Ok young Master I try to get you to think out side of your NORM the regular box of ideas you have been programmed with …….. well there is amovie ( psychopathia sexualis )which honestly is as poor a movie to the art of movie making , as my writing is to to literature . But I see in it a good way to be EXPOSED to an idea .. the idea is becoming aware of our roots our PORGRAMING …… and seeing things in terms of not just the surface but the much deeper subtle ,, 9 DARK MATTER TO VISISBLE PYSHICS type of comparisions … female is sublte yet she wields much much much power in that I need her and that force will be expressed in one way or another .
Again the idea TOA the nature , the polygamous relationship I still feel is the most natural .. for humans especially if you are going tohave a family fuck even without ,,, you dumbass are not really the best ,,, best friend a female can have they really need to other females ….. but that greed aspect makes them blind to what honestly would be in their own best interests …. The story book , the fairy tale drives so much , the hope to be like the ONE’S who have it all … ohh back to the movie you can gleam hints about my ideas from this movie ,, you can get a feel about how limited the average thinking actually ,,, how a habit of PROFESSIONAL ISM IS BUILT UPON THE IDEAS OF ONE PERSON BECOMING THE …….. WORD and then others thinking this man was some sort og genius ,, they idolize him make him a doctor and then base their work on his work and the population in general gives this FLAWED stream of ideas big Props !
Sex is about morals and laws and church ……… everything must be fit into a controllable model ……….
The argument 2000 years ago in ancient china about ,,, human nauter the toa and the ways of menicus the rules of CULTURALIZATION ….. living by set rules because we lost our compassion as we tried to buy pretty things , as we worshipped having and own possessions , and having servants to do our work as we became lazy and shit … and then aspired to be like fat lazy bastards … the rich athe kings and queens ,, the fairy tale ! and humn greed started there the one on one started there as a female tried to become KING back in ancient Eygpt the vision of power of greed was becoming noticeable in qwrittne historical form …….. the idea of FIRST wife …. Was the start of the one on one ,,, but again remember this is instinctual in that a female wants for her offspring to get them the best foods etc . even for herself while pregnant she needs to be feed better than regular yet it is hard to forge while being pregnant , so ……… the was like the crying baby effects chsnges the female learned to CAUSE AND EFFECT an evolution to manipulate to become the only one , if desired and the materenal instinct was left ,,, AN UN CHECKED , greed driven CAUSE .. by her ability to asatify us sexually 24/7 .. the evovlution of prositituion .. can you think how it may have happened … remember most animals have breeding season ( oooh yes even our human female has monthly cycles of higher sexual interst and lower interest , we are still animals NOT STORY BOOK BEINGS ABOVE OUR ……. DNA roots . Yes in the group yet also developing individual greed … the first wife . do not look at evolution as a turn on a TV like event a flip of the switch ,, a sound bite that can be viewed and understood in a 30 TV commercial like you have been trained to think since you were born , trained you have been dipshit …
I wrote back some time ago the list of the effects of control ,, I have described over and over the idea that the controls we all live with are very SUBLTE ….. like the dark forces of astro pysichics ….. so soft they can be easy to ignore . I write about DYNAMICS and about monopoly ….. and YOUNG MASTER , I see that in the world are girl who are already open to ALTERNATIVES , it is your job to advertise yourself to as many girls as possible to let them have the FREEDOM of choice …….. in BDSM the idea of a master demanding a poly house hold happens but I fear it is without then PLAYER really thinking about the dynamics of it all ,, understanding the issues and the real benifts ,, I think it is again mainly ……. Just STORY BOOKISH …… expressed fansty re-action to control is often expressed thru fansty
When a person is in state they do not understand something is wrong but they do not understand WHY … they hide in fansty in hopes that the fairy tale will be better . many females do this and why ,,, because they will not because of evolutionary greed realize their truest inner instincts to be POLIGAMOUS ……. That they wh=ill be happier being nautrally human , not story book human , an old habit of thinking happiness can be bought by being the KING AND QUEEN ….. material possesions and shit . I WILL BE HAPPY WHEN thinking . when happiness dumbass is getting up every morning and instead of laying around bitching about LIFE and trying to stay asleep ,,, instead of starting the day off hating the day ……. Realizing .. this is life! Working is life and enjoying being active instead of striving to be inactive and lazy . feel your own wake up habits dipshit ……… do you get outa bed ready to work or do you get out of bed trying to still get back into bed ? LOT OF SUBTLE DYNAMICS …… this isnot about a 30 second tv commercial answer to everyones problems .
Patroitic pervert …….. thermal mass A/C and Heating using 55 gallon plastic drum bought used ( 10 bucks . ) filled with thermal mass rocks with a solar hot water coil spread out thru the drum for winter ……… this is designed to cool one bedroom like a WINDOW A/C unit …. The drum has 2 air pick ups 4 inch black poly pipe run on a bed of gravel under a hedge to collect cooled shady air during the day the fan will be a 5 wat dc the thermal mass will cool to nicht time temps shich even here in FLA are 70 during the summer ,,, the shady air will stay cool till around 12 to 1 PM ….. then the shade will reach the 80’s that is when the stored cooling effect in the rocks will HEAT EXCHANGE with the gental flow of air flowing thru the barrel …… and hours of cooling are available , winter you have all those BTU’s you get thru a simple solar hot water system another 5 wat pump circulating water back and forth in a cicle from solar panel to thermal storage ……… the bareel is wrapped in a blanket of R36 insulation ,,, the covered in plastic then hidden behind a fence of cheap garden fence where a plastic vine is wrapped to decorate it ,, until the natural vines you plant finaaly can grow to hide and decorate your thermal mass A/C system ………. You can cut an extra barrel in half and set up a simple decorative fountain … putting it on top of the first barrel wupported by bricks ,, the fountain with atleast 12 inches of water actually produces a small cooling effect greater than night time cooling temps which /// cold falls open the freezer and watch to see what I mean ……… the fountains coldness falls creating extra cooling with out spending any cash … just a 5 wat fountain pump . plus you get the Fung shew of a fountain good majic . you hindge the tope of the barrel ,,,, you vebnt the fan motor heat out with a pvc pipe very small air flow in this vent seal it with great stuff foam from contact with cool inside ari yet letting it vent heat out and up and away …….
