Thursday, September 18, 2008

the lil' chick who phoned

The lil’ chick who phoned
Well it was a NON event but the contrast it created is of course important telling you young master about you … and your perpceptions , your own judgements ..the tainting of the REAL events and of course the real events . As every girl who contacts online knows I am not activitly …. Trying to meet up hook up with them …. Not until I complete my HONOR STATEMENT.
The 3 homes …. The 3 separate homes is a statement of MALENESS , it is that territory of the silver back gorilla but in current human form … the INSTINCTUAL JOB the satisfaction of doing our job , of having people smile at you young master because of a job well done ,,, is the under rrent THAT IS the reason we do our arts or jobs ..the whole pride thing is based on CREATION of smiles the underlying motivation of economy well your own part is the creation of smiles for some one …but back to the honor of 3 separate homes …
Without having or being well under way at that activity of building the 3 homes , I am just a PLAYER AGAIN ,,, ohhhh all good and fun ,,, the 3 some , great sex play , but the subtle dymanics of JEALUSLY will be born there … in havein the 3 equal dwellings ,,, each female knows her RESECTED POSITION your male commitment to long term FAMILY goals …… you are more … more .. Quiet in mind and spirit young master ,, you did your job and how the girls NEGOTIATE .,.. Create their own political state with in the territory and stability of your creation is very little part of your doing that is their world ….
Good man good youg master ,,, you feel that urge within you to off your ablitly to be a PROVIDOR ,,, your current models for showing this are PROGRAMEED into by the media and the ecomonomy of DATING ,, which wants to keep you a slave working then DRAINING your cash off everyw eekeend as you SHOW OFF your abiltly to PREFORM A MANS JOB … you know you like to SEE HER SMILE by ,,,BUYING HER STUFF by buying dinner and psending money on her ,,, it creates THNAKYOUS and just simple honest smiles , and it does lead up to good SEX …
But the sex is an expression of DNA needs of HORMONES ,, it is complexity of our bio-machiencal nature … the thing we call LOVE the fairy tale love feelings the HIGHS OF THE ….HORMONE FLOOD … that is a creation of the SEXUAL frustration of dating manip[ulation … of clothes covering our nature. ….. Last night my 2 year boy was over for his visit with this stranger who happens to be his BIOLOGICAL DAD …he has a man in his life who is his REAL FATHER … I am a stranger …. But during those few hours here and there I get to enjoy the changes of my 4th child … well going POTTY is still a learning event …. And well running around the house with no clothes on is his instinct … no shame yet programmed in ,, sure he will return to the bed room after attemptiong the big peoples potty once more ,,,, I can play fully catch him and bring him back to get some pull ups put on …. But the interesting thing is his lack of concern for being COVERED up …. He is MR. I DON’T KNOW … living naturally his adventure ….
The 3 homes …… is o much a part of what I need to do first before I get involved with any other girls because welll , just because ,,, it is so deeply felt by me as to be UNEXPLAINABLE …. Like the Tao itself is unexplainable , the idea of not just having CASUAL 3 some sex … has not HUNGER in it for me ,,,, I have a great sex life ,,, a woman who enjoys my PENETRATIONS …. The natural feeling of being connected to me of feeling me inside of her ,,, of my THROBBING COCK … pulsing in side of her body …. And me to enjoy her COVERING OF ME … me hiding my salami in her pussy of ass as depending on the way things go ..or mouth … it is just natural CONNECTIVENESS . Between male and female ,,,, and leads to a flood of senstaion for eachof us Called orgasims … great fun .
3 three homes ,,, just shells , for their interior desgns is not my concern …. That is to be the expresion of each girl the interior and exterior expression of themselves …
Now the common home the DAY home the family home ….. There I have I fore much more and exspresion of my self and my concerns ,, and of course my office / dungeon / my home …. That is my expresion of me… but the common home as seen on the 16 x 40 day home down closer to the POND …. I gott post a floor plan some day … but figure it to be mainly 3 rooms … a 16 by 16 eat in kitchen and a 16 x 24 living room ,,but this living room as compared to the living rooms of each individual girls .. Is a place where the EGO items ARE NOT ..this is titally child safe ,,, PLEASE TAKE YOUR CARYONS AND WRITE ON DADDY;S WALLS . Place …. Nothing so important that a NO! should ever be heard unless it has to do with the child learning that …… cause and effect …. Just what my 2 year is still experimenting with ,,,, how he touches some one else does cause FEELINGS that he does not have access to … he does not feel the sensation of his new growing strength … in his pinching biting or hitting … not MEANNESS in any way ,,but a learning curve of realizing he is not in the “ I - in - I “ and he does have cause and effect in his enviroment ,,, he is still learning laying down ENGRAMS about the romote control for his CATIPILLER dozer toy …
Learning things of so for this aspect of comfort for everyone especially the cats ( baby cat who is cool with kids even been dragged about by his paws …. For the comfort of all living beings ,, a NO … an some interactive learn the laying down of cause and effect … engrams maybe needed .. But this child safe room with the step oever child gate separating it from the community KITCHEN … the babies safe totally visislbe … totally accesible the 3 moms can interact cook talk ,CRAFT .. Be artisit , and mothering friends all at the same time and have the kids safe free ,, in a judgement free zone .
Ohh that 16 x 16 kitchen is desgned to be like two full kitchens plus … two of everything . And a thin 10 foot table down the center …. It will be nice to finnnaly build it …
I am waiting for me to come into vibrational ALIGNMENT WITH IT ….. What bullshit ? This vibrational alignement …but no it is not ,, it is that state .. I have had in my past so often about certain aspects of my life certain WANTS finnaly coming into being when I was no longer all bENT OUT OF SHAPE about not having it …. When my flow .. Was a positve flow …. The crest of the wave ,, the face of the wave your board continues to slide down yet the TOA is continually building it back up …. The ying yang balance of that RIDE ,,, an TIME?SPCE event …. And as the tube collaspses , the toa folds back into itself to give the opp’s for the next rider. In the next expresssion of time/space called a WAVE.
The bulk of …. The ying and yang is WELL BEING … all of it is well being the OPP for DEAD CAT or LIVE CAT .. Is the OPP urtunity ..for contrasts . But day in day out ,,, the TAOTALLITY of events of living for most of us is one of GOODNESS health and ample stuff ….your drive your car day after day after day mile after mile and the issues or problems or acciedndts actually are RARE … like birth defects are RARE …. Just a 1 out ouf 100 …. Th vastness is one of WELL BEING …. So to get stuck in the FEELING of lack because the vents of a WANT are not present yet is the VIBRAITONAL …DIsCORD …. The vibrational dicord fo choosing thoughts ….. And everything is …. Only VIBRATIONS … the atoms itself is built upon the expresion of WAVES or vibrations only experienced as THING when the QUANTUM collaspe happens of observation …. Yet the WELLBEING of it all is the underlying truth ,,,, the AGREEMENT that the TAO will be..BE . So we can have this stage for palying in ,,, show the TILT towards wellbeing …positve expectations .

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