial being called ECONOMY … that thought form …. A being like us yet , we express thur matter …. We are not matter ,,, never can you find that energywhich makes the …. Atoms of your body stay in the form of body … in the body … you can not find YOU in you …. Thoughts do not live in the mind they use the mind ,, where do your wants come from ,, the wants of a cat for one food more that the other ,, isn ot in the brain of the cat ,,, it is the CHOICE OF THE CHOOSER …. Who uses the cat to experience being as CAT …. The one who uses your memeories to experience being human ,, the Chooser is not in your brain … yet uses this DNA oppurutunity to experience being human ….. ahhhh back into the Toa we go .
And now you have the choice to understand that alternative is feeling that call of your deepest feelings of nature ….. you are designed to be. Think dumbass …….. what if you did not acknowledge the CLOCK the CALENDaR …. That you let the memories be memeories without the daily forcing of themn into files of time ,,,, if you woke each day not being 20 or 30 or 40 or 17 ,, but woke being the age you were felling … if you felt a life of purpose , if you feel excited and live you were ……… alive ! not 27 …. 27 there but naybe not quite there in terms of your long term goals .. another complex theme ….. expeciall for women who fear ,,, age. Who fear that 30 is comeing and that 40 will follow that .
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Alter Native
Young Master , to change what is now native , doing something different …. And finding that you do things in condtioned ways because you grew up seeing everyone else doing it , I hope is EYE openeing ,, the idea of how much we all are FOLLOWERS not leaders even though we lie to ourselves and everyone else and say we are … the L:EADERS of our own life ,,, but in the end you dumbass are to fucking scared to act ……. Even when the level of LOGIC is slapped into your face …
LOGIC we are not more important thatn any other living thing ,,, and that life itself is not something that should be judged just on its use of matter …….that us humans are the highest level of evolution in the WHILE of INFINITY …. Us ,, us stupid followeres , us brainwashed slaves to ideas and native customs that we do not even realize that we are slaves to …. And it is us who is EVOVLED …. While another thought form enenrgy epxeriencr .. who takes on the form of a kitty cat or dog …. Is of less evovled ,,, it comes for the COMPLETENESS of toa to experience the ILLUSIONS of limits , to return to the TOA and remembering all knowing ….
Now the cat does not need to QUESTION GOD . or WORSHIP or even turn on lights ….. ( oh yes it did not invent lights … but the cat does invent stuff …. Invent is a reaction to the wants and desires of animals … does your cat choose things ,,,,? Will it choose to get up off your lap … will it choose to force you to SROP reading a book and pet it ,, will it refuse to eat ( until almost like dieing of hunger ) before it eats that brand of cat food it hates ? are these not evidence of CHOICE ….. and dumbass the actions it takes to fullfill those wants ,,,, are the building of a light bulb or a space shuttle ,,, expect us humans being so fucking MENTAL ,, have to destroy things to create space shuttles to fullfill the hole in our head and hearts , where the cat ,,,,,, if the food you give it sucks will go catch a nice fresh mouse ! watch the much smarter animal kingdon …. Being happy is evidence of higher EVOLUTION ……
OK last night as I was practising this whole SLEEP CYCLE shit ,,,,, I was thinking Twye lite is made for fucking …. But not last night … last night I was again shown to be the luckest Male living on this PLANET today ….. my 19 month old son I have him once a week for a few hours …. As the sun was going down and his Barney vidoe was ending I was just in AWE of him ,,,, what does this new clean life EXPERIENCER do ….. what does he do with the reality of the world ….. and his DNA …. Tell him , as the sun went down , the lights from the screen stopped flashing ….. he started to calm down …. He I could see and feel was slowing , I could have turned on the house lights but I left them off ….. I remember doing this experiment with my other kids , the experiment of letting slkeep come to the baby naturally instead of FORCED sepeeration for the parent and light and the family activitys .. like most nights …..
The little guy then noticed the bright blue light from the Computer speakers …… like a Moth to a Flame he went to the light , the stimuli to maintain activity was held in that bright lite ….. so I turn it off ,,,,, and his interst wainned ,,,, I walked him holding my finger to the bed and …… he crewled over his private TOY called daddy getting on and off the bed and daddy…… he would go to the back window of that room to look at the west lite … he would head into the Hallway which darkend with each minute till he closed the door ,,, that little toddlees draging a teddyy bear in one hand closed the door on darkness and the unknown ,, that world his eyes are not designed to fucntion in , he created for himself a safe …. Safe cave of 1 room bt clsoing a door … and he returned to playing with me and looking out the back windown ,,, but I noticed something the orange glow form a a power bar that lite which tells me those plgs are working … well that orange glw did not attract the MOTH in my son like the strong blue lite ….. hmmm interestin ,,, welll
Since I ,,, also ,, am starting to repect the human nature I have in me , that wisdom of 3,3 million years … I was in no hurry to leave my baby son to return ,, to force my self to continue to be awake when the inner animal KNOWS it is time to CHILL ….. so I was in no hurry for my son to go to sleep I could let him play …… to crwal aroung the bed to talk to his teddy bears and eventual lay himself acrros my chesst like he loves to do , grab firmly in his hand one of my fingers and go off to the deepness of sleep that the babys we love go to ….
THAT IS LIVING dumbfuck …… like fucking my Debbie that same morning is living the noisy yet silent , commucation , between ,,,,, pentrated and PENTRATOR … nature !
Being the bed of your Flesh and blood is also living ,,,,, having totall strangers talk and smile and thank you for your service to them in their life , for creating in them a smile that day that is living …… DO YOU live in you day to day life ?
Is that new Video game living , that waiting for your favorite TV proagram is that living? ,, for me in my early twentys ,, getting the FLAts grand slam was living the bonefish tarpon and permit on the same day that was living , travel was living and after that I found …. Building a family was what nature really called me to do … not just were girls something to fuck in between fishing trips … no they carryed in them something more important …. They carried in them that PURPOSE FOR FUCKING BEING ….ALIVE
After you have done all those great adventures you dreamed during your childhood have been CONQUERED … and that PURPOSE for living tha reason to keep on going .. what is yours ? do it really carry you forward with STRENGHT of PURPOSE ?
What does this have to do “ early to bed and early to rise makes a nam healthy wealthy and wise “ the words of the sage ? what does it have to do with INSTINCTUALISM.ORG everything as you start to notice that so much of your lie is nothing more thatn you BEING A FOLLOWER OF THE native ways you grew up in ,,,,not being truly ALTERNATIVE . why is it COOL to do what ever it is to do what ever it is you do ! the lifestyle you have been trained to think is natural ……. For example decorating the house for halloweeen studies have been showing is a result of the CONDITIONING of advertising over 20 years … to the point that halloweeen is the 4th largest CONSUMING season event in AMERICAN CULTURE .. not worldwide just the people who have been stupid enough to FOLLOW the orders of their MASTERS , the non-corpoerial being called ECONOMY … that thought form …. A being like us yet , we express thur matter …. We are not matter ,,, never can you find that energywhich makes the …. Atoms of your body stay in the form of body … in the body … you can not find YOU in you …. Thoughts do not live in the mind they use the mind ,, where do your wants come from ,, the wants of a cat for one food more that the other ,, isn ot in the brain of the cat ,,, it is the CHOICE OF THE CHOOSER …. Who uses the cat to experience being as CAT …. The one who uses your memeories to experience being human ,, the Chooser is not in your brain … yet uses this DNA oppurutunity to experience being human ….. ahhhh back into the Toa we go .
And now you have the choice to understand that alternative is feeling that call of your deepest feelings of nature ….. you are designed to be. Think dumbass …….. what if you did not acknowledge the CLOCK the CALENDaR …. That you let the memories be memeories without the daily forcing of themn into files of time ,,,, if you woke each day not being 20 or 30 or 40 or 17 ,, but woke being the age you were felling … if you felt a life of purpose , if you feel excited and live you were ……… alive ! not 27 …. 27 there but naybe not quite there in terms of your long term goals .. another complex theme ….. expeciall for women who fear ,,, age. Who fear that 30 is comeing and that 40 will follow that .
Young Master , to change what is now native , doing something different …. And finding that you do things in condtioned ways because you grew up seeing everyone else doing it , I hope is EYE openeing ,, the idea of how much we all are FOLLOWERS not leaders even though we lie to ourselves and everyone else and say we are … the L:EADERS of our own life ,,, but in the end you dumbass are to fucking scared to act ……. Even when the level of LOGIC is slapped into your face …
LOGIC we are not more important thatn any other living thing ,,, and that life itself is not something that should be judged just on its use of matter …….that us humans are the highest level of evolution in the WHILE of INFINITY …. Us ,, us stupid followeres , us brainwashed slaves to ideas and native customs that we do not even realize that we are slaves to …. And it is us who is EVOVLED …. While another thought form enenrgy epxeriencr .. who takes on the form of a kitty cat or dog …. Is of less evovled ,,, it comes for the COMPLETENESS of toa to experience the ILLUSIONS of limits , to return to the TOA and remembering all knowing ….
Now the cat does not need to QUESTION GOD . or WORSHIP or even turn on lights ….. ( oh yes it did not invent lights … but the cat does invent stuff …. Invent is a reaction to the wants and desires of animals … does your cat choose things ,,,,? Will it choose to get up off your lap … will it choose to force you to SROP reading a book and pet it ,, will it refuse to eat ( until almost like dieing of hunger ) before it eats that brand of cat food it hates ? are these not evidence of CHOICE ….. and dumbass the actions it takes to fullfill those wants ,,,, are the building of a light bulb or a space shuttle ,,, expect us humans being so fucking MENTAL ,, have to destroy things to create space shuttles to fullfill the hole in our head and hearts , where the cat ,,,,,, if the food you give it sucks will go catch a nice fresh mouse ! watch the much smarter animal kingdon …. Being happy is evidence of higher EVOLUTION ……
OK last night as I was practising this whole SLEEP CYCLE shit ,,,,, I was thinking Twye lite is made for fucking …. But not last night … last night I was again shown to be the luckest Male living on this PLANET today ….. my 19 month old son I have him once a week for a few hours …. As the sun was going down and his Barney vidoe was ending I was just in AWE of him ,,,, what does this new clean life EXPERIENCER do ….. what does he do with the reality of the world ….. and his DNA …. Tell him , as the sun went down , the lights from the screen stopped flashing ….. he started to calm down …. He I could see and feel was slowing , I could have turned on the house lights but I left them off ….. I remember doing this experiment with my other kids , the experiment of letting slkeep come to the baby naturally instead of FORCED sepeeration for the parent and light and the family activitys .. like most nights …..
The little guy then noticed the bright blue light from the Computer speakers …… like a Moth to a Flame he went to the light , the stimuli to maintain activity was held in that bright lite ….. so I turn it off ,,,,, and his interst wainned ,,,, I walked him holding my finger to the bed and …… he crewled over his private TOY called daddy getting on and off the bed and daddy…… he would go to the back window of that room to look at the west lite … he would head into the Hallway which darkend with each minute till he closed the door ,,, that little toddlees draging a teddyy bear in one hand closed the door on darkness and the unknown ,, that world his eyes are not designed to fucntion in , he created for himself a safe …. Safe cave of 1 room bt clsoing a door … and he returned to playing with me and looking out the back windown ,,, but I noticed something the orange glow form a a power bar that lite which tells me those plgs are working … well that orange glw did not attract the MOTH in my son like the strong blue lite ….. hmmm interestin ,,, welll
Since I ,,, also ,, am starting to repect the human nature I have in me , that wisdom of 3,3 million years … I was in no hurry to leave my baby son to return ,, to force my self to continue to be awake when the inner animal KNOWS it is time to CHILL ….. so I was in no hurry for my son to go to sleep I could let him play …… to crwal aroung the bed to talk to his teddy bears and eventual lay himself acrros my chesst like he loves to do , grab firmly in his hand one of my fingers and go off to the deepness of sleep that the babys we love go to ….
THAT IS LIVING dumbfuck …… like fucking my Debbie that same morning is living the noisy yet silent , commucation , between ,,,,, pentrated and PENTRATOR … nature !
Being the bed of your Flesh and blood is also living ,,,,, having totall strangers talk and smile and thank you for your service to them in their life , for creating in them a smile that day that is living …… DO YOU live in you day to day life ?
Is that new Video game living , that waiting for your favorite TV proagram is that living? ,, for me in my early twentys ,, getting the FLAts grand slam was living the bonefish tarpon and permit on the same day that was living , travel was living and after that I found …. Building a family was what nature really called me to do … not just were girls something to fuck in between fishing trips … no they carryed in them something more important …. They carried in them that PURPOSE FOR FUCKING BEING ….ALIVE
After you have done all those great adventures you dreamed during your childhood have been CONQUERED … and that PURPOSE for living tha reason to keep on going .. what is yours ? do it really carry you forward with STRENGHT of PURPOSE ?
What does this have to do “ early to bed and early to rise makes a nam healthy wealthy and wise “ the words of the sage ? what does it have to do with INSTINCTUALISM.ORG everything as you start to notice that so much of your lie is nothing more thatn you BEING A FOLLOWER OF THE native ways you grew up in ,,,,not being truly ALTERNATIVE . why is it COOL to do what ever it is to do what ever it is you do ! the lifestyle you have been trained to think is natural ……. For example decorating the house for halloweeen studies have been showing is a result of the CONDITIONING of advertising over 20 years … to the point that halloweeen is the 4th largest CONSUMING season event in AMERICAN CULTURE .. not worldwide just the people who have been stupid enough to FOLLOW the orders of their MASTERS , the non-corpoerial being called ECONOMY … that thought form …. A being like us yet , we express thur matter …. We are not matter ,,, never can you find that energywhich makes the …. Atoms of your body stay in the form of body … in the body … you can not find YOU in you …. Thoughts do not live in the mind they use the mind ,, where do your wants come from ,, the wants of a cat for one food more that the other ,, isn ot in the brain of the cat ,,, it is the CHOICE OF THE CHOOSER …. Who uses the cat to experience being as CAT …. The one who uses your memeories to experience being human ,, the Chooser is not in your brain … yet uses this DNA oppurutunity to experience being human ….. ahhhh back into the Toa we go .
And now you have the choice to understand that alternative is feeling that call of your deepest feelings of nature ….. you are designed to be. Think dumbass …….. what if you did not acknowledge the CLOCK the CALENDaR …. That you let the memories be memeories without the daily forcing of themn into files of time ,,,, if you woke each day not being 20 or 30 or 40 or 17 ,, but woke being the age you were felling … if you felt a life of purpose , if you feel excited and live you were ……… alive ! not 27 …. 27 there but naybe not quite there in terms of your long term goals .. another complex theme ….. expeciall for women who fear ,,, age. Who fear that 30 is comeing and that 40 will follow that .
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunlight pussy
Young Master it is incredible the deepness of the programing we have accepted ,,, the advise of professionalls the following along with the friends and shit like that …. Instincutalism …. Becoming myself again ,, not following the recommendations of professionals who like myself have their basis for ideas rooted in ….. the fucked up
Have you ever really been in the world before our world of convience , of having that wire full of energy always ready for your use ,,,, elcetricty ,,,, I know that you have not lived honestly without it , except if you have lived thru things like hurricines but that is tem[pered by the generator we all have down her e in florida but after Andrew , Frances Jean and wWillma well I have enough memorty about that blip ,,,, but more important was growning up on the river in a cabin built after the revolutionary war …. Where the nearnest electric lines were still miles away ,,, or the time I got to work in the back country of Santo domingo ….. expecially there in the world without money ,,,, jobs were thing that happened on ocacaion to these people candles and other lite sources cast money and money is some thing they did not have ,,, what did they do when the sun went down each and every day ….. not the special nights where everyone would want to spend their money or theier precios canldes on socializing … but the everyday world ,,, the regular everyday life …….. didthey would you waste you limited treasure on ,,, just wasting. Just to keep up soome sort of image … or would you live as humans have lived for the millions of years ,,,
Are your eyes NOCTURNIAL ? are you designed to see at night or during the day? Huh? Dumbasss ,,, what do you think ? so when the doctors say you should have 8 hours of sleep yet the sun goeas away for 11 hours who is right , about sleep times NATURE who designed us over 3.3 million years or some doctor who ,,,, bases his ideas on the social needs of the CORPARTION , who wants to over work you then have you socialize during the night stay in a form of mental stress where you will accept the ECOMONIC slavery which feeds the thought form which is ECOMONY …. When you are stressed ,, when your needs are not really being met … needs for sex , needs for friendship ,, needs for REST you become SUBTLY stressed and easly controled thru the hope of “ thing will get better just work harder and buy more things “
I think about this as I now try to experiment with living in a closer way with my instinct …. Seeing the sunrise has been my life for ever a fisherman always wants to be the first on the water , even if he went to sleep at 1 am ….. so rising with the sun or just before is my life a habit I maintain even on weekends …. Why , because to catch up on my lsepp at the cost of BURNING DAYLIGHT just sucks it is a bad habit It feels wrong …. And why do I have to catch up on sleep it is because I do not get enough fun during the day !
But for me I do have pleanty of fun during the day to try to force more happiness into mylife is like a glutton trying to force more food into his mouth just because it tastes good … but into the kong run it ain’t good for the person right ,,, BALANCE ….. over and over … BALANCE .. … so for me to have a moringing fuck …… everyday like the sunrises to enojoy the ,, closes NESS that only can be felt when my dick is hard and inside of Deb …. There is a sense , a naturalness . of being joined , that way to hear her respond , to the action of having my COCK pentrate her ,,, the proof of her own feeling and understanding of herself , to presnet her pussy everyday for PENETRATION …. This is KNOWING that is is the pentrated … that her instinct is that of submitting to that which she is for the joy of being FEMALE and relaxing and enjoying … feeing a male in her know that the male is excited by her presence in his life ,,, the connection beyond ,, words …. The INSTINCTUAL conmmucation of male and female .. happens when you dumbas are fucking her ,,, that is really talking that is realy psending quality time …..
AND THEN FOR ME TO GO OUT INTO THE WORLD ,A WORK MY OWN BUSSINESS MY service INDUSTRY BUSINESS , AND FOR ME TO WHISTLE ,, AND DAY AFTER DAY HAVE PEOPLE COMMENT …. “ You are having just to much fun “ AND WE BOTH LAUGH at the turth of of what they say YES I have way to much fun living when the rest of the world on average does not whistle does not express the joy of life hour after hour like I DO …. Ohhh people say they are happpy , but they do not spontaniuosly show it , express it in and with inner expressed musci …… ohhh no most peopl are just giving lip serive ,,,, LIP serivce to the positve thinking about saying that they are happy when in fact at the subconcsuos level they hate their life ,,,,,,,,,, THAT SUCKS .