You would have to make one for each room , having two in larger rooms entering from different windows ,,, the window attachement is just an a/c register ( 2 ) two entry pipes feedingn directional vents ( important since you want to close the air pick up winter times and use one of these vents as your recycled air heating pick up ) ….. this is a great quick system to build to retro fit you first tent ,,,, the tin can homes … but when building the additions , build into your land sacape and under home the ider ida of air pick up and shady hedges …… but the barrels can retro fit what you have already quick and easy …. Getting you a free A/C 10 for th barrel , rocks can be fre if you look aroung , hot water pipes and air pick up 15 buck … the fan is from the Radiator or an Import car …. Of course the most costly thing will be the orginal .. power set ups to start to expand a whole house D/C system ….but even here you can add on slowy after making a few 100 dollar investments in controllers … oh yeah the deep cycle golf car battery .
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
my FUCKING pleasure
MY … fucking .. Pleasure
Young Master , has the girl said to you directly that she wants to live a subbmissive lifestyle? She responded not only from an interst of fansty to that tease .. to the business card with hand cuffs on it , she did not just want a one time event but she has directly said LEAD I want to follow , I like the idea of see YOU! Happy …. Has the girl said that to you ?
Well I have a girl who has directly voiced this type of stuff to me , more than once said there will never be a NO and so far she has been true to her word ,,, as long as the sex was for my pleasure she has been more than willingly to allow me to use her body as I desired ,,,, ( NO MIND YOU SHE ENJOYS IT ..ALSO ) and in her joy in her response is where my desire comes form sure I love to cummmm but I love her a girl feel me hearing and seeing her responses from that I get pleasure …… but I LOVE HER so that confuses things some times especially as our relationship grows ,,,, I fuck her every morning because that is my time and she is asleep and well she expects to be used by me… but nights and afternoons ,,, here is where I encounter problems … there have be times during our relationship that we were going at it afternoons and nights hardly missing a day …. But then shit happens ,,. We kinda get out of the habit ,,, not because I needed to stop but mainly to respect her , often it is a short illness or her time of the month or family concerns that leave us stressed (YET BWEING STRESSED WE SHOULD FUCK MORE , IT RELIVES STRESS rref rames life .. but old habit patterns being NICE I do not start sex )
MASTER ,, being master ,,, young master , being master means being leader and being responsible and that means stepping out of your comfort area …to take that LEAD . yet the old habit patterns of bing nice come back ,, haunting you like a GHOST leading me back into well old habit patterns … one has been to think way to fucking much about PROJECTS … my sports …. Sure for me my projects are for the benefit of the family ( and myself since I get an ego boost ) but in reality the are a SOMETHING I can control , where she is a something I cannot even though she has never ever given me a NO! still my concern for her feelings control me as strongly as any DIRECT NO ,,, feeling her feelings ,,, you know what I am talking ,, catching her daily VIBES ….. and then reading them ……… maybe it is not a NO but it reads not today ! Please . BUT MY projects they I have control over ……
I wonder about my poly ideas for me I am not pursueing them .. or even fanstying about that yet writing about them ,, comparing reality to the ,, idea the dynamic of POLIGAMY …. And I come to this idea a bit clearer …. The idea that sure I lead but also I do not … in the beginning of relationship her desire to get me , motivates her , her sexual desire level is strong … because of the idea that I am not yet hers ( the I love you slave effect ) the poly even if committed there is a Sub concsiuos dynamic .. even if the girls are friends there is a something …. That something I believe at a certain level keeps the girls sort of chasing me for attention and sex ………. GOOD FOR HER GOOD FOR ME .. keeps us at that dating level of LIVING , that excited life not the HUMM DRUMM life . I hope my words are enough for you to think about things dipshit ,, I can not and do not want to give you answers as much as help you to use that mind and just think . about being different than everyone one else ,, not being just a sheep.Feel your reality let yourself think outside of the ox of Mr. Nice Guy inot the box of being MR. Nice MASTER . and part of that is I believe simplifying life ……… this age of labor saving devises and instant entertainment has lead into a life with to much free time on our minds . and actually much unhappiness for many . to much time to fill and us humans well we are truly HYPNOSIS machines our minds get programmed so ealsy by what we hear and see sll the fucking time that flood of shit she we get from TV and MOVIE and RADIO when we have all that free time . just think about it dipshit ……. And then lick more pussy … remember how good it feels to fill your lungs with that fresh scent of pussy to feel her responses to your soft tongue the way you can make her squirm and wiggle moan and cry and pant and want you and only you …….
So much fucking better than TV or movie or that projct you have been working on ……. All the things you can control ………. If I could only control her , but I can not in a 1 on 1 , in the poly there is another dynamic which controls her ,,, that is HERSELF ! never truly there this dynamic in a 1 on 1 … it just disappears in the 1 on 1 it just melts away inot the expectations the hypnosis of regular day to day life as ususal living . to fucking bad .
Patriotic pernert , the idea that you build the simple life ,,,,, I have been bringing up a lot of details about energy lately and forgot things like , the fun of being outside of building a simple garden of transplanting wild flowers ……. Of doing things with out using $ yes you will use money when you plant your fruit trees but dumbass they will bring ages years and years of recreation of something to do ,,,, activity that is not just sitting like a ZOMBIE in front of a computer or TV screen . there will be harvest times where you will pick fruit then DRY ? yes dry that fruit ever buy dryed fruit ? what the person who dryed that fruit knows ssecret that you cannot learn? They are special no , drying fruit making fruit leather 9 FRUIT ROLL UPS is simple ,, canning fruit so that you and the family the kids have some thing sweet for desert all year is something beyond your ability to learn ? no dumbass , it is just boiling water then boiling the fruit to kill off the natural bacteria present on everything then boiling the mason jars to kill of the bacteria there then while still in hot boiling water you place the fruit in the jar with some surgar ( surag in pure form like salt is a preservative ) and then closing the mason jare while it is in hot water while hereing cooking gloves and then taking it out of the oiling water and putting a date on it and letting it cool and seal ………. And you got free food .. real good healthy free food ………. And you had fun doing it ….or is sitting in front of that TV or COMPUTER really that much fun ,, getting poisoned by beer day after day , getting high over and over is that really that much fun ,, have you ever done something that is really not the norm …… buying food from a store is a LABOR SAVING idea …. Giving you more free time in which to become confused and depressed because you have nothng to do so you think to much and then need to end that cycle of thingking by getting high …… sounds dumb to me ! ……. The trapp of I am to tired ….. instead of living of buying happiness thru eating out , thru labor savings ideas , of having everything so EASY …. And yet in the end you become unhappy how about building a life that is more complex yet fulfilling in that you get a sense of pride in having done things yourlself …. I KNOW IT IS A STRANGE IDEA ……… but again patriotic in that you donot send all your money out of your home into the economy of imported products and services . ohhh I was reading some data on a solar collector a 4 by 8 panel which is just a lcear panel with a black rubber back ground which heats house air , in fact produces the equal to to gallons of gas per day each day every day for free for ever …… to gallons what $3 + per galloan today , that is 6.50 a day not going to IRAN … just 1 person it is all about 1 person
Young Master , has the girl said to you directly that she wants to live a subbmissive lifestyle? She responded not only from an interst of fansty to that tease .. to the business card with hand cuffs on it , she did not just want a one time event but she has directly said LEAD I want to follow , I like the idea of see YOU! Happy …. Has the girl said that to you ?
