Sunday, August 31, 2008

zoulurchnering a twat

Zoulurchnering a twat
Young master in the ancient storys of Zhaungzi there was one where an old Turtle was laughing about the short lived human and the other animals like the fruit fly …. Kinda showing off … I am better than you and in pipes the Redwood tree and says ,,so you think you are so fucking great living to 300 years old I have been thousands of years I have watched as your great granda father was buryed under my leaves a an egg , watched him proudly like your self live have family after family ,, and then watched him finally get bored with life quickly age then DIE …. And some day that death will be mine to experience but not before you most probably die yourself …
The wise old tree , understood the length of time ,, was not as improtant as the OPPURUTUNITY TO , be here at all . To just experience the limits of time/space for the opportunity of FEELINGS a thing … a thing as compared to feeling everything all the time every second unto the the point where it all becomes a sensation of NOTHING , the no one thing with all the whole UN-IMPOSSIBLENESS of ti all ,,, so to be here is so MANY different forms with so many different adventures ….. And then the human said
BUT you gusy are not real … this is just a dream ….. And a woke !
The human got out his dog whistle to call his dog who was out playing in the field …. Chsing rabbits birds a nd butterflys ,,, did this human fully apprieciate the JOY of just playing that his pup was having it did not NEED to hunt for it had great food waiting for it at home …. No it was just playing ,,, so with the correct 4 blasts of the SILENT whislte the dog like magic appears running thru the grass back to his HUMAN MASTER … for some pets and words of love ,,, the joy of man and naimal the friendship … of the dog who actually does not need to go home with the human for the dog could have easly cought one of the rabbits it waS CHASINING ..but instead it wa sjust playing while the human was Chilling iin the shade out of the afternooon sun ….
Before walking the miles back home the human shared some water and a snack with the dog ,,, and some crows were SQUAKINg in the tree branches of the tree from the man’s dream a tree with the carvings on it left from generation after generation of human kind who left their mark … marks left as he was told by his great grand daddy … who showed him marks left by his great grand daddys great grand daddy … who showed him the marks ,, and likw with him ,, great grand daddy had him as a small boy carve his mark into the tree to show in the future his own great grand children …. In that same tree now he listened and watched the STUPID crow … the pest CROW who if not scared away will eat his crops…
And he was quiet , and still thinking a bit about the dream he had … he heard the SQUAKS differently ,, he heard one talk and then another respond ,,, he watched some quiet silent birds looking back and forth as the other 2 birds ,, CAWWED and squakes , in changing rymths to each other … sometime over lapping then on would stop … then respond ,, some times in almost the same voice and rhythm some time differently … then hoppped form branch to branch new birds coming and going ,, sometimes 2 or 3 birds would gather near a tlking bird ,, would would later fly off with his friends … to another part of the tree and squak some more…. Some time a bird here and there would fly out =into the filed to eat a few berrys then return to the conversation and and hopp around chatting even more softly 1 on 1 or in small groups with friends ….
But the sound of the squaks that was not language … it seems not to vary enough to TRANSMIT much information thought the human ,, they are just STUPID BIRDS …. They are UNIMPORATN LIKE THE FRUIT FLY …. AND again while los I this little daydream his puppy wandered off to paly so he did the special silent blasts of the dog whilste and puppy returned …. Barking his happy bark which is of a different tone than the bark puppy has ..for crows that are eating the corps …for this dog has been trained to chase crows when back athe house …. And the man heard …. The wind moving the leaves of the tree … a rich healthy ..vibrant tree who was over a 1000 years old ,,the rich sound of the leaves moving and rattling the gentle sound of its baranches being stressed by these gusts of wind ,,, made him wonder again about sound ,,, for as some of the fruit will die after only 30 or 40 years and as they age ,,they LOOSE this soft strong sound ,,, he remembered in his mind and compared the sounds of the AGING treee branch ,, that CREEKS just before it breaks in a gust of wind a gust of wind which ten years earlier would have just be a cause for the branch to move and SWAY alive and full of sap ,,,but later it ages and startes to break apart …the signal for him the farmer …to plant a baby tree underr the old one …. And then get readdy to harvest the last harvest from his old friend the fruit ,,the harvest of its bones old aged hard woods … which he will carve into …. Art for trade with alocal town … for metall goods .
He slitened to the TREE tell the world …. About how it was feeling ,,,, while the Crows were ,,, NOSHING relaxing in the afternoon shade …. And his dog who heards SILENT SOUNDS …. Rumbled and growled as it chewed on it favorite toy that the human had brought along for his friend the dog …. And he realized again the dog was talking ..talking to itself ,,talking to its ..toy just like he would talk to the WOOD HE would carve from the old oak tree talking to wood ? Yes for he found himself often talking to his art ,,, as if it woulc hear him , for that helped him enjoy his actions beeter for some reason , in fact he ..the human remembered hearing his dad talk to the cropas and eve the dirt itself ,, when ,,, the dirt was not acting right when dad was tiered dad cussed at the earth it self , yet dad alos later would feed the ground the heads and bones of fish ,,, when he planted new corn seeds ….. And heard the again the few simple sounds of the crow ,,, herad small tiny DIFFENECES in the simple sounds ,,he thought if the dog hears things I can NOT …. If the trees them selves tell the world tht they are alive of dieing …. I wonder does the bird have other ounds that maybe I can not hear ,,can it talk silently ?
And then the words of his GREAT GRAND DADdy CAME BACK ….. Everything is alive .
He thought how sound he would be teaching his baby sone to talk ,,repeating over andover and over and then OVER SOME MORE … for what seems like years ..teaching his son to talk like he taught hos other sons and duaghters before ,,EACH NEW individual baby ..needing to learn how to use those sounds they make … so that we can all talk to each other like the STUPID BIRDS do in the trees … LIKE THE DOG DOES WHEN HE TELLS ME something is wrong in the field …..
And how I stoppes his children when they got bigger from using words like …. Zoulurchnering …becaue what the fuck does ….zoulurchnering mean ?
What do you want ,,? Do you KNOW TO what great extent you already have in front of you many of your WANTS ?

Friday, August 29, 2008

pussy shaving animal

Pussy shaving animal
Welll . So have you yet ..felt that there is so much you WANt and that you get ..alll around all the time , this whole event itself is a want that you got and get ,,, even that hot fucking sticky air ,,,, last night which drains the life out of you..but then comes a breeze … and you experience the CONTRAST …. And if you had PRE-PAVED that segment of living you enetered your evening like you eneter your morning by saying to yourself with a level of excitement , hopefull expecatation …. I INTENT TO SEE MY WANTS tonight and then leave it alone ..let you rself become aware of the VASTNESS and varied wants you have ,,, and the realization thru even small events of experiencing the UNWANTED … how you can better enjoy those small wants in fact REALLY REALLY enjoy them because you are now CONSCUIOSLY aware … awakened … the contrst aof hot and humid with a refreshing breeze …. Are is the basos needed for the and this wholoe them of CONTRAST is one of the main toopics of the Enteratiner Ester Hicks whose link you can find on that page.
But you ,, you worry about meeting your next girl friend …. About the next time you will get LUCKY …. Here again the understanding of the reality of your EXPERIENCE the comaprision between feeling controlled a victum of living and realizing the choice s presented by the contrast of having times of pussy and times of no pussy ….. In fact .. It was good to seee you young master there with your 1 on 1 … we have talked about the stress you are becoming aware of in this relationship ,, you are tasting the possible contrasts ,,, you are forming newer wants in your mind AUTOMACTICALLY , these are then … by the facts of the nature of TAO ,,, a THING a thought form lets use those wrods ,,, a form in the possible of the toa which has a connection to you and this experience of TIME?SPCE ,, a time space which is made up of INFINITE numbers of YOU’S WHO ACT in a way to be expressed as particles so that all who are playing in time space contrast can have just that AN ARENAA to paly in …so part of you is seeing …. How the 1 on 1 is involved in a CONDTION of cohersion and control since the 1 on 1 is the only love life family form you have been MODELED ,,you are still having some problem with the … ahrem model of our DNA … but by being aware of this as a contrsting event ,,that in..ITSELF is not GOOD or BAD ,,but the opportunity for free choices ,,,, you start again the of understanding more clearly your wants ,, and the POSTIVE STREAM OF TAO that will give you what you focus on ,,because what you are CHOOING … CHOOSISNG ,,, you are wanting to think about the most ,, your free chooice to choose to want to think about the UNWANTED , more that a newer MODEEL … well that activates the steam of events for you … the I - IN - I ,,, will give you what your focus is ,,, so the better you realize and MANAGE ,,t he contrast let us say by choosing ,,to enter your segments of life looking for the cntrsats and the RESULTING wants created from the contrsat …… I wanted some form of relief form the heat ,,,, it came in a breeze ,, it came in a drink of water it came in going inside one of the stores ,,, it came …also in the CHANGING OF MY FOCUS of thinking as I got involved int alking to another one of you … young masters ,,,, who has been taking these ideas and running creating a newer alterantive life stlye plans ..creating new jobs for yourself ,,leaving the stressed out life of being slave just for CASh $$ into creating a life stlye of living more fully and enjoying the action of living instead of living to make cash so that you could escape …. You saw it …. You realized …. The trap ,
And the back to pussy ,,,,, lets say you were walking the streets of Jammn in Jensen …. Did yuou SEE YOUR WANTS in the friendship you see between the groups of girls laughing a giggling and shopping …. Caould you notice the BODY LANGUAGE expressed there and then the commucation between a boyfriend and girl friend ,,, some of them NEW to their relationship with out the baggges each of them create in the manipulative relationship of the 1on 1 …. The deep bsublte stress of FEAR based love ..the fear of losss ,,the fear of being rejected ,,, the fear pervades the 1 on 1 ,,, it is the base foucs so in fact thus you get stress resultining life of stress from the deep un known foucs on the basic fear of the basis of the 1 on 1 love story …
Reading the LANGUAGE of the body ….. Taking that TRUTH and using in the …. To formulte new things to WANT ….and then realizing that like riding a bike like learning to fly while stret surfing ,,, like learning to do your trade whether it isTRADER for rbd. Or building demolition , or fucking window wasing each was something un known something new something you had to proactise …. And with practis you got ,,confident …. And so it is with mmeeting newer and newer pussy opening up the game ,,, but then you will quikly realize just new pussy Is not the anwer you ,,your DNA calls out for the love of humanity which is that of family and again this DNA nature knows what is instinctually right aand best for us as a SPECIES ,,, you the flesh and bones bleeding sweating ,, hard-on and wet pussy hormonial ,,, shitiing andhariy pussy unless shaven animal …what is correct will be a force you will feel by comparing the contrasting of events your realized …REALIZED you wanted and got and then choose from it and modified …… after you achieved so level of skill at ….

