Thursday, November 1, 2007

the instinct of fist fucking

The instinct of fist fucking

Now young master if you have been reading my shit for the last few years the topic of fist fucking is explored of course not every time I / we experience it but when I feel I have insight during or after the PLAY ….. now this time because of the disccusions of late coming out of the vidoes of Deepak Chopra … somethng came to mind …. We in the womb go thru all the developemental stages of all life forms on this planet that we are realted to … we pass thru all the stages … of our old ancestors …. Well in some animals when they mate the penis swells in a ball … LOCKING the mating couple till that act is done for both and fertilization has most porbably happened ,, the way of nature , to make sure sex happens ,, the penis swells … kinda like how your fist locks your hand into her cunt ….. she is stuck with your fist hidden inside of her your writst showing ,, and she orgasims and orgasims and orgaisms … so incredibly strongly …..

Now ,,, I rail so much against the HIDING OF you in the use of smoking dope or dirinking that it would be easy to think I do not use chemical recreation myself ,,, but dipshit if you also read I say over and over ,,, this word BALANCE ….. so the effects of 2 glass of beer at the tiki bar … that total of 15 ounces is enough to get us a good strong buzz ,,,, since being in bakence m,,,, a little poisin goes along way … the UN – IN – HIBIT – ING …. Effect of chemical recreation … the strippping away the PROGRAMING , the lie , to reveal ,, the TRUE human.

And the female b eing finnally true to her deepest inner self will allow finnally to be used to be fucked ,, as her nature DESIRES ….. deep inside her DNA is that animal that wants to be LOCKED .. sexually forced to experience orgasim after orgasim ,,, orgasim is ONLY the body , aiding in reproduction forcing an egg down the tube into the womb , the increase in BENIFICAIL blood supply … the pleasure which will stimulate the DESIRE TO SUBMIT in the future to the sublime pleasures of reproductive activity …. By the girl having a few beers to strip the LIE of femeinsm from her she cam again return to ther ,, to what is written in her DNA ,,, that desire to enjoy SUBMISSION ….. yes we may need to have a beer or two ,, we may need to spank her with a leather strap …. To bite her like or ancestor apes …. To blending and balencing of human ways and animals needs ….. leather and bites …and then the locking of fist in pussy? Why the human dick does not engorge to that extent….. AHHHH but as we get close to cummming dipshit your dick does engorge further … the DNA wants to get as big as your fist but ,,,, alas it does not … so our fist will , give the HUMAN female the memory experience she is strangly ,,,, fighting YET SUBMITTING TO ….. and then after she has had a LOVING DOM do this to her …FOR her … she searches again for it with him or another ,,, YEST , dunmb asss … you are afraid to give the girl you love this pleasure of her deepest animal desires , why ,,, the confusion of the PROTECTIVE MALE , who does not want to hurt the female in his harem ,…. Yet pussy is very stretchy ,, and guess what dumbass , if she does not deeply want it her pussy will not stretch out to receive it in any way that can be described as being LOVINGLY DOMINANT ….. you dipshit will notice that the pussy when ready relaeses just that tinu biot and your hand comfortabley totally slips inside and then the SNUGGING LOCK of her instinct takes over and she will ride your fist ,,, of ride .. a ride she does . byt her own struggle , the fighting she is doing is driving her won orgasims , you are just the one who gauges how long she will be able to ENJOY that which sounds like she hates , ( the confusions of a loving DOM ) you choose when to go from FIST to slipping mode and remove your hand from her cunt ….

Ohhh but now to complete the SEX … you need to fuck that pussy ,,, to complete her she needs to know that she is going to receive SPERM … in your SHOOTING OF YOUR CUMMM , into her pussy , the deepest of her female instincts is completed …. So fuck the little slut hard in a way that SATISYS YOU! … her instincts will submit to this and ,,, find completion thru this ,,, yet when you are done and she curls up in that RAPED posture of hatered of you ,,, understand if she comes back to you ,,, in 30 seconds or 5 minutes with that reaching hand for to know that you still are there protecting her ….. or that she comes back the next day … after the fight that you RAPED her ( something that has confused me in the past ) that fight the name calling of me ,, the meanie man … the bad man ….. labeling me with this ,,, you RAPED me ! …. Yet she comes back to be my friend and lover ……. READ INTO TO THAT …TRUTH ! . her words relfect the lie of humanity the programing her nature is speaking even louder in her hand reaching out for yours or her returing to freindship with you ..
Can you find the instinctual confusions of being human ? your own GOOD MAN nice guy ,,, and then the deepest instincts of the female unfullfilled in most girls ,,, they feel it they fansaty it ,,, theylie about their deepest wants … because it is not socically acceptable … the other fellow femeist women would not understand ,,, yet these girls do not really understand that the tudies have shown that the other femeists sisters they put on a face for … these femeists also want to be FUCKED like their deepest nature calls out to them for ….. how to touch and talk about thte instincts of the female ,,, to the female … the discusion rooted in respecting the BALANCE !

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