Well I have a girl who has directly voiced this type of stuff to me , more than once said there will never be a NO and so far she has been true to her word ,,, as long as the sex was for my pleasure she has been more than willingly to allow me to use her body as I desired ,,,, ( NO MIND YOU SHE ENJOYS IT ..ALSO ) and in her joy in her response is where my desire comes form sure I love to cummmm but I love her a girl feel me hearing and seeing her responses from that I get pleasure …… but I LOVE HER so that confuses things some times especially as our relationship grows ,,,, I fuck her every morning because that is my time and she is asleep and well she expects to be used by me… but nights and afternoons ,,, here is where I encounter problems … there have be times during our relationship that we were going at it afternoons and nights hardly missing a day …. But then shit happens ,,. We kinda get out of the habit ,,, not because I needed to stop but mainly to respect her , often it is a short illness or her time of the month or family concerns that leave us stressed (YET BWEING STRESSED WE SHOULD FUCK MORE , IT RELIVES STRESS rref rames life .. but old habit patterns being NICE I do not start sex )
MASTER ,, being master ,,, young master , being master means being leader and being responsible and that means stepping out of your comfort area …to take that LEAD . yet the old habit patterns of bing nice come back ,, haunting you like a GHOST leading me back into well old habit patterns … one has been to think way to fucking much about PROJECTS … my sports …. Sure for me my projects are for the benefit of the family ( and myself since I get an ego boost ) but in reality the are a SOMETHING I can control , where she is a something I cannot even though she has never ever given me a NO! still my concern for her feelings control me as strongly as any DIRECT NO ,,, feeling her feelings ,,, you know what I am talking ,, catching her daily VIBES ….. and then reading them ……… maybe it is not a NO but it reads not today ! Please . BUT MY projects they I have control over ……
I wonder about my poly ideas for me I am not pursueing them .. or even fanstying about that yet writing about them ,, comparing reality to the ,, idea the dynamic of POLIGAMY …. And I come to this idea a bit clearer …. The idea that sure I lead but also I do not … in the beginning of relationship her desire to get me , motivates her , her sexual desire level is strong … because of the idea that I am not yet hers ( the I love you slave effect ) the poly even if committed there is a Sub concsiuos dynamic .. even if the girls are friends there is a something …. That something I believe at a certain level keeps the girls sort of chasing me for attention and sex ………. GOOD FOR HER GOOD FOR ME .. keeps us at that dating level of LIVING , that excited life not the HUMM DRUMM life . I hope my words are enough for you to think about things dipshit ,, I can not and do not want to give you answers as much as help you to use that mind and just think . about being different than everyone one else ,, not being just a sheep.Feel your reality let yourself think outside of the ox of Mr. Nice Guy inot the box of being MR. Nice MASTER . and part of that is I believe simplifying life ……… this age of labor saving devises and instant entertainment has lead into a life with to much free time on our minds . and actually much unhappiness for many . to much time to fill and us humans well we are truly HYPNOSIS machines our minds get programmed so ealsy by what we hear and see sll the fucking time that flood of shit she we get from TV and MOVIE and RADIO when we have all that free time . just think about it dipshit ……. And then lick more pussy … remember how good it feels to fill your lungs with that fresh scent of pussy to feel her responses to your soft tongue the way you can make her squirm and wiggle moan and cry and pant and want you and only you …….
So much fucking better than TV or movie or that projct you have been working on ……. All the things you can control ………. If I could only control her , but I can not in a 1 on 1 , in the poly there is another dynamic which controls her ,,, that is HERSELF ! never truly there this dynamic in a 1 on 1 … it just disappears in the 1 on 1 it just melts away inot the expectations the hypnosis of regular day to day life as ususal living . to fucking bad .
Patriotic pernert , the idea that you build the simple life ,,,,, I have been bringing up a lot of details about energy lately and forgot things like , the fun of being outside of building a simple garden of transplanting wild flowers ……. Of doing things with out using $ yes you will use money when you plant your fruit trees but dumbass they will bring ages years and years of recreation of something to do ,,,, activity that is not just sitting like a ZOMBIE in front of a computer or TV screen . there will be harvest times where you will pick fruit then DRY ? yes dry that fruit ever buy dryed fruit ? what the person who dryed that fruit knows ssecret that you cannot learn? They are special no , drying fruit making fruit leather 9 FRUIT ROLL UPS is simple ,, canning fruit so that you and the family the kids have some thing sweet for desert all year is something beyond your ability to learn ? no dumbass , it is just boiling water then boiling the fruit to kill off the natural bacteria present on everything then boiling the mason jars to kill of the bacteria there then while still in hot boiling water you place the fruit in the jar with some surgar ( surag in pure form like salt is a preservative ) and then closing the mason jare while it is in hot water while hereing cooking gloves and then taking it out of the oiling water and putting a date on it and letting it cool and seal ………. And you got free food .. real good healthy free food ………. And you had fun doing it ….or is sitting in front of that TV or COMPUTER really that much fun ,, getting poisoned by beer day after day , getting high over and over is that really that much fun ,, have you ever done something that is really not the norm …… buying food from a store is a LABOR SAVING idea …. Giving you more free time in which to become confused and depressed because you have nothng to do so you think to much and then need to end that cycle of thingking by getting high …… sounds dumb to me ! ……. The trapp of I am to tired ….. instead of living of buying happiness thru eating out , thru labor savings ideas , of having everything so EASY …. And yet in the end you become unhappy how about building a life that is more complex yet fulfilling in that you get a sense of pride in having done things yourlself …. I KNOW IT IS A STRANGE IDEA ……… but again patriotic in that you donot send all your money out of your home into the economy of imported products and services . ohhh I was reading some data on a solar collector a 4 by 8 panel which is just a lcear panel with a black rubber back ground which heats house air , in fact produces the equal to to gallons of gas per day each day every day for free for ever …… to gallons what $3 + per galloan today , that is 6.50 a day not going to IRAN … just 1 person it is all about 1 person
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Swingers club
Now come the fuck on ……. Fanasty and reality and my own twisted view on the MARKET , you never know really what is happening until you take you ideas into the public get out of the closet YOUNG MASTER nad brings things out to the people real people , ok ….. my girl and I have been looking for the real world of DOM/sub for months but of course being regular folks with family and work responsibllities we just dreamed yet looked around us there seems to be only 1 club devoted to alternative lifestyles ,,, .. only 1 club for about a market of 1,000,000 people .. we went there once before and did not stop well because like there was NO one in the parking lot the cars we saw we both could figure out were most probably for the workers of that club a good club should have a full parking lot well this time we finally stopped , we got there late enough , like close to 11 pm figuring the place should be starting to hpp by then , and it was a schelduled event a TOGA party we were the only people there ,,,,,,,,,, and only 1 other couple showed by closing which they set at 1 am because well nothing was happening ..
