Wake the nieghbors
Young master , hmmmm how to put this into words ,, the idea that the wrods themselves are the problem , yet of course not the problem ,, the idea of living in paradox . in the Teddy bear meditation where I attempt to bring you into the infintie state of mind the ending is basically the experience of JUST BEING paradox ….
Where you find paradox you find power …. So what power is nto something to hoard to go after it is something to give away , in that giving you find …… that happiness
Ok dipshit what is it about DOM sex that you love so much ,,, and she ;oves so much that she starts to PRAY to GOD ,, I love how Wayne Dyer brings up this point he idi it like 15 years ago ,,, how girls when really deeply sexuality ENGROSSED , start to repeat OHHH MY GOD …. OOOOH! MY GOD …..
And dipshti what happens to you ? your dick gets harder you feel stronger better , this is SEX ! wake the nieghbors baby get loud I am feeling PROUD . ( it is for me a laugh and embarasemement , to hear the nieghbors last night turn on the radio to drown out Deb’s PRAYERS …… now this must be the real ,,,, whole – istic prayer of the animal kingdom ….. where MIND BODY AND SPRIRIT are in EQUAL – LIBRIUM …….
AND THE LOUDER SHE GETS THE HARDER I WANT TO FUCK HER , except when I stip so to get past that CUMMM feeeling so I can fuck her back to screaming again and agina and …….. ahhhhhhh living real life .
But last nights good sex started with two things … one is the tool of poisin , of chemical recreation … of BEER . when you stop drininkg dumbass those 2 lil’ glasses of beer from a bar well they have the equal punch to the 2 six paks of before …. And that allowed for the expression by accedent of hidden strress … stress I would not voice regularly because I would not want ther to feel STRESS because of my love for her ,,,, I like seeing her smile ….
The protective nature of the male gorilla ….. not the begging of the male Bonobo to the hierarchail female group . SUPPLICATION …. Check out the ideas of WWW.SPEEDSEDUCTION.COM …. To understand the pathological trance state of male dating supplication – s ..
But due to the effects of the poisin I engaged in talk , to levels of enotionality I would regualry not explore with her , since my intetn tis to provide for her stablity and happiness and to open doors of emotins of course opens doors to PROBLEMS and MIS UNDERSTANDING etc etc .
Now last night theidea of the “ BRING A Dildoe TO Church “ was the starting topic …. She wants me to succeeed and thinks that a stranger to ME , coming into the meeting room and being greeted by a Dildoe o stuck to the Podium to the talbe … well that may freak people out so much they may not stay for the whole hour , in fact leave before staying ,,, since we humans do … JUDGE THE BOOK BY THE …… COVER . well the cover ,may be a dildoe on the table at a Spiritual meeting ,,, spiritual … in the idea that people who may come , because of advertising ALONE … come because of their preconcieved ideas ofwhat is TAO – ism ……the whole yin and yang , male female magic bullshit ( the development of 500 AD not of the shamanism root sof Tao – ism )
That lead to discussing relationahips …. And well since I am in that FLUX … position I know that I will be homelss by may , shopping for land building 3 tents … a new career and market ….. and loving Deb and hearing her say …. If I am not happy I will leave ….. God knows I will miss her ,,, but my honest desire is her happiness . I know I will be ahppy in her choice to explore other relationships life choices etc …… my greed for her happiness to be DEPENDANT on my actions …. MY GREED , the greed of ADAM ! … the greed of the MALE goriilla … to create the happiness and stablity so that the female gorilla wants to FUCK . she in reality does start the whole FOREPALY process by , coming over to him in a certain way with a certain touch …. And submissiveness …. Very very very huuman like …. Or are we gorilla like ? why juge them based on US ,, remember we are the fuckedup animal the only animal the created TORTURE waterbaording and tazers etc … that kills to GENECIDAL levels …. Why should be human be the STANDARD .
When I know that you believe deeply that your pet your dog or cat has a soul ,,,, has a personality , and feels ENJOYMENT …. So why would not a complex animal like Gorilla also in nature in harmony also not … be living a life of choice and ENJOYMENT
Can you get those ideas dipshit?
So back to last night …. My stress …. The constant hearing of the happiness of the 1 on 1 ,,, love story …. In songs in the people around us ,,, who it seems that only 1 couple is a good exa,ple at the present minute , yet I see only the outside of the house ….. how many times have I seen happy familys , and then later … hear about the divorce and say ‘ THEY SEEMED SO PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER ? “ ……. PLUS of course the years of my own porgraming which are being reprogrameed ….. it takes 10 percnet of the time to reprogram a mind as it did to program it , so that means for me 4 years of retraining … and I have already 2 years in after writing my own book .. starting my own re programing ,,, the old dog new tricks …. Well it just takes time to break non functioning old habits .
I do it for my own happinesss ,,, for hers ( deb ) she is realyy happy spending time with her girls friends , now to get it so that her girlsfriends are my wives ,,, sex partners , that sex again is mainly my sex partner but of course we are friends …. Yet her main emeotional support freindshihp will be coming now from her girls friends and I am what I like to be ,,, that male who protects and FUCKS …. PrOtects … changing light bulbs , unloading the trailer etc … opening doors …. And FUCKING .
BUT WITH THREE girls who are thiere own best friends …. Why?
Why? Why can not the male be the best friend ,,, why can not the FAIRY TALE work ? my programing keep asking me , myself that question . so I believe she Deb is also in the stress of asking herself that question ,,,, why can he not just be HAPPY ? with only ME ! like that other couple …. The 1 in 99 HEB couple ,,, ( heb … highly evovled beings ) …. They are not ….. the average , the are that 20 percnet of marriages that work ….. I am so cool with that … I hope it lasts . but for the vast majority ……. The fairy tale is just that a great , sweet sticky feeling all goooey and lovey dovey … love story . that will end up ….. as it has always ENDED .
While the lesson of nature goes on for us to learn from …. So learn form it you STUPID MOTHERFUCKING ASsHOLE … excuse my french . why do you think that being human is so fucking special when you start learning to evovle you in reality become more like the animal kingdom …… hmmmm PARADOX ?
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
bring a DILDOE to church
Bring a Dildoe to church
Young master my friend , being alternative means doing things that are un expected ,yes or NO? what do you think ,,, and expectation is what ? if you are acting like the average in your group ,,, what is that ,,, you are supposed to be a smart motherfucker , atleast you talk like you are one , but do you realize the data figures to describe your actions ,,,,, how you realy are a sheep following fashion only difference sometimes is the color you choose ( or some thing as simple as color shich you consider to be your expression of individulaity from your social peer groups )
What does this have to do with a dildoe? Well nothin I just wanted to rail on you get you thinking ,,,, diloes ,,, when was the last time you saw a dildoes except at a store or online or ,,, of course in your toy drawer … when did the teacher or preacher stick that suction cup on the lecturn where he was giving his lession fron ,,, suck proudly on the teachers desk … for you to realize ,,,, yes learning is great ,,, spirituality is grea ,,, that is mind and spirit …aspect of the human adventure but what about BODY ,,,, that which we ARE ! how we became!AND SOMETHING THAT FEELS GOOD , the real reason we date in the first place ,,,, honestly we date because we both want to FUCK …. Freiendhsip grows over time , sex comes first or atleast that underlieing sexual tension is there .
Ever not date a girl who is your friend just so you will not destroy that friendship you value so much ? happens to almost everyone this concept of not dating a good friend ! hmmmm why , be fucking honest than about the core reason for dating dipshit !
Now to do that in a ….. spiritual venue …. And instinctualism is that venue the blending of mind , spirit and BDOY ,,,,,, I will bring a dildoe to church and display it ,,, put that suction cup firn to the table , in the middle of everything ,,, just o force us all to THINK !
My book TWISTED INSTINCT starts of refering to the song TWIST by Korn ,,, I believe or I hear Jon sayiing THINK ,, twist out your own thoughts …. He and the band expresses the sounds of humanity the fun , the love the pain and excitement … are there in all the sounds you hear just listen . and he says 7 times think think think think think think think , in his own words , TWIST ….
Having a dildoe dispalyed I hope will get your attention DEC 4 …… mind yes learn history ,,,, spirit yes learn about who you are as the EXpERIENCER but do not FORGET what we realy are ………… an DNA … ANIMAL
And sex feels good and is the straongest motivator outside of food and immediate safety …. Those being taken care of sex … is our fun ! even to animals that only mate during clearly defined mating cycles , when the talk thru hormones , letting each know NOW ! IS THE …..TIME , lets fuck ,,, no guess work no insulting by pushing for sex ,,, no hoping for sex , not getting sex , then giving up till you do not know how to act when she does want sex …. The confusion!
I must say our clearly defined sex life , where every AM I know I will have sex with her is a GOD SEND ,,,b ecause ,,, sfternooons and nights ahave become to me the CO”NF”US”ION of every other past relationship …. I love her she became my FRIeND ….. and well when that friendship became so important wellll what happens ? is it kinda like what happened earlier in this blog ? I do love her ,,,, getting hard is not a problem I do that every moring why would any other time be anyother different ? think dubass ,, and if your experience has not equalled the content ov my bloggging ,,, realize you will become the JILES , of the commediam ,,,, stats do not lie … my friend it is your future …. 99.9 perceent of the time
I think bringing a dildoe to the JENSEN BEACH TOAIST meeting dec 4 …. At the infinty center next to the fruit stand on INDIAN RIVER DR. at 6 pm …. Willl help people ..GET REAL !( giggle giggle , chortle chortle , guffal guffal , laugh laugh …… like middle school children we act like we are inocent of something we ALL LOVE TO DO which is NTURAL ! ….. FUCKED UP HUH ? )
Young master my friend , being alternative means doing things that are un expected ,yes or NO? what do you think ,,, and expectation is what ? if you are acting like the average in your group ,,, what is that ,,, you are supposed to be a smart motherfucker , atleast you talk like you are one , but do you realize the data figures to describe your actions ,,,,, how you realy are a sheep following fashion only difference sometimes is the color you choose ( or some thing as simple as color shich you consider to be your expression of individulaity from your social peer groups )
What does this have to do with a dildoe? Well nothin I just wanted to rail on you get you thinking ,,,, diloes ,,, when was the last time you saw a dildoes except at a store or online or ,,, of course in your toy drawer … when did the teacher or preacher stick that suction cup on the lecturn where he was giving his lession fron ,,, suck proudly on the teachers desk … for you to realize ,,,, yes learning is great ,,, spirituality is grea ,,, that is mind and spirit …aspect of the human adventure but what about BODY ,,,, that which we ARE ! how we became!AND SOMETHING THAT FEELS GOOD , the real reason we date in the first place ,,,, honestly we date because we both want to FUCK …. Freiendhsip grows over time , sex comes first or atleast that underlieing sexual tension is there .
Ever not date a girl who is your friend just so you will not destroy that friendship you value so much ? happens to almost everyone this concept of not dating a good friend ! hmmmm why , be fucking honest than about the core reason for dating dipshit !
Now to do that in a ….. spiritual venue …. And instinctualism is that venue the blending of mind , spirit and BDOY ,,,,,, I will bring a dildoe to church and display it ,,, put that suction cup firn to the table , in the middle of everything ,,, just o force us all to THINK !
My book TWISTED INSTINCT starts of refering to the song TWIST by Korn ,,, I believe or I hear Jon sayiing THINK ,, twist out your own thoughts …. He and the band expresses the sounds of humanity the fun , the love the pain and excitement … are there in all the sounds you hear just listen . and he says 7 times think think think think think think think , in his own words , TWIST ….
Having a dildoe dispalyed I hope will get your attention DEC 4 …… mind yes learn history ,,,, spirit yes learn about who you are as the EXpERIENCER but do not FORGET what we realy are ………… an DNA … ANIMAL
And sex feels good and is the straongest motivator outside of food and immediate safety …. Those being taken care of sex … is our fun ! even to animals that only mate during clearly defined mating cycles , when the talk thru hormones , letting each know NOW ! IS THE …..TIME , lets fuck ,,, no guess work no insulting by pushing for sex ,,, no hoping for sex , not getting sex , then giving up till you do not know how to act when she does want sex …. The confusion!
I must say our clearly defined sex life , where every AM I know I will have sex with her is a GOD SEND ,,,b ecause ,,, sfternooons and nights ahave become to me the CO”NF”US”ION of every other past relationship …. I love her she became my FRIeND ….. and well when that friendship became so important wellll what happens ? is it kinda like what happened earlier in this blog ? I do love her ,,,, getting hard is not a problem I do that every moring why would any other time be anyother different ? think dubass ,, and if your experience has not equalled the content ov my bloggging ,,, realize you will become the JILES , of the commediam ,,,, stats do not lie … my friend it is your future …. 99.9 perceent of the time
I think bringing a dildoe to the JENSEN BEACH TOAIST meeting dec 4 …. At the infinty center next to the fruit stand on INDIAN RIVER DR. at 6 pm …. Willl help people ..GET REAL !( giggle giggle , chortle chortle , guffal guffal , laugh laugh …… like middle school children we act like we are inocent of something we ALL LOVE TO DO which is NTURAL ! ….. FUCKED UP HUH ? )
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Young Master , I see your blogging and that you are reading my stuff , sure I betcha some of it is because I am fun sexually extremem but then again , I see or read from you that you are looking for some idea that is really DIFFERENT , not just some statement of impossible action , like Anachary just fashionalbe expression of frustration with no real FIX ….
I hope you can think historically look back to the time when we had no PYRAMIDS …. Before the profit and power motives ,,, I hope you are realizing that as brain structures changed for the female and their use of language brouhgt about …. Hierarchy built on connncation skills , that STRATAGEY grew , to insure hierarchy thru mating ….like in the Bonobo ,,, the male’s calim to Dominace is based on the social standing of the female …
But then also listen to your instincts and compare us and that chimp ,,,,, and I think you will hear your body stating that you are a Territorial male ,, not a submisssive male ,,, you provide the stable territory for the female to CHOOSE TO be with you and mate with you …. AGAIN AD AGAIN ,,, feel your feelings dumbass … look at anture , and FIGURE THE FUCK OPUT WHY EVERTHING IS SO …… FUCKED UP .
Now I still feel that my ideas will have a very little appeal to the general ,.,, brain washed , robot masses , of christain ecomonic slaves …. Which is FINE ,,, let then enjoy their experience of being what they are …. How can a person have that possible experience except by HAVING IT … just one of the infinite possible experiences inherent in the TAO , that must be expereienced as a point of view ,,, by and experiencer who must forget … foerget … their truest nature so that this experience can be at IT’S MOST REAL-NESS …..so
390 milliion acres of farm land ,,,, 300 million people in the US ….. this is not city land or houseing land of watershed land of desert lan d , but farmland 390 ,,,,,, while you develop your compound buy the book … Square foot gardening … a milatary effeicnceny expert , those fucking army guys can write some fucked up manuals ,,, but the under lieing plans welll fucking work …. Once they train us Dumbass’s to work the EASY plan ,,, and in SFG food production you have just that a wonder plan , where by ,,,, if you dipshit have the fruit and nut trees you should ,,, these lillt 4 foot by 4 foot boxes ,,, just 3 of them give them about 15 to 20 each of RECREATIONAL care … care ,,, be 1 with you world ….. it s fun it is better than the mind fuck of watching TV of depending on making more cash keeping the cycle of ecomonic slavery going ,,, ( ohhh you my regualr readers , you have to realize how fucking PROGRAMED YOU ARE to find recreation only in the Aceept ed way ) ….. 3 boxes gives you all the food you can eat ….
Design that into a life style …. Somethng TRUTHFULLY ALTERNTIVE ,,, not just words or slogans ,,, or dogma ,, or music ,,,,, but reality ,,, ohhh yeah ad in the recreation al fishing pond , have some chickens roaming the compound with some brood boxes stragetically placed ….. and al you really miss is milk , ,and well realize that our species was designed to stope drininkg milk at age 5 ….. remember remember ,,, dumbass , the mental mind fuck of the DAIRY INDUSTRY , hidden and promoted by the governement ,,, do you trust your govermenet the tools of the indsutry ot enslave you ? ….. really fucking look at the lobby of health care , dairy cattle , cron ,,,, realize how the corn industry controled the senate of ancient ROMAN’s ….. the lobby of the Phoaroh thru his trusted advisors and priests who were getting rich selling shit to the Royal family and Phaorohs’ army’s ???? have you really been thinking shit for brain ? honestly have you ever really though on your own
Do not fight the government ,,, or any one ,, build something new … relax enjoy , and if you do the right thing than … other will want the hppines you have ,,, SHIT LISTEN TO YOURSELF . you are searching , for happiness everyone is ,,,,, but the option we have are for shit . oooooh the 360,000,000 is that we as human even in this desenly populated wrold have the space and good land to do the INSTINCTUAL thing …. If they choose FREEDOM OF CHOICE . stay complaining and find your exisitance thru another beer or that anti depressant …. Never ever thisnk about a real ALTERNATIVE
Ahhh but to go out side the box like I am , and saying I BELIEVE THIS OR THAT ….. that is very hard since what I am doing is ………. ALTERNATIVE . not just fashion , where you follow the FASHION of the everyday of your frends ….. oooooh you are so COOOL ! you are a sheep ! like your parents ! like the youth of the last 5,000 years … the same talk no real change ! becaue the most basic aspect has not been talked about ,,,,
And it has to do with SEX and POWER ,,, female hierarchy ,,,,,, each girl wants to OWN herself 1 ????
???????????? what ??????????????? hierarchy that we lone perritorial males do not understand …. Ohhh yes we are social to extent but deep inside you are a lone instinctual male ….
Starting my www.instinctualism.org group in real time , handing out flyers laying then under car window wipers ,,,, sending emails to newpapers that a new group is forming is hard when you are alone ,,, no fashionalbe people to support you ,,, you have to be a leader ????? ru ???? yes dipshit you are , it is in you DNA to be one .
Young Master , I see your blogging and that you are reading my stuff , sure I betcha some of it is because I am fun sexually extremem but then again , I see or read from you that you are looking for some idea that is really DIFFERENT , not just some statement of impossible action , like Anachary just fashionalbe expression of frustration with no real FIX ….
I hope you can think historically look back to the time when we had no PYRAMIDS …. Before the profit and power motives ,,, I hope you are realizing that as brain structures changed for the female and their use of language brouhgt about …. Hierarchy built on connncation skills , that STRATAGEY grew , to insure hierarchy thru mating ….like in the Bonobo ,,, the male’s calim to Dominace is based on the social standing of the female …
But then also listen to your instincts and compare us and that chimp ,,,,, and I think you will hear your body stating that you are a Territorial male ,, not a submisssive male ,,, you provide the stable territory for the female to CHOOSE TO be with you and mate with you …. AGAIN AD AGAIN ,,, feel your feelings dumbass … look at anture , and FIGURE THE FUCK OPUT WHY EVERTHING IS SO …… FUCKED UP .
