Sperm starts all the fun
Young Master …. I honestly think that once it does happen and if you are the instinctually competitive relationship then you the baby the mommy have a much better chance than the 80 percent chance of INSANITY ….. dipshit I am talking about a kid , it starts with sperm we are loaded and ready 24/7 and the girl is ready 10 percent of the time , the idea that kids are your fault .. that she is a victum to your sperm is wrong …. A girl knows her body she knows she is getting close to her time and if she lets herself get fucked well , well , then the responsibility for that new life is hers NOT yours … yet dumbass you honestly will love being a daddy it completes life … it is natural … it beats the hell out of waking morning after morning with a hang over ! what!? Why would I compare or talk about hang overs , well so many people talk about the great old days of being single … as if raising a child is stressful and not as fun as being young ans single ….. and well really look at what you were really doing while single …. Probably you were searching for a way to not be single …… I AM TALKING ABOUT nice guys , good men …. Not shit men ……….the instinct of a good man is to be a GOOD MAN not a self drugged up , hung over …. Broke …. Player . yet you gotta do it so you can compare the difference .
Now young Master I want you to have the skills at dating to be the absolute best player out there ,,, remember it is you she fucks not you truck ….. and to get into your bed sh needs to talk to you ,,, and well that is your job dumbfuck .. to talk to many many many girls … and you start off with a Hi , HELLO …. Being a player …. And waking up with lots of different girls , waking up broke and hung over …… I recommend this life style highly ,, do it fast do it young , as soon as it is legal ….. get it out of the way … get fucking tired of that feeling of being poisoned the hang over now if you do not get tired of feeling like shit well that is a great sign you are not you do not have the brains to be a good man but if you can compare the logic of feeling great in the morning going out for your morning run and looking forward to making money serving the world in the process ……. then finish building your compound …. Look dipshit swoing those wild oats gives you the exposure to the girls the numbers of girls you need to create a most viable lifestyle …… the 1 on 1 no matter how it is done has to much in the way of greed built into it … on your part on her part and well being a family .. is about being unselfish …. It is about family ….. 3 wives brings the dynamic of different personalities at different times of the motnh since the fact is the girls do not cycle on the same days instead the fact is they trigger each other thru sexual scents ….. a changing flow as one girls cycles differently for whatever reason she will shift the whole pattern ….. the chnges in female personailites girls will admit to …. Now to talk to enough girls who will admit to understanding the dynamics of 3 MOM’s in the family ….. this is support for them and the child … read the RED TENT with this idea in your mind ….. children are fluid ,, their love can be for more than one MOM … yet the greeed! Realize how much control and greed comes into play ,,,, people want to be the only one loved instead of understanding how we as humans love other human in many ways ……… the child finds different loving different mothering day to day in the poly ……. And has the male role model there day to day a male presence … a sober male presence .. because you have done your drunk days nights and mornings ….. and then thought about what is more fun … and built a compound and had the guts to talk to many girls about the ideas ….
