Focus on her tummy
Hmmmm is that really making you FEEL happy or stressed ?I know the end result .. Is happy , but what about the stress IN THERE ALSO …. Even at your age your SHYNESS shows the level of deep trained stress you have associated with girls and sex ,,, the DNA urge to fuck is so strong find ways of passing that extreme STRESS and shyness and because both you and the girl population is and are DNA animals … who was it NICKELBACK who did the song animals… well her stress to be with a male and her desore her urges , and you urges expressions of thaose HORMOANIAL MESSAGES .. They are not their before PUBERTY nad for women they cool down as they enter that chnge of life as their hormones actually change to the point they ..the hormoanial soup of the female produces …. A personality change in ..the GRAND MOM Aged FEMALE ..TO ACT AND THINK MORE MALE LIKE…
More male in terms of LOGIC …. The EVE greed is a result of the NATURE OF GESTATION. THE SHORT must be first I AM PREGANANAT .. Hormonail messages of being with child … while the male has an even flow of hormones ,that help him be focused on the total family unit not extreme HIGHS AND LOWS of pregnancy .and ovulation …. Ovulation that realizing that her pussy her WHOLE her vacuum is EMPTY … nature abhors a vacuum. The male has a longer term view of things ..
Many women would say NO to that based on the EVIDENCE trail of all the shitty men they have dated , but ,,, they gotta remember they are DATING men who have been effected negatively by the UN NATURAL dating world wof the 1 on 1 and thus exhibit the effects of
Ohh shit off track like always I was gonna write about focus ,,, and the law of a trraction of mainfestation ,,, how the focusing on the ngative ,,, the thinking about that brings you more of that …. In other words keeps you stuck ,,, I guess it just shows hoe stuck I am myself …( no resistance dipshit admit it when you see it in yourself , that is the only way to change is to admit shit )
So since the dating BAGGAGE is so deeply INGRAINED . Yet such a strong desire … I believe it should be side tracked ,, and trusted to the old TRIUTH about girls …… do not worry ablout them ,,, what was it ,,,, what was the GIST ,,, it was do not search so fucking hard and she will end up in your life ….. See the WANTO of pussy is a DNA gimmeee … it is a fact , that is a TRUE wanto on your part so …. The TAO will provide it . But the more you worry well the more your thoughts are on the NOT HAVING …. You get more of what you are thinking about .
What other aspects of having 5 acres 3 homes , a personel home office dungeion play room … a group day home family home kids play room extra large cool kitchen … what about the almost 1 acres pond ,,, what about the land for your PUP DOG to play in ,,the wild life the nature the fruit trees ,,the bonfire trees ,,the OFF GIRD of being on PHOTOOVLATAICS ,,solar cell ,, what about the idea of having no fucking mortage ,,so that the money you make later is ALL FUCKING YOURS … and the vacations you will have then and the vaction homes you can build later ,, what about the cool work ahopa and tools the time to ( like for me to ripp apart that 3 wheeled car I bought that the company who made it did not complette yet ,,,, I can when I got some time change out their failed engine and redesing ti to take a new engine. )
What about all the other great NON STRESSFULL aspects of the now here I can think will less DEP hormaonail stresses flooding my thinking , because no matter how many girls read my shit over and over ,,, isee and hear the postives about my ideas ,,I have deep stressfull feelings about the acceptance of being a POLIGAMSIT ,,the brain washing the programming is very strong ,,that old EXPECTATION of being ahusband in a Fairy tale marriage 1 on 1 ,,, is there deeply engrained and my inner war …. Well is a focus on stress , thus generating negative expectaions and I get what I think about …
I could choose to think more about the other aspects of the and trust that since pussy is a DNA wanto ,,, and I will get my wishes ….. Law of attraction , I can put that on the back burner …. Things will happen all by themselves ….. OPS will present themselves ,,in fact that has always been the way in my past the LESS I worked at trying to get pussy the more the pussy seemed to be there taking suprized by the hand to bed over and over … more I forced it ..the more stressed and shitty the relationship were.
The idea of instinctualism is to just trust that in the DAN harem poly relationship finnaly humanity can RELAX and be itself ….I can relax and be myself ,,,, I do not have to entertain anyone , be the only center of her attention and she is not the only center of my attention which is a position of stress itself ,,,, ohm but is that not love , WELL it sure does not lead to LOVE in the long term the built up stress acutally manifests as RESENTMENTS in most love affairs. The harem family is the NATURAL family disperseing this1 and only stress factor with the daynicns of 4 adults ,, 1 male 3 female . See for myself I keep coming back over and voer daily to stress themems that isone reason I stopped writing a few months ago , I was tired of returing to stress themes …
The idea of becoming MOTIVATED not just because of the pussy , but because when you learn that digging a pond ,,either with the cash and having someone else do it , or , over time so that you have the sand bags to make the GREEN buildings and homes … remember under 2 ffet of ground the temp is always 65 depgress , that means it does not take to much fire to make it comfy in winter and the natural coolness makes the summer air comfy …. So ,.,,pond building ,,, I gotta work more on explaining things like POND SIDES AND POND BERMS AND POND WATER WQUALITY ,,, the ideas of Aqua-Culture , growing a Ecosystem in that pond ,,, nutrient level control so that pond will be good for frishing and great for swininmg be cause it will alsmost be swimming pool crystal clear understanding TANCI brown water colors and how to remeove them ,,, using ,, passive pumping methods …. Of convetion to create extra water flow and water heating ,, desgning the under ground piping system using FUNNY PIPE cheap stuff … all things that are starting to show up on simple understanding of the best use of your solar energy potential ,,,, sure having a decorative fountain is nice to look at but energy waste full but the spray of a fountain is great fun for your kids to play in later …. The better you understand things the better you can create compromises and put into place $20 worht of funny pipe NOW . ( any way like back in the bait shop and out at the Hybrid striper farm I understood the efficiency ,,of putting air into the water instead of water into the air )
Ohhhhh Thapsus will come but just talking about NON pussy relted topics is so STRESS free I can feel myself working my way up the emotinal guidance ladder ,,the higher I am the longer I stay up ther the faster ,, the streaM OF tao FLOWS THEMORE GOOD THINGS COME MY WAY ,,,BECAUSE ,,BECAUSE … I am no longer in STRESS and I am better able to deal with the REAL CONTRASTS that pussy will present me , since I do have negative expectaion ,,, you have it ALSO dumbass it is evidenced by your SHYNESS …. As the bible kinds asys that GOD will not give you more stress than you can handle ,,here is some evidence of that those old toaists …(* the ungraven image of god ,,un graven un draw able or SRITE able since mankind engraved words into stone tablets ungraven image of god ) see jesus was a toaist ..called in a different language Judaism …. Later morphed in to christanity … back to WHAT YOU CAN HANDLE ..if you are focused on what you like you are stress-FREE and thus able to handle the stress that you FEAR in the addition of PUSSY to your world . SHYNESS is stress evidence it is your negative expectation ….
So focus on the other great aspects of the compound ,,, get feeling HAPPY about and EXCITED about , the idea that you won your own land PRIDE no mortage ,,, you can build the homes yourself ,even if you have never done it before ,,,checkout the constrution page gett excited about this ,,non stressful things , that will give you the FOUNDATION to deal with the DEEPST most STRESSFUL ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE pussy ….. Do not resisit admiting that ..for what you resisit persists…
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
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