And I started thinking about reality and market forces and the sick sad hidden unspoken truth ,, that the real market shows us males more and more …. Here is my view ,, one was that this club instead of showing sprots TV like any normal drinking place well this place had Porn TV on its big screens and almost all of the shows had the taste the flavor of FEMALE DOM’s with restrained males used as sexual slaves ,, yet of course as the sex started the females became submissives , it is natural males have to do the PENTRATING in reality yes a girl acan ride us but they desire the feeling of being fucked ,,, the restrained intro the whipping of the male into excitement ETC .. is a real perversion it shows real market forces ….. men to weak to take sexual responsibility to take women ,, why ?
Because we realy have to begg to ask we are not allowed to take we must be nice , while the female desires us to not be nice yet , they want us to be nice ,, the confusion whiche leads men into confusion a confusion of EMASCULATION ….. again listen to the adverstising for male enhancement … sexual disfucntion problems with males which is a growning problem and one of the leading the driving forces in radio advertising having more advertisements for getting me hard than for any other single type of products ,, frome creams drugs herbs to vibrating rings since we can not fuck with passion the girls need ,, machines to stimulate their pussys since we have been driven to be so god dam ,,, and there is the influence of the 1 on 1 in this problem ,, the girls wonder about why they also have to begg so hard for attention , why it is so hard to get a date to get a male to ASK ( every ask is a beg , the same action just different levels of the same action )
If you male were already sexually active and you took on another female …. Well your level of sexual activity will increase because there are 2 or more girls for you to satify and to satify you since their joy comes in part for being the vessel that brings us sexual JOY ….. they get when they give …. And since there is no ASKING any more ,, the girl knows you will fuck because well since you are not living in a life where you are guessing is she ready or wanting sex ,,, no …. Not dependant on just 1 …. The girl also is happier she knows you are sexuall ready the subtle dynamic is there a hard dynamic to realy explain
Ohhh the club , well if on a FIDAY night we are the only couple out of 1,000,000 people to be in this club , wha does that say about the reality and the fasty of you! Yes of you ! reader ,,, you are happy living thru this MASTRUBATORY , tool this computer and its fansty life ,,, and not gambling on true market forces ,,,, and in my mind the way this one guy who worked there was talking and shit I felt an INTITION , that gut feeling …. His nick name the TOOL …. Referring to his dick , he in reality is there to please females whose men ( twisted by the effects of the 1 on 1 ) can no longer sexually function and well so the female ,, wants other male ,, this I have written about the nature of that the female also has to experience on occasion other dicks ….. sex not love ,, but sex …… love is how I go to work , love is watchng TV …. Love is painting the house is fixing up her mom’s house that is my truest show of love , sex is RECREATION .. it is pyshcical love and recreation and fun ,, and biochemical lust ……. Yet dumbass the world keeps us confused with its fairy tales and the ideas that sex is love ……… all the DEAMNDS of being CUTE and pretty …. When in reality when she wakes in the morning looking like a cross between a RACOON and BOB Marley ( messed up hair ) we still really love her ,,, sure cute is a fact she was desireable the minute I met her and in that minute she will always live in my mind … that cuteness ……. What is realy happening ,,,the sex tv themems , the sex club ……… the fansty life … dumbass do not look to me to think for you be a good TOASIST and observe nature the REAL world around you what ideas to you come up with if you TWIST your thinking ? why is it the way it is ,,,, ( oooh her having other dicks hmmmmmmmmm core values my friend ,,, do not fear to much core values ,,,, she will only continue to stay with you as long as you fulfill her core balues or else UNKNOWN to you you already maybe sharing that pussy ,,, the facts 60 percent of females cheat ,,,, the TABLES HAVE TURNED ,, we used to dcheat we males cheated in our christain culture , the POLY will be expressed since it is NATRAL 3.3 million years only 1,500 years of christianlty … and remember chsirtain morals only rep’d about 1 in 5 people world wide ,, we are not realy that fucking important historically … think on your own dipshit not just my thoughts …. Or any one elses.
Now on to the patriotic pervert ,,, again dumb ass reality time , if a terrorist does not have backing does not have money , then how can he live while training or planning or building or traveling his crimes ? where do the teerroists of OUR age get their money , islamics have loads of oil look at the figures on oil rich areas ……… if that was a NON valued resource …. They would be poor!
But greedy pussy beggars care more about being rich enough to buy lots of pussy for themselves and their friends …. ( since we a locked into 1 on 1 we musth hid and buy pussy while our 1 on 1 wife , spends our money to find happiness because she is not on her back in her bed gfetting fucked …. Think about very very complex dynamics ,, multi leveled cause and effects …..
See you can produce enough hydrogen from about 2 o3 samll compat wind mills on your own house land and little in town 100 by 100 lot to never have to buy … buy FUEL for a car again ,,,, ever seen a hybrid ,, like the HYBRID EXPLORER … an off road car ,,, that run by electrity ,,,, that is what hybrid is all all about getting you ready for electric cars , since the hybrid has internal combustion and elelctris , the controllers are training you to view electric cars psotively slowly ……. and with hydrogen you make the electric thru fuel cell tech ,,, but ,,, but … you can also BOTTLE YOU7R OWN HYDRogEN …. At home , that will fuck up the profits of SHELL OIL and BP among others …. We have spend over 2.2. trillion ,, trillion dollars on our terror wars over the last decades … that much investment in the econmony of scale would collapse the need for oil and the terror ist would be broke and have to retrun to FARMING ! WAR OVER !