I get a day light time ,,, full of sunshine … of seeing humans … smile because I am smiling ….. to talki tell story ,,,, have SEX everyday …. Sit and watch , Osprey and EAGles glide over my head every fucking day ,,, to close my eyes and feel the world around me and listen to the wind , to stopa nd watch clouds ….. ALL OF THE real REALITY TV . which is outside for you to live ….. and I want to wake each day rested and ready to live it … when I can see it …..
So why force myself to stay a wake at night ,,, when nature is SCREAMING with its darknes….. GO to sleep shithead ! why do I force myself to have even more fun ….. like a glutton . woow what a problem. Yet I can see find the programing of EXPECTATIONS when I sample the going to bed early! You are going to bed so early the sociaty tells me … why ? welll the why is because I want to have a great life not just exisit like you ( no matter what lie comes from your mouth ….. if you loved life then why do you worry so much about the after life or the future … that itme when things will get better … when the same world will be there next year when you have that thing …. The real world will still be there and happiness will be that next purchase away ………. Or maybe even worse it will be in an after life … a return to the place you left so that you could come play here ,, the place you can not enjoy because it is DARK like night fucking time ,, the time nature told our DNA is the CORRECT time to go to sleep ….. this is INSTINCTUALISM.ORG
Young Master it is incredible the deepness of the programing we have accepted ,,, the advise of professionalls the following along with the friends and shit like that …. Instincutalism …. Becoming myself again ,, not following the recommendations of professionals who like myself have their basis for ideas rooted in ….. the fucked up
Have you ever really been in the world before our world of convience , of having that wire full of energy always ready for your use ,,,, elcetricty ,,,, I know that you have not lived honestly without it , except if you have lived thru things like hurricines but that is tem[pered by the generator we all have down her e in florida but after Andrew , Frances Jean and wWillma well I have enough memorty about that blip ,,,, but more important was growning up on the river in a cabin built after the revolutionary war …. Where the nearnest electric lines were still miles away ,,, or the time I got to work in the back country of Santo domingo ….. expecially there in the world without money ,,,, jobs were thing that happened on ocacaion to these people candles and other lite sources cast money and money is some thing they did not have ,,, what did they do when the sun went down each and every day ….. not the special nights where everyone would want to spend their money or theier precios canldes on socializing … but the everyday world ,,, the regular everyday life …….. didthey would you waste you limited treasure on ,,, just wasting. Just to keep up soome sort of image … or would you live as humans have lived for the millions of years ,,,
Are your eyes NOCTURNIAL ? are you designed to see at night or during the day? Huh? Dumbasss ,,, what do you think ? so when the doctors say you should have 8 hours of sleep yet the sun goeas away for 11 hours who is right , about sleep times NATURE who designed us over 3.3 million years or some doctor who ,,,, bases his ideas on the social needs of the CORPARTION , who wants to over work you then have you socialize during the night stay in a form of mental stress where you will accept the ECOMONIC slavery which feeds the thought form which is ECOMONY …. When you are stressed ,, when your needs are not really being met … needs for sex , needs for friendship ,, needs for REST you become SUBTLY stressed and easly controled thru the hope of “ thing will get better just work harder and buy more things “
I think about this as I now try to experiment with living in a closer way with my instinct …. Seeing the sunrise has been my life for ever a fisherman always wants to be the first on the water , even if he went to sleep at 1 am ….. so rising with the sun or just before is my life a habit I maintain even on weekends …. Why , because to catch up on my lsepp at the cost of BURNING DAYLIGHT just sucks it is a bad habit It feels wrong …. And why do I have to catch up on sleep it is because I do not get enough fun during the day !
But for me I do have pleanty of fun during the day to try to force more happiness into mylife is like a glutton trying to force more food into his mouth just because it tastes good … but into the kong run it ain’t good for the person right ,,, BALANCE ….. over and over … BALANCE .. … so for me to have a moringing fuck …… everyday like the sunrises to enojoy the ,, closes NESS that only can be felt when my dick is hard and inside of Deb …. There is a sense , a naturalness . of being joined , that way to hear her respond , to the action of having my COCK pentrate her ,,, the proof of her own feeling and understanding of herself , to presnet her pussy everyday for PENETRATION …. This is KNOWING that is is the pentrated … that her instinct is that of submitting to that which she is for the joy of being FEMALE and relaxing and enjoying … feeing a male in her know that the male is excited by her presence in his life ,,, the connection beyond ,, words …. The INSTINCTUAL conmmucation of male and female .. happens when you dumbas are fucking her ,,, that is really talking that is realy psending quality time …..
AND THEN FOR ME TO GO OUT INTO THE WORLD ,A WORK MY OWN BUSSINESS MY service INDUSTRY BUSINESS , AND FOR ME TO WHISTLE ,, AND DAY AFTER DAY HAVE PEOPLE COMMENT …. “ You are having just to much fun “ AND WE BOTH LAUGH at the turth of of what they say YES I have way to much fun living when the rest of the world on average does not whistle does not express the joy of life hour after hour like I DO …. Ohhh people say they are happpy , but they do not spontaniuosly show it , express it in and with inner expressed musci …… ohhh no most peopl are just giving lip serive ,,,, LIP serivce to the positve thinking about saying that they are happy when in fact at the subconcsuos level they hate their life ,,,,,,,,,, THAT SUCKS .
I get a day light time ,,, full of sunshine … of seeing humans … smile because I am smiling ….. to talki tell story ,,,, have SEX everyday …. Sit and watch , Osprey and EAGles glide over my head every fucking day ,,, to close my eyes and feel the world around me and listen to the wind , to stopa nd watch clouds ….. ALL OF THE real REALITY TV . which is outside for you to live ….. and I want to wake each day rested and ready to live it … when I can see it …..
So why force myself to stay a wake at night ,,, when nature is SCREAMING with its darknes….. GO to sleep shithead ! why do I force myself to have even more fun ….. like a glutton . woow what a problem. Yet I can see find the programing of EXPECTATIONS when I sample the going to bed early! You are going to bed so early the sociaty tells me … why ? welll the why is because I want to have a great life not just exisit like you ( no matter what lie comes from your mouth ….. if you loved life then why do you worry so much about the after life or the future … that itme when things will get better … when the same world will be there next year when you have that thing …. The real world will still be there and happiness will be that next purchase away ………. Or maybe even worse it will be in an after life … a return to the place you left so that you could come play here ,, the place you can not enjoy because it is DARK like night fucking time ,, the time nature told our DNA is the CORRECT time to go to sleep ….. this is INSTINCTUALISM.ORG
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Up for something
Up for something
Young Master in a world where conforming ,, has been drilled intoyou rmind , since the days you were forced to grow up in a home filled with breakable objects , things it seemed that were more important to mom dad gand parents aunts and uncles ,,, things only things , yet those things were more important thatn you ,,, atleast the is the MESSAGE your little growing mind gathered from all the COMFORMITY trainng you got …. DO NOT TOUCH no no no noNO ! and it continued into schooling and the daycare years conform fit into a mold of predicablity sothat you could be WAREHOUSED and dealt with ,, efficeiently , while your slave parents worked int that abstarct place called JOB …….. it must have been slavery since when they got home they were tired from being somewhere that they HATED ……. On average most people hate their jobs !
Pretty fucked up huh? Dipshit and you are going down that same road …. Laying the ground work for your own children to feel and live the confusions you did … NEVER THINKING ABOUT AN ……. ALTERNATIVE …. Standing up for something ? is hard because you have been trained to receive your self worth from the reactions you got … the smile the body language of ACCEPTANCE we interprated that we learned to read as kids …. And still look for when we buy a kiss …..
Listening to a young woman I know who was hurt by the FAIRY TALE OF love just recently to hear her talk about ther new guy ,,,, in terms of him HAVING A JOB AND HAVING A CAR …. Means to me she learned ,,, form the lessons of the fary tale of love ,,, that the feelings of animal lust and the dreams and prince charming ideals the GREAT POTENTIALS ….. are just fairy tales
So dipshit the idea of you being like our DNA ancestors and building the poly compound when young , spending your money there while not living the life you have been conditioned to live , the EXPECTED way thing s should be ….. is ALTERNATIVE , but how to show all the 10’s of thoushands of girls in your age group in that surrounding area around you that you EXIST … how to do that ?
Well it would mean some how exposing yourself to being different realy different ,,, see having a TATOO is not idfferent it si a statement af group ,, gang ,, inclusion ,,,, it is a sheep coloring itself like the rest of the sheep .
I have talked about ideas on advertising ,,, I have tried styles f business cards with ,,,, hints to BDSM lifestyle etc . but honestly the ….. resonanting feeling of working with those cards was not right deep in my INTUTITIVE mind … how how to express the complexity of this ALTERNATIVE LIFE STYLE … correctly ,,, creating the oppurutunity for slow relationship developments .
AHHH the TAO ….. spiritualism is a thing humans graivitate to ….. the tarot cards , and groups and new age stuff ….. even mainstream church are all human looking for answers . but I betcha there is not ,, TAO ist study group in your area ,, and the nice thing about TAOism is that it is a study religon faith that is meant to be changing from age to age , fro generation to genratin , the following blidnly of the recommendation of wise old words of dead men is ,,, not recommended ,,, the sriptures are the old clothes of DEAD MEN … useful if you have not made your own clothes yet , they are the designs form which you may create your won clothes ,,,
Clthes are the answer to a problem , the problem a human being cold or wet so wear fucking clothing … now you have problems with the INSANTIY of dating and debt , and work stress , and proterty ,, and the 80 percent chance your kids will grow up in the split house of divorce or hidden hatered of staying together for the kids …. What solutions do you have ,, for those problems ? AHHHH starting a after work study gorup under the concept of studying the TOA lets you oppurtunity to STAND UP FOR SOMETHING ….. but that would take guts … gut to be wrong to not be and expert ,,, but who could ever be an EXPERT on something as big as INFINTY … NO ONE that is who and if someone did state they were MASTER , well they would in reality be lieing showing their deepest FOOLISHNESS …….
But to give people the oppurutunity to visit your CHURCH …. Not your church … no like inviting people to come you’re your meeting of the local loving of TOY CARS .. or like you may have in your past if you were christain based you invited people to your church … so how about starting a study group about the TOA use the INSTINCTUALISM.ORG website as your base … meet after work at some park , for 1 hour ,, and if the market is right your magic is good you will have the OP to discuss what you believe ,,, the solutions to what is your problems ,,, stand up for something …….. and if you have aoready started building the compound you get to show it offf ….. that you are making difference in the world not just talking big shit . ….. so
Idea you first study abit about the old clothes of the wise humans of the world not just the TOAist master but even the wise words of Ben Franklin …. And make that the topic of dicssuion lead the disccuions into what is the basic drive of INSTINCT HUMAN … try to peel off the layers of 1500 years of christian social programing …. HEY DIPSHIT YOU MAY BUIILD SOME REALY GREAT FRIENSHIPS ONE PERSON AT A TIME …. Make a business card this time using the symbaolism of instinctualism .. use the mediation on the front page as the back side of the card ……… and then you for your self ,, just go once a wwek to a park and enjoy nature and if a friend comes to talk ,,, great if not you get one hour to watch the world go by in peace …. NO TV , NO WORRY .. NO PLANNING …. Creativity dipshit doyou have any?
Young Master in a world where conforming ,, has been drilled intoyou rmind , since the days you were forced to grow up in a home filled with breakable objects , things it seemed that were more important to mom dad gand parents aunts and uncles ,,, things only things , yet those things were more important thatn you ,,, atleast the is the MESSAGE your little growing mind gathered from all the COMFORMITY trainng you got …. DO NOT TOUCH no no no noNO ! and it continued into schooling and the daycare years conform fit into a mold of predicablity sothat you could be WAREHOUSED and dealt with ,, efficeiently , while your slave parents worked int that abstarct place called JOB …….. it must have been slavery since when they got home they were tired from being somewhere that they HATED ……. On average most people hate their jobs !
Pretty fucked up huh? Dipshit and you are going down that same road …. Laying the ground work for your own children to feel and live the confusions you did … NEVER THINKING ABOUT AN ……. ALTERNATIVE …. Standing up for something ? is hard because you have been trained to receive your self worth from the reactions you got … the smile the body language of ACCEPTANCE we interprated that we learned to read as kids …. And still look for when we buy a kiss …..
Listening to a young woman I know who was hurt by the FAIRY TALE OF love just recently to hear her talk about ther new guy ,,,, in terms of him HAVING A JOB AND HAVING A CAR …. Means to me she learned ,,, form the lessons of the fary tale of love ,,, that the feelings of animal lust and the dreams and prince charming ideals the GREAT POTENTIALS ….. are just fairy tales
So dipshit the idea of you being like our DNA ancestors and building the poly compound when young , spending your money there while not living the life you have been conditioned to live , the EXPECTED way thing s should be ….. is ALTERNATIVE , but how to show all the 10’s of thoushands of girls in your age group in that surrounding area around you that you EXIST … how to do that ?
Well it would mean some how exposing yourself to being different realy different ,,, see having a TATOO is not idfferent it si a statement af group ,, gang ,, inclusion ,,,, it is a sheep coloring itself like the rest of the sheep .
I have talked about ideas on advertising ,,, I have tried styles f business cards with ,,,, hints to BDSM lifestyle etc . but honestly the ….. resonanting feeling of working with those cards was not right deep in my INTUTITIVE mind … how how to express the complexity of this ALTERNATIVE LIFE STYLE … correctly ,,, creating the oppurutunity for slow relationship developments .
AHHH the TAO ….. spiritualism is a thing humans graivitate to ….. the tarot cards , and groups and new age stuff ….. even mainstream church are all human looking for answers . but I betcha there is not ,, TAO ist study group in your area ,, and the nice thing about TAOism is that it is a study religon faith that is meant to be changing from age to age , fro generation to genratin , the following blidnly of the recommendation of wise old words of dead men is ,,, not recommended ,,, the sriptures are the old clothes of DEAD MEN … useful if you have not made your own clothes yet , they are the designs form which you may create your won clothes ,,,
Clthes are the answer to a problem , the problem a human being cold or wet so wear fucking clothing … now you have problems with the INSANTIY of dating and debt , and work stress , and proterty ,, and the 80 percent chance your kids will grow up in the split house of divorce or hidden hatered of staying together for the kids …. What solutions do you have ,, for those problems ? AHHHH starting a after work study gorup under the concept of studying the TOA lets you oppurtunity to STAND UP FOR SOMETHING ….. but that would take guts … gut to be wrong to not be and expert ,,, but who could ever be an EXPERT on something as big as INFINTY … NO ONE that is who and if someone did state they were MASTER , well they would in reality be lieing showing their deepest FOOLISHNESS …….
But to give people the oppurutunity to visit your CHURCH …. Not your church … no like inviting people to come you’re your meeting of the local loving of TOY CARS .. or like you may have in your past if you were christain based you invited people to your church … so how about starting a study group about the TOA use the INSTINCTUALISM.ORG website as your base … meet after work at some park , for 1 hour ,, and if the market is right your magic is good you will have the OP to discuss what you believe ,,, the solutions to what is your problems ,,, stand up for something …….. and if you have aoready started building the compound you get to show it offf ….. that you are making difference in the world not just talking big shit . ….. so
Idea you first study abit about the old clothes of the wise humans of the world not just the TOAist master but even the wise words of Ben Franklin …. And make that the topic of dicssuion lead the disccuions into what is the basic drive of INSTINCT HUMAN … try to peel off the layers of 1500 years of christian social programing …. HEY DIPSHIT YOU MAY BUIILD SOME REALY GREAT FRIENSHIPS ONE PERSON AT A TIME …. Make a business card this time using the symbaolism of instinctualism .. use the mediation on the front page as the back side of the card ……… and then you for your self ,, just go once a wwek to a park and enjoy nature and if a friend comes to talk ,,, great if not you get one hour to watch the world go by in peace …. NO TV , NO WORRY .. NO PLANNING …. Creativity dipshit doyou have any?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tied blindfolded and smiling

Tied blindfolded and smiling
Young master , we can not understand the dynamics honestly but that should not prevent us from enjoying and PROVIDING htat which is needed by the many … this concept goes for me when I am dressed as a clown part of me feels foolish because I am foolish but I men like me will not dress like a clown act like a clown then people can not play ………
If you will not act like a BDSM master she can not release and relax to the point of experiencing what is natural for FEMALE …. Remember over and over , she is built to receive , to be PENTRATED , to have your hard cock forced YES … FORCED in to her body ….. and she wants it so much that her body produces a LUBE IN ADVANCE SO THAT THE PENTRATION CAN HAPPEN ,,, SHE WANTS IT !
SO WHEN I get the direct gift of coming home to my girl naked on the bed where nothing but the blindfold , she has 3 tea candles on the bedside table ready for me ,,,, the string tail flogger on the bed with the bag of dildoes plus the vibrating toys and the SPORT CUFFS ( the velcro sport cuffs are a better choice than hand cufffs hand cuffs are great to start the idea of her trying ……. Surrender …. But honstly the possibliity of damage to her wrists is to great … the flexablilty of the sprts cuffs allows her to struggle freely )
Ok young master , putting on the ROBES , the persona of master ,,,, I have been thinking about creating INSTINCTUALISM into what it is actually A SCHOOL OF TOASIT THOUGHT … I see on every fucking corner a christain church , programing people into thinking they are WRONG that they need FORGIVENESS for being INSTUNCTUALLY HUMAN ….. so I think I should provide the real time in your face oppurtunity for you people to dicuss your INSTINCTS m and this thruth … in an organized sane manner ….why?
So the female can feel better about herself when she presents you with the gift of her self ,,,, whci is as much a GIFT TO HERSELF ….. because , after she was tied to the head board and I had spent an half hour of teasing her , teasing dumbass ,,, getting her to beg ,, to push her pussy up into the air begging you ,,, please touch it ,,, please master please master ….. touching her body lightly when her inner animals wants to be held ruffly ,,, in advance of being PENETRATED …. BEING HELD SO THAT YOU CAN CONTROL HER FOR …….. Penis-tration …. PENETRATION ….
Now of course the gift of her SCREAMs .. her repeated orgasisms ,, something so strong if allowed she would stop with one , but she wants more ,,, the deepest part of her wants more and moe ,,, she is able to experiecnce MULTI ORGASISMS , in fact it is her INSTINCTUAL nature to be forced to experience them ,,,,, but our training as nice guys , that illusions of fairy tale love and FRIENDSHIP prenevents us form prodiding her with what she DEEPLY needs and what we love to hear ….. YOU KNOW YOU LOVE TO HEAR HER SCREAM WHILE SHE IS GETTING FUCKED … is just makes my fucking cock pump up and fucking grown fater and longer I can feel IT . the louder I grunt the louder she screams the bigger my dick getts the deeper I fuck her the more shecreams , the longer my cock is the more I get to enjoy the slow … slow … slow down phase as I drag the fuck out for a hour or more ….
