Content … with tent
Young master , as you know the idea is sustainablity of happiness thru living in the manner we are designed to find contetnment ….. look dipshit do you understand the ideas about advertising a new and better product is to create in you the illusion that you have lack in your life which the adveritised product of service can erradicate …..hmmmmm
What are you designed to enjoy at the most basic level ? well you give a gift at X-mas to see a smile … so you like seeing smiles ……. You enjoy sunshine … you like to eat sweet things ….. and sex feels good …. And dipshit you have started to realize how much of your life and actions are related to sexuality ….how about the statement “ he cleans up well “ that has been said about me very often since I spent the first half of my life as a commerical fisherman covered in blood bait and sweat …. When I went to a party with a girl her friends would comment to her “ he cleans up well “” and the last 15 years I have been owner operator of a service bussiness ino ther words now covered in sweat and dirt … again I had to get Cleaned UP …. Now myself I was happy and proud of myself , the blood and sweat and dirt was a matter of MALE pride ….. think about chicks … they get their pride form their uniform also ,,, she may be in relaxed … stained clothes around the house but when she goes to the store ,,, WAHM she is done up ,,, face paint and all …… and both the BLOOD and face paint have sexuality tones ….. the blood touches the females bad boy deisre … the face paint touches our desire for youth and ripeness of breeding …. Breeding instinct .
Ohhh good ole wayne dyer …. The idea of expectations I am listning to one of his old tapes ( ihh NPR today the statement of the level of life satifaction in china has decreased over the last 15 of capitalism over all , the super rich a very small number of human more happy the other 99 out 100 , less happy much more stre4ssed ) ok back to wayne ,,,, your choice to see activities in another EXPECTATION ,,, and expectation are formed by the memeories you have kaid down in your mind they do not … predict the future but do give you reasonalbe ideas of possible futures ….. the rock thrown in the air will it fall or float away …..
Now when it omes to futures with no track record no data to draw ,,,, no real data except maybe the events that happened to people who did something in a manner diffenrent than your plan …. The expectations you should expect need not be limited by the results of others ….. in the field of all possilbe all so ,, if different result are possilbe then they are possilbe …… but then again comes into your mind feelings that have no real basis for fact …. Fear of acceptance often time is the root cause of your fear to ACT ….. even though the world has enough evidence that your action will be welcomed as an ALTERNATIVE … that is needed yet not present for people to choose from ….
Ohhh this is about starting a Tao ist group ,, look around you spirituality is BIG BUSSIONESS look at the size of the fucking churches all around you , they all have giantic electric bills and land costs and building costs etc … and it is all about a universal them of SPIRITYUALITY , aminly a female pursuit that the male engages in often to satify his mate …. So , providing the ALTERNATIVE of a Tao ist group provides a NICHE which I bet is not realy being provided in your area , there may be teachers of what is called Taoist PRACTISES …. Medicines , longiveity exerices etc ….. but not real Tao ism ,, the ideas that were before Tao ism became used a a Title for a Porfessional to sell his knowlegde to the rich …. Sell to the nobleman the serivice of advise .. the reading of th I CHING , being an advisor to the king that is the beginning of many problems , by making the simple complex ,,, and confusing ,,, by making it hard to pass the rules and tests to gain the title MASTER … and when havin that title you can get CASH. That has been going on since like when dipshit? ,, ever hear about these ideas as it pertains to ancient Eygpt ? like 8000 years BC. That is a long time of socially programing our forefathers … and it results in your fear about stepping outside the box and creating a Tao ist study group yourself with you being the leader …… just thinking my friend I am just thinking out loud like every day . hoping my thoughts will show you that your thoughts and feelings are not so fucking WEIRD after all .
What does really make you happy ,,,, how does the human animal live , what gives us bliss in life …. And what does not ,,, IDENTIFY what you do not like , then try doing things that are different ….. look at the stats then your own life feel your own feelings ,,, and do somethng different …. And I know FACT that DATING is stressfulll ,, something we are designed by nature to engage in is so STRESSFUL that you will hide in a bottle of beer ,,,, COURAGE IN A CUP ……. Is that natural ?
Now to work hard as a male to be dressed in blood bait and sweat and to create ,,, a sompound of 3 tents , which gives the girls the friendship of females , the sublte competitive ness and friendship ……. Now that will give you pride ,,,, instead of that feeling of , confusion that only drugs and beer and erase …. Think think think …. Realize from the world around you the possibles ,, compare the data of rocks tossed into the air …. At the deepest levels …. Churches on every corner the market for spriituality is great the need is VAST .
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
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