Poking Smot
I am not alking about poking some foreign chick named Smot with your cock ….. No I am talking about your own admission that life has not LUSTER , with the TOXIC effects of drug to wipe away the constant drain of the SOCIAL …SHOULDS ….. Smoking pot ,,,, is illegal here in this nation , in fact it is FROWNEDupon in most nations but is often tolerated ofr p[ersonel use only …study this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis#Canada aand if smking dope is that important then fucking get the guts to move ….instead of endangering some one lese with legal ..problems because of your choices ,,,you DO NOT have the right to choose for some one else who by their own choices choose years ago to not longer smoke dope …… you do not have the right to advertise yourself with you tatoos and bummer stickers which are fucking RED LIGHTS to an active drug enforcing cop …. Who did ..did ..bust you ,,, just doing his job ( he himself I betcha once made the free choice tried it it didn’t like it ,,so it is no judgement about the chmeical or your reasons for use it is ABOUT laws …)
You have not earned the right …. See if it were your house if you had the CASH … or if you were the one who was paying all of your own bills my friedn then I see things differently but if you are smoking dope , and unable to take care of YOURSELF YET …. You do not have the right you are of age you are over 18 ,,,, out you go .. On the street for this is not the first bust in your life I remember ….. And you lied and lied and lied telling everyone you were clean …. You have not earned the right to have your won property confiscated by the government … but you say NO ONE GETS BUSTED why is he worried ,,well dips hit you got busted again … so do not give any one that bullshit line …
DRUG LAWS …. Are all about the confuse and conquer ,,it is mankinds confused attempt …plus the addition of the ALCOHOL international industry ..to insure It is the only source of ESCAPE ,,,, the church for example shut down the evil SPIRIT trade in the early 1900’s in the US only to have people realy get interested in smoking GRASS because welll HEMP was everywhere because it was grown for rope …….. And now a TWISTED HUMAN WORLD needed it’s ANTI DEPRESSANT HIGH it’s fix ….. AND THERE Was no beer .. WHEN alaocohol became legal the sublte push to ILLEGALIZE POT funded DESCREETLY by familys like the SEAGRAMS … by 1937 an herb once used for centuries for pain relief etc etc etc ,,became the EVIL DRUG …. The GATEWAY drug ,,,which is WRONG THE GATE way drug is the legal advertised one of BEER , which leads then to ..the trails of others … see we the whole culture is based on the idea of social SLAVERY keep you confused and barely functioning then feed you a drug to ease your pain ,,, like beer … advertised with sub.C. craftyness so that is becomes a social norm …. or use the OPIUM OF THE MASSES religon and Christianity ….
But both like you say only mask ,,, you admit it it yourself you are sm=oking because life has not FALVOR it is OK but kinda boring ….
You have NO passion ,,,nothing is realy getting you up and out of bed to live ….. You have not found your passion and once you find a passion the want for beer or dope will become at most a socializing drug . Of minimizing INHIBITIONS so you can finnaly dance in public and for many amny girls so they can OPEN THEIR LEGS AND GET FUCKED LIKE THEY WANT TO BE FUCKED …
Young master I want you to try this ,,, I want you to go to bed and ask of the larger TAO side of your UNTHINKABLE SELF ….. Ask it to give you a blatant hint about some thing that will be your passion … now a life passion can often change in a life ,, it ould last months years or decades then something else will come along and be that LOVE which will drive you … driven to the point nothing or no one could stop you … in fact you will work for free just to be involved in that activity …… and once there once you r foucs is on thePASSION not the money ,, your foucs no longer on the lack …. You will start to realize the in FLUX of cash beyond your NOTICING ,, because you focus will still be on that passion you love … life will have LUSTER and you will not be wanting to get YOUR HEAD on before going to school or work or whatever ….
Understanding the use of ILLEGALITY to create a hidden scared slave social class , to keep the balance of GOOD AND EVIL keep the whole industry of attorneys and jail and cops in bussiness … to keep a population scared and controlled is the reality of caramelizing some that for 6,000,000 was just a weed that grew in the ground that when cooked with or burned got mankind high ,,and if that human used it regualry ,,it would become EASY PREY because it was to stupid and stoned to notice the lion or tiger hunting it … natural selction . Used by the farme d for centuries … for rope and if he smiked it too often he became to fucking lazy ,,, did not tend to his home his crops …. And in time he became weak and hunger becaue of his own laziness and getting high to much and he died along with tose who depended on him . Unlesss those who depened on him were free to leave not BOUND into slavery of the 1 on 1 creation of the church …. But free to be the harem family and free to leave like a harem wife can ,,, again understand the nature of the harem http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html the samrt free female searched the boundry of the STONED silver back males territory for a better male….
Aks to TRIP over your passion every night when you sleep ,, and who knows maybe later the next day or or the next week you will trip over a bundle of hay an in that hay you thinky you see the form of a ..VOODOO DOLL and so you take out some hay and tie a voodoo doll and a PASSION is born ? It could be something that UNTHINKABLE …. But until then you have NO RIGHT to endanger the peace and economic stability of another …with your actions which are a crime in this country ,,,, change the laws of this country ,,, or move to another country which is more tolerant … spain Portugal Holland even Canada ,,, atleast there you can get a perscrition for it as a sleeep aid and appetitie enhancer …
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
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