clit clip w / red beads
young master …. I get your attention but do I get to the deeper you ever ? or am I still for the most touching that SHALLOW surface you who is still thinking it is just a game ,,and sotrue so true it is all a game …. But when the game is giving you FEELINGS that are confusing and uncomfortable day after day , year after year ,,,, why not understand this shit and change up the whole fucking game ….
You know you are allowed …you are a frre and 18 do not have to JUMP thru the HOOPS of ..the should that you have been trained to EXPECT ..that have not come true and will not.( most likely …)
NATURE … so many people still feel that the wild beast has not SOULS that only humanity is self aware that human life is the ULTIMATE expression of GOD ..when in fact we are just DNA aimals … dependant for our life on the activity of bacteria in our guts….. us the big smart highly evolved ….
I want you to see around you the programming and the expressions of OUR ANIMALS SELVES .. I want to be the 20% of the fives steps the understanding of what you do not want … like AL GORE does for the environment and others had done before him ( thank good or it would be doubtfull my newest wild friend would still be ,,they were on their way to EXSTINCTION in the 60’s the fish eagle the osprey DDT had weakened their eggs to the point their numbers were very weak , but …the TREE HUGGER the proclaimer of gloom and doom DID raise awareness ..and the WANTO’S of the masses provided the stimulation of energy for changes to take place and so …
Today like yesterday …FUCKING FAR OUT WEIRD most cool …. AN OSPREY has choosen for 2 days in a row , to glide from telephone pole to telephone pole along wih me while I do my morning run …. Is that far fucking out or what … pole after pole after this WILD BEAST CHOOSE FREE CHOICE ineract with this limited human being ..WHY? if the beast only acts from FERREL insintcts nad has not the ability for FREE CHOICE or WANT’s why as I arrive at the pole does he then swoop down off and glide thru his water like a surfer the water of air only to return and land on the next pole and wait for my arrival there only to then again … TWIST AND TURN AND ENJOY ITS FREEDOM of FLIGHT and then land on top of the following to wait patiently for me to clumsly trod to where it has been waiting actually has turned to face me and watch my arrival …this morning talking it own language …. Of bird which unfortuneatly I do not understand .. I have never been taught what the differences in slight pitch here and there wean … young master have you ever listened to Chinese or vietmanezze .. if you do not understand the language but just close your eyes and listen to the flow of sounds it could be the jabber of birds ….. so why is not the jabber of birds a complex language we are just to EGO STUPID TO APPRECIATE ! ahh because we are just aht EGO stupid thinking that mankind is something special when in fact we are just animal ,,,, who is shitting and pissing up ..dirtying up its CAGE the point it may some day be TOXIC for our own stupid selves …. Unless we do some simple things ,,, oooh we hav more than to many resources and acres of land to co-exisist with the wild animals of this planet to be able to expand our population voer 10 fold more than now …. And the clean energy resources to enjoy it and travel and play ,,,, and REGAIN CONTORL over the thought form ECOMONY so that it serves US …NOT WE being slaves to it … if you wanted to
Just like the free choice of the fish eagle to come enjoy watching the human run like I was an animal in a cage that the eagle came to study ….. I am on display stuck on the ground like I was the one in the ZOO and it was the life form studying the poor limited little human … who someday will become exctinct after it shits and pisses in its cage to much … ooooh the evidence trail that we will polutute ourselves over extent ourselves unless we understand our gREED nature and why we have it …. The grred of EVE . that is only 70,000 years old while the human kind two legged walking upright evidence trail of DNA in us is …6,000,000 years old …. 70k as compared to 6 mill … and ti took till about 15,000 years ago for that MUTATION DNA to infect the worlds population
To the point that humanity started producing GRILLS gold teeth for FAHSION reason about 4,000 years before Christ ….. the repeating of fashion ….. you are nothing NEW.
And the basis for so much of todays fashion of todays expectations …. Expectations and the REALITY of the HORMONAIL nature of the animal being the beast the Dna bio-machine we use called homo sapein …. Will so often art can EXPRESS it better than me ,, look at the art with open eyes for ti reflects LIFE ,, AND YET IT ..tells a FAIRY TALe….. the movie JUNO …. Great entatining flick ,,, lovely story and fairy tale ,,, and yet is shows HUMANITY ,,the changes in juno because of hormones to her personality the confusion of the nice young male ,,,, you can see part of him would want to be a simple man to take care of a simple woman and be the father that is in him even at that age ,,yet his intelligence say NO ,,fininsh school go to college ..and somed day if they are LUCKY and they become the 1 in 100 they to may have the fancy house in the fancy neighbor hood and ( still get a divorce rate of 60% ) so me fuckng fairy tale ..but the movie does display how the FEMALES NEED the interaction of female friends especially in terms of BABY ISSUEs ….. AHH THE PROOF of our harem nature …
we are animals and I believe from what I see in nature that they have the same enjoyments and free choices that we the ..SAVANNAH APE had and has … we too are just BEASTs …… dna animals who build complex structures and homes like ants or bees in relation to our size …. I balk at people who discrediot that animal world ,,,and who realy started it …well one important person whose POLICATIACL savy brought him into t]lving in the greatest PALACES of his age to become the teacher and special advisors to kings of that age ,,, policatically smart able to INFULECE humanity by telling the by FLATERRING them …WITH IDEAS ABOUT HUMAINTYS self greatness …ONLY THE FAIRY TALE OR THOUGHT FORM CALLED GOD who is created in the image of man ..couold be greater than man its self ,,, and this vewry same ADVISOR in his poetic age … a big reason for the myth of soul mate … the extablisihning of this state of DISS=EASE called romantic …. Dating … roman-tic of course form the example of rome ..whose one on one dating marriage system which came originally from Greece who copied it from the use of marriage as a policatical tool for centuries before ….. ooooh back on track good old Aristotle . ... think for yoursel people look around realize some shit and then free as a bird to choose to follow your own wants and then if you feel ….BUT BUT BUT BUT ..what if ,,what if ..remember the truth about the quantum REALITY OF pysichs …. THIS REALITY IS ONLY ENERGY that is in a state of agreement ….. for there is no prison or cops …at the quaTUM LEVEL TO IN PRISON A Quark who no longer want to act in accord with the LAW or concept or agreement ( all law is agreements written by the population ) of will actract into being that which is in you DNA nature because that is already that energy stream is part of the AUTO PILOT OF WANTS’S eminanting form a life form .
Thursday, August 14, 2008
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