Now I still feel that my ideas will have a very little appeal to the general ,.,, brain washed , robot masses , of christain ecomonic slaves …. Which is FINE ,,, let then enjoy their experience of being what they are …. How can a person have that possible experience except by HAVING IT … just one of the infinite possible experiences inherent in the TAO , that must be expereienced as a point of view ,,, by and experiencer who must forget … foerget … their truest nature so that this experience can be at IT’S MOST REAL-NESS …..so
390 milliion acres of farm land ,,,, 300 million people in the US ….. this is not city land or houseing land of watershed land of desert lan d , but farmland 390 ,,,,,, while you develop your compound buy the book … Square foot gardening … a milatary effeicnceny expert , those fucking army guys can write some fucked up manuals ,,, but the under lieing plans welll fucking work …. Once they train us Dumbass’s to work the EASY plan ,,, and in SFG food production you have just that a wonder plan , where by ,,,, if you dipshit have the fruit and nut trees you should ,,, these lillt 4 foot by 4 foot boxes ,,, just 3 of them give them about 15 to 20 each of RECREATIONAL care … care ,,, be 1 with you world ….. it s fun it is better than the mind fuck of watching TV of depending on making more cash keeping the cycle of ecomonic slavery going ,,, ( ohhh you my regualr readers , you have to realize how fucking PROGRAMED YOU ARE to find recreation only in the Aceept ed way ) ….. 3 boxes gives you all the food you can eat ….
Design that into a life style …. Somethng TRUTHFULLY ALTERNTIVE ,,, not just words or slogans ,,, or dogma ,, or music ,,,,, but reality ,,, ohhh yeah ad in the recreation al fishing pond , have some chickens roaming the compound with some brood boxes stragetically placed ….. and al you really miss is milk , ,and well realize that our species was designed to stope drininkg milk at age 5 ….. remember remember ,,, dumbass , the mental mind fuck of the DAIRY INDUSTRY , hidden and promoted by the governement ,,, do you trust your govermenet the tools of the indsutry ot enslave you ? ….. really fucking look at the lobby of health care , dairy cattle , cron ,,,, realize how the corn industry controled the senate of ancient ROMAN’s ….. the lobby of the Phoaroh thru his trusted advisors and priests who were getting rich selling shit to the Royal family and Phaorohs’ army’s ???? have you really been thinking shit for brain ? honestly have you ever really though on your own
Do not fight the government ,,, or any one ,, build something new … relax enjoy , and if you do the right thing than … other will want the hppines you have ,,, SHIT LISTEN TO YOURSELF . you are searching , for happiness everyone is ,,,,, but the option we have are for shit . oooooh the 360,000,000 is that we as human even in this desenly populated wrold have the space and good land to do the INSTINCTUAL thing …. If they choose FREEDOM OF CHOICE . stay complaining and find your exisitance thru another beer or that anti depressant …. Never ever thisnk about a real ALTERNATIVE
Ahhh but to go out side the box like I am , and saying I BELIEVE THIS OR THAT ….. that is very hard since what I am doing is ………. ALTERNATIVE . not just fashion , where you follow the FASHION of the everyday of your frends ….. oooooh you are so COOOL ! you are a sheep ! like your parents ! like the youth of the last 5,000 years … the same talk no real change ! becaue the most basic aspect has not been talked about ,,,,
And it has to do with SEX and POWER ,,, female hierarchy ,,,,,, each girl wants to OWN herself 1 ????
???????????? what ??????????????? hierarchy that we lone perritorial males do not understand …. Ohhh yes we are social to extent but deep inside you are a lone instinctual male ….
Starting my www.instinctualism.org group in real time , handing out flyers laying then under car window wipers ,,,, sending emails to newpapers that a new group is forming is hard when you are alone ,,, no fashionalbe people to support you ,,, you have to be a leader ????? ru ???? yes dipshit you are , it is in you DNA to be one .
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
why do men like blowjobs
why do men like BLOWJOBS
well stats said ( the source is questionable ) 12 percent liked the feeling , 8 percent liked the Domination ( betcha this number is actually hihger ) 80 percent liked the silence …. Now do you get the joke but understand like in all jokes they do show something we all have in common ,,, the common threads which make it possible for the joke to be understand … US LAUGHING AT ourselves ….. good thin g … take yourself with a fucking grain of salt ….. be open to seeing how BAD you are young master ,,,, that is not persisiting …..that is not RESISITING …..
now also see and understand the social pressures of the girls to not accept … the TRUTH ,,, we are wired differently mentally ….. she is designed to talk more than I ma ,,, even though my girlfreind will say I talk more than most men ,,, well YES … I am a leader I have the history or being the BOSS , so I must talk more ,,, I have a responsiblilty to lead . that means communciating ….. but that I … 1 …. Out of the many …. Bossses are the EXCEPTIONS not the averages ….. on AVERAGE …. ON AVERAGE ,,, fuck peopke why do you RESISIT … so much ,, until you Quiet that mind all that porgramming and listen and learn ,, shut your mouth like your teacher said so you can learn to NO LONGER TOUCH THAT HOT STOVE ,,, dumbass !
I mean look at the pain in your life ,,, all I am doing is PRESENTING , not forcing … JUST PRESENTING … an alternative ,,, not the only ALTERNATIVE … just A . but to understand the INSTINCTUALISM alternative you have to be able to think longer than 30 seconds ,,,, this is not a sound bite commerical idea …. It is so far from your proograming that ideas held in the TRUTH of your DNA can not be triggereing new thoughts threw the use of established perjorative wording used in SOUND BITE PROGRAMING and mental state re-inforceing …. The PATHOLOGIC TRANCE of humanity .
Sure it helps you deal with the massive stress of work and money … this tendency to go into PATHOLOGICAL TRANCE ….. it helps your mind KICK INTO auto pilot ,,, go along with the training it has accepted as TRUTH ….
Well the REAL truth is our brains on AVERAGE are wired differently , yes the male can talk but he does so in limmited amount and when his inner number of words has been reached he stops talking …. Look at some great data girls … read the book Mars and Venus …. Use it to understand men ,,, not make men into girls …. That will not work , you have been trying that for years and you girls are stilll ……. In pain ?( ooooh yes there are happy times yes 20 out of 100 marriages kinda make it are not totally DISYFUCNTIONAL ….. but fuk what terrible numbers ,,,, you really just gotta silence your mind arnot be SCARED to think for yourself . ….. FINDING YOUR OWN INNER SAGE ……
Be natural and you will have more chill time , less stress not living in DIS EASE ….. mental or pyshical …. Find the passion that reason to live is your reason buildt upon … the shit you can PURCHASE ,,,, what has the wise gurus of time been saysing ? over and over money can not buy you happiness ….. then you repely but what about HEALTH INSURANCE …. I HAVE TO … HAVE HEALTH CARE !!!! …. Or do you ? hmmmmmm 3.3 million years and we human did not die off? Why if health care is so important ?
OHHHH REMEMBER dumbasss you have been trained to fear the TAO , to fear DEATH , to fear your true you ….. you have been mind fucked !
Starnge how we use the word fuck for things like abuse and then use that word to describe sex , even the girls using it … as if they wanted abuse ,, why ,,,? Becaue their inner nature the inner submissive is not CONGRIUOS ….. the world and her nature are not in balance , contra to her deepest instinct , she yells in her mind over and over ,,,,, buy buy buy ,,, go shopping out to eat ,, hide the pain in $$$$$
well stats said ( the source is questionable ) 12 percent liked the feeling , 8 percent liked the Domination ( betcha this number is actually hihger ) 80 percent liked the silence …. Now do you get the joke but understand like in all jokes they do show something we all have in common ,,, the common threads which make it possible for the joke to be understand … US LAUGHING AT ourselves ….. good thin g … take yourself with a fucking grain of salt ….. be open to seeing how BAD you are young master ,,,, that is not persisiting …..that is not RESISITING …..
now also see and understand the social pressures of the girls to not accept … the TRUTH ,,, we are wired differently mentally ….. she is designed to talk more than I ma ,,, even though my girlfreind will say I talk more than most men ,,, well YES … I am a leader I have the history or being the BOSS , so I must talk more ,,, I have a responsiblilty to lead . that means communciating ….. but that I … 1 …. Out of the many …. Bossses are the EXCEPTIONS not the averages ….. on AVERAGE …. ON AVERAGE ,,, fuck peopke why do you RESISIT … so much ,, until you Quiet that mind all that porgramming and listen and learn ,, shut your mouth like your teacher said so you can learn to NO LONGER TOUCH THAT HOT STOVE ,,, dumbass !
I mean look at the pain in your life ,,, all I am doing is PRESENTING , not forcing … JUST PRESENTING … an alternative ,,, not the only ALTERNATIVE … just A . but to understand the INSTINCTUALISM alternative you have to be able to think longer than 30 seconds ,,,, this is not a sound bite commerical idea …. It is so far from your proograming that ideas held in the TRUTH of your DNA can not be triggereing new thoughts threw the use of established perjorative wording used in SOUND BITE PROGRAMING and mental state re-inforceing …. The PATHOLOGIC TRANCE of humanity .
Sure it helps you deal with the massive stress of work and money … this tendency to go into PATHOLOGICAL TRANCE ….. it helps your mind KICK INTO auto pilot ,,, go along with the training it has accepted as TRUTH ….
Well the REAL truth is our brains on AVERAGE are wired differently , yes the male can talk but he does so in limmited amount and when his inner number of words has been reached he stops talking …. Look at some great data girls … read the book Mars and Venus …. Use it to understand men ,,, not make men into girls …. That will not work , you have been trying that for years and you girls are stilll ……. In pain ?( ooooh yes there are happy times yes 20 out of 100 marriages kinda make it are not totally DISYFUCNTIONAL ….. but fuk what terrible numbers ,,,, you really just gotta silence your mind arnot be SCARED to think for yourself . ….. FINDING YOUR OWN INNER SAGE ……
Be natural and you will have more chill time , less stress not living in DIS EASE ….. mental or pyshical …. Find the passion that reason to live is your reason buildt upon … the shit you can PURCHASE ,,,, what has the wise gurus of time been saysing ? over and over money can not buy you happiness ….. then you repely but what about HEALTH INSURANCE …. I HAVE TO … HAVE HEALTH CARE !!!! …. Or do you ? hmmmmmm 3.3 million years and we human did not die off? Why if health care is so important ?
OHHHH REMEMBER dumbasss you have been trained to fear the TAO , to fear DEATH , to fear your true you ….. you have been mind fucked !
Starnge how we use the word fuck for things like abuse and then use that word to describe sex , even the girls using it … as if they wanted abuse ,, why ,,,? Becaue their inner nature the inner submissive is not CONGRIUOS ….. the world and her nature are not in balance , contra to her deepest instinct , she yells in her mind over and over ,,,,, buy buy buy ,,, go shopping out to eat ,, hide the pain in $$$$$
Monday, November 26, 2007
you are right
You are right
Young master , I wonder when is it correct to proclaim yourself as a MASTER , a spiritual master or a sexual MASTER ,,, when what criteria is really the RIGHT critieria , WHO SHOULD JUDGE on the pages about starting an INSTUINCTUALISM groups I talk about you being , what you are a POV a point of view of infinity of the Tao ,,, for no one can explainor understand the all expecially not with this lil brain this limit of matter …. Now to gain from the Tao to gain understanding of 1 gift like the christains talk about ,, to exhibit one form of power maybe thru Rieke , or Tia Chi or manifesting $ is to concentrate on a 1 aspect of a many aspected thing of which you see a special point of view which I can not know about unless you have the guts to explain the point of view that you see …….. HEY you are a master of that point of view …
I think about how are you feeling young master being that some of who read my shit are youths ,,, what is your life , I have my era my things that are real for my point of view of my experience due to the inportant things in my life as of today , kije my girlfriend , my daughter at home my kids with their mom’s ,,, those things are important to me ,,, but you young master , with no things important except your own new ADVENTURE …. I talk from just memeory not the reality of being like you … sure I love going to the festivals like the BUZZ BAKE SALE this coming saturuday and being with you , but I can not feel your life like I used to . I can talk about the future of the ROCKS you throw up in the air , try to tell you they will fail , because you throew them up thinking believing in a fairy tale of LOVE ….. ( what is really love …. What is fairy tale that makes us feel so warm and fuzzy that druged effect ? )
Hey dipshit you will still feel that warmth that drugged effect in your fifitles heill in your 60’s 70’s 80’s as ling as you are alive those drugs will course thur your blodd , the morphine of endorphine …..stimulated by dream states … by fairy tale …
But is instinctualism love less ,, drugg based ? no of course not but like any drug that you want the high to last ,,, in a bleenced life the high is not so completely high ….. but if you learn to enjoy the subltlness of a good high you do not need to poisin yourself to get a good buzzzz …. Liieke drinking a beer vs a 6 pak ….. I used drink beer by the case when I was 20 now I catch the same buzz form 1 beer …
Master ,, in sex , well that actually is easy in that you dumbass get a hard on , that is something that musted be masterfully used , to be aimed , to be forced , into a PUSSY … into a pussy that is willinga dn , is being presented in a submissive posture ….. on her back legs spread in Presentation or on her knees like a puppy again , in a psoture of …….FUCK ME …. PLEASE ….. so the perjaoritve feelings that word gives you are really the MIND FUCK of your programing instead of the truth of humanity ….
The ancient sages knew that words were the poisin of the mind the tool for greeed and mind control …. See years agao we our ancestors … sold their freedoms (your mental freedoms ) so they could have a chance to become powerful!!! Also ,… be a maybe not ROYAL but atleast to work in or around the castle or the Pharoh or Empereor …. To become important in religons by being a monk or , even in the tribes to learn 1 aspect of natural MAJIC … to show power ! and there by be important ,,, when did we lose the 1 in the 1 feeling with our planet ….. every baby is born with that idea it is part of the all it does not understand you are he are different beings ….. hmmmmmm it is our nature to still feel the I – in - I … of the being who cme here to feel what it is like to have a human POINT OF VIEW of the Tao ……
Ok now how does building 3 single family homes change things well it is a real ,,,,,, ALTERNATIVE statement … for fucking real you will not be like any of your friends , GOOD .. out of the competive mix when it comes to pussy …… now building SIMPLICTY ,,,,, why not , when you understand if we stupid americams would only embrace the idea of gas mileage then there would be no reason to import oil and then the revenues of Islam would stop ( the owrlds largest market and the market will basically collaspe you lose ½ your income you have to cahgne yourlife style ) that means no cash of EXTRA stuff … like ? supporting Jihad ……. You dipshit can make the statement , build you can build a life for yourself so different that compared to bthe fancy painted car , the louder sound system , the more comples tatoo ,,,, the louder pipes on your bike ,,,, to femalew who will give you a better time less ,,, headaches … they will see . your compound ,,, if you let them …. And you have NO BILLS NO STRESS all you got is time to work at a job a you LIKE and time to go fishing , and time to FUCK ….. and when the ideas of kids come along ..
Well yesterday , I walked my 18 month old boy along the river we sat down in the wavelet and played with the sand we threw rocks , ran toddled … watched birds LAUGHED LAUGHED AND LAUGHED …… we lived like humans.
( not like consumer robots )
Young master , I wonder when is it correct to proclaim yourself as a MASTER , a spiritual master or a sexual MASTER ,,, when what criteria is really the RIGHT critieria , WHO SHOULD JUDGE on the pages about starting an INSTUINCTUALISM groups I talk about you being , what you are a POV a point of view of infinity of the Tao ,,, for no one can explainor understand the all expecially not with this lil brain this limit of matter …. Now to gain from the Tao to gain understanding of 1 gift like the christains talk about ,, to exhibit one form of power maybe thru Rieke , or Tia Chi or manifesting $ is to concentrate on a 1 aspect of a many aspected thing of which you see a special point of view which I can not know about unless you have the guts to explain the point of view that you see …….. HEY you are a master of that point of view …
I think about how are you feeling young master being that some of who read my shit are youths ,,, what is your life , I have my era my things that are real for my point of view of my experience due to the inportant things in my life as of today , kije my girlfriend , my daughter at home my kids with their mom’s ,,, those things are important to me ,,, but you young master , with no things important except your own new ADVENTURE …. I talk from just memeory not the reality of being like you … sure I love going to the festivals like the BUZZ BAKE SALE this coming saturuday and being with you , but I can not feel your life like I used to . I can talk about the future of the ROCKS you throw up in the air , try to tell you they will fail , because you throew them up thinking believing in a fairy tale of LOVE ….. ( what is really love …. What is fairy tale that makes us feel so warm and fuzzy that druged effect ? )
Hey dipshit you will still feel that warmth that drugged effect in your fifitles heill in your 60’s 70’s 80’s as ling as you are alive those drugs will course thur your blodd , the morphine of endorphine …..stimulated by dream states … by fairy tale …
But is instinctualism love less ,, drugg based ? no of course not but like any drug that you want the high to last ,,, in a bleenced life the high is not so completely high ….. but if you learn to enjoy the subltlness of a good high you do not need to poisin yourself to get a good buzzzz …. Liieke drinking a beer vs a 6 pak ….. I used drink beer by the case when I was 20 now I catch the same buzz form 1 beer …
Master ,, in sex , well that actually is easy in that you dumbass get a hard on , that is something that musted be masterfully used , to be aimed , to be forced , into a PUSSY … into a pussy that is willinga dn , is being presented in a submissive posture ….. on her back legs spread in Presentation or on her knees like a puppy again , in a psoture of …….FUCK ME …. PLEASE ….. so the perjaoritve feelings that word gives you are really the MIND FUCK of your programing instead of the truth of humanity ….
The ancient sages knew that words were the poisin of the mind the tool for greeed and mind control …. See years agao we our ancestors … sold their freedoms (your mental freedoms ) so they could have a chance to become powerful!!! Also ,… be a maybe not ROYAL but atleast to work in or around the castle or the Pharoh or Empereor …. To become important in religons by being a monk or , even in the tribes to learn 1 aspect of natural MAJIC … to show power ! and there by be important ,,, when did we lose the 1 in the 1 feeling with our planet ….. every baby is born with that idea it is part of the all it does not understand you are he are different beings ….. hmmmmmm it is our nature to still feel the I – in - I … of the being who cme here to feel what it is like to have a human POINT OF VIEW of the Tao ……
Ok now how does building 3 single family homes change things well it is a real ,,,,,, ALTERNATIVE statement … for fucking real you will not be like any of your friends , GOOD .. out of the competive mix when it comes to pussy …… now building SIMPLICTY ,,,,, why not , when you understand if we stupid americams would only embrace the idea of gas mileage then there would be no reason to import oil and then the revenues of Islam would stop ( the owrlds largest market and the market will basically collaspe you lose ½ your income you have to cahgne yourlife style ) that means no cash of EXTRA stuff … like ? supporting Jihad ……. You dipshit can make the statement , build you can build a life for yourself so different that compared to bthe fancy painted car , the louder sound system , the more comples tatoo ,,,, the louder pipes on your bike ,,,, to femalew who will give you a better time less ,,, headaches … they will see . your compound ,,, if you let them …. And you have NO BILLS NO STRESS all you got is time to work at a job a you LIKE and time to go fishing , and time to FUCK ….. and when the ideas of kids come along ..
Well yesterday , I walked my 18 month old boy along the river we sat down in the wavelet and played with the sand we threw rocks , ran toddled … watched birds LAUGHED LAUGHED AND LAUGHED …… we lived like humans.
