Destroying large orange vegetables
Young Master , the the flow of water , water seeks it’s NATURE it’s own level … yes you can confine water in a glass and force it to take the shape of a cyclinder a tall glass yet let the water spill it will flow out ……… and become and ocean thehome for the whole world the ocean is the place where so much life lives .. lives and the water that life is dependant on …. What does this have to do with SEX , with getting my dick stroked …. Everything , getting your dick stroked is nice yes ? why does she do it because you are HER MASTER and you ORDER her to !!! bull shit dumbass , the orders of the BDSM Master is game playing a game she can and will stop or change the rules in all the time ….. now the game of nature her own desire to be loved to be sexy .. to have friendship … like the market influences of business ….. be nice to your customer or they will leave , treat them like you are their only choice and guess what they will pick up on your lack of concern and leave … but LOVE .. you love the girls you fuck and even with 3 you will still love each one for the person she is , and the beauty she expresses …… but her inner insecurity that competition because of her friends just the smelll of sex ,,, girls smell sex ! they notice the smell of sex on you …. That stimulates their horniness .. and they want to be attentive … ATTENTIVE ahh the hand job ,,, that drives her crazy to give to you ,, feeling you respond in her hand ,, to feel my dick getting harder , while she moves her hand up and down my shaft ,, the look of her gaze at the wonder of my meat the exploration like the first time everytime of the head of my excited cock , my response to her ATTENTIVE behavior ,,,, and then her wetness , her level of excitement grows ,,, the fuck is so much richer … because she is in competition for the love that you already feel for all of them … even though she has choosen the life style her inner animal will feel a need to compete ……..
But you gotta not let her become animal ,,,, again I go back to the wisdom of the TAO where the story of the tiger trainer describes that if you let the inner animal taste the KILL it wants to kill again , but if you control the animal and only feed it dead meat it will stay a kitten ,,, your GENTLEMAN training has allowed the girl to feel the KILL , become thr prosititute to become the controller , because we begg for PUSSY …. Honestly ,,, the confusion starts in the female animal and in us while in our teens ,,, she has been bleeding for a few years by age 16 ior 17 ,,,, her nature wants to become wife to MAN … yet she is told to become a corp. porfessionsl instead , in fact the confused older female of today ,, hurt by the world she has created ,,, re inforces the failed idea that delaying even further the call of nature will bring happiness , delaying nature , starting a career , going to school . working not having a full time amle to be attentive to ( she can not be 100 percent attentive to a carreer and a family ) a family ….. today 2 out of 3 people in higher education are FEMALE ,, 2 outs 3 .. 66 out of 100 are in colleges univesties ,,, as compared to 200 years ago when it was 100 percent men who did higher education or like the 60’where the numbers were reversed 66 men and 33 girls ,,,, but now as girls get the HAPPINESS of greed and power they have more education more stress more power and we have the 60 percent divorce rate children being raised by daycares ,, and the DEPRESION ! the pain , the drug and alcohol use the smoking of female ,, the stress started in their teens ……. I see it in my daughters , two teens one almost 30 now ( wow she is almost 30 fuck what happened ……) and then I see the law of averages the unhappiness of that 30 year old ,,, is what my other daughters have in store ,, the law of averages ,,,, the 1 on 1 relationship will fail or lead to un happiness ! because you are a GENTLEMAN , you think you are doing the right thing ,, to let the child run wild , to love by being submissive ? by being permissive ? yes if it were a child it would be permissive since you are bound by rules and resposniblities to direct the actions of your children ( with in limits of laws also ) but you are supposed to demand certain actions form you rchildren to socialize them …. But an adult female ,, with in her the 7 year old still lives emotionally …. She has rights … and will only submit to controls by choice ……… the dreams and fairy tales of a child are not the reality that will bring a child happiness and health ,, the female of today ,,,, and I talk with them ,,, she selectively FORGETS , THE law of averages ,, even if while being a mom , she would use the LAW of averages to talk with her own children ,, or on the job she will use the LAW of averages to stimultate logical thinking among her employess … when it comes to LOVE to the owning of a MALE ,, the power of weakness of politenss of LOVE our trues inner nature YOUNG MASTER .. our compassion and love for the ones well the ones WE LOVE …. She uses talks about the LAW OF AVERAGES … then when talking about the poly her inner animal wants to stop using the LAW OF AVERAGES , because she knows the truth ,, she wants to talk about the fairy tale love story ,,, not real love and companion ,,,, no! the fairy tale , the feeling the fun ,, not any reality or truth or LOGIC ,, oppps I used that word LOGIC …. Instead of fairy tale love words … and she will stop talking ! and follow her dreams! And reap the LAW OF AVERAGES …. They now sre the educated ones and they have UNHAPPINESS . divorce loniness , sddiction , depression , over weight , heart attcks and cancers at levels like men of older eras …. They are getting sick inside and out and then like a child they blame the world they blame us , males in genral for wht they have created over time ……… YOU DIPSHIT GOTTA FORM SOMETHING DIFFERENT …. You start commit build save suffer for a short time ,, show proff and the start then ,, hunt ,, then hunt ,, then hunt … pussy . creating the place that she can relax and return to her nature and enjoy stroking your hard dick in the privacy of her house ,, yes she knows that you will love another woman tomoorow …. But since it is her choice to be with you part of her allows it because she odes love you … her way of saying thanks for creating a world she can finnaly be female once more ……… competitive …. Survival of the fittest . for us there are many ways to compete , 1 way is buy fancy cars ,,, the MO BETTER if I had more it would be better .
Now as a male concerned with the health wealth of himself his family , you must understand you are not an ISLAND .. you world your environment your nation .. is your environment , well if it is not healthy you are not and so your childrems world will not be also ! and you will love your CHILDREN ….. or you do if you already have some … that is why understanding the importance of rocking really really loud to SMASHING PUMPKINS , ( destroying large orange vegetables ) important ,, here is a simple lesson of WATTS volts times amps equals watts ….. to be off grid you gotts think you gotta plan for your usage ….. sure I will help you tink about having a three day back up of stored energy … but still living like a thinking person is important ,, do you just eat and eat and get fatter and fatter ? well why would you not think like this when it comes to using anything money spend and spend till you are broke? How about energy … a 100 wattts sound system ,, not to big not to small … how many hours per day will it be used , and at what level the full volume the full 100 wats ? or at 1/3 volume with full volume saved for when the SMASHING PUMPKINS COME ON in my work I am the boss I listen to KORN and DEFTONES all day .. so when I come home I want limited music …. What 2 hours a day , then 5 hours a day SAT and sumday … for a total of 20 hours at on average 30 watts ….. so you buy a 30 watt solar panel it starts making juice when the sun comes up and stops when the sun leaves and you store this in a gold cart battery …. 10 hours of juice per day 7 days .. 70 hours …20 hours I used for loud music , that leaves me with 50 light hours of power ,, light hours ,, an 15 watts compact flourencent lights a bedroom 2 does a living room or den …. Before age 12 kids want to hang around the parents , the over worked stressed female and male of the 1 on1 hate this they are just to stressed to play with thie children but NOT YOU or your women if you build the general idea of the poly you are nor over stressed you enjoy your life kids and then the child will be welcomed not forced to live in it’s room alone watching the TV ……. Gotta think shithead about human nature ,,,,, how does this relate to the amount of watt hours of power produced form 1 30 solar cell and the amount of light needed in a house for adults and kids … can you see the connections … music ,,, lights , kids .. work .. stress ,,,pleasure … energy needs … money …. co operation … think dumbass think
Thursday, May 10, 2007
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