Dhis par of TITS
Young master if she was tease toching ans playing feeling the sensitivity of her own tits ,,, see how fast she getts out of LEVEL 22 of the emotional guidance scale and get to level 7 , 6 , or , 5 and if you are there wither her she moves right on up into ..POSTIVE EXPECATATION …. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html level 22 is a level of feeling 22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness DESPAIR of the mind ,,, and the what happens when she is touching her body , well then she is INSTINCTUAL …. It is no longer the confusion of her MIND but the rality of the BIO_MACHINE she is using for time space expeerience….
Before I go any furuther I better do some legal shit …. If you are feeling suicidal ..go get help form the FOR PROFIT HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY like is stated on the bottom of the instinctualism web site .. DISCLAIMER: Information offered on this website is based on decades of research and practical experience. However, we are not trained professionals in any health, environmental, or other field. We therefore do not offer the contents of this website as advice or recommendation for any specific practice; nor will we be responsible for the consequences of the application of any information or ideas presented on this site.
A messaenger of a past Genenration Richard Bach the writer of some great lil’ books one being ILLUSIONS … go in legal trouble when some chihck OFFED herself so she could reach the next level of RE-incarnation … the words of ABRAHAM flowing thru the enteratiner ESTER HICKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74OvS7SBZsk about how ownderful the TRANSITION back into TOA is is very inviting and some one may ,,IGNORE the emotioanl guidance of ther BIO-machine ….and off themselves that would be a bummer …for remember YOU CHOOSE TO COME HERE … this is an adventure and part of the adventure is REALIZING some shit ,,, having to think for yourself ,, and be creative … being the HERO of the sotry …. But back to the legal shit ,,, if you are so confused so ,,,feeling CONTROLED by all the shoulds and have to’s to the point you do not KNOW WHAT TO DO , the legal structure of this country states I must encourage to again stop thinking for yourself and seek A FOR PROTIFT HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY PROFFESIONAL ,,,, I make a big deal about for profit because even non-profit LEGAL health care services are usssually built on the PROFIT system in sublte ways.
The bio-machine does not want to die…… it is programed a t the DNA level to live ,,, and to fuck to make babies ..to care for those babys in a loving supportive family …. And the DAN eveidence of your body designe the THICKNESS of you cock , the acorn on a shaft ,,, gorilla like designed for use in aharem family , to her pussy with the hidden clit under a hood … stimulated by this thicker cock going in and OUT … the chimp pussy swlls up to GROSS sizes ,,she does not feel the epentration of the PENCIL dick designed to depsosit sperm but getts her jollys from the pounding of her SWOLLEN pussy lips …YOUR DNA ,,, YOU BIO-MACHINE ,, fears death ,,, GOOD and ntural …. Means you are some where around # 9 on the emotional scale win terms of the body … but the spirit the you who came here expecitng some level of self control … now you have been PROGRAMED ,,, with EXPECATIONS of others ,, parents , gran parents ,, the school system etc etc …. yuoo have been trained to ingonore the EMOTIONAL guidance of you HOLISITIC SELF …. The combo of mind body spsirit …. And you maybe at level 22 … way down in HOPELESSNESS …
And form here well ANGER and BLAME feel great you FEEL >>>> RELIEF … as you experience so fleeting level of self control return …. Using the outside strenght maybe of the owrds of your favorite song or artist ,,, you get to tell the world to FUCK OFF ! Ahhh the moving up the EMOTIONAL SCALE is all about realizing those tiny sensations of feeling RELIEF the pressure and confusion , leaving you …
Now … mastrubation … of the bio-machine brings it on very quickly this feeling of relief,, so do DRUGS …. ( the tool of the for profit health care industry THEIR CRUTHC coupled with talk ) …ohh yes eslf medicating escapism ,,, smoking dope and drinking beer etc … that does it to … all of the above will be only TEMPS fixes , till you get realizing your won self worht , which takes times … see you are in the flow of the MOMMENTUM of time space , there is not MAGIC … to make it all better right now . LIKE THER ISN IN THE tao ITSLEF … COOL . You came her for time..to experience events UNFOLD … so here you get to experience the changes of your emotions lsowly , relishing the RELEIF … enjoying it ..
