Postive pump
Well this is supposed to be not pussy relted give myself some sort of break from that aspect ,,and the under lysing tenstions of ..expectations .. Young master and focus on something that will PULL me forward instead of SUBLTE feelings of negative epxactations which repell me ,,,
See emotion and the stream or vibration that energizer bunny feeling of GO FOR IT ..go toward that which feels good IS INSTINCTUAL EMOTION …. And is evident in all of life…I still get letters ( I am sure from new readers since I gone over and over these topics ) …. Saying that only humanity has choices and expresses life thru those choices ,,,, but instead of proving animals to be equaL TO MANKIND , I would rather prove minkind equal to the animal..since thye live in astate of antural bliss and harmony ,,, non fear ,, with out ORGANIZED warfare or geneicide ( ooooh our cousin our part part cousin remember the evdence trail of you COCK and her pussy much more similair to the HAREM POLIGAMIST … speices Gorilla ..but the chimps CIDES kills off other chimp kids for position and political greed in the colony .)
Going towards that which feels GOOD is the baisc of EMOTION that is what emotion is all about ,,it is a SENSORY organ in a way ,,not un like your finger tips , which FEEL heat or hot and tell you WARNING Warning DO NOT TOUCH THAT HOT SHIT … or the ability to PERCIEVE …that something is sharp caution when handling this it may accidentally cutt Our skin AND WE WILL LEAK …. BLEED LIKE OTHER dna ANAIMLS ..EVEN trees and plants LEAK or bleed even the bacteria our GREAT GREAT GREAT ….. Grand parents leak and bleed . DNA LIFE.
The sprouting seed senses the heat of the sun and moves toward it ,,,it FEELS GOOD ,, with the emotion of feeling GOODNESS ,,it …its inner pull is drawn to that good feeling …. The roots if encounting concrette ,,, some thing hard that does not feel good to spreading roots looking for Fiable soil ..and moisture …. The roots REPELL from the concrette and search for better things thing that FEEL BETTER .
Shyness ,,does not feel good ,,, us humans have learned to DULL OUR emotions …. By getting high or drunk ,this is why kids start drinking as teens to deal with the confusion of the SEXUAL URGES … of puberty … because of the LACK OF TRUTH ABOUT …humanity the lack of MODELING real human type behavoir and the forcing of the teen to act un naturally with un natural choices and confusion as its only ….hope the young animal seeks out something to DULL the pain of … having to send out its roots into CONCRETE …
Feeling good , is something that DRAWS you towards it …. Ahhh the ogal DON’T you think of a TAOSIT entity who would come to experience LIFE ..Q wouold be that of moving towards evendints tha feel good..YES the chllenge is here also , but the INFORMATION of what feels good and and what feels bad is the thing that we use to guide living ..
Look if you ignore what feels bad if you IGNORE the sense of the fingers when it comes to that sharp object …. You could accedentlally gut yourself and die… like the drunk whose senses are dulled by poising in his mind so often accedentail death is caused while some one is in that state of suppressed ability to percieve the information of EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE or sensory guidance ..FEELING ….hot or cold good or bad …
You in fact have been trained while youg to IGNORE YOUR feelings in FAVOR of the FEELINGS of others … we have been trined that mankind is bad and EVIL ,,, all great training if you are the THOUGHT FORM ( another life form beyond the DNA state ? Impossible ? You say hmmmm … the un impossible ) to make sure there are plenty of trained slaves ,,,, to serve the GodKings that come and go the focus of the THOUGHT FORM ECOMONY . To make sure that we sreve not our family first but the GOD first … the training starts young for humanity to suppress its own wants in favor of that of OTHERS …
But you worry will not we humans become IM MORAL AND EVIL , why ,, what evidence trail has the SAGE ever seen in nature to support this ? None ,,the idea about human evil is only when it comes to the FREEDOM seeking urges fo sending out its ROOTS , moving in peace and growning like the LILLYS of the valley which toil or spin yet watch them grow From that toaist ages named jesus he pointed that one out ,,, as have ountless sages of time .telling us over and over that the MILLIONS OF years of DNA nature proves we are loving animals AT HEART … MOVING TOWARDS THINGS THAT FEEL GOOD NATURALLY .
We loook with fear of death to the violence of the PREY/PREDATOR dance …we forget our nature that we are of the SPIRIT OF THE EARTH ,,THE CIRCLE OF LIFE …like our GONE aborginal tries slaughtered by churches who feared that the evidence trail of peaceful ,,not violent and crime free cultures would CORRUPT THE soliders tht word bwould get back to Europe to show there is another way other than the FORCED BRAIN WASHING OF the thought forms newest TOOL the church.
When the facts is ..we are loving animals …inf act the YIN AYANG balance oespeciall of the most common DNA mamal form of family the HREM OR POLIGAMIST family unit in its many different expression ,,the competive TURFS of the male tigers and the females who choose to live within the boundries of A male. To the family unit of the GORILLA .
Being drawn to what feels good and relaxed ans natural ,,understanding the level of BRAINW AHSING we have been thru while growing up …. Feeling your NOW . Accepting your now , understanding the EVOLUTION of your NOW ,, and that the brain washing can be reversed like it whas forced upon you over the experince of TIME/SPACE so like wise you can earse its effects over time and experince ,, to have experience you need two points of reference ,,, and that distance between the two points is what is called space. 10 % of your years from the time you start to chooice to send your ROOTS OUT IN ANTOHER DIRECT …. 10% OR YOUR UYEARS AND DURING THAT TIME YOUR LEAVES FEEL THE new warmth of sunshine OF THE NATURE calling you to that which freels GOOD ….. And like magic like the lillies of the valley which TOIL not ,,nor do they SPIN …GROW and blossom .
What ,,righ NOW in your NOW can distract you from what FEELS BAD ,, so that you have the feeling of being DRAWN forward into EVER MORE richer eath and warming sunlight ? For right now …. Do not fight with the concrete those things or SHOULDS that confuse you or feel outright BAD.. And UN NATURAL …. Listen to yur emotional guidance …. What is shyness? What is the thought about going fishing on your own stocked 1 acre pond on land you own FREE AND CLEAR … ( 1 acre pond will grow some slaming hybrid stripers and large mouth …. ) the life style page so underatnd the 5 steps ,, and the FEELINGS the sensory information ,,,, if you smell burning food you run to the stove..if you see a car coming and you are standing in the road you move …. If you hear a MAD pitbull coming your way you pull out your weapon just in case and gett moving . …sense …. Common sense . DNA animals all have sense . ( ohh god the letters never end ..good ..the Tribal human hisotry I refer was already tainted by the mutation of 70,000 years ago verus the 6 ,000.000 year DNA of human , so some hierarchal tribes did exisist and often FEED from th more natural peaceful human tribes… this does no discount that thye once exisited and were not killed off by these preditor human tribes but killed off by the CHURCh … which attempted to earse some tribes from the history books . And leave violent tribes to be funcitoning servants of GOD )
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
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