Thursday, August 28, 2008

disconnected from pussy

Disconnected from pussy
fROM YOUR DISCONNECTED point of view …. It seems that things are fucked up …. But this is the game ,, have the OPPURUTUNITY to feel this confusion is what you SHOULD BE THANKFUL for because back when you will become …( BACK WHEN YOU WILL BECOME ) THE ..tao again WHEN YOU TRANSITION OR INOTHER WORDS croak OR DIE …you will be the I - in I you will experience everything beyond out thinking all at once …
BUT FROM THIS DREAM THISS …position of limited …limits … of limited awareness that ffeels so fucking real because it is REAL yet only one part of REALITY you often feel disconnected from the pussy that flows all around in like a river of wet lubricating pussy inviting your penetration ….. Woow and Phil you say this is the TAO also ,…. Pussy is the study of the TAO ?
A stream of well being it has been called ,, the law of attraction it is beeing described as by an other inertainer Ester Hicks and me well I fucking get weird and say ,,that each quanta itself is a YOU ..equal to you that flashes in and out to create this stable time/space so I can LICK PUSSY .. So I can get the nightly gift of fresh panties to sniff during the day …keeping me high with the hormones of feel sexual desire …. Ohm the is page a self hyponsis for you to kinda experience this single quanta awarenes event … ( the scientific amerinca ariticle I use as a hypnotic tool of truesim .. Actual y was the holographic study of the unverse article for a few years ago , I believe in that they were DREAMING about an active quark shell and the holographic effects ..)
So if an IN-FI -NITE , of my EQUALS are coming and going in and out of existence so that we all here , the birds , cat dogs bacteia , rocks etc etc etc and us just 1 ,animal DNA felsh and bones ,, hormone driven .. Instinctuall programmed for our beinifit … plain old animals who likes to have recreation thru fucking she likes to get penetrated for FUN … IT IS A FUN FOR HER to feel you CUMMING side of her …. A…. here and now is created in the UNTHINKABLE FOR US TO PLAY WITH , TO CREATE AND EXERIENCE …personel wants and desires … SO … IT IS A steam of well being FRINDS GIVING THE GIFT OF BEING SO WE CAN BE …. Hey that is WELL BEING THEIR GOOD intentions give us the Oppurutunity to experience a thing we do not like so we can then THINK FOR OURSELVES ,, and choose or come up with a NEWER IDEA OFR OURSELVES …. FOR OURSELVES ,, individual ,,umlimited … asdaptiations of ideas and lfavors of ice cream sundaes …. Each a little different spaghelttti sauce seasones just your way …. Not like any one elses but a little different … your way …. You can CHOOSE that here ,,, in the TAO in the consatatn middle of the all possible always in ALL ways to the poooint it is a no 1 thing .. Well there you have everything yet no think here you got he OP to choose .
What you do withthis DAY … is up to you ,,, now you have been trained by parenst who meant WELL , they did their best with the understanding they had ,, NIETZSCHE … wrote the best he could with the understanding he had ,, hissublte expeczations of based programming that stemed back to Aristotle and before him THAT humanity is the only thing with self awares and free choice is wrong and was wrong back then also … but … everyone like parenst etc just does the best at helping you be your best with the best tools they had …. But you CAN CHOOSE ..even movre than what they told you to choose from ,,, did you choose to smoke DOPE and maybey your folks condemned the magical mystery herb ,, but you still fREELY choose to smoke that shit … so I know you can and will choose freely ,,YOU ARE NOT TRAPPED …
Now youa re trapped by the FEAR OF NOT GETTING pussy ,,, pussy is a mystery ,,, no not really if you study certaintraiing your SUCEESS RATE will be so fanasitc as to creat a conifence about the PUSSY aspect of living that you can then become freer about building more stable family life style ,,, in harmony with the DAN nature of the animal we use the bio- machine we use to experience time/space …. And not use all our energy all our mental , RESOURCES … to keep the ROCK of the 1 on 1 FLYING …. ….. And I had talkied about the comfy stable HOSISTIC LIFE style free for your creation later after you realize your HONEST FREEDOMS , given here in the stream of well BEING created by … sub sub atomic aprticle who are not forced by a law …A LAW . Like there is some Quantum pig ,, put there to put them in the Quanta prison and have to face a quantum DA and worry about bein on Quantum poraole while they go back forced to be a flasho fthing that makes up a STABLE time /space event ….no …. free chosice of wellbeing created for our experience and thieres also , since we are the I - in - I ..and so to is every quantum SINGUALRITY … yet I -in- I …
And this all is part of the LUBRACTION OF HER PUSSY ,, THE WETTNESS OF HER PUSSY IS …. ISSS .ISSSSS …. What is it dumbfuck ? Water? What is made of what ? And hydrogen atoms are made of what ? And the vibration …the basis for PERCEPTION .. We only use the percetion of SOLIDNESS since ther is not alything that is realy solid ,,to basket balls are all that makes up a aperticle that in RATIO would bee a TEN MILE BALL of solid semming paritcle , but there is nothing in that but 2 basket balls that they them selves are olnly another level of the same vibrational model ….
But her wet inviting pussy ,,,, ahhhwhat is that ? It is not her pussy ,,it is her THOUGHTS … it is theisntincts of the BIO_MACHINE ..for is she had to think about the creating of the liquid so that she coud get fucked she does not understand her own body to move the exact muscles and create the steam of HORMONES commucation molecules to stimulate and regualte that flood of PUSSY LIBRACTIONS , that she needs to GETT YOUR hard cock inside of her where she wants it and you to bang her ..over and over …. Get it …. Viobrations …. Feelings …. What do you intent for TODAY … what at a vibrational level ? Let the STREAM OF WELL being do what is WANTS TO DO 4 YOU …. All created so you DUMBFUCK can have his wants … and wants are not ,,hard things like coffee cups they are vibrations , feelings the more you are feeling goo then the stream will bring more of that as you change the stream will bring that ,,feel shitty the stream will bring that expect problems the steam ,,being the NICE HELPFUL THING IT SI , will bring you more shitty problems ,,, and each mroning you get to choose your PASSION .. Yor wants ,, what do you intent to see in you day …?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

sperm pump

Sperm pump
Ok so ,,,the idea of waking up and saying to yourself in the privacy of your own mind where NO ONE ELSE CAN JUDGE YOU ,,( that being one of your greastest fears ,,being judged by others not just others but your peer group …you fear this so much that you often DO NOTHING ,,and the next biggest fear of judgement is the judgement a girl has about you ..aslong as you are ESTED in her ..then her judgement will control your own choice ) in your own mind ,,,, I INTENT ( what does intent meant ? ) to see those things I want to see ….hmmm well how does the programming the expectations play into this see ,,there are expectations you have been programmed with ,,and for the next 10% of years they will fucked up the PURENESS of your real wants ….one factor in the 1 on 1 greed based relationship is SPERM COMPETITION ( honeslty unantural of humanity except that about 70,ooo years ago at the time of the mutation when one of us was brought up as chimp/bonoboo and cross mating happened ,,, when that mutation succeeded finannlly for the possible of it happening over and over thru out history is a possible of the Toa ….. ( go back a few months back to a blog describing a possible of this event ) so Young master some day , a girl wanting deeply ,,and unknown KNOWING to her tht she is getting fucked over and over by you ,,,, her FEVER is there and comes and goes each month .. as she is feeling it ,, that wanto ,, of wanting to INVITE an adventurer into this TIME/SAPCE playgrougn …. And to do that she needs you JISM ……. She will be naked natural on a couch ,,, watching you force your dick in and out of tha sshole of a girl she calls sister yet at ..this time ,,,this expression of DAN time her hormaonail ups and down she feels a kind of SPERM GREED … w want to control all the sperm that can possilbey flow out of my balls , the balls she is watching swing back and forth as I know ,,, and holding her sister ( her friend ) by both wrists ,, she has cumm already she need ed to rub her clit to make the feeling of being ASS FUCKED enjoyable and it was and she started to CUMM very very hard ,, and well now I get to play to hear her scream shake her head in the wanting of me to stop ,, but her inner subbie drives her on to letting me complete my fuck she needs to feel me swell up and shoot my cummm my whie wet sticky sperm into her body now just his time in her ass hole …. Lubed and fucked …. …
And the other the sister watches ,,thinking to her self what a waste of GOODSPERM ,,,, I should be having that LIVE GIFT OF SPERM BEING PUMPED INTO MY PUSSY ….ahhh ..againt he yin and yang of the harem and the balancing of the greed nature of EVE if left to EVE it would be expressed in GREED and control throwing the whole- is- tic system off balance out of wahack and into pain .
Into pain ,,well so much of warfare is greed based lets understand the most baic of greeds that kinda starts the whole ball rolling and the above is a 1 description of that most basic greeds ..yet even though we have the MUTATED …gene we are not the pure homo spaien of the past 6 million years yet changes TOOK and it is ok for the old DNA is still there for thos who want to tap into that MORE peaceful and CO OPERATIVE ..of humanitys traits…
What do you intent to seee ?when you are looking a the people you encounter what side of them would like to see to notice ,,from you free choice to notice a GOOD and turn away ,,,yes just turn away ,,give NO FOCUS to the unwanted aspects… thsu delivering that focus less power of VIBRATION AND then the concept of the ATRACTION of vibration is greatly lessened over time till such Uunwants ARE ALMOST NEVER SEEN … IS IT possible ?
Is the Toa …UN IMPSOOSIBLE OR limited ?can ROCKS FLY ? Now understand there sare tons of girls especially now who are playing with BI SEXUALITY ,,, expressing their flood of hormones and the need for touch and human sexual interaction … and histocompatibility (MHC) odor effects …. Even homo sexuality gives some level of satifaction to this DNA need because of the fact of eachof us having the ablity and the constanst flow of hormones of each just in lesser levels …. some DRUG is better than no drug ….
Now … for some reason many the greed TRAINING we have these same girls who will sexually play with each other ,,if a mating boy comes into their circle the cirlcle of sisterhood maybe ,,MAYBE destroed because of GREED…..bummer huh ..but again this has a factor of personel choice … in it and thus the vibrational wants of the people involved will effect the outcome ..the vibrational wants of the oberservers will effect the out come
Schroedinger’s cat , and quaNTUM theroy and then bohrns response's_cat we us ,,we effect reality … by oberservation of it. The whole reason DOULBE BLIND STUDIES are so important to help avoid this ,,factor in the study of CHANCE .
You choice to live by FREE CHOICE AND PERSONEL CONTROL .. Is powerful and ,,then to add and amend your wants ,, withunderstanding ,,thinking I want to see … I want to feel … to sense ,,to have the UNSPOKEN in-tuition … THAT some of the girls I look at and find my self compelled to feel HORNY ABOUT , that they are not LOCKED INTO SPERM GREED ….. But feel the peace of the human harem animals which is stillw ritten in their Dan ,,the y love the sisiterhood and want the pleasure of others as much as the plaesure of themselves …. Can you choose to have this as one of your wants … just like wanting to see a realy cool sunrise beig relfected off the water this morning was mine ,, I did not know I wanted buyt really got to enjoy … or yesterday having , so many p[eople stop me becaue of my whislteing while I was working asking me for a business card wnating to give me $$$$$ in the ecomony so many complain about that there is no work ,,, they stop me and want to give me money mainly because they say ,,,YOU SOUND SO HAPPY ,,, will come and be happy around my world I will give you large stacks of cash ! To be happy around me for it makes me happy to see you happy …… fucking weird …. But reality …. And young master you can choice to want to look for this aspect in your life ,,, you can wake up ,,feeling so fucking excited to get out of bed so that you can experience living … being pulled into a hppy life … of your choice by looking for what you CHOOSE TO SEEE … your WANTO’s

