Doing good
Young master , it is of your ego that you feel that paim of not being man enough when something attacts , something you can not go out and face like your instinct wants to ,,,, you want your instinct wants to go to the door of the cave and face that CORPERATE saber tooth tiger and kill it once and for all … but in the eco system of ecomony that is not possilbe ,,, yet for 3.3 million years your male did combat life or death to protect the family teerirtoy , the harem teerritory … now it is the abastraction of $$$$ and it confuzses you and the girl you have that wants to see you smile ,,, she is not your enenemy ,, honestly , yes the stress you feel about providing the territory with the comforts and image you promised her by , your intitatial mating displays ,,,,, rmember the talk about the commmuter car and the SUV ,,, these are the display I am talking ,,, they are the displays of lifestyle you engaged in during the dating ,,, it is the dreams of wealth that you promised her …. That are being eaten away ,,,, “ nickel and dime’ d” by coraprtate RATS that eat and piss in your grain stores ….
Can you see dipshit thecomparision of the days of old , the INSTINCTUAL desire an animal has for protecting its territory ,,, and what stress you feel in providing for your female … it is the female that you feel the stress for , in her comes the stress of children which is there but it is in her contentment that you ….. see it , her smile , or confusions , the subtle ness of replys ,,, plus there is the compnenet of EXPECTATIONS , when you read into her replys what you are feeling is your weakness , when in reality it is her accepting the change ,,, she has stress also , but is accepting the change ,,, but your protective harem male wants the female you have to never feel stress ,,,, she is suppposed have a territory that she is comfortable in and provides her with her needs and she wants to stay there …
Think about the DNA you carry in you ,,,,, think about how REMOVED you are by the ecosystem of CASH …. Sure the programin g of tTV and media tells you over and over … work harder faster harder faster ,,,, you will make it ,,,, when the DATA states NO ,,,, you will not the law of averages proves the rock thrown in the air drops back ,,,, and you become the ecomonic slave ,,, working harder faster in a NO WIN owrld designed , by ecomony monster to keep the ones who choose to ignore their instinct … who choose to be greedy for things outside of NATURE …. But still of a nature that exisitis in the thought form animal called economic ecosystem a nature of non natrual things …
So for me dipshit , when I feel that old stress of money come back and it has been back for some months … and I see how my Deb is trying to help , yet my protective male is being confused unable to …. Fight . ooooh but to admit the unablitly to fight , effects the self esteem of the male , so we will not admit to that …. The old driving that big SUV even though we deep down know we are destroying th planets REAL ecosystem and the nned for gas is why there is an war on terrorism ….. the complexity of the being of male … no more is the wolf out the door an animal I can attact with my spear . that I have guts to do , I can understand …
A puzzle of 17 differnet departments all telling differnet reason why I have a 700.oo dollar charge on my cell , again the nickel and diming ,,,,, only this time it is again in the 100’s of dollars , the almost monthy stress , of calling this animal who is designed to eat $$$ …. What should have cost 90 a month is 150 ….. the never ending of the the nickel and dining ,,,, comapany after company after company ,, how many companies do I have on auto pay cycles … each stress ….for why? Really explore it dipshit
Now when it does get accute the stress does get felt by you and the females ….. realize , who ,, who is doing it , it is not her or you , it is the UNREALNESS OF economy …
Look your animal for 3.3 million years , protected a terriroty made sure this area had food stuffs growning , …. There is a 14 years cycle for each species in natue , 7 years getting better 7 years getting worse ,,, but like in investing you diversfy your holding to portect form market swings …. In the nature of you , you had in the territory ,, apple tress , pear tress , plum tress , peach tress , hickory nut trees , chestnut tress , pecan trees , hazel nut tress , cherry treess, patches of strwberrys ,, areas of raspberrys , of elderberry , of hucleberrys , of bkuee berrys ,,, can you see the amount of DIVERSITY you had in nature , when one species is on the down turn the other specis is in an upswing …. Ohhh dipshit remember look to your figners your CLAWS your giant canine fangs ,, you have NO claws of predetor fangs … you are a fruit eater …. Only becaue of refrigerators do you eat the emat daily like you do , even 100 years ago , meat was not the thing human ate world wide average day after day , meal after meal ….. but because you have been addicted to the programing of HABIT ….you think being natural is weird ……. Ohhhh the 14 year cycle ,, and the every 25 years you had the NATURAL DIASTER …. That destroyed ½ of your life style , be it fire , hurricane , an very bad winter tha froze and killed ….. but that just meant ofr 1 year you realied on annual plants ,,, you lost your fruit crops and you body addapted , the weak died offf , the strong lived on , natures way to think things out .
Ohhh but fear of death ,,,,, fear of returning to that which we came form ,,, that thing we choose to forget so we could experience this life of contrast ,,, theing thing which is now your hobby of trying to achieve againt hru meditations and religons … instead of being HUMAN , and hanging around in the shine playing with children , building sand catle picking fruit ,,, playing balll . learning to play a wooden flute , thrown a balll to a dong ,,,, istead you force your self to FEAR death …. And run into ideas of gaining power over life and death thur , connecting with the energy of the whole , yet only in a part …. Complexity over and over we human create a complexity ….. often in trying to prove our love for each other we develop complexity . hmmm think think think …. Then TWIST out a new though a new plan ,, a plan form within ?
Saturday, November 10, 2007
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