( not like consumer robots )
Sunday, November 25, 2007
yes master vs please master
Yes Master or please master
Young master ,,, the DOM/sub relationship I think has it great merits in helping both the male and female break the bonds of the social programing we both have lived thru ,,, sometimes the pendullum needs to swing to another wxtremem ,,, then it can settle back to a more natural position ,,, that is why I suggest that you dumbass do some study and learning about twhat it is to be Mmaster , AND THEN REALIZE THAT THE GIRLS DREAM ABOUT THIS WHILE THEY MASTRUBATE AND GIRLS DO A LOT OF MASTRUBATING ALSO . in fact the amin buyer of vibrators etc , are not men buying them for their girlfriends but women buying them for their own release of sexual NEEEDS …. It has been the biggest growth market in on line sales is the females buying , the … passion party industry is a for female party …. We do not do this like they do this … so get the lil’ princess all dressed in white picture outa your mind she is a dirty lil slut , ( but that is only because of the social programing again that words … perjoratives ,,, words with meaning like SLUT , were evelved in human society … not really nature for you )
She is not slut who needs to be used , but because of her own ,,,, self picture her own deep MIND FUCKING forced on her by society ,,, she does feel that need to submit in her fanasty ….. great example of this is the romanace novel , which most women do read if only in the tabloids or now adays thru certain TV show , the same theme and characters shows up as in the romance novel ….
If you look at the MATING BEHAVIOR pages of www.instinctualism.org and go thru the links and think about the quates from those pages about … chimps , bonobo and gorilla …. You can see it is the female who does SEDUCE the male …. In the chimp it is thru sexual scents and enlarged / ready sexual organ dis[play and submissive psositioning which says … come fuck me PLEASE ….. the bononbo is constantly sexual active and the girls do choose the male …… and the gorilla the girl must find that level of security till her body and relax and become open to sex ….. what about the true human anmail ,,, what do you think disphit ,, do I have to think for you ARE YOU NOT ALLOWED TO THINK FOR YOURSELF ?
Or have you been so programeemed by the idea of the PROFESSIONAL … that you will only let a Dic oooops Doctor Phil think for you ? you young master are not stupid !
The DOM/sub starting activities do help get her in a better mind set , breaking the bonds of the MIND FUCK ,,, and if helps you ,,, but it will only be when you have go the 3 tents , the 3 single family homes that the true , nature of her seuxality can come to FLOWERING , as she comes into , a gentle competive state with her FRIENDS … their sexual acitiviy and enjoyment will keep her in a state of sexual desire also …. Each wanting the attention of the male who made their life SIMPLE , … SAFE … CONTENT ….
The compound it to create a secure life where the profit ideas are kept outside , that llife is not dependant on the city yet the city is EXTRA fun ….. the land you live from is not a PROFIT CENTER … your part time career is …. And so it their jobs ,,, coming home is QUITING TIME … it is time to tell sorys to the kids instead of watching movies , it is time to pet the cat instead of doing book work ,,, it is time to TALK TO TREES , and thank nature for its BOUNTY ,,, instead of worrying about the bank satement …. It is time to relax and enjoy a good pussy licking from you or one of the girlfriends … it is time to get fucked by you aor on e of her friends ….. and remember dipshit your dick feels better than plasitic !!!!
But to break those deep bonds of the BRAIN WASHING we have been exposed to by churches over the last 1500 years , will take the use of the DOM/sub play game ideas …. But they will dissapear ,, as you read more maybe the books on SLAVE CRAFT you will realize that as love starts to grow between MASTER amd slave ( in the matural MALE /DOM ,, female/sub ) the master slave practises disaapear , often leaving the female confused once more because her MASTER is now to loving and caring and touchy feelly …. Like the males she orginally was running away from searching for a controlling male ,,, welll you dumbas , control in that you create the stablity in her whole life ,,, like the female gorilla needs ….. yet in the sexual aspect it is not in your loving DOM nature to use you female ,,,, you young master are a GOOD MAN a proctectiv e loving man ….. not some cruel SADISTIC WOARPED FUCK OF THE FANASTY OF ….MASTER /slave …. Honstly thinking in evelutionary terms human males like that would not have been the male who women on average would want to stay with ,,, abusive people created stress depressions and early death in REAL natural ecosystems ….. now of course the last 10k years of the idea of serving a god who will give life after death … nowq that aspect really screwed us up … how come no other animal prays ….
Yet , think about you pets see how and feel how much they do have souls and relax and laugh and smile and care for you and each other ,, thye are not dumb creature3s , with out hearts souls or LOVE …… it was our churches who wanted to creat e the illusison of seperation form the TAO so they could sell us redemption … sell us the way back to GOD ,, thru servind the KING the Pharoh the chruch ….
Dipshit are you to stupid ,, to progarmamed to NOT think for yourself , that you need always some one else to say it is OK … first before you even attempt to act ATLERNATIVELY ? ooohhh but getting a tatoo is being alternative ….. yes right …. Smoking dope is being cool …. Ooooh I am sorry I forgot , doing the same stupid things that human kind has done for a long long time is …alternative , each genertion has some … activity to show it is not the same as its parents ….. the same story is written in the bible 5000 years old the story of a teenager like you are or were… hmmmmmm can you TWIST ?
Young master ,,, the DOM/sub relationship I think has it great merits in helping both the male and female break the bonds of the social programing we both have lived thru ,,, sometimes the pendullum needs to swing to another wxtremem ,,, then it can settle back to a more natural position ,,, that is why I suggest that you dumbass do some study and learning about twhat it is to be Mmaster , AND THEN REALIZE THAT THE GIRLS DREAM ABOUT THIS WHILE THEY MASTRUBATE AND GIRLS DO A LOT OF MASTRUBATING ALSO . in fact the amin buyer of vibrators etc , are not men buying them for their girlfriends but women buying them for their own release of sexual NEEEDS …. It has been the biggest growth market in on line sales is the females buying , the … passion party industry is a for female party …. We do not do this like they do this … so get the lil’ princess all dressed in white picture outa your mind she is a dirty lil slut , ( but that is only because of the social programing again that words … perjoratives ,,, words with meaning like SLUT , were evelved in human society … not really nature for you )
She is not slut who needs to be used , but because of her own ,,,, self picture her own deep MIND FUCKING forced on her by society ,,, she does feel that need to submit in her fanasty ….. great example of this is the romanace novel , which most women do read if only in the tabloids or now adays thru certain TV show , the same theme and characters shows up as in the romance novel ….
If you look at the MATING BEHAVIOR pages of www.instinctualism.org and go thru the links and think about the quates from those pages about … chimps , bonobo and gorilla …. You can see it is the female who does SEDUCE the male …. In the chimp it is thru sexual scents and enlarged / ready sexual organ dis[play and submissive psositioning which says … come fuck me PLEASE ….. the bononbo is constantly sexual active and the girls do choose the male …… and the gorilla the girl must find that level of security till her body and relax and become open to sex ….. what about the true human anmail ,,, what do you think disphit ,, do I have to think for you ARE YOU NOT ALLOWED TO THINK FOR YOURSELF ?
Or have you been so programeemed by the idea of the PROFESSIONAL … that you will only let a Dic oooops Doctor Phil think for you ? you young master are not stupid !
The DOM/sub starting activities do help get her in a better mind set , breaking the bonds of the MIND FUCK ,,, and if helps you ,,, but it will only be when you have go the 3 tents , the 3 single family homes that the true , nature of her seuxality can come to FLOWERING , as she comes into , a gentle competive state with her FRIENDS … their sexual acitiviy and enjoyment will keep her in a state of sexual desire also …. Each wanting the attention of the male who made their life SIMPLE , … SAFE … CONTENT ….
The compound it to create a secure life where the profit ideas are kept outside , that llife is not dependant on the city yet the city is EXTRA fun ….. the land you live from is not a PROFIT CENTER … your part time career is …. And so it their jobs ,,, coming home is QUITING TIME … it is time to tell sorys to the kids instead of watching movies , it is time to pet the cat instead of doing book work ,,, it is time to TALK TO TREES , and thank nature for its BOUNTY ,,, instead of worrying about the bank satement …. It is time to relax and enjoy a good pussy licking from you or one of the girlfriends … it is time to get fucked by you aor on e of her friends ….. and remember dipshit your dick feels better than plasitic !!!!
But to break those deep bonds of the BRAIN WASHING we have been exposed to by churches over the last 1500 years , will take the use of the DOM/sub play game ideas …. But they will dissapear ,, as you read more maybe the books on SLAVE CRAFT you will realize that as love starts to grow between MASTER amd slave ( in the matural MALE /DOM ,, female/sub ) the master slave practises disaapear , often leaving the female confused once more because her MASTER is now to loving and caring and touchy feelly …. Like the males she orginally was running away from searching for a controlling male ,,, welll you dumbas , control in that you create the stablity in her whole life ,,, like the female gorilla needs ….. yet in the sexual aspect it is not in your loving DOM nature to use you female ,,,, you young master are a GOOD MAN a proctectiv e loving man ….. not some cruel SADISTIC WOARPED FUCK OF THE FANASTY OF ….MASTER /slave …. Honstly thinking in evelutionary terms human males like that would not have been the male who women on average would want to stay with ,,, abusive people created stress depressions and early death in REAL natural ecosystems ….. now of course the last 10k years of the idea of serving a god who will give life after death … nowq that aspect really screwed us up … how come no other animal prays ….
Yet , think about you pets see how and feel how much they do have souls and relax and laugh and smile and care for you and each other ,, thye are not dumb creature3s , with out hearts souls or LOVE …… it was our churches who wanted to creat e the illusison of seperation form the TAO so they could sell us redemption … sell us the way back to GOD ,, thru servind the KING the Pharoh the chruch ….
Dipshit are you to stupid ,, to progarmamed to NOT think for yourself , that you need always some one else to say it is OK … first before you even attempt to act ATLERNATIVELY ? ooohhh but getting a tatoo is being alternative ….. yes right …. Smoking dope is being cool …. Ooooh I am sorry I forgot , doing the same stupid things that human kind has done for a long long time is …alternative , each genertion has some … activity to show it is not the same as its parents ….. the same story is written in the bible 5000 years old the story of a teenager like you are or were… hmmmmmm can you TWIST ?
Saturday, November 24, 2007
king KORN
Young master , well you know already my love of the music of KORN how jon davis has exposed his feelings about life and love in his cd’s the animal wxpression of twist where he asks us to TWIST to think for ourselves …. 7 times he calls out twist ,,, think for your fucking self .. feel how twisted we have become and then think .
I write because of a fathers love for his family ,,, me a father , hearing and expereincing what is the future for my lil’ 18 month old boy ,,,,, plus his bro’s and sis and said what type of father would I be if I did not have the guts to act … if I entering the us army once long ago with theugts to give my life , well here I again … the pen being mightier thant he sword …. Do it again . why
Because you dumbass will not have the life you should ,,, the figures are pointing to that 1 out of two of you dipshit will live by living existiting on the drug insulin , because of the fact that actually 80 percent of your foods are porcessed and in reality based on one food KORN .. very unantural …. You will become diabectic , look at your self and your friends anc ount when thinking about these facts dumbs ,,,,you will be one othe numbers ,,, that is the odd you can not excape !....
Half get diabiets
60 outa 100 in thru the pains of atleast 1 divorce
8 out 10 will medicate to help with mental stress ,,, that is drugs from a doctor or self medication thru legal or illegal recreational chemicals
more that 9 outa 10 will not get rich or wealthly or even finannacilly secure …nope nope nope ,,, you will chasse that dream always in debt to the stress it causes in chasing
7 out 10 will be over wieght , then having back problems spine problems , hormone problesm based in lifestyle and food problems
BY 25 1 in 2 of my sons will neeed to take a drug to get a usable HARD-ON …. By 25 you dipshit look at you and your friends who will need drugs and why … the shy is mostly about tyour metnal expectation …it is the result of BEGGING FOR PUSSY ….. on the list can go on and on
And your death will be slow and depressing
And then there is the studys that show , live naturally and
Have A REASON TO LIVE ,,,,and you live better longer happier richer ….. what is the reason to live ,,,, in the studies around the globe even in the US SHOWED it has to do with the connection with other pinportant people your fucking family …… when you grow old being the old man or woman who is looked up to because you grow great grapes for wine … or are wise or paint well or play a fucking radical guitar or flute or build great fishng lures , or bake great cakes …. Or something you live for almost fucking ever ,,, and live happy and STILL DIE … we all die ,
The advertising implys ..the medical industry for profit mind fuck hides in HYPNSITIC wording the idea that you can avoid death my llistenting to their stats and taking their drugs , when reality is they DIE also ,,, everyone dies … so what theu fuck
You animal fear of death is great it does keep us here for the full time availbale to live this ADVENTURE , without being totally inot this life if you realized your deepest inner nature and no longer feared death you would check out , because fo the life stress you live the confusion of your HUMAN ANIMAL INSTINCTS ….. but because of the drive to live inherited in your DNA you forgot what it is to be the …… I - in - I
You fear becoming invisible no longer remembering yourself as phil , deb , julie or sall or gabe , tony , dee … you fear and thus you are controled easy by those who say ,,, say ,, promise the impossilbe …. Life .just TWIST diposhit …. Freeedom of choice ….that is what INSTINCTUALISM .org is all about alternative shoices …
And balance ,,, I love the great fun of the city but I realize that slowing down day to day makes the rush of party time vaction time seeing afamily and friends going out to eeat everything more fun ….. slowing down …. Living in what you may think as extreme which will become very easy … after you go thru the TECHNO with dreawls …. Of the addictions to the world you have been fucking enslaved by ,,, but remember you young master are the 1 in 100 …. By doing the life styleing in the instinctualism.org pages you are really fucking ALTERNATIVE a very new choice for the girls in your world ,,,, not just another guy with a cool car or cool tatoo ….. no you are finnaly really different yet the difference is in that you are in a sustainalbe harmony with the real world ,,, your life style is a style that can be handed down to family … it is the ideal of 7 generations . and you get the fun of concerts of vacations ,,,, and SEX SEX SEX SEX …… ohh but what about the FAIRY TALE love and kisses you see on tv and movie ,,, remember the enslavement my young friends ….. ohhhh you are so fucking TRAPPED by the lies you have been trained in …
The withdrawls will be easy once you dipshit young master make the commitment to the 3 tents and a camel ,,, the 3 homes and vehichle …. The girls who choose you they themselves are the ones … like in the gorillas and apes of the MATING BEHAIVOR pages of instinctualism
They will want to creat the reall ,LOVE … not the fairy tale ,, but a love which is in harmony with their own deepest anture ,,, not based on the greed of the BRAIN FUCK …. Ohhhh the first song of green days last cd. Subconsicuos mind fuck of america I think he said ,,,,, well it was a great show the openeing concert of that tour in Miami , 5000 of us freaks there ,,, me playing me tossing my ballons out into the crowd … life is good ,,, if you will just TWIST . OH SEE YOU DEC 1 at the buzz bake sale … look for the ballonn guy come say hi
Young master , well you know already my love of the music of KORN how jon davis has exposed his feelings about life and love in his cd’s the animal wxpression of twist where he asks us to TWIST to think for ourselves …. 7 times he calls out twist ,,, think for your fucking self .. feel how twisted we have become and then think .
I write because of a fathers love for his family ,,, me a father , hearing and expereincing what is the future for my lil’ 18 month old boy ,,,,, plus his bro’s and sis and said what type of father would I be if I did not have the guts to act … if I entering the us army once long ago with theugts to give my life , well here I again … the pen being mightier thant he sword …. Do it again . why
Because you dumbass will not have the life you should ,,, the figures are pointing to that 1 out of two of you dipshit will live by living existiting on the drug insulin , because of the fact that actually 80 percent of your foods are porcessed and in reality based on one food KORN .. very unantural …. You will become diabectic , look at your self and your friends anc ount when thinking about these facts dumbs ,,,,you will be one othe numbers ,,, that is the odd you can not excape !....
Half get diabiets
60 outa 100 in thru the pains of atleast 1 divorce
8 out 10 will medicate to help with mental stress ,,, that is drugs from a doctor or self medication thru legal or illegal recreational chemicals
more that 9 outa 10 will not get rich or wealthly or even finannacilly secure …nope nope nope ,,, you will chasse that dream always in debt to the stress it causes in chasing
7 out 10 will be over wieght , then having back problems spine problems , hormone problesm based in lifestyle and food problems
BY 25 1 in 2 of my sons will neeed to take a drug to get a usable HARD-ON …. By 25 you dipshit look at you and your friends who will need drugs and why … the shy is mostly about tyour metnal expectation …it is the result of BEGGING FOR PUSSY ….. on the list can go on and on
And your death will be slow and depressing
And then there is the studys that show , live naturally and
Have A REASON TO LIVE ,,,,and you live better longer happier richer ….. what is the reason to live ,,,, in the studies around the globe even in the US SHOWED it has to do with the connection with other pinportant people your fucking family …… when you grow old being the old man or woman who is looked up to because you grow great grapes for wine … or are wise or paint well or play a fucking radical guitar or flute or build great fishng lures , or bake great cakes …. Or something you live for almost fucking ever ,,, and live happy and STILL DIE … we all die ,
The advertising implys ..the medical industry for profit mind fuck hides in HYPNSITIC wording the idea that you can avoid death my llistenting to their stats and taking their drugs , when reality is they DIE also ,,, everyone dies … so what theu fuck
You animal fear of death is great it does keep us here for the full time availbale to live this ADVENTURE , without being totally inot this life if you realized your deepest inner nature and no longer feared death you would check out , because fo the life stress you live the confusion of your HUMAN ANIMAL INSTINCTS ….. but because of the drive to live inherited in your DNA you forgot what it is to be the …… I - in - I
You fear becoming invisible no longer remembering yourself as phil , deb , julie or sall or gabe , tony , dee … you fear and thus you are controled easy by those who say ,,, say ,, promise the impossilbe …. Life .just TWIST diposhit …. Freeedom of choice ….that is what INSTINCTUALISM .org is all about alternative shoices …
And balance ,,, I love the great fun of the city but I realize that slowing down day to day makes the rush of party time vaction time seeing afamily and friends going out to eeat everything more fun ….. slowing down …. Living in what you may think as extreme which will become very easy … after you go thru the TECHNO with dreawls …. Of the addictions to the world you have been fucking enslaved by ,,, but remember you young master are the 1 in 100 …. By doing the life styleing in the instinctualism.org pages you are really fucking ALTERNATIVE a very new choice for the girls in your world ,,,, not just another guy with a cool car or cool tatoo ….. no you are finnaly really different yet the difference is in that you are in a sustainalbe harmony with the real world ,,, your life style is a style that can be handed down to family … it is the ideal of 7 generations . and you get the fun of concerts of vacations ,,,, and SEX SEX SEX SEX …… ohh but what about the FAIRY TALE love and kisses you see on tv and movie ,,, remember the enslavement my young friends ….. ohhhh you are so fucking TRAPPED by the lies you have been trained in …
The withdrawls will be easy once you dipshit young master make the commitment to the 3 tents and a camel ,,, the 3 homes and vehichle …. The girls who choose you they themselves are the ones … like in the gorillas and apes of the MATING BEHAIVOR pages of instinctualism
They will want to creat the reall ,LOVE … not the fairy tale ,, but a love which is in harmony with their own deepest anture ,,, not based on the greed of the BRAIN FUCK …. Ohhhh the first song of green days last cd. Subconsicuos mind fuck of america I think he said ,,,,, well it was a great show the openeing concert of that tour in Miami , 5000 of us freaks there ,,, me playing me tossing my ballons out into the crowd … life is good ,,, if you will just TWIST . OH SEE YOU DEC 1 at the buzz bake sale … look for the ballonn guy come say hi
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Jackin off
Jackin off
Young master , oooh how many times have I talked about things where there was no pride boost for myself ,,, a whole fucking bunch …. It is part and parcel of the resisit / persisit equation ….. here is some complexity again sex sex sex …. I have sex daily …. Like yesterday it is clear her presenting herself as my puppy , was for my benefit ..thankyou honey ,,, but
But , sex is a syneneregy …. I like to think she likes it also … I hate to write openly because like speaking opnely I may say something , that will cause her to …. Retaliate to defend herself …. Thus creating in me that state where I feel pain that I caused … and causing her pain is non congrous ,,, like in sex it has to be something she is enjoying also or else I lose my desire …FAST
NOW , our every day sex at 8 am , has been like everyday ,,, but afternoon or night there has been noe for over amonth . the last time we played was the time when it was over she said … that her didloes were uncomfortable that she needed to experiement with the new materials ….. my mind heard , she was unhappy so the activity sub conccsiuosly ended . onver done that is taken out of the mix …. And so there was no more mix … no more sex at night since .