Ohhh but I recommend dipshit use the fucking tools …. The dildoes .. the vibrators ,, before you succumb to your own lust your own need to fuck …. Get that pussy into it’s first strong orgsisms ,,,, the following fucking will be better for you both … and remember she is tied up she is not going any where …… so when I fuck her asshole with that dildoe with the large ribs , the one that she feels like when it is going in that she is being PENETRATED OPENED with the passing of each rib ….. and the pulling out of action of that dildoe ,,,, I wonder what she feels I hear her sounds and wonder about MY FRIEND …. ( THE FREINDSHIP THING IF SHE HAD 3 FRIENDS IN THE COMPOUND I BELIEVE MY CONFUSION MY POSITION AS HER MAIN FRIEND AROUND THE HOUSE would be lessened and I could enjoy this fucking of her better … but I will get there give her the gift of girlfriends and still the trust that I love her for her … for her ) …. Ohhh dumbass with this style of dildoe in her ass fuck her pussy stick some fingers in her pussy and feel the ribbing thru the thin wall between PUUSY AND ASS , and realize you get to enjoy that ribbing also while fucking her ans reaching around her ass to hold the dildoes in while you fick her …. AHHHH THE PLEASURES , you BOTH enjoy ….. AND FOR HER the experience of DOUBLE PENTRATIONS … feeds that need ….. for rape . for submissions. It is in evry female ,,, this deeply hidden need , it comes to her in occasional fansty and thoughts but she will DENY her INSTINCTS . because of training ob ,, the solidarty of being feminst ….. and she will joint the numbers of the DEPRESSED who deny their turest inner nature that should be experienced with ah LOVING DOMINAnT male like you dipshit ……..ohh the real time dicusion venue of providing a natural ceremony of toaism to compete with the every corner churh ….. hmmmm an idea to wear the BLACK ROBES of a toasit mater … is it any more than wearing the face paint of the clown>?
Ok , dummy ,,,, the black robes mean that you can understand that you ,, tha I ,,, am DUMB , that we choose to forget the triest reality so that we can experience this illsuion of time space … that we can become female and male animals ….. so that I can ITE HER UP nad fuck her into PARADISE ,,,, INTO THE SUBLIME orgasims ….
Oh yes disphit ,,,,, 1 dildoe in 1 hole 1 dildoe in the other hole ,,,, and your cock forced down her throat …. And you will have a very happy girl ! ( if not do not worry she will not SUBMITT , I trust in your deepest INSTINCT for the preservation of the females in your harem …. You will not hurt really that which you love ,, and in her submission she is NOT BEING HURT ! ….. just rmember to take you dick out of her mouth so she can BREATHE ….. the gasping for breath tha is good and should be repeated ,,, but kinda of count to yourself ,, so that you donot choke her for more that 30 seconds . …PLAY SAFE dumbass … and then when you are enjoying the PENETRATIONS , with your own dick .. remember she pussy is SO SENSITVE that no matter how big the dildoe is your COCK feels even bigger no that she has had a second to relax into the orgasims before fucking her ….. her pussy closes ,,,, enjoy dipshit ,,,, fucking take yourself to the edge over and over … do not interpert the screams as paim ,,,,, but remember the turth in the end …. No mater what you think in the end she will want you to do it again! …….. if not she will would have left you after the first time you fucked her like this ,,, but she can not tell you that with her mouth ,, I know it is not LOGICAL … she does not act like a male ,, she is not like us ,, we can not understand her needs … that agins is why having the HAREM .. is best for her! And what is best for the girls in the end is best for you ,, and will be st for the children ,,,, I bring up children because of having my baby boy at home yesterday ,, having 3 moms gives each girl the choice to play exactly when she is ready to play ,, with the babies never ever focred to paly ,,,, because kids need endless attention ,, but be able to take time for them selves knowing that 3 moms are around to SUPPORT EACH oterh .. to be UNDERSTANDING FRIENDS TO EACH OTHER .. allowing me to be ME ….. a PENETRATOR.
Young master , we can not understand the dynamics honestly but that should not prevent us from enjoying and PROVIDING htat which is needed by the many … this concept goes for me when I am dressed as a clown part of me feels foolish because I am foolish but I men like me will not dress like a clown act like a clown then people can not play ………
If you will not act like a BDSM master she can not release and relax to the point of experiencing what is natural for FEMALE …. Remember over and over , she is built to receive , to be PENTRATED , to have your hard cock forced YES … FORCED in to her body ….. and she wants it so much that her body produces a LUBE IN ADVANCE SO THAT THE PENTRATION CAN HAPPEN ,,, SHE WANTS IT !
SO WHEN I get the direct gift of coming home to my girl naked on the bed where nothing but the blindfold , she has 3 tea candles on the bedside table ready for me ,,,, the string tail flogger on the bed with the bag of dildoes plus the vibrating toys and the SPORT CUFFS ( the velcro sport cuffs are a better choice than hand cufffs hand cuffs are great to start the idea of her trying ……. Surrender …. But honstly the possibliity of damage to her wrists is to great … the flexablilty of the sprts cuffs allows her to struggle freely )
Ok young master , putting on the ROBES , the persona of master ,,,, I have been thinking about creating INSTINCTUALISM into what it is actually A SCHOOL OF TOASIT THOUGHT … I see on every fucking corner a christain church , programing people into thinking they are WRONG that they need FORGIVENESS for being INSTUNCTUALLY HUMAN ….. so I think I should provide the real time in your face oppurtunity for you people to dicuss your INSTINCTS m and this thruth … in an organized sane manner ….why?
So the female can feel better about herself when she presents you with the gift of her self ,,,, whci is as much a GIFT TO HERSELF ….. because , after she was tied to the head board and I had spent an half hour of teasing her , teasing dumbass ,,, getting her to beg ,, to push her pussy up into the air begging you ,,, please touch it ,,, please master please master ….. touching her body lightly when her inner animals wants to be held ruffly ,,, in advance of being PENETRATED …. BEING HELD SO THAT YOU CAN CONTROL HER FOR …….. Penis-tration …. PENETRATION ….
Now of course the gift of her SCREAMs .. her repeated orgasisms ,, something so strong if allowed she would stop with one , but she wants more ,,, the deepest part of her wants more and moe ,,, she is able to experiecnce MULTI ORGASISMS , in fact it is her INSTINCTUAL nature to be forced to experience them ,,,,, but our training as nice guys , that illusions of fairy tale love and FRIENDSHIP prenevents us form prodiding her with what she DEEPLY needs and what we love to hear ….. YOU KNOW YOU LOVE TO HEAR HER SCREAM WHILE SHE IS GETTING FUCKED … is just makes my fucking cock pump up and fucking grown fater and longer I can feel IT . the louder I grunt the louder she screams the bigger my dick getts the deeper I fuck her the more shecreams , the longer my cock is the more I get to enjoy the slow … slow … slow down phase as I drag the fuck out for a hour or more ….
Ohhh but I recommend dipshit use the fucking tools …. The dildoes .. the vibrators ,, before you succumb to your own lust your own need to fuck …. Get that pussy into it’s first strong orgsisms ,,,, the following fucking will be better for you both … and remember she is tied up she is not going any where …… so when I fuck her asshole with that dildoe with the large ribs , the one that she feels like when it is going in that she is being PENETRATED OPENED with the passing of each rib ….. and the pulling out of action of that dildoe ,,,, I wonder what she feels I hear her sounds and wonder about MY FRIEND …. ( THE FREINDSHIP THING IF SHE HAD 3 FRIENDS IN THE COMPOUND I BELIEVE MY CONFUSION MY POSITION AS HER MAIN FRIEND AROUND THE HOUSE would be lessened and I could enjoy this fucking of her better … but I will get there give her the gift of girlfriends and still the trust that I love her for her … for her ) …. Ohhh dumbass with this style of dildoe in her ass fuck her pussy stick some fingers in her pussy and feel the ribbing thru the thin wall between PUUSY AND ASS , and realize you get to enjoy that ribbing also while fucking her ans reaching around her ass to hold the dildoes in while you fick her …. AHHHH THE PLEASURES , you BOTH enjoy ….. AND FOR HER the experience of DOUBLE PENTRATIONS … feeds that need ….. for rape . for submissions. It is in evry female ,,, this deeply hidden need , it comes to her in occasional fansty and thoughts but she will DENY her INSTINCTS . because of training ob ,, the solidarty of being feminst ….. and she will joint the numbers of the DEPRESSED who deny their turest inner nature that should be experienced with ah LOVING DOMINAnT male like you dipshit ……..ohh the real time dicusion venue of providing a natural ceremony of toaism to compete with the every corner churh ….. hmmmm an idea to wear the BLACK ROBES of a toasit mater … is it any more than wearing the face paint of the clown>?
Ok , dummy ,,,, the black robes mean that you can understand that you ,, tha I ,,, am DUMB , that we choose to forget the triest reality so that we can experience this illsuion of time space … that we can become female and male animals ….. so that I can ITE HER UP nad fuck her into PARADISE ,,,, INTO THE SUBLIME orgasims ….
Oh yes disphit ,,,,, 1 dildoe in 1 hole 1 dildoe in the other hole ,,,, and your cock forced down her throat …. And you will have a very happy girl ! ( if not do not worry she will not SUBMITT , I trust in your deepest INSTINCT for the preservation of the females in your harem …. You will not hurt really that which you love ,, and in her submission she is NOT BEING HURT ! ….. just rmember to take you dick out of her mouth so she can BREATHE ….. the gasping for breath tha is good and should be repeated ,,, but kinda of count to yourself ,, so that you donot choke her for more that 30 seconds . …PLAY SAFE dumbass … and then when you are enjoying the PENETRATIONS , with your own dick .. remember she pussy is SO SENSITVE that no matter how big the dildoe is your COCK feels even bigger no that she has had a second to relax into the orgasims before fucking her ….. her pussy closes ,,,, enjoy dipshit ,,,, fucking take yourself to the edge over and over … do not interpert the screams as paim ,,,,, but remember the turth in the end …. No mater what you think in the end she will want you to do it again! …….. if not she will would have left you after the first time you fucked her like this ,,, but she can not tell you that with her mouth ,, I know it is not LOGICAL … she does not act like a male ,, she is not like us ,, we can not understand her needs … that agins is why having the HAREM .. is best for her! And what is best for the girls in the end is best for you ,, and will be st for the children ,,,, I bring up children because of having my baby boy at home yesterday ,, having 3 moms gives each girl the choice to play exactly when she is ready to play ,, with the babies never ever focred to paly ,,,, because kids need endless attention ,, but be able to take time for them selves knowing that 3 moms are around to SUPPORT EACH oterh .. to be UNDERSTANDING FRIENDS TO EACH OTHER .. allowing me to be ME ….. a PENETRATOR.
Monday, October 22, 2007
tasting live skin
Taste of live skin
Young master to say that everything I write about is about PUSSY well ,,,,, yess I agree I can bring it all back into a form where it would relate to pussy …. Even something as strange as todays blog ….. thought form … the shit of meta thinking thru out history there have tow people talking to you dipshit , talking to every young master from the beginning of written hisotory ,,,, schools of thinking ,, the realistic one and the boooga boooga one ,,, ohhh what is boooga boooga …… GOD …. Us humans trying to explain something that is un-percievable thur REAL sensory organs like sight and hearing and feeling ….and we dumbass humans we for some reason believe we are something special the 1 animal with a soul , the one animanal that feels enjoyemnt and love …. The amount of programing you have gone thru that came from the enviroment you grew up in …. And you accepted with out knowing about … till you look around expecting that this feeling ing is real that you are some how fucking more special than every other living being on the planet ,,, that you are not just a Cog in some other animals world ….
The TOAist can understand that he/she is a THOUGHT FORM , energy in a matter form ,,,, and that energy of thought is what gives that matter form with out the spark of energy the matter would not have collected INTELIIGENTLY into a FORM …. Your fucking body dumbass .
The body soemthing I can percieve ,, I can see , touch , hear feel even taste (SEE I TOLD YOU I WOULD GET BACK TO LICKING PUSSY TASTING THE SKIN OF AGIRL YUMMMMMY ! ) now my ability to see is limited I can not percieve sight like a snake can which use more than its eyes to genertate a VISION which includes light/heat ,,, or the eagle which can things in the same limited spectrum of light that I can use but at much smaller levels … or the cat which can hear noises that are invisible to perception of ny organs or smells that DOGS can gather and understand that I never know is in the air I am breathing also along with my dogs ….. SO I ,,, HUMAN AM IN REALITY a dumbass … a limited dumbass . I am the same as dog , cat , eagel , snake ,,, just energy expressing as form that when the energy no longer has purpse of wanting ,, the level of wanto ,,, it leaves the body in one vehicle or another … and the atoms of the body decay and disperse to be used again by another thought form to experience time spance life ….
Now here is the question ,,,, ecomony is a thought ….. it is a living animal without an atomic body that I can UNDERSTAND or percieve ,,, but dumbass remember there is much I can not p[ercieve ,,, my abiltiy is less than a DOGS ….. since energy is what keeps my atoms together and it is energy which keeps the machine the MATRIX of economy together can it also now be itself a thought form ,, just that the thought is not atomic ,,,, and am I not part of that body like the bacteria of my gut enable me to live ,,,, is my life more important thatn the life forms that make it possible for my body to live ? does the bacteria of my gut have the abilty to understand the grandness of the body in which it lives , does the bacteria KNOW IT CAN KILL ME by going on strike ? kill me and yet kill itself …. Can the bacteria percieve me with it’s limited sensory organs ,,, it odes have abilty to sense what is food for it and non food or else they would be eating each other which they do not ….
Understand this dumbass ,,, bacteria have inteligence ,,,, so why is it that you think just because you have the ablility to think more thought ( and there by become confused and depressed to the pointo of choosing self destruction ) that you are better than any other thinking expresion of thought ,, bacteria thinks bacteria type of thoughts ,,,, to an THOUGHT FORM as grand as econmy would my limited concerns and thoughts and hopes and even my life would be off no concern ,,, whether I live or die ,, economy lives ON ! while countless humans die and fight and eat each other ( hey bacteria do not even eat each other , unless they are of a different species prey and predator species ,, or a mutate of the orginal now becoming a predator of the parent strain )
The matrix of which you are plugged into …. Hmmm do you ever think about this this dumbass ? why think about it , because dipshit you have choices , the system wants ecominc slavery ,,, it needs people to buy its shit and slave for more shit ,, to fear death .. so the worker can be controlled ,,, in a state of managed discomfort … DIVIDE AND CONQUER ….yet dumbass the idea of homesteading will bring you a level of self control over your basic existence to allow you FINNALLY freedom of choice …. Homesteading …. And in this study of homesteading come with it the concepts that basic drive for human interactions ,,, and let me say it again and again , SEX SEX SEX …. And there again to understand the real ,, human NATURE our real instinct ,, not a fairy tale …. A thought form …. But what and hwho is written in the inteligence of your DNA ….. not chimp not gorilla ,,, but simliar ,,,99.9 percnt similar …. But different because of the socialness of US … we are actually a very very very freiendly species at heart ….
Young master to say that everything I write about is about PUSSY well ,,,,, yess I agree I can bring it all back into a form where it would relate to pussy …. Even something as strange as todays blog ….. thought form … the shit of meta thinking thru out history there have tow people talking to you dipshit , talking to every young master from the beginning of written hisotory ,,,, schools of thinking ,, the realistic one and the boooga boooga one ,,, ohhh what is boooga boooga …… GOD …. Us humans trying to explain something that is un-percievable thur REAL sensory organs like sight and hearing and feeling ….and we dumbass humans we for some reason believe we are something special the 1 animal with a soul , the one animanal that feels enjoyemnt and love …. The amount of programing you have gone thru that came from the enviroment you grew up in …. And you accepted with out knowing about … till you look around expecting that this feeling ing is real that you are some how fucking more special than every other living being on the planet ,,, that you are not just a Cog in some other animals world ….
The TOAist can understand that he/she is a THOUGHT FORM , energy in a matter form ,,,, and that energy of thought is what gives that matter form with out the spark of energy the matter would not have collected INTELIIGENTLY into a FORM …. Your fucking body dumbass .
The body soemthing I can percieve ,, I can see , touch , hear feel even taste (SEE I TOLD YOU I WOULD GET BACK TO LICKING PUSSY TASTING THE SKIN OF AGIRL YUMMMMMY ! ) now my ability to see is limited I can not percieve sight like a snake can which use more than its eyes to genertate a VISION which includes light/heat ,,, or the eagle which can things in the same limited spectrum of light that I can use but at much smaller levels … or the cat which can hear noises that are invisible to perception of ny organs or smells that DOGS can gather and understand that I never know is in the air I am breathing also along with my dogs ….. SO I ,,, HUMAN AM IN REALITY a dumbass … a limited dumbass . I am the same as dog , cat , eagel , snake ,,, just energy expressing as form that when the energy no longer has purpse of wanting ,, the level of wanto ,,, it leaves the body in one vehicle or another … and the atoms of the body decay and disperse to be used again by another thought form to experience time spance life ….
Now here is the question ,,,, ecomony is a thought ….. it is a living animal without an atomic body that I can UNDERSTAND or percieve ,,, but dumbass remember there is much I can not p[ercieve ,,, my abiltiy is less than a DOGS ….. since energy is what keeps my atoms together and it is energy which keeps the machine the MATRIX of economy together can it also now be itself a thought form ,, just that the thought is not atomic ,,,, and am I not part of that body like the bacteria of my gut enable me to live ,,,, is my life more important thatn the life forms that make it possible for my body to live ? does the bacteria of my gut have the abilty to understand the grandness of the body in which it lives , does the bacteria KNOW IT CAN KILL ME by going on strike ? kill me and yet kill itself …. Can the bacteria percieve me with it’s limited sensory organs ,,, it odes have abilty to sense what is food for it and non food or else they would be eating each other which they do not ….
Understand this dumbass ,,, bacteria have inteligence ,,,, so why is it that you think just because you have the ablility to think more thought ( and there by become confused and depressed to the pointo of choosing self destruction ) that you are better than any other thinking expresion of thought ,, bacteria thinks bacteria type of thoughts ,,,, to an THOUGHT FORM as grand as econmy would my limited concerns and thoughts and hopes and even my life would be off no concern ,,, whether I live or die ,, economy lives ON ! while countless humans die and fight and eat each other ( hey bacteria do not even eat each other , unless they are of a different species prey and predator species ,, or a mutate of the orginal now becoming a predator of the parent strain )
The matrix of which you are plugged into …. Hmmm do you ever think about this this dumbass ? why think about it , because dipshit you have choices , the system wants ecominc slavery ,,, it needs people to buy its shit and slave for more shit ,, to fear death .. so the worker can be controlled ,,, in a state of managed discomfort … DIVIDE AND CONQUER ….yet dumbass the idea of homesteading will bring you a level of self control over your basic existence to allow you FINNALLY freedom of choice …. Homesteading …. And in this study of homesteading come with it the concepts that basic drive for human interactions ,,, and let me say it again and again , SEX SEX SEX …. And there again to understand the real ,, human NATURE our real instinct ,, not a fairy tale …. A thought form …. But what and hwho is written in the inteligence of your DNA ….. not chimp not gorilla ,,, but simliar ,,,99.9 percnt similar …. But different because of the socialness of US … we are actually a very very very freiendly species at heart ….
