Sunday, August 17, 2008

doubting pussy

Doubting pussy

Young master yuour self doubt ,,in fact really everyones ..self doubt .. is … a stress that compounds day after day week after week year after year ,,until it becomes a STATE or a fact … of who you are ..till you do not eve realy notice …it unless extreme come into you experience to remind you that you have SELF DOUBT …. The key is to remember we are not here to limit VARIETY ..but to be individuals … not just sheep following one fashion trend ….

Honestly I like to REGURATATE the words of ABRAHAM ( at least I admit it and do not say I came up with ,,nope I am just a you dumbass …. A simple fisherman another shithead ) …. The ABRAHAM talks in Abraham-eze …. About the VIBRATIONAL relativelty ..between where you are and what you want …. And that feeling shitty is about the RESISITANCE you are allowing yourself to have between …. Those 2 points. And the Abraham has been talking to the world for over 20 years giving people ideas on how to change up their lives ….. cool the entertainer ESTER and Jerry have written and produced some great products that can help you realize better the who what and where of YOU being HERE in time/space is all about. You can get linked to Abraham-hicks thru links page.

But of course bak to pussy … in gact self doubt is the under lying cause of the whole FASHION indsitry with out a world of people who are fearfull about whether they are LOVABLE Or not …. With out the self doulbt of every fucking body the FASHION industry would collapse and those people would have to find new jobs …or become freaks back in the hills not into the GAME any more being naturally human …. And coming into town on occasion to play …hey sounds like me ….

Yet young master as girls arrive in their 20’s they some not all … thye start to realy feel the POWER of their pussy …. And they play with the world TEASING THE world with their ripe sexuality ….. yet at the same at some times when she wants … she does feel some doubts ,, not that she wants self doubt but she may want to get the attention of some guy ….. and it is there and then she realizes that she is in compteteion … a created state that her own INVOVLEMENT in ,,continues it …. This is the cleaning off of your won front door step ,, which in reality will change the world as each of us ,,change our own lives then piece by piece atom by atom a new world arrives …and it arrives very wuicly for those who choose to LEAVE THE INSANITY … becaue now your focus is on something else

Yet …that self doubt ,,the training the programming the accepting of it as a LAW OF ANTURE … a law of nature which it is not …. Self doubt …is something you do to yourself ,,there is not a stream of pain evil or uncomfortablenss coming into this time/space from the TAO ,,,no the tao in fact is a state of agreement to allow you to create what ever it is you want over a period otime ,,instead of being it all all at once every second forever like in the TAO ..we get to expreince ,,the forming of ideas slowly ,,or pretty dam fast ..depending on ,,, again to refer to Abraham ,,your vibrational state of relativity ( what the fuck does that mean )

Well I go back to simple pyshihcs ,,,, not is hard …nothing is real it is only the perception of movement of layer upon layer of ever smaller things moving …off into infinity … if you took the hydrogen atom and blew it up so that it was 10 miles accroos you know it has only two parts the 1 electron going realy fucking fast around 1 nuclues particle … now if you walked up to this 10 mile across atome you would not be able to walk inside because the ELECTRON moves so fucking fast you can not get THRUGHT ,,,so you have this ILLSUION of WALL …yet if you stoped the atom you would find that inside that 10 mile bubble is only 2 basket balls worth of particles ….only 2 little tiny basket balls creating the illusion of a 10 mile bullbe or peiece of solid matter …

Ok SELF DOUBT ..sef worth …esteem ….all things that have been accepted or programmed into you ,,buy the people who you trusted ,,like parents friends relatives teachers ,,,, who themselves are fucked up the head each and everyone of them … even the professional mental health counselors who show you those fucking pieces of paper they got form the BOX ..of wisdom called school where fucked up epoel patt each other on the back because eac can REPEAT the limited …limited level of accepted KNOWLEDGE of a current day and age …. And with that paper the PROGRAMNG CONTINUES for you ,,I am samarter than you ,,, listen to me not yourself… the big and little training that started at DAY” one of being born ….

Self doubt compounds day in day out till you forget you are even effected by it …. It become nature when in fact it is the RESULT of ….. Ecomony ,,,the tool of the slave master to make sure that the masses are feeling LESS THAN ….. for example less thatn a GOD ,,and the god is accesable thru the PROFESIONA PRIEST or teacher ,,

When in fact you dumbass are the I – in – I ….. totally complete …. There is nothing for you to learn or become ,,, you are here only to enjoy ..this playground ,but since you were not TAUGHT this ,,,, when you were young it may seem rather weird to hear it now . and especially from me …. Who the fuck is PHIL to say this when you know that your teachers and priests of your past MUST HAVE BEEN RIGHT ..well they were right in making usre that you continue to BE SCARED and in a sublte state of self doubt ,,where by you would be much easier to manipuylate and control for the use of …. Again I go back to PHAROH …. And I use the term pharoh to illude to the amount of time we hae been used and the concept of the ,,,,, what is it … the … god and servant ..the sepration ..the better than you ….

Resistatnce … what weekeness you have that you will not accept you have ,,, that you resisit telling yourself lies ..that it does not effect you ,,,will then continue to effect you ,,, when you stop reisistance and accept the factors of your life not worrying or blaming the past ..but saying THIS IS ME ! NOW …. What do I want form this step forward ,,you have choices to make and strength to gain by realizing who you realy are …

One step …is a book of positive aspects … with the back to school sales going on a spiral note book will cost about 25 cents … title the front page the book of positive aspects …. This is a journale of YOUR FELLINGS aboput the RELATIVELY of you and your world … and it is about the goodside of what you have now in your world ..not the whole world ,,just the real nuts and bolts of your everyday …. The better you feel about you now ,,the more better …things will come into your world …. Again that law of attraction thing …. Your dominate thoughtrs will manifest ..the atomic vibartional REALITY of REALITY will become inline with the VIBRATION of your thinking ,,your thougs are not hard solid shit ,,they are the same shit which is that of the atom itself …just a FEELING a vibration ….. how and whay are you realy feeling dumbass , do you no? know? …. Ask yourself before you go to sleep what is it that I am resisiting and guess what most often you will wake up with a feeling an intutition …. Vague sometimes ,,, but enough for you to explore if you remember the questions you set to yourself the night before …….

What is that you are HONESLTY FEELING ABOUT YOUR OWN self doubts … what is being individual in the context of being a member of a biological speices ….. ( oooh yes why do you want that MILLION dollars ,, is that you want a pile of green paper …. A hunk of metal and plastic called a car or is it the ACTIVITY …the excitement Z)

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