Ohh this is supoosed to be about me stroking my dick …. Embarrassing myself for the benefit of readers so ,, that I may have a chance to keep readers so that I feel that am touching the minds of people … so that in hopes they will see their own lives and loves in a different light , there by hoping that they can change their won cycle of PAIN . because …….. your fairy tale will end … it always does … 99 percent of dating relationship will end up in PAIN ,,,, and 80 percnt of happy marriages all that Fairy tale excitement ends up in pain and lonelyness .
So back to me stroking my dick … while she is out doing her thing …… GREAT I am so happy she is happy ! over and over that is my biggest goal is her HAPPINESS … I worry that if bring up thpoc of me jackin off she will feel guilty ,,, in her guilt tshe will want to talk ,,, I am male I can not TALK with a female … it is impossible , I feel her discomfort and my instinct kicks in and I get confused . IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE ….. how many times do I have to fail at talking with my signifacant others of my life .. do I have do … before the world will aloow me to be ME!
There is enough evidence even in the writings of the books that females use to promote their concepts of soul mate and fairy tale love , to show that MALE does not talk . or at least talk like a female , we use different sentence structure ,,, girls are process thinkers men count buffulo ( I have not brought up this for like a year ….. buffalo speak )
OK last night ,, we did not watch a movie ,, a habit pattern had changed , we were in that RE – CONNECTING stage ,,, in fact earlier that day she presented her lower lip for my bite … that stimulation of endorphines …. That she SEEMED to enjoy so much in the being that I have not done in over a month ….. I … ALL …. Amles respond like the Gorilla to the openess of the female to touch … when she does not want touch she does not come over to the male gorilla …. All good men respeind to GIRLS MAKING THE FIRST MOVE ,, in reality .. at the animal level yuou girls actually start the sex …
Loook , I am male , my blodd is flooded with sex hormones every 45 minutes 24 hours a day ,,, there is no monthly cycle I have an hourly cycle ,,, why has nature done that … so that I would be ready to mate my wives when there are READY !!!!! nothing to do with my desire , my desire is constant …. No it is not rape ever it is the female subconscuios animal desire to be pentrated , and to be penetrated she has to be submsissive . to allow me to force my dick in her .
But human have allowed PROGRAMING and social expecetations to fuck up this .
Now I am so happy Deb is understanding and exploring the mystery of the Tao of meta pyshcihs ..etc …. Cool and I doninthat people often become un balenced when it comes to the BODY, MIND , SPIRIT …. That is to be expected often during a learning curve some one must work more on a weaker aspect to then gain balance SOME DAY … but often spirituality becomes like a DRUG … evidence is how , a good christian program can become the new addiction for the Drug addict …. Better to be addicted to Jesus that Crack …. Cool ….. so to is with spiritualism ,,,, with new age , which is in reali8ty older religons that Christainity by t1000’s of years …..but the balance can be gone for a while ..
BDSM ,, the endorphine rush ,, is a way of controling the need to escape life ,,, the BDSM pain is a powerful drug . plus sexual pleasure again it can be un balenced . but for me fun since I admit to being MALE , I have testosrone ruching thru my viens every 45 minutes … I have not allowed my training to alter the natural pattern of the big T. ohhh yes young master ,,,, thought control your body …. You lose erecetile function ( hard – on ) mainly because of your thoughts and expectations …. So I happily engage BDSM to an extent ….. it still needs to be about her happiness .
Ohhh but a good girl does not get off by being tied up …. The confusion of the female … the FAIRY TALE . that causes all the apin …..and that causes you and me to JACK OFF . because there is not sexual partner who is comeing close in signal it is time to have sex
LAST night there was a chance for sex …
A month ago , I did not eat her pussy even though I wanted to because I did not really KNOW what she wated , our friendship and spiritual bonding is unbalencing us ..yet the stress of sepration this last weeekend brough us back to bed last night ,, THE AFTER FIGHT SEX … the baisis of the relationship is SEXUAL !!!
Again some time back then the comment on how the dildoes did nto feel good ……
The time …… the days gone by where we once were fucking everyday ,,, afternoons etc .. we had gone days … no blame .. I do not want to get into a discusion about blame ….. that will never ever work that is RESISTING .
Now 3 girls ……. When they want each in their own time … I am there … BUT 3 girls ….
Ahhhhhhhhh ! ,,,, S P E C I A L ….. the Z____+ is in the want to be special , to be a 1 …. To be separate ! …. Ahhhh now think about the illusion of being seperated from GOD or the Tao … it is illusion of course , but it is in that seperation that being a 1 that all the problems are formed … how human kind can be so Evil to itself …. Why because of the feeling that we are NOT all one ….. but is you are also wanting to be special … well is that not wanting to be 1 …. Not part of the all ….. it is being 2 faced …. Special
I talk about the good man as being family oriented , it is truth , men when they lose their feeling that they are the providiors that they have no REASON to live … thiey RETIRE live on average 18 months .
Understand this I like her am going thru spiritual leanring hell that is how we met because of this writing I do …. But spiritual learning is something I have been doing while still living since I was 20 …. I did not go the way of the story of the seeker in MR.. I DON’T KNOW as on the pages of www.instinctualism.org …. I know that I reflect the desire of the female in my life I love her and want what she wants for herself …. So like yesterday when she says for me to hurry up because her leg is hurting her ,,, I know that she did not want the sex .. it was for my beneift … that LEARNING WILL fuck with US …. I can ot hurt her or use her my life as Gorilla is to develop a safe place for her and hooe she stickes around and comes to me for sex …. The Gorilla does not really rape ,, in the animals yes the illusion of forced sex maybe observed but it is liken to BDSM where the female is safe sane CONSENTUAL it is her want to be submissive
Complex ideas dumbass ,, the ideas I have written everyday are here nothing new is written today !
Think abou the girl at the party as written in TWISTED INSTINCT and the man from the fishing pier ,,,, the girl at the party at seeing another female wearing the same dress before entering the party … wants to go home and change her dress , how she will talk with her friends to make sure she is dress differently , so that she is not wearing the same thing as some one else …… being SPECIAL be sperated being 1 ……. Alone ………. The male a BLOOD stained t-shirt looks like a BLOOD stained T-shirt … we are cool . think dipshit … talkinw willnot work our brains are wired differently the advise of the marrage and relationship counselor does not work because it is the old PROBLEM from 1000 bc the same problems of the ancient Taosit sage ….. it does not respect the NAUTRE of instinct. Poly relationshipw ill cause her stress unless she is so ,,, anixuos to have peace herself that it becomes her own PASSION to effect change . becaue her Z_____+ her desire to be separate form the Tao ….. is it POWER ?
Is it the blood stained t-shirt male ? honestly ,,, was it the king who the females FLOCK to to become thw ife of the RICH AND POWERFUl ,, the underlying the unseen and UN AD MITTED . truths.
Young master , oooh how many times have I talked about things where there was no pride boost for myself ,,, a whole fucking bunch …. It is part and parcel of the resisit / persisit equation ….. here is some complexity again sex sex sex …. I have sex daily …. Like yesterday it is clear her presenting herself as my puppy , was for my benefit ..thankyou honey ,,, but
But , sex is a syneneregy …. I like to think she likes it also … I hate to write openly because like speaking opnely I may say something , that will cause her to …. Retaliate to defend herself …. Thus creating in me that state where I feel pain that I caused … and causing her pain is non congrous ,,, like in sex it has to be something she is enjoying also or else I lose my desire …FAST
NOW , our every day sex at 8 am , has been like everyday ,,, but afternoon or night there has been noe for over amonth . the last time we played was the time when it was over she said … that her didloes were uncomfortable that she needed to experiement with the new materials ….. my mind heard , she was unhappy so the activity sub conccsiuosly ended . onver done that is taken out of the mix …. And so there was no more mix … no more sex at night since .
Ohh this is supoosed to be about me stroking my dick …. Embarrassing myself for the benefit of readers so ,, that I may have a chance to keep readers so that I feel that am touching the minds of people … so that in hopes they will see their own lives and loves in a different light , there by hoping that they can change their won cycle of PAIN . because …….. your fairy tale will end … it always does … 99 percent of dating relationship will end up in PAIN ,,,, and 80 percnt of happy marriages all that Fairy tale excitement ends up in pain and lonelyness .
So back to me stroking my dick … while she is out doing her thing …… GREAT I am so happy she is happy ! over and over that is my biggest goal is her HAPPINESS … I worry that if bring up thpoc of me jackin off she will feel guilty ,,, in her guilt tshe will want to talk ,,, I am male I can not TALK with a female … it is impossible , I feel her discomfort and my instinct kicks in and I get confused . IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE ….. how many times do I have to fail at talking with my signifacant others of my life .. do I have do … before the world will aloow me to be ME!
There is enough evidence even in the writings of the books that females use to promote their concepts of soul mate and fairy tale love , to show that MALE does not talk . or at least talk like a female , we use different sentence structure ,,, girls are process thinkers men count buffulo ( I have not brought up this for like a year ….. buffalo speak )
OK last night ,, we did not watch a movie ,, a habit pattern had changed , we were in that RE – CONNECTING stage ,,, in fact earlier that day she presented her lower lip for my bite … that stimulation of endorphines …. That she SEEMED to enjoy so much in the being that I have not done in over a month ….. I … ALL …. Amles respond like the Gorilla to the openess of the female to touch … when she does not want touch she does not come over to the male gorilla …. All good men respeind to GIRLS MAKING THE FIRST MOVE ,, in reality .. at the animal level yuou girls actually start the sex …
Loook , I am male , my blodd is flooded with sex hormones every 45 minutes 24 hours a day ,,, there is no monthly cycle I have an hourly cycle ,,, why has nature done that … so that I would be ready to mate my wives when there are READY !!!!! nothing to do with my desire , my desire is constant …. No it is not rape ever it is the female subconscuios animal desire to be pentrated , and to be penetrated she has to be submsissive . to allow me to force my dick in her .
But human have allowed PROGRAMING and social expecetations to fuck up this .
Now I am so happy Deb is understanding and exploring the mystery of the Tao of meta pyshcihs ..etc …. Cool and I doninthat people often become un balenced when it comes to the BODY, MIND , SPIRIT …. That is to be expected often during a learning curve some one must work more on a weaker aspect to then gain balance SOME DAY … but often spirituality becomes like a DRUG … evidence is how , a good christian program can become the new addiction for the Drug addict …. Better to be addicted to Jesus that Crack …. Cool ….. so to is with spiritualism ,,,, with new age , which is in reali8ty older religons that Christainity by t1000’s of years …..but the balance can be gone for a while ..
BDSM ,, the endorphine rush ,, is a way of controling the need to escape life ,,, the BDSM pain is a powerful drug . plus sexual pleasure again it can be un balenced . but for me fun since I admit to being MALE , I have testosrone ruching thru my viens every 45 minutes … I have not allowed my training to alter the natural pattern of the big T. ohhh yes young master ,,,, thought control your body …. You lose erecetile function ( hard – on ) mainly because of your thoughts and expectations …. So I happily engage BDSM to an extent ….. it still needs to be about her happiness .
Ohhh but a good girl does not get off by being tied up …. The confusion of the female … the FAIRY TALE . that causes all the apin …..and that causes you and me to JACK OFF . because there is not sexual partner who is comeing close in signal it is time to have sex
LAST night there was a chance for sex …
A month ago , I did not eat her pussy even though I wanted to because I did not really KNOW what she wated , our friendship and spiritual bonding is unbalencing us ..yet the stress of sepration this last weeekend brough us back to bed last night ,, THE AFTER FIGHT SEX … the baisis of the relationship is SEXUAL !!!
Again some time back then the comment on how the dildoes did nto feel good ……
The time …… the days gone by where we once were fucking everyday ,,, afternoons etc .. we had gone days … no blame .. I do not want to get into a discusion about blame ….. that will never ever work that is RESISTING .
Now 3 girls ……. When they want each in their own time … I am there … BUT 3 girls ….
Ahhhhhhhhh ! ,,,, S P E C I A L ….. the Z____+ is in the want to be special , to be a 1 …. To be separate ! …. Ahhhh now think about the illusion of being seperated from GOD or the Tao … it is illusion of course , but it is in that seperation that being a 1 that all the problems are formed … how human kind can be so Evil to itself …. Why because of the feeling that we are NOT all one ….. but is you are also wanting to be special … well is that not wanting to be 1 …. Not part of the all ….. it is being 2 faced …. Special
I talk about the good man as being family oriented , it is truth , men when they lose their feeling that they are the providiors that they have no REASON to live … thiey RETIRE live on average 18 months .
Understand this I like her am going thru spiritual leanring hell that is how we met because of this writing I do …. But spiritual learning is something I have been doing while still living since I was 20 …. I did not go the way of the story of the seeker in MR.. I DON’T KNOW as on the pages of www.instinctualism.org …. I know that I reflect the desire of the female in my life I love her and want what she wants for herself …. So like yesterday when she says for me to hurry up because her leg is hurting her ,,, I know that she did not want the sex .. it was for my beneift … that LEARNING WILL fuck with US …. I can ot hurt her or use her my life as Gorilla is to develop a safe place for her and hooe she stickes around and comes to me for sex …. The Gorilla does not really rape ,, in the animals yes the illusion of forced sex maybe observed but it is liken to BDSM where the female is safe sane CONSENTUAL it is her want to be submissive
Complex ideas dumbass ,, the ideas I have written everyday are here nothing new is written today !
Think abou the girl at the party as written in TWISTED INSTINCT and the man from the fishing pier ,,,, the girl at the party at seeing another female wearing the same dress before entering the party … wants to go home and change her dress , how she will talk with her friends to make sure she is dress differently , so that she is not wearing the same thing as some one else …… being SPECIAL be sperated being 1 ……. Alone ………. The male a BLOOD stained t-shirt looks like a BLOOD stained T-shirt … we are cool . think dipshit … talkinw willnot work our brains are wired differently the advise of the marrage and relationship counselor does not work because it is the old PROBLEM from 1000 bc the same problems of the ancient Taosit sage ….. it does not respect the NAUTRE of instinct. Poly relationshipw ill cause her stress unless she is so ,,, anixuos to have peace herself that it becomes her own PASSION to effect change . becaue her Z_____+ her desire to be separate form the Tao ….. is it POWER ?
Is it the blood stained t-shirt male ? honestly ,,, was it the king who the females FLOCK to to become thw ife of the RICH AND POWERFUl ,, the underlying the unseen and UN AD MITTED . truths.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Girls night out
Girls night out
Young Master , admnit the feelings ,, realize the gorilla in you ,,,, resist it it will persisit grow and fester , it will become the worm that eats your mind and spirit as described by that ancient sages , it was a good description . But what you accept you can draw power from ? you can learn from ? adapt to ? accept……..!
Building plams based on the INSTINCT of the nature of your truest deepest feelings ,,, that DNA part of you that brought you and the girl together in the first place , to deny the PROTECTIVE NAUTRE OF HAREM , especially when you are limited UNANATURALLY to one girl 1.
Leaves you feeling ,,,, NON Congroius ….
She is going Dancing …… what does DANCING mean to you the male ,,,, I am not talking to a METRO male who has warped his instincts to fit the new Society , the male I hear females say they do not like because he is to permissive and submissive that he is not male …….
OOOOOOH the confusions … can you feel your life young master .
Now how would it be different if you were not some how forced to feel that you were trappped in depending on just one woman …… this is the sublte CONTROL AND COERCION TRAP OF THIS 1 on 1 world .. I try so hard to discuss in my own wierd way .. where I have no concrete answer only theroy based on alternatives of nature
Nature that example of the Taosit Sage …… so what should I do ,,, RUN RUN QUICK hide , go get a beer since I hurt I feel pain ….. see this blog has sparked real talk between Deb and I so , I am feeling her pain ,,, and my male does not like the idea that I am causing her confusion or pain ,, that is not the intent of me ,,, does a father want to KNOWNLY cause his children pain ? even more the male is with the females in his life ……
But DANCING is …. It is …. The vent where you ORGINALLY created the seuxall bonds with your female ,, so that instinct rushes right in when the idea of her Girls night out comes up ….
So Deb was talking about how she is in a form of hell waiting on the 3 tents and a camel since it is not here and the evnet of meeting other women can not happen in this single home ,,, no long term security can be provided by for other women .. so I am feeling like a LIAR IF I were to Poly Date while having this knowing that I am moving up to NORTH CAROLINA .
So what to do , go hide or see this as learning the real events of life ,,,,,, I have to expose myself my ideals to the world to be true about what I am … in starting a Tao group now I am getting the experience I will use later ….
Now the stress I am causing Deb….. boy does that fuck with my brain does that cuase and EXPANSION of my nueral net my brain pathways … the pain of growth . all I want is her happinss … but it must be achieved in a way that will not just collaspe like very other relationship …. So I commit to my path …. I feel bad she is unhappy , yet she is happy because my openeness has caused her to open herself ….. hmmmmmmm it is not easy . if things are so good why do I feel so bad , well I do not feel except in the idea that I am causing her stress …..
The ULTIMATE , evidence of Co dependance is my stress about her stress ….but I have always said that co D was the truth about human nature ,,,, I ,, every male who cares about family does get his pride form the heatlh and welfare of his family …. The PURPOSE for living …. I am not HEDONISTIC …. Once I have made the tent circle … I am family-ist .
Even with all the self explorations etc …. When stressed the human reverts back to past behavior patterns if you have no other patterns secured or when you are feeling trapped by reality ….. see understanding thngs like Tao is great but they are not real in the reality we do live … you live in a world where maintaining life is an instinct of the body ,,, the mind body spirit …… some people get so ,, spiritiual that they do not live in their body in the pyshical world it seems . that is not me ,,, I am into find how to live balenced.
Yesterday I got feeling trapped …. The owrds came out of Deb that got me …. Feeling … confused ….. I talked about male confusion ,, with the idea of her freedom yes , fact yet my animal nature when it comes to other males ….. my confusion in not hearing her include me in her plans …. Ok… so when I voice my feelings she comes back saying she has feelings ….. and thoughts if she is supposed not feel jeaoulsy about the 2 other women what right do I have to feelings jeoulous about her going out dancing ….. ahhhh the TRAP ….. yet her try to understand also …. Why the difference what seems like UNFAIR .
Hmmmmm my ideas ….. girls do not beg in the dating world they are the PURSUED …. It is the male who SUPLICATES ….. the Torentino movie last nihgt showed expample of this while listening to the girls the manipulations of the girls ……….. next of course is my study of dating and the stats their and the UNCONCSOUIS mind warp that dating is on both sides … but I does depend on the MAN .. a bad boy … or good man ….