Friday, October 19, 2007
the THANKYOU change

The thankyou change
Young master , the subtle changes that happen in relationships …. The evlution of love ,,,, that the fairy tale says we must live with ,,,yet when it does happen it does not make iether party happy yet since no you , SCREAMS ,, HEY what the FUCK ,,,,it goes on and on ,, eventually you two are not the same people who met in the first place ,,,, and you end up searching again for that person you met during the dating phase …. Wha was that girl ?
She said thatnkyou after you fucker her so hard she screamed …… yes she said OUCHIE and ooowiiee ,,, and then eventually her safe word ….. but at the end was a THANK YOU a real in words thank you …. Not a kinda reading between the lines thank you , but she actuaaly says , thank you for fucking so hard it was beyond my level of comfort but thank you for taking me THERE … to that level of PENTRATION …. Which needs submission for her to receive … the act of the PENTRATOR me ..
But young master , I want you to think back I know you arleady , comparing the girl you first met with the girl you know now …… in each part of the relationsbhip is a constant on your part which is you wanting to ntoce a smile from her ,,,, a real smile , a word of thank you , something which says you were good …. Is it the searching for the love of mommmy?
Is it the protective nature of the silver back Gorilla ,, who also like to hear certain commucative sounds and have his female rub agaisnt him in affections and thankyous …
Your search for the smile from your female of degrades … DEGRADES into the search of a smile from a MOMMY figure ….. instead of if you were a HAREM male with more than one female …. The chance of getting appreciated for being the PENETRATOR , I feel is strong … since the girls need to compete at certain levels for the finite time you have , even though you are able to satify the females ,,,, because after the first flush of sexual activity she would like to have the sex less than daily … after that first flush …. After that first few months of feeding sexuall and she feels the sex will not go away her need .. her lust cools NOT DISAPPEARS … that disappearing happens because of the confusions that evolve … the confusions
Like you receeding after you get slaps insteads of thankyous , now mind you the other body oanguage and ations speak of thanks ,,,,, but there is also an increase in the commucation of YOU ARE BEING TO RUFF …. WeLL the gorilla in me will stop , he does not want to hurt the female NO ,,, sadism is not natural ( but that FEMDOM I wrote of a day ago , for her to evlove into sadism is expected ) sadism would destroy the health of the female who will bring forth DNA shildren ….
FORCING PENTRATION AND ORGASIM is idfferent than sadism ,,,, ruff sex KICK SATRTS .. the sexuall immune system and ovulation .
But the frindship you develop with the 1 on 1 female will destroy the TOA that brought you two together ,,,, the TOA being the natural flow of INSTINCTS …. In the beigning she said thanyou and she laid the twitching in continued orgasims , and she cleaned my cock and dryed the sweat off my body , and later cuddled up next to me and said thanyou . in word and action ….. now after those minutes of continued orgasimsing end ,,,,,, I get hit 9 PLAYFULLY 9 but more and more I am being hit , the MIXED message that will eventually lead the male into doing NOTHING …. For fear of not being GOOD ….
Ahhhhhhhhh , it is so fucked up ,,,, the same old patterns re-emerge of interactions sublte changes that will lead to no GOOD….. I can not wait to build the compound … to complete the TERRITORY …. To get it over to not longer suffer sublte jokes about my Gorilla ideas … but do it live it … be the good male I feel I should be , then I can PROUDLY talk to other women and describe my ideas ,,, for without the compound I talk just stories ,,, empty air , the lies ….. ( hey universe genie dude the ask has been made it is time for manifestation , yo! Are you listening ? knock knock any infintie power there ?)
I want to experience another AN ALTERNATIVE , to get real time comparisons ……. And write and think , and feel what the fuck is the reality .( my current reality is wonderful ,,, I got great girl who is growning and becoming some one different than who I met and I am extrememly happy for her and wish her nothing but happiness …………. NOTHING BUT HAPPINESS …. What do yu wish when you buy a girl that … every kiss begins with ZALES ….. thing … do you do it so she will be UN HAPPY ? …. SO as the relationship evovles it evlovles thru you desire for what you think is her communcation of her Hppiness , you do what you think will provide her happiness
BUT SUBMISSION DEMANDS … the igornace of what seems logical and the folllowing of that which is isnticntual … and her inner self needs….. to submit … to PERMIT …. PENTRATIONS.
Young master , the subtle changes that happen in relationships …. The evlution of love ,,,, that the fairy tale says we must live with ,,,yet when it does happen it does not make iether party happy yet since no you , SCREAMS ,, HEY what the FUCK ,,,,it goes on and on ,, eventually you two are not the same people who met in the first place ,,,, and you end up searching again for that person you met during the dating phase …. Wha was that girl ?
She said thatnkyou after you fucker her so hard she screamed …… yes she said OUCHIE and ooowiiee ,,, and then eventually her safe word ….. but at the end was a THANK YOU a real in words thank you …. Not a kinda reading between the lines thank you , but she actuaaly says , thank you for fucking so hard it was beyond my level of comfort but thank you for taking me THERE … to that level of PENTRATION …. Which needs submission for her to receive … the act of the PENTRATOR me ..
But young master , I want you to think back I know you arleady , comparing the girl you first met with the girl you know now …… in each part of the relationsbhip is a constant on your part which is you wanting to ntoce a smile from her ,,,, a real smile , a word of thank you , something which says you were good …. Is it the searching for the love of mommmy?
Is it the protective nature of the silver back Gorilla ,, who also like to hear certain commucative sounds and have his female rub agaisnt him in affections and thankyous …
Your search for the smile from your female of degrades … DEGRADES into the search of a smile from a MOMMY figure ….. instead of if you were a HAREM male with more than one female …. The chance of getting appreciated for being the PENETRATOR , I feel is strong … since the girls need to compete at certain levels for the finite time you have , even though you are able to satify the females ,,,, because after the first flush of sexual activity she would like to have the sex less than daily … after that first flush …. After that first few months of feeding sexuall and she feels the sex will not go away her need .. her lust cools NOT DISAPPEARS … that disappearing happens because of the confusions that evolve … the confusions
Like you receeding after you get slaps insteads of thankyous , now mind you the other body oanguage and ations speak of thanks ,,,,, but there is also an increase in the commucation of YOU ARE BEING TO RUFF …. WeLL the gorilla in me will stop , he does not want to hurt the female NO ,,, sadism is not natural ( but that FEMDOM I wrote of a day ago , for her to evlove into sadism is expected ) sadism would destroy the health of the female who will bring forth DNA shildren ….
FORCING PENTRATION AND ORGASIM is idfferent than sadism ,,,, ruff sex KICK SATRTS .. the sexuall immune system and ovulation .
But the frindship you develop with the 1 on 1 female will destroy the TOA that brought you two together ,,,, the TOA being the natural flow of INSTINCTS …. In the beigning she said thanyou and she laid the twitching in continued orgasims , and she cleaned my cock and dryed the sweat off my body , and later cuddled up next to me and said thanyou . in word and action ….. now after those minutes of continued orgasimsing end ,,,,,, I get hit 9 PLAYFULLY 9 but more and more I am being hit , the MIXED message that will eventually lead the male into doing NOTHING …. For fear of not being GOOD ….
Ahhhhhhhhh , it is so fucked up ,,,, the same old patterns re-emerge of interactions sublte changes that will lead to no GOOD….. I can not wait to build the compound … to complete the TERRITORY …. To get it over to not longer suffer sublte jokes about my Gorilla ideas … but do it live it … be the good male I feel I should be , then I can PROUDLY talk to other women and describe my ideas ,,, for without the compound I talk just stories ,,, empty air , the lies ….. ( hey universe genie dude the ask has been made it is time for manifestation , yo! Are you listening ? knock knock any infintie power there ?)
I want to experience another AN ALTERNATIVE , to get real time comparisons ……. And write and think , and feel what the fuck is the reality .( my current reality is wonderful ,,, I got great girl who is growning and becoming some one different than who I met and I am extrememly happy for her and wish her nothing but happiness …………. NOTHING BUT HAPPINESS …. What do yu wish when you buy a girl that … every kiss begins with ZALES ….. thing … do you do it so she will be UN HAPPY ? …. SO as the relationship evovles it evlovles thru you desire for what you think is her communcation of her Hppiness , you do what you think will provide her happiness
BUT SUBMISSION DEMANDS … the igornace of what seems logical and the folllowing of that which is isnticntual … and her inner self needs….. to submit … to PERMIT …. PENTRATIONS.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
beatiful lie

Beautiful lie
Young master …. They say it over and over ,, it is filtered into storys … even self help programs .. I think about the movie the Secret , the issues they talk about the issues that catch peoples attenion …. Money , health and sex ….tear apart the world around all the HYPNO programing of the advertising professionals …. And you will find that they use you ,,, your ,, everyones lust for money ,,, their fear of death of seperation from GOD? To sell health to live for 5 more minutes when everyone does DIE no matter what ,, and SEX ,,, and sex is a basic animal drive … YOUR DNA speaking it is not the fairy tale of soul mate
To have SOUL MATE you would have to live in a toa where reality was that you and I ,, are not I-n-I .. where we are GENDERLSS and the toa itself is gender-LESS not a human male god where the hieght of evovlution is being a stupid human animal ,,,,, talk about fucking EGO think we are the most HIGH of the hogh in the whole of this universe and that this universe is all there is in an INFINTY OF ALL POSSILBES ….. but remember dipshit you have been porgrammed to accept the idea of IM-POSSIBLE . you most probably have some where in your mind this idea that something is im[possible that infinty ends wherever you think ,, impossible starts.
Remember dumbass ,,, to the ancient Egyptian priest and Pharo flying pieces of metal were IMPOSSILBE , but here on the same planet only time passed and nothing else happened we have the same general world the same sands of eygpt blowing around ,, and we have hunks of metal flying all over the place … IMPOSSIBLE , only until your little finite mind can understand POSSILBITY a new view of PHYSICS . ooooh this was to about soul mate ….
The idea that 1 person is more important than another person …. The rationale of NOT SHARING LOVE … of owning 1 person, thru the words and expectations built in and around a concept of SOUL MATE !
But really talk really listen to the girls who want to find their soul mate and you will hear them say things to explain their past relationships , like this ,,,,,,, ohhhh yes everything was great for 3 years , yes I loved him but I was young and thinking with my body not my soul …… over and over you will find girls who have loved …. Then hated . now why?
If you were to think about the effects of control and coercion ,,, you will find that often this is what happened .. the girl started off being submissive when she got the commitment she started to desire more moremore ,,, that greed of the basic female animal for sefl protection and wealth and food gathering for her won health and the baby she will grown and the baby she must feed … so her instinct is for GREED it is nature … the male is thinking about baisc gorups concepts … protecting a territory which he thinks is rich enough to provide for his goruop of females ,,, the day to day details of wealth / food resource destribution he leaves in the “ surival of the fittest “ hierachy function of the female world ,,, just like the male had to live alone .. prove it could fight out its own territory male hierarchy testing …. Ohhh wait this is about soul mate ( what animals do not have souls … what about that dog or cat you love so much , with it’s personality ,, animals express depression happiness and contentment even wild animals … evidence of the relflection the mirror of soul relflecting the experience of TOA )
Soul mate ,, the beautiful dream … the songs and emotional movie thems and storyes the peictures of smiles and togetherness …… the PROGRAMING repeated over andover for 1ooo , 500 years till it has become something real ….. and theeffect of it was to confuse the instinct of the human DNA and since the human DNA had not role model to learn from ….. it felt confused …. And hid in BEER? The male finding that the SOUL MATE he had no longer was happy with the territory he developed ,, but she was no longer smiling except when eh brought her more , more more more ,, the kiss began with ZALES ….. to the point he gave up and let her become the male ,,,, let her workk .. maybe thru , him ,,, she became the power behind the man . and US their slaves … ohhh yes just TWIST your thinking dipshit … YO! Dumbfuck it is your thinking what you think about in your mind is … YOURS .. you are allowed to think ALTERNATIVE THOUGHTS … there is no police office who can read you thoughts ? but you fear even thinking !
The girls I talk with ,,,,,, like yesterday 2 women , one was interested in my ideas ,,, my logic ,,, in the idea of her own DNA history the other ,,,,, TOOK CONTROL ….. demanding that the fairy tale of SOUL MATE was real …. Even though she lives a life of ,,,, STRUGGLE … day after year after decade …… all the time proclaiming this male new male is her ssoul mate , FINDING HER HAPPINESS IN A ??????? something or one other than herself , denying her own HOLISTIC-NESS ….
Just like her new Hybrid SUV …. Ohh the image of being concerned .. fashion ….. she has not family or need for such a large transportation machine …. So if conserving resourses so that we ahumans no longer have to blow up babies ,,, burning the alive in twisted wars of control … and divide and conquer politoco/profit religons ….. when she sould be driving the FOURTWO not a hybid but a real statement of CONCERN ….. but NO it is the stupidness of a greedy animal ….. like the rat who reproduces till it pisses and shit so much in its eviroment that the enviroment becomes TOXIC and the colony of rats kills itself offf ..
Like INCA , ROMAN , GREEK , HAUN CHINA , EYGPT ..etc etc ….. from the macro cultures to the micro family …. The basics problems is the baisc problem . what is the problem DIPSHIT ? what do you think
Young master …. They say it over and over ,, it is filtered into storys … even self help programs .. I think about the movie the Secret , the issues they talk about the issues that catch peoples attenion …. Money , health and sex ….tear apart the world around all the HYPNO programing of the advertising professionals …. And you will find that they use you ,,, your ,, everyones lust for money ,,, their fear of death of seperation from GOD? To sell health to live for 5 more minutes when everyone does DIE no matter what ,, and SEX ,,, and sex is a basic animal drive … YOUR DNA speaking it is not the fairy tale of soul mate
To have SOUL MATE you would have to live in a toa where reality was that you and I ,, are not I-n-I .. where we are GENDERLSS and the toa itself is gender-LESS not a human male god where the hieght of evovlution is being a stupid human animal ,,,,, talk about fucking EGO think we are the most HIGH of the hogh in the whole of this universe and that this universe is all there is in an INFINTY OF ALL POSSILBES ….. but remember dipshit you have been porgrammed to accept the idea of IM-POSSIBLE . you most probably have some where in your mind this idea that something is im[possible that infinty ends wherever you think ,, impossible starts.
Remember dumbass ,,, to the ancient Egyptian priest and Pharo flying pieces of metal were IMPOSSILBE , but here on the same planet only time passed and nothing else happened we have the same general world the same sands of eygpt blowing around ,, and we have hunks of metal flying all over the place … IMPOSSIBLE , only until your little finite mind can understand POSSILBITY a new view of PHYSICS . ooooh this was to about soul mate ….
The idea that 1 person is more important than another person …. The rationale of NOT SHARING LOVE … of owning 1 person, thru the words and expectations built in and around a concept of SOUL MATE !
But really talk really listen to the girls who want to find their soul mate and you will hear them say things to explain their past relationships , like this ,,,,,,, ohhhh yes everything was great for 3 years , yes I loved him but I was young and thinking with my body not my soul …… over and over you will find girls who have loved …. Then hated . now why?
If you were to think about the effects of control and coercion ,,, you will find that often this is what happened .. the girl started off being submissive when she got the commitment she started to desire more moremore ,,, that greed of the basic female animal for sefl protection and wealth and food gathering for her won health and the baby she will grown and the baby she must feed … so her instinct is for GREED it is nature … the male is thinking about baisc gorups concepts … protecting a territory which he thinks is rich enough to provide for his goruop of females ,,, the day to day details of wealth / food resource destribution he leaves in the “ surival of the fittest “ hierachy function of the female world ,,, just like the male had to live alone .. prove it could fight out its own territory male hierarchy testing …. Ohhh wait this is about soul mate ( what animals do not have souls … what about that dog or cat you love so much , with it’s personality ,, animals express depression happiness and contentment even wild animals … evidence of the relflection the mirror of soul relflecting the experience of TOA )
Soul mate ,, the beautiful dream … the songs and emotional movie thems and storyes the peictures of smiles and togetherness …… the PROGRAMING repeated over andover for 1ooo , 500 years till it has become something real ….. and theeffect of it was to confuse the instinct of the human DNA and since the human DNA had not role model to learn from ….. it felt confused …. And hid in BEER? The male finding that the SOUL MATE he had no longer was happy with the territory he developed ,, but she was no longer smiling except when eh brought her more , more more more ,, the kiss began with ZALES ….. to the point he gave up and let her become the male ,,,, let her workk .. maybe thru , him ,,, she became the power behind the man . and US their slaves … ohhh yes just TWIST your thinking dipshit … YO! Dumbfuck it is your thinking what you think about in your mind is … YOURS .. you are allowed to think ALTERNATIVE THOUGHTS … there is no police office who can read you thoughts ? but you fear even thinking !
The girls I talk with ,,,,,, like yesterday 2 women , one was interested in my ideas ,,, my logic ,,, in the idea of her own DNA history the other ,,,,, TOOK CONTROL ….. demanding that the fairy tale of SOUL MATE was real …. Even though she lives a life of ,,,, STRUGGLE … day after year after decade …… all the time proclaiming this male new male is her ssoul mate , FINDING HER HAPPINESS IN A ??????? something or one other than herself , denying her own HOLISTIC-NESS ….
Just like her new Hybrid SUV …. Ohh the image of being concerned .. fashion ….. she has not family or need for such a large transportation machine …. So if conserving resourses so that we ahumans no longer have to blow up babies ,,, burning the alive in twisted wars of control … and divide and conquer politoco/profit religons ….. when she sould be driving the FOURTWO not a hybid but a real statement of CONCERN ….. but NO it is the stupidness of a greedy animal ….. like the rat who reproduces till it pisses and shit so much in its eviroment that the enviroment becomes TOXIC and the colony of rats kills itself offf ..
Like INCA , ROMAN , GREEK , HAUN CHINA , EYGPT ..etc etc ….. from the macro cultures to the micro family …. The basics problems is the baisc problem . what is the problem DIPSHIT ? what do you think
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
fucking mind ?

Fucking mind?
