Bring a Dildoe to church
Young master my friend , being alternative means doing things that are un expected ,yes or NO? what do you think ,,, and expectation is what ? if you are acting like the average in your group ,,, what is that ,,, you are supposed to be a smart motherfucker , atleast you talk like you are one , but do you realize the data figures to describe your actions ,,,,, how you realy are a sheep following fashion only difference sometimes is the color you choose ( or some thing as simple as color shich you consider to be your expression of individulaity from your social peer groups )
What does this have to do with a dildoe? Well nothin I just wanted to rail on you get you thinking ,,,, diloes ,,, when was the last time you saw a dildoes except at a store or online or ,,, of course in your toy drawer … when did the teacher or preacher stick that suction cup on the lecturn where he was giving his lession fron ,,, suck proudly on the teachers desk … for you to realize ,,,, yes learning is great ,,, spirituality is grea ,,, that is mind and spirit …aspect of the human adventure but what about BODY ,,,, that which we ARE ! how we became!AND SOMETHING THAT FEELS GOOD , the real reason we date in the first place ,,,, honestly we date because we both want to FUCK …. Freiendhsip grows over time , sex comes first or atleast that underlieing sexual tension is there .
Ever not date a girl who is your friend just so you will not destroy that friendship you value so much ? happens to almost everyone this concept of not dating a good friend ! hmmmm why , be fucking honest than about the core reason for dating dipshit !
Now to do that in a ….. spiritual venue …. And instinctualism is that venue the blending of mind , spirit and BDOY ,,,,,, I will bring a dildoe to church and display it ,,, put that suction cup firn to the table , in the middle of everything ,,, just o force us all to THINK !
My book TWISTED INSTINCT starts of refering to the song TWIST by Korn ,,, I believe or I hear Jon sayiing THINK ,, twist out your own thoughts …. He and the band expresses the sounds of humanity the fun , the love the pain and excitement … are there in all the sounds you hear just listen . and he says 7 times think think think think think think think , in his own words , TWIST ….
Having a dildoe dispalyed I hope will get your attention DEC 4 …… mind yes learn history ,,,, spirit yes learn about who you are as the EXpERIENCER but do not FORGET what we realy are ………… an DNA … ANIMAL
And sex feels good and is the straongest motivator outside of food and immediate safety …. Those being taken care of sex … is our fun ! even to animals that only mate during clearly defined mating cycles , when the talk thru hormones , letting each know NOW ! IS THE …..TIME , lets fuck ,,, no guess work no insulting by pushing for sex ,,, no hoping for sex , not getting sex , then giving up till you do not know how to act when she does want sex …. The confusion!
I must say our clearly defined sex life , where every AM I know I will have sex with her is a GOD SEND ,,,b ecause ,,, sfternooons and nights ahave become to me the CO”NF”US”ION of every other past relationship …. I love her she became my FRIeND ….. and well when that friendship became so important wellll what happens ? is it kinda like what happened earlier in this blog ? I do love her ,,,, getting hard is not a problem I do that every moring why would any other time be anyother different ? think dubass ,, and if your experience has not equalled the content ov my bloggging ,,, realize you will become the JILES , of the commediam ,,,, stats do not lie … my friend it is your future …. 99.9 perceent of the time
I think bringing a dildoe to the JENSEN BEACH TOAIST meeting dec 4 …. At the infinty center next to the fruit stand on INDIAN RIVER DR. at 6 pm …. Willl help people ..GET REAL !( giggle giggle , chortle chortle , guffal guffal , laugh laugh …… like middle school children we act like we are inocent of something we ALL LOVE TO DO which is NTURAL ! ….. FUCKED UP HUH ? )
Thursday, November 29, 2007
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