My dick my cock
Young amster honestly can think about girls being that greedy about a male? Does the lil’princess image give you that their actions are like them being greedy over a DICK ? girl tend to share everything their clothes their makeup girls are very giving and sharing ,,, think about the group dynamics of the non greedy family oriented family of the CAVE and then think how difficult it would have been once greed and status came in …. Yes there has always been … hierarchy but mainly of skills eveyone has a gift some it is leadership other it is cooking arts other making children smile and slisten to storys other art in weaving ……
But ego ….. fucks with the person hell it fucks with us , in very sublte ways that we can not notice because of our training the expectations we are trained with to gauge our success thur the things we OWN … or do . we in human instinctual world even for the harem male sharing is the realiry … Barney that big purple dinosaur is right SHARING IS CARING …. The male protects an territory and then shares it with the female whose ,,, yin yang part it to make that basic territory a home for the male …. And home is where the SEX IS … that is why female humans eveoved to be sexually recreation to insure that the male would stick around and want to be protective …..
So here is an example of my own ego ….. iam planning my Jensen Beach Taosit lesson for Dec 18 the goal is to have the person feel … infinite .. I have had a very hard time gettng people to understand to feel what it is to be one with the Tao the infinite ….. but I wanted the lesson to be something people could take a copy of and read to themselves …. I am proud of this HYPNO script … yet I needed to understand that the untrained person can not read this like I do , they do not understand the tempos the gentle rhythm of leading a guided imagery ….. now this writing I do here this streaming I donot read over or check the spelling or even the wording expecting you to enjoy the fun of the puszzle ….. but the following my ego wanted it to be better and it is unreadable and my ego got deflated ….BIG WHOOP I can hide or just go on ward .. to hide life ends . to go on well the adventure goes on … the next cast after tossing that fishing lure into the trees once more . falling off the skateboard once more
Teddy bears ,
Well this is an activity a story , now I want you to imagine that you have the opportunity to experience a quantum generator , the quantum is the smallest form of thing it is not particle or energy but best described as a thing . yes this sounds like science fiction that mankind has been able to create a machine to generate Quatas …. but just realize that flying metal airplanes were beyond science fiction to the pharaohs of Egypt , the car was science fiction to George Washington our first president , and the blue tooth cell phone was science fiction to even Gene Rodenberry the creator of Star Trek ….. So to doe s the idea of a quantum generator sound like science fiction …..But just image
a quantum generator is a machine some universities have been researching…. with it they create a quantum shell like the quantum shell described in Scientific American last year where the shell quanta , create the effect of physical reality inside the shell …yet the research scientists from the outside see it as holograph and can modify it like a hologram ……… well research has been going on about the effect of living matter ,,, the effect of the observer ….. from the questions posed back in the 1920’s when Quantum Theorist Schrödinger described a cat in a quatum box and Borhn gave a response back saying that…… the intent of the observer will effect the research at a Quantum level …. Now we can experience Quantum reality … with the quantum generator that creates a stable quantum bubble . And you get to do just that safely experience a quantum bubble …. Understand that the university needs new people each time to research the fresh dynamics of the intents of the experiencer , the goal seeking nature of life ……
just follow along with this story ….you have no need to listen to the sound or the tone of my voice to enjoy relaxing for the next few minutes and listen and learning and experience ….. we all learn in many different ways you learn of course by listening by hearing , but you also learn so much by feeling ,,, your emotions for example give the real deepness ….. that you ….. the inner experiencer part of you …..the chooser part of you …… your emotions give information this deepest part of you will use when making choices about how to live this life….. this adventure of being …. Being human …..
You learn also …. by perceiving the world around you thru feelings sensations of your body ….., notice the feelings of the clothes on your body …. notice wiggling your toes and feeling the shoes on your feet ….. you learn a lot about the real world around you the density of this physical world …….
