Wants equal wants
Young Master … 60 percent of females have forced sex fansty … 60 outs 100 … or better put as 1 out of 2 .. yep look at 2 girls and 1 has active submissive sex fantasy life and the other well 10 percent of her has that fantasy . 1 out of 2 …. Hhhhhm , what really cool odds ……… now to open those fantasys into realities use a question this is either an opener to giving her your card ….. Excuse me for interruption can I ask you a question ….. what is the difference between perceptions and experience between your own choices and the validations of others or maybe what you have trained yourself to accept , I would love to meet you some time for coffee . here is my card contact me online or phone , I am ________ have a great day …….. Quick and vague, and it opens the girl to enter her 4th level of mind … it takes her out of her mundane reality and shouts …. THIS GUY IS NOT THE SAME AS THE REST ….. and maybe she should meet this unusual amle ….. now that is a weird question diffulcult , to lon ? is saying that question beyond your personality? Or is it? The strangeness is it’s key , and really it will only last about about 30 seconds say it with an honesty as if you realy care ,, and how about this really do care you dumbass do care about how she feels about the validation she seeks form others ….. but how do you get a person to even think about that topic WELL by coming outside of the norm ….. Honestly dumbufck do you only talk about fishing sports the car and your work ? This is a strange pick up but
Ok Young Master , some of you by age 18 are searching for life time commitment to do the right thing others are looking to explore the world to achieve that thing .. and pussy is just pussy it is second to your career ( I know that was my case until I was aged 25 ) ……. Who are you right now dipshit well one thing for sure is sooner or later you will most likey be that settle down male , expecailly after you achieve that GREAT thing that level of success in your sport or carreer or dream . So whatch gonna do …. Play the suck odds and plan on the 1 on 1 working or be different ? and if you choose the be different , then search out those who want what you want ( something different ) ……….. not one who does not want what you want . and if she does want what you want …. If after she has explored her … validations .. the ones the world has given her the stress of what family and friends will think . or what she had accepted for herself ………. And YOU after she has compared the ideas of generalizations ………. 1 out of 2 girls are OPEN to ideas that would SUPRIZE you …….. and how will you know if you do not invest the time it takes to have coffee ? now dipshit whether you have commited started saving started the suffrage time to be able ot make that investment . but look dipshit you have opened her mind you have caused her to think right from the first meeting , in fact if you two will get together .. she will already be in a different state of mind than most of your dates . One your card suggests sex of course yet your presence your starting off contact was deeper than just sex ……..
Ok so , you talk frankly about your ideaas goals what your plans are …. What could happen ? she may leave , shaking her head , true , she may , want to know the man who has the guts to be so different , she may want to know him better , .. she may think you to be a challenge , some one to catch ( conscious or subcosnsiuosly she may be with you as a type of self fullfiing challenge ) to make you want her and only her …….. so keep true to your different ideals and the best way to do that is to , keep in mind the over all goal of POLY first , buy and invest in that goal before you allow yourself to enter into the SETTLE DOWN mind set ….
Now , back to BDSM the spice of SEX of passion ….. the extreme of the recreation of sex ….. if you have gotten the coffee and she is listening to you , and if you are feeling the goal of your lifestyle choice …. If you are CONFIDENT .. then that confedence will give her confidence to choose you as leader ….. as MASTER …. You dumbass will feel these signals …. One thing is to advance in on the touch as soon as possible …. Greet her with two hands , touch her often .. touching her often while you talk to her over coffee , ANCHORS HER MIND to the sound of your voice , since you will be taking about mental ideas and concepts even though much of it is Counting Buffulo man speak plans ideas logic …….. you are bringing up sex in an up front way ,,, everything about your request to meet for coffee to the explanations about family life issues you building plans the property you have already invested in ….the ALREADY of the land purchsase , is very equal to you owning a fancy car or truck ,, in fact it is much more powerful since she most likely did not meet you for coffee based on your car … the simple bait idea of hey baby yo baby wanna ride in my really cool truck … like the advertisements subconcsiuosly feed you with the idea that have an HD radio will be enough to get girls to want to be around you ,,, dipshit do you realize how you use your toys to attract girls to you then you wait , for them to get close to you , to in essence make the first move? … BDSM sex you advertise on your pick up PROP …. Your tool … that card …. You are presenting yourself as different ,,,, you are answering the fashion question that girls talk about …. ARE ALL MEN THE SAME ( yes we are really we men are a lot alike and so are the majority of girls there are many commons .. commons …. Think about the idea of commons ) ……. So in BDSM or DOM/sub , you are expected to lead , well . lead with the confidence … that if she does not follow you will meet 10 new girls tomorrow ……. Is this one realy that important ,, sounds COLD but honestly dumbass it is FREEDOM . and you are now DIFFERENT from the average male .. since the average male shy .
