Sunday, September 7, 2008

double chococlate ice cream

Double chocolate ice cream
And over again , it will take many times for you to get some ideas FREE of the pollution of your up-bringing your programming ,,, of our culture , it swas forced upon you like it was feed to your parents ,,, to the point no one thought any differently … and when other ideas come in for you to FREELY CHOOSE FROM , the whole life liberty and the pursuit of happiness thing your free choice to choose from ,,,, you are still dirtied up in your mind with all of the TRUTH you were trained in . truths stemsing from the best of population controlers ,,, the SLAVE master race the conquererr culture of ROME who agin learned a nd copied Greece who learned and copied form those cultures before them going on back to PHAROH .
But in a TAO that is UNTHINKABLE ,,, unble to be GRAVEN or described in images , or statues or words … something un-impossible … it is unthinkable that there could be a… A … that was not created … al we think about what is CREATION . But if you had been brought up like some many PEACEFUL natural DNA urge based cultures which have lived throughout history on every land mass … you may get the idea of INSTINSCTUALISM … a lot more easly ….
Eternal … is way beyong the ablitly for a FINITE brain to think about … you do not have enough MEMEORY STORAGE to hold all that is or was or eer will be in a THING of limited voloume , mind you your brain holds vast amounts of data so much more than your computer ever could … for you have total sensory memory still it is limited to just only 1 perception …. Take 10 people describing and accident scene and you get 10 different descriptions ….
To complete something well would mean an END ,,,, to arrive at the state of perfecet … YOU WANT THAT PERFECT BODY …. OR PERFECT LIFE …. OR PERFCT WHAT EER … would mean ending … stop game over nothing more to enjoy ,,, see you were trained to think that you were here to return to GOD ,,that you were created FLAWED and BAD … and hd to prove yourself worthy of the love of GOD ,,,, AHHH great tool of a POLICITACL machine who wants to translate that urge … into service or slavery for the government which was thruu out history tied subtly with the church which controlled contact with the god … you were trained to want to return to …
Your DNA your TAO ,,knew of itself as , itself and since your brain a simple PROGRAMABLE tool was and is just that programmable ,,,, you get lost and confused by the shit trained into it ,,, still today . And the you the REAL you is wondering WHY do I feel so DISCONNECTED … it is because you were trained to think of yourself as OUTSIDE OF THE TOA , which is in and of everything always … never ever can you be disconnected because even from the conceptual position fo disconnection WHERE WOULD YOU BE other than in still just another infitie section of the whole 1 ….. The whoe 1 ,,, so unthinkable to to be a collections of in-fin -nite …. I’s … confusing ,,? UNTHINKABLE ? Yes ,,and that is why this time/space event is so much fun , this illusion of sepration …. Where you can accept the NIGHT MAREISH DREAM OF BEING SEPERATED FROM YOURSELF AND GOD ( GREAT TOOL WORD ..GOD ) but if you learn about something new ,,, yuou are now in a position fo contrast once more ,, FREE CHOICE comes back into the inifite picture ,,, LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS free choice .
You 1 little I …. in a NOW that is a physics of energy … that is PERCIEVED … just an illsion of the tool sof peception depending on the form used for experience …. A dog can hear INVISIBLE un-HEARBALE sounds to use …. The bacteria eats foods that are un seeable to us in fact it itself is ,,, UN FEELABLE ,,it for centuries caused illness ( the ticket out of the confsion the way a prey animal could finnaly GET CAUGHT and return to TAO … reworking your fear of the death event .) the bacteria was thought to e EVIL SPIRITS … only because we could not see it …
Matter itself whether is is a vibrational atom or an oritable atom has very little to do with your day to day life and the … use you have of the illsuoin of matter is a gift … a GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING .. In every now … you experience .
The idea of that feeling thought YOUR EMOTIONS about the ….. Matter …. it TASTE good that makes you feel happy ,,, no it does not make you feel happy other wise we would all be happy with double choclate cake and ice cream ….. Whn in fact some like vanilla and some strawberry ice cream and the taste of chocolate offends them ….. It is not the matter or than thing out side of you that MAKES YOU FEEL … it is you who feels about the event ,,, and that is fine ,,thses feelings are TAO commucation expressions of the I …. the you … the 1 … in a whole of I-in - I …. and from that DATA of emotion of FEELING of vibration , for what is a FEELING what is an emeotion …. Well in can be reflected in changes in you HORMONES … but first comes the FREEDOM of the cooser or observer ,,,the one who likes chocolate as compared to peach flavored ice cream .
You a DNA animal if you had been brought up to never being trained about the idea of seperation from the nature of the ALL you are in ,,if you were brought up with CALENDARS and time pieces … and have to’s … would be using the DATA of your INSTINCTS … much more … the 6 million years of information compressed data stored for the use of our bio-chemical computer sytem , since every cell of your body is able to rpudcue and commucicate with PEPTIDES … you are a total brain system with a mosre comples core in the brain … and this all has stored data in it the same data formed from 6,000,000 years of WINNERS those who got to FUCK …. And from fucking comes the JOY of babies . And you who at one time were a joy , yet became a STRESS event also to the SLAVE confused parental unit … mom ….
The harem evidence is overwhelming , if you look our tide of the words of those who lifve behind the walls of books in their IVORY TOWER as it had been described over and over genenration after generation of radical thinkers stating OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES .. Dumbass … feel your FREE choice to like chocolate as compared to vanilla … all I am doing is helping you to see the freedoms you have . To help you become oaware of OBERVED data about us ,,, and think about it ,, taste it for your self. Then let the …. You ,,, the I … who FEELS ,, what is a feeling ,,, it is not something concrete it is not a cup , or a rock or a pen or a computer key board …. It is NOT the resulting highs and lows of CHEMICAL HORMAINAL DRUGS that re=inforce the events into the memory of the bio-machine , thru pleasant chemical HIGHS … we then called love the feelings the choices came first , and that comes not from the ILLUSISON OF ..thing but form the OUTSIDE of thing .. The UNREAL … THE UNTHINKABLE … tao .

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