Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Cave man dating

Caveman dating

Young Master the wrong basis ..will end you with the wrong the END building upon the wrong data…. What happened back in caveman times,,, was the BC era caveman times ? is that what you think dumbass? … yo! Didi you know that now ,,, here in 2007 is the era when for the first time in HISTORY more people live in a city than on the farm ….. worldwide …. Now in 2007 … in the us this number was hit back around the 1940’s but for us as a human species this city life is a new life ,, not in harmony with YOUR NATURE …. And it was the same thing back in the BC times …

My back to natural cycles ideas and thinking things I say relate to Taoism that I say I get from Loa and chuang tzi well these were the RADICAL IDEAS of 500 bc also …. The people conditioned to the city thought the Taosist was a wierdo for wanting to leave the city and return to his nature . 500 BC …. Now I am sure you feel the US civil war was some that happened like a long long time ago …. Well it was only 100 and fifty years ago ,,, you think and feell the age of Ben franklin and Gworge washington was like in cave man days but fuck that was only like 200 years ago ….

500 BC ,,,, there were cities ,, with night lifes and parties and cash ,, and all the drugs sex and rock and roll the orgies and the greed the lies and corruptions of poliitics and of course with this we humans had WARS ….. like we have now . and the TAOSIT said ,,,, all the magicall ideas all the media ….tions all the dreams about proests and angles all the escapes into drugs or drinking etc etc .. were just that escapes from the adventure of really being human … they did not limit the POSSILBILTY of the TAO when it came to what the dreams and angels and magic , because a Taosit can not limit the UNLIMITABLE Tao …. But they realized that being ,,,, being ,,, human was about just that being human …. Not a dream state being of the life of the TAO …. In the toa without form , in the Tao in the NON pysichcal …. You had access to every possible dream life ,,, but to be here and now ,,, in DNA and TIME SPACE well now this is a real ADVENTURE ,,, but the adventure became very hard as mankind began to WOARP AND RAPE it’s instinctual nature to fit into a fshioable model of CITY LIFE …..a city life full of fashions ,,,, yes fashions of being sexy …. Girls peircing themselves mutilating their bodies by twisiting their feet to become sexy like other females ….. often it is said these were the desires fo the males ,,, but looked at with new ideas and new data , you can see it was the effect os strsnage FASHIONS , like the flattening of a persons head in Maya times or the expanding of neck veritibrea in africa … the city of Africa was a smaller tribal city yet city life all the same ….. and in africa these fashions filtered out int to theirich and powerful of the rural villages …. But being fashionalbe it is hard to work so it idid not relflect the AVERAGE it reflected the city the organized village dweller the one who had the CASH …

now the human male animal , like our DNA cousins he does not ABUSE the female or his children …. Loook at everyfucking other species on the fucking palnet and you can not find real abuse or rape like we have ,,,, what you find is FREEDOM OF CHOICE … the protective male provideds the territory ,,, maiantains a level of securuty and the girls can honstly come and go as they want ,,,, he does not have chains hand cuffs or fenses , to prevent the female from moving on if he were a bad male ….. he does not beat the female on the head and drag her into his terrietory ,, he guides a sexually acitve horny female into his area …. She wants and he guides , and she can leave any time she wants , he is not always around watching ,, the male is often away circling the territoy , or is asleeep the FREE female can get up and LEAVE … she is not a slave ….

But to us ,, humans we create SALVERY in our addiction to comfort …… to the ease of something like a cell phone … yes a cell phone is a SLAVE collar …. The feeling in me as I am deciding to change servers , is an emotion slave collar ,,, I worry about the effects my finaancial choices will have on my Deb ….. there is a level of stress ,,, I create in my self to maintain the life style tha I projected she would have when I ….. guided her into my territory … dating like a caveman ….i did not beat her over the head with a stick … nor does the male in the animal ,,,

But man kind did do this as he became controled by sex …. In his service as a soldier ,,, his pay was if they won the got to RAPE a nd pillage …. Rape and pillage , hold back the sex so the soldier had MOTIVATIONS . then allow the TWISTED human animal ,,, become very UN – ANIMAL like examples rape and pillage …

To be raped is stress full not healthy for the female not healthy for the children …. Not real life actions of males whose familys would live on ,,, except in the artifical world of city ,,, a new eco system based on the DREAM STATE ,,,, ahhh now look to the oral tradtions of a Aboriginee and hear then talk about the current epoch as being …THE DREAM TIME .

And I find it an addiction that is hard to change ,,,, lving here in the city it is very hard …. Not having the conpouond the 3 tents … so that my female can have that freienship she needs …I am stuck in limbo and so is she, that means I takes , commitment on my part to keep my focus when regular life continues to call back me … saying YO phil ,,,, do this , do that …. Hmmmmm been there ,,,, no matter what the BOOK COVER of those smiling faces may say ,,, I know there is deeper reality in those peoples live….. sure there is a smile and then emptiness that will have them becoming the SEEKER of the story MR. I DON’T KNOW … check out instinctualism . org a story from 500 years BC

So you think the fashions of the tribal people was weird and dangerous , forced on the female by the mael WRONG it was wman to wamn , like the mom getting her pre teens to dress like mom now , and get a play TRAMP STAMP … what about todays cost and cruietly , how about … bulemia , anorexia , the drepressions that form because of social stress , the driging ourselves into Zombies so we can fit in or worse force our children to fit in … fit in ,, to the FASHION of an era in history , what will today be seen like from the eys of an historiam or freak like myself in 100 or 500 years from now ,,, do yo9u care how STUPID you will look ? NO , you do not care all you care about is fitting into today to ease the pain of trying to fit in …. It is a cycle that creates it’s own surivial ,, the more you TRY the more you TRY …. ( 1+ positive thought + 1 – negative thoutht = 0 zero thought energy ) What are you dipshit? Are you really a thought form of the TAO of infitie who came form the state of ALL POSSIBLE to experience the DNA life of time space or are you ,,, somethng cast out of heaven ugly and full of sin needing to evovle back into perfection ? or are you a nothing ? because to actually think would take effort ?

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