Or mind fucking ……… young master gleen from this whatever you find usefull , I am actually talking to someone who thinkis they are OHHHHH SOOOOO and I say to her ( no actually all three of the females NO to every female with DOMINATRIX fanasty ) but the her since I knon her have known her since her boy was born ,,,, DO YOU WANT THAT TO BE YOUR baby BOY in 10 years ? actually I am afraid she honestly does not care she has gotten so WARPED …. ( it made me think about my own daughters 4 in toatl I count as daughters steps and bio 3 adults 1 a bleeding teen so in total all women … I talk about submission do I want to submit ? but read about my observations of female submission and bdsm read and think about the instinctual aspects and then the history the mind fuck of society )
So what happened , IT TAKES 1 TO KNOW 1 … a doper can spot another doper and … a freak ( me ) can spot another freak ( them ) , them old friends and customers for like 14 years , he a blonde surfer did some illegal farmeing made some money made ti legal in a good bussiness made a ton shit load of good cash ,,,, her his cute receptionsit 14 years ago gave him a baby girl then a few yeats later a baby boy … they were the regular DID ALRIGHT family ,, both got a little fatter him a little balder , but it seemed OK from the outside , but about the same time I was going thru my second divorce he went thru his first ….. and he ( and she ) were back out in the sexual market place , sure he had cash but not longer that blonde young surfer body of lifestyle ,, he was the work hard make the cash husband type , now living under MAX stress fo broken family and loads of attorneys fees .. and $$$$$ worries about joint property ,, plus he missed his kids , ESPECIALLY that lil’ boy the lil’ boy she … she .. she was so porud of , I remember her saying how he was going to grow up just like dad , go surfing with long blonde hari of his ……
What now BITCH ,, would you want to see him wathch his wife cock and ball torture your son now ,, ? like you do his dad ?
Look during his bad times he and I talked he got one of the first few copies of my poorly written book , just two guys feeling the same confusions and angers ….. now this family I serve twice amonth often I am alone inside the family house cleaning windows room to room over a decade plus you get to know people all to fucking welll especially when you are a freak also ….. today was just to weird ,,,
What was it ? she parading her SLAVES or the idea that the Burha was there ….. I only guess that she is BURHA .. the latina word for witch ,,, now there are fairy tales and them there are myths .. witch craft is myth it has its basis in facts … yes FACTS . thru out history women have been the ones who knew the poisins and rugs , the effects and ways to use this to kill off a BAD male if warrented …. Or to maniplate the weaker males when needed ,,, traditions and herbs , passed thur centuries …. A tradition of the latina .. befrore my friend and his wife got back together his last girlfriend friend was this one fucking HOT latina …… and today as I clean the outside of the patio windows who do I see with his wife another hot chick but his old girlfriend from like 2 years back …..
The simple cute mom and wife I knew over a decade ago ,, started th=o change just bedfore she left to live in one of their investment protpeties …. She got hot real fast like in a matter of months from average … to a 10 ….. and the worker the guy that was always around working on their properties , that doper ,,, easy to control just keep him in good herb and he would be a good DOG … I knew that about him from day one … never one to do anything on his own always looking for SKIRT to hide behind …. The guy that she kept while she and my friend were broken up …. Has been living in the same house together the happy freaky family 1 bitch and 2 males …..
Now she and I have talked ,, my friend no longer talks she talks for him more ano more over the last 2 years untill as of late even when I meet him alone he has nothing to say ,, where he and I would tak about he ideas in my book the confsuions ans sexual stress the feelings of frustration in believing we did the right things how come it all went so FUCKING BADLY …. But now she says for him we … we …. We .. do not agree with the ideas in your book , the change grows subtley the confidence and power the contempt for the male of her species it ooozes from this woman ,,, but today to have her parade him and the other guy into the room and have them try … try .. try to sit , those grown men in the 30’s maybe my friend is 40’s ,,,, nakked except for the shorts they were waering , as compared to the women who still looked like they were dressed for a day at the office ,( at the office normally where he would be except when he was home getting the boat ready to go fishing ….) squirming those two looking at the floor the feeling was thick ,,, my FREAK O’METER WAS JUST GOING OFF , THE LOOK OF SWEAT on the guys of sweat and struggle and …. Restraint? That redness around my friends neck …. I was glad I had only a few more windows to finish before the parade ,,, I was not forced to witness what was surely making the women proud acting as if I was not there face stuck to the window forced to look ………ooooh she likes to think I am her servant .. since YES I AM IN THE SERVICE industry I in her mind am her servant … POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY ……..
What about your son bitch ,,,,, understand , everyone wants to be loved ,,,, the male trained by modeling , seeks love like he was modeled ,,,, in that family ….. it started off quite average america then became weird ,,, the male will learn to beg and buy pussy ,,, every kiss begins with Zales jewelers …. The slow slide into slavery ,, looking fior some sort of love ….. and men can do a few things ,,, become mean , become wimps , become gay ? as I have written the list of Reactions to coercion and controls from the book PARENT EFFECTIVENESS TRaINING ….
The history ,, well young master if you really opened your eyes to developments of ancient societys ,, you will seee the under lying moverment before the decay of those cultures to the presence of women in the highest of POWER circles ,,, hidden behind the face of aman was really the greed and selfishness fo a female animal …
That instinct of selfishness ,,, lets look to the harem of gorillas ,,, the make will give his life to defend the troops while the girls run away to protect themselves and their children ,,,, safety being in numbers like any group animals the predetor is able to pick off the weakest link …. While the male is occupied defending …. While the male is doing his protective territory patrols and the girls fight over foods and the control of the sweetest fruti ,, of course making sure the individual is strongest …. As long as the fights do not get out of hand the male does not get involved …. Allowing the nature of GREED to take its course creating the strongest female to be healthy ……
Ahhh but what if the male gorilla had to beg to mate ,, what is the female now in control does not want to have shildren because she may get saggy tits of stretch marks what happens to the society ….. dipshit look back to ancient Eygpt ,,, and Greeece and Rome even Chinese dynastys you can see the rise of female , power thru the weakness of sex ,,, the HORIZONTAL court of FRANCE before the revolution …. The decadance and selfish ness ….. the men actually jumpong thru hooops to fuck the prettiest of the females ,,,,,, the idea of the FASHIONABLE ,,,, again go back to eygpt greece , china , the MAYA in fact as fashion became the goal ….. and the men were trained to worry , to beg for pussy ,, to wear purfumes and get cleaned up … not be proud of their tendency to work and sweat ….but to become , METRO SEXUAL . the effect of GQ and even playboy ,,, most mens mags are actually controlled by the enviroment which is full of female employees and afemenant male writers ….. an world where the white collar decision makiners are increasingly becoming female , so that the worker male must DRESS TO IMPRE#SS …. A slow twisting of humanities instinctual nature ,,,,,, just think dipsit just think . and female what about your baby boys? Your fansty is it what you want for your son ,,, are you that sick , becoming worse than what you hated in men ?
Or mind fucking ……… young master gleen from this whatever you find usefull , I am actually talking to someone who thinkis they are OHHHHH SOOOOO and I say to her ( no actually all three of the females NO to every female with DOMINATRIX fanasty ) but the her since I knon her have known her since her boy was born ,,,, DO YOU WANT THAT TO BE YOUR baby BOY in 10 years ? actually I am afraid she honestly does not care she has gotten so WARPED …. ( it made me think about my own daughters 4 in toatl I count as daughters steps and bio 3 adults 1 a bleeding teen so in total all women … I talk about submission do I want to submit ? but read about my observations of female submission and bdsm read and think about the instinctual aspects and then the history the mind fuck of society )
So what happened , IT TAKES 1 TO KNOW 1 … a doper can spot another doper and … a freak ( me ) can spot another freak ( them ) , them old friends and customers for like 14 years , he a blonde surfer did some illegal farmeing made some money made ti legal in a good bussiness made a ton shit load of good cash ,,,, her his cute receptionsit 14 years ago gave him a baby girl then a few yeats later a baby boy … they were the regular DID ALRIGHT family ,, both got a little fatter him a little balder , but it seemed OK from the outside , but about the same time I was going thru my second divorce he went thru his first ….. and he ( and she ) were back out in the sexual market place , sure he had cash but not longer that blonde young surfer body of lifestyle ,, he was the work hard make the cash husband type , now living under MAX stress fo broken family and loads of attorneys fees .. and $$$$$ worries about joint property ,, plus he missed his kids , ESPECIALLY that lil’ boy the lil’ boy she … she .. she was so porud of , I remember her saying how he was going to grow up just like dad , go surfing with long blonde hari of his ……
What now BITCH ,, would you want to see him wathch his wife cock and ball torture your son now ,, ? like you do his dad ?
Look during his bad times he and I talked he got one of the first few copies of my poorly written book , just two guys feeling the same confusions and angers ….. now this family I serve twice amonth often I am alone inside the family house cleaning windows room to room over a decade plus you get to know people all to fucking welll especially when you are a freak also ….. today was just to weird ,,,
What was it ? she parading her SLAVES or the idea that the Burha was there ….. I only guess that she is BURHA .. the latina word for witch ,,, now there are fairy tales and them there are myths .. witch craft is myth it has its basis in facts … yes FACTS . thru out history women have been the ones who knew the poisins and rugs , the effects and ways to use this to kill off a BAD male if warrented …. Or to maniplate the weaker males when needed ,,, traditions and herbs , passed thur centuries …. A tradition of the latina .. befrore my friend and his wife got back together his last girlfriend friend was this one fucking HOT latina …… and today as I clean the outside of the patio windows who do I see with his wife another hot chick but his old girlfriend from like 2 years back …..
The simple cute mom and wife I knew over a decade ago ,, started th=o change just bedfore she left to live in one of their investment protpeties …. She got hot real fast like in a matter of months from average … to a 10 ….. and the worker the guy that was always around working on their properties , that doper ,,, easy to control just keep him in good herb and he would be a good DOG … I knew that about him from day one … never one to do anything on his own always looking for SKIRT to hide behind …. The guy that she kept while she and my friend were broken up …. Has been living in the same house together the happy freaky family 1 bitch and 2 males …..
Now she and I have talked ,, my friend no longer talks she talks for him more ano more over the last 2 years untill as of late even when I meet him alone he has nothing to say ,, where he and I would tak about he ideas in my book the confsuions ans sexual stress the feelings of frustration in believing we did the right things how come it all went so FUCKING BADLY …. But now she says for him we … we …. We .. do not agree with the ideas in your book , the change grows subtley the confidence and power the contempt for the male of her species it ooozes from this woman ,,, but today to have her parade him and the other guy into the room and have them try … try .. try to sit , those grown men in the 30’s maybe my friend is 40’s ,,,, nakked except for the shorts they were waering , as compared to the women who still looked like they were dressed for a day at the office ,( at the office normally where he would be except when he was home getting the boat ready to go fishing ….) squirming those two looking at the floor the feeling was thick ,,, my FREAK O’METER WAS JUST GOING OFF , THE LOOK OF SWEAT on the guys of sweat and struggle and …. Restraint? That redness around my friends neck …. I was glad I had only a few more windows to finish before the parade ,,, I was not forced to witness what was surely making the women proud acting as if I was not there face stuck to the window forced to look ………ooooh she likes to think I am her servant .. since YES I AM IN THE SERVICE industry I in her mind am her servant … POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY ……..
What about your son bitch ,,,,, understand , everyone wants to be loved ,,,, the male trained by modeling , seeks love like he was modeled ,,,, in that family ….. it started off quite average america then became weird ,,, the male will learn to beg and buy pussy ,,, every kiss begins with Zales jewelers …. The slow slide into slavery ,, looking fior some sort of love ….. and men can do a few things ,,, become mean , become wimps , become gay ? as I have written the list of Reactions to coercion and controls from the book PARENT EFFECTIVENESS TRaINING ….
The history ,, well young master if you really opened your eyes to developments of ancient societys ,, you will seee the under lying moverment before the decay of those cultures to the presence of women in the highest of POWER circles ,,, hidden behind the face of aman was really the greed and selfishness fo a female animal …
That instinct of selfishness ,,, lets look to the harem of gorillas ,,, the make will give his life to defend the troops while the girls run away to protect themselves and their children ,,,, safety being in numbers like any group animals the predetor is able to pick off the weakest link …. While the male is occupied defending …. While the male is doing his protective territory patrols and the girls fight over foods and the control of the sweetest fruti ,, of course making sure the individual is strongest …. As long as the fights do not get out of hand the male does not get involved …. Allowing the nature of GREED to take its course creating the strongest female to be healthy ……
Ahhh but what if the male gorilla had to beg to mate ,, what is the female now in control does not want to have shildren because she may get saggy tits of stretch marks what happens to the society ….. dipshit look back to ancient Eygpt ,,, and Greeece and Rome even Chinese dynastys you can see the rise of female , power thru the weakness of sex ,,, the HORIZONTAL court of FRANCE before the revolution …. The decadance and selfish ness ….. the men actually jumpong thru hooops to fuck the prettiest of the females ,,,,,, the idea of the FASHIONABLE ,,,, again go back to eygpt greece , china , the MAYA in fact as fashion became the goal ….. and the men were trained to worry , to beg for pussy ,, to wear purfumes and get cleaned up … not be proud of their tendency to work and sweat ….but to become , METRO SEXUAL . the effect of GQ and even playboy ,,, most mens mags are actually controlled by the enviroment which is full of female employees and afemenant male writers ….. an world where the white collar decision makiners are increasingly becoming female , so that the worker male must DRESS TO IMPRE#SS …. A slow twisting of humanities instinctual nature ,,,,,, just think dipsit just think . and female what about your baby boys? Your fansty is it what you want for your son ,,, are you that sick , becoming worse than what you hated in men ?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Panties off

Panties off
And the whole pants also …… young master if that does not yell FUCK ME than what does ? you dipshit are expected to be her friend then ,, USE her for your Pleasure … but in the friendship world you do not FUCK your friends especially not like I FUCK ( MEANIE MAN ) .. now I am ready 24/7 to fuck yes if I had just cummmm I may need a few minutes till I can go again , but if the girl is hot for me then my dick will respond …. So it is not of your desire that sex is started …. Like in the animal world also … over and over repeat repeat … I need to get to your training the amount of programing you have lived … to get you to DEAL
So even I do get a bit confused about spanking ,,, look pants offf while I was on the phone ….. so after I got off that call I went looking I know there was a pussy wanting to get fucked in my house somewhere and she was laying across the bed …….. and I proceeded to enjoy the frangrence of FEMAKE to smell her body then leading down to her pubic hairs , enjoying the smell of sex …. And then the sounds of lust after my tongue touches her pussy lips , and the gasps of submissions as I stop and then bite increasing the pressure till I get a certain level of moan , bite either the tops of her thighs or her pussy lips areas ….. but I am getting that VOICE the vocalizations … of her NEEDS . I can sense she is feeling empty …
Dipshit , think about that she feels empty ….. she needs to be filled … but instead of taking responsibility for that NAUTTRAL need , because of her “ princess all dressed in WHITE ” training and programing she subconccsiuosly looks for DOMINATION to allow herself to be filled …. This a womoan I have fucked at least 1000 times still needs to be FORCED . and I love to make sure she knows it … so I personellly stradle her closing her legs with my knees and work on the TITS …. Why ,, because whe wants to open up … she wants to expose herself for PENeTRATION
Who and what are you? You the one with a hard on a piece of flesh that becomes hard build to be forced FORCED back and forth in and out of a body in and out of her hole …. You are the FORCER the PENETRATOR …. She wanst to submit to lay ther to RECEIVE … in fact she needs it to the point it is really that she is a takeer … taking SPERM
Now dumbass the sting of a spanking is like the exciting ride on your board ,,, it pumps the boady with hormones and excitement chemicals , making the EVENT more ,, more …. More exciting …. So when I do let her opne for me , to PRESENT her holes for my FILLING …. Well a few good hard ass slaps even a short spanking to remeind her that she was just begging to OPEN ,,, “PLEASE let me open my legs it hurts so bad ”,,, yes dumbass it is a pain of desire for the chick . I guess I am still trying to get a girl to understand she wants to get fucked as much as I want to fuck her .. so why …. Why … why do we have to play this game of submission and domination …
Ahhhhh my hope , that once I have built the compound , and that I expose myself to the world … I date in the manner of saying HELLO I am a POLIGAMIST … that I can explain the reasons why to girls who want to listen and fact is YOUNG MASTER , gilrs to do love to expand their mind to find out the reasons why a male thinks this way or that way . ahhhhh but the girls who understand
And want to live and ALTERNATIVE life that you will offer . OKKKK so the idea that 3 gilrs the subltle sexuall air to the whole family life ,,,, brings the sexual resposnibilbity that will free your mind from the need to be her MAIN friend into what you should be naturally her FUCK yes a friend but mainly the nature of male female realtiosnhips FUCKING ….. because again the idea of forcing my friend to scream ,,, like I do is fucked up to my mind , but I love hearing a woman FEEL to hear her FEEL ,,, and honesltly dipshit the girls FEELS more herself if she is allowed encouraged to scream to express what is happening ,, and what is happening to her I am forceing a enlarged piece of meat in and out of her body IN FACT LOOKING ANGLEING to find those areas of her pussy which give me more noises …..the louder she is the hppier she is ,,, so again A SPANKING WHILE FUCKING , the demand she getss loud the hair pulling to make sure she does not hide her expression of feeling my cock fuck her , hiding that scream in the matress , but expressing it loudly for everyone to hear and be proud of herself getting FUCKED ..
