Young master every time or situation where the end result is in question and to be decided upon by another is ….STRESSFUL . yes or no ? CLARIFY your wants and understand the sublte negatives in your wants … are you attracting what you realy want to ATTRACT ? because of trained expecatations?
And upon receiving a few NO’s the expecatation even before the ACTION or asking has with it the seed ,,the seed of negative response.
There was this old dude at the beach yesterday with this RAGING hard on ,, a tent pole pointing to the sky ….. now he seemed oblivious to his DISPLAY ,, people walking on by looking down at him … snickering about his display of NATURE .. honeslty I guess the guy was asleep under those sunglasses
Because after a couple of punks went up behind him and started ludly discussing the size of his organ his engorged idck …. He stirred sat up right and kind of his his PRIDE .
AND from this I got talking to you young master ,, you only 18 years of age ,,, and I aked do you think you would be libeling on the beach with such a DISPLAY even if there were lots of pussy ,,, TEASING you in their bikinis like there was … would you dick get that hard ?
NO ,,, wasthe answer ….I thought so ,, see he already had been trained to NOT EXPECT SEX … the amount of energy that is used in the EXPECATIONA nad the resulting DISPLAY OF A HARD ON where the EXPECTATION of getting some pussy in reality very very very low … well it just does not happen …maybve while a boy is 14 or 15 before he has been trained to be a good dog and beg for pussy …. Hope and wish on luck ,,getting lucky tonight . back then with the first floods of HORMONES create Ercetions when ever the young man even sees the young immature tittys of school mates showing thru their sweaters ,, as he is exposed to the concreted flood … OF AIR BORNE HORMAOIANL sexual messages of youn human females starting to beleed and think and want feel the urge to MATE TO FUCK ….. YES THEN AT that age wild displays of hard dick happen but the young mas soon trains himself to sub DUE his nature …because reality is reality HE AIN’T GOONA BE GETTING NONE…. Unless he is lucky.
Ohh that old guy well his SEXUAL DYSFUUNCTION drug must have kicked in while he took a nap on the beach ….. and in his dream that was stimulated by all those young twats romping around the beach ,,creating states of SEXUAL FRUSTARTION IN THEMSELVES AND EVERYONE ELSE …. Well that combo resuted in the desiplay of nature … a human male with a hrd cock ..
Plain and simple DNA response to the flow of chemicals thru out the body called hormones …. It is NOT LOVE …. Love is more complex than sex.
So , young master , in the 1 on 1 even if the one on one is based on the PRECepts the idea of DOM/sub Master/slave ….. the eventuality of recivien NO’s from your slave will happen your LOVE if you do love her will kick in that PROTECTIVE INSTINCT of the Silver Back gorilla to sacrifice for the GOOD OF THE FAMIL”Y the nature of the 11B the combat soldiers …. The antural expression of humanity and of the male atleast a good male is for the GOOD AND LOVE and caring of his women and children. That is why in books like SLAVE CRAFT etc… the concept of that the relationship dynimcs do change if LOVE IS BROUGH T into the DOM/sub ,,,,play .
In SLAve CRAFT type books it is understood to keep SEX and LOVE in different relationships. If she wants to be used as a SLAVE then keep her in that mind set no more important than …… any other THING easy to throw away if it breaks or acts up. Or even like a dog that if it were to become UNCONTROLLABLE you would be forced to bring it to the pound ..because the stress on your life would not be equal to the benift of the DOG ….. on the other hand if the DOG is FAMILY and love is there you will put up with the Un obiendent dog … and deal with a house full of DOG SHIT ..if you love the dog enough …..
The idea of the ahrem is that you young master NEVER ASK OR BEG for sex ,,, it is returning back to the NATURE of our DNA ,,, ( a little meta/spiritual stuff ..we energy source points of PERCEPTION , perception being a state of not seeing feeling being the ALL TOA ..but agreeing to experience a portion of TAO ,, thru a bio-machine that can perceive limits quatities in SPECIFIC MANNERS … SELF RECREATING so as to insure the oppurutunity for continued ADVENTURES of other the countless in-fi-nite numbers of points of view adventures to come who are equal to you )
Your DNA nature is a desing a program built upon the COMPRESSES data of evey past mother and father hidden in the atomic and subatominc structure of the DAN which forms the animal or BIO-machine …. So that the machine does not have to be TUAHGT HOW TO DO simple thing slike digest food or BREATH or shit and piss ( ohh suing a diaper and toilet training are all about the ablity of humanity to create newer and nwer living spaces and thus needing to make sure it does not poisin or POLLUTE its living space we learn to shit and piss under self directed controls.
THAT HARD DICK OF YOUR IS A DNA … thng its shape etc tells much about the EPECTATION of tha nimal when it comes to SEX/
In the HAREM ,,,,, YOU DO NOT GO BEGGING for pussy …. You are there to LOVE if the girls is in the wanting to LOVE ….. it is her job to SEDUCE you not you go worrying and begging hoping with a mind and blood stream FLOODED WITH SEXUAL HORMONES released and now creatin STRESS until sex is acted upon with a female or your hand ….. no the this SEDUCTION ,,is the balance of it. When she is wanting any healthy UN PROGRAMED MALE will get hard in a few heart beats . ahh but todays male is Emasculated by age 18
Like my friend who exposed to that much young cute pussy running around the beach does not get hard …… ohh no . why get hard I ain’t goona get none of that pussy unless I accedentially get lucky and YEAh sure that will happen today like monkeys will fly out of my butt. ( ooh but it does on occasion happen like hitting lotto random sex happens)
So … agin back to POSITVE EXPACTATION AND YOUR FOUCS … thinking about the good aspects that will draw you further and further into a life style you WANT… your wants and the structure and nature of ATTRACTION , of subatomic pariticle to form atomic pariticles to form molecules ETC ETC is all based on ATTRACTION stimulated ,,, first by a want to EXPERIENCE THING <<
The nature of the harem animal is LOVE and freedom of choice ….. is she is WET and WANTING she will come to you searching you out ….. and you will NEVER KNOW …. NO becaue you never ever ASK ….. and you will get hard fast and furicuops when the pussy ispresented because it is presented in her ,,,her …. Expression of seduction due to her ,,NEED TO BE penetrated
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