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

wet pussy hard nipples

Wet pussy hard nipples
And orgasimic gilrs …. What are some of the thing I like ,, and if I like then I guess they would be part of my list oF wants …. I like seeing the Porpos/dolphins swim around in the river as I run in the moring it gets me to stop and walk for a while to enjoy the action , and listening to the breath that WHOOSH of air as they surface the wakes they produce in the shallow as they are chsing their breakfast fish around and around …. Till the TIRED ONE the tired one the bored one ..the one ready to return to the TAO …. Slows up enough to GET CAUGHT ,,not horror of in fear but the nature of the SYSTEM of coming into time/space and leaving time space …NOT JUDGEMENST of some god with a white beard sitting in judgement …. 9 GREAT STORY to create fear to train slaves )

Young master did you know that you are allowed to wake up ,,, and tell you self that … you intent today to see those things you want …. Well what are your wants ,,, I have a very big list of wants ,,, and they have been created slowly over time from the minute I was born AUTOMACTICALLY ,,each want is stored in …. Let us call it another section of the Un-impossible infitne tao called for our mine ,,use vibrational excrow account ,,, just a word tool to describe something UNTHINKABLE…. MY WANTS LIKE ENCOUNTIERNING ,, the dolphin this morning …. is a want that was formed without me really having to decide on it … all the 5 steps happened with out me having to try ….. just encountiering things you do not like ,,, ie. CONTRASTS … as you see what aspect you do notNOT like you automacitcially at some level of mind of VIBRATION of ths shit that makes upt the QUANTA itself ( ) ... at the reality of real ,,, at that level … I must think about the things I want !

So to wake up and tell myself that I WANT ,, that I in fact intent to see what I want …. My INTEnTION not my $$$ money back guarantee ,, but my intention is for me to choose to see what I want …we do see what we want to see in any event ..

In school in psychology class ,,did you do the experiement ..the INDUCTIVE … contrieve events to observe the outcomes in such a way as to have repeatable results that can be some what explainable. The experiment of 5 or ten people look at a foto ….. and then have then describe what they saw in the foto ,, and you will get 10 diferent PERSPECTIVES OF THE same picture ,,,, so yu do ,,choose to see what you are wanting to se in life . … so why not accept that FACT … this is life the rock faling facts of gravity of the agreement that things will attract things so we have the GROUPING of things and stability we call universe … the fact ..that the animals … big ans small .. all depend on ,,some data stored in a thing called DNA ..whether you ae plant or bacteria or ferrel cat or human animal we all have DNA …. Fact.

So if I can become aware that I do choose to see what I want ..FREELY and I can let every one else see what they want FREELY and there is enough stuff for each of us to see in this world ,,there si more than tomuch resousrces ,,the PROGRAMING AOBUT having to fear LACK and suffering is wrong it is again the TOOL of the thought form ecocnmy and the pharon and slaves master who skillfull program the slave class …workers like you and me ..into fear and dependence on the system ….. for ther is more than to much ,,, look a the US we have 300 million people ,,, using the Technology fo SFG ,, and the concelts of reasonable use of resources ,,, you can have ,, free fuel for cars all the elelctric you want and fooand well health care comes form within ,, the DOCOTR does not grown new skin cells ..the body dodes that ON AUTO POLIT because of DNA programming … and on page the reference to the amoung ot acres of just crop land used ,, not forest land or park land or hosing land already of paved over land ..or IDLE LAND ,, but just srop land and understanding that the 5 acres site plan is good enough to support 10 people we are no where even close to living in a world of LACK ….. in fact go back to the data of the blog Terraforming and think about it world wide still NO Lack no FEAR …

So that means the FREE choice to see wanst is ,,possible ,,, and again ,,,, for m the un wanted is created the wants ,, they are important experiences not to be feared but managed ,,sese the event but why choose to dwell onit ,,, it served you it gave you the contrast which created the WANTING AND UN WANTING … from where the real stuff of TAO ..vibration and create and infinite expansion is thus stored in the Tao itself ,,the vastness so , complex as to be UNTHINKABLE.

And so back to pussy ,,,,, you wan to see happy wet pussy wither titty exposed her nipples hard after I have pinched them ,,, she wet from my teasing over and over ,, maybe that tease for her ..her wants ,,not mine to judge ,,but her to love ,, was to have her ASS readdened with so good hard spanking maybe that is what got that pussy almost dripping wet ,,her thihgs , wett like I had poured water on her … and well that level of excite ment will bring my next ENJOYMENT ANOTHER WANT….. the experience of bringing her up to cummming and then then then ,,, fucking that over esenastive pussy ,,,, MEANIE MAN …. I get my kicks there now she willhave to heal after wards and lucky she does but for a half hour she hates me ,,, her pussy hurts so much ,,but later she is wanitn more and more ,,,, she also live a slife I SEEING what she wants to see ,,and whe wanted to see me do what I did to her ….. wow ,,that is my want also to understand shw wants the spanking I also enjoy giving which gives me the hot wett pussy I wll slip my harde senseative dick into and out of over anand over playing with myself buy using her pussy ,,, till I swell up inside of her shooting my sperm and then to notice how she is feeling that action she can teel the difference in the girth of f my cock and the action of my dick CONVULSING Anshootin out wet white live sperm into her over sensitive orgaisming pussy ….

And I get to freely choose to walke up in the morning as say iw ant to see what I WANT … and it may be pussy , it maybe ,,,, a cool sunrise ,, it may be seeing fish jump an dolphins play ….. I is going to be a whole range of things … an also I WANT TO SEE ……… CONTRAST because that helps me understand nad have newer and newere wants ,, more defined wants ,, like walnuts on my ice cream instead of peanuts … little defining aspect of .. not likeing to expeince HURRICAINES …. But I do like a healty eco-system and hurrincaines are like mother nature combin her hair ,,, I have to g and [ick up all the dead and WEAK trees branches … I already choose to see what I want ,,

Monday, August 25, 2008


Pussy of 103 degrees
Young master , the bio facts again the proof of the instinctual ,,( and deep chiking blow jobs in a second , too ) ,the animal nature still inside mankind and even our acceptance of it and our description of it in outarts and music ..HOT FOR YOU she is hot for you ,,, when she is OVULATING she has a FEVER yes in fact if you were a couple attemptinmg to have a baby by desing struggling in stress to create what you REPRESIONS have caused the both to no longer act naturally ,,, one way of tell if she is ready is by taking her TEMP if she is HOT then she is HOT for you ….

But what about the response of the male who is in such a contrieved relationship that it becomes science based not lust based … I am sure in the beginning it was fucking lust based ,,,, the both of you based your relationship on this chemical reaction for you two had CHEMISTRY for each other … HORMONIAL floods and highs as that lovely complex soup of powerful drugs brought on the..end to FRUSTRATION and the beginin g of acting like ANIMALS as Nickelback put …
The HRDNESS OF YOUR COCK AT THE BEGINNING and then later on after you have been trained not to expect sex your CHEMICAL soup says it should be like your natural DAN design ..tells you it should be ,,, you should have girls around and when they want to get fucked they are then in close proxximiity ..other wise girls like to hang with girls …. They hang with us for that animal need and RECREATION of fucking ETC…. fucking actuall penetration being just one part of the whole game ..

Another very important part is CHOKING HER DOWN HER THROAT with my cock …. That also is important …. For me now to expose what happens in my life as example for you to see yourself depending on where you are in the WHOLE game of love/sex ..whether you are just starting , hard every minute and shoot your load with in seconds but who cares because your are rock hard again in another 30 seconds …. And this time it will last longer no problem , and accepted by the girl now tits or dress covered in sperm from your 1st cummming …. Or if you have been feeling the effects of the training that is and effect of cohericion and control the ever present result of the un natural relationship state of the fairy tale 1 on 1 love sotry ( which is just chemically based highs and intenctiys )

Ok so it has been like a week ,, FAY keep my GF from coming home so our daily morning fuck was not been fucked and well jacking off is just a RELEIF action relieves pressure but lacks the total interaction of sounds and hormones that are tramsimitted human to human me to her , and her to me , thru air borne means and thru absorbtion thru the skin ,,, my sperm carrys hormones that feed her so does my sweat and so does her pussy lubrication ….. microscopic keys and locks of the human BIO- MACHINE are fulfilled by REAL BODY CONTACT S.. that cyber sex or jacking off can not full fill ..

So I in part was sexually frustrated … and my old programming of ..DOUBT ..well has years and years of deep throu instilling brain washing ..girl after girl ,,, my protective .. Siver BACK gorilla who opens door politely who goes to work finding pride in providing for the family ,,the one who worries about her in SICKNESS and in HEALTH ,,resepcts her knows and is WELL trained to IGNORE MY ANIMAL SIDE in favor of the haromony of the marriage or LTR long term relationship …. So my cock get what I call SHY will pum up , an down deflate ,, out side of my contro l and expression of my confusion ,,, is he HOT ? OR not ,,, she is kinda but it is not the same ,,,, I need you ripping her own clothes off like we did during our dating year ….

She thinks I think that I don’t want her she has become self consisuo trapped in the fahion modeling wondering if she is still attractive ,,, and I in my HONOR AND RESPECT as a man who said I LOVE YOU …

So now when I am on top of her my face in between her legs my half hard dick .. in her mouth ,,, sometimes welling up to almost FULLNESS and then like for no reason becoming half hard ,, and my own ,,, embarrassment in this up and down action … and then her want her ..need to feel that hard cock …. Slide down her throat CHOKING THE AIR off ,,her feeling of SUBMISSION returning her instinctual nature of Subbie being fullfileld ..with a hard cock to strtch her mouth around and her postioning her head and gling her her neck to suck my cock futher and further down her throat to feel me balls resting on her cheeks and nose and face ….and then my trumthm of fickong her throat and at he same time I love it and I know I must focus on the IDEA THAT SHE NEEDS TO BREATE for I can get so into it ,, leaving that pussy I was licking to get up in apush up like psotion to control the rytthm of my cock down her throat … and the good proud feelings of being hard no longer getting up and losing some then getting hard again over and voer ..but now getting FULLER FULLER IN GIRTH AND LENGTH , the noticing of her gag reflex …. I must you must be aware of your 60 count and with draw to let her breathe .. and well that gives you time to stimulate that pussy over again , getting her hot ter and bothered ,,, driving her to begg you to fuck her when you again fill that mouth with hard cok your odor of dick ,,, fill her nose and stimulates hormones resosnes ,,, satiflying her keys and lock of chemicals needs ..that is our BIO_MACHIONE reality of hormone interaction .