PRIDE IN HERSELF GETTING FUCKED … sound strange young master?how does your gut feel about those words that idea ? young mr.nice guy. So spanking her to get her to be louder ,,, hair pulling to force her head up so she will EXCLAIM proudly …. Then not stopping ….. yep dipshit not stopping fucking and fucking and fucking ….ohhh yes stopping but not cummming ,, stiopiong to rest your dick … topping t ALLOW her psuuy to rest so it will feel …feelll …. See dumbass she can get kinda over excited to the point she does not feel your fucking and that is NO FUN so STOP let that pussy calm down and the fuck her harder again …. Experiement dumbass and all the while think about what is happening what are you thinking what is she feeling deep inside , because after she gets over the fucking …. She will act as of she was raped all the while the truth is and was …… “ PLEASE LET ME OPEN MY LEGS … IT HURTS SO BAD ” she has to be that lil’princess all dressed in white
And the whole pants also …… young master if that does not yell FUCK ME than what does ? you dipshit are expected to be her friend then ,, USE her for your Pleasure … but in the friendship world you do not FUCK your friends especially not like I FUCK ( MEANIE MAN ) .. now I am ready 24/7 to fuck yes if I had just cummmm I may need a few minutes till I can go again , but if the girl is hot for me then my dick will respond …. So it is not of your desire that sex is started …. Like in the animal world also … over and over repeat repeat … I need to get to your training the amount of programing you have lived … to get you to DEAL
So even I do get a bit confused about spanking ,,, look pants offf while I was on the phone ….. so after I got off that call I went looking I know there was a pussy wanting to get fucked in my house somewhere and she was laying across the bed …….. and I proceeded to enjoy the frangrence of FEMAKE to smell her body then leading down to her pubic hairs , enjoying the smell of sex …. And then the sounds of lust after my tongue touches her pussy lips , and the gasps of submissions as I stop and then bite increasing the pressure till I get a certain level of moan , bite either the tops of her thighs or her pussy lips areas ….. but I am getting that VOICE the vocalizations … of her NEEDS . I can sense she is feeling empty …
Dipshit , think about that she feels empty ….. she needs to be filled … but instead of taking responsibility for that NAUTTRAL need , because of her “ princess all dressed in WHITE ” training and programing she subconccsiuosly looks for DOMINATION to allow herself to be filled …. This a womoan I have fucked at least 1000 times still needs to be FORCED . and I love to make sure she knows it … so I personellly stradle her closing her legs with my knees and work on the TITS …. Why ,, because whe wants to open up … she wants to expose herself for PENeTRATION
Who and what are you? You the one with a hard on a piece of flesh that becomes hard build to be forced FORCED back and forth in and out of a body in and out of her hole …. You are the FORCER the PENETRATOR …. She wanst to submit to lay ther to RECEIVE … in fact she needs it to the point it is really that she is a takeer … taking SPERM
Now dumbass the sting of a spanking is like the exciting ride on your board ,,, it pumps the boady with hormones and excitement chemicals , making the EVENT more ,, more …. More exciting …. So when I do let her opne for me , to PRESENT her holes for my FILLING …. Well a few good hard ass slaps even a short spanking to remeind her that she was just begging to OPEN ,,, “PLEASE let me open my legs it hurts so bad ”,,, yes dumbass it is a pain of desire for the chick . I guess I am still trying to get a girl to understand she wants to get fucked as much as I want to fuck her .. so why …. Why … why do we have to play this game of submission and domination …
Ahhhhh my hope , that once I have built the compound , and that I expose myself to the world … I date in the manner of saying HELLO I am a POLIGAMIST … that I can explain the reasons why to girls who want to listen and fact is YOUNG MASTER , gilrs to do love to expand their mind to find out the reasons why a male thinks this way or that way . ahhhhh but the girls who understand
And want to live and ALTERNATIVE life that you will offer . OKKKK so the idea that 3 gilrs the subltle sexuall air to the whole family life ,,,, brings the sexual resposnibilbity that will free your mind from the need to be her MAIN friend into what you should be naturally her FUCK yes a friend but mainly the nature of male female realtiosnhips FUCKING ….. because again the idea of forcing my friend to scream ,,, like I do is fucked up to my mind , but I love hearing a woman FEEL to hear her FEEL ,,, and honesltly dipshit the girls FEELS more herself if she is allowed encouraged to scream to express what is happening ,, and what is happening to her I am forceing a enlarged piece of meat in and out of her body IN FACT LOOKING ANGLEING to find those areas of her pussy which give me more noises …..the louder she is the hppier she is ,,, so again A SPANKING WHILE FUCKING , the demand she getss loud the hair pulling to make sure she does not hide her expression of feeling my cock fuck her , hiding that scream in the matress , but expressing it loudly for everyone to hear and be proud of herself getting FUCKED ..
PRIDE IN HERSELF GETTING FUCKED … sound strange young master?how does your gut feel about those words that idea ? young mr.nice guy. So spanking her to get her to be louder ,,, hair pulling to force her head up so she will EXCLAIM proudly …. Then not stopping ….. yep dipshit not stopping fucking and fucking and fucking ….ohhh yes stopping but not cummming ,, stiopiong to rest your dick … topping t ALLOW her psuuy to rest so it will feel …feelll …. See dumbass she can get kinda over excited to the point she does not feel your fucking and that is NO FUN so STOP let that pussy calm down and the fuck her harder again …. Experiement dumbass and all the while think about what is happening what are you thinking what is she feeling deep inside , because after she gets over the fucking …. She will act as of she was raped all the while the truth is and was …… “ PLEASE LET ME OPEN MY LEGS … IT HURTS SO BAD ” she has to be that lil’princess all dressed in white
Monday, October 15, 2007
heels and earings
Heels and Earings
Geggle Geggle ( dam I can’t spell or I can’t use this dam keyboard ) her heels stuck in her earings giggle giggle … young MASTER …. Look around you the world YELLS the truth in it’s actions , I am so glad that people are just themselves … ALL FUCKED UP ! … AND that gives you a chance dipshit to see to look to figure out for your fucking self whether I have anything in my writing or not … just think shitforbrains …. Break down the motives for the cahoices and actions you see , do not look at face value , NOT with a BANDAID mentally but further down , the bandaid covers the cut ,, what did the cut? Why did the person become distracted to allow thenselves to be cut …
All the lil’ fights stresses EXPECTATIONS about actions are little tiny cuts in the fabric of male/female relationships the eventually both parties are like all cut up and damaged dis-ease enters these cuts the tiny worm of negative thoughts.repeated over and over by a [person not understanding the deepest of why’s … the INSTINCTUAL motives behind their own thoughts and the actions of others that genrate their thoughts about their lives ….
Ok , I was watching a good man … do what he thought was right , he was going to protect his family he was going to insure that his defensive position were strong so lions and tigers could not arrive in the center cave and eat his family … he was going to fix up his rental property!
Huh? Fixing the cave protections form lions and tigers …reantls property? Yes dipshit I want you to strip the world around you back wards to the basic …. Animal shit see the world our tools and building as NESTS to birds caves to cavemen ,, territory to harem anaimals …. Rocks for banging clams to sea otters … sticks to monkeys for eating termites …..
This good man had complex decisions to make with the STRESSED limited free time he had ,, he works , 5 days with commute he does 10 to 12 hours a day … he has wife and kids and now grandkids …. His wealth in houses is the protection he developed for his family to protect them form being USED by the world , ( being eaten by the world ) his family does not have to feeeeel the pain like many others do ,,, but in that safe position fo a well stocked cave ,,,, not feeling the stress of danger ,, the female forgets … how that freedome that safety is and was actually gotten and how , it can be lost ! RENTAL PROTETY IS safety and profit … it is a psosotion where the smart male hires other humans to defend and they pay for the privilgde in rent ,,, yet the rental property needs maintence …. When when when
Life is short and full of stuff for you YOUNG MASTER , never is it going to be empty…… when it is over well it will when you are dead ,, not one minute before … so this Master had to choose form so many time slots to when he would fix this wall in his cave defese system … fix the rental unit … do it during a work day ( loss his job ? ) do it during the week of that vacation they have in europe ( loos the money spend on amking his wife happy ? ) do it during the party for the grand baby ( be seen as unfeeling ? )
The master is caught in ricl and a hard place , and the girls in his world they do not u nderstand ,,, yet theses girlw work ,, they make money the act like they are the MEN but look and really count wht they bring in and where it is spent ….. hmmmmmm . and on average on average AGAIN on average …. It is not for the basis items of CAVE and FOOD but towards the BELLS AND WHISTLES .. like the upgrading of a car ,,, a car is 4 wheels and a motor …. But sipshit look at your car …. Clothes are blood stained t-shirts … look at the females closet ( oooooh girls you wanna talk about your males clothes his colgne …. Hmmmmm )
Lets talk common phrase ,, HE CLEANS UP WELL …. He cleans up well …. Why is it that idea is about the male cleaning up to go out ,, to ienteratin his PUSSY so she will be in the mood to fuck , the old every kiss begins with ZAKES buying and begging for a fuck …… go deeper now
Girls wet to fuck they lust for sex , they bleed 10 percent of their life ofr hard dick ……… yet they have been programeed to be innocent little girls … the little princess dressed in white that does not bleed or get fucked , or say OH MY GOD FUCK ME HARDER ! or feels a tingle in a spanking ….. that day after day expectations to be GOOD and we all like being good people smile at us when we are good life is smooth if we are good , it is the TWO year old looking for love from mom and gandmaom …. Being GOOD …. So wanting to get fuckined is not good now in the beginning of the dating process this becomes second to the NEED for sex … but as sex becomes an activity oOK’d by the relationship form ,,, then the lil’girl training comes back ,, and the females needs to be , dominated or , guilty …. If I spend the money she will put out! … she feels guilty , she will now act like her instincts demand of her and rub up against the buck deer ,,, ( harme animal mating activity it atkes lots of twisting your mind and thinking to see it ) the buying a kiss is the GUILT ……
Engaging in BDSM especially agfter losing control with a drink or drug ….. is allowing herself to be herself ….. she is rubbing up agaionst the amle lions saying smell me is am getting gready , bite me …. Bite me my neck ! stimulated my egg production ,,, be mean to me ,,,, make me strongers so that my vigina’s immune system is at a hieghtened state so that it will kill off weak spern and only let the strongest spern to touch the eggg ….. DEEPEST thought dipshit , things happeneing at the NIMALS SUBCONCIUOS mind .. instints …..
The girl does this also ,,, except ! when she thinks more with the mind of her TRAINERS … the society .. the expections of the programings , the TV and friends and family ….. but DUMBASS remember time and time again it is girls who read my shit …. They are victims of repeating old programing without thinking JUST LIKE YOU ! open you thinking and smile at the world for giving you such a great SHOW of insanity
Geggle Geggle ( dam I can’t spell or I can’t use this dam keyboard ) her heels stuck in her earings giggle giggle … young MASTER …. Look around you the world YELLS the truth in it’s actions , I am so glad that people are just themselves … ALL FUCKED UP ! … AND that gives you a chance dipshit to see to look to figure out for your fucking self whether I have anything in my writing or not … just think shitforbrains …. Break down the motives for the cahoices and actions you see , do not look at face value , NOT with a BANDAID mentally but further down , the bandaid covers the cut ,, what did the cut? Why did the person become distracted to allow thenselves to be cut …
All the lil’ fights stresses EXPECTATIONS about actions are little tiny cuts in the fabric of male/female relationships the eventually both parties are like all cut up and damaged dis-ease enters these cuts the tiny worm of negative thoughts.repeated over and over by a [person not understanding the deepest of why’s … the INSTINCTUAL motives behind their own thoughts and the actions of others that genrate their thoughts about their lives ….
Ok , I was watching a good man … do what he thought was right , he was going to protect his family he was going to insure that his defensive position were strong so lions and tigers could not arrive in the center cave and eat his family … he was going to fix up his rental property!
Huh? Fixing the cave protections form lions and tigers …reantls property? Yes dipshit I want you to strip the world around you back wards to the basic …. Animal shit see the world our tools and building as NESTS to birds caves to cavemen ,, territory to harem anaimals …. Rocks for banging clams to sea otters … sticks to monkeys for eating termites …..
This good man had complex decisions to make with the STRESSED limited free time he had ,, he works , 5 days with commute he does 10 to 12 hours a day … he has wife and kids and now grandkids …. His wealth in houses is the protection he developed for his family to protect them form being USED by the world , ( being eaten by the world ) his family does not have to feeeeel the pain like many others do ,,, but in that safe position fo a well stocked cave ,,,, not feeling the stress of danger ,, the female forgets … how that freedome that safety is and was actually gotten and how , it can be lost ! RENTAL PROTETY IS safety and profit … it is a psosotion where the smart male hires other humans to defend and they pay for the privilgde in rent ,,, yet the rental property needs maintence …. When when when
Life is short and full of stuff for you YOUNG MASTER , never is it going to be empty…… when it is over well it will when you are dead ,, not one minute before … so this Master had to choose form so many time slots to when he would fix this wall in his cave defese system … fix the rental unit … do it during a work day ( loss his job ? ) do it during the week of that vacation they have in europe ( loos the money spend on amking his wife happy ? ) do it during the party for the grand baby ( be seen as unfeeling ? )
The master is caught in ricl and a hard place , and the girls in his world they do not u nderstand ,,, yet theses girlw work ,, they make money the act like they are the MEN but look and really count wht they bring in and where it is spent ….. hmmmmmm . and on average on average AGAIN on average …. It is not for the basis items of CAVE and FOOD but towards the BELLS AND WHISTLES .. like the upgrading of a car ,,, a car is 4 wheels and a motor …. But sipshit look at your car …. Clothes are blood stained t-shirts … look at the females closet ( oooooh girls you wanna talk about your males clothes his colgne …. Hmmmmm )
Lets talk common phrase ,, HE CLEANS UP WELL …. He cleans up well …. Why is it that idea is about the male cleaning up to go out ,, to ienteratin his PUSSY so she will be in the mood to fuck , the old every kiss begins with ZAKES buying and begging for a fuck …… go deeper now
Girls wet to fuck they lust for sex , they bleed 10 percent of their life ofr hard dick ……… yet they have been programeed to be innocent little girls … the little princess dressed in white that does not bleed or get fucked , or say OH MY GOD FUCK ME HARDER ! or feels a tingle in a spanking ….. that day after day expectations to be GOOD and we all like being good people smile at us when we are good life is smooth if we are good , it is the TWO year old looking for love from mom and gandmaom …. Being GOOD …. So wanting to get fuckined is not good now in the beginning of the dating process this becomes second to the NEED for sex … but as sex becomes an activity oOK’d by the relationship form ,,, then the lil’girl training comes back ,, and the females needs to be , dominated or , guilty …. If I spend the money she will put out! … she feels guilty , she will now act like her instincts demand of her and rub up against the buck deer ,,, ( harme animal mating activity it atkes lots of twisting your mind and thinking to see it ) the buying a kiss is the GUILT ……
Engaging in BDSM especially agfter losing control with a drink or drug ….. is allowing herself to be herself ….. she is rubbing up agaionst the amle lions saying smell me is am getting gready , bite me …. Bite me my neck ! stimulated my egg production ,,, be mean to me ,,,, make me strongers so that my vigina’s immune system is at a hieghtened state so that it will kill off weak spern and only let the strongest spern to touch the eggg ….. DEEPEST thought dipshit , things happeneing at the NIMALS SUBCONCIUOS mind .. instints …..
The girl does this also ,,, except ! when she thinks more with the mind of her TRAINERS … the society .. the expections of the programings , the TV and friends and family ….. but DUMBASS remember time and time again it is girls who read my shit …. They are victims of repeating old programing without thinking JUST LIKE YOU ! open you thinking and smile at the world for giving you such a great SHOW of insanity
Friday, October 12, 2007
MASTER/ slave hibernation

Master / slave hibernation
Right back in the 1920’s , young master I just heard that on NPR the difference fo rich and poor is like it was in the old days when things started to change and a middle class started to evovle ….. you dipshit by your habits by your sddictions to comofts allowed this ….. real quick on the topic of the title she dumbass may need that hiding time ,, a time to become a person again , yet with the love of the SEXUAL slave staying in her heart after understanding that her master does not want to TAKE as much as RECEIVE her choice of shoosing him …. Choosing you …. I can see it in girls in their teens and I feel it is natural for a girl to search a GOOD DOM a good man , to protect her to think for her in many many ways while she learns to think for herself ,, see she is not designed to … become an adult in a CRUCILBE of life and death like the male like the BRAVE of tribal life , like the male harem animal that neeeds to develop his own teritory ….. no she goes from one form of protections then because of the family the familiarty of scents , the inner drive to NOT inbreeed … she moves out away from the family circle on explorations and there encounters the other males of her own species …. And has the choice to be guided into his territory or not , and to RUN AWAY … if she finds the new male to be abusive ,,, abusive in the animal world since I have no other word to touch your emotional thinking I use abuse to show that in the animal world if a male is not the right male a female does and WILL choose to leave in fact returing to her home ,, yet the drive in her to find new males will cause her to explore the other side of the family territoy to find a new male ,,,,, if the male close to her family territory still do not fullfill her well she will explore the edge of the next territory ,,, yet the percentages compared to what we human do , the changing of girls with males is not where natural to other harem animals , but females in the animal world do have the freedom of choice like humans do … it is not a fixed in stone caged life like we think animals live it is that they are more natural and in being more natural they do not SEEEK some FAIRY TALE . here dumb ass is where the idea of MASTER / slave comes in , it is a fairy tale but susefull like a special diet is to a person who has to lose wieght ,, it shocks the mind Master / slave shoices the choice to allow some one to force you girl ( which in truth is not a force but a choice on the part of the subbie not force all ) helps you break habits … like a special diet can help you realize that you can live without ,,, the prepared foods and junk you have allowed yourself to become addicted ,,, thinking it, the foods are really what humans eat ….. like thinking that feminism is the way humans were meant to live …… think about it giving her time to hide gives her time to HEAL to re learn what is natural and right for her
Now dipshit addiction to life style ,, to technology ,,, deb was consuling talking with this girl about mediatation and stuff , and the topic about night time the time when the noise level the distraction level ends and we all have to live with the thoughts in our head …… and I got to thinking ,,,,
Electric lights are not natural ,,, people think that humans spent the nights from the time that fire was started , they spent their nights talking and partying around camp fires ,,, well dumbass ,that is part and parcel of the fairy tale ,,,, not good science ,, see fire wood is a resource ,,,, needed for hrat and cooking ,,, lite is a play iten great for festivals and sure people love to socialize and have a drink and celebrate the full mooon each month with a little extra artifical light and drink some beer finaaly aged for a month or whatever spirit guide mushroom they use to KNOW GOD ….become 1 with the spirit of the animals and land around them …. But they did not do this daily ,,, no because the fuel , the wires were not full of the DRUG of lite …. The DRUG of becoming lazy and part of the 60 percent over wieght …. The drug of easy way without thinking ,, remember dumbass electric light is less than 100 years old , LESS than 100 years old ,,,, before the 1920’s ,,,, only city centers had electricty …. 99 percent of homes did not have lights …. It is 2007 … less than 100 years ,,, the homes the 99 percent ,, sure had candles ,, but get real ,, radio listening was not the habit or fashion untill the 1940’s …. No elctricty …. There was not TV or video games ,,,, and dipshit have you ever really tried to read by candle light , you hear stories about people learning to read at night by candle light , brave slaves or women who faought against the STUPID controls of humanity that evolved from the MANIPULATION OF Roman religion ( the great mind fuck ) sure very very few did rea by candle lite ,, but most read during the day light ….
You dipshit are designed to sleep when the sun goes down and wake up when the sun comes up ,,,, but today ,, your force your self to live in artifical lights ,,, then you hate to WAKE UP …. Strange , think about it shit for brains ….can you? Could you think about electricty in terms of foods in a diet ? think like a drug addict who has to give up something bad for them … in the long term . but how hard it is to get clean then live once more among their friends who still use with the drug of their love ,, their escape for the rest of their UNATURAL LIFE …. Your animal self is confused and in your confusion you become CONTROLABLE .. SIMPLE WARFARE and polictical science … Divide and Conquer ….and you do it to yourself
My dad would describe humanity to me in terms of the monkeys he used to catch in SUMATRA .. during his world travels …. They would bore a hole in a cocnut fill the coconut with rice and the chain the cocnut to a tree ,,, they would lay aline of rice along and animal path way ,,, know that the monkey would pass that way …. 9 MONKEY dna SPAPIENS dna HOMO spapiens , ever looks at dogs the great Dane and the Tea cup mini poodle , both bark both play with balls both wag their tales 9 … the monkey would taste the rice then in their greed feel the rice in the coconut and fill their hands … but they could not get that FULL hand out of the coconut ….. now they would stay that way till the next day , when he and friends would come and collect the monkeys for the pet trade …. The monkeys would see the danger of large SPAPIENS coming toward them but the stupid monkey would choose the greed of a sweet food ,,, a sweet foood … a not natural to them sweet food … like a drug over reality and life and danger …. Dad would take the chain off the tree and drop the monkey in a cage qucik easy simple late by feeding the monkey rice from a bowl the monkey would finnally let go of the rice in the coconut because it have this bingger bowl of drugs .. free rice ,, remember these monkeys were not straving to death unable to live in the jungle without human help ,,, no mankind just showed up to harvest the BOUNTY of healthy strong wild monkeys ….but out family member the monkey acts a lot like us ? what do you think dumbass ? is the monkey a DUMBASS are you ?