Ok Patroitic pervert , if you never hear about ALTERNATIVE ideas wellllllll you never hear about alternative ideas …. Poly or off gird ! … it is like organic farming it atkes time slow and steady ……... Thermal mass … the idea that heat or cold if exposed to the air , diss apates fast ,,, the heat of a flame just blows away …. The cold just melts and becomes warm ……. Think about a cold soda left on a seat in a car when you come out of work it will be the same temp as the car …. Even if it is not in derect sunlight it will become the same temp as the car if ,, it is in the direct sunlight it will be DONW RIGHT hot! Air does not hold heat ,,, water holds heat it absorbs the heat slower than air and releases releases it slower than air …… now STONE also holds heat and abosorbs it much slower and releases it much slower ,,,,, learn from the ancients , the PIZZA MAN .. yes the pizza man and his brick oven …. The baker of old ran his oven 24/7 always baking , he used much less heat than some one who had to heat and oven the let it cool …… the brick or stone oven gave off a gentle temp …. In the 100’s of degrees … baking temps , 400 + …. Now dumbass ever feel the exhaust of a gas stove or fireplace , the constanst , gentle heat escaping from the PILOT light ? yes that tiny little flame …… put you hand abouve one of those tiny flames some time …. Feel the heat that just disappears into the air! AIR ! …. Thin in terms oh heating 1 cubic inch of AIR .. now if you could CATCh that energy store in in fact compound it …. You could in essence create a space like the inside of you car .. which then can be used for heating ,, either water or AIR ….. so here dumbass something to think about … a steel 40 , 60 , 80 gallon water tank like the ones used on farms , first an area of about 4 by 4 , place a insulavitve foam down , then a plywood , preserved with the fiberglass resin cut by 50 percent acetone …. Then a simple concrete slab …. Then cider block fire pit 2 block high one block by 1 block by 1 block sides on side open for access door , which will be metal sheeting , insutlated then wood hingded … the tank goes directly on the cider block opps fill the blocks with concrete …. Under the tank coil two lines of copper one feeds in , one out …. You will have a 4 by 4 box around the tank filled with rock and sand and wound thru this rock and sand is the 2 100 foot coils of copper ( exchanger ) …. A metal tube with an air tight cap 4 inch dia. For fuel feed ( I will describe making SPLIFFS later like rolling realy big joints very easy natural fuel ) .. ohh fires must breath ,,, learn about dampers ,, the exshaust . coil smooth and slow thru the rock and sand …. No sharp turn to make , brush out simple ( every few year thing with fire flumes ) …… now dumbass , with your own study and creativity you can start to think about how to use the pilot light ,,, the utting off yourees in sliff form the gravity feed to create slow burn thru use of a damper . to have the fucking best hot water heater you could ever think of for fucking cheep and dumbass ,,, learn to sweat a copper fitting ,,, just fuck practice ,,, buy some copper and pratise get some map gass and flux , and solder ,, and pratise , maybe 3 hours over three weekends and you will be great at it ! ….. this water heater will cost max 200 plus it can be designed to be a home heater radiator also …… fire pit 1 metal grate stops the fuel for gassifaction and combustion , the pieces fall thru to an ember metal mesh then bottom level where fresh air enters thru the dampers piping …. Is where your ash box is ,, ( ash great fertilizer a very natural cycle growning and burning your own wood …. But not the apin in the ass of chopping big trees if you roll spliffs from your yearly trimmings … yo ! dumbass every one has to cut their own grass trim their own hedges ,,, unless you want the REGULAR LIFESTYLE ….. 1 home 1 wife ,,,, 1 lawn service …1 boss you hate and becoming and ECONOMIC SLAVE …. A little study , I do not want to cheat you fo the fun of DESINGING IT YOURSELF , the pride of being fucking smart and showing it
Friday, May 18, 2007
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