Buy a millionaire lunch
Young Master , it is good to see you live and you rmemeber some of my POV my point of view at point of view out of the whole of infinte amounts of POV ……. So WAZ UP dude ? you are I can see I can feel ….. FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD … from the 3 minutes I gave you until we meet for the luch you will buy me … in those minutes I felt your fear !
Did you feel it? Did you get the idea that I said as long as ,,, you are breathing …. No bad guys have a price on your skin and the cops are not hunting you to do hardtime ( 20+) then you honestly are fine ,,,, go relax until we talk ,,,, is the best thing you counld do for you to fix life ….. do NOTHING … some times is the best thing … you desire , your stress , your fight … shows the GOOD MAN in you that I saw and hired years ago … but the worry is based on the progammming to BE GOOD … it has nothing to do with relaity… and reality is that you fucking must have gained 20 lbs so I can tell you will not die from starvation any time soon ,,, you can find water to drink behind any commerical building you will have a hose bib giving you safe city water ……. EVERYTHING ELSE IS TOYS ….. time you got money you will make…. EVERYTHING ELSE IS TOYS , as long as you are still breathing you have the same chance as the richest man in the world Bill Gates …. In the minutes of those last breaths of living rich and poor are equal …. So we are always equal …. It is a complex POV but relax and let the ideas flow dipshit my friend
Ok m dumbass my equal ,,, are you still that confused kid I sent away 4 years ago? Will you listen to NEW and DIFFERENT programing NOW? Have you learnded that you have bought into the cultural training of your youth , the training that did not present other POV’s real alternatives ,,, not just TATOO”S music and dope .. but real life ,,,,, gathering the fucking ACORNS like animals do ?
Looking at the ECO system of mankind like the ecosystems of animals ,, understanding the SIMALARITIES .. in the visisble differences ,,, understanding yourself as male ,, and understanding then the female aspect and effect in your life . ? are you ready dipshit?as long as you are breathing you have equal chance .
Now this time I will , have possilbey do s osmething will give you a crimal record …… you are down and out and that is against the law to be broke ,,,, with out a place or cash …. But it is the time of the BRAVE from the tribe to leave and live in the wild world ,,,, so hear you will be arrested for tresspassing sleeping on ground you did not own or rent ,,, and from this LABEL ,,, the resources of the whole group will come into play to give your stupid dope smoking ass one more chance ….the idea of going into the wild world of human kind and concsiuolsy do somethng illegal with the intent of be BUSTED sounds WEIRD … not the norm ,,, but dupshit you have been doing some illegal for fucking years right , smoking dope in this country is illegal , I told you if you wanted to use chemical recreation go to countys that do not crimalize chemical recreation holland and canada fro example …
So why would you resist doing some illegal now ? what is the difference ? ohhh the idea of doing it with the intent of being busted , versus the idea of hiding your illegal activity and hiding like a child from DADDY …hiding is being weak …. Now young master are you ready to stand up be the man and say ,,,, I am broke . build a life where you are no longer AFRAID … that you understand if you still breath you are OK . you will rebuild , and since you have to stand up and take responsibility finnally ,,,, you will be less likely to allow yourself to fall tha far down again … because when you build back it will be not a gift from a friend or girlfriend or daddy or me … it will be from you ( yes maybe it will have some of the learning you got from me in the past and in your now but it will be you )
You being finaaly aman ,, a tribal brave living in the wild alone , without the protectiion of the mother or family .. for 1 year ,,, and when the brave returns he is respected as a man .
Today dumbass is the best thing ,,, you have the chance to break the bonds of slavery ,,, to understand ,,, MAN
THE ANIMAL. So buy a millionare lunch and listen to him , if you want to learn about money ,,, buy a crack addict luch if you want to learn about failure …. Buy a fisherman luch if you want to hear about how to catch fish …etc etc etc .
Monday, November 5, 2007
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