Tuesday, August 12, 2008

pussy farts

Pussy farts

Well does it make you laugh do they change the FEELING of the momonet , do stupid little common HAPPENING take what was a second an experience that bordered on the FAIRYT ALE and kick you back in the Flesh and bones the DNA of reality of just being HUMAN ….. you are just fucking human nothing more , NOT some magicall mystical creator highly evolved love machine romanitic poet …. Nope her pussy will fart you will accedentially bash your elbow into her NOSE like I did last night during a period which was feeling even for me like the completetion of a fairy tale sexual experience a good combination of the expression of lust …of hormones and with someone who I truly have formed deep bods of love for….. and then I go and swing my arm around incorrectly judgeing it …. And WHAM … right in the kisser ! ,,, and the moment changed ,,, the love the friendship the SEX were all still there the only thing that changed was the EGO tied to the UNREALITY of fairy tales … once that was gone again ,, we two , male and female both good friends could get back to enjoying the NATURAL HUMAN RECREATION OF ………SEX !

But today is not supposed about sex I used that topic as advertising like a hot chick holding a bottle of BUD …. Just using your sexual frustration ..leading thru your MENTAL PIERCEING as in eons past slave human were pierced so that master could apply PAIN to control the slave lead them like a common working animal …. Ohhh fashion boy that is what your piercing is conveying in reality ,,,, slave to fashion . you are nothing unless others find you acceptable when compared to the current fashion trends ..hmmmm the chain that leads you

Ahh but toeday is not this either ..today is about a SOUND that sounds a lot like a PUSSY FART ….. that sound is CROAK …. http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/teachings_brief.php this enteratiner who chanels ( that is her art a stream of consiuos live display like JACKSON POLLACK dripping paints …. Just in the flow of a now so is ESTER HICKS in the flow of ABRAHAM … rake some time to find to CONTINUEITY in the continued repeating of themes ..even those you dis agree with when looked at from a BRAODER PERSPECTIVE with the understanding or UN-IMPOSSIBLE you can see the POSSIBLES . )

TO CROAK is to die and all sages for written history have repeated the same theme of everlasting life is one way to say it …. Non pyshcical reality is an other way … but the idea of RE-LEARNING our fear of DEATH programming ,,that tool which the slave master uses to control the slave. Their fear of death and pain ( like that inflicked thru tugging on their NOSE PINCHING LIKE AN OXEN) it is not just about my own fear of dieing and the unknown ,, but a lot to do with the idea of MISSING FRIENDS OR LOVED ONES .

ESPECIALLY IMPORANT TO A FATHER OR MOTHER is the life of their kids the parents risk their lives often to insure the stability of the family ,,proven that we will do stupid and dangerous jobs only for the fucking $$$ money that our thought form turned life form that lives on past human eras ,,which is called ecomony gives us …

So the life of our children is more important than the threat of losing our own …

We may have spent months of packing that pussy 3 times a day with fresh live white hot sperm ,, with the CLEAR INTETNION OF CREATING THAT …. LITTLE LIFE. We are genetically designed to repond to the sounds it makes ,,crying doing everything in our power to find out what it needs .. so that sound will stop and sounds of fulfillment and comfort will return . ( OOH AGAIN EVIDENCE TRAIL THAT YOU HAVE INSTINCTS AND ARE A …DNA ANIMAL )

BUT ….THE Expression of toa as TRANSLATED by the entertainer ESTER … says , that acceptine death should be a joy ..for who are we to judge the reason or choices of the ADVENTURER even if that adventurer is ONLY A CHILD , since the spirit of the chold in reality from the LARGER PERSCEPTIVE OF SOURCE is my equal …. Even at the moment of birth and if that adventurer wants to use this life …. To have an good time not a LONG TIME ..who am I to judge ,,,,

Ahh but here again comes the urges of the TOOL of experience I choose to use ,,the urges to keep the species going so there is always ,,new BIO-MACHINES being produced so adventurers ,, can inhabit … called human baby bodies. My Love and caring nature HELPS THOSE WHO WANT TO STY WELL FOR THEM TO STAY AND BE healty.

