Friday, August 22, 2008

only 1 pussy

Only 1 pussy

Desiring more the desire than the desired … and do you desire pussy ? the heat you feel when you look at that chick thinking about what it would be like to smell the odor the richness of her scent me and pantiys … I am A PROUD PANTY SNIFFER ,, I will do it without thinking with out realizing that she is watching me indulge in the hromaone trail left on those pantys worn all day …and high I get from the smell of pussy … the DESIRING is more important than the DESIRED ? yes to the starved to the manipulated the caged animal trained by years and years of PROGRAMING … . NOT TO, the understanding of the HIGH OF THE endorphine and seratonine rushes the testosotorones and Adrenlines SUPER DRUIGS PUMPING wildy thru your vies due to the sexual manipulations of our MOARL CULTURE .. a creation by those who needed a controlled population … but dipshit my friend young master ,,, what if you choose to respect your DNA the moralisty …of the animal world which does not kill out of ANGER or meanness or spite or greed for shiny shit ( the effects of death during mating battles can if realy studied to be seen as a NON GREED EVENT MOST OFTEN IT IS ACCEDNTAL ,,BECAue mating battels really on average ARE BLUSTERS showin g off .. between equals or youth and inexperience and skill age and experience ..but yes when the TAO is old and wants areturn ..its seeks out the HIGHWAY creating the situations needed to the return back into the TAO …. So again to explore NIETZSCHE’s Will to Power ideas ,,, from the thoughts of the toaist ,,, you can see the pollution of the programming of his SCIENCE and that of those surrounding him and those who today ….depend on his foundations ,,like so many had depended on the foundations of Aristotle …. ahh the evidence trail thanks NIETSCHE the evidence trail of sexual manipulation and control and the effects of manipulation do you see it everyewhere if you just look behind the ISSUES or problems see them not for the real problems but the indicators or symtoms of the real issue …. WHEN NIETZSCHE WEPT …. A good wells tudies historical novel can express the humanity so much better than cold hard facts from text books…. If you got a movie night this movie maybe worth getting , for the fairy tale is well repreasented in it ,,but again ,,it is one without the understanding of ALTERANTIVES the hero proclaims form a position of limited choice when in fact is all about family and his return to his family is all about family . and so is the deepest reality of the fairy tale of love about family …… but why the 1 sure politics is one reason but maybe there is something even deeper at work …

She is designed to focus on 1 baby at a time and in fact ..kinda chase off the next baby .. that sounds ruff but it is the instinctual nature sure she has two tits but she is on averaged designed to LOVE ONLY 1 at a time very deeply ….. I know I know that may seem wrong but I am talking instinctually , when you young master are designed to DEFEND and protect the entire family thus ..loving many ..all the time ….

Just a PERSPCTIVE .. to think about if you are able and open enough to think out side of the EGO you cling to … I know I had brought this up yesterday but .. it does have some sort of seed in IT ,,there is something there to understand to accept to pthen ,, by accepting p[ass …the idea that again chid birth actuall instinct drives of hormones effect the relationships … that things like pregnancy can be the CAUSE of human greed …. And now that her PROGRAMING AT an dna level predisposed her to believe that 1 on 1 love is the only love when ..she still loves her other children it is just the animal drives and hormonial reactions to the new born that confused the human brains struggling to understand itself and the wideness of the choices it had before it as it ,,, left the safety of the JUNGLE ….. and forged and survived the SAVVANAHS as a prey spices ape ..that had memeory like it cousins who did not have the effects of being preyed upon like we did out in the open … our memeory became more important mor comples as the DNA wrote and stored the SUCCESSFUL DATA … of the males and females who lived long enough to mate to fuck to enjoy lasting relationships of sexual recreation … and resulting familys …..

Look I bring up shit like ecoonmy and I bring up being a slave to it ,,, and the idea of PHAROH etc etc and the end result ofESCAPISM ..ahhh but see escapism being drunk or high ,,or even being here on the WEB for long long times ..the whole idea of escapism is not a PROBLEM IN FACT IS is good for you when you have NO OTHER way of dealing with the trap you r inner self feels like it is trapped in …. And it is trapped in the idea that it is a TAO adventurer who came to experience the life of a DNa speices called human but instead of being that human as written in the Dna ,,,, you are forced to be something OUTSIDE of the DNa blueprint …. This confsion to ease the confusion you ESCAPE … and beeter to ease the pain then to explode . true ..but all you are doing is treating the symptom ….. and in fact creating newer problems and symntoms that then CLOUD THE TRUE DEEPEST ISSUES …


There in the unthinkable it is done ,,,, now talking writing planning about that which is done is to help me to believe it ..and the more real it is to me the more I am not resisiting it due to the PORGRAMING of expectations what is REAL for you … the expected life you SHOULD LIVE .. you dreams are done .. and they become even more done when you have clarified aspects of the dream while … you are planning for that which is POSSILBE … IN THE TOA ..THE VIBRATION IS ,, AND WHAT IS THIS REALITY AT THE QUATUM LEVEL NOTHING BUT VIBRATIONS …. And the VIBRATIONS of her tits as I pump my cock in and out of her pussy .. while she is on all 4’s ..vibrations everywhere ,, mind body spirit …. In the end it is what is really to be enjoyed in life ? why … look at what is really there behind the smiling faces ? and then think for your fucking self young master .

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