Wednesday, September 3, 2008

combichrist and a solar rave

CombiChrist and a solar rave
A solar rave ,,, I look forward to a solar rave … WHAT DRAGS YOU ONWARD , what themes or ideas keep coming back into your awarenss and y you say ,, someday someday I will do that ,,well being off GRID ,,being GREEN ,,,, I started my fisrt studies of this theme especially as how it pertains to my sport of fishing from back in the days of 7th fucking grade … when I built my first house from breaking the ground to putting in the last nail just for the joy of being with guys who knew their shit I got to enjoy working everya spect of contrusrtuion of my own home , plus I saved cashh … and during the design of that home ,,, I wanted to go off grid ,,, researched thru ,, connection from the magazine MOTHER EARTH NEWS it may have gone commerical but alt least it still survives they sold out to keep alive and keep the theme out there in front of the masses ..instead of resisiting and idieing the went with the flow and became EXAMPLES … WITNESS of the truth … alternative lifestlyes can be GREAT
NOW THIS CHICK WHO COMES BY AND SIGNS MY SHIRTS EVERY FESTIVAL WE MEEAT AT turned me onto saying it seems like this is the only up coming show worht going to until the BUZZ bake sale first weekened of dec…. again bummer no family values tour this year and I am and are really about family shit …. SEX IS PAR TOF FAMILY in fact without SEX there aitn no fucking and no fucking afamily …. So sexuality of humanity is the MOST important family value….. But back to me wanting a SOLAR POWERED RAVE …. She said they were industrial , and it was just few weeks agao when I went and bouth some Glow sitcks …. SO WE COULD TEACH Deb’s 5 years old to RAVE ,,the beauty and art of the lights moving the dance the freedom , the BEAT of good TECHNOP even fucking bad techno , non fashionable Aquaris I still dig the sounds of them fuck the fashion ,,it works to get me into the groove and the lil’ one dug ,,anything that talked about BAARBIE , she may not have understood the under lying theme of the lyrics but in her lil’ 5 year old mind she was dancing with pretty lights to BARBIES song like Barbie does ….
Ok a solar powered rave ,,,, where as ,,,, during the full mooon the sounds of a simple drum beat and the smell fo SAGE …. Is most cool the community enjoying the increased light of night afforded by the full moon to REPEATING of historical magicall mankinds wonder about HIS TIME/SPACE life and what the fuck is all this shit around us like MOONS ….. To the darkest of nights mmm just built for RAVE and glow sticks and KIDS anad the liberation of stilfed adults to act like children once more and DANCE with light sticksw ,w njoying the flow and sounds with out a DRUG yet still high , on family and freiendhsip and nature and the UNATUARL …. Yes economy .. A gift ot technology ,,, like solar cells to power my speakers that touch the earth ,,the speakers touching the EARTh in a few minutes the BUMP begins to resonate thru the ground giving a much much fuller sound ass if the whole world is DANCIng with me ….
Now COMBI CRIST may be to MILLATANT … in some ways but the music is good and they do have that … STEP 1 anger in them ,,, understand that the power of anger is COOL feel it use .to create and to plan ,,then MOVE ON ….. Realize the symptom of our favorite pump ,,, good hard angery rock , use this power this beat to pull you forward into that which you want . Move upwards into the POSSIBLES , …do not jus tstay in the ANGER DANCE ..but the pump … the hyponosis of rymth ….cool and to have this available ,,in a compound next to your wons lake ,,near the bonfire pit …. In the privacy of your own land … where there are no leashes no wires from the POWER PLANT touching your land ,,, the power stored in a battery the same sound system TECHNOLOGY you understand for your car well you use that to create home entertainment systems ,,, you KNOW 12 VOLTS systems already young master ,,,, now realizse that you can buy washing machines that run off 12 volt ,,, refrig and freesers ,,, pull on a coverter and you got your big scren up and running the microwave , etc etc etc ….. all stored enery in batteries ,,wioth alilttle experience ,,, the trial and erro ,, the FALLING of your skateboard ….. The casting your fishing lure into a treee learn each time how much time you got to rave and how many batterys you have to have filled to powere your sounds for the moon less NIGHTS OF LIGHTS AND DANCE and smiling active children hot and horny mommys …. And you the happy silver back ogirlla daddy ….. Alternative free choice ,,,, out side of the madness of the expression of combie christ …. Your free choice 1 more free choice to choose from in this world full fo choices …

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