Well yesterday ,, after feeling like I was going back down the path of trap ….yet once again ,,, I choose to end the paim with beeer … atleast I understood what I was doing ,, but it opened the door to realizing how …hopeless being in the trap can feel and ,,, how poor the out look is … because after being with me …. Living with me …. For a year is not enough to make changes what hope is there ? I then gotta realize if I can MENTALLY GET FUCKED UP well so can she … the old patterens are strong . great to be thinking this now , but in the pain … of wanting her ahppiness ,, wanting to be understood ,,, and yet being expected to understand her feelings ,,,, ? first ? and being commited …an not in the INSTINCT position of having 3 tents …. I got lost in in hopeless … like I did last May or Aprill …. That JUST CHUCK IT feeling ……
Like she describes ,,, the park closing when she is not looking …… she is having a good time and the company closes without notice …. Hmmmmm . well more likely than not this will not realy happen the lights will flash signally the park is closing ….but for me the feeling of hopelessness especially with the addition of the drug of beer , got feeling like a shot to the head …… was the only logic in this ….. throw the rock of relationship in the air world …. Ohhh in my head see dating is a nightmare of repeating behaivior ….and dissapearing becoming a hermit like the Tao-ist sage of 600Bc….. well that sounds like a shitty way to live when I love pusssy …. Ahhhh protecting myself from the feeling of being trapped …. Of repeating things over and over .
But I must keep Deb happy , that is my instinct . it is the …. Instinct to fight the lions and tigers to face DEATH to protect the family ,,, but I am the lion and tiger in her world that day …….. so what does my instinct make do , I wants to destroy that which is destroying its world , but means destroying itself ….. TRAP of 1 on 1 that ends up with so many males living by drinking . exisisting in a world that is not instinctual ….. in confusion . and the girl says but I will feel jealousy when you are with other females …..
That is why the freedom of choice is there and here and now ……… there is NO GUN forcing her to stay any where DOMINANCE Is not a trap . it is an illusion.a choice . but yesterday will effect us .. effect me …. Each time I realize my real place as the beggar of her pussy , when we do not realize as a couple ….. that . that the Gorilla does not rape but fucks as result of the openness of the female the female communicates ( thru hormone language ) desire then male female interaction takes places ,, that the gorilla is basically protective first … her OWWWEEEIES create states of confusion in him ….. then the choice of the female must come into play … oes whe want to remember the DELICATE balance …… or be the girls in the movie Death proof maniplating the game .. playing the game ,, creating the world they themselves COMPLAIN about . I can only do so much…. one thing I do not want is to bei feeling like I must destroy myeself to insure her happiness ,,,,, but to do that means I must separate myself from her in a way that is seperating .. breaking that instinctual bond of the inner Gorilla ….. atleast I can write about it ,,, I hope you can thnk about your feelings when they come up in you dipshit .. realize what is going on ….
Young Master , admnit the feelings ,, realize the gorilla in you ,,,, resist it it will persisit grow and fester , it will become the worm that eats your mind and spirit as described by that ancient sages , it was a good description . But what you accept you can draw power from ? you can learn from ? adapt to ? accept……..!
Building plams based on the INSTINCT of the nature of your truest deepest feelings ,,, that DNA part of you that brought you and the girl together in the first place , to deny the PROTECTIVE NAUTRE OF HAREM , especially when you are limited UNANATURALLY to one girl 1.
Leaves you feeling ,,,, NON Congroius ….
She is going Dancing …… what does DANCING mean to you the male ,,,, I am not talking to a METRO male who has warped his instincts to fit the new Society , the male I hear females say they do not like because he is to permissive and submissive that he is not male …….
OOOOOOH the confusions … can you feel your life young master .
Now how would it be different if you were not some how forced to feel that you were trappped in depending on just one woman …… this is the sublte CONTROL AND COERCION TRAP OF THIS 1 on 1 world .. I try so hard to discuss in my own wierd way .. where I have no concrete answer only theroy based on alternatives of nature
Nature that example of the Taosit Sage …… so what should I do ,,, RUN RUN QUICK hide , go get a beer since I hurt I feel pain ….. see this blog has sparked real talk between Deb and I so , I am feeling her pain ,,, and my male does not like the idea that I am causing her confusion or pain ,, that is not the intent of me ,,, does a father want to KNOWNLY cause his children pain ? even more the male is with the females in his life ……
But DANCING is …. It is …. The vent where you ORGINALLY created the seuxall bonds with your female ,, so that instinct rushes right in when the idea of her Girls night out comes up ….
So Deb was talking about how she is in a form of hell waiting on the 3 tents and a camel since it is not here and the evnet of meeting other women can not happen in this single home ,,, no long term security can be provided by for other women .. so I am feeling like a LIAR IF I were to Poly Date while having this knowing that I am moving up to NORTH CAROLINA .
So what to do , go hide or see this as learning the real events of life ,,,,,, I have to expose myself my ideals to the world to be true about what I am … in starting a Tao group now I am getting the experience I will use later ….
Now the stress I am causing Deb….. boy does that fuck with my brain does that cuase and EXPANSION of my nueral net my brain pathways … the pain of growth . all I want is her happinss … but it must be achieved in a way that will not just collaspe like very other relationship …. So I commit to my path …. I feel bad she is unhappy , yet she is happy because my openeness has caused her to open herself ….. hmmmmmmm it is not easy . if things are so good why do I feel so bad , well I do not feel except in the idea that I am causing her stress …..
The ULTIMATE , evidence of Co dependance is my stress about her stress ….but I have always said that co D was the truth about human nature ,,,, I ,, every male who cares about family does get his pride form the heatlh and welfare of his family …. The PURPOSE for living …. I am not HEDONISTIC …. Once I have made the tent circle … I am family-ist .
Even with all the self explorations etc …. When stressed the human reverts back to past behavior patterns if you have no other patterns secured or when you are feeling trapped by reality ….. see understanding thngs like Tao is great but they are not real in the reality we do live … you live in a world where maintaining life is an instinct of the body ,,, the mind body spirit …… some people get so ,, spiritiual that they do not live in their body in the pyshical world it seems . that is not me ,,, I am into find how to live balenced.
Yesterday I got feeling trapped …. The owrds came out of Deb that got me …. Feeling … confused ….. I talked about male confusion ,, with the idea of her freedom yes , fact yet my animal nature when it comes to other males ….. my confusion in not hearing her include me in her plans …. Ok… so when I voice my feelings she comes back saying she has feelings ….. and thoughts if she is supposed not feel jeaoulsy about the 2 other women what right do I have to feelings jeoulous about her going out dancing ….. ahhhh the TRAP ….. yet her try to understand also …. Why the difference what seems like UNFAIR .
Hmmmmm my ideas ….. girls do not beg in the dating world they are the PURSUED …. It is the male who SUPLICATES ….. the Torentino movie last nihgt showed expample of this while listening to the girls the manipulations of the girls ……….. next of course is my study of dating and the stats their and the UNCONCSOUIS mind warp that dating is on both sides … but I does depend on the MAN .. a bad boy … or good man ….
Well yesterday ,, after feeling like I was going back down the path of trap ….yet once again ,,, I choose to end the paim with beeer … atleast I understood what I was doing ,, but it opened the door to realizing how …hopeless being in the trap can feel and ,,, how poor the out look is … because after being with me …. Living with me …. For a year is not enough to make changes what hope is there ? I then gotta realize if I can MENTALLY GET FUCKED UP well so can she … the old patterens are strong . great to be thinking this now , but in the pain … of wanting her ahppiness ,, wanting to be understood ,,, and yet being expected to understand her feelings ,,,, ? first ? and being commited …an not in the INSTINCT position of having 3 tents …. I got lost in in hopeless … like I did last May or Aprill …. That JUST CHUCK IT feeling ……
Like she describes ,,, the park closing when she is not looking …… she is having a good time and the company closes without notice …. Hmmmmm . well more likely than not this will not realy happen the lights will flash signally the park is closing ….but for me the feeling of hopelessness especially with the addition of the drug of beer , got feeling like a shot to the head …… was the only logic in this ….. throw the rock of relationship in the air world …. Ohhh in my head see dating is a nightmare of repeating behaivior ….and dissapearing becoming a hermit like the Tao-ist sage of 600Bc….. well that sounds like a shitty way to live when I love pusssy …. Ahhhh protecting myself from the feeling of being trapped …. Of repeating things over and over .
But I must keep Deb happy , that is my instinct . it is the …. Instinct to fight the lions and tigers to face DEATH to protect the family ,,, but I am the lion and tiger in her world that day …….. so what does my instinct make do , I wants to destroy that which is destroying its world , but means destroying itself ….. TRAP of 1 on 1 that ends up with so many males living by drinking . exisisting in a world that is not instinctual ….. in confusion . and the girl says but I will feel jealousy when you are with other females …..
That is why the freedom of choice is there and here and now ……… there is NO GUN forcing her to stay any where DOMINANCE Is not a trap . it is an illusion.a choice . but yesterday will effect us .. effect me …. Each time I realize my real place as the beggar of her pussy , when we do not realize as a couple ….. that . that the Gorilla does not rape but fucks as result of the openness of the female the female communicates ( thru hormone language ) desire then male female interaction takes places ,, that the gorilla is basically protective first … her OWWWEEEIES create states of confusion in him ….. then the choice of the female must come into play … oes whe want to remember the DELICATE balance …… or be the girls in the movie Death proof maniplating the game .. playing the game ,, creating the world they themselves COMPLAIN about . I can only do so much…. one thing I do not want is to bei feeling like I must destroy myeself to insure her happiness ,,,,, but to do that means I must separate myself from her in a way that is seperating .. breaking that instinctual bond of the inner Gorilla ….. atleast I can write about it ,,, I hope you can thnk about your feelings when they come up in you dipshit .. realize what is going on ….
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Super human cock
Superhuman cock
Young master the desire to have or be MAGICAL .. to be more than everyone else ,, to have or cultivate
Power that most people do not even if that is to be used for the good of the people is the p…………. that is the problem it always has been the problem it was the same problem that was describe in the texts of the the sages ,,,,, when leaders wanted to be taught the ways of the Tao so they could cultivate that power for the AOD of the people the Sage said NO! … it will only hurt the people let the people be what and who they are ……. ANIMALS ,,, human animals …… b
But that idea is frightneing because we see animals as being cruel and …wellll …. Animals …. Look again dipshit the animal world is very compassionate … it iw us humans who are the CRUELEST thing to have ever lived on this rock called earth ,,,, us the ones who because of greed wanted to become powerful to end the cycle of life by helping that which needed no help ,,,,,, the TAO ….
To cultivate real Magic while studying the Tao is it possilbe to break the agreement and manifest magic ,,,,, is it POSSILBE ? ,,, TO NOT BE POSSILBE WOULD BE TO SAY SOMETHING IS …………. IMPOSSIBLE , and well that statement of impossiblity well that is not TAOIST … so of course it is possible within the AGREEMENT of course …… ohhh the agremeemnt you gotta do the Teddy meditation to understand the Agreement of all experiencers who build upon each for the experience of themselves …
Back to cruelity ,,, watch you wild house cats hunt , they do not hunt out of anger ,,,, ohhh yes purpose yes ,,, but it is not anger or hatered ,,,, just feeding at the same time ,,, they are the unknowing cultivators of the BETTER strands of DNA …. The are the friends who end the life process quickly so that prey animals can die and move back into the
TAO with out suffereing but pass from this life in a minute instead of days ……. Of illness or okd age suffering in depressions since the animal can not really enjoy this life any more …. And not able to work like it is its nature the animals suffer in depresssion ,,,, yes animal have drepressive states like human s,,,,, not think about the suffereing of our loved ones in old folks homes ,,,, how cruel are we ,,, to deny them the freedom of death ,,,,?
The predortor animal of nature is the friend of life ,,, taking out the gentically deformed ,,, it is the HOSPISE .. of the real world …. The helper for it presy to enter heavens of possilbe new experiences …..
Now lastly ,, that super human cock……. Dipshit remember she can get off on your finger ,,, your normal cock is lot bigger than a finger and remember it is th feel of being penetrated , your whole body banging against her ,,, the act of her submisssion to PENTRATION ….. ALL THIS IS THE REALL MAGIC .. of the TAO sazte of human recreation we call a dirty word SEX >>>>>>>>>> our truest form of recreation
Young master the desire to have or be MAGICAL .. to be more than everyone else ,, to have or cultivate
Power that most people do not even if that is to be used for the good of the people is the p…………. that is the problem it always has been the problem it was the same problem that was describe in the texts of the the sages ,,,,, when leaders wanted to be taught the ways of the Tao so they could cultivate that power for the AOD of the people the Sage said NO! … it will only hurt the people let the people be what and who they are ……. ANIMALS ,,, human animals …… b
But that idea is frightneing because we see animals as being cruel and …wellll …. Animals …. Look again dipshit the animal world is very compassionate … it iw us humans who are the CRUELEST thing to have ever lived on this rock called earth ,,,, us the ones who because of greed wanted to become powerful to end the cycle of life by helping that which needed no help ,,,,,, the TAO ….
To cultivate real Magic while studying the Tao is it possilbe to break the agreement and manifest magic ,,,,, is it POSSILBE ? ,,, TO NOT BE POSSILBE WOULD BE TO SAY SOMETHING IS …………. IMPOSSIBLE , and well that statement of impossiblity well that is not TAOIST … so of course it is possible within the AGREEMENT of course …… ohhh the agremeemnt you gotta do the Teddy meditation to understand the Agreement of all experiencers who build upon each for the experience of themselves …
Back to cruelity ,,, watch you wild house cats hunt , they do not hunt out of anger ,,,, ohhh yes purpose yes ,,, but it is not anger or hatered ,,,, just feeding at the same time ,,, they are the unknowing cultivators of the BETTER strands of DNA …. The are the friends who end the life process quickly so that prey animals can die and move back into the
TAO with out suffereing but pass from this life in a minute instead of days ……. Of illness or okd age suffering in depressions since the animal can not really enjoy this life any more …. And not able to work like it is its nature the animals suffer in depresssion ,,,, yes animal have drepressive states like human s,,,,, not think about the suffereing of our loved ones in old folks homes ,,,, how cruel are we ,,, to deny them the freedom of death ,,,,?
The predortor animal of nature is the friend of life ,,, taking out the gentically deformed ,,, it is the HOSPISE .. of the real world …. The helper for it presy to enter heavens of possilbe new experiences …..
Now lastly ,, that super human cock……. Dipshit remember she can get off on your finger ,,, your normal cock is lot bigger than a finger and remember it is th feel of being penetrated , your whole body banging against her ,,, the act of her submisssion to PENTRATION ….. ALL THIS IS THE REALL MAGIC .. of the TAO sazte of human recreation we call a dirty word SEX >>>>>>>>>> our truest form of recreation
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Warped blame
Warped blame
Young master ,,,,, if you get to this place then you better understand , it will happen over and oever ,,, I believe it is that instinct of … protecting the territory , yet in the complex nature of the ecomonoy we live in ,,, it becomes WARPED ….. and I believe we males feel this ,,,, whether we will admit it or not …
Ok here is the idea ,,, I am fucking mad at my cell phone company ,,,, but I like you put on this image to the gilr in my life to my kids … I feel this expectation of myself to live up to certain things .. like providing for my family their lifestyle …. But even for me ( I am just a working guy in an inflationary econony ) there is cash pressures … so I am all stressed about wanting to be in more control of my cash flow . instead of being at the mercy of some fucking corperation , that seems to have changed my billing by a third ….. but for me to control my own destiny means that I will have to have the memebers of my family also feel … the out flow of cash …. When before they could just no thnk ……..
Money is one of the biggest ( even writing this for me can be a problem because I know that my girl may … may read it ,, and that may lead to stress , and I do not want stress … the over and over … habit we all have of wanting to keep the happy happy going even though there is a deep inner problem …. Growning that dipshit will eventually express itself in WARPED BLAME ) problems money in the stats is the problem couples argue or feel stress about …. But in reality it is not the money really as it is the DEEPER MOTIVES . the reason of human confusions ….
You the male wanting to be the Territory providing male …. Again listen to Dr. Gray of Venus and mars how hes says over and over give a man the opourutunity to do something to provide to show his nature and SUCCEED and he will want to do more ……. But when he feels like failulre ,,, over time the continueing feeling of failure will drive him into escape …… dipshit does feeling of beer or good smoke feel better than real life ,,, why ? do you like be high ? ever think about it dumbass ,, it is not just a social thing …. It is not natural or instinctual if you rmemeber the whole idea that a high animal is a very easy kill that animal would not have survived his DNA would have died with him
And with the total amount of pressures from worka nd the amount of payouts , the stress to be social often in excess that is natural for athe male animal …. When stress builds …. You see the thing you love providing for as your passion for life as being the CAUSE of the stress … when in reality it is your own PRIDE ….. but tha pride is you the animal self
Tuff place to be ,,, it is why i talk BOUT INSTINCTUALISM … the idea of providing what you said you would ,,,, the home energy food … and oppurutunity … in the form on a car … then allowing the girls to build the rest ,, and honstly dipshit girls were desigined evolved to create , they are very smart and capapble .. especially while in a family who is living to support the grwoth and best ofr everyone …….. ? while sharing you ? hey their choice ,,,,,? It does sound weird but that is what alternative is about .
Last thing dipshit I must start exploring is your passion your reason for living and how without that with out you admitting that this deep inner thing is not respected that your fucked-up-ness gets bigger ……… and that deep feeling dumbass is instinctual ….. that gorilla in you that is saying something is wrong something does not make sense there are stresses beyond stresses … and this is unanatural no matter what the professional says …
Young master ,,,,, if you get to this place then you better understand , it will happen over and oever ,,, I believe it is that instinct of … protecting the territory , yet in the complex nature of the ecomonoy we live in ,,, it becomes WARPED ….. and I believe we males feel this ,,,, whether we will admit it or not …
Ok here is the idea ,,, I am fucking mad at my cell phone company ,,,, but I like you put on this image to the gilr in my life to my kids … I feel this expectation of myself to live up to certain things .. like providing for my family their lifestyle …. But even for me ( I am just a working guy in an inflationary econony ) there is cash pressures … so I am all stressed about wanting to be in more control of my cash flow . instead of being at the mercy of some fucking corperation , that seems to have changed my billing by a third ….. but for me to control my own destiny means that I will have to have the memebers of my family also feel … the out flow of cash …. When before they could just no thnk ……..
Money is one of the biggest ( even writing this for me can be a problem because I know that my girl may … may read it ,, and that may lead to stress , and I do not want stress … the over and over … habit we all have of wanting to keep the happy happy going even though there is a deep inner problem …. Growning that dipshit will eventually express itself in WARPED BLAME ) problems money in the stats is the problem couples argue or feel stress about …. But in reality it is not the money really as it is the DEEPER MOTIVES . the reason of human confusions ….
You the male wanting to be the Territory providing male …. Again listen to Dr. Gray of Venus and mars how hes says over and over give a man the opourutunity to do something to provide to show his nature and SUCCEED and he will want to do more ……. But when he feels like failulre ,,, over time the continueing feeling of failure will drive him into escape …… dipshit does feeling of beer or good smoke feel better than real life ,,, why ? do you like be high ? ever think about it dumbass ,, it is not just a social thing …. It is not natural or instinctual if you rmemeber the whole idea that a high animal is a very easy kill that animal would not have survived his DNA would have died with him
And with the total amount of pressures from worka nd the amount of payouts , the stress to be social often in excess that is natural for athe male animal …. When stress builds …. You see the thing you love providing for as your passion for life as being the CAUSE of the stress … when in reality it is your own PRIDE ….. but tha pride is you the animal self
Tuff place to be ,,, it is why i talk BOUT INSTINCTUALISM … the idea of providing what you said you would ,,,, the home energy food … and oppurutunity … in the form on a car … then allowing the girls to build the rest ,, and honstly dipshit girls were desigined evolved to create , they are very smart and capapble .. especially while in a family who is living to support the grwoth and best ofr everyone …….. ? while sharing you ? hey their choice ,,,,,? It does sound weird but that is what alternative is about .
