Hi Sweetie Thankyou Dar’ling
Young Master it all realy starts with your fucking mouth , this computer is a good tool for meeting girls but you gotta meet her someday or else she is just that dream for jackin’ off and honestly you want to fuck not jack off right dipshit ,, jackin off is just practice for fuckin you are designed to fuck real live females you are designed to PENETRATE TO VIOLATE THE FEMALE with an enlarged stiff piece of your flesh your cock ….. and she is designed mentally to accept this penetration she is designed by nature to enjoy this penetration ………. So why are you not talking to real live females ? ( ohhh patriotic pervert at the end of todays blogs ) Remember our true nature our instincts our animal DNA ,, the idea of SOUL MATE the meta pyshical fairy tale that only 1` spirit on thos planet is the correct spirit for you to bound with pyshically and emotionslly …. To understand that this fairy tale you gotta understand the reality of the whole ,,,,, the TOA the infinity …. God .. god not in the description of it being a MAN who Adam would walk and talk with ( great story to describe God to lil’ children ) but the reality of physicis … yes physisics …. Can you dipshit step outside of the universe and osbserve the universe and if so where would you be ,,, would you be really outside of the ALL or would you be a 1 ,, still be in the All in which the universe ( and the everything that is possibley possible in that unverse ) would you be in an ALL .. an all …. Observing a something a 1 possible universe .. can you ever be separate from the all? .. separation ?
Now dumbass think about the way girls interact listen to the way they great each other and .. and , think about some of the females you meet in stores or restaurants have you ever had a girl great you with the endearing name SWEETIE or Honey? How did it make you feel? What did that greeting stimulate inside of you ? because that word that title .. sweetie or Honey you subconsciuolsy tie to a sex partner …. When some strange girl greets you in a platonic way with that endearing term your inner person feels attracted to her sexually …………. Just a habit pattern of the mind … the tie of certain words to certain events ….. BUT BUT BUT , the reality is that it was just a platonic greeting no different than using Madame or Miss polite greeting you were trained to use ….. using SWEETIE OR DAR’LING is unnatural …. Only that just unnatural because of your lack of practice ……. Yet that greeting of Sweetie leads her mind … your contact her mind her dream life her story book ,,, your get away from facts and figures that greetings like Mrs. Or Miss stimulate ….. leading her mind telling her a story instead of trying to force her way of thinking thru logic … logic the counting of buffalo is manspeak our communication .. stories are the commucation girls used to entertin themselves while the male was away the talk around the cave ,, when we came back it was time to hear our GRUNTS during sex . Leading her mind into the dream world of sex of desire away from the stress of work or illusion ( illusion the stress of her having to dress perfectly to stay competitive when deep inside she KNOWS that sex is dirty RAW natural , that clothes and make – up is gone , no more illusions )
Getting her going in the right direction will stimulate her desire and it is always she who says YES , in so many small ways they say YES … OK dumbass how to get you to use SWEETIE and ADR’Ling without feeling like a total idiot …. Well if you really study and listen you will hear a very small percentage of men who greet every girl like that .. the key is in that .. idea greet every girl like that .. I will repeat it .. every girl . yes a very small number of men do greet every girl like that and these men get the girls talking and talking and interacting freely openly IMEDIATELY …. YOU WILL SEE THE GIRLS LITE UP AND SMILE . I do not care that the male is 50 that 20 soemthing perks up and smiles at him like she will not for most really really cool guys .. because the inner and outer presence of that cool guy is that of ALOFfNESS …. I am so cool … I need no one … NOT BEING NEEDY is important , but not needing anyone is the opposite extreme as unattractive as being needy ………. Now being causually ENDEARING … OPEN AND FRIENDLY with anautral honesty is refreshing and sexy ………
But that means you wil be calling girls who you are not attracted to by an ENDEARING term .. get over it! Big fucking whoop , do not put so much importance on the general greeting ,, take the importance that you put in PUSSY back into perspective … the world is you own private SLUT farm ….. your won private whore house … you are YOUNG MASTER ….. not the AFC average frustrated chump ( a name used my Ross Jefferies google him buy his shit ! ) you are not an AFC …….. be honest in the PLATONIC greeting of sweetie to all female humans …….. the girl will chase you remember it is she who submits who opens her legs who says YES …. They will seduce you …. But to practice to break an habit of saying MRS> and Miss .. will take effort … and to do this will be emabarring ,,, so i recommend you take the time to practice in a town outside of your own go out and going shopping spending not much money but talking to many females and greet each and every girl whit / black old young fat skinny with Good Morning or Good day SWEETIE … just be friendly ! pracitse practice practice . Lead her mind ….. that is the key in Ross’s work his teachings … stimulating the story book mind the feeling mind not the factual mind .
Ok for the Patriotic pervert among you … details .. for you to think about the learning of the instincts humans understood about planning homes and family farms for the last 3.3 million years and our salvery to the world of industry has robbed us of ….. only 100 years of this insanity as compared to millions of years of humanoid development .. we knew how to plan our family farms ….. our tents ….. when you buy the land … you will be building 3 pads to put the homes on 3 tents ( Ocena breeze trailer park Jensen beach fl. The oldest manufactured home city in our country some of this trailers have been there since like the forties the fucking 40’s and this tim tents have been used for human habitation for over 60 years a life time over 60 years is good for a tent … plus 3 god dam cat 3 hurricaines ….. so you need 3 tent pads ,,, place your home 3 feet up above ground level to insure flood proctection and rain fall erosion protectoi8on …..the pit on your property for the 3 pads will become the lake the fish farm the recreation and relaxation area for kids you the women ….. 3 pads 3 ft high how wide is your pad ,,,, you start with asingle wide 2/1 then place a 12 foot addition across the front and another 10 or 12 acrross the back …… in essence the home will eventually be 1500 sq of living space . you need atleast 8 to 10 feet of level land around the house then a graudual slope back donw to ground level ….. so your lake will become 50 by 70 foot and ti will be 10 foot deep ….. this is important be cause this lake will be important …. In home cooling and irragration using a low flow solar pump . depending on the permeability of the ground you may need a liner realy thick visqueen then hold it down with some rocks gravel and and about 1 plus feet of dirt over the visqueen for water vegetation you want to build a good ecosystem in your lake ….. you place pick up well piping across the bottom of the lake atleast 100 fot web covered in fiber mesh over each pipe you want water to flow gently from a large source ….. thinka bout using fish farm water that has filtered thru sand to water your lawn and fruit trees WAY FUCKING great water ….. this water 10 foot down will be a constant ground water temp expecially that ground water picked up under the soil of your lake bottom , and it will only need a small solar pumb to recirulate this cold water thur the air handler of your home … fed by insulated piping buryed two feet … the water can be returned to to the lake in the form of a mall water fountain further cooling the lake . the cold will pass thru the water colum and enter the thrmo cline of your lake …. Or be used during the hottest part of the day for misting irrigation around the base of each home …….. each home has a hedge stepping stoned from high down to low atleast 5 foot wide ,,,, decorative pretty usefull … plant leaves are cool! They exchange heat …. The air pick I talked about for your home air is picked up from the bottom 6 inces on the north side of the house so you have 6 inches by 50 foot of air pick up ono the coolest side of you home filtered by nature picked up from the coolest aera …. The bottom 6 inches !!! and if it is way fucking hot the palnts them selves LOVE cool comfy temps … touch palnt leaves study NATURE young master like you study the NAUTE OF PUSSY .. the instincts we have all forgotten !
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
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