You learn with your eyes too , even with you eyes closed you can learn by seeing … if you wanted to you could close your eyes right now and peer into that other nation , the nation of imagine…..nation.
now understand in the extremely large quantum field , the agreement of physics as you have experienced no longer applies , understand that laws are just agreements made by participants in a time space event …agreements made by the pariticapants big or small …. like laws of a nation give structure to the experience of that nation so to …. Is it with the laws of physics ….the physical world is an agreement state … but in the quantum field there are some new states of phyicas of time and space that you will experience ,,,
first.. There is not a defined light source …. Light is not photons coming from a source but rather an ability to perceive with sight as if everything has within it the ability to be seen … its own light source yet the field is without light or darkness …. In the field you do not need to breath or gain energy thru eating since energy is apply to the out side of the quantum field you receive……………. the atom energy needed for life ,,during the whole of this research ……….. , and lastly is the experience of time ,,, inside you will experience time as best described to be like an hypnotic time distortion ,……. what to you will seem like hours days weeks years or months outside of the field to the scientists it will be just seconds and minutes ………..yet you may experience a 1000 years of perceived time …..
To start the research you enter the quantum bubble the field and walk out into the 3000 foot bubble of quantum energy that right now is filled halfway with teddy bears since you find teddy bears to be safe soft and fun …as the research progresses you understand the field will expand outwards to a distance of 10 miles …....
you enter the bubble and lay down to sleep while the scientists finish preparing the whole field , your intent your goal is to touch the wall of the Quatum shell and to do this you will have to crawul thru like an atmosphere of soft wiehtless teddy bears , so in your mind you are prepared that it may takes a few days to finnaly make it the 10 miles to the
Quatum edge …. So you enter into a deep meditative sleep feeling your body being tatlly supported in softness and comfort you feel your self relax and let go , like falling down … down … donw … deepr and deeper into the teddy bears ,,,, …
and while you are in this deep sleep the researchers completely fill and expand the quantum space with teddy bears so when you awaken in this sleep you find you self floating supported in teddy bears everywhere up and down . to the point feeling wiethtless that you do not really feel any up or down … just a sence of being here in Teddy bears ….. are teddys soft safe comfortable teddy bears ,,, the goal of this research is for you to make your way to the shell of the quantum bubble when you touch the shell the research will be over sudeenly and you will keep your eyes closed become deeply relaxed while you go over the events of the research before returning to the awakened state of this physical agreement . regular awakened consuioness.
as you gently awaken again here in your mind ….. start to make your way to the edge of the quantum bubble…. which your mind remembers may take days so when you feel tired just allow your self to sleep to regain energy and then waken and return to carwling away…… crawling slowly thru the teddy bears , almost like swiming thru an atmosphere of softness ….
You are un aware of the changes taking place to your experience of matter the scientists have been changing your bodys experience of matter by changing the matter of the Teddy bears …. The non living matter is being changed at an atomic level each teddy bear you reach for and feel ….. is a little smaller than the last … at an unperceivable level the matter of the teddy bear is also becoming less , dense ,… you are not aware of this consciously but your body at a cellular level is perceiving change and adapting to a new environment …as its environment disappears the cell of your body do so also …. And as you are already experiencing a confusion or the experience of time since you sleep or nap at will without the sun to time your cycles of life …. You do not notice that days have already become months even years … this is the time distortion that you will ot realize you are experiencing until the end of the reaearch … the perception of 1000’s of years of being like what happens sometime when you dream at night ….
since living matter completely changes form every seven years evry atoms and cell of your body changes …..and your perception of time had been totally distorted you were unaware of the subtle changes tha happened to your body or the teddy bears ……. time soon fades away as the idea that the simple 10 mile walk to the distant wall is never reached …………,,, you find yourself sleeping and waking till you notice that you forgot what sleeping was and waking became…… your natural state ….. The size of the bears changed so slowly that you did not even realize that they disappeared totally and all that is …… is .. The infinite space of the quantum field…. not lite or dark in perception ,,,,, not thick or thin in feeling … just an …is .. of all possible,,,, because you remember that it once was all full of Teddy bears…the teddy bears have become the all Potential of Quatas and the quantum field ……. with you the experiencer within it ……….