And the power of anger .. Like the listening to of Combichrist may give you or for me KORN ..gives me .. Or STAIN’d …. all give you a voice to the feelings that you have been taught to IGNORE , incorrectly ,,, taught to be good so that mom and dad ..could struggle like good ecomoninc SLAVES … in peace …when they got home , they were so over worked tyring to make $$$ they did not have ANYTHING left to give to you ….
So …. Whileyou are still in your 17. Anger 18. Revenge 19. Hatred/Rage 20. Jealousy 21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness 22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness
Become aware ot the effects of the CONFUSE AND CONQUER ,,, of the economic system .. The stress oif buying your self worth when in fact our most natural clothes are ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html and that LOVE real LOVE ,,, you have lots of , you can love more than one friend ,,more than one child … http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html …. And this is more important than all the shit you were going to buy with money so that you could look fashinalabe in fornt of your friends …
Go ahead and stop for now resisiting the COMPLEXITY UPON COMPLEXTIY you are being confronted with ,,,, a enjoy the STEP by STEP unfolding of TIME/SPACE … it atkes time ,,,, the ball is already rolling . Changing your focus ….. Feeling little stages of relief and SELF EMPOwERMENT …. And then FOCUSING REMEMBERING ..these little ..personel indidiuvual in your own head ,,, having to do with no one else but you and the THOUGHTS you! Have choosen ,,, you do the CHOOSING …. Rmember ing ,,these lil’tiney better feelings , when the blls rools you back uip and pushies you back down into …. # 22 …. And again choosing to move up … back up into anger once more ….
NOW ANGER is so powerful for the enegery you have there can be used to ,,form new plans ,those plans will be constantly changing ,,being added to as the UNFOLDING of the evnts of your plans happen.
But with each new event each new timey ou must think or make a choice ,, like ,, should I have a drink of water or Vodka ? Eat some fruit or a big mac …. Ignore the insanity of the owrld and study a flower or some flying birds , or become in grossed in the pain and hopelessness once more ….. EACH NEW event is your FREE CHOICE … if you find yourself and you will , you will you willl …. I will say it again YOU WILLL ,,, if you feel a SHOULD ,, I SHOULD DO THIS … OR YOU FEEL A HAVE TO . I have to do this , you are actiing not form YOUR own felings about the choice but based on the GOOD ideas of others , ( and very possibley they are good ideas , YET they are not yours … so you sense a HAVE TO or should ) ..just get to feeling this . Just because you are YET . YET …YET .. To create your won opisite free to choice as that of the SHOULD does not mean just go act STUPID dipshit ,,,no … there is value in shoulds because you can make them your won FREE CHOICE but there are not your won free choice if when it comes time to choose and you use the word ….. I SHOULD ….. Take some fucking baby steps … experience the unfolding of time/space , steps by step …. You came here for this complex adventure ,, maybe no one told you about the VAST oppurutunities you acutally have and FREEDOMS , but now you are becoming aware of them ,,, you are not reading this crap for no reason ….
Stop feeling bad feel better …… so you say you can’t? ………. bullshit … go back to the first paragraph and do that and feel better naturally , cry get some fucking releif …. Then amek a simple plan … and enjoy the unfolding
Ok young amster you will find out that YOU are NOT a TALK ….therapist ,,, nope you can not listen to the fucking constant whining of people saying the same old shit over and over never growing just letting hemselves stay in their own created hell…. You lead them to water one more free choice and they coose to stay in levels 22 , 21 , 20 etc , ….. so SOLLY … ain’t your problems young master move on … they in reality need another teacher ..not you . You did your job ,, you said hey ..ther is some water go drink …. But they are like mosquitoes .. Wanting to suck you blood ,, what do you do when it is mosquitoe time?
Well you go inside … or you create some form of protection between you and them …… if a person is like a peskey mosquitoes wnating you to FEED them off your happiness and energy …. And you ae bothered by that mosquitoess …. Shoe the mosquitoe away ….
Thursday, September 4, 2008
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