What of those who seem to choose to want to do .things have adventures that risk life over and over …

And I go back to nature …. And watching my Ferrel cat population over the last 15 years and the interaction of the road S. Indian River Drive. A beauty of a florida scienic drive. That kills over half of my wild cats , and yet others live on and on and on ….. year after year …. And other die at 1 month 6 months 4 years old …. Now I can understand the 1 month old has not the exposure so it is maybe by accendent …the 6 month old has responded with fear over an over to the RAOD and yet walks on out there some day or night I find its body while on my morning run …. And get to say good bye to a wild friend. And the others like wise yet even older ..and those who choose to live on and on ..well I get to enjoy watching them live and hunt and be friends with each other .

Now to someon more important …our own children who seem to have a death wish ,,, I had a son … ( I say had because he was a step son so he still IS but now living his IS with his dad) I have brought up the idea that there are NO WOLVES or LIONS ands tigers to put the fear of death into the minds of children today ,,, but hwat about those who EXPLORE THE EDGE of living by choice ? what does that say about their DNA or ..is their spirit that justs wants a GOOD TIME not a LONG TIME …. See this boy we could never allow him to go out side alone for is we were not un top of him all the time , you would here some sound off in the distance some crash bang or scream and go out side to pick up his bloody body once more and rush him to the emergency room …. Even being out side to watch him if like I did once got involved in the actitiy of watching some birds living ,, and NOT TOTALLY KEEPING MY ENERGY STREAM ON HIM .. AS IF THE LACK OF A TTENTION .. my attention would generate in him this feeling of LACK or something he would then allow himself to attempt living so dangerously as to invite death .? strange ?

Well ecomony must have a healty slave population to push its buttons ..to produce its goods and services so that the top ,,, 1 % of the ,,the top 1 person out of 100 and be king . we make sure that the human is not allowed to hurt itself …. We TEACH FEAR of dieing … to maintain the population ssize . and workers . SO THE STATE said DRUG tHIS young man into submission ..before he finally succeeds in finding his way back into the TAO . and ending his illusion before he can be sucked dry of his excitement and energy …. That the thought form of ecomony actually feeds on …

Like he too , fed upon my attention and if that attention was not there he became bored unhappy with the DAN adventure of bing human he would try one more stupid activity which did not work out last time this VERY SMART person who could focus intently on video games for hours all of sudden became STUPID . And every few weeks damamged to the point that if he were alone in the woods and the WOLVES AND TIGERS AND LIONS still roamed our ECO system , his adventure of being human would be over very quickly and ACUTALLy very humanily ..for th body produces chemicals of … it produces pain relievers in vast amounts to help the PREY animal deal with its transition from DNA limited experience of tao and perception back into the everything all the the time of the NO 1 THING ….

Am I getting it across …this lack of the PREDITIOR … and how it effects the DNA animal human who for millions of years heards the sounds and saw the effects of PREDATION …… we have this prey/preiditor reactions instinct in us ,,in fact the ADVERTISING industry knows it and uses it ..in fact you see evidence of it on you current computer screen ,,,,, in the movies it is called the TECHINCAL … the frame has to change every 5 to 7 seconds …. That focuses the EYE of the human back to the screen ..where products can be subtly placed and used and the PROGRAMING CONTINUED ... EXPOSURE AFTER EXPOSURE , date being filed away in your brain …. It is your instinctual nature WRITTEN IN THE dna …. Of your BIO-machine ,, written their so you will not have to learn over and over what is dangerous and what is not . so that humans could survive and thrive …

I ain;t here to tell you what to do or what to think only to BRIN G up ideas to comtemplate ,,, from which you will make the nest GENERATIONAL LEAP of human society ….etc etc ..think for your self about your real fucking world http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html

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