, and you now realize that the living matter which you used … to perceive the teddy bears ,…. your body itself ….. that to evolved away … it has disappeared becoming quantums …… leaving just the ….real you …. The experiencer … the one who was the chooser all your life ….
You are free here in the NO ONE THING ….. the NO … one … THING ….. . Moving everywhere and yet seemly nowhere since there is not one thing to move to or from , nor is there up or down a left or right ….. just an experiencing …. An experiencing of this freedom …………you find joy in realizing who you really are … who you have been inside your body all your life … and that you ….are still ….you …even without a body … or form …. You experience. And have a mind and ….. access to memory , yet memory with out the structure of time to experience it in …….
So your intent your memory is touch the quantum shell and complete the research project …… and with this intent you move out from ….no where into … no … thing … yet , feel …… feel …. Sense …. a thing ……you then percieve …a thing .. Like a grain of sand off in a distance , yet also right in front of you depending on the perspective you choose to have of it …are you to big to see it? Or are you to far away to perceive it ?.. you choose to observe it … the grain of sand more closely and you find yourself arriving at it … a thing ….. a something so large , like a world ….a land extending beyond your ability to perceive and it has a … 3 foot high brick wall around it …..there is nothing under land or wall ,,,, yet a sky and clouds and light above this land … ….. within the area behind the 3 foot brick wall , there are trees , and birds , you see mountain rivers and lakes … and people many many people and as you choose to enter this land ,,,,this thing …. Like you are flying in landing coming out of the … no one thing …. Onto solid land ……….hoping that this maybe the quantum shell and the end of the research project ……
the people of this world respond with acceptance …..with a warmth and happiness to this event of you arriving out of the … nothing …… and they talk to you in languages you understand thru knowledge of feelings and you respond in their words of kind their language becomes yours , and you ask them what is this and they say ………… heaven. … You look back to where came from and ask them .. Then where is that where I came from ,,,
they say that is ……..the nothing … the impossible … in fact the people start asking you why you did not enter heaven the way everyone else does …. And you ask how is it that people enter heaven …. And they take you by the hand and like in a fast forward movie , matter space and time move by you and your new friends …… in a second the feeling of having traveled a million miles happened and you and in the middle of heaven ….
there is a flashing area like a ball that on all areas is changing shape , forming… doors then to pearly gates , to energy vortexes .. To golden bridges and light tunnels and people are coming thru . every second from every part there are people entering heaven and there are people there to greet them ,, happiness of seeing old friends …… you ask your guides if this is heaven is god here and they people answer yes god the father , and Jesus’ the son also … and you ask what about the holy ghost , and the answer is that the matter of heaven is the holy ghost ………
you find that here in heaven all that you could want is given in any manner you could want ……you could even ask for the experience of lack so , to make sure you do not get bored with perfection … you have the feeling of hunger so that food is satisfying once again , you can have tests , challenges and adventures , yet always knowing that you never really would die ….. and you really always win ……
you spend time here looking for the end of your quest but soon find that this infinity is just a part of the all possible inside of the quantum shell and not the shell …….. So you ask one of your friends your guides that have always been around you ….where is the brick wall …..where is the nothing …. And the answer is …..want it and you be there … and it is so , you depart from heaven knowing that it is not a good bye but a see you again when ever you may choose to …… as you enter back into the no one thing … the experience of time in heaven becomes like a dream happening that lasts for time yet is now just an …. Is and a was both at the same time …
being just thought once again is what now seems natural for you ,,, that state of being just you … not thing … but the real you the experiencer … heaven recedes in a moment … till even the speck of sand is no longer perceivable , you notice another speck and like with the first you can tell whether is is small because of you being far away or that you are to large to perceive it ….. but you desire to explore this speck also … and you find yourself arriving to enter that infinity ,, and you find it to be the heaven of Islam also with a wall surrounding the possible separating it form the impossible …yet this wall is made of stones….. After experiencing space time there again … you leave that heaven …. and find you encounter many more heavens ,
Heavens of the Hindus …of African folklore ,,, of the Mayans , the Celtics and wiccans ….. You even encounter one that does not have a manmade wall of stone ,wood or brick . …. It is as if the earth just falls off into the nothing….. like the dirt and grass continue to build and crumb off into nothing and there you meet the animals and humans before there was the idea of the separations of gods …..of tribes … of cities ….before language got complex and stories were told …. When human knew itself as part of the energy of the whole … the rock and the human were the same energy of being …just one being rock , experiencing it part of time space in rock form and the other being experiencing human , bird or plant ….. each equally important …. all just experiencing something different ….. The rock experiences itself for eons while the human or animal has just mire years ….