So here is so much REALY FUCKING GOING ON ,,, in sex isn’t there ?do you ever realize this shit OR ARE YOU JUST RESPONSIVE ..and based on what SHOUL+D be and so when what should be id like it should be you ..have anger of ..UNREALIZED EXPECATIONS … it is better to understand the comples ..trainin of you and your body ,, the effects of dating and sexual frustrations ,, the changes in the dating model as comfort and security builds and her own fear of losing you goes away aafter she has received and trusted in the animal who you are ,,the SILVE BACK GORILLA who will die for the family and her and cares for her in health and sickness who siil treat her with love and respect to the point of allowing your won sexuall esperesion to be reperesed for her beinift …

And then both need to understand the long term effects of this un natural HUAN RELATIONSHIP FORM ,,, THE THUS needed … forcing of the relationship like I described how much effort it took to keep a ROCK FLYING the energy planning and skill because flying rocks are un natural .. the 1 on 1 being unanatural will also need un nautral levels of planning and effo=rt to keep your cock hard to get her to BE HOT FOR you once more …

Now in the HAREM she can choose to interact with you when she wants you expectation of ..a more frequent natural expression of sex for your body ,, which is always ready ,, 24/7 ,,not on a high and low MONLTY cycle like she is … THE EFFECT OS THE STIMULATION OF HER BECAUSE OF THE hormone presence and the sounds of SEXUAL EXPRESSION SHE HAS FORM HER SISTERHOOD GETTING FUCKED BY YOU ,,,, the sound of her FRIEND and sister gagging on your hard cick which is rytmiclaly fucking her throat ,,, remeinds wher of how much she enjoys the EXPRESSION of being a SUBBIE ….. and thus her HEAT BUILDS FOR HERSELF AND FOR YOU.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

horny lil slut

Horny slut

Who are you really? Just be yourself !! ever here that ,, someone usually a gilr telling you to be yourelf //that is so much fucking bullshit ..BE YOUR SELF . becaue you are YOUR TITLE with in the contesxt of interaction . you are never ever yourself even when alone with yourself most often your are still one of the many SLVES going over the events of life ….. now she is …. one of her most important deepest held truths is she is the penetrated the link to that page is on this page ..and so is a link to a great book about sexual submission understanding its freedom and true self expression . of the orny lil slut …. Hormones instincts DNA all at work expressing the fun that the TAO can have in being ,,being ,,, a thing …. A thing using a stalbe reality a universe for experiences .

So young master , with your mom you are one personality at school in front of one teacher you act one way when infront of another another way or self comes out , and if you were in front of the two teachers for example ,,your SUB C brain would make FLASH unknownjudgements about LTR value to you … your stream of WELLBEING …and you woulod then present a personality tainted in favor of your BEST INTERESTES …

How are you when you are pulled over by the cops as compared to 5 minutes earlier with your friends ? how about the HEY YOU
,,YES YOU OVER THERE … personality …. For most people it depends on the tone of the sound of the voice that calls out the HEY YOU and the contexst ,,if it is at a jobsite .. a construction job site ,then you will react one way now matter what the tone of voice is… you willsuppilcate or risk losing your job ..correct

JUST BE YOURSELF ,,, who the fuck am I ? if I do not understand the changing dynamics of the relationship …. The confusing ups and down of the female hormonail cycle is alien to you young master you are flooded constantly with a testosrone drip that peaks ever hour or so with other sub hourly fluctuatlions you do not go thru ..ovulations or mesntrations ..the shedding and li quifieing of entire areas of skin into blood to prep for another high of HORMIANL changes radically strong drugs … thses hormones … do not tell me girls you do not know that you are changing you have a word for it PMS …your instinctual nature ..your DNA and you are then different and thus so I must be to you when I am trapped with you eh 3 wife life … no trap no expectation of me to change to flip flop depending on her hormones because as 1 girl is flowing in the other 2 are not wuite there yet and within dayas as the other is coming out the other is going in and so on and so forth ,,,, you ,…young master are saved by the balancing of the total family unit like it is designed to be in NATURE . but does not happenin the contrived relationship of the 1 on 1 …

But can the 1 on 1 work ,,, can rocks fly? Yes rocks can fly … if you take a rock of bauxite from a mountain and purify it .. take lot so effort and energy and unatral contrived action ,,you purify it into aluminum now ,,, go even more comples with much moreefforts and work to craft and ddesign it in to an AIRPLANE , shape it ,,, polish it , attach it …. Work it over and over … and now you have jus the firt step of the UN-nATURAL stress needed to make a rock fly ,,because next you have to POWER it to desing and test ,chambers to control the dangerous explosive tendency if distilled essence or ancient plants ..WOW more work and EFFORT … but it is done and go to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and you will see tons of these … contrieved pieces of rock flying in and out …..

The 1 on 1 human relationship is comparable ,,yes doable … like rocks can fly ,,but with such great effort and un naturalness that to live it would be to become slave to the event and contiunue for ever feeding it energy till you exhaust your resources …… just study the marriage counseling industry for a while understand the CONTRIVED ideas ..and effort of fighting involved in maintaining such a GREED STATE as the fairy tale lofe story of the 1 on 1 ….. you young master as evidenced by your fucking cock and her fucking oriness are and am ..harem animals

Now you can BE YOURSELF .. finnaly if you do the econic ideas of instinctualism and the child raisng and the sexual … you will find a NATURAL congruency …. In you ..and the whole family ..peace out phil

don't need pussy

Don’t need pussy
What I don’t need pussy? Bushit I need pussy from the animal aspect the DNa side of me ,,pussy is a chemical biological need , I know the sexual stress of being single I need the presence and the hormone scent of a woman in my life ,,, yes that is a bio- mechanical need of the machine ..the DAN amachine we human are drwn together ,,but but ,,because of the FUCKED UP NATURE OF our current dating system and the $$$ aspects etc etc etc ,,, often times ,,, the girl for example can feel … A NEED FOR THE SECURITY of the male , when inf act , whe can forage from nature by herself …. Yet the urge for family security etc ..the DNA does make it so that she has the urge to find the security of a good male ….. confusing complexity upon complexity agin ,.YEP young master when viewed thru the SHOULDS OF our culture that does not respect the TAO of the beast ,,the free choice and souls of ALL … like the FIRST NATIONS PEOPLES did it is said they say themselves as part of the world not outside of it … like the white man did …

A joke of the first nations people of my home country CANADA .. is …. They ask why is the white man so carzy? It is because he lives in a square house ….. his spirit gets suck in the corners leaving SOUL-LESS .. while the natural man lived in the rounded homes of nature that breathed with nature and was in harmony with the TAO of being here in time/space …..

Needing each other for the positive aspects of each other is NATURAL … but needing to the point of en-trpment is not natural ,,the female gorilla is always FREE to leave he skills of forgaing are natural so she can shop around if she so chooses to find abetter more suitable male … and the male who is left well if he is any good all he probably has other wives to tend to who are staying happily with him so ,,his pain not there like we have in this 1 on 1 … of possension ..the pain of separation ,,, we almost wish to be MISSED and for the other to be hurt …. Kinda of sick actually . to wish hurt on another HWO YOU SAY YOU LOVE ? but if you really looked deeply into your own soul about the anger you felt about the break ups you had ,,, you did wish for her pain ,,, and I betcha some of the girls also wished GREAT PAIN ON YOU 2 …. And this is the fairy tale LOVE of the white man ,,,? Of me and my culture … oh but I know I will get letters telling me about divorce in theindian culture and the love story of first man and first woman

And I will also have to remind you that more of th Indian nations ahd acceptable form of polygamy thatn did not ….. harem familys were worldwide the most common form of human family until the pollution of the 1 on1 greed came around in most often the form of HIERARCHAIL … policatical king queen governmental antion satates … often very vilent greddy nation sates … that lived and died even here on this contient … lived and died while the small tribal peoples continues in harmony with the land and nature…. Surviving past those great nations even after being a PREY OR SLAVE source to those nations states and tier god kings and queens....
Needing pussy ,,,, yes you need pussy ,,it is natural . and when you are without pussy the smell of her hormone presence in your life with in a few short weeks the DNA stress will GETCHA ! and confusion will set in and the partner of begging for pussy will start over again ,,, unless your COMMITMENT , your passion and desire of wanto is so strong so that you enter the mind set of the … juvenile Gorilla sivler back ,,who leave s the tribe ,,, and builds his own space in nature then attracts the females by , confronting the old man ,,it is his way of advertising that his is NOW A MAN , yet no real battle or injury takes place he is just advertising to the younger girls who are coming of age ,,hey baby yo baby ,,, iam here ,,, and your instinct is not to fuck your daddy so when the time is right ,,come check me out! is right here described by the current scientist who have been observing nature better than they did back in the day of NIETZSCHE or even Aristotle … more like th comtmeplative SAGE of china did … silently in nature with nature ,,he saw the toa of nature ….
But the idea othat yu too can be so confused so fucked up by a system of greed and POSSESION that we believe in the owning of another person who we proclaim to love ,,,, I have brought up Eckard Tolle from time to time ,,his idea of the pain body it is the words he uses to describe what he has seen in his experience of life ,,, his words like Abraham-hicks has her words each has words to touch the vast numbers of people out there ,,,, like there is not just 1 resturant ,,, there is choice …. So too it is with relationships even in tha niaml world …there is evidence of homo sexuality ,,bisexuality actually a lot of bisexuality among the APES like us … there is a lot of evidence for A SEXUALITY in men ..even in ape world many dont form harems but stay bachelors … free choice …. But back to that PAIN BODY ,,the cruel ness of you and of her ..over and over the GREED ego created self ,,it is not a natural self ,,, but here is a link and from here you can go to Eckard Tolle’s official page and learn a lot of good shit.

The hormonal greed aspects of an ovulating female to ,,,think about herself FIRST … is natural she must eat for TWO ..she must focus on herself for the benefit of the baby TAOSIT adventurer IN HER BODY and when the baby is born SHE MUST FOCUS on the hlpless infant …. This does create NATURAL STATES OF GREED which aided human kind to survive we left the stress of being the prey speicies … as we developed form the compounding of learning and teaching and modeling ,, expecatations written into DNA … this GREED of EVE became confused over the short 1000’s of years when remember your animal self your DAN self ,,is based on 1,000,000’s of generations ,,, 10’s of millions of years of compounding data ..

It is easy to get confused …… is about opening your mind to another an ALTERNATIVE to the alternatives you think you have . realy stop and think about the greed basis for the love story you have been living ….. see outside of the BOX ..of the should you have been trined to expect as FACT when …the only fact was that ..what you were trained to expect was only a FREE choice … presented by controlling interests like churches for the purpose of controlling and manipulating populations … the PLAN OF ROME still going on today …. Mutatued into Baptist and prodestians lutherains and charismaitcs , but the same under lying controls ….. are there and the same results of creating a world which DEPENPED on the shurch for the answer to the confused state of humanity that the churches OWN presence itself created. And to insure even deeper soul level confusion the church controlled sexuality .