BUT NO .. get Nother earth news dumbass for this month and read about the tiny wind genenrators that are around and then do some figures about the KW of a car electric motor and the amount those generators produce 24/7 ,, since you drive in reality 3 hours per day …… and all it takes is some water from a shallow irrigation well and some electrodes and some planning and then ,, a sparke free pump to compress the GAS … OHH DUMBASS ,,,, you have a bottle of explosive gass in your garage ,,, you drive a maicnes , when you must maintain , lubraiction , machinery and conpresion of of gass already , tire inflation ,a compressed gas ,,, gasoline very explosive …. You dumbass are a lot smarter than you think ……….. and the rich bitrches know this they fear the creativity of the AMERICAN REDNECK….. he will never BUY fuel again ,,,, the SALVE WILL BE FREE !....... the hydrogen fuel cell right now cost 1000’s but remember DVD’s or computers the ecomony of scale that new thnk of today will be the DOLLAR store item of TOMORROW ! ……… there is fanasty ,, and reality ,,, the SWINGERS CLUB with no one in it on a Friday night ……….. hmmmm reality.
Now come the fuck on ……. Fanasty and reality and my own twisted view on the MARKET , you never know really what is happening until you take you ideas into the public get out of the closet YOUNG MASTER nad brings things out to the people real people , ok ….. my girl and I have been looking for the real world of DOM/sub for months but of course being regular folks with family and work responsibllities we just dreamed yet looked around us there seems to be only 1 club devoted to alternative lifestyles ,,, .. only 1 club for about a market of 1,000,000 people .. we went there once before and did not stop well because like there was NO one in the parking lot the cars we saw we both could figure out were most probably for the workers of that club a good club should have a full parking lot well this time we finally stopped , we got there late enough , like close to 11 pm figuring the place should be starting to hpp by then , and it was a schelduled event a TOGA party we were the only people there ,,,,,,,,,, and only 1 other couple showed by closing which they set at 1 am because well nothing was happening ..
And I started thinking about reality and market forces and the sick sad hidden unspoken truth ,, that the real market shows us males more and more …. Here is my view ,, one was that this club instead of showing sprots TV like any normal drinking place well this place had Porn TV on its big screens and almost all of the shows had the taste the flavor of FEMALE DOM’s with restrained males used as sexual slaves ,, yet of course as the sex started the females became submissives , it is natural males have to do the PENTRATING in reality yes a girl acan ride us but they desire the feeling of being fucked ,,, the restrained intro the whipping of the male into excitement ETC .. is a real perversion it shows real market forces ….. men to weak to take sexual responsibility to take women ,, why ?
Because we realy have to begg to ask we are not allowed to take we must be nice , while the female desires us to not be nice yet , they want us to be nice ,, the confusion whiche leads men into confusion a confusion of EMASCULATION ….. again listen to the adverstising for male enhancement … sexual disfucntion problems with males which is a growning problem and one of the leading the driving forces in radio advertising having more advertisements for getting me hard than for any other single type of products ,, frome creams drugs herbs to vibrating rings since we can not fuck with passion the girls need ,, machines to stimulate their pussys since we have been driven to be so god dam ,,, and there is the influence of the 1 on 1 in this problem ,, the girls wonder about why they also have to begg so hard for attention , why it is so hard to get a date to get a male to ASK ( every ask is a beg , the same action just different levels of the same action )
If you male were already sexually active and you took on another female …. Well your level of sexual activity will increase because there are 2 or more girls for you to satify and to satify you since their joy comes in part for being the vessel that brings us sexual JOY ….. they get when they give …. And since there is no ASKING any more ,, the girl knows you will fuck because well since you are not living in a life where you are guessing is she ready or wanting sex ,,, no …. Not dependant on just 1 …. The girl also is happier she knows you are sexuall ready the subtle dynamic is there a hard dynamic to realy explain
Ohhh the club , well if on a FIDAY night we are the only couple out of 1,000,000 people to be in this club , wha does that say about the reality and the fasty of you! Yes of you ! reader ,,, you are happy living thru this MASTRUBATORY , tool this computer and its fansty life ,,, and not gambling on true market forces ,,,, and in my mind the way this one guy who worked there was talking and shit I felt an INTITION , that gut feeling …. His nick name the TOOL …. Referring to his dick , he in reality is there to please females whose men ( twisted by the effects of the 1 on 1 ) can no longer sexually function and well so the female ,, wants other male ,, this I have written about the nature of that the female also has to experience on occasion other dicks ….. sex not love ,, but sex …… love is how I go to work , love is watchng TV …. Love is painting the house is fixing up her mom’s house that is my truest show of love , sex is RECREATION .. it is pyshcical love and recreation and fun ,, and biochemical lust ……. Yet dumbass the world keeps us confused with its fairy tales and the ideas that sex is love ……… all the DEAMNDS of being CUTE and pretty …. When in reality when she wakes in the morning looking like a cross between a RACOON and BOB Marley ( messed up hair ) we still really love her ,,, sure cute is a fact she was desireable the minute I met her and in that minute she will always live in my mind … that cuteness ……. What is realy happening ,,,the sex tv themems , the sex club ……… the fansty life … dumbass do not look to me to think for you be a good TOASIST and observe nature the REAL world around you what ideas to you come up with if you TWIST your thinking ? why is it the way it is ,,,, ( oooh her having other dicks hmmmmmmmmm core values my friend ,,, do not fear to much core values ,,,, she will only continue to stay with you as long as you fulfill her core balues or else UNKNOWN to you you already maybe sharing that pussy ,,, the facts 60 percent of females cheat ,,,, the TABLES HAVE TURNED ,, we used to dcheat we males cheated in our christain culture , the POLY will be expressed since it is NATRAL 3.3 million years only 1,500 years of christianlty … and remember chsirtain morals only rep’d about 1 in 5 people world wide ,, we are not realy that fucking important historically … think on your own dipshit not just my thoughts …. Or any one elses.
Now on to the patriotic pervert ,,, again dumb ass reality time , if a terrorist does not have backing does not have money , then how can he live while training or planning or building or traveling his crimes ? where do the teerroists of OUR age get their money , islamics have loads of oil look at the figures on oil rich areas ……… if that was a NON valued resource …. They would be poor!
But greedy pussy beggars care more about being rich enough to buy lots of pussy for themselves and their friends …. ( since we a locked into 1 on 1 we musth hid and buy pussy while our 1 on 1 wife , spends our money to find happiness because she is not on her back in her bed gfetting fucked …. Think about very very complex dynamics ,, multi leveled cause and effects …..
See you can produce enough hydrogen from about 2 o3 samll compat wind mills on your own house land and little in town 100 by 100 lot to never have to buy … buy FUEL for a car again ,,,, ever seen a hybrid ,, like the HYBRID EXPLORER … an off road car ,,, that run by electrity ,,,, that is what hybrid is all all about getting you ready for electric cars , since the hybrid has internal combustion and elelctris , the controllers are training you to view electric cars psotively slowly ……. and with hydrogen you make the electric thru fuel cell tech ,,, but ,,, but … you can also BOTTLE YOU7R OWN HYDRogEN …. At home , that will fuck up the profits of SHELL OIL and BP among others …. We have spend over 2.2. trillion ,, trillion dollars on our terror wars over the last decades … that much investment in the econmony of scale would collapse the need for oil and the terror ist would be broke and have to retrun to FARMING ! WAR OVER !
