Now come the fuck on ……. Fanasty and reality and my own twisted view on the MARKET , you never know really what is happening until you take you ideas into the public get out of the closet YOUNG MASTER nad brings things out to the people real people , ok ….. my girl and I have been looking for the real world of DOM/sub for months but of course being regular folks with family and work responsibllities we just dreamed yet looked around us there seems to be only 1 club devoted to alternative lifestyles ,,, .. only 1 club for about a market of 1,000,000 people .. we went there once before and did not stop well because like there was NO one in the parking lot the cars we saw we both could figure out were most probably for the workers of that club a good club should have a full parking lot well this time we finally stopped , we got there late enough , like close to 11 pm figuring the place should be starting to hpp by then , and it was a schelduled event a TOGA party we were the only people there ,,,,,,,,,, and only 1 other couple showed by closing which they set at 1 am because well nothing was happening ..
And I started thinking about reality and market forces and the sick sad hidden unspoken truth ,, that the real market shows us males more and more …. Here is my view ,, one was that this club instead of showing sprots TV like any normal drinking place well this place had Porn TV on its big screens and almost all of the shows had the taste the flavor of FEMALE DOM’s with restrained males used as sexual slaves ,, yet of course as the sex started the females became submissives , it is natural males have to do the PENTRATING in reality yes a girl acan ride us but they desire the feeling of being fucked ,,, the restrained intro the whipping of the male into excitement ETC .. is a real perversion it shows real market forces ….. men to weak to take sexual responsibility to take women ,, why ?
Because we realy have to begg to ask we are not allowed to take we must be nice , while the female desires us to not be nice yet , they want us to be nice ,, the confusion whiche leads men into confusion a confusion of EMASCULATION ….. again listen to the adverstising for male enhancement … sexual disfucntion problems with males which is a growning problem and one of the leading the driving forces in radio advertising having more advertisements for getting me hard than for any other single type of products ,, frome creams drugs herbs to vibrating rings since we can not fuck with passion the girls need ,, machines to stimulate their pussys since we have been driven to be so god dam ,,, and there is the influence of the 1 on 1 in this problem ,, the girls wonder about why they also have to begg so hard for attention , why it is so hard to get a date to get a male to ASK ( every ask is a beg , the same action just different levels of the same action )
If you male were already sexually active and you took on another female …. Well your level of sexual activity will increase because there are 2 or more girls for you to satify and to satify you since their joy comes in part for being the vessel that brings us sexual JOY ….. they get when they give …. And since there is no ASKING any more ,, the girl knows you will fuck because well since you are not living in a life where you are guessing is she ready or wanting sex ,,, no …. Not dependant on just 1 …. The girl also is happier she knows you are sexuall ready the subtle dynamic is there a hard dynamic to realy explain
Ohhh the club , well if on a FIDAY night we are the only couple out of 1,000,000 people to be in this club , wha does that say about the reality and the fasty of you! Yes of you ! reader ,,, you are happy living thru this MASTRUBATORY , tool this computer and its fansty life ,,, and not gambling on true market forces ,,,, and in my mind the way this one guy who worked there was talking and shit I felt an INTITION , that gut feeling …. His nick name the TOOL …. Referring to his dick , he in reality is there to please females whose men ( twisted by the effects of the 1 on 1 ) can no longer sexually function and well so the female ,, wants other male ,, this I have written about the nature of that the female also has to experience on occasion other dicks ….. sex not love ,, but sex …… love is how I go to work , love is watchng TV …. Love is painting the house is fixing up her mom’s house that is my truest show of love , sex is RECREATION .. it is pyshcical love and recreation and fun ,, and biochemical lust ……. Yet dumbass the world keeps us confused with its fairy tales and the ideas that sex is love ……… all the DEAMNDS of being CUTE and pretty …. When in reality when she wakes in the morning looking like a cross between a RACOON and BOB Marley ( messed up hair ) we still really love her ,,, sure cute is a fact she was desireable the minute I met her and in that minute she will always live in my mind … that cuteness ……. What is realy happening ,,,the sex tv themems , the sex club ……… the fansty life … dumbass do not look to me to think for you be a good TOASIST and observe nature the REAL world around you what ideas to you come up with if you TWIST your thinking ? why is it the way it is ,,,, ( oooh her having other dicks hmmmmmmmmm core values my friend ,,, do not fear to much core values ,,,, she will only continue to stay with you as long as you fulfill her core balues or else UNKNOWN to you you already maybe sharing that pussy ,,, the facts 60 percent of females cheat ,,,, the TABLES HAVE TURNED ,, we used to dcheat we males cheated in our christain culture , the POLY will be expressed since it is NATRAL 3.3 million years only 1,500 years of christianlty … and remember chsirtain morals only rep’d about 1 in 5 people world wide ,, we are not realy that fucking important historically … think on your own dipshit not just my thoughts …. Or any one elses.
Now on to the patriotic pervert ,,, again dumb ass reality time , if a terrorist does not have backing does not have money , then how can he live while training or planning or building or traveling his crimes ? where do the teerroists of OUR age get their money , islamics have loads of oil look at the figures on oil rich areas ……… if that was a NON valued resource …. They would be poor!
But greedy pussy beggars care more about being rich enough to buy lots of pussy for themselves and their friends …. ( since we a locked into 1 on 1 we musth hid and buy pussy while our 1 on 1 wife , spends our money to find happiness because she is not on her back in her bed gfetting fucked …. Think about very very complex dynamics ,, multi leveled cause and effects …..
See you can produce enough hydrogen from about 2 o3 samll compat wind mills on your own house land and little in town 100 by 100 lot to never have to buy … buy FUEL for a car again ,,,, ever seen a hybrid ,, like the HYBRID EXPLORER … an off road car ,,, that run by electrity ,,,, that is what hybrid is all all about getting you ready for electric cars , since the hybrid has internal combustion and elelctris , the controllers are training you to view electric cars psotively slowly ……. and with hydrogen you make the electric thru fuel cell tech ,,, but ,,, but … you can also BOTTLE YOU7R OWN HYDRogEN …. At home , that will fuck up the profits of SHELL OIL and BP among others …. We have spend over 2.2. trillion ,, trillion dollars on our terror wars over the last decades … that much investment in the econmony of scale would collapse the need for oil and the terror ist would be broke and have to retrun to FARMING ! WAR OVER !
BUT NO .. get Nother earth news dumbass for this month and read about the tiny wind genenrators that are around and then do some figures about the KW of a car electric motor and the amount those generators produce 24/7 ,, since you drive in reality 3 hours per day …… and all it takes is some water from a shallow irrigation well and some electrodes and some planning and then ,, a sparke free pump to compress the GAS … OHH DUMBASS ,,,, you have a bottle of explosive gass in your garage ,,, you drive a maicnes , when you must maintain , lubraiction , machinery and conpresion of of gass already , tire inflation ,a compressed gas ,,, gasoline very explosive …. You dumbass are a lot smarter than you think ……….. and the rich bitrches know this they fear the creativity of the AMERICAN REDNECK….. he will never BUY fuel again ,,,, the SALVE WILL BE FREE !....... the hydrogen fuel cell right now cost 1000’s but remember DVD’s or computers the ecomony of scale that new thnk of today will be the DOLLAR store item of TOMORROW ! ……… there is fanasty ,, and reality ,,, the SWINGERS CLUB with no one in it on a Friday night ……….. hmmmm reality.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
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