You are a harem animal … a very loving co-operative species ,,even te GREED of EVE actually is dealt with by other EVE’s who understand it and are adapted to support the MOTHER AND BABY … while you young master just be what you are ,,the male presence …. Maybe it coulod be said jokingly that you are being used as a SEX TOY and a worker who provides …but that is ture and in balance with the DNA and yin and yang.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

fries , pussy and a coke

Fries pussy and a coke

Young master ,,, ohhh the idea of becoming magicall ,,so that you can make clouds disappear and move objects or alchemy of turn base metals into GOLD ….ohhh how mankind ( that includes girlkind also ) have bee striving for this SKILL set to finally evolve into this TIME/SPACE …because we can feel that somewhere some how these skills are possible we want to evovlve some SELF CONTROL into this ADVENTURE ….. ok remember the un-impossible

Pussy pussy pussy ,,, that clean shaven or soft and furry …slit of skin on the body of a human the same yet different to us , their voice is softer ,,their skin and muscle tone is softer … their tits make us think or actually make us NOT think , the effects of the BIG T is actually the shitting down of higher brain function so that you can focus of fucking ….the big t- testosterone … also it is there to insure you are pumped up to protect the ahrem …fuck or fight response … so her tits do not make you think they help you realize your INSTINCTUAL NATURE that you want to think you do not have1 …but it is such a daily part of you that you have forgotten it in FAVOR of listening to humans so caught up in self delusion and illusion of self GRANDUER ( hey a great adventure if they want no judgement have fun ) that they made up …. Sciences proven we human are more than that which we are made up of … and that actually controls the AUTOMACTIC running of the BIO-MACHINE called homo sapiens
The swelling of her clit in response to excitement like th swelling of your dick fact a lil dick hidden in tiscovering like your was supposed be still , safe healthy and very very sensitive more fun to play with actually ..

Ok back to and order of fries and pussy and a coke ,,, the inatant ,,,mentally , the magicall mentality …. See again I will go back to the limited PHAROH who considered himself the GREAST thing on earth and his science the end all of KNOWLEDGE …. (every age of man thinks it is the smartest and not much more will be found out – bullshit ) pharoh KNEW that metal can not fly …. Yet thru our desire or WANTO ..we created STRESSSED ways of creating this MAGIC of flying metal … in accord with time/space limitations … yet to pharoh it would be BIG MAGIC …

Instant foodsand restaurants that served things thru drive thrus ,,, are attempts in and within the limits of time/space to have the magic of think and recive…. Instant graifaction a magical state … am I getting my point across many girls in reality study the META ARTS ,, the learn about the goddess cultures in hopes of being a Witch … and having instant control or atleast more control over time/space …many many people study ABRAHAM and the law of attraction trtying to speed up TIME/SPACE so they can have their WANTS as they think fo them ,,, they want instant MATERIALIZATION .. of their wants ..wehn in fact his PLAYGROUND is about experiencing our wants no limit except that which is POSSILBE TO think about ,,the UNTHINKABLE is not available here right now …( no limiting TAO ) but the de3srie to have the food the fun the adventure just by turning on a GAME and there on the TV is whatever dream you could want to play …. We are ever so slowly evolving better and better games ( great fun no judgements .. just understanding and thus freedom to choose ALTERNATIVES ) you want instant pussy …. Well you can buy it , but in the controlled market of ILLEGALITY you get shitty service for the sexual health care industry of this country there is not real competiion to choose a better professional who will give a better experience of relaxing enjoyable sexual expercise and body function ans healty stimutlation of natural human organs …. ( my statement of th reason why sex industry should be legal and regulated and in open competitive markets) …. Instead you have cyber sex …. Ok something iss better than nothing ,, the INSTANT …

But remember the idea of TOA the no1thing the state of un-impossible … there at the same time as thinksing is the materialazrtion of thought time ….. evry psosslbie is all ways all ways ..there for ever ..inot he point of total confusion and the eperince of no 1 thing ….. so a space time playground where things happen more slowly …. Events come in a linear fashion ,,is kinda of fun ,,the JOURNEY ..thur the events passing .

But since you were PROGRMED to view this life as some sort of punsishment fo a GOD ,,( the tool of PHAROH this whole god invention , the god/man pharoh who the salve was trained to serve or die … whose children were thren trained to serve and slave for or die nad generation after generation learned to serve and priest learned to EXPLOIT this ablity of the human mind to store memeory as auto programming to be able to function in complex working cultures …..but this is such an UN NATURAL STATE FOR the TAO adventurer ,,the inner spirit who cam her to be a FREE ANIMAL a bio-machine called HUMAN …that in the twisted instinct state ,,,mankind shows the effects of manipulation

So honeslty it is resoanble that mankind in it’s frustration and the deep inner knowledge of its own TRUE SELF that of being the I – in – I …. An unthinkable magical being …. We would search for some sort of FREEDOM and self control ..yet yet yet ,,we ARE HERE TO BE IN TIME …. To experience the events one step one step ,,, not depending on amgic . yet we are being trained to depend on the magic or the current illsusion of MAGIC prvided by the controllers once ore ..the slave master the pharoh is tricking back deeper into slavery .. addicting you to his escapism promise … of fast food? Of fast entertainment ? of fast pussy? Giving you the entatainment like the ROMANS knew keep the slave citizen entertained …. And they stay controlled to be nursed from … by the ruling class ….. like some ant colonies that have aphfids that they LICK the aphfid SWEAT for FOOD …

Ahhh but FREEDOM of choice that comes from having newer and newer PERSPECTIVES or points of view ..ideas , and understanding ….. of tha nture of things that are happening then can make real LATERANTIVE choices … see you TATOO is not an alternative choice .realyy it is an express of your REPRESSION and frustration ,,,it is a statement saying I have had enough I am not going to take it any longer ,,but that is all it is …just a visiable statement that then THEN LIMITS YOU IN the real world …. For once more dumbass that TAT on your neck has prevented you from getting a sweet deal of ecominc freedom .. once more the world judged you by the visible TATOO … you think it is your ALTERANTIVENESS when in fact the tattoo is just an INDICATIOR or symptom of your inner self speaks ,,, aksing for help with the confusion of the world …. And you stupidly stop at this Expression of ofristration thinking it itself is the answer the joint or the beer or the go boost of the TATOO is the answer when infact you see later you need more and more of that drug to keep the good feeling going keep the illusion going .

When what is reality is that your inner self ,,just wants to BE NATURAL … live as described int eh EXPECTIVE programming of the DNa that is what our bio-machine is based on ,,then experience living on foot in front ot ther other steping off into the love and adventure of being a TOA being a HUMAN…
OOOH YEAH THAT MEANS LOTS OF FUCKING SO THAT THERE WILL BE new models for the next Tao to in habit for adventure …. ( ohhh R you stuck on my trashing of Nietzsche remember he and his peers were so stuck in the idea that mankind was beyond its DAN as to not put that into the equation ..they had not idea of the concepts of vibrations and Quatum paritclicles and thus the NON REALITY OF concrete pyshics )

Friday, August 22, 2008

only 1 pussy

Only 1 pussy

Desiring more the desire than the desired … and do you desire pussy ? the heat you feel when you look at that chick thinking about what it would be like to smell the odor the richness of her scent me and pantiys … I am A PROUD PANTY SNIFFER ,, I will do it without thinking with out realizing that she is watching me indulge in the hromaone trail left on those pantys worn all day …and high I get from the smell of pussy … the DESIRING is more important than the DESIRED ? yes to the starved to the manipulated the caged animal trained by years and years of PROGRAMING … . NOT TO, the understanding of the HIGH OF THE endorphine and seratonine rushes the testosotorones and Adrenlines SUPER DRUIGS PUMPING wildy thru your vies due to the sexual manipulations of our MOARL CULTURE .. a creation by those who needed a controlled population … but dipshit my friend young master ,,, what if you choose to respect your DNA the moralisty …of the animal world which does not kill out of ANGER or meanness or spite or greed for shiny shit ( the effects of death during mating battles can if realy studied to be seen as a NON GREED EVENT MOST OFTEN IT IS ACCEDNTAL ,,BECAue mating battels really on average ARE BLUSTERS showin g off .. between equals or youth and inexperience and skill age and experience ..but yes when the TAO is old and wants areturn ..its seeks out the HIGHWAY creating the situations needed to the return back into the TAO …. So again to explore NIETZSCHE’s Will to Power ideas ,,, from the thoughts of the toaist ,,, you can see the pollution of the programming of his SCIENCE and that of those surrounding him and those who today ….depend on his foundations ,,like so many had depended on the foundations of Aristotle …. ahh the evidence trail thanks NIETSCHE the evidence trail of sexual manipulation and control and the effects of manipulation do you see it everyewhere if you just look behind the ISSUES or problems see them not for the real problems but the indicators or symtoms of the real issue …. WHEN NIETZSCHE WEPT …. A good wells tudies historical novel can express the humanity so much better than cold hard facts from text books…. If you got a movie night this movie maybe worth getting , for the fairy tale is well repreasented in it ,,but again ,,it is one without the understanding of ALTERANTIVES the hero proclaims form a position of limited choice when in fact is all about family and his return to his family is all about family . and so is the deepest reality of the fairy tale of love about family …… but why the 1 sure politics is one reason but maybe there is something even deeper at work …

She is designed to focus on 1 baby at a time and in fact ..kinda chase off the next baby .. that sounds ruff but it is the instinctual nature sure she has two tits but she is on averaged designed to LOVE ONLY 1 at a time very deeply ….. I know I know that may seem wrong but I am talking instinctually , when you young master are designed to DEFEND and protect the entire family thus ..loving many ..all the time ….

Just a PERSPCTIVE .. to think about if you are able and open enough to think out side of the EGO you cling to … I know I had brought this up yesterday but .. it does have some sort of seed in IT ,,there is something there to understand to accept to pthen ,, by accepting p[ass …the idea that again chid birth actuall instinct drives of hormones effect the relationships … that things like pregnancy can be the CAUSE of human greed …. And now that her PROGRAMING AT an dna level predisposed her to believe that 1 on 1 love is the only love when ..she still loves her other children it is just the animal drives and hormonial reactions to the new born that confused the human brains struggling to understand itself and the wideness of the choices it had before it as it ,,, left the safety of the JUNGLE ….. and forged and survived the SAVVANAHS as a prey spices ape ..that had memeory like it cousins who did not have the effects of being preyed upon like we did out in the open … our memeory became more important mor comples as the DNA wrote and stored the SUCCESSFUL DATA … of the males and females who lived long enough to mate to fuck to enjoy lasting relationships of sexual recreation … and resulting familys …..