BUT NO .. get Nother earth news dumbass for this month and read about the tiny wind genenrators that are around and then do some figures about the KW of a car electric motor and the amount those generators produce 24/7 ,, since you drive in reality 3 hours per day …… and all it takes is some water from a shallow irrigation well and some electrodes and some planning and then ,, a sparke free pump to compress the GAS … OHH DUMBASS ,,,, you have a bottle of explosive gass in your garage ,,, you drive a maicnes , when you must maintain , lubraiction , machinery and conpresion of of gass already , tire inflation ,a compressed gas ,,, gasoline very explosive …. You dumbass are a lot smarter than you think ……….. and the rich bitrches know this they fear the creativity of the AMERICAN REDNECK….. he will never BUY fuel again ,,,, the SALVE WILL BE FREE !....... the hydrogen fuel cell right now cost 1000’s but remember DVD’s or computers the ecomony of scale that new thnk of today will be the DOLLAR store item of TOMORROW ! ……… there is fanasty ,, and reality ,,, the SWINGERS CLUB with no one in it on a Friday night ……….. hmmmm reality.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
a Hair brush spanking
A Hair brush spanking
Young Master , as I am sure you already have the idea that almost anything can be used to give a spanking ,, I am sure you at times will wonder about why you are spanking her ,,,, because you love her so why are you hurting her ? and then the other part remembers it is not hurt but excitement ,, and having a reason ,,, kinda like building a scene helps give her and YOU dumbass the reason to enjoy what she DOES enjoy . Complex scenes of course are fun but sex , recreation happens in the moment everyday ,, so why not just PLAY .. why not just PLAY ,, sex recreation ,, why does it have to be so GOD DAM important to the point it MEANS something ,,, do you not already love her? Does she not already love you ? do not you two each show and [prove this love daily ? you dumbass prove it by creating and maintaing the 3 tents ,, yes maintaining that daily or every toehr day of just walking aound your property and picking up shit ,, the 60 seconmds of clean up ….. the taking out of the trash from each house everyday ,, 60 seconds that is all it takes and starting the habit ,,, 60 seconds 3 houses ,, 3 fucking minutes out of your life …. D you have proven love .. yes LOVE like she loves hearing how much you like the meal she prepeared ,,, she also should see that everyday the cash you make the garabage you take out it sht same as the meal she prepared ,,,, ( but it is weird to say oooh honey that garabage you took out looked great you did a fine job taking it out today ,,, or saying the way you wrote the checkes to pay the house and prot[perty tax and insurance bills , wass excellent , you should write checks like that again ….. but she can get her soft and fuzzy when she makes a good meal ,, in fact we often say honey that tasted great please make that again ……. Yetr each job male or female is still needed and imporatn cooking or taking out of the trash or going to work to pay for the house where the meal is cooked and that way she is freere from stress to use her own money to buy real nice foods and stuff , because of who … who ? well you dipshit ! that is who …. You provided the stable tents …….. yet getting the daily complememt for doing your job … is not the same as making a fine meal……
But after all that is the truth about why you and her got together in the first place SEX … and spanking is the HOT SAUCE of sex ,, not for every meal maybe not even for everyday … but it is needed , she craves it …… so finding a stupid thing she did that day or that week a NOT REAL problem and then with a smile on your face use that as the reason why you are using the hair brush , or kitchen tool or what ever to give her a case of red ass … a spanking just helps get her and you in to the PLAYFUL STATE OF MIND ………. AND next is the encouraging and allowing yourself to be called MASTER , while she gets realy excited during sex , it just comes naturally as she reaches that level of really feeling like sheis Ssubmitting , WHEN YO9U ARE FUCKING HER long and hard ,, AMYBE EVEN KIND OF TO LONG AND HARD …. To th point in hwer mind she uses the vision the fansty that you are master TO help herself endure my fucking ……….
Now to pattoitic pervert here is some words from a hydrogen site ,, you have heard lots of SPIN on hydrogen much comes form the POWERS that be the controller who want to keep you like a mushroom IN THE DARK AND FEED YOU SHIT ! rmember this DVD players only a few years ago cost 200 bucks now they cast 29 ,, ½ gig computers cost 5000 dollars in the 80’s now the same tech. is in a game boy for 60 dollars it is the ECONOMICs of scale … once we say enough ,,, AND ILLEGALIZE OIL , THEN THE TERRORISTS HAVE NO MONEY TO LIVE WHILE THEY MAKE BOMBS THE CAN NOT BUY PALNE TICKETS OR EVEN CLOTHES THEY HAVE TO RETURN TO FARMING and raising goats … they can not even buy the cars they will fill with expensive explosives and electronic timers or pay for the familys of the Matres the guy who bow them selves up get paid like a solider ,,, no oil money no more bullshit!
The gulfstream sinds like a river ,, but it is in a constanst area never ending the speed of the current the mainstream moves yet the whole has a samall cosntatn flow …. Procuce millions of car sized generators with SILT STILTS , to protect bottom dwelling eco systems ,, each generator with a tube a flex pipe ,, where the gas rises naturally and ,,, bye bye , world problems ,,, but that would end CONFUSE AND CONQUER .. if you are kept stressed then you are kept controlled if in the 1 on 1 you are stressed to maintain abstract love ingoring your instinct ,, you thru confusion are controller by your honor to do the RIGHT THING ….. so many similar things when you look deeper ……
A 500w wind plant used during the windy months on your property creates 24/7 power but how to store that power for the rest of the year ? it atakes power to make power ? yes and you have free power blowinf over head no matter where you will ive atleast for some months per year … like a farmer only harvestes his fruit during harvest season ,,, no during non harvest season ……….. ( do not BLINDY trust what the government and oil companys tell you dumbass ) here is how simple making hysdrogen is and fron this page go into the other for proft pages and remember the cost of DVD’s and COMPUTERS when they were first starting out then a few yeatrs last 300 became 30
I had a Martha Stewart moment: I made hydrogen from scratch with two batteries, two paper clips, and a cup of salt water.Making hydrogen gas is actually very easy. I first did it when I was probably 15, and it's really hard to fail. Connect two wires to a 9V battery (cut the connector off an old toy or something, buy one at Radio Shack, or you can just bend paper clips around the terminals like I did), then stick the bare ends of the wire into a bowl of water and you'll get bubbles of gas coming off both wires. One is oxygen, the other is hydrogen.