Last thing dipshit I must start exploring is your passion your reason for living and how without that with out you admitting that this deep inner thing is not respected that your fucked-up-ness gets bigger ……… and that deep feeling dumbass is instinctual ….. that gorilla in you that is saying something is wrong something does not make sense there are stresses beyond stresses … and this is unanatural no matter what the professional says …
Friday, November 16, 2007
Gee your hair smells like shit
Gee your hair smells like shit
Ok young master ,,, the advertising did not say that but I wanted to get your attention like always in hopes that I may generate in you … something we as humans do not do enough of …. Our own thinking …. The product I think was named ? I think GEE your hair smells great … and that was the tag line of the advertising ,,, it was back some years as ,,, the mind control sepecialists .. the advertising community was still learning about things … like brand name about the sound bite etc ….this age we are living in is still new there a showing up so much evidence on the controllability of thuman culture thru the use of repeated exposure to IDEAS …. Advertising is just IDEAS …. How stupid that product now seemes , to have advertisng of a shampoo that was all about the smell of a girls hair …
HEY HOLD HERE ,,, dipshit ,,, do you see another under lying theme? ,,,,,,,,,,, SEX ! the reall motivation we have after we have enough to eat ,, ( and in this country we eat to fucking much 60 outa 10 are over weight ) ….. after your belly is full you desire to FUCK … hmmmmm interesting do you think ,,, now just bring up that topic FRANKLY … BLUNTLY in real time with people face to face ,, have them really think about their relationships and whether they are giving and getting the sex they desire … have people realize how much they are looking at other people when they have their best friend at home … and then ask them WHY ARE YOU NOT FUCKING LIKE YOU KNOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO ? and the do not KNOW WHY?
A lot of the reason is all the fucking confusions …. The friendship itself is a problem …. Like yesterday for … my concern for my DEB came way before my daily desire to enjoy the BAISIS relationship time we enjoy daily ,,, that touching of male into female … dick inside pussy ….. she woke in pain so her discomfort came maore important ,,, the welfare of my best friend diffinately is more important than the …… selfishness of my dick …. Do you see how I described the tenderness yet violence of male female touching male female bassis interaction ,,, the thing tha got us to really become the friends we are now ,,, it really did start with sex ….. ADMIT IT .. everyone ,,, the reason you got together with you significant other was sexual … it was very important …. Yet now it is almost scary to Force sex on a friend ….
And women who want to get fucked VIOLENTLY by their men ,,, do you understand how protective he is of … the SOUND of you getting fucked is a lot like the sound of pain ….it changes slowly form lust to discomfort and each time her scream is of discomfort my protective nature ,,,, wondering what I am doing , was this love ….. but luckly when I get the FUCK ME HARDER OUT OF HER ,,, IT KEEPS NE DRILLING HER DEEPER ADAY after day ….. even thru the sounds of discomfort … and luckly the habit patterms we have stated …. The writing I do . the ideasl I live ,, well even the morning like yesterday when she looked in pain , I was not hard and ready to fuck her her puppy pillow ready for her to curl up on …… she KNEW … that to stop this morning RITUAL .. is the beigning of the end …..
To compare the amount of afternoon sex , the night time sex we had enjoyed with what we do now ,,,,, I see the evidence trail … and it remeinds me of why , the poly must be created … her look for friendship with girlfriends … the desire that those friendships were even more close ,, yes , to have her friends available is nice but to create alamost family like friendship with other girls is a deep IDEA , tha has not vehicle for expression ,, a desire that is felt but .. because of our training it is not explored ,, the trining is the 1 on 1 relationship the idea that OWNING 1 male is some how the NATURE of the human species … a confusion … with NO ALTERNATIVE , relationship explorations available to compare to .. nothing in the real world … to meet other people and explore REALITY … with out being ASHAMED …..
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh ! the INSTINCTUALISM. Org … the toasit group … the mind body spirit exploration ……family real time real life ,, and who will provide for this VENUE ? if not you young master THAN WHO ?
Ok young master ,,, the advertising did not say that but I wanted to get your attention like always in hopes that I may generate in you … something we as humans do not do enough of …. Our own thinking …. The product I think was named ? I think GEE your hair smells great … and that was the tag line of the advertising ,,, it was back some years as ,,, the mind control sepecialists .. the advertising community was still learning about things … like brand name about the sound bite etc ….this age we are living in is still new there a showing up so much evidence on the controllability of thuman culture thru the use of repeated exposure to IDEAS …. Advertising is just IDEAS …. How stupid that product now seemes , to have advertisng of a shampoo that was all about the smell of a girls hair …
HEY HOLD HERE ,,, dipshit ,,, do you see another under lying theme? ,,,,,,,,,,, SEX ! the reall motivation we have after we have enough to eat ,, ( and in this country we eat to fucking much 60 outa 10 are over weight ) ….. after your belly is full you desire to FUCK … hmmmmm interesting do you think ,,, now just bring up that topic FRANKLY … BLUNTLY in real time with people face to face ,, have them really think about their relationships and whether they are giving and getting the sex they desire … have people realize how much they are looking at other people when they have their best friend at home … and then ask them WHY ARE YOU NOT FUCKING LIKE YOU KNOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO ? and the do not KNOW WHY?
A lot of the reason is all the fucking confusions …. The friendship itself is a problem …. Like yesterday for … my concern for my DEB came way before my daily desire to enjoy the BAISIS relationship time we enjoy daily ,,, that touching of male into female … dick inside pussy ….. she woke in pain so her discomfort came maore important ,,, the welfare of my best friend diffinately is more important than the …… selfishness of my dick …. Do you see how I described the tenderness yet violence of male female touching male female bassis interaction ,,, the thing tha got us to really become the friends we are now ,,, it really did start with sex ….. ADMIT IT .. everyone ,,, the reason you got together with you significant other was sexual … it was very important …. Yet now it is almost scary to Force sex on a friend ….
And women who want to get fucked VIOLENTLY by their men ,,, do you understand how protective he is of … the SOUND of you getting fucked is a lot like the sound of pain ….it changes slowly form lust to discomfort and each time her scream is of discomfort my protective nature ,,,, wondering what I am doing , was this love ….. but luckly when I get the FUCK ME HARDER OUT OF HER ,,, IT KEEPS NE DRILLING HER DEEPER ADAY after day ….. even thru the sounds of discomfort … and luckly the habit patterms we have stated …. The writing I do . the ideasl I live ,, well even the morning like yesterday when she looked in pain , I was not hard and ready to fuck her her puppy pillow ready for her to curl up on …… she KNEW … that to stop this morning RITUAL .. is the beigning of the end …..
To compare the amount of afternoon sex , the night time sex we had enjoyed with what we do now ,,,,, I see the evidence trail … and it remeinds me of why , the poly must be created … her look for friendship with girlfriends … the desire that those friendships were even more close ,, yes , to have her friends available is nice but to create alamost family like friendship with other girls is a deep IDEA , tha has not vehicle for expression ,, a desire that is felt but .. because of our training it is not explored ,, the trining is the 1 on 1 relationship the idea that OWNING 1 male is some how the NATURE of the human species … a confusion … with NO ALTERNATIVE , relationship explorations available to compare to .. nothing in the real world … to meet other people and explore REALITY … with out being ASHAMED …..
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh ! the INSTINCTUALISM. Org … the toasit group … the mind body spirit exploration ……family real time real life ,, and who will provide for this VENUE ? if not you young master THAN WHO ?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My dick my cock
My dick my cock
Young amster honestly can think about girls being that greedy about a male? Does the lil’princess image give you that their actions are like them being greedy over a DICK ? girl tend to share everything their clothes their makeup girls are very giving and sharing ,,, think about the group dynamics of the non greedy family oriented family of the CAVE and then think how difficult it would have been once greed and status came in …. Yes there has always been … hierarchy but mainly of skills eveyone has a gift some it is leadership other it is cooking arts other making children smile and slisten to storys other art in weaving ……
But ego ….. fucks with the person hell it fucks with us , in very sublte ways that we can not notice because of our training the expectations we are trained with to gauge our success thur the things we OWN … or do . we in human instinctual world even for the harem male sharing is the realiry … Barney that big purple dinosaur is right SHARING IS CARING …. The male protects an territory and then shares it with the female whose ,,, yin yang part it to make that basic territory a home for the male …. And home is where the SEX IS … that is why female humans eveoved to be sexually recreation to insure that the male would stick around and want to be protective …..
So here is an example of my own ego ….. iam planning my Jensen Beach Taosit lesson for Dec 18 the goal is to have the person feel … infinite .. I have had a very hard time gettng people to understand to feel what it is to be one with the Tao the infinite ….. but I wanted the lesson to be something people could take a copy of and read to themselves …. I am proud of this HYPNO script … yet I needed to understand that the untrained person can not read this like I do , they do not understand the tempos the gentle rhythm of leading a guided imagery ….. now this writing I do here this streaming I donot read over or check the spelling or even the wording expecting you to enjoy the fun of the puszzle ….. but the following my ego wanted it to be better and it is unreadable and my ego got deflated ….BIG WHOOP I can hide or just go on ward .. to hide life ends . to go on well the adventure goes on … the next cast after tossing that fishing lure into the trees once more . falling off the skateboard once more
Teddy bears ,
Well this is an activity a story , now I want you to imagine that you have the opportunity to experience a quantum generator , the quantum is the smallest form of thing it is not particle or energy but best described as a thing . yes this sounds like science fiction that mankind has been able to create a machine to generate Quatas …. but just realize that flying metal airplanes were beyond science fiction to the pharaohs of Egypt , the car was science fiction to George Washington our first president , and the blue tooth cell phone was science fiction to even Gene Rodenberry the creator of Star Trek ….. So to doe s the idea of a quantum generator sound like science fiction …..But just image
a quantum generator is a machine some universities have been researching…. with it they create a quantum shell like the quantum shell described in Scientific American last year where the shell quanta , create the effect of physical reality inside the shell …yet the research scientists from the outside see it as holograph and can modify it like a hologram ……… well research has been going on about the effect of living matter ,,, the effect of the observer ….. from the questions posed back in the 1920’s when Quantum Theorist Schrödinger described a cat in a quatum box and Borhn gave a response back saying that…… the intent of the observer will effect the research at a Quantum level …. Now we can experience Quantum reality … with the quantum generator that creates a stable quantum bubble . And you get to do just that safely experience a quantum bubble …. Understand that the university needs new people each time to research the fresh dynamics of the intents of the experiencer , the goal seeking nature of life ……
just follow along with this story ….you have no need to listen to the sound or the tone of my voice to enjoy relaxing for the next few minutes and listen and learning and experience ….. we all learn in many different ways you learn of course by listening by hearing , but you also learn so much by feeling ,,, your emotions for example give the real deepness ….. that you ….. the inner experiencer part of you …..the chooser part of you …… your emotions give information this deepest part of you will use when making choices about how to live this life….. this adventure of being …. Being human …..
You learn also …. by perceiving the world around you thru feelings sensations of your body ….., notice the feelings of the clothes on your body …. notice wiggling your toes and feeling the shoes on your feet ….. you learn a lot about the real world around you the density of this physical world …….
You learn with your eyes too , even with you eyes closed you can learn by seeing … if you wanted to you could close your eyes right now and peer into that other nation , the nation of imagine…..nation.
now understand in the extremely large quantum field , the agreement of physics as you have experienced no longer applies , understand that laws are just agreements made by participants in a time space event …agreements made by the pariticapants big or small …. like laws of a nation give structure to the experience of that nation so to …. Is it with the laws of physics ….the physical world is an agreement state … but in the quantum field there are some new states of phyicas of time and space that you will experience ,,,
first.. There is not a defined light source …. Light is not photons coming from a source but rather an ability to perceive with sight as if everything has within it the ability to be seen … its own light source yet the field is without light or darkness …. In the field you do not need to breath or gain energy thru eating since energy is apply to the out side of the quantum field you receive……………. the atom energy needed for life ,,during the whole of this research ……….. , and lastly is the experience of time ,,, inside you will experience time as best described to be like an hypnotic time distortion ,……. what to you will seem like hours days weeks years or months outside of the field to the scientists it will be just seconds and minutes ………..yet you may experience a 1000 years of perceived time …..
To start the research you enter the quantum bubble the field and walk out into the 3000 foot bubble of quantum energy that right now is filled halfway with teddy bears since you find teddy bears to be safe soft and fun …as the research progresses you understand the field will expand outwards to a distance of 10 miles …....
you enter the bubble and lay down to sleep while the scientists finish preparing the whole field , your intent your goal is to touch the wall of the Quatum shell and to do this you will have to crawul thru like an atmosphere of soft wiehtless teddy bears , so in your mind you are prepared that it may takes a few days to finnaly make it the 10 miles to the
Quatum edge …. So you enter into a deep meditative sleep feeling your body being tatlly supported in softness and comfort you feel your self relax and let go , like falling down … down … donw … deepr and deeper into the teddy bears ,,,, …
and while you are in this deep sleep the researchers completely fill and expand the quantum space with teddy bears so when you awaken in this sleep you find you self floating supported in teddy bears everywhere up and down . to the point feeling wiethtless that you do not really feel any up or down … just a sence of being here in Teddy bears ….. are teddys soft safe comfortable teddy bears ,,, the goal of this research is for you to make your way to the shell of the quantum bubble when you touch the shell the research will be over sudeenly and you will keep your eyes closed become deeply relaxed while you go over the events of the research before returning to the awakened state of this physical agreement . regular awakened consuioness.
as you gently awaken again here in your mind ….. start to make your way to the edge of the quantum bubble…. which your mind remembers may take days so when you feel tired just allow your self to sleep to regain energy and then waken and return to carwling away…… crawling slowly thru the teddy bears , almost like swiming thru an atmosphere of softness ….
You are un aware of the changes taking place to your experience of matter the scientists have been changing your bodys experience of matter by changing the matter of the Teddy bears …. The non living matter is being changed at an atomic level each teddy bear you reach for and feel ….. is a little smaller than the last … at an unperceivable level the matter of the teddy bear is also becoming less , dense ,… you are not aware of this consciously but your body at a cellular level is perceiving change and adapting to a new environment …as its environment disappears the cell of your body do so also …. And as you are already experiencing a confusion or the experience of time since you sleep or nap at will without the sun to time your cycles of life …. You do not notice that days have already become months even years … this is the time distortion that you will ot realize you are experiencing until the end of the reaearch … the perception of 1000’s of years of being like what happens sometime when you dream at night ….
since living matter completely changes form every seven years evry atoms and cell of your body changes …..and your perception of time had been totally distorted you were unaware of the subtle changes tha happened to your body or the teddy bears ……. time soon fades away as the idea that the simple 10 mile walk to the distant wall is never reached …………,,, you find yourself sleeping and waking till you notice that you forgot what sleeping was and waking became…… your natural state ….. The size of the bears changed so slowly that you did not even realize that they disappeared totally and all that is …… is .. The infinite space of the quantum field…. not lite or dark in perception ,,,,, not thick or thin in feeling … just an …is .. of all possible,,,, because you remember that it once was all full of Teddy bears…the teddy bears have become the all Potential of Quatas and the quantum field ……. with you the experiencer within it ……….
, and you now realize that the living matter which you used … to perceive the teddy bears ,…. your body itself ….. that to evolved away … it has disappeared becoming quantums …… leaving just the ….real you …. The experiencer … the one who was the chooser all your life ….
You are free here in the NO ONE THING ….. the NO … one … THING ….. . Moving everywhere and yet seemly nowhere since there is not one thing to move to or from , nor is there up or down a left or right ….. just an experiencing …. An experiencing of this freedom …………you find joy in realizing who you really are … who you have been inside your body all your life … and that you ….are still ….you …even without a body … or form …. You experience. And have a mind and ….. access to memory , yet memory with out the structure of time to experience it in …….
So your intent your memory is touch the quantum shell and complete the research project …… and with this intent you move out from ….no where into … no … thing … yet , feel …… feel …. Sense …. a thing ……you then percieve …a thing .. Like a grain of sand off in a distance , yet also right in front of you depending on the perspective you choose to have of it …are you to big to see it? Or are you to far away to perceive it ?.. you choose to observe it … the grain of sand more closely and you find yourself arriving at it … a thing ….. a something so large , like a world ….a land extending beyond your ability to perceive and it has a … 3 foot high brick wall around it …..there is nothing under land or wall ,,,, yet a sky and clouds and light above this land … ….. within the area behind the 3 foot brick wall , there are trees , and birds , you see mountain rivers and lakes … and people many many people and as you choose to enter this land ,,,,this thing …. Like you are flying in landing coming out of the … no one thing …. Onto solid land ……….hoping that this maybe the quantum shell and the end of the research project ……
the people of this world respond with acceptance …..with a warmth and happiness to this event of you arriving out of the … nothing …… and they talk to you in languages you understand thru knowledge of feelings and you respond in their words of kind their language becomes yours , and you ask them what is this and they say ………… heaven. … You look back to where came from and ask them .. Then where is that where I came from ,,,
they say that is ……..the nothing … the impossible … in fact the people start asking you why you did not enter heaven the way everyone else does …. And you ask how is it that people enter heaven …. And they take you by the hand and like in a fast forward movie , matter space and time move by you and your new friends …… in a second the feeling of having traveled a million miles happened and you and in the middle of heaven ….
there is a flashing area like a ball that on all areas is changing shape , forming… doors then to pearly gates , to energy vortexes .. To golden bridges and light tunnels and people are coming thru . every second from every part there are people entering heaven and there are people there to greet them ,, happiness of seeing old friends …… you ask your guides if this is heaven is god here and they people answer yes god the father , and Jesus’ the son also … and you ask what about the holy ghost , and the answer is that the matter of heaven is the holy ghost ………
you find that here in heaven all that you could want is given in any manner you could want ……you could even ask for the experience of lack so , to make sure you do not get bored with perfection … you have the feeling of hunger so that food is satisfying once again , you can have tests , challenges and adventures , yet always knowing that you never really would die ….. and you really always win ……
you spend time here looking for the end of your quest but soon find that this infinity is just a part of the all possible inside of the quantum shell and not the shell …….. So you ask one of your friends your guides that have always been around you ….where is the brick wall …..where is the nothing …. And the answer is …..want it and you be there … and it is so , you depart from heaven knowing that it is not a good bye but a see you again when ever you may choose to …… as you enter back into the no one thing … the experience of time in heaven becomes like a dream happening that lasts for time yet is now just an …. Is and a was both at the same time …
being just thought once again is what now seems natural for you ,,, that state of being just you … not thing … but the real you the experiencer … heaven recedes in a moment … till even the speck of sand is no longer perceivable , you notice another speck and like with the first you can tell whether is is small because of you being far away or that you are to large to perceive it ….. but you desire to explore this speck also … and you find yourself arriving to enter that infinity ,, and you find it to be the heaven of Islam also with a wall surrounding the possible separating it form the impossible …yet this wall is made of stones….. After experiencing space time there again … you leave that heaven …. and find you encounter many more heavens ,
Heavens of the Hindus …of African folklore ,,, of the Mayans , the Celtics and wiccans ….. You even encounter one that does not have a manmade wall of stone ,wood or brick . …. It is as if the earth just falls off into the nothing….. like the dirt and grass continue to build and crumb off into nothing and there you meet the animals and humans before there was the idea of the separations of gods …..of tribes … of cities ….before language got complex and stories were told …. When human knew itself as part of the energy of the whole … the rock and the human were the same energy of being …just one being rock , experiencing it part of time space in rock form and the other being experiencing human , bird or plant ….. each equally important …. all just experiencing something different ….. The rock experiences itself for eons while the human or animal has just mire years ….
