Sunday, August 3, 2008

the pussy center

The pussy center
Of a toostie pop ….. Ooops I don’t think that is how the AD went , but what the fuck do I know about adverstisng I ain;t even got a TV….but the cneter ,, young master ,,,, the center of attention for example , hmmmm now that has it’s ,,,, pitfalls there in the center of a pit … the center of attention , being something special …. You ,,us , we ,,, wether as TAO an UN-IMPOSSIBLE amount of I’s in the I …. equaL special ,,, or the family unit , because get real fool you ggoota know by now that you are a social species … yet we get caught up in this …this … painful? Striving for specialness …for ego . That is one aspect … next is in the 1 on 1 ..the DEVOTION to that 1 special person the givin of self to that 1 special person over time , seems to create states of RESENTMENT ,,,, it happens like a rock falling back to the ground when thrown in the air , if you are realy good and can throw the rock realy high it make take longer for it to fall back to earth but it … does.
Look the idea of is freedom of choice and the idea that the BIO-machine we use for experience has in it some very very very fucking helpful pre-programming ….. Yep yep yep ,,, the harem family ,,, helps this RESENTMENT Aspect of RELATIONSHIP that shows up in our current 1 on 1 model all to fucking often ,,, ohm yes you can study and study the problem in fact FOCUS so much on the problems ATTMPTING to change the DNA nature os our bio-machinery which is POSSIBLE of course the TAO is un-impossible…. But but but , we agreed to come experience TIME/SPACE within agreed limits of things like graveity and even hunger and needing to eat ,,, reproductive urges …. Using eyes to see or percieve the relfection of light ,, ohhh a whole bunch of shit we AGREED UPON have and use as NO’S or limits to our nature of the TAO our real SELVES .
The harem family that EASY way that relaxed way the natural way for this GREAT APE called human … it is just so fucking logical but hey if you wanto …. Wanto stress yourself out then buck your nature…. Fine cool your choice ,,, your way is great fun for you YES? You are having fun ?
Look young master go ahead let yourself be DRAWN into the game of the pusy who is TRYING TO BE SPECIAL ,, the center of the world for you … as all the best advise will tell you IT WILL NOT BE EASY ,,,, in fact it will be lots and lots of work hard painful work to buck the DNA urges and messages that you accepted when you choose this time /space and to use the DNA body of the human APE …. But being a good toaist means letting you know that there is no IMPOSSIBLE …
The DNA nature of the harem animals allows for the growth and relaxation and expression of the individual while being a lover and and mother or father and in their alone time of worka and art , for the health and wellness of the family is supported in the true family DNA designed unit of the HAREM … the poligamist family unit ..poligamsit is a loaded word full of pejoratives …. TRAINED RESPONSE , conditioned response ,,response built around the SHOULD OF OTHERS . Not based on your own experience really or individual thought
INSTINCTUALISM in a nutshell1. Mind - Think for YOURSELF to create your life style , with an emphasis on alternative methods and personal freedom2. Body - Feeling your DNA instincts in terms of Love ,family, foods and activities 3. Spirit - understanding the " I - in - I " of Taoism and source Energy concepts
Think for yourself ,,,, I in I means we are soul mates always in always EXCEPT HERE in time /space illusion the agreed upon dream .
Now greed ,,,, being the 1 and only the special the GODD or GODDESS … ahh mankind has destroyed itself over its own stupid GREED ,, a great experiement happened on some an island called EASTER ISLAND in the pacific once a lush tropical forested island mankind came there and lived and grew and grew and then like rats in an experiemental cage ,,destroyed themselves ……
Ahh the message of Al Gore sure he is just the 20% of the he is the step one understanding wht you do not want , the motivation to move towards the solutions which his books and movie presents us ….. Ahhh instinctualism a …. 1 of so many possible solutions to choose from for you do you get it asshole ….. I am not judging you or demanding just presenting . Then letting you FEEL your emotional guidance … that is available thru the DNA body you are using to FEEL perceptively.
The compound living idea of the on there is a group home or building , I have no drawing of the floor plan yet , but thing about it in terms of a 16 x 16 kitchen area with both sides being whole kitchens and a long thin dinning table , socializing table running down the middle like an island in a dfancy kitchen , the rest of the building is 16x26 is devoted to KIDS …. Their play area their DO NO WRONG AREA the place they can write on the walls leave their toys laying around etc etc etc … ahhhh but here is where the RESPONSILBITY the guidance of the parents comes in ,,,the NOT giving them TOO MUCH stimulation ,,,, the shifting of a standard sized toy box form week to week , sure they can play all they want with these toys in any manner they want …. And nesxt week they get that box that has that toy they JUST NEED TO HAVE …NOW! …oops so sorry . No stressw no NO’S thos is PARENT EGO FREE … what is here is not EGO items that the child could break and so there is not FLOOD OF CONSTATNT ….no’s on the part of parents to protect their ego items. Art etc. ideas for you young master to think about and if there is LOGIC IIN it’s design then you will choose it , if not continue the same old MODEL and pattern of your up bringing the constant FIGHTING with the ,,, ILLOGIC of childhood ,,and suppress that child force that child to learn TO EARLY …
The lil’ human will learn … to care for its own possensions thru the MODELS it grows up seeing ,,,, the urge to be careful with important shit will develop INSTINCTUALLY because when the child is in your space ,,,,, there is NO’S … but in their space they are FREE of PUNSIHMENT …..traps … not not the punishment or guidance of learning to be social evn that … evolves very anturally , for the protective instinct of parents to watch and care for their young is always there ,,,but is the parents are OVERWHELMED stressed by TRYING to make a living and be the one and only attention center also of both a LOVER and a lover ( childen just love and love and love ) this also becomes RESENTMENT the demand to be ON TOP OF IT ALL . All the time . The social aspects and support of the harem family ….. Is our nature.

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