Ok young Master I try to get you to think out side of your NORM the regular box of ideas you have been programmed with …….. well there is amovie ( psychopathia sexualis )which honestly is as poor a movie to the art of movie making , as my writing is to to literature . But I see in it a good way to be EXPOSED to an idea .. the idea is becoming aware of our roots our PORGRAMING …… and seeing things in terms of not just the surface but the much deeper subtle ,, 9 DARK MATTER TO VISISBLE PYSHICS type of comparisions … female is sublte yet she wields much much much power in that I need her and that force will be expressed in one way or another .
Again the idea TOA the nature , the polygamous relationship I still feel is the most natural .. for humans especially if you are going tohave a family fuck even without ,,, you dumbass are not really the best ,,, best friend a female can have they really need to other females ….. but that greed aspect makes them blind to what honestly would be in their own best interests …. The story book , the fairy tale drives so much , the hope to be like the ONE’S who have it all … ohh back to the movie you can gleam hints about my ideas from this movie ,, you can get a feel about how limited the average thinking actually ,,, how a habit of PROFESSIONAL ISM IS BUILT UPON THE IDEAS OF ONE PERSON BECOMING THE …….. WORD and then others thinking this man was some sort og genius ,, they idolize him make him a doctor and then base their work on his work and the population in general gives this FLAWED stream of ideas big Props !
Sex is about morals and laws and church ……… everything must be fit into a controllable model ……….
The argument 2000 years ago in ancient china about ,,, human nauter the toa and the ways of menicus the rules of CULTURALIZATION ….. living by set rules because we lost our compassion as we tried to buy pretty things , as we worshipped having and own possessions , and having servants to do our work as we became lazy and shit … and then aspired to be like fat lazy bastards … the rich athe kings and queens ,, the fairy tale ! and humn greed started there the one on one started there as a female tried to become KING back in ancient Eygpt the vision of power of greed was becoming noticeable in qwrittne historical form …….. the idea of FIRST wife …. Was the start of the one on one ,,, but again remember this is instinctual in that a female wants for her offspring to get them the best foods etc . even for herself while pregnant she needs to be feed better than regular yet it is hard to forge while being pregnant , so ……… the was like the crying baby effects chsnges the female learned to CAUSE AND EFFECT an evolution to manipulate to become the only one , if desired and the materenal instinct was left ,,, AN UN CHECKED , greed driven CAUSE .. by her ability to asatify us sexually 24/7 .. the evovlution of prositituion .. can you think how it may have happened … remember most animals have breeding season ( oooh yes even our human female has monthly cycles of higher sexual interst and lower interest , we are still animals NOT STORY BOOK BEINGS ABOVE OUR ……. DNA roots . Yes in the group yet also developing individual greed … the first wife . do not look at evolution as a turn on a TV like event a flip of the switch ,, a sound bite that can be viewed and understood in a 30 TV commercial like you have been trained to think since you were born , trained you have been dipshit …
I wrote back some time ago the list of the effects of control ,, I have described over and over the idea that the controls we all live with are very SUBLTE ….. like the dark forces of astro pysichics ….. so soft they can be easy to ignore . I write about DYNAMICS and about monopoly ….. and YOUNG MASTER , I see that in the world are girl who are already open to ALTERNATIVES , it is your job to advertise yourself to as many girls as possible to let them have the FREEDOM of choice …….. in BDSM the idea of a master demanding a poly house hold happens but I fear it is without then PLAYER really thinking about the dynamics of it all ,, understanding the issues and the real benifts ,, I think it is again mainly ……. Just STORY BOOKISH …… expressed fansty re-action to control is often expressed thru fansty
When a person is in state they do not understand something is wrong but they do not understand WHY … they hide in fansty in hopes that the fairy tale will be better . many females do this and why ,,, because they will not because of evolutionary greed realize their truest inner instincts to be POLIGAMOUS ……. That they wh=ill be happier being nautrally human , not story book human , an old habit of thinking happiness can be bought by being the KING AND QUEEN ….. material possesions and shit . I WILL BE HAPPY WHEN thinking . when happiness dumbass is getting up every morning and instead of laying around bitching about LIFE and trying to stay asleep ,,, instead of starting the day off hating the day ……. Realizing .. this is life! Working is life and enjoying being active instead of striving to be inactive and lazy . feel your own wake up habits dipshit ……… do you get outa bed ready to work or do you get out of bed trying to still get back into bed ? LOT OF SUBTLE DYNAMICS …… this isnot about a 30 second tv commercial answer to everyones problems .
Patroitic pervert …….. thermal mass A/C and Heating using 55 gallon plastic drum bought used ( 10 bucks . ) filled with thermal mass rocks with a solar hot water coil spread out thru the drum for winter ……… this is designed to cool one bedroom like a WINDOW A/C unit …. The drum has 2 air pick ups 4 inch black poly pipe run on a bed of gravel under a hedge to collect cooled shady air during the day the fan will be a 5 wat dc the thermal mass will cool to nicht time temps shich even here in FLA are 70 during the summer ,,, the shady air will stay cool till around 12 to 1 PM ….. then the shade will reach the 80’s that is when the stored cooling effect in the rocks will HEAT EXCHANGE with the gental flow of air flowing thru the barrel …… and hours of cooling are available , winter you have all those BTU’s you get thru a simple solar hot water system another 5 wat pump circulating water back and forth in a cicle from solar panel to thermal storage ……… the bareel is wrapped in a blanket of R36 insulation ,,, the covered in plastic then hidden behind a fence of cheap garden fence where a plastic vine is wrapped to decorate it ,, until the natural vines you plant finaaly can grow to hide and decorate your thermal mass A/C system ………. You can cut an extra barrel in half and set up a simple decorative fountain … putting it on top of the first barrel wupported by bricks ,, the fountain with atleast 12 inches of water actually produces a small cooling effect greater than night time cooling temps which /// cold falls open the freezer and watch to see what I mean ……… the fountains coldness falls creating extra cooling with out spending any cash … just a 5 wat fountain pump . plus you get the Fung shew of a fountain good majic . you hindge the tope of the barrel ,,,, you vebnt the fan motor heat out with a pvc pipe very small air flow in this vent seal it with great stuff foam from contact with cool inside ari yet letting it vent heat out and up and away …….
You would have to make one for each room , having two in larger rooms entering from different windows ,,, the window attachement is just an a/c register ( 2 ) two entry pipes feedingn directional vents ( important since you want to close the air pick up winter times and use one of these vents as your recycled air heating pick up ) ….. this is a great quick system to build to retro fit you first tent ,,,, the tin can homes … but when building the additions , build into your land sacape and under home the ider ida of air pick up and shady hedges …… but the barrels can retro fit what you have already quick and easy …. Getting you a free A/C 10 for th barrel , rocks can be fre if you look aroung , hot water pipes and air pick up 15 buck … the fan is from the Radiator or an Import car …. Of course the most costly thing will be the orginal .. power set ups to start to expand a whole house D/C system ….but even here you can add on slowy after making a few 100 dollar investments in controllers … oh yeah the deep cycle golf car battery .
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
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