Tuesday, September 23, 2008

this wealth

How TO BEST USE THIS WEALTH OF INFORMATION IN SISTER WIVES , http://sisterwives.yuku.com/topic/1949 young master ,,,, for me it is feelings like have been doing the WAX ON WAX OFF stage of training for like 4 years been personeall dealing with topics I have read on their site … SOCIAL ACCPETANCE ,, and for me deeper personale reprogramming of relationship expectations .
So using this site I will left luck and fate guide my writing … pick one an d if there is a prticle in that post that generates feeling I will explore htat ,, WANTED ..to clariffy the WANTO OF IT THAT TOPIC .
BECAUSE it seems the info at www.instinctualism.org … already blueprints aspects about much of the topics raised .
I am concerned about the female mind …… and here I I saw …. Female mind . You can teel this is my not my writing well be cause there are few few …… ,,,,,, and mizspeeeeled wordz
Although there are already several posts pertainng to the problem of those 'pretending' to be seeking sisterwives or established poly-families to join, I wanted to reiterate: "Everyone should be 100% CERTAIN that he or she is truly ready to attempt the poly-lifestyle". well young master if you produce the 3 tents and a camle lifestlye before actively dating your statement of knowing your wants is very fewclearly stated .. It is then very much in the arena of the women to not be LIARS TO themselves ….Women, if you are pretending or pretending is a very nice way of saying lieing to ones self.to agree to help your husband find a second wife, then you are asking for at least twice the amount of pain & heartache that you would experience if you just told him NO at the outset. Why put yourself, & ultimately, your husband, through such anxiety (what if this woman is the one he wants? what will I do, then?!). PLUS, you are also condemning a well-meaning, sincere single woman to betrayal, emotional hurt - and possibly financial hurt (if she quit a job, used her savings, whatever, to join her new family). If YOU wouldn't want to be deceived in such a way, then DO NOT deceive others. Men, please be absolutely certain YOU are desiring the poly lifestyle for the right reasons, too. Do NOT insist on your wife agreeing to seeking a sisterwife. And most of you know exactly what I mean: a husband can sometimes just suggest something, and the wife will take it as a command! The slightest nuance, even the most innocent, can cause your wife to think that there would be consequences for her if she doesn't give in to your wishes. consequences …is felt because she or he is living based on the should ‘s of society …. Like I have said humanity is on average very nice we do like seeing the smiles of others we realy do like to please each other except after we experince the sublteness of the confusion of our twisted instinctual nautre http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html Antony, of course, said it best: "Do not force your wife." The same for the wives: "Do not force your husband". Most of all, Do Not Force Yourself!!! For those here who are honest with themselves and, if married, with their spouses, my very best wishes for you in your searching For those who are here out of fear and/or insecurities, please search within yourselves very carefully, be very certain of what you are doing - & read the Brutal Truths Forum ok sounds like a good idea …. Learning about the trees you maybe encountering that you may cast your fishing lures into while in the learning stages of this lifes lye. But again .. The level of commitment I am suggesting of you young master the whole lifestlye etc shows already lots of thinking on your part lots of study ,,, but know thy eneney know the competition ,,know about shit … - before you place your 'ad'. And for those of you who are here just for fun, please go play somewhere else! We have serious business to conduct!!
My my own OCNCERN is about the hidden to herself motivations of my current partner ..the voice her her …body languauge … and expressed stress ,,states of discomfort ,, and what comes out of her mouth …
Now the truth about LOVE and the relationship many men and woemn first FORM , is that so often ,the realtionship ,,is that of the SEXUALF RUSTRATION motivation model that is the basis of the 1 on 1 system ,,, often times the man is the …ISLAND of security for the chick ,,, we are young master that KNIGH ON A WHILTE SHORSE . That she opens her legs up to in reward for our bravery and PROVIDING for her already prior to each of us meeting each other ,, we often times are her rescuer ….
From this posoition I worry about the ablity of the wome n to make dsicisions about their futurres , since there is this level of dependance …. Whether it is SUBBIE SEXUAL ONE OR $$$ and the blending the mylti complex dynaincs is what is realy true . …. THE DEEP ISSUE OF HER SUBBIE SELF IS real SHE IS THE PENTRATED http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html this is a truth ,, that you can not realy understand because we are the active hard cock PENTRATORS ,,,, we are the Gorilla ….. We do not depend on her . But provid ethe stableity that attracts the female …..
So in having built or already strted atleast the building of the compound bfore dating the ….fate au complete .. Thingie ,,, well the dynaimcs are very different than starting after the fact ,,even though when I meant this girlfriend I was already well into my study ctively land searching etc ….. I choose from HONOR to enter a 1 on 1 with ,,, based on the D/s lifestye modesl which actually did not work becaue of the compounding subltedyamincs of puttins so much of my ???? Needs upon 1 person 1 female I actually became sublty manipulated by the relationsship , I became again the beggar … because of my HONOR to the I love you statement , I m ade …. And the effects of manipulation infected the realtionship .
The support that is available the keepin g od realtionship demands INSTINCTUAL … see I can not be her best friend I am her FUCK and I am her male to be brutal about it ..love me for what I am .. No the fairy tale you want the fairy tale of a 7 years old girl ….. Or poetics of pain http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
Now the whole topic of sister wives ..for me is so VERY HOPEFULL after years of writing and having to deal with the people coming back responding so negatively yet at the same time ,,people who respond to me on average start asking how alternative aspects of FIXING their BROKEN 1 on 1’s …. and I have to rep[aet over and over that the ! On ! Is so unantural to our species that it forms such deep sublte TWISITING or that INSTINCTUAL nature as to bring on the effects of cohersion and control manipulations …. And thus the problems you all encounter in you 1 on 1 ‘s ,,,, is self eviddnet … in this little list of EFFECTS of manipulation . http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
The whol idea of of siter wives …NOT ….FISRT WIFE and others …. The hierarchicl the grred of EVE … but sister wives .. Like I explored using the book the RED TENT in my own book TWISTED INSTINCT …ahhh to cash and start building ,,, well that will come when it comes when my VIBRATION is up to sped wit that which I want , the manifestation will come in an easy , natural way ..to STRESS about the aspect of lack , is to continue resisitance ,, ia m living exactly what I am living as the GRATEFUL student doing his training of WAX ON WAX OFF …… sisterwives …. Hope …real hope that there are women out there brave enough to hide behind sudo names and web personalitys to even talk about being NON GREedy ….. Gives me hope after 4 long years of writing alone.

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