Young Master , as I am sure you already have the idea that almost anything can be used to give a spanking ,, I am sure you at times will wonder about why you are spanking her ,,,, because you love her so why are you hurting her ? and then the other part remembers it is not hurt but excitement ,, and having a reason ,,, kinda like building a scene helps give her and YOU dumbass the reason to enjoy what she DOES enjoy . Complex scenes of course are fun but sex , recreation happens in the moment everyday ,, so why not just PLAY .. why not just PLAY ,, sex recreation ,, why does it have to be so GOD DAM important to the point it MEANS something ,,, do you not already love her? Does she not already love you ? do not you two each show and [prove this love daily ? you dumbass prove it by creating and maintaing the 3 tents ,, yes maintaining that daily or every toehr day of just walking aound your property and picking up shit ,, the 60 seconmds of clean up ….. the taking out of the trash from each house everyday ,, 60 seconds that is all it takes and starting the habit ,,, 60 seconds 3 houses ,, 3 fucking minutes out of your life …. D you have proven love .. yes LOVE like she loves hearing how much you like the meal she prepeared ,,, she also should see that everyday the cash you make the garabage you take out it sht same as the meal she prepared ,,,, ( but it is weird to say oooh honey that garabage you took out looked great you did a fine job taking it out today ,,, or saying the way you wrote the checkes to pay the house and prot[perty tax and insurance bills , wass excellent , you should write checks like that again ….. but she can get her soft and fuzzy when she makes a good meal ,, in fact we often say honey that tasted great please make that again ……. Yetr each job male or female is still needed and imporatn cooking or taking out of the trash or going to work to pay for the house where the meal is cooked and that way she is freere from stress to use her own money to buy real nice foods and stuff , because of who … who ? well you dipshit ! that is who …. You provided the stable tents …….. yet getting the daily complememt for doing your job … is not the same as making a fine meal……
But after all that is the truth about why you and her got together in the first place SEX … and spanking is the HOT SAUCE of sex ,, not for every meal maybe not even for everyday … but it is needed , she craves it …… so finding a stupid thing she did that day or that week a NOT REAL problem and then with a smile on your face use that as the reason why you are using the hair brush , or kitchen tool or what ever to give her a case of red ass … a spanking just helps get her and you in to the PLAYFUL STATE OF MIND ………. AND next is the encouraging and allowing yourself to be called MASTER , while she gets realy excited during sex , it just comes naturally as she reaches that level of really feeling like sheis Ssubmitting , WHEN YO9U ARE FUCKING HER long and hard ,, AMYBE EVEN KIND OF TO LONG AND HARD …. To th point in hwer mind she uses the vision the fansty that you are master TO help herself endure my fucking ……….
Now to pattoitic pervert here is some words from a hydrogen site ,, you have heard lots of SPIN on hydrogen much comes form the POWERS that be the controller who want to keep you like a mushroom IN THE DARK AND FEED YOU SHIT ! rmember this DVD players only a few years ago cost 200 bucks now they cast 29 ,, ½ gig computers cost 5000 dollars in the 80’s now the same tech. is in a game boy for 60 dollars it is the ECONOMICs of scale … once we say enough ,,, AND ILLEGALIZE OIL , THEN THE TERRORISTS HAVE NO MONEY TO LIVE WHILE THEY MAKE BOMBS THE CAN NOT BUY PALNE TICKETS OR EVEN CLOTHES THEY HAVE TO RETURN TO FARMING and raising goats … they can not even buy the cars they will fill with expensive explosives and electronic timers or pay for the familys of the Matres the guy who bow them selves up get paid like a solider ,,, no oil money no more bullshit!
The gulfstream sinds like a river ,, but it is in a constanst area never ending the speed of the current the mainstream moves yet the whole has a samall cosntatn flow …. Procuce millions of car sized generators with SILT STILTS , to protect bottom dwelling eco systems ,, each generator with a tube a flex pipe ,, where the gas rises naturally and ,,, bye bye , world problems ,,, but that would end CONFUSE AND CONQUER .. if you are kept stressed then you are kept controlled if in the 1 on 1 you are stressed to maintain abstract love ingoring your instinct ,, you thru confusion are controller by your honor to do the RIGHT THING ….. so many similar things when you look deeper ……
A 500w wind plant used during the windy months on your property creates 24/7 power but how to store that power for the rest of the year ? it atakes power to make power ? yes and you have free power blowinf over head no matter where you will ive atleast for some months per year … like a farmer only harvestes his fruit during harvest season ,,, no during non harvest season ……….. ( do not BLINDY trust what the government and oil companys tell you dumbass ) here is how simple making hysdrogen is and fron this page go into the other for proft pages and remember the cost of DVD’s and COMPUTERS when they were first starting out then a few yeatrs last 300 became 30
I had a Martha Stewart moment: I made hydrogen from scratch with two batteries, two paper clips, and a cup of salt water.Making hydrogen gas is actually very easy. I first did it when I was probably 15, and it's really hard to fail. Connect two wires to a 9V battery (cut the connector off an old toy or something, buy one at Radio Shack, or you can just bend paper clips around the terminals like I did), then stick the bare ends of the wire into a bowl of water and you'll get bubbles of gas coming off both wires. One is oxygen, the other is hydrogen.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Early to Bed
Early to Bed
Young Master , why did you , you yourself ignore the natural cycle …. Why ? what cycle am I am talking about , well first an old saying there is wisdom in old sayings they become old for a reason because of the wisom because age , epoch after epoch the idea has something good in it .. early to bed and and eary to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise ,, ever hear that dumbshit? Probably not because we have allowed ourselves only to listen to the fucking TV and the brain washing of those who want to use us .. YES DUMBFUCK use you get you to live inside there idea of what is the GOOD SHOULD …. So that you will buy your happiness from there stores form their packaged foods form their HEALTH SYSTEMS ,, from their gasoline companies so that you will have to work inside their ecominc system to find happiness in their ….. self medications … their legal and allowed illegal system … the artifical laws covering .. matural shit like maryjane . All the training that you think is natural but is in reality IF YOU LOOK AT NATURE … in reality is unnatural ……
The antural cycle is light and dark , some may think that well in the past we had camp fires and candles and shit , but honestly , no ,,,, to have great big fires every night was a drain on the resource of trees , how much work is needed to cut and dry that much wood just for one nights party well was just that a bon fire and good fire was a special event not the every night event that you think dumbass , same goes with candles , since the majority of us were , subsitance farmers , were farmed for food with very little realy trade … that when you did make real hard money in your trading efforst that money was used wisely on durable things and yes of course a LUXURY item like candles ,,, but they were luxury items not daily lighting needs .. no matter what you think or the story ,, story books have given you a picture of reading by candle light of course this did happen but not hour after hour like we use electric light to day ………. No you slept in rhythm with nature on a more regular basis we are not NOCTURNAL animals we are designed to live in day light ……….. and doing that is just fucking good for your health and your mind and the stress level and and and ,, that all adds up to real REAL wealth …. Dipshit what good is money if you spend it and your time at the fucking doctors ? reall y open your fucking ears dumbass to what you hear people talk about how much they dicuss how sick they are! OK maybe at your age right now in your 20’s you do not hear that many people talking like that not your real peers but dumbass I want you to become aware , that the odds the data is that if you shit for brains .. you a young dumb full of cummm male makes it past 25 ,, if you do not die because of being drunk or high or in a drive by shooting , then you dumbass will live the average life span ,, till 75 ( just like the bible said man’s natural life is 70 + years old time wisdom from 1000’s of years ago … no they did not die young it depended on stress levels wars and shit ,,,, the natural farmer with out the fucking stress of society he lived worked and fucked till he was in his 70’s ) YOU DUMBASS WILL LIVE A MONG LIFE
You talk big shit about being alternative about ,,, your tattoos how different you are , but you dumbass most likey are just the average SHEEP … just a follower … have you become so ADDICTED to the controllers toys ,, the drug of TV and Video GAME and shit? The controllers who are your controllers ? are you in reality your own person ?