Look I bring up shit like ecoonmy and I bring up being a slave to it ,,, and the idea of PHAROH etc etc and the end result ofESCAPISM ..ahhh but see escapism being drunk or high ,,or even being here on the WEB for long long times ..the whole idea of escapism is not a PROBLEM IN FACT IS is good for you when you have NO OTHER way of dealing with the trap you r inner self feels like it is trapped in …. And it is trapped in the idea that it is a TAO adventurer who came to experience the life of a DNa speices called human but instead of being that human as written in the Dna ,,,, you are forced to be something OUTSIDE of the DNa blueprint …. This confsion to ease the confusion you ESCAPE … and beeter to ease the pain then to explode . true ..but all you are doing is treating the symptom ….. and in fact creating newer problems and symntoms that then CLOUD THE TRUE DEEPEST ISSUES …


There in the unthinkable it is done ,,,, now talking writing planning about that which is done is to help me to believe it ..and the more real it is to me the more I am not resisiting it due to the PORGRAMING of expectations what is REAL for you … the expected life you SHOULD LIVE .. you dreams are done .. and they become even more done when you have clarified aspects of the dream while … you are planning for that which is POSSILBE … IN THE TOA ..THE VIBRATION IS ,, AND WHAT IS THIS REALITY AT THE QUATUM LEVEL NOTHING BUT VIBRATIONS …. And the VIBRATIONS of her tits as I pump my cock in and out of her pussy .. while she is on all 4’s ..vibrations everywhere ,, mind body spirit …. In the end it is what is really to be enjoyed in life ? why … look at what is really there behind the smiling faces ? and then think for your fucking self young master .

eating bluegills


Wow ,,the title had nothing to do with pussy , so I betcha this whole blog will be sex sex sex … no sorry it is your life again twisted around and handed to yu in another form so you can think for yourself with new perspectives and thus hopefully make a broader range of choices about what it is you really want your fufurture because that future is b eing created TODAY HERE IN your mind … young master ,,the possible the cage of your programeing allowed you to EXPECT what you have now and you have that NOW ,,, and from this now yu are thinking about yout tommoroows as well as handleing the pressure of this now ,,watching where you are walking RIGHT NOW …. Is important and the expect of the DESTINATIONS are also IMPORTANT ,,but again the YIN AND YANG …the balance never to much in one ..the future or the NOW and the past well it is very important from there you get the info for the 5 steps the all important knowing of what you do not DO NOT want which helps in the creation the assembling of NEWER ideas ..
Does the idea of a natural life sound THREATENINGLY like it may be boring ..? I look at the changes of nature everyday and really enjoy them ,,,, I see what the current guru’s of today feel is imp[ossible because they are stuck in the teaching of the past of man’s ego .. like Deepak Chopra a very smart man great debater and sales man … but when I herd him say that animals have no SOUL of free choice or spirit .. iknow he is stuck in the BOX of word and books …. He is not I – in – I with the old wisedoms lets say of Zhunagzi the MUSIC OF NATURE ….. another book but of man who like the entertainer Ester Hicks teaches the NON importance of himself … the NON godliness of self ..since we are all even the VERYATOMS themselves are all equally the god shit … the expression of a point of view and experience otf the Un-impossible ahh but did not the EAGLE freely choose to come visit me? Day after day ,,there was not reason for it to do that other than for its own enjoyment … ahh WHY does Deepak Chopra ignore the Ferrel cat that chooses to become friends with humans while the others donot and do not say it is only about food , because when their belly is full or even before when they are not in competition for food meaning hey are inside alone and I hav poured food out on the kitchen floor ,,they want more to be PETTED and to purr for me than to eat they leave the food and pester me for FRIENDSHIP ahh this is the PROOF THAT animals the beast have NO,, NO .. free choice or concsiuos awareness , the respond only like animals …. Whne I would take out the canoe to visit the dolphins/porpose that swim the INDIAN RIVER … and those majestic mammals come over to my canoe as interestedin me as I am in them ,,that great big … eye looking up at me as the swim nest me in very shallow clear water …. Why ? do they do it .. if the animal is only controlled by instinct and not BLENDING OF FREE CHOICES .. you are not controlled by instinct that is the basic programming freeing you to then better enjoy the choices fo experiences you have presented to you …. Because if you live in harmonly with your instinctual nature you will not be so FUCKING STRESSED by the confusion fo our current dating and sex ..and sex is IMPORTANT … the family unit the social nature of the harme , we seek yet MUTATED into 1 on1 faiy tale expectations which have failed since the days of the GREEK who expressed their PAIN and confusion in their theartre with the TRAGERTY and in the poetry whose bulk comes from stimlutaed from the pain and confusion and expresses mainly the pain and confusion with some pleasant exceptions here and there yet the vast numbers of works will show a 100 to 1 ratio of pain to fairy tale…

Ok but today was about a handful of beans … of yellow beans and pole beans …. It is about a 5 year old picking fruit and helping in the kitchen whose pride and sence of self expands as she tells everyone how she made all of the juice and jelly …. She did it ,,even though young master someday when it is you that istaking your kids out picking or fishing ,,,REMEMBER it is not NOT about you or about actually getting any work done ro catching any fish for tonights dinner it is all about the KIDS having fun ….. get that drilled into your head if you want to get work doen then do not let the young ones help because you will demand of them to work which is not what they are HERE to do they are INVITED GUESTS to play and in that play they then learn form EXAMPLE and test and trials …how and what they may like or want to do when they are BIG.

Ahh but the limited expsosure of events is …something that is part of the box also ,, for so many of you young master have much more exposure to PORN than to going fishing in the wild or picking and preserving wild foods … yep you know or at least have sex data to dream from the modeling created for you even while you watched noggin and NIK …the sex was there forced into brain thru the Britney spears of one age and the HANNA MONTANA of this age ,,but is was the sex of FRUSTRATION and fashion UNREAL human bodies ..being paraded and ILLUDED to ..stimulating hormaones that you did not even understand you had starting to circulate thru you while very young …. Yet the interest in ATTRACTIVENESS shows the evidence trail of sexuality even in lil’ones ,,but I am not track again ain’t I ..with todays theme

The them of LEARNING that which you do not know …about … the baby steps and the ego of failure which in reality is not failure at all but those baby steps that if you were a real human of ages past you would have had the play time while young your own like PLOT to play in the cane pole to catch bluegills with ,,the pride of bringing home that lil tiny blue gill like the big bad hunter to the family the OOOH ands AHHH of family telling you how great that lil bluegill was and then EATING it ,,, that lil blue in the hands of a small boy is the same size oas a 3 lb bass in the hands of a man .. can you feel the EGO reference you may have to laugh at the bluegill it comes from the TV shows showing only big bass and thus your attempt to catch only the biggest and best …

Fay desemated my beans …yep they are trashed and the lil crop I had going from this SFG of beans well needs to be replanted …. now i am a lil;one a kid a learner … and since I am that and I do not resisti it ,,my ego is not that fucked up … I took the hand full of beans left ..the EQUAL to a bluegill and well cooked it up and it tasted so SWEET ….. honestly the beans were not doing well they had been sunburned the new soil does not have the MICRO BIOLOGY yet to fully access all the nutrients aavialable …for the plants ..yes like us ,,like we depend on bacteria in our guts to digest our food to get all available nutrition from our foods ,so is the plant world dependant on a healthy well balance soil system .. and that takes time to establish … you can force it with artifiacil chemicals but that in reality destroys and poisins natures HOLISTIC SYSTEM … and just produces a Realiance on MONSANTO AND DOW CHEMICAL …. ( pharoh familys of our age ) ahhh but so good my lil bluegill’s worth of beans tasted .. like the small salads of lettuce and lettuce for a few sandwiches here and there had been ,,the leaves , small some VERY imperft … yet natural ,, in fact that FRESH LETTUCE in stuff you get at the store ahs been bathed in sulphurs and pesticides since the day it was born in the field …. And yes it LOOKS GREAT ..while an at home fruit or vegg iee wwill not be as perfect ot look at …. Hey it will NOT BE LIKE A BRITNEY SPEARS OR HANNA MONTANA … to you the now lil’one of farming or of the learning of self RELAAINCE ….. ohhh you would be so proud to LEARN … some Kung Fu …. To be a beginning learner of that would find pride in .. the beginner at learning ..Guitar hero … you would be ok at ..but your EGO will find nothing to be proud of in learnig to CONTROL REALLY CONTROL YOUR OWN DESTINY …

Evey kid begins with years of catching bluegills ,then a bass here and there then ,,to the point that 3 lb bass are the regular ,,,, like bluegills were in youth … but that takes years of evolution of expectation ,,,, ahhh here we go BACK IN TO the mumbo jumbo of … ABRAHAM ..the vibrational expectations and the law of attraction s expressed in time/space adventures … moving from bluegills to bass over the years of youth ….

The moving form a hand full of beans to full famly dinners and and shelves full of prepared for winter time foods … it is lke the years I learned that the wild grape vies I had on my land were just hat wild grapes ,,the learning from a local old timer who told me that back in the 1800 when that old hisotic home next to me was built these vines were the grape vines of that family providing juices eating …. Vinegars and WINE … the learning that year of tasting the seedy lil fruits ..understanding when it was ripe and not .. and how fast the fruit dropped and the second harvests .. the tending of the vines so that the next year there were more etc etc … and then the decade plus of cropping from it … and the pride of all the five year old I have taken out and let them pick ( actually messup a small section I have just for kids ) fruit and help be involed in preparing it … the can look at the shelves and see 20 GALLONS of juice and 24 jars of perfect jelly ( much better this year , last year I missed the crop because of personell stress , I just got the second harvest )

The pride of tasting that which you make yourself at 5 and then choosing ,,not to have the store bought stuff but her own home made jelly ..not to drink the gator aid but her own home made juice … ahhhh living . can you conccieve of it young master ,,yes there is moe than just your hand on in store for you in the future ..yet your hard dick will be tended to all SO . by 3 who choose to choose FREELY something Alternative those who understand and do nt resit but embrace their instinctual nture and part of that is holistic mind body spirit

Thursday, August 21, 2008

the steam of pussy

In the stream of pussy

In the flow of her lubrication …then the fuckng of her pussy is pleasant for both but if she were to be dry and you are out of KY …. Or good silcon lube well you could end up chaffing your cock and that ain’t fun honestly my may have fucked a stressed chihck with a dry pussy ,,well haveing to rely on spit …. But then the real question is ,,WHY is she not WET ? ahhhh ,, she is probably fucking because she BELIEVES she should fuck ,,it is her JOB …. Instead of fucking beause it is her NATURE AND DESIRE to be penetrated

Now again I want you to hear the words of a great entertainer ..whose art is the streaming of her INTERUPTATION of TAO ..or Abraham .. whatever it is a nice thing is that Abraham does not TAKE ITSELF very seriously …. Nope it constantly ssays ….. it is ..just the you of you the I – in – I ….

but back to her pussy and her INSTINCTUAL CURRENT OF THE FLOW of her pussy lube …. The interst actually she feels when she hears the pleasure that her SISTER is having getting fucked by you ….AHHH again eith the concept of FREE WILL sister hood …. Free hoice on her part a great desire on her part .. an evidence trail before you TWO BECOME a TWO …. And more ….. is it there ? is the truth being spoken of ? by her… for you have your EVIDENCE TRAIL already correct young master you have well maybe it is not totally done but .. some is done right the simple basic unit 1 is done and 2 is being built right …so you have your evidence trail and the costs are under control the ablity is yours i mean honestly how much more simple can you F’ing get ?than that ….. ohh now I did put in the link to earth ship for reason is technology is great but unless you got no PROB with a worn tunneling into your living room …. The idea of direct dirt walls ,,,the rib and skin will give you the effects you want ths renewable ness of WOOD … and the thermal mass of EARth in a smple plan.