Dumbass ,, have you ever thought about girls how girls love the extremem sometimes they are attracted to the show man , to the guy who stands out , who has guts to be different ………. Well dumbass one if you work you ten foot circle , if you do open yourself to DOM/sub sexual lifestyle and practice the sensual sexual extreme fun of BDSM in whatever forms you find comfortable to you ….. you will get fucked a lot yes many girls will not want to stay with you because of your poly ideas and their selfish greed to control …… selfish in worrying more about themselves than what is good for the whole family including your , young master ….. now you are not being selfish in building a poly no it would be easier to have a mind less slave girl that you could ignore and use a you want … but first things first USING another person is not! NOT what is in you …….. you are who you are …. Sure fucking her hard to hear her screams during sex is a NEED of yours …. But that is NOT using her she is getting what her instinct tells her she needs also ………. Helping a woman to become whatever it si she may want in and out of the family world and her choices of being a subbie to you a mommie to child and a sister to the other females …….. her choices that she can never have the OP to amek UNLESS you dipshit have the guts a fore thought to build invest in your compound and once that is started once you are invested then talking to all those girls you have coffee with
YES DUMBASS coffee ! … not dating ,,,, dating is for girls you are already sleeping with …… meet her for coffee a 1.50 coffee if she does not want to FUCK YOU …. For you being you ,,, then great you did not waste 100 bucks on a date ……. Look if you gave her your card … that card with the hand cuffs foto on the front … the backside reference to of course your name phone and email ,,, the cuffs will make a statement remember that …….. it talks to the girls and over 6 out of ten will have interest in having coffee ………… non committal coffee ……. As long as you do not put to much importance on that 1 girl you will have not problem ….. she is just a girl ! ( ohh but what if you love her ? ………. And so you do the same old thing get the 80 percent chance of the same old thing … BAD odds to force some one you love into that .. would you guide this woman you love Onto a ride at a theme park that 80 percent of the people who go on the ride DIE ? you new ideas porve your love )
The patriotic pervert …….. young master …. If you could only read my ideas w2hen you were like in your fucking teens sow some wild oats ,, think openly , save early …. But you did not . so you had to re prove yourself at 22 … but wow …. By 24 you have the core land 3 homes and probably two girls … but I wanted you to get OFF GRID get independatn of the world of ecomonic slavery ….. become energy self sufficient …. Now during your first few years you should have been thinking doing some site planning in terms of planitnng shade trees food trees . building the lake … putting under the tin tents under that section of the pad ( the raised land foundation ) you buried vent pipe metal paineted 200 feet of 12 inch heat exchanger ….. get ready for the eventual change but during those first couple of years you will live on the grid paying your slave master the energy company being that studip non thinking salve to their energy ideas ….. but of course think dumbass …. Here search out crackerhouse.net a couple I met who built an off gird home their main concern was summer heat here in florida and she did not experiment with thermal mass heating and colloing but if you search out info about thermal mas ideas …. The experiemtns of other hippies …. You will find out ideas to use at your locations …. OHHH YES THE PERVETED ideas … dumbass I have slways recommended you have your office your play room the place where you can build a St Andrews Cross for the girls to become free once tieed to .. yes free once tied to .. freedom thru submission … by becoming something that at first they think they should not should not should! Not ! do . a play room your office hald of the barn …. But dumbass I honestly feel that the barn should be big enough so that here is a idea ,,,, cut the barn into thirds one side your office the girls playroom , then the barn , clothes washer dryers , tools and tractors and shit then …. Then a play room for the family that is where you have all that addictive shit like TV computer and video games ,, amek that part of life to yourself and your females and more importantly the kids .. make that part of life part … only part of life make living of being human interactive the main part of life , in that home is just that home a place where people live with other REAL LIVE peole not a place to go home to electronic relationships ….. and elcetronci escapes ……. The future for your children will be much different than what you had YOUNG MASTER … young master ,,, the master ,,, the one who says what is what and WHY ? yes dumbass why ? why do you not want to live like you grew up like you saw everyone else live why be different I mean realy different ?
Your choice dumbass , and yes if you talk to girls wyou will find out they are open to many more ideas than you ever thought ……… but who has the guts to talk to plan and to act! Do you?
Monday, May 7, 2007
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1 comment:
There's definitely a female version, too, that could be call a clitoris sizegenetics. In fact, all primates, in spite of human beings, enjoy a penis sizegenetics.That's nice to know, mainly because means that foreplay and oral sex play a higher role around the sexuality of humans than in all of the other primates and most other mammals. Since a sizegenetics is neither utilized of the male or female belonging to the human species (to receive a penile or clitoral sizegenetics), that means we rely on more intimate foreplay not to mention oral sex to stimulate our partners into become sexually engorged. It's one aspect that sets human beings on top of our ape brothers and sisters.
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