Tuesday, May 8, 2007

रेअच अरौंद तो हेर clit

Reach around to her clit

Young Master reaching your arms around two females as friends and lovers reaching around to rub her clit both you will find are natural for you and for the girls who want both and girls realy realy realy want atleast one of those , they would be happier for the other one also but ….. it would be different and different is scary ….. hell having their pussy licked to some girls is weird luckly I think todays girls are much more sexually open than the ones of my day and age …… girls of my time are much more black and white much more stuck in the fairy tale while todays women are looking for something to change ……. They love men instinctualy most happy when they feel a re penis inside of their body …. They can play with a girl but lust for the attention of a male that is what realy satifiys them best . … judgement and self jusdgements based on fairy tales expectations of love come into play ,,, but luckly girls you will have the guts to talk to will much more be open to the ideas you have to talk about …….. why will they be more opne , of course dipshit do not think it will be easy as if every girl will want the ideas you wyou expound of course not ! ….. but suprizingly they even the ones who say no! will deep inside wonder , and think as they again return the pain of the fairy tale they will think about what you talked about over coffee …… they will expecially think about what you talked about if they fucked you and you did reach around ….. your dick still inside their pussy and you rubbed her clit directly force ful pushing back the foreskin of her clit to make sure she twitches and feels every touch on her clit … really rub that clit much harder than you think she will like and it and guess what I betcha she will like it even more ….

You love knowing that a girl feels your attention it is that knowing that drives your fuck , that becomes harder and she responds even deeper ……… reaching around two two friends town lovers …… understand young master yes the girl wants the fairy tale in fact so do you , but by now the amount of times have have had break ups hell by now age 22 you are getting jaded .. actually inner coldness ahs taken the place of th fairy tale dream … of course you keep hope alive with every girl you have met yet the story book of love .. a love that you can live with ,, that you can live with ,, that has not arrived in reality .. I know dipshit it is a bummer we want the fairy tale as much as she but dam it is not natural for us … yes I know there maybe 1 in 10 who live Ok or even better happly ever after …. But that leaves 6 who fail divorce 2 who stay to together to respect a religion ,,, 1 where the male is happy submitting to a female ( the girl she may not honestly be realy very happy in the marriage the but the submissive male is ) that leaves 1 man what fucking lousy odds what fucking lousy DATA ….. why dumbass would you ONLY think in terms of a story book not even really thinking about the ALTERNATIVES … why well one is because you are to scared to talk openly to realy be different … to be a man ? and take a stand ….. and a lot of that has to do with pussy … listen to yourself in your past ,,,, how lonely you are and that is the reason you drink to much …. Lonely in a world just look at Myspace , match.coom etc etc .. the world is full of single girls who have no GOOD MEN to talk with … to HAVE SEX WITH ! oh sure a girl can get fucked by a total stranger any night at any bar ,,, but the quality of those fucks is RANDOM and many men suck in bed ! WE us men have no fucking idea how to enjoy FUCKING ! one reason if pussy is something you have to begg for ,,, if when you GET LUCKY ( think about that phrase getting lucky ) it is like you are stealing something wich is not yours ….. so you do not relax and play ….. oh yes if you are in a good relationship you get to evolve into some deep meaningful play time … but really honestly feel the amount of stress your relationships actually had in them … and realize that stress limited both you and her ……. The unspoken fears about llosing each other the fear of another failure was a worm eating the brains of each of you two….. why because you both knew the facts about fairy tales .OK so dumbass talk with girls ,, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT GOING OUT ON DATES ! …. NO I AM TALKING ABOUT TALKING OVER COFFEE , TALKING ABOUT IDEAS THEORIES ,, TALKING ABOUT YOUR GOALS PLANS ….. making plans to take this girl out to see your land to see your first TIN TENT … talk about the ideas of sex …. With our embarrresment the theories that women lust naturally for sex … when a man will talk about sex with out being a DIRTY LIL’ boy that brings the girl into that mental process of thinking about the recreational pleaaure of sex ,, and guess what who is the male around single open that is interested in her that is available for sex at this minute? YOU DUMBASS ! you will get fucked a lot while talking to the many girls it will take to build your three ….. but do not date ,, movies ana a show ,, dinner and shit ,, no just meet for coffee ,,, us the prop of a business card with cool pic of hand cuffs on satin sheets it will set the mood for the SAFE meeting for coffee ,,, coffe is coffee .. safe ! no expectations , no meeting at each others house ,, no stocker shit .

No Young Master on to the Patriotic pervert …… the ideas that I hope stimulate you to dig up your own data and info ….. one do not get locked into the experiences of some limited minds .. into the limits of some PRO’s be creative … feel the nature of the area that you are looking in …. Remember a little SUFFERING now while you are 20 and you will be RETIRED in all honesty by 25 most fucking cooll !..... ok , wind blocks ,, now trees take years and years to grown , yet there are some types that grow way fast ,,,, 1 is the aussie tree …. Plant them on the North side of the homes within about 50 feet of the pad/fountain …. We want to block winter winds .. even if they lose their leaves they provide a block plus rememeber the fact a if a tree freezes they die so thye need like us like all animals to keep a ceratin temps so they will use their blood stream their sap system to bring the warmtn of the ground up into their limbs and that warmth will radiate ..it is a small effect but it is an effect … just like the effect of a gentle breeze sucked out of the ahdest of places .. the leaves then cooling the air ……….. OK winter heating , dumbass , if done correctly you can build a wood furnace with a natural gas back up and pilot lite ,,, what the idea is again is to capture thermal mass ,,,, building heat slowly and maintaing the that heat to be used at the coolest times ,,, we are not doing the NON effecienct system of the HAVE IT NOW”S … flip switch and force the environment to change exactly as you want it , but build a system to keep us human animals in a level of comfort not to cold in winter not to hot in summer … so first depending on your budget you can web search for wood funaces …. Here is an idea basically it is an old barbque …. Insulate insulate insulate , place it out side of the home on the north side of the house angain we will use water as the heat transfer … this time you will recirculate the in house air …. The idea is to feed a pilot lite fire area with a uniform ( more ore less ) log ,,,, timed of course by your experience ,,,, for example if the log burns down in a ½ hour then you want one new log droped in the fire pit per ½ hour ,,,, afround the fire pit must be lots of rock or concete where a copper tubing is passing thru then out side of this is six inches of insulation then this whole shit is buryed in the grouns with grass growning on the sloping sides now of course you have to have access to clean out the fire pit the ashes are GREAT fertilizer … you have to be able to load in the wood in you auto feeder ….. small slow dc motr that turns X number of baskets feeding a spring loaded down to keep the heat in ,, but in this way you get 12 hours of fire a constant heat ….. the hot water will then be directed your sir handler and the fan will be on its lowest setting ….. enjoy the fun of creativeity dipshit !

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