This is too the stream ,,when it comes easy , simple yet providing what you realy wanted …AHHH THE STREAM IS picking you up gently .. rwo row row your boat gently down the stream MEERLY MEERLY MEERLY life is but a dream ….. some space cadet for ages past wrote that song and sang it wisdom to children and we have choosen to forget ….

God dam we are stupid us humans …. The flow of the stream of your HORMINAL DNA .. the flow of your squirting sperm and her wett pussy ….natural streams …
The stream of enenergythought or whatever ti is that is BEYIND THOUGHT unthinkable which is that which is the VIBRATION can I use that description … that is the reality behind my ….hardness of the coffee cup I drink from ,,,, the feeling of thing that is this key board I type on …. Now remember young master mankind can only TRANSLATE the TAO when trying to describe it with things or tools like words that re in the REALM or LIMITION of thoughts … building blocks of description but they lack so much ,,rmemeber throughout history ,,, many many teacher came and talked and had the following generations ,,fuck up their words …. And call them GODA … even look at the abraahm videos and you will see the glassy eyes of the FOLLOWER of Abraham who addresses Abraham like it is some sort of GOD ….FIX ME OHH GREAT ABRAHAM …

Remember ( and I know I will offend many with these words but what would the GREAT ONE really be talking about today ..if the traddiontions of his words were never formed but were to be formed to day by him …. Saddathra or Buddha …… the idea that there is evolultion to the toa even though the toa is complete only there is the infinite unfolding of that which is unthinkable …. Or that one side of the I – in – I is more advanced or smarter than the other side .. as if there were STILL SEPERATION …. This whole idea of nirvana ..ahh but to have a n DERAM or illusion that continues thru more than one life time ,,,, SURE WHY not who am I to limit the TAO …

The balance my frined ,, mind body spirit ..body the feeling good and letting the tree live in your land and provide it’s fruit for you and your family ,, the using of sundrying … like SUNMAIDE RAISIN still dryed with the sunlight ….. to store free foods ..going with the natural flow instead of fighting a stream of WELLBEING already established for your SUPPORT …the stream already ESTABLISHED for your support … in you DNA ..the truth about human family units and love and sex …

Understand love is LOVE , yet there are chnges in love because of hormones ,,we KNOW THAT IS FACT . yet the underlying love is still there ,,,THE MOM has different feelings actuall for the child she breast feeds than for the child whose mild teeth are falling out still LOVE … but different it is the INSTINCTUAL NATURE of NUTURE …. Didffferent at different stages of development but the love of the inner person .

And to love a girl Only because SHE PRESENTS ..HER self in a fashinalble sexy manner can be seen to change with the fashions …what is considered to be attractive ,,when in fact dumbass ,, you really love her ,, even in the moring when her make up is gone her hair is a mess …. And she is no longer looking like a MODLE ,,you still love her … so love is for the actuall person …and it keeps on going even as the ATOMS OF HER BODY change you do KNOW that there is not 1 single atom in your body that has been there for over 7 years ( except those which were implanted by doctors ) living tissue changes out totally even bones do , every 7 years ,, you are not your body nor is she …. Yet we love ..bodies? and yet it is said I can only love 1 girl … WHA SAYS , where is the real evidence trail for that ASSUMPTION about me a male ,,, she is designed to FOCUS HER LOVE on 1 yes on 1 mainly … as in 1 baby INFANT ,,she has to have very focused DIRECT LOVE 1 on 1 …to insure the survival of that infant ,,and this is where the concept of 1 on 1 love kinda MUTATATED FROM … plus add the complexity of political need to conserve power in the familys of the very few … complexity upon complexity ,,IF YOU WANT TO PADDLE UPSTREAM ,,, of you can choose to go with the flow of her pussy juice of our DNA … read the water and the stream like the instinctual fisherman in you does ….. read the evidence trail of our body design .

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

potential ass fucking

Potential ass fucking

An ass on my dick is worth 3 in the bushes ….. is not that the old saying ? young amster …your fucking potential I have heard fucking enough from girls about HIS POTENTIAL his potential he is a good boy just gone wrong some one needs to give him…. To give him …. Hear that word GIVE ….. young master ,,girls are INSTINCUTALLY keyed into receiving ….. to getting things given to them ,,, it is part of the nature of their lives to expect hand outs and gifts ,,it is not NOT WRONG it is in line with the instinctual nature of PREGANACY … and caring for helpless young one , in a harem support system family unit …..GIVE ME HELP for the beinfit of the WHOLE understand the job of the DOM gorilla ,, the confusion state of the bonoboo and chimp …. Again realize the shape and form of your dick … etc etc

But for you YOUNG MASTER to be given shit ,,, given a break after your mild teeth have all fallen out and been replaced by ADULT MALE TEETH …. To give you more that the time of day it sto POISING YOUR SPIRIT … never give you a job or expect to be GIVEN a JOB but earn the right to PROVE yourself at WORK ,,,,, the idea is common it is the INTERNSHIP we have a lot of now adays even in the Porofessiona carrer paths IT IS EPXECTED that a good university student who is recruited may have to do an INTERNSHIP at the CORP prior to be hired during asummer break ,,it gives the CORP a chance to see if their initial investment int hat POTENTIAL IS AN GOOD INVEST MENT

BUT A HORNY CHICK , because o0f the dating system that she likes so much that she has never really deeply thought about ,, or understood its roots OR WORSE the real effects on us as HUMAN AND FAMILY ….that horny chick because of the sexual frustration that she too has ,,the SELF DOUBT of sttractiveness that is aREsult of fashion …. Realy does not look at the REAL MALE she thinks she sees POTENTIAL in some one who has the TRACK RECORD ..the evidence trail …. The PROFF to NOT HAVE POTENTIAL IN THE MALE IS PROVEN IN ADVANCE OF HIRING …. Often.

Now since about 9 in 10 males are realy RAISED BY THE MOTHER and the females of the school system . for again ..agin realize this whole public school system k thur 12 is only les than 100 years going only 3 + generations ,,out from the idea that a young man would learn his aABC’s then LEARN THE DETAILS of house building manitaing farming ETC …. Except except remember the church forced 1 on 1 RELATIONSHIP form has infected WESTERN cultures perverting many ….for about 1500 years we can look atother cultures and see more stalbe loving long tern less crime and greed based societies ,,but in the end the EVE GREED did wipe out many of those even todeay infecting and infecting thru advertising that the WESTERN WAYS of FASHION are so much fun be come AMERICANIZED ,,be happy ,,,, while the truth is we … are a very very sad depressed people in vst numbers hiding in the escapesim provided to us by …our slave master Economy ….

POTENTIAL …you fucking …POTENTIAL .. SO YOU had 250 .. cash plus 29 bucks the cops caught you with a,,, and you pulled off the old I WAS DOING IT TO FEED MY KIDS TO GET THEM SCHOOL CLOTHES OFFICER HONEST HONEST … hmmm 250 buys a plenty of clthes ….at wallly world. I just hear second third forth hand , and here the evidence trail of ..give me ….give me … I have potential ,,give me …. Always give me. And every woman because she is a woman not aman ,, she does not feel or think like a amn and has trained you to function in a womans world to express yourself like awoman so that every girl falls in love with you and your kind over and over ….

Ok so young mster ,,I teel you to PRESENT THE WORLD AN OPTIONAL MALE …. An instinctual male ….. just free choice ,,lead some one to water does not mean they will not stay with the feet in the muddy dirty water of the sewers they DATE and love the lies and gredd and fashion ….. and look at the CLEAN CLEAR NATURAL SPRING of instinctual based eoc-systems and ….still the horse will drink for the dirty puddle filled with its own piss andshit the effects of its own POLLUTING … mind fuck ….
Think for yourself. …. Go to the cash cow page and think about ..this…. run one of your ADS TO WORD like this ,,buy 1 week of serve got three weeks free ?
INTERNSHIP plus developing the customer with the habit of receiving your service weekly ,,, if your are of VALUE the will maintain you after the 3 free weeks are DONE . think for yourself.

after pussy

After pussy

Well after pussy you should get cleaned off and hopefully the girl who is choosing to be the one penetrated regulary by you ,,,loves this whole ….. holistic ..WHOLESOME … acitivy called be HUMAN , that to celebrate …her fucking and your shooting of sperm into or on to her ,,her LUST AND ZEST FOR LIFE SHOWS IN HER DESIRE TO CLEAN YOUR cock with her kiss ….. that she her self thinks this life and expression of life is so natural that sucking you clean could e the only LOGICAL expression of climaxing once more …yes your dick after fucking is a good idea ..

But actually young master what I am talking about is really after the WANTO again of living that feeling of excitement that pulls you OUT OF BED in the morning excited that you are here on PLANET EARTH …now dumbass do you wake like that ,,or have you accepted ..accepted been trined to DREAD SCHOOL and fight hard to stay in the world of dreams ,,back home in the NON-PSYICAL the world of tao and deep sleep ..hey I can understand your desire to want to stay ESCAPED back there ,this world seems so FUCKED up in ways ,,the amount and vastness of the rules is over whelming ..remember dumbass , that the amount of rules and shit we have now , is in REALITY a very new THING ….YEP VERY actually only about 100 years old … again I bring you back to the DNA in you that expects a more natural lifestyle ,,the INSTINCTUAL nature that is being TWISTED ( twisted instinct wow i have not plugged my book in long time …. Buy my shit ! )

Rmemeber this industrial age ..and the movement into the city is still very new ,,and even around the turn of the last century the vast percentage of the population even in the US was still on the farm , where they lived by the cycles of nature not by the cycles of some alarm clock…

Ok how do you react to your OPPURUTUNITY CLOCK …. Is it a a signall to go ur an explore the world or have you been trained to fight and rsist life …. And what you rsisit persisits ,,if you like hating life guess what keep resisting it and it will KEEP ON being something to DREAD …now wake up thinking planning ,,with an inner PULL becaue you got something you WANTO to do …. And well ….well you must of have woken like this eometimes YES?