Yet still since the research project has not ended and your returning to the world you knew of….. in that what seems like now .. a distant past ….. You move on and on form speck of sand to speck of sand ……..yet one more speck gets your attention ….. this is different it is not .. a land…. but a field …. of thing … not like the no thing that you are comfortably being in … but a thing of glowing warmth and welcome nss … each of the heavens you visited was also welcoming and a place wonderful to visit so is this thing …. This different speck ……. Of subtle energy … light … and feelings ….
as you enter you do not become form …… human like you did in the other heavens you maintain your form as ….. not one thing ,, a nothing yet …..a being of yourself …. you realize that this field of thing….. is Buddha ,, but not just 1 Buddha but million of billions of Buddha as one Buddha … you can feel each of the billions of beings and hear their thoughts and feelings and also feel them as just being … being one feeling … both at the same time , and they all are saying over and over ….. to think about what is is to think about unthinkable thought …… just be the unthinkable … think about the unthinkable then be it infinitly unthinkable……
gently you start to think about that idea ,,,, and your being falls down into itself thinking about what it is ….. to be unthinkable …….
you have been here so long in the infinitely possible what could be unthinkable ….. time to you is the future and past always all the time … in your now …. form and matter and space are toys that you can become bored with …. What could be unthinkable?
You realize that you are expanding into the no one thing ,,,, and that the budahas have disappeared …… you are no longer in the nothing but the nothing is in you and you are growing out yet becoming infinity ….tiny and dense … like you are at the same time of being only 1 quanta and all quatums …... The feeling of paradox is you ….
But as this happens you notice within you is what looks like sheet of paper floating in the nothingness of you ,,, and with large gentle magical hands …palm up you gently cradle this paper for you realize that you see specks of sand on it …. And you know that the millions and billions of souls , beings animal plant rock and human …. Beings like you are happily living in their heavens by choice experiencing their infinite lives …. infinite heavens …… you know that each infinity of heaven is just a speck of sand to the Tao
……. You know that you do not need to care for them to hold the paper for them ….. for like you ……so are they also .. experiencers …infinite …. the paper becomes smaller and smaller as you grown bigger and bigger . being not one thing , yet all things , all at once ,… in every direction ….where there is no directions …..and then SLAP !
KEEP your eyes closed The research is over you have touched the quantum shell relax for a minute while you go over the experience of this research …… remembering that you now understand that even atoms themselves are experiencers depending on the agreement of subatomic particle so they can experience the being …..of being atom ,
that the rock made of compounds , made of molecules , made of atoms are all experiencers like yourself , that plants and animals are equal to yourself ,,,,, even the chair in which you now are sitting …. you become aware is experience of the being something called chair for a time in this space and pyshics …. ….
That from this day forward you will feel the equality of life in the world of experiencers a that surround you… tree and weed ,, cat and bird ,, car and person all are epxeriencers depending on other experiencers like atoms or bacteria or cell structures .. all agreeing to produce a dependable physics for the enjoynemt to this adventure of being … rock tree and human .. each equal each valid each important … each an experience a point of view of the TAO…
And as you become aware of your surrounds and feeling the clothes on your body , moving your toes and fingers becoming re accustomed to room around you ,,, you understand that you can read this story to friends and family and enjoy this story even more while sharing it as you did while listening to it ….. become awake ….aware ….feeling better than before expecting a wonder day week and year .
Thursday, November 15, 2007
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