Yet still since the research project has not ended and your returning to the world you knew of….. in that what seems like now .. a distant past ….. You move on and on form speck of sand to speck of sand ……..yet one more speck gets your attention ….. this is different it is not .. a land…. but a field …. of thing … not like the no thing that you are comfortably being in … but a thing of glowing warmth and welcome nss … each of the heavens you visited was also welcoming and a place wonderful to visit so is this thing …. This different speck ……. Of subtle energy … light … and feelings ….
as you enter you do not become form …… human like you did in the other heavens you maintain your form as ….. not one thing ,, a nothing yet …..a being of yourself …. you realize that this field of thing….. is Buddha ,, but not just 1 Buddha but million of billions of Buddha as one Buddha … you can feel each of the billions of beings and hear their thoughts and feelings and also feel them as just being … being one feeling … both at the same time , and they all are saying over and over ….. to think about what is is to think about unthinkable thought ……..to just be the unthinkable … think about the unthinkable then be it infinitly unthinkable……
gently you start to think about that idea ,,,, and your being falls down into itself thinking about what it is ….. to be unthinkable …….
you have been here so long in the infinitely possible what could be unthinkable ….. time to you is the future and past always all the time … in your now …. form and matter and space are toys that you can become bored with …. What could be unthinkable?
You realize that you are expanding into the no one thing ,,,, and that the budahas have disappeared …… you are no longer in the nothing but the nothing is in you and you are growing out yet becoming infinity ….tiny and dense … like you are at the same time of being only 1 quanta and all quatums …... The feeling of paradox is you ….
But as this happens you notice within you is what looks like sheet of paper floating in the nothingness of you ,,, and with large gentle magical hands …palm up you gently cradle this paper for you realize that you see specks of sand on it …. And you know that the millions and billions of souls , beings animal plant rock and human …. Beings like you are happily living in their heavens by choice experiencing their infinite lives …. infinite heavens …… you know that each infinity of heaven is just a speck of sand to the Tao
……. You know that you do not need to care for them to hold the paper for them ….. for like you ……so are they also .. experiencers …infinite …. the paper becomes smaller and smaller as you grown bigger and bigger . being not one thing , yet all things , all at once ,… in every direction ….where there is no directions …..and then SLAP !
KEEP your eyes closed The research is over you have touched the quantum shell relax for a minute while you go over the experience of this research …… remembering that you now understand that even atoms themselves are experiencers depending on the agreement of subatomic particle so they can experience the being …..of being atom ,
that the rock made of compounds , made of molecules , made of atoms are all experiencers like yourself , that plants and animals are equal to yourself ,,,,, even the chair in which you now are sitting …. you become aware is experience of the being something called chair for a time in this space and pyshics …. ….
That from this day forward you will feel the equality of life in the world of experiencers a that surround you… tree and weed ,, cat and bird ,, car and person all are epxeriencers depending on other experiencers like atoms or bacteria or cell structures .. all agreeing to produce a dependable physics for the enjoynemt to this adventure of being … rock tree and human .. each equal each valid each important … each an experience a point of view of the TAO…
And as you become aware of your surrounds and feeling the clothes on your body , moving your toes and fingers becoming re accustomed to room around you ,,, you understand that you can read this story to friends and family and enjoy this story even more while sharing it as you did while listening to it ….. become awake ….aware ….feeling better than before expecting a wonder day week and year .
Young amster honestly can think about girls being that greedy about a male? Does the lil’princess image give you that their actions are like them being greedy over a DICK ? girl tend to share everything their clothes their makeup girls are very giving and sharing ,,, think about the group dynamics of the non greedy family oriented family of the CAVE and then think how difficult it would have been once greed and status came in …. Yes there has always been … hierarchy but mainly of skills eveyone has a gift some it is leadership other it is cooking arts other making children smile and slisten to storys other art in weaving ……
But ego ….. fucks with the person hell it fucks with us , in very sublte ways that we can not notice because of our training the expectations we are trained with to gauge our success thur the things we OWN … or do . we in human instinctual world even for the harem male sharing is the realiry … Barney that big purple dinosaur is right SHARING IS CARING …. The male protects an territory and then shares it with the female whose ,,, yin yang part it to make that basic territory a home for the male …. And home is where the SEX IS … that is why female humans eveoved to be sexually recreation to insure that the male would stick around and want to be protective …..
So here is an example of my own ego ….. iam planning my Jensen Beach Taosit lesson for Dec 18 the goal is to have the person feel … infinite .. I have had a very hard time gettng people to understand to feel what it is to be one with the Tao the infinite ….. but I wanted the lesson to be something people could take a copy of and read to themselves …. I am proud of this HYPNO script … yet I needed to understand that the untrained person can not read this like I do , they do not understand the tempos the gentle rhythm of leading a guided imagery ….. now this writing I do here this streaming I donot read over or check the spelling or even the wording expecting you to enjoy the fun of the puszzle ….. but the following my ego wanted it to be better and it is unreadable and my ego got deflated ….BIG WHOOP I can hide or just go on ward .. to hide life ends . to go on well the adventure goes on … the next cast after tossing that fishing lure into the trees once more . falling off the skateboard once more
Teddy bears ,
Well this is an activity a story , now I want you to imagine that you have the opportunity to experience a quantum generator , the quantum is the smallest form of thing it is not particle or energy but best described as a thing . yes this sounds like science fiction that mankind has been able to create a machine to generate Quatas …. but just realize that flying metal airplanes were beyond science fiction to the pharaohs of Egypt , the car was science fiction to George Washington our first president , and the blue tooth cell phone was science fiction to even Gene Rodenberry the creator of Star Trek ….. So to doe s the idea of a quantum generator sound like science fiction …..But just image
a quantum generator is a machine some universities have been researching…. with it they create a quantum shell like the quantum shell described in Scientific American last year where the shell quanta , create the effect of physical reality inside the shell …yet the research scientists from the outside see it as holograph and can modify it like a hologram ……… well research has been going on about the effect of living matter ,,, the effect of the observer ….. from the questions posed back in the 1920’s when Quantum Theorist Schrödinger described a cat in a quatum box and Borhn gave a response back saying that…… the intent of the observer will effect the research at a Quantum level …. Now we can experience Quantum reality … with the quantum generator that creates a stable quantum bubble . And you get to do just that safely experience a quantum bubble …. Understand that the university needs new people each time to research the fresh dynamics of the intents of the experiencer , the goal seeking nature of life ……
just follow along with this story ….you have no need to listen to the sound or the tone of my voice to enjoy relaxing for the next few minutes and listen and learning and experience ….. we all learn in many different ways you learn of course by listening by hearing , but you also learn so much by feeling ,,, your emotions for example give the real deepness ….. that you ….. the inner experiencer part of you …..the chooser part of you …… your emotions give information this deepest part of you will use when making choices about how to live this life….. this adventure of being …. Being human …..
You learn also …. by perceiving the world around you thru feelings sensations of your body ….., notice the feelings of the clothes on your body …. notice wiggling your toes and feeling the shoes on your feet ….. you learn a lot about the real world around you the density of this physical world …….
You learn with your eyes too , even with you eyes closed you can learn by seeing … if you wanted to you could close your eyes right now and peer into that other nation , the nation of imagine…..nation.
now understand in the extremely large quantum field , the agreement of physics as you have experienced no longer applies , understand that laws are just agreements made by participants in a time space event …agreements made by the pariticapants big or small …. like laws of a nation give structure to the experience of that nation so to …. Is it with the laws of physics ….the physical world is an agreement state … but in the quantum field there are some new states of phyicas of time and space that you will experience ,,,
first.. There is not a defined light source …. Light is not photons coming from a source but rather an ability to perceive with sight as if everything has within it the ability to be seen … its own light source yet the field is without light or darkness …. In the field you do not need to breath or gain energy thru eating since energy is apply to the out side of the quantum field you receive……………. the atom energy needed for life ,,during the whole of this research ……….. , and lastly is the experience of time ,,, inside you will experience time as best described to be like an hypnotic time distortion ,……. what to you will seem like hours days weeks years or months outside of the field to the scientists it will be just seconds and minutes ………..yet you may experience a 1000 years of perceived time …..
To start the research you enter the quantum bubble the field and walk out into the 3000 foot bubble of quantum energy that right now is filled halfway with teddy bears since you find teddy bears to be safe soft and fun …as the research progresses you understand the field will expand outwards to a distance of 10 miles …....
you enter the bubble and lay down to sleep while the scientists finish preparing the whole field , your intent your goal is to touch the wall of the Quatum shell and to do this you will have to crawul thru like an atmosphere of soft wiehtless teddy bears , so in your mind you are prepared that it may takes a few days to finnaly make it the 10 miles to the
Quatum edge …. So you enter into a deep meditative sleep feeling your body being tatlly supported in softness and comfort you feel your self relax and let go , like falling down … down … donw … deepr and deeper into the teddy bears ,,,, …
and while you are in this deep sleep the researchers completely fill and expand the quantum space with teddy bears so when you awaken in this sleep you find you self floating supported in teddy bears everywhere up and down . to the point feeling wiethtless that you do not really feel any up or down … just a sence of being here in Teddy bears ….. are teddys soft safe comfortable teddy bears ,,, the goal of this research is for you to make your way to the shell of the quantum bubble when you touch the shell the research will be over sudeenly and you will keep your eyes closed become deeply relaxed while you go over the events of the research before returning to the awakened state of this physical agreement . regular awakened consuioness.
as you gently awaken again here in your mind ….. start to make your way to the edge of the quantum bubble…. which your mind remembers may take days so when you feel tired just allow your self to sleep to regain energy and then waken and return to carwling away…… crawling slowly thru the teddy bears , almost like swiming thru an atmosphere of softness ….
You are un aware of the changes taking place to your experience of matter the scientists have been changing your bodys experience of matter by changing the matter of the Teddy bears …. The non living matter is being changed at an atomic level each teddy bear you reach for and feel ….. is a little smaller than the last … at an unperceivable level the matter of the teddy bear is also becoming less , dense ,… you are not aware of this consciously but your body at a cellular level is perceiving change and adapting to a new environment …as its environment disappears the cell of your body do so also …. And as you are already experiencing a confusion or the experience of time since you sleep or nap at will without the sun to time your cycles of life …. You do not notice that days have already become months even years … this is the time distortion that you will ot realize you are experiencing until the end of the reaearch … the perception of 1000’s of years of being like what happens sometime when you dream at night ….
since living matter completely changes form every seven years evry atoms and cell of your body changes …..and your perception of time had been totally distorted you were unaware of the subtle changes tha happened to your body or the teddy bears ……. time soon fades away as the idea that the simple 10 mile walk to the distant wall is never reached …………,,, you find yourself sleeping and waking till you notice that you forgot what sleeping was and waking became…… your natural state ….. The size of the bears changed so slowly that you did not even realize that they disappeared totally and all that is …… is .. The infinite space of the quantum field…. not lite or dark in perception ,,,,, not thick or thin in feeling … just an …is .. of all possible,,,, because you remember that it once was all full of Teddy bears…the teddy bears have become the all Potential of Quatas and the quantum field ……. with you the experiencer within it ……….
, and you now realize that the living matter which you used … to perceive the teddy bears ,…. your body itself ….. that to evolved away … it has disappeared becoming quantums …… leaving just the ….real you …. The experiencer … the one who was the chooser all your life ….
You are free here in the NO ONE THING ….. the NO … one … THING ….. . Moving everywhere and yet seemly nowhere since there is not one thing to move to or from , nor is there up or down a left or right ….. just an experiencing …. An experiencing of this freedom …………you find joy in realizing who you really are … who you have been inside your body all your life … and that you ….are still ….you …even without a body … or form …. You experience. And have a mind and ….. access to memory , yet memory with out the structure of time to experience it in …….
So your intent your memory is touch the quantum shell and complete the research project …… and with this intent you move out from ….no where into … no … thing … yet , feel …… feel …. Sense …. a thing ……you then percieve …a thing .. Like a grain of sand off in a distance , yet also right in front of you depending on the perspective you choose to have of it …are you to big to see it? Or are you to far away to perceive it ?.. you choose to observe it … the grain of sand more closely and you find yourself arriving at it … a thing ….. a something so large , like a world ….a land extending beyond your ability to perceive and it has a … 3 foot high brick wall around it …..there is nothing under land or wall ,,,, yet a sky and clouds and light above this land … ….. within the area behind the 3 foot brick wall , there are trees , and birds , you see mountain rivers and lakes … and people many many people and as you choose to enter this land ,,,,this thing …. Like you are flying in landing coming out of the … no one thing …. Onto solid land ……….hoping that this maybe the quantum shell and the end of the research project ……
the people of this world respond with acceptance …..with a warmth and happiness to this event of you arriving out of the … nothing …… and they talk to you in languages you understand thru knowledge of feelings and you respond in their words of kind their language becomes yours , and you ask them what is this and they say ………… heaven. … You look back to where came from and ask them .. Then where is that where I came from ,,,
they say that is ……..the nothing … the impossible … in fact the people start asking you why you did not enter heaven the way everyone else does …. And you ask how is it that people enter heaven …. And they take you by the hand and like in a fast forward movie , matter space and time move by you and your new friends …… in a second the feeling of having traveled a million miles happened and you and in the middle of heaven ….
there is a flashing area like a ball that on all areas is changing shape , forming… doors then to pearly gates , to energy vortexes .. To golden bridges and light tunnels and people are coming thru . every second from every part there are people entering heaven and there are people there to greet them ,, happiness of seeing old friends …… you ask your guides if this is heaven is god here and they people answer yes god the father , and Jesus’ the son also … and you ask what about the holy ghost , and the answer is that the matter of heaven is the holy ghost ………
you find that here in heaven all that you could want is given in any manner you could want ……you could even ask for the experience of lack so , to make sure you do not get bored with perfection … you have the feeling of hunger so that food is satisfying once again , you can have tests , challenges and adventures , yet always knowing that you never really would die ….. and you really always win ……
you spend time here looking for the end of your quest but soon find that this infinity is just a part of the all possible inside of the quantum shell and not the shell …….. So you ask one of your friends your guides that have always been around you ….where is the brick wall …..where is the nothing …. And the answer is …..want it and you be there … and it is so , you depart from heaven knowing that it is not a good bye but a see you again when ever you may choose to …… as you enter back into the no one thing … the experience of time in heaven becomes like a dream happening that lasts for time yet is now just an …. Is and a was both at the same time …
being just thought once again is what now seems natural for you ,,, that state of being just you … not thing … but the real you the experiencer … heaven recedes in a moment … till even the speck of sand is no longer perceivable , you notice another speck and like with the first you can tell whether is is small because of you being far away or that you are to large to perceive it ….. but you desire to explore this speck also … and you find yourself arriving to enter that infinity ,, and you find it to be the heaven of Islam also with a wall surrounding the possible separating it form the impossible …yet this wall is made of stones….. After experiencing space time there again … you leave that heaven …. and find you encounter many more heavens ,
Heavens of the Hindus …of African folklore ,,, of the Mayans , the Celtics and wiccans ….. You even encounter one that does not have a manmade wall of stone ,wood or brick . …. It is as if the earth just falls off into the nothing….. like the dirt and grass continue to build and crumb off into nothing and there you meet the animals and humans before there was the idea of the separations of gods …..of tribes … of cities ….before language got complex and stories were told …. When human knew itself as part of the energy of the whole … the rock and the human were the same energy of being …just one being rock , experiencing it part of time space in rock form and the other being experiencing human , bird or plant ….. each equally important …. all just experiencing something different ….. The rock experiences itself for eons while the human or animal has just mire years ….
Yet still since the research project has not ended and your returning to the world you knew of….. in that what seems like now .. a distant past ….. You move on and on form speck of sand to speck of sand ……..yet one more speck gets your attention ….. this is different it is not .. a land…. but a field …. of thing … not like the no thing that you are comfortably being in … but a thing of glowing warmth and welcome nss … each of the heavens you visited was also welcoming and a place wonderful to visit so is this thing …. This different speck ……. Of subtle energy … light … and feelings ….
as you enter you do not become form …… human like you did in the other heavens you maintain your form as ….. not one thing ,, a nothing yet …..a being of yourself …. you realize that this field of thing….. is Buddha ,, but not just 1 Buddha but million of billions of Buddha as one Buddha … you can feel each of the billions of beings and hear their thoughts and feelings and also feel them as just being … being one feeling … both at the same time , and they all are saying over and over ….. to think about what is is to think about unthinkable thought ……..to just be the unthinkable … think about the unthinkable then be it infinitly unthinkable……
gently you start to think about that idea ,,,, and your being falls down into itself thinking about what it is ….. to be unthinkable …….
you have been here so long in the infinitely possible what could be unthinkable ….. time to you is the future and past always all the time … in your now …. form and matter and space are toys that you can become bored with …. What could be unthinkable?
You realize that you are expanding into the no one thing ,,,, and that the budahas have disappeared …… you are no longer in the nothing but the nothing is in you and you are growing out yet becoming infinity ….tiny and dense … like you are at the same time of being only 1 quanta and all quatums …... The feeling of paradox is you ….
But as this happens you notice within you is what looks like sheet of paper floating in the nothingness of you ,,, and with large gentle magical hands …palm up you gently cradle this paper for you realize that you see specks of sand on it …. And you know that the millions and billions of souls , beings animal plant rock and human …. Beings like you are happily living in their heavens by choice experiencing their infinite lives …. infinite heavens …… you know that each infinity of heaven is just a speck of sand to the Tao
……. You know that you do not need to care for them to hold the paper for them ….. for like you ……so are they also .. experiencers …infinite …. the paper becomes smaller and smaller as you grown bigger and bigger . being not one thing , yet all things , all at once ,… in every direction ….where there is no directions …..and then SLAP !
KEEP your eyes closed The research is over you have touched the quantum shell relax for a minute while you go over the experience of this research …… remembering that you now understand that even atoms themselves are experiencers depending on the agreement of subatomic particle so they can experience the being …..of being atom ,
that the rock made of compounds , made of molecules , made of atoms are all experiencers like yourself , that plants and animals are equal to yourself ,,,,, even the chair in which you now are sitting …. you become aware is experience of the being something called chair for a time in this space and pyshics …. ….
That from this day forward you will feel the equality of life in the world of experiencers a that surround you… tree and weed ,, cat and bird ,, car and person all are epxeriencers depending on other experiencers like atoms or bacteria or cell structures .. all agreeing to produce a dependable physics for the enjoynemt to this adventure of being … rock tree and human .. each equal each valid each important … each an experience a point of view of the TAO…
And as you become aware of your surrounds and feeling the clothes on your body , moving your toes and fingers becoming re accustomed to room around you ,,, you understand that you can read this story to friends and family and enjoy this story even more while sharing it as you did while listening to it ….. become awake ….aware ….feeling better than before expecting a wonder day week and year .