MAYBE it the morning of the Buzz Bake SALE …sure my my have been hung over from the PRE bake sale party but you got your ass up pretty fucking early and pretty fucking easy so you could get your fucking coffee and make sure that everyone else your are bringing to the show is up and fucking ready so that when you go pick them up they will not delay you and you will not miss the first BAND ….ahhhh bake sale is only months away ….no family values tour this year because MUNKY has is his own solo project so my next show that will realy get me pumped is the BAKE SALE…. MAYBE it was a fishing trip ….


AHHHH the after pussy life is never realy the same because your INSTINCTUAL DRIVES had been awkened reality was sweet sweaty smelly and and full of sounds and feeling s and INSTINCT … and it was good natural and a must have ,,,and after you have lived with a pussy even though it all exploded BECAUSE IT JUST DOES explode the law of averages in the 1 on 1 ….. the unnatural human relationship form … the emptiness of your bed is noticed ….. and it never goes away unless you really really work at …fucking up your mind about the instinctual drives of pussy to the point you accept ,,,, the idea that being without pussy is NATURAL …. So after pussy

AFTER PUSSY …. You WANT more pussy !!!!! do you feel it? Does it get you out of bed with a plan for the a ACUMULATION of more pussy …sounds bad me using the word accumulate …..i like STRETCHING your box ,,your feeling letting you know you are caged by the TRAINING and mores and judgements and SHOULDS of the progrmaers of your life the churches your parents who blindly followed their training the everyonw just re[peating the RULES when they themselves never THOUGHT FOR THEMSELVES about their TRUE DNA selves ,,and why relationship are so fuckied up ..because dipshit no matter hwo a couple looks what type of HAPPY FACE THEY put on ,,they are in trouble more often than not ,,sublte stress building and building in their love story ….

And yet eh ,,and you will eventually be DRAWN LIKE a magnet back into searching for pussy ….. being DRAWN by a WANTO ….being drawn out of bed each morning because you have a different plan than everyone else ,,because the shitty plan they have trained you to accept is the Plan of force d slave labor AND DREAD …. Trained you to live for the WEEKEND …. Only … and rsisit lfie the reat of the time ,,,dreading an ALARM alarm ,,, like in fire alarm ,,or burglar alarm of air riad alarm …. Or in coming MOTOAR ALARM …the alalrm is a signal fro you to expect DREAD and unhappiness … do you wake with an alarm clock or an oppurutunity clock …

But why would you think of that electric tool as an oppurutunity clock when … what real oppurutunitys do you have except to be the SLAVE of economy ? be the sexually FRUSTRATED beegar of pussy the I love you slave ,,( in fact the male dom loves to freely provide service for his family and in return they the girls fuck him freely they enjoy the action of being penetrated VILOATED …. They are designed to get off on having me pound my PUD into them over and over enjoying and playing with her submissive body till I SQUIRT …. She wets in desire of it and wants to GIVE it to me , to use her …. The YIN AND YANG .. of the GORILLA he does not rape ,,he does not begg ,,he did his job and presented a stable terriotial area and the protection of his presecnce and in that the female finds security and the relaxation and then her own HORNINESS ….

Now that RE-DESIGNED into human terms with the use of ECONMOY instead of the being USED BY ecomonmy …. Is worth jumping out fo bed for ,,and if you get it? All this writing all these blogs idea by idea day after day ,,then you the smart mother fucker you are should be able to MINE the site for the gold and wealth of ideas AND LINKS ( oooha ug 19 ,2008 I am having a hijacking of my site problem so you maynot be able to access it right now give tech people another day or to get my site right ) …… your FREE CHOOICE . ..notice how you wake and understand that feeling is the feeling that set s the SUBLTE TONE FOR YOUR LIFE TODAY and you realy only have NOW today to live yes the plans fo that day and the days following are the magnets that draws you ,,but the experiencing orf the day is also very important … the enjoyment of it ,,becaue like ATTRACTS LIKE … expecially in thoughts … and what is the realy make up of the let us say a Quatum ? it is just vibration ..thounght are not a THING like that hard coffee cup you can not touch a tought with the sensors of perception like a finger … no …. Like attracts like and the FEELINGS or vibrations you live in will attract the like of it it … the agreement of ATTRACTION ,,, if attraction were not ,,THEN WHY WOULD ATOMS STAY TOGETHER to create a stable realtiy ? becaue they are afraind of the ATOMIC POLICE if the break the LAW OF attraction ..or the agreement of attraction . … if you understood you phsyics you will realize there is NO KNOWN REAOS FOR atoms to stay together ..expcet what we HUMAN LABEL AS LAW OR AGREMEMENT OR EXPECTATION which could fail any minute …. And everything will spepaerate ….. but that does not happen .

Back to your NATURE TO WANT PUSSY ….. ahhh nature DNA desing ..THE REAL EVIDENCE THAT HUMANITY ID A harem species IS FOUND IN YOUR DNA ,,,and that of most mamala animals.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

prepared for pussy

Prepeared for pussy

And so you thought you were already prepared to receive all the pussy you could fuck , but …actually you are not becaue you at certain levels honestly and this goes back to self doubt ,,you don not feel worthy maybe ? again this has to do with the evidence trail of SHYNESS and the skill sett of learning to over come that … the skill set and the WANTING to do something to learn to over come anything ….. well that want to …the evidence trail you have choosen between two points of relativity …… ahh sounds like ABRAHAM ahit again ,,but ohh so true so true ,,the facts Aabout your level of WANTO … and then how excited you are to go after your wants…

But the self doubt I BELIEVE … is not NATURE as much as it is NUTURE …. And to express again the concept that a THOUGHT FORM can it self act like a life itself ..and that we humans are equal to the bacteria in our own gut ,,to the life form we human actually created called ECOMONY(S).. again over and over you gotta understand it is important for a WORKER class to believe more in the Abiltiy and RIGHT of the upper class to be….different? and more important ….. that we workers need this UPPER CLASS …. Thus to be TRAINED in self doubt keeps the system going

When in fact you as a human ,,,,realy do not need the economy very much ,,,just llook honestly at how much time and effort you put inot CYBER sex … and sexual blogging a dating and sex ,,( ATLEAST WHEN the relationship is new and untainted …. Rel human recreation is VERY natural ….food is actually free … housing simple to create and maintain …and then well working inside ecocnmy can be very creative if done creatively )

Self doubt about how actractive you are ,,when in truth actractivenes is UN IMPORTANT ,,IT IS SKIN DEEP WE HUMAN LOVE EACH OTHER FOR WHO WE ARE ,,IT IS ONLY THE warped…TWISTED human that ..and who is STUCK in the mind fuck of their PROGRAMING who is blind to real LOVE ..and love is friendship and SKIN TO SKIN SEXUAL recreation ,,well that is just what it is when you finally UNJUDGEMENTALLy RELAX ….. and start fucking like animals…. ....... young master you are valuable for who you are especially if you have created a territory and housing etc ,,that can freely support human life and family growth ,,, you ARE IMPORTANT AND PROVEN way beyond the average ,,,even though you ahould be the average …. Not the exception ,,there SHOULD BE many more of you ,,if only ,,, you were not so well trained and programmed to IGNORE YOUR NATURE … ok again and again I want you to realize that me ,,, I phil am not into ananarchy ,,I enjoy the economy it gives me good road ways ti gives me KORN concerts etc etc …. It is about understanding of self in relation to ..relation to …points of RELATIVIETY …

It is about you really feeling not suppressing …look I admit that evertime I make a cigarette I AM SUPRESSING my inner guidance …. It is not a chemical addiction we humans use that as an excuse my choice to continue is bsed on the old ways of finding some good thru the action of smoking it provided me with something and continues to provide …… addiction pages …. STOP resisiting the facts about who and what you realy are

And that again comes to facts about your DNA nature ,,,,, you are animal … your hand and teeth tell a lot about what foods are best for you ….. your cock and her pussy tell much about our relationships to each other …. Our ablity to enjoy sex for recreation ,,says WELL ….WE SHOULD BE SEUXALLY RECREATIONAL ….. that is more natural than videos games…. But everything in balance dumbass …. Enjoy your WEI your super fancy game ,,but not to the point it becomes more than reality ,,,,( ooops unless of course you like being trapeed chained to that machine and those who control the electiricty that runs it ans those who feed you newere and newer games… if you enjoy and understand your position of slave and like it ,,then stay there …peace be withyou kinda of shit. But you can change if you want …and it starts with just aht understanding your REAL wants …and when you choose a want

Now the ABRAHAM repeats it is done ,,done done done done .. once you have had an experience of contrast ,,, a thing wanted and unwanted ,,, you made a choice about what would be better for you …. For you not for others but for you …. And you are important .. the happier . you are allowed to be happy ….. ok soafter a choice is made the thought formed created … then the TAO …is changed with the creation of this new event ,,,thatis in thought form …whether it will become atomic ,, willdepend on many factors ,,,, mainly the 1 called allowing , and that has to do with ,,,or is limited to a great exptent by your ,,BELIEF of POSSIBLITY …. Is it possible. The more you feel it is in the realm of IMPOSSIBLE …while you at the same time have becoming aware that the tao it self is a system of UN- impossible yet time/space this agreement of limited expreince of the Tao …. Well kinda ,…does limit your possible to those things events and dreams whtat are with in the REALM of our NATURE …..ahhh ack to nature back to you hard cock and wet pussy …. DNA . our instinctual programming ,,the expectations ..of the bio-machine we use for this time/space adventure.

But in the TAO you ..dream your want is and IS …… as you believe more an more that that is is ,,,, possible within the agreement of this time/space and if you really do want that dream ,then you find yourself moviated PUULED toward that goal ..without trying ,,,, if it is a real wanto ….and …well though ….. uhhhhh … hmmmmm …if you have accepted your PROGRAMNG so completely as to judge your INSTINCTUAL wants based upon what some ,,,, other person says is CORRECT and you foreget to listen to the GOOD HUMAN NATURE WHICH is our nature ….again why do you give gifts at Christmas ,,why it is to SEE SMILES ….. why do you open doors for people ,,, why are you realy so very fucking nice ..expect in ceratin arenas of stress …like around bars and football games places where you are acting out the evnts of stress desingeed by the ROMANS to keep humanity controlled…populations controlled ..the drunk masses at the COLLESIUM …

Open your mind be free …. It is DONE DONE DONE ,,,now let in what it is that you want go follow the urges and the hints ,,,now ,,,judge each hint on this MERIT ..does it realy feel good and EASY …. Remember jesus ,,the lillys of the valley toil not nor do they spin …. And yet they are provided for ….. ahhh the hints that semm natural and easy and fun asre the right ones for that minute if there is stress involved int hat HINT si the wrong time or wrong hint …. Get the hint..? what the fuck am I talking about HINT … the action towards you WANTO …. The evnts you encounter the oppurtunites you happen upon … each has a feeling about it ,,what is the feeling ?good thing are good and easy and often fucking FREE ! sex is free … and it is a GOOD thing