Right back in the 1920’s , young master I just heard that on NPR the difference fo rich and poor is like it was in the old days when things started to change and a middle class started to evovle ….. you dipshit by your habits by your sddictions to comofts allowed this ….. real quick on the topic of the title she dumbass may need that hiding time ,, a time to become a person again , yet with the love of the SEXUAL slave staying in her heart after understanding that her master does not want to TAKE as much as RECEIVE her choice of shoosing him …. Choosing you …. I can see it in girls in their teens and I feel it is natural for a girl to search a GOOD DOM a good man , to protect her to think for her in many many ways while she learns to think for herself ,, see she is not designed to … become an adult in a CRUCILBE of life and death like the male like the BRAVE of tribal life , like the male harem animal that neeeds to develop his own teritory ….. no she goes from one form of protections then because of the family the familiarty of scents , the inner drive to NOT inbreeed … she moves out away from the family circle on explorations and there encounters the other males of her own species …. And has the choice to be guided into his territory or not , and to RUN AWAY … if she finds the new male to be abusive ,,, abusive in the animal world since I have no other word to touch your emotional thinking I use abuse to show that in the animal world if a male is not the right male a female does and WILL choose to leave in fact returing to her home ,, yet the drive in her to find new males will cause her to explore the other side of the family territoy to find a new male ,,,,, if the male close to her family territory still do not fullfill her well she will explore the edge of the next territory ,,, yet the percentages compared to what we human do , the changing of girls with males is not where natural to other harem animals , but females in the animal world do have the freedom of choice like humans do … it is not a fixed in stone caged life like we think animals live it is that they are more natural and in being more natural they do not SEEEK some FAIRY TALE . here dumb ass is where the idea of MASTER / slave comes in , it is a fairy tale but susefull like a special diet is to a person who has to lose wieght ,, it shocks the mind Master / slave shoices the choice to allow some one to force you girl ( which in truth is not a force but a choice on the part of the subbie not force all ) helps you break habits … like a special diet can help you realize that you can live without ,,, the prepared foods and junk you have allowed yourself to become addicted ,,, thinking it, the foods are really what humans eat ….. like thinking that feminism is the way humans were meant to live …… think about it giving her time to hide gives her time to HEAL to re learn what is natural and right for her
Now dipshit addiction to life style ,, to technology ,,, deb was consuling talking with this girl about mediatation and stuff , and the topic about night time the time when the noise level the distraction level ends and we all have to live with the thoughts in our head …… and I got to thinking ,,,,
Electric lights are not natural ,,, people think that humans spent the nights from the time that fire was started , they spent their nights talking and partying around camp fires ,,, well dumbass ,that is part and parcel of the fairy tale ,,,, not good science ,, see fire wood is a resource ,,,, needed for hrat and cooking ,,, lite is a play iten great for festivals and sure people love to socialize and have a drink and celebrate the full mooon each month with a little extra artifical light and drink some beer finaaly aged for a month or whatever spirit guide mushroom they use to KNOW GOD ….become 1 with the spirit of the animals and land around them …. But they did not do this daily ,,, no because the fuel , the wires were not full of the DRUG of lite …. The DRUG of becoming lazy and part of the 60 percent over wieght …. The drug of easy way without thinking ,, remember dumbass electric light is less than 100 years old , LESS than 100 years old ,,,, before the 1920’s ,,,, only city centers had electricty …. 99 percent of homes did not have lights …. It is 2007 … less than 100 years ,,, the homes the 99 percent ,, sure had candles ,, but get real ,, radio listening was not the habit or fashion untill the 1940’s …. No elctricty …. There was not TV or video games ,,,, and dipshit have you ever really tried to read by candle light , you hear stories about people learning to read at night by candle light , brave slaves or women who faought against the STUPID controls of humanity that evolved from the MANIPULATION OF Roman religion ( the great mind fuck ) sure very very few did rea by candle lite ,, but most read during the day light ….
You dipshit are designed to sleep when the sun goes down and wake up when the sun comes up ,,,, but today ,, your force your self to live in artifical lights ,,, then you hate to WAKE UP …. Strange , think about it shit for brains ….can you? Could you think about electricty in terms of foods in a diet ? think like a drug addict who has to give up something bad for them … in the long term . but how hard it is to get clean then live once more among their friends who still use with the drug of their love ,, their escape for the rest of their UNATURAL LIFE …. Your animal self is confused and in your confusion you become CONTROLABLE .. SIMPLE WARFARE and polictical science … Divide and Conquer ….and you do it to yourself
My dad would describe humanity to me in terms of the monkeys he used to catch in SUMATRA .. during his world travels …. They would bore a hole in a cocnut fill the coconut with rice and the chain the cocnut to a tree ,,, they would lay aline of rice along and animal path way ,,, know that the monkey would pass that way …. 9 MONKEY dna SPAPIENS dna HOMO spapiens , ever looks at dogs the great Dane and the Tea cup mini poodle , both bark both play with balls both wag their tales 9 … the monkey would taste the rice then in their greed feel the rice in the coconut and fill their hands … but they could not get that FULL hand out of the coconut ….. now they would stay that way till the next day , when he and friends would come and collect the monkeys for the pet trade …. The monkeys would see the danger of large SPAPIENS coming toward them but the stupid monkey would choose the greed of a sweet food ,,, a sweet foood … a not natural to them sweet food … like a drug over reality and life and danger …. Dad would take the chain off the tree and drop the monkey in a cage qucik easy simple late by feeding the monkey rice from a bowl the monkey would finnally let go of the rice in the coconut because it have this bingger bowl of drugs .. free rice ,, remember these monkeys were not straving to death unable to live in the jungle without human help ,,, no mankind just showed up to harvest the BOUNTY of healthy strong wild monkeys ….but out family member the monkey acts a lot like us ? what do you think dumbass ? is the monkey a DUMBASS are you ?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
keeping the pump
Keeping the pump
Young Master my friend ,,, being alternative is just that not being totally outside of everything but noticably Aatlernative … NOW while you are building this ,, of course during the first period your first flush of committed energy ,,, you willl have no problems … keeping your pump … but later on as life hits you and you may feel the NEED the ADDICTION to spending money to fix problems comes in you dipshit goottta … understand this is part and parcle of being ALTERNATIVE …. To feel the feeling of an addict a junkie ,,, yet the world keeps telling you that … this is what is correct …. But dumbass look around you understand it is a system designed to keep the vast majority of humans in this state of NEVER ARRIVING always striving ,,, always in stress , in the idea of I will be happy when …. This system has been growning in the human world for more than 100 years but it is accute now with the constant input into your computer of ADVERTISING , something created by MIND CONTROL PORFESSIONALS … people who study how to slowly over time develop in the majoirty of the population a NEED for a thing/service /idea ….
Dumb ass being ALTERNATIVE IS NOT getting a tatoo , then smoking dope then drinking the newest advertised beer , and going to that party at the latest club ….. ohhhhh that is the way SHEEP that is the way of the niche age demographic fashion alternative underground … it is only on average somethng that happens during that phase of oeaving the nest …. The time of pushing away from the familiar ,,, like the animals who leave the harem to be caught by a newer male or the male who is slowly pushed out of the territory …. This drive is in you and since you do not understand it you ,,, let yourself ,,, listen to the best advise of your friends ,,,, WE ARE GREAT LEARNING ANIMALS . learning is being FOLLOWER not a leader ,, in most cases you let the advise think for you ,,, not you think for you …. Feel it dipshit think for your self young master ….
But during the time after you understand ,,, and you are out of the loop the temporary ,,,, loneliness can effect your commitments ,,, ond thinkg dumbass is to make sure you put saving in a form that you can not access that you can not dip into …. Us savings bonds ….. they are not something that you mentally feel like you can access at any time , they ae much more distant than an ATM card ….
Next especially you young who like so many , so , very very many of you , still actually live at homw or are very likely of bouncing back into homw ehn things go bad …. That sfety net of being able to live with in the territory for a short while more this ablitly of humanity ,,, well dumba ss use this as a tool ,,, see and understand this is your HUMMER , this is your bait , this is proving your TRUEST proff of being alternative … this land 3 homes , fishing pond , off grid using photovoltaics , and wind and battery ,, and growing basic freedom foods ,,,, buying land within a 45 minute commute of a town you like …. On thing is to have books to study .. next is a thing called a vision board . my picture of the day
This vision board helps you dream about the aspects of the life style you are building ,,,, from 3 different women to the idea that children will be part of your life to the relaxation of fishing , the ease of building an ediible forsest where , fruit and nuts and vegitables grown naturally ,,, now dumbass over and over I am not talking about becoming a fucking hermit or a for profit farmer depending on the land for you income ,,, no , you build the safety of the basics , and then use the wealth of the city for fun ,,, it is WORKING BECAUSE YOU WANT TO NOT BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO …. When you kick you addiction to MO’BETTER … way of dating and realize loads of great girls date really weak lousy guys ,,,, why? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO REAL alternative CHOICE …. That is right dipshit , buy builiding the compound and then being proud of the CHOICE you have made the BRAVE statement of ALTERNATIVENESS .
I mean if you look at my board I have a set of stocks and a girls secured to it with a freshly spanked ass ,, a pic of deb and I with my riding crop , another two girls … and a gif SPANKED BY MASTER … under on of the girls …. It is all about brringing your mind your emotions into alinement with your dreams , POSITEV EXPECATANCY …
But I understand in the short term if your are a single male , you will be thinking urging ,, your brain will be , pushing you ..get pussy get pussy ,, do the RIGHT thing like everyone else ,,,,, hye great do that ! be like everyone else throw the rock into the air ,,,, and it will fall…. It is the very very very very few who will have the guts to be really ALTERNATIVE . now making a new vision board every few weeks should be fun , if you find it becoming not fun , realize the resaon is about money , is it the believablity that you will achieve your desries ? if so , then take some time to daydreams but ,,, but and this is very important is to day dreams with the understanding that ,,, you are allwqoed to dream , to SUSPEND .. responsibility ,, to go out side of that responsible nature you have ,….. if you read this then do this then you may beigin to feel to understand what I mean , as your responsible self is fighting to maintain control .. to drag you back into the world of shoulds ,, THE WORLD OF EVERYONE ELSE … a gentle sublt pull back down into the life of ECONOMIC SLAVERY … build the solid basis then you can really enjoy the things life has to offer ,,, but if you do the RIGHT THING ! the ting advertised and expected get into living in the right way ,,, going to the right schools to get the right hjob to marry the right girl ……
So you can have a 60 percent chance of divorce ,,,, an 80 percent cahnce you will hate you life so much that you can not relax with out the use of beer or wine or drugs ,,,, the 1 in 2 people who have done the right thing who need drugs to survive ,, prescibed drugs be them anti – depressant , anti anxiety , sleeping pills , or other bandaid drugs that mask the symptoms of stress related DISS – EASE …. Iiiih do the right thing … go to the right college start you life , broke and indebt in the form of student loans ,, LEARN TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU WILLL CONTINUE TO LIVE , STIVING NEVER EVER ARRIVING …. Be come the slave to the machine the matrix …. It feeds you you feeed it ! if fucking reminds me of the movie … yet us who choose to unplug get to live in paradise not hiding underground … you get to choose a [paradise ,,, I will be hunting land again this weekend ,,,, this land is mountain view ,,, 45 minutes from two different major cities … recreational mountain trails with in 1 hour ,,,, OXXFEST comes only and hour and half away , and the ocean is a little over 3 hour drive …
It is about keeping your pump up shithead …. Build the basics ….. then understand you will build coolness later ,,, I look out across the INDIAN RIVER LAGOON my fron yard to Nettles Island and look at all the cool homes and then think inside eachof those homes is still a moblie home that the owner customized around it into a realy cool home …. Possibles dipshit ,, what do you want ?
Young Master my friend ,,, being alternative is just that not being totally outside of everything but noticably Aatlernative … NOW while you are building this ,, of course during the first period your first flush of committed energy ,,, you willl have no problems … keeping your pump … but later on as life hits you and you may feel the NEED the ADDICTION to spending money to fix problems comes in you dipshit goottta … understand this is part and parcle of being ALTERNATIVE …. To feel the feeling of an addict a junkie ,,, yet the world keeps telling you that … this is what is correct …. But dumbass look around you understand it is a system designed to keep the vast majority of humans in this state of NEVER ARRIVING always striving ,,, always in stress , in the idea of I will be happy when …. This system has been growning in the human world for more than 100 years but it is accute now with the constant input into your computer of ADVERTISING , something created by MIND CONTROL PORFESSIONALS … people who study how to slowly over time develop in the majoirty of the population a NEED for a thing/service /idea ….
Dumb ass being ALTERNATIVE IS NOT getting a tatoo , then smoking dope then drinking the newest advertised beer , and going to that party at the latest club ….. ohhhhh that is the way SHEEP that is the way of the niche age demographic fashion alternative underground … it is only on average somethng that happens during that phase of oeaving the nest …. The time of pushing away from the familiar ,,, like the animals who leave the harem to be caught by a newer male or the male who is slowly pushed out of the territory …. This drive is in you and since you do not understand it you ,,, let yourself ,,, listen to the best advise of your friends ,,,, WE ARE GREAT LEARNING ANIMALS . learning is being FOLLOWER not a leader ,, in most cases you let the advise think for you ,,, not you think for you …. Feel it dipshit think for your self young master ….
But during the time after you understand ,,, and you are out of the loop the temporary ,,,, loneliness can effect your commitments ,,, ond thinkg dumbass is to make sure you put saving in a form that you can not access that you can not dip into …. Us savings bonds ….. they are not something that you mentally feel like you can access at any time , they ae much more distant than an ATM card ….
Next especially you young who like so many , so , very very many of you , still actually live at homw or are very likely of bouncing back into homw ehn things go bad …. That sfety net of being able to live with in the territory for a short while more this ablitly of humanity ,,, well dumba ss use this as a tool ,,, see and understand this is your HUMMER , this is your bait , this is proving your TRUEST proff of being alternative … this land 3 homes , fishing pond , off grid using photovoltaics , and wind and battery ,, and growing basic freedom foods ,,,, buying land within a 45 minute commute of a town you like …. On thing is to have books to study .. next is a thing called a vision board . my picture of the day
This vision board helps you dream about the aspects of the life style you are building ,,,, from 3 different women to the idea that children will be part of your life to the relaxation of fishing , the ease of building an ediible forsest where , fruit and nuts and vegitables grown naturally ,,, now dumbass over and over I am not talking about becoming a fucking hermit or a for profit farmer depending on the land for you income ,,, no , you build the safety of the basics , and then use the wealth of the city for fun ,,, it is WORKING BECAUSE YOU WANT TO NOT BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO …. When you kick you addiction to MO’BETTER … way of dating and realize loads of great girls date really weak lousy guys ,,,, why? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO REAL alternative CHOICE …. That is right dipshit , buy builiding the compound and then being proud of the CHOICE you have made the BRAVE statement of ALTERNATIVENESS .
I mean if you look at my board I have a set of stocks and a girls secured to it with a freshly spanked ass ,, a pic of deb and I with my riding crop , another two girls … and a gif SPANKED BY MASTER … under on of the girls …. It is all about brringing your mind your emotions into alinement with your dreams , POSITEV EXPECATANCY …
But I understand in the short term if your are a single male , you will be thinking urging ,, your brain will be , pushing you ..get pussy get pussy ,, do the RIGHT thing like everyone else ,,,,, hye great do that ! be like everyone else throw the rock into the air ,,,, and it will fall…. It is the very very very very few who will have the guts to be really ALTERNATIVE . now making a new vision board every few weeks should be fun , if you find it becoming not fun , realize the resaon is about money , is it the believablity that you will achieve your desries ? if so , then take some time to daydreams but ,,, but and this is very important is to day dreams with the understanding that ,,, you are allwqoed to dream , to SUSPEND .. responsibility ,, to go out side of that responsible nature you have ,….. if you read this then do this then you may beigin to feel to understand what I mean , as your responsible self is fighting to maintain control .. to drag you back into the world of shoulds ,, THE WORLD OF EVERYONE ELSE … a gentle sublt pull back down into the life of ECONOMIC SLAVERY … build the solid basis then you can really enjoy the things life has to offer ,,, but if you do the RIGHT THING ! the ting advertised and expected get into living in the right way ,,, going to the right schools to get the right hjob to marry the right girl ……
So you can have a 60 percent chance of divorce ,,,, an 80 percent cahnce you will hate you life so much that you can not relax with out the use of beer or wine or drugs ,,,, the 1 in 2 people who have done the right thing who need drugs to survive ,, prescibed drugs be them anti – depressant , anti anxiety , sleeping pills , or other bandaid drugs that mask the symptoms of stress related DISS – EASE …. Iiiih do the right thing … go to the right college start you life , broke and indebt in the form of student loans ,, LEARN TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU WILLL CONTINUE TO LIVE , STIVING NEVER EVER ARRIVING …. Be come the slave to the machine the matrix …. It feeds you you feeed it ! if fucking reminds me of the movie … yet us who choose to unplug get to live in paradise not hiding underground … you get to choose a [paradise ,,, I will be hunting land again this weekend ,,,, this land is mountain view ,,, 45 minutes from two different major cities … recreational mountain trails with in 1 hour ,,,, OXXFEST comes only and hour and half away , and the ocean is a little over 3 hour drive …
It is about keeping your pump up shithead …. Build the basics ….. then understand you will build coolness later ,,, I look out across the INDIAN RIVER LAGOON my fron yard to Nettles Island and look at all the cool homes and then think inside eachof those homes is still a moblie home that the owner customized around it into a realy cool home …. Possibles dipshit ,, what do you want ?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
No stop , fuck me harder
No stop , fuck me harder
Young Master, the idea the training of being her best friend is what confuses both of you and could lead to epxectations about sex , that will destroy the anturalneess of submission ,,,, her own deepest TRUEST desire is torel;ax and open herself to the experience of being fucked ,,, now of course if you get a girl who does not understand herself ,,,,, if she is still CLINGING to the fairy tale in confusion , well she will not be the one for you ,,, but in reality she does not ,,, it is only after and before ggod hard strong sex that she ,,,, lets herself belieeve the LIE of souls mate and fairy tale tender . love ,,, when she is nude exposed , and being pentrated ,,, REMEMBER submitting to pentration ,,, your cock is hardd to enbale you to FORCE your cock back and forth in and out …… it is in her realization that SUBMISSION is what she reaaly craves ,,, and then with thte friendly support of the other girls who have like her come to their own inner peace their own truest awarenes of who and what it really means to be a FEMALE …. Then she will and does enjoy sex ,,, while all the while she is being force ,,, it is in reality PARADOX ,,,,, the girl you love and want to care for you feed from her screams …..
