Neem a Toad
Well young master I am sure that my blogs have been much less entertaining for a bit now ,,, I am not talking about pussy ,,,, well I a personally need to tend to my own ROSE garden , my own emotional guidance scale , my own experience of BLISS ….. Flow your bliss , flow your passion ,, flow that tug DOWN STREAM … that thought which pulls you out of bed to excitedly become involved in your day …..OR are you still waking with dread for it is just another day ,,,, in a world full of PROBLEMS hopeless … is that what you wake and go to sleep to ,,, NOTHING EVER REALY CHANGES ?
Well the only real change you will ever make will be the change to your own personel world ,,, and that change when compounded with the changes to otheres who see what you have done and AGREE with it ,, AGREE that some of the aspects of your changes make sense ,,,then like compounding interst on a good investment …there is growth and the world changes ..but to get caught in the CONFSUION of the whole the in-fi-nite … taking on that much responsibility is not ,,,, you a SINGLE 1 perspective to feel responsible for .
You nneed to tend your own garden …. Of life experiences
And your garden like nature … is a complex ecosystem ,,,, you resemeble the ECO system around you until you plant new ideas in your dirt …. New speices ,,, new plants with designs of INPROVING the soil the potential of your time/space life ,,, for remember you are kinds stuck in the flow of the riverLET the stream the current you are in right now …INTERIA …. Remember what you learned about that in school and use that learning , LEARN TO USE WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED … it is suprizing how much the microcosim and MACROCOSIM are alike …
So you are currently part of an eco system that has been DEPLETED by the slave hood of economy , the people around you are HOLLOW shells of humanity … their energy vitality drained dry used us they thru BEER .. A liquid that gives NOTHING REALY TO THE SPIRIT OR BODY except excape , in fact causing a FLOOD OF PISS to further wash away and depelet nutrients . mental and psychical , the beer brings nothing with it ,,,
You are like the SANDY SOIL of my yard … here on the hill in Jensen beach over looking the water . This soil once was the soil that GREW the WORLD LARGEST CROPS of pineapple we were the pineapple capital of the world they said , for a few short years …. In the 1800’s then the balance of nature destroyed the potential of the furuther depeletion of the soil ,,, the spirit of the ecosystem the , being of this AREA of land …. And what came in was ,,, NEMATODES ….. Little critters … one of 200,000 different worms species on the plant … like micro scpoic fishing wornms …. These MOST IMPORTANT RELEASERS …. Of bio-matter became out of balance as we used we humans used this land out of balance . The micro biology got all fucked up. the micro biology of this potential is important to the end results.
The PREVALENT nematode species in now a type that ..lives best in DISTURBED soil it is the FIRST HARBANGER of death .. For when dis-RUPTION happens , and plants die the first first nematode to statrt the RELEASE process of the SHELL of the TAO traveler who was using the plant for the time/space adventure of being plant …. As that plant is in its DEATH or transitioning , the LIFE SPIRIT leaving going back into the UN-THINKABLE …. The materials it used for the experience of time space must be released back so that others can use it ..for their own growth … and the first … nematode is designed to help in theis DEATH process .f or plants themselves are very strong they do not die easy ..
Yet some times it is TIME TO DIE … scary young master I know …. For you have forgotten who you are so you fear the change bak into the LARGER FOCUS OF YOUR SELF ….. You never left the TAO , you only used this opportunity to forget the TAO ….. But maybe ,,, you want now to REMEMBER IT ? ….. You can TERRA FORM your own life ,,,, like you are the desgner of your own FOREST ….. Planter of your own ROSE garden … of the potential of your own eco system … but to realize the current stae of your soil …is it full of … nematodes that eat the roots of baby plants as the try to sprout and live in the barren sands of your mind and the ecosystem surrounding you these lil’ nematodes crawl inot you …. Killing off every new SEED … ahh the reason I say TELL NO ONE what you are doing in the Tour of duty Bolg … it will give a chance for a new ecosytem to become established , once established the NEW MICRO BIOLOGY … will be strong enough to keep the healty balance of nature going …. Seee , the over abundance of 1 nemeatodes is bad but there should be other nematodes to eat this nematode … as it gets bigg and kills off the roots of a disturbed plant ,,,, the hlping of the plant back into the TAO ,,, atleast a plant in a ecologicaly balance ecosystem , as the nemotode finishes its job other nemetodes come to eat it and release the life back to Tao and the nutrienst get further processed freed for use bya bay plant whose can now grow because of the deaoth of the ..nematode that eatsl LIVING ROOTS ….
EATING THE living roots of a disturbed plant is good….. For the dsiruption of the plan signalled for ti TIME TO GO BACK home to the toa …. And return into another EXPERINCE later . I know you gotta have the CONFIDENCE to not fear death so the idea of re-incarnation or life after death is mportatn in certain mental aspects other wise you are so scared you do nothing and you are FERTILE ground for the controlers who willuse that fear of death to entrap you into their ECONOMYS of GOD ….
So if you are in an UNANTURAL ecosystem your soil is DELETED like the parent soil around you ,,, sure the state of NOW looks hopeless to change ,, but you can for , with the lil efferot to plant certain SEEDS certain ideas certain methods of feeding your SOILS you mind your body ,,, you the EARTH the micro cosim and macroscism …. You a human DEPENDANT on a BIO-=MACHINE which is made up of organinc compounds and supports currently MILLIONS of bactiearl life forms that life and co-exisit indie you and out side of you that make the operation of your body ,,,, POSSILBE …. Kill off all the bacteia from you body and you will die .
I am woking my soil I am learning and LAILING at GROWNING FOOD sfg STYLE … IN ONE PLOT .. WHILE ANTOHER plot the plants grow lush and healthy …. And in the plot 1 the one I started with …. That I place over the barren sands … well the bad nemeatode 9 WHICH is actuall a good nemeatode when in balance ) well it entered my soil killing every thing slowly …. The other plot under the old oak tree where the soil was full of NATURE … an complete ecosystme lived ,, a harmony …. That supports the growth of ideas ,,,,,
Dreams ….. Goals …. The blue print held in DNA or a seed which is DNA. Which is you too .
( by planitng corectly understanding the ,,, WORM OF TH MIND as described in ancient TAOIST MEDICINE …. By realizing certain plants that already live in the sand give off PRECURSER chemicals of protection ….. So that other plants that live near them can have chance to grow ,, the increased bio activity , enhancing the wellbeing of the whole commutity …….. The world changes 1 plant at a time …
THINK FOR YOURSELF … do not depend on me to fill in all the blanks.
Monday, September 15, 2008
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