Just to make nice
Palcating … just to make it seem you are realy inot what you are really not inot ,, doing it becaue of a Have to … NOT A REAL WANT TO , DONE after the feact …NOW THERE ARE OTHER WAYS THAT A PERSON MAY SHOW THEIR LOVE … I MAY NOT SAY I LOVE deb BUT MY GOING OUT IN THE MORNING TO SEARCH OUT TH perfect FLOWER NOT JUS THE FIRST FLOWER BUT WITH INTENT AND DESING to find my expression of how I feel about hving her in my life that is …. My WAY of shoing which may not commicate like ahri touching … I wonder if the woman to woam aspect here … if the other woman shows her affection in a way the other is not READING as affection
We are a threesome and I have a question I would like to ask you sisterwives... Wife one is comfortable with me being brought into the family, she has no problems with sexual intimacy, either with or without her, but there is still a huge void as far as basic affection goes - it is still early days as far as her and I are concerned, he and I have had over a year to grow whereas her and I only 5 / 6 months and it is developing beautifully, but... I long to hold and be held, not just in a sexual sense. I NEED warmth as we sit on the sofa, I want to feel his hand in mine as we walk out in public. He knows my feelings but is reluctant to push, he is the most patient understanding man I have ever known, to the point of being so laid back he is near horizontal. First wives, how do you cope with seeing the man you love develop real affection (not just lust) for another? Second wives, how do you cope with the huge void and loneliness as you wait for complete acceptance? Should I push my affection more to her? Sometimes I feel I give so much affection to her and even though I know we are bonding sometimes the physical is not reciprocated as I long for (example - I will stroke her hair for hours, I enjoy it, she enjoys it, but I ache for her to reach and touch mine for a change). If I speak up am I then left with the feeling that she does it just to placate rather than it being a spontaneous action? Being the third person I feel I am often on the edge of the nest, I wonder how long it takes before real comfort with the situation/relationship settles. Any stories of experiences would be appreciated.
The proof of your tour of duty young master ,,,, your proof of deep study about the aspects of your past and future life as a HAREM animal human ….. Shows LOVE …. It commutates .
I have and expectation of commication from my current partnere the ACTION LANGUAGE I want and what I see dispalyed are non=congruous …. But yet I know at certain levels in certain DISPLAYS she is doing the best she can to display her love for me ,, aceeptance for me ,, and her commitment to to at least ry ,,to taste the waters in my future ….. We have talked that in the here and now of hving only 1 HOME HOUSE … that I feel it does not resepct her as a human female to demand her to share her SAFE space with another girl . So …. I must cash out to develop the3 tents 3 single family homes http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html now you .. Young master not starting form a position like mine of being a single 24/7 reciviing no child support ( dead beat dads ? 80% of males court ordered to pay child support do , only 40% of female so ordered do who is the dead beat ? ) and I pay 50 percent of my after tax income out to the familys of my other 2 ex’s wives … I am not able to build … NOW ,, my wealth is still tyed up in http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html when freed up ,,, this stressful period for us both will then MORPH ..into a realitiy of …SISTERWIVES … searching living experiencing ..contrasting ,, learning the wanted and unwanted ,t hur living reality and contrsts. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ……. Ok this was written in two
Part two the AM writing after a good nights sleep and my run ….. Last nihgt I got into adisscusion with an ECONOMICS student ….. And my GF got involved also , interesting , about the truth about my GF ohh she is into ,,, me … into ceratin aspects of of me , but not HOESTLY AT ALL underrstanding of SELd exploring the aspects of ……CONERSION AND CONTROL ,,, the sublte effects of the 1 on 1 fairytale and the effects of the I LOVE YOU SLAVE STATEMENT and the broken people and familys we all know …. And what does this have to do ..with ECONOMICs as taught discussed in our universities ….
DIVERSEITY …………. Gives better foundations …………a complex ecosystem especially with the nderstanding of specialization beneifits , yet the understanding that the benefit of the one is acutaaly to the beifit of the all …… THAT MOIVIE A BEAUTIFUL MIND ….. HIS nobel prize ( based on real events ) was all based on PUSSY
Relationship dervistiy , ,, when the MODELS of diverse relationship forms are around to the viewing then the activity of the 5 steps is better for a p[erson can better judge some …some ..some of the visible UNWANTED of each relationship form ,,, 1 on 1 fairyt tale …. Gay / Lez …. A sexual ….. BDSM sub themes on the 1 on 1 …. And of course extreme examples of the effects of manipulations cohercion and control …. ABUSE http://www.instinctualism.org/sexual_abuse.html ……..
Having also present for choice the ecominc model of … mutli specialized career paths where ( a free choice not a HAVE TO of an instinctualist lifestyle …nothing in http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is a HAVE TO or a recommendation but a model from where you can ..gain DATA to engage in your own personell thinking … free choice the core of RESPOND with ability ,,responsibility …. And underlying glue of LEGAL systems http://www.instinctualism.org/relationship_contract.html )
Now I can never force you or anyone to SELF explore ,, to use a POINT OF VIEW to explain the UNEXPALINABLE events of your life ….. You can take horses to water over and over as a teacher but you can not force them to drink … and as a teacher the effort of continuing to bring a horse to water theEFFORT you as a teacher young master expend costs you in so many ways , becaue it is the truest of human natures
THE INSTINCT OF HUMANITY , to seek the showing of teeth from each other …..SMILES . Doing things that produce the COOO=ing sonds from a baby it is programmed into our DNA …to find out why the baby is Crying and attempt to lead the baby to the nipple if the baby does not drink ,, if there is some FLAW in the DNA of the child and it does not LATCH ON INSTINCTUALLY TO THE NIPPLE it will die ,,,,
That BIO - Machine was malformed … maybe due to stress enutero during pregnancy .. Times of dis-ese AND THUS THE BABY’S machine was malformed because the PROSPECTS for the baby were limited in the EYS of the instinctual wisdom of the DNA of the mommy … and the baby was given a body which would aloow for a fast RASNSITON back inot the TAO ,…. If allowed to live naturaly , but the ecomony which needs slaves to feed it ,,,the economy a life form beyond our descritpion of LIFE ….. The thought form … does not respect the diversafaction of complex eco system …. But is not that just like any life form …THE ACTIONS OF THE ONE benift the whole …. I should watch the movie a beautlyful mind again …. The economy is a 1 . The finding ways to maintain GROWTH …. Benifts the whoel actually for in time the DINAOsaur dies and compost is released .
Relationship diversity and ecomincs fredom diversity of provide the models the HARDER DATAT , still since not lived by you young master will still eventually be lifestyles fullied with contrasts and further Op’s FOR
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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