Screams that one minute are saying no no no ,,,, OHH MY GOD NO ,,, then change like magic in the same breath to no no don’t stop … fuck me fuck me ..FUCK ME MASTER PHIL …..
The idea of paradox , is the bsic truth of illusions …. Of dependable phyical reality … inside a TOA of infinte possiblity ,, to think that almost every culture has this theme as the spirituality of their ancestors ,,, for example Shinto of Japan who believe that everything is alive in a way ,, all is energy ….. for 1000’s of years that idea has always been there for all peoples who felt their connection to the experience the illusions ,,,, so to IS THE EXPERIENCE OF SUBMISSION … just and illusion since it is she that desires , that beggs for more all the while screaming in what may sound to you ( good man caring man loving protective man ,,, disphit ) to you it sounds like pain ,,, we males can not understand WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE EXPERIENCING ,,,, but the key will be when she returns to you , maybe at first she wants to slap you and say how mean you are ,,,,,, next she smiles gigggles , feels guilty about likeing it,,,
Guilty about liking what is NATURAL. Anture of a female one who is designed to submit to trust a amale of her choice….. IF YOU ARE NOT DRAWN INTO BEING HER BEST FRIEND YOU CAN MAINTAIN THE POSITION of being what you really are her male ,,,, her protector her lover , that is friendship …..
Young Master, the idea the training of being her best friend is what confuses both of you and could lead to epxectations about sex , that will destroy the anturalneess of submission ,,,, her own deepest TRUEST desire is torel;ax and open herself to the experience of being fucked ,,, now of course if you get a girl who does not understand herself ,,,,, if she is still CLINGING to the fairy tale in confusion , well she will not be the one for you ,,, but in reality she does not ,,, it is only after and before ggod hard strong sex that she ,,,, lets herself belieeve the LIE of souls mate and fairy tale tender . love ,,, when she is nude exposed , and being pentrated ,,, REMEMBER submitting to pentration ,,, your cock is hardd to enbale you to FORCE your cock back and forth in and out …… it is in her realization that SUBMISSION is what she reaaly craves ,,, and then with thte friendly support of the other girls who have like her come to their own inner peace their own truest awarenes of who and what it really means to be a FEMALE …. Then she will and does enjoy sex ,,, while all the while she is being force ,,, it is in reality PARADOX ,,,,, the girl you love and want to care for you feed from her screams …..
Screams that one minute are saying no no no ,,,, OHH MY GOD NO ,,, then change like magic in the same breath to no no don’t stop … fuck me fuck me ..FUCK ME MASTER PHIL …..
The idea of paradox , is the bsic truth of illusions …. Of dependable phyical reality … inside a TOA of infinte possiblity ,, to think that almost every culture has this theme as the spirituality of their ancestors ,,, for example Shinto of Japan who believe that everything is alive in a way ,, all is energy ….. for 1000’s of years that idea has always been there for all peoples who felt their connection to the experience the illusions ,,,, so to IS THE EXPERIENCE OF SUBMISSION … just and illusion since it is she that desires , that beggs for more all the while screaming in what may sound to you ( good man caring man loving protective man ,,, disphit ) to you it sounds like pain ,,, we males can not understand WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE EXPERIENCING ,,,, but the key will be when she returns to you , maybe at first she wants to slap you and say how mean you are ,,,,,, next she smiles gigggles , feels guilty about likeing it,,,
Guilty about liking what is NATURAL. Anture of a female one who is designed to submit to trust a amale of her choice….. IF YOU ARE NOT DRAWN INTO BEING HER BEST FRIEND YOU CAN MAINTAIN THE POSITION of being what you really are her male ,,,, her protector her lover , that is friendship …..
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
hidden behind a skirt
Hidden behind a skirt
Young master ,,,, in old time really when compared to 3.3 million years it was not a long time a go ,,, but to us human we who have been trained to have a smaller on average attention that a 5 year old , we live in the expectation that complex issues can be explained in the 30 seconds of a TV commericial …… weel for that person you ,,, a long time a go in a place called psarta it was common , ( not just in sparta ) that after a male child reached the age of weaning it lost its Milk teeth the baby teeth …the male child would move into the world of men ,,, and in that world the child would eventually bee trained and,,, nad ,,, and more importantly tested ,,, with out the compassion the tears the …. OHHH NY BABY ! SCREAMS OF THE WOMEN FOLK ,,, TESTED BY THEMSELVES ACTUALLY FOR A GOOD MAN does test himself in comparision to himself , being that it is our instinct to be more a loner animale ,,, where the female is a group animal and conmpares herself in terms of others in the group ,,,, hence the growth of greed , COVETTING the position and pssessions of others in the gorup …. But the boy becoming aman had to pass test of manhood!
With out being able to hid behind a SKIRT ….. be protected by mommy , in whatever form ,,,, any girl girl protecting enableing ,,, a male becomes in a way a mommy ,,, and the inner man some day will resent himself and take out his choice to hide … on the helper the female who SAVED him! It is a subtle self destructive pattern that many many many males in todays world get trapped in and since you dipshit do not really think about yourself your life in instinctual terms you do not see this dymanic in yourself ,,,,, you listen to more women you go on learning more ane more bullshit ,,,,, sfeeding only 1 part of the 3 p[arts which make up animals , like us ,, mind boy and spirit … you feed the mind more knowledge , maybe from Proffessional like therapists , who put band-aids on your life issues helping you , proetecting thru ,, accute life issues of DRUGS/alcohol self poisining and job carreer issues , without though really understanding that you the male animal , needed this………
You needed to be treated like you were eveovled to be treated ,,, like the lion , or male deer , the young maturing elephant , or gorilla ….. as he started sexually mature he was driven out of the family circel slowly pushed to toward the edge of the territory eventually dad growed and said leave …… go become a man!~….. the BRAVE ( why did that word become the english translate for the indain word for a GOOD MAN …. He was sent out of the territory ,, somewhere ,, where mom , sisters lovers , aunts and grandmoms could not help him ,,, he was expected to live … YES live , and more … he was expected to come back a year later bringing gifts of arts he made during those long hours alone in the lean too houseing he created , he was exted to bring back bone and antler tools ,,, dryed foods and meats and berries …. Skins …. Thing to show he was aman who could take care of himself and a family ….. or he was expected to be amale who if allowed to be PROTECTED , to be hidden by the skirts of his tribe , well that male , forced to live alone would get sick … he would get illl , unable to live alone eh would ,, be culled out by NATURAL FORCES … and the women of the tribe would MORN him ,, when theyear came and went without the son nephew grandbaby boy did not come back ……
Disphti , I remember living on the streets for a while , hanging , and LESSON one ,,, was to learn how to say BELIAVABLEY to any woman ,,, I LOVE YOU …. For any trained male in our wilderness of humanity knows ,,, say that and the girls will take you in her home ,, she will feed you take care of you ,, SEE IN YOU POTENTIALS … and give you $$$ so you can hang out playing pool drinking a beer instead of building a life ,,,
Dipshit think about your lfie ,,, do you let a woman with a little money capture you , do you stop being motivated in reality when this girl helps you , when she becomes your biggest …customer ,,, it seeems like it is work but dumbass ,,, having only 1 client to depend on is …. Being not male it is depenadancy …. Like a baby to a tit … now the street is hard, but it will make you or break you ,,, it is the choice of the BRAVE to become the man…. Or hide behind a skirt ..
Now dipshit if yo9u are smart you during your yuouth grown the savings needed to buy land put down the first tent , in CCORD with your own budget not based on becominmg trapped by loans ,,, not based on buying [pretty things or styles to compare yourself thru the eyes of the female who you are trying to impress or who is trying to help you DOTHE RIGHT THING …. No dumbasss it you who has to do what is right for you ,,, but our training is in direct conflict with our natures …. And it has been repeated over and over that the best advise is just that BEST … yet you look AT THE EVIDENCE TRAIL all around you ….
And then you choose dipshit … what lessons can you dipshit extract from thinking about your animal nature the ways of the ancient man …. So you buy based on your own money and ideas ….. you do like the BRAVE , but within the world of having everyone IMPROTATN TO you thinking for you ,,,,IF YOU ARE LUCKY m and can explain these INSTINCTUAL concepts to those who are important ot you …. They willl become quit and if you talk about your dreams with them they will LOVE you enough to insure that you do not ,,,, hide behind a skirt act just to make her happy …… if I build my life just in terms of her ,,,, it will all be destroyed why?
Because I am not feeling my own dreams ,,, following my own path because I do things with her in mind instead of trusting that . it is my instinct to build what is right … she will not be building somethng for her self ,,, because it is a man’s job to tdo a man’s job ,, IT IS HER JOB . to choose that man at the end or not ….. TO CHOOSE or not … to choose or not , it is in here that the child care issues and trap need to be explored more ,,, for ifff she chooses you during that intiall attraction phase ….. that horniness phase and SHE ALLOWS herself to create life , ( remember you a re loaded each and every fuck .. babys are her choice ) is she cooses then re chooses , later after the fact of baby ,,, is it your FAULT ….. you showed her your lie time commitment your life style , the compound the homes , the way you work and take care of things , you have food treees etc . etc . to show you are FREE …. You work because you love work not only because of NEED because you are a SLAVE to the banks and credit card companies or even MUCH WORSE , to the addictive medical for PROFIT insdustry ………..
If she leaves you and you are still being the same BRAVE , providing like you did in day 1 ,,, in fact hpefully in the system where you are not repsonsible to her ills or dreams for her $$$$ ,,, you provide her the basis for safety , you supply MALSOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS …. For her safety …. But money ,,, you dumbass can keep your money for making you land even better …..if that is what is reality then if she leaves ,,, why should you be respinsuible for CHILD CARE ,,, you have chold care here in the world you created ,,, it was her greed that is why she is leaving not that you YOUNG MASTER have not done your thing ,,,, in the POLY she has a resposniblity to herself to create happiness within the family …. She needs to SEDUCE YOU …. The fact of sublte competitions , if she does not and finds herself feeling alone , without attention ,, is she really trying any more to seduce you like she really did in the beginning ,,, sublties of life dipshit …. Seduciton is in the forms of many things …. Go back to tWISTED INSTINCT… why be trapped by built to be forced like an ecomoinc slave , when you have the truest form of stablity in your compound , housing power and food …. Again , examples mobile houseing a park here in jesne opened up in 1938 ,,,, and home there from the 50 & 60’s the exteriors redone over and over , the insides rebuilt …. Lived thru 3 cat 3 hurrincanes still are being living in ….. solar power , carbon cylce wood burning heating …. Wind power and personel understanding of power usage …. And FOOD ,,, just think about the RICE DIET ,, from DUKE unvierstiy ,,,, it will REVERSE diabeties and heart dis-ease …. And much more chronic ills , and what is it ,,,, FRUIT ! ….. trees are real easy to grown amd acres can grow tree after treee …. Secerutiy ! ,,., mental fucking secruty , for you for the girls …. Think about it study it
Young master ,,,, in old time really when compared to 3.3 million years it was not a long time a go ,,, but to us human we who have been trained to have a smaller on average attention that a 5 year old , we live in the expectation that complex issues can be explained in the 30 seconds of a TV commericial …… weel for that person you ,,, a long time a go in a place called psarta it was common , ( not just in sparta ) that after a male child reached the age of weaning it lost its Milk teeth the baby teeth …the male child would move into the world of men ,,, and in that world the child would eventually bee trained and,,, nad ,,, and more importantly tested ,,, with out the compassion the tears the …. OHHH NY BABY ! SCREAMS OF THE WOMEN FOLK ,,, TESTED BY THEMSELVES ACTUALLY FOR A GOOD MAN does test himself in comparision to himself , being that it is our instinct to be more a loner animale ,,, where the female is a group animal and conmpares herself in terms of others in the group ,,,, hence the growth of greed , COVETTING the position and pssessions of others in the gorup …. But the boy becoming aman had to pass test of manhood!
With out being able to hid behind a SKIRT ….. be protected by mommy , in whatever form ,,,, any girl girl protecting enableing ,,, a male becomes in a way a mommy ,,, and the inner man some day will resent himself and take out his choice to hide … on the helper the female who SAVED him! It is a subtle self destructive pattern that many many many males in todays world get trapped in and since you dipshit do not really think about yourself your life in instinctual terms you do not see this dymanic in yourself ,,,,, you listen to more women you go on learning more ane more bullshit ,,,,, sfeeding only 1 part of the 3 p[arts which make up animals , like us ,, mind boy and spirit … you feed the mind more knowledge , maybe from Proffessional like therapists , who put band-aids on your life issues helping you , proetecting thru ,, accute life issues of DRUGS/alcohol self poisining and job carreer issues , without though really understanding that you the male animal , needed this………
You needed to be treated like you were eveovled to be treated ,,, like the lion , or male deer , the young maturing elephant , or gorilla ….. as he started sexually mature he was driven out of the family circel slowly pushed to toward the edge of the territory eventually dad growed and said leave …… go become a man!~….. the BRAVE ( why did that word become the english translate for the indain word for a GOOD MAN …. He was sent out of the territory ,, somewhere ,, where mom , sisters lovers , aunts and grandmoms could not help him ,,, he was expected to live … YES live , and more … he was expected to come back a year later bringing gifts of arts he made during those long hours alone in the lean too houseing he created , he was exted to bring back bone and antler tools ,,, dryed foods and meats and berries …. Skins …. Thing to show he was aman who could take care of himself and a family ….. or he was expected to be amale who if allowed to be PROTECTED , to be hidden by the skirts of his tribe , well that male , forced to live alone would get sick … he would get illl , unable to live alone eh would ,, be culled out by NATURAL FORCES … and the women of the tribe would MORN him ,, when theyear came and went without the son nephew grandbaby boy did not come back ……
Disphti , I remember living on the streets for a while , hanging , and LESSON one ,,, was to learn how to say BELIAVABLEY to any woman ,,, I LOVE YOU …. For any trained male in our wilderness of humanity knows ,,, say that and the girls will take you in her home ,, she will feed you take care of you ,, SEE IN YOU POTENTIALS … and give you $$$ so you can hang out playing pool drinking a beer instead of building a life ,,,
Dipshit think about your lfie ,,, do you let a woman with a little money capture you , do you stop being motivated in reality when this girl helps you , when she becomes your biggest …customer ,,, it seeems like it is work but dumbass ,,, having only 1 client to depend on is …. Being not male it is depenadancy …. Like a baby to a tit … now the street is hard, but it will make you or break you ,,, it is the choice of the BRAVE to become the man…. Or hide behind a skirt ..
Now dipshit if yo9u are smart you during your yuouth grown the savings needed to buy land put down the first tent , in CCORD with your own budget not based on becominmg trapped by loans ,,, not based on buying [pretty things or styles to compare yourself thru the eyes of the female who you are trying to impress or who is trying to help you DOTHE RIGHT THING …. No dumbasss it you who has to do what is right for you ,,, but our training is in direct conflict with our natures …. And it has been repeated over and over that the best advise is just that BEST … yet you look AT THE EVIDENCE TRAIL all around you ….
And then you choose dipshit … what lessons can you dipshit extract from thinking about your animal nature the ways of the ancient man …. So you buy based on your own money and ideas ….. you do like the BRAVE , but within the world of having everyone IMPROTATN TO you thinking for you ,,,,IF YOU ARE LUCKY m and can explain these INSTINCTUAL concepts to those who are important ot you …. They willl become quit and if you talk about your dreams with them they will LOVE you enough to insure that you do not ,,,, hide behind a skirt act just to make her happy …… if I build my life just in terms of her ,,,, it will all be destroyed why?
Because I am not feeling my own dreams ,,, following my own path because I do things with her in mind instead of trusting that . it is my instinct to build what is right … she will not be building somethng for her self ,,, because it is a man’s job to tdo a man’s job ,, IT IS HER JOB . to choose that man at the end or not ….. TO CHOOSE or not … to choose or not , it is in here that the child care issues and trap need to be explored more ,,, for ifff she chooses you during that intiall attraction phase ….. that horniness phase and SHE ALLOWS herself to create life , ( remember you a re loaded each and every fuck .. babys are her choice ) is she cooses then re chooses , later after the fact of baby ,,, is it your FAULT ….. you showed her your lie time commitment your life style , the compound the homes , the way you work and take care of things , you have food treees etc . etc . to show you are FREE …. You work because you love work not only because of NEED because you are a SLAVE to the banks and credit card companies or even MUCH WORSE , to the addictive medical for PROFIT insdustry ………..
If she leaves you and you are still being the same BRAVE , providing like you did in day 1 ,,, in fact hpefully in the system where you are not repsonsible to her ills or dreams for her $$$$ ,,, you provide her the basis for safety , you supply MALSOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS …. For her safety …. But money ,,, you dumbass can keep your money for making you land even better …..if that is what is reality then if she leaves ,,, why should you be respinsuible for CHILD CARE ,,, you have chold care here in the world you created ,,, it was her greed that is why she is leaving not that you YOUNG MASTER have not done your thing ,,,, in the POLY she has a resposniblity to herself to create happiness within the family …. She needs to SEDUCE YOU …. The fact of sublte competitions , if she does not and finds herself feeling alone , without attention ,, is she really trying any more to seduce you like she really did in the beginning ,,, sublties of life dipshit …. Seduciton is in the forms of many things …. Go back to tWISTED INSTINCT… why be trapped by built to be forced like an ecomoinc slave , when you have the truest form of stablity in your compound , housing power and food …. Again , examples mobile houseing a park here in jesne opened up in 1938 ,,,, and home there from the 50 & 60’s the exteriors redone over and over , the insides rebuilt …. Lived thru 3 cat 3 hurrincanes still are being living in ….. solar power , carbon cylce wood burning heating …. Wind power and personel understanding of power usage …. And FOOD ,,, just think about the RICE DIET ,, from DUKE unvierstiy ,,,, it will REVERSE diabeties and heart dis-ease …. And much more chronic ills , and what is it ,,,, FRUIT ! ….. trees are real easy to grown amd acres can grow tree after treee …. Secerutiy ! ,,., mental fucking secruty , for you for the girls …. Think about it study it
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