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
ass fucking Bhutan
Ass fucking in Bhutan
Ahhhh young master , 7 years was all it took for this nation to become ……. Un ………. Happy , to have something they never knew , violent crime . What happened in Bhutan well it was not the introduction of ass fucking … no ass fucking has been around as long as sex has been fun for humans ,,, asss fucking is exciting , it is and expression of submission ,the state the female loves to be in since ,,, submission is her NATURE …. AND IF SHE CAN NOT EXPRESS THAT SHE WILL IN TIME BECOME non CONGROUIS …… her instinct gets fucked up and then life get fucked up … the ass hole is sensitve , the fucking of it while the girl allows encourages and the submitts , while she rubbes her clit in this submission she will enjoy deep wild orgasisms …. Ohhh back to why Bhutan has gotten afcuked up .
Wow they have had money for like only 10 years , the have had TV and internet for 7 and guess what ….. thye have all the pleasure and happiness of us , be fore that they were agri-socail , they had a barter ecomony …. You exchanged ,, what you craved or built or grew , with what some one else built grew or craved ,,, it has been only 7 fucking years … they were living as a nation like mankind had for millions of years …… and they were contetn …..
there is the page for NPR ,, just take a listen to the POD cast disphit ….. hear that in the 1950’s america was not DEPRESSED and begging the menatal health industry to drug them into submsission //// drugged into submission . so that you can be a cog in the machine of ecomny ….. fucked up my friend …..
it is not easy to become something different to sxplore real alternatives …. There are so many alternatives that are really just the same old ,,, ideas hidden under a fashion .
wow to think that these peoeple bought into the lie shown on TV …but it does look pretty all the flashing lights on the scene hypnotizing you into thinking what you are seeing is some how real ,,, oooooh it is reall ,,, really mainly staged to in the end SELL you some thing to make 1 rich 1000 poor and STRESSED .. stressed in the continual attempt to become RICH ……
When in fact ,,,, you will be happier in an instinctual family ……. I have not been writing about the details of that family ,,, but you can go to instinctualis.org and click the mating behaior pages the the parental advisory banner and go to 3 tents and a camel for a blue print to the instinctual life . blue print disphit … you tweak it.
Ahhhh young master , 7 years was all it took for this nation to become ……. Un ………. Happy , to have something they never knew , violent crime . What happened in Bhutan well it was not the introduction of ass fucking … no ass fucking has been around as long as sex has been fun for humans ,,, asss fucking is exciting , it is and expression of submission ,the state the female loves to be in since ,,, submission is her NATURE …. AND IF SHE CAN NOT EXPRESS THAT SHE WILL IN TIME BECOME non CONGROUIS …… her instinct gets fucked up and then life get fucked up … the ass hole is sensitve , the fucking of it while the girl allows encourages and the submitts , while she rubbes her clit in this submission she will enjoy deep wild orgasisms …. Ohhh back to why Bhutan has gotten afcuked up .
Wow they have had money for like only 10 years , the have had TV and internet for 7 and guess what ….. thye have all the pleasure and happiness of us , be fore that they were agri-socail , they had a barter ecomony …. You exchanged ,, what you craved or built or grew , with what some one else built grew or craved ,,, it has been only 7 fucking years … they were living as a nation like mankind had for millions of years …… and they were contetn …..
there is the page for NPR ,, just take a listen to the POD cast disphit ….. hear that in the 1950’s america was not DEPRESSED and begging the menatal health industry to drug them into submsission //// drugged into submission . so that you can be a cog in the machine of ecomny ….. fucked up my friend …..
it is not easy to become something different to sxplore real alternatives …. There are so many alternatives that are really just the same old ,,, ideas hidden under a fashion .
wow to think that these peoeple bought into the lie shown on TV …but it does look pretty all the flashing lights on the scene hypnotizing you into thinking what you are seeing is some how real ,,, oooooh it is reall ,,, really mainly staged to in the end SELL you some thing to make 1 rich 1000 poor and STRESSED .. stressed in the continual attempt to become RICH ……
When in fact ,,,, you will be happier in an instinctual family ……. I have not been writing about the details of that family ,,, but you can go to instinctualis.org and click the mating behaior pages the the parental advisory banner and go to 3 tents and a camel for a blue print to the instinctual life . blue print disphit … you tweak it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
content , with tent
Content … with tent
Young master , as you know the idea is sustainablity of happiness thru living in the manner we are designed to find contetnment ….. look dipshit do you understand the ideas about advertising a new and better product is to create in you the illusion that you have lack in your life which the adveritised product of service can erradicate …..hmmmmm
What are you designed to enjoy at the most basic level ? well you give a gift at X-mas to see a smile … so you like seeing smiles ……. You enjoy sunshine … you like to eat sweet things ….. and sex feels good …. And dipshit you have started to realize how much of your life and actions are related to sexuality ….how about the statement “ he cleans up well “ that has been said about me very often since I spent the first half of my life as a commerical fisherman covered in blood bait and sweat …. When I went to a party with a girl her friends would comment to her “ he cleans up well “” and the last 15 years I have been owner operator of a service bussiness ino ther words now covered in sweat and dirt … again I had to get Cleaned UP …. Now myself I was happy and proud of myself , the blood and sweat and dirt was a matter of MALE pride ….. think about chicks … they get their pride form their uniform also ,,, she may be in relaxed … stained clothes around the house but when she goes to the store ,,, WAHM she is done up ,,, face paint and all …… and both the BLOOD and face paint have sexuality tones ….. the blood touches the females bad boy deisre … the face paint touches our desire for youth and ripeness of breeding …. Breeding instinct .
Ohhh good ole wayne dyer …. The idea of expectations I am listning to one of his old tapes ( ihh NPR today the statement of the level of life satifaction in china has decreased over the last 15 of capitalism over all , the super rich a very small number of human more happy the other 99 out 100 , less happy much more stre4ssed ) ok back to wayne ,,,, your choice to see activities in another EXPECTATION ,,, and expectation are formed by the memeories you have kaid down in your mind they do not … predict the future but do give you reasonalbe ideas of possible futures ….. the rock thrown in the air will it fall or float away …..
Now when it omes to futures with no track record no data to draw ,,,, no real data except maybe the events that happened to people who did something in a manner diffenrent than your plan …. The expectations you should expect need not be limited by the results of others ….. in the field of all possilbe all so ,, if different result are possilbe then they are possilbe …… but then again comes into your mind feelings that have no real basis for fact …. Fear of acceptance often time is the root cause of your fear to ACT ….. even though the world has enough evidence that your action will be welcomed as an ALTERNATIVE … that is needed yet not present for people to choose from ….
Ohhh this is about starting a Tao ist group ,, look around you spirituality is BIG BUSSIONESS look at the size of the fucking churches all around you , they all have giantic electric bills and land costs and building costs etc … and it is all about a universal them of SPIRITYUALITY , aminly a female pursuit that the male engages in often to satify his mate …. So , providing the ALTERNATIVE of a Tao ist group provides a NICHE which I bet is not realy being provided in your area , there may be teachers of what is called Taoist PRACTISES …. Medicines , longiveity exerices etc ….. but not real Tao ism ,, the ideas that were before Tao ism became used a a Title for a Porfessional to sell his knowlegde to the rich …. Sell to the nobleman the serivice of advise .. the reading of th I CHING , being an advisor to the king that is the beginning of many problems , by making the simple complex ,,, and confusing ,,, by making it hard to pass the rules and tests to gain the title MASTER … and when havin that title you can get CASH. That has been going on since like when dipshit? ,, ever hear about these ideas as it pertains to ancient Eygpt ? like 8000 years BC. That is a long time of socially programing our forefathers … and it results in your fear about stepping outside the box and creating a Tao ist study group yourself with you being the leader …… just thinking my friend I am just thinking out loud like every day . hoping my thoughts will show you that your thoughts and feelings are not so fucking WEIRD after all .
What does really make you happy ,,,, how does the human animal live , what gives us bliss in life …. And what does not ,,, IDENTIFY what you do not like , then try doing things that are different ….. look at the stats then your own life feel your own feelings ,,, and do somethng different …. And I know FACT that DATING is stressfulll ,, something we are designed by nature to engage in is so STRESSFUL that you will hide in a bottle of beer ,,,, COURAGE IN A CUP ……. Is that natural ?
Now to work hard as a male to be dressed in blood bait and sweat and to create ,,, a sompound of 3 tents , which gives the girls the friendship of females , the sublte competitive ness and friendship ……. Now that will give you pride ,,,, instead of that feeling of , confusion that only drugs and beer and erase …. Think think think …. Realize from the world around you the possibles ,, compare the data of rocks tossed into the air …. At the deepest levels …. Churches on every corner the market for spriituality is great the need is VAST .
Young master , as you know the idea is sustainablity of happiness thru living in the manner we are designed to find contetnment ….. look dipshit do you understand the ideas about advertising a new and better product is to create in you the illusion that you have lack in your life which the adveritised product of service can erradicate …..hmmmmm
What are you designed to enjoy at the most basic level ? well you give a gift at X-mas to see a smile … so you like seeing smiles ……. You enjoy sunshine … you like to eat sweet things ….. and sex feels good …. And dipshit you have started to realize how much of your life and actions are related to sexuality ….how about the statement “ he cleans up well “ that has been said about me very often since I spent the first half of my life as a commerical fisherman covered in blood bait and sweat …. When I went to a party with a girl her friends would comment to her “ he cleans up well “” and the last 15 years I have been owner operator of a service bussiness ino ther words now covered in sweat and dirt … again I had to get Cleaned UP …. Now myself I was happy and proud of myself , the blood and sweat and dirt was a matter of MALE pride ….. think about chicks … they get their pride form their uniform also ,,, she may be in relaxed … stained clothes around the house but when she goes to the store ,,, WAHM she is done up ,,, face paint and all …… and both the BLOOD and face paint have sexuality tones ….. the blood touches the females bad boy deisre … the face paint touches our desire for youth and ripeness of breeding …. Breeding instinct .
Ohhh good ole wayne dyer …. The idea of expectations I am listning to one of his old tapes ( ihh NPR today the statement of the level of life satifaction in china has decreased over the last 15 of capitalism over all , the super rich a very small number of human more happy the other 99 out 100 , less happy much more stre4ssed ) ok back to wayne ,,,, your choice to see activities in another EXPECTATION ,,, and expectation are formed by the memeories you have kaid down in your mind they do not … predict the future but do give you reasonalbe ideas of possible futures ….. the rock thrown in the air will it fall or float away …..
Now when it omes to futures with no track record no data to draw ,,,, no real data except maybe the events that happened to people who did something in a manner diffenrent than your plan …. The expectations you should expect need not be limited by the results of others ….. in the field of all possilbe all so ,, if different result are possilbe then they are possilbe …… but then again comes into your mind feelings that have no real basis for fact …. Fear of acceptance often time is the root cause of your fear to ACT ….. even though the world has enough evidence that your action will be welcomed as an ALTERNATIVE … that is needed yet not present for people to choose from ….
Ohhh this is about starting a Tao ist group ,, look around you spirituality is BIG BUSSIONESS look at the size of the fucking churches all around you , they all have giantic electric bills and land costs and building costs etc … and it is all about a universal them of SPIRITYUALITY , aminly a female pursuit that the male engages in often to satify his mate …. So , providing the ALTERNATIVE of a Tao ist group provides a NICHE which I bet is not realy being provided in your area , there may be teachers of what is called Taoist PRACTISES …. Medicines , longiveity exerices etc ….. but not real Tao ism ,, the ideas that were before Tao ism became used a a Title for a Porfessional to sell his knowlegde to the rich …. Sell to the nobleman the serivice of advise .. the reading of th I CHING , being an advisor to the king that is the beginning of many problems , by making the simple complex ,,, and confusing ,,, by making it hard to pass the rules and tests to gain the title MASTER … and when havin that title you can get CASH. That has been going on since like when dipshit? ,, ever hear about these ideas as it pertains to ancient Eygpt ? like 8000 years BC. That is a long time of socially programing our forefathers … and it results in your fear about stepping outside the box and creating a Tao ist study group yourself with you being the leader …… just thinking my friend I am just thinking out loud like every day . hoping my thoughts will show you that your thoughts and feelings are not so fucking WEIRD after all .
What does really make you happy ,,,, how does the human animal live , what gives us bliss in life …. And what does not ,,, IDENTIFY what you do not like , then try doing things that are different ….. look at the stats then your own life feel your own feelings ,,, and do somethng different …. And I know FACT that DATING is stressfulll ,, something we are designed by nature to engage in is so STRESSFUL that you will hide in a bottle of beer ,,,, COURAGE IN A CUP ……. Is that natural ?
Now to work hard as a male to be dressed in blood bait and sweat and to create ,,, a sompound of 3 tents , which gives the girls the friendship of females , the sublte competitive ness and friendship ……. Now that will give you pride ,,,, instead of that feeling of , confusion that only drugs and beer and erase …. Think think think …. Realize from the world around you the possibles ,, compare the data of rocks tossed into the air …. At the deepest levels …. Churches on every corner the market for spriituality is great the need is VAST .
Monday, November 12, 2007
Eating local pussy
Eat local pussy
Young master , the idea of creating a local instinctualism group has its roots in a reality , of changes , since 6 out of 10 girls will be ending their current relationships , these relationships built upon the dreams and fairy tale of the pragraming we all have lined in …wellll building a commanilty of concerns building a friendship that is not nonly about sex … and that need to NOT BE ALONE , that we alll feel ….. we are not meant to live in seperated concrete box , but be in a harem family … to explore the macro and the micro … is taoism , to see the common threads , not the exact events but the underlying common .
Take pussy and beef //// if this is not comparing apples and oranges I do not know what is …. Here in the us the beef we farm has become so fatty that the fda will not let it be used by the major meat consumer of this country who is that major meat consumer Mc. Donalds plus the other ( BK wendys etc ) our beef should just be put on a diet but after the progarmaing of farmers to create well marbled steak with loads of fat …. Well us stupid ego filled humans are stubborn to cahnge … and the maojority of meat in this country eaten is not the steak it cost to much … it is hamburger and you dumbfuck eat out way to much ,,, your wealth is going into their pockets but that is another subject ….. so we spend 10 percent of our oik to ship this meat to places like Saudi Arbia places with lots of wealth OUR wealth that can afford to eat steak all the time , or china ( not some poor backward nation of rice farmers and leasant workers but millions of business owners eating steaks from america …. And we burn the AMAZON rain forest to provide grazing to create healthy less fatty cows for hamburger for Mc. Donalds … fucking whack !
You spend your time ,,, hunting the internet for a girl who will talk to you ! why because in the real world ,, man and woman are so different with differnet intersts that we do not get together except in places where we are drinking ourselves into a state where we can talk…… but the internet provides a safe area to talk to mmet ,, but what about the local girls ….. they are everywhere and just look realize that they 6 out of 10 are single or about to be ( even if they do not at that time realize it ,, the facts are the stats are they will be single ) but since the market place for meeting is limited to bars or christain churchs or ….. the internet , on the internet your are 1 male out 100 males who contacts the single female per day …… fucking really bad odds …
So like forcing the american farmer out of his zone fo PRIDE and comfort you gotta get out of your aone of comfort and pride . creating a social group that will reflect your ideas , and give the girls ideas that I am always suprized to learn that they enjoy atleast thinking about ,,, but need a MASTER a leader to form for them ….
Go back dipshit …. To her deepest of instinctual nature she will control her tent the girls will group and control the area , they need though first the male the protective harem male to create the VENUE …. The compound … ohhh yes girls can create business companys etc … they can create so much , but honestly at an instinct level they like the show of GUTS From you ….. that confidence is very attractive .
Now it will be there , in the social group you create and advertise that you will meet slowly create freindships ,, the guiding in to your harem of females interested in you ,, like the gorilla doesn’t relay force the femal , he guides her into the safety of his territoy ….. honestly study the pages on mating behavoir that I am forming in the INSTINCTUALISM .org site ,,,, I will try to create a form that leads the readers into opening their minds to ALTERNATIVES , and that will give you a slow COMFORTABLE . way to interaact to guide girls into becoming close psecial friends you will EAT LOCAL pussy . because thru the slow relationship building the choice of the girl to want you will be based on the deepest of your TRUE self .
In the career pages of the site I will post information about advertiseing and flyer design ..etc
Young master , the idea of creating a local instinctualism group has its roots in a reality , of changes , since 6 out of 10 girls will be ending their current relationships , these relationships built upon the dreams and fairy tale of the pragraming we all have lined in …wellll building a commanilty of concerns building a friendship that is not nonly about sex … and that need to NOT BE ALONE , that we alll feel ….. we are not meant to live in seperated concrete box , but be in a harem family … to explore the macro and the micro … is taoism , to see the common threads , not the exact events but the underlying common .
Take pussy and beef //// if this is not comparing apples and oranges I do not know what is …. Here in the us the beef we farm has become so fatty that the fda will not let it be used by the major meat consumer of this country who is that major meat consumer Mc. Donalds plus the other ( BK wendys etc ) our beef should just be put on a diet but after the progarmaing of farmers to create well marbled steak with loads of fat …. Well us stupid ego filled humans are stubborn to cahnge … and the maojority of meat in this country eaten is not the steak it cost to much … it is hamburger and you dumbfuck eat out way to much ,,, your wealth is going into their pockets but that is another subject ….. so we spend 10 percent of our oik to ship this meat to places like Saudi Arbia places with lots of wealth OUR wealth that can afford to eat steak all the time , or china ( not some poor backward nation of rice farmers and leasant workers but millions of business owners eating steaks from america …. And we burn the AMAZON rain forest to provide grazing to create healthy less fatty cows for hamburger for Mc. Donalds … fucking whack !
You spend your time ,,, hunting the internet for a girl who will talk to you ! why because in the real world ,, man and woman are so different with differnet intersts that we do not get together except in places where we are drinking ourselves into a state where we can talk…… but the internet provides a safe area to talk to mmet ,, but what about the local girls ….. they are everywhere and just look realize that they 6 out of 10 are single or about to be ( even if they do not at that time realize it ,, the facts are the stats are they will be single ) but since the market place for meeting is limited to bars or christain churchs or ….. the internet , on the internet your are 1 male out 100 males who contacts the single female per day …… fucking really bad odds …
So like forcing the american farmer out of his zone fo PRIDE and comfort you gotta get out of your aone of comfort and pride . creating a social group that will reflect your ideas , and give the girls ideas that I am always suprized to learn that they enjoy atleast thinking about ,,, but need a MASTER a leader to form for them ….
Go back dipshit …. To her deepest of instinctual nature she will control her tent the girls will group and control the area , they need though first the male the protective harem male to create the VENUE …. The compound … ohhh yes girls can create business companys etc … they can create so much , but honestly at an instinct level they like the show of GUTS From you ….. that confidence is very attractive .
Now it will be there , in the social group you create and advertise that you will meet slowly create freindships ,, the guiding in to your harem of females interested in you ,, like the gorilla doesn’t relay force the femal , he guides her into the safety of his territoy ….. honestly study the pages on mating behavoir that I am forming in the INSTINCTUALISM .org site ,,,, I will try to create a form that leads the readers into opening their minds to ALTERNATIVES , and that will give you a slow COMFORTABLE . way to interaact to guide girls into becoming close psecial friends you will EAT LOCAL pussy . because thru the slow relationship building the choice of the girl to want you will be based on the deepest of your TRUE self .
In the career pages of the site I will post information about advertiseing and flyer design ..etc
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