Now what great natural fun activity can be enjoyed in bed with the lights off?
Patriotic pervert , yo ! Young Master do some web searching ,,,, there is free info on geothermal and thermal mass heating and cooling , plus evaporative cooling in high humid areas like us near who do not live in the Desert .. well you can set up a Solar evaporative cooler that ,, that instead of directly using that air to cool your house ,, you use it it cool donw your your thermal mass storage system again dumb ass I understand you ain’t gor no money and time you got a job and girls to fuck , but ,, D/c Motors like those available in car junk yards in the a/c systems of those junkers are cheap cheap cheap …. And D/C better than using a conveter to create A/C . so building a small evap cooler that exhanges heat directly off a shaded coil from a dead A/c that recycles water thru your thermal mass storage area you can then lower the temp of the water used in the coils that are the finall step of cooling and de humidifyinig before air is put into the house . … just like you will use a simple pool heater to heat water to heat your thermal mass storage area to heat your home thru the same pipes for winter … that pool heater get it off Ebay for 50 bucks …..
Think about a cave .. agin ,, inside it is 70 degress winter or summer ………. If it is in the 20’s outside then having 70’s in your house is comfy ,, if it is 100 outside then having 70’s inside your house is comfy ….. but dumbass it takes 100’s of feet of thermal mass storage to really heat or cool a house ,, the little box I described for the hot water heater was just that a .. a little box depending mainly on fuels but using thermal mass storage …. Yet done right you have 100’s of feet of coils running thru it . it the rock storage for heat . the brick oven ……
Young master just think how great the day will be when the average NASCAR redneck gets his hands on the tech of Hydrogen cars ,, and they build stock racers the average creative American male who will fucking do the fucking impossible , yes the sound of NASCAR will change you the sound of your cars will change but we will no longer send our money to some fucking RAGHEADS ….. let drink their fucking oil .. we have enough wind energy passing over only 4 states to power this whole fucking country , if we can use the DANGEROUS energy of an atome how come we can not use the GULF strem to make electricity to simply split the ocean water at the source and then refine it it as it rises in pipes to k=land ,, why why .. because the companies will no longer have a lock on ENERGY … energy thru complex purchase deals of finite resources ,,, the hideen complexity of economic salvery ,,,, CONFUSE YOU AND CONQUER YOU
Young Master , why did you , you yourself ignore the natural cycle …. Why ? what cycle am I am talking about , well first an old saying there is wisdom in old sayings they become old for a reason because of the wisom because age , epoch after epoch the idea has something good in it .. early to bed and and eary to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise ,, ever hear that dumbshit? Probably not because we have allowed ourselves only to listen to the fucking TV and the brain washing of those who want to use us .. YES DUMBFUCK use you get you to live inside there idea of what is the GOOD SHOULD …. So that you will buy your happiness from there stores form their packaged foods form their HEALTH SYSTEMS ,, from their gasoline companies so that you will have to work inside their ecominc system to find happiness in their ….. self medications … their legal and allowed illegal system … the artifical laws covering .. matural shit like maryjane . All the training that you think is natural but is in reality IF YOU LOOK AT NATURE … in reality is unnatural ……
The antural cycle is light and dark , some may think that well in the past we had camp fires and candles and shit , but honestly , no ,,,, to have great big fires every night was a drain on the resource of trees , how much work is needed to cut and dry that much wood just for one nights party well was just that a bon fire and good fire was a special event not the every night event that you think dumbass , same goes with candles , since the majority of us were , subsitance farmers , were farmed for food with very little realy trade … that when you did make real hard money in your trading efforst that money was used wisely on durable things and yes of course a LUXURY item like candles ,,, but they were luxury items not daily lighting needs .. no matter what you think or the story ,, story books have given you a picture of reading by candle light of course this did happen but not hour after hour like we use electric light to day ………. No you slept in rhythm with nature on a more regular basis we are not NOCTURNAL animals we are designed to live in day light ……….. and doing that is just fucking good for your health and your mind and the stress level and and and ,, that all adds up to real REAL wealth …. Dipshit what good is money if you spend it and your time at the fucking doctors ? reall y open your fucking ears dumbass to what you hear people talk about how much they dicuss how sick they are! OK maybe at your age right now in your 20’s you do not hear that many people talking like that not your real peers but dumbass I want you to become aware , that the odds the data is that if you shit for brains .. you a young dumb full of cummm male makes it past 25 ,, if you do not die because of being drunk or high or in a drive by shooting , then you dumbass will live the average life span ,, till 75 ( just like the bible said man’s natural life is 70 + years old time wisdom from 1000’s of years ago … no they did not die young it depended on stress levels wars and shit ,,,, the natural farmer with out the fucking stress of society he lived worked and fucked till he was in his 70’s ) YOU DUMBASS WILL LIVE A MONG LIFE
You talk big shit about being alternative about ,,, your tattoos how different you are , but you dumbass most likey are just the average SHEEP … just a follower … have you become so ADDICTED to the controllers toys ,, the drug of TV and Video GAME and shit? The controllers who are your controllers ? are you in reality your own person ?
Now what great natural fun activity can be enjoyed in bed with the lights off?
Patriotic pervert , yo ! Young Master do some web searching ,,,, there is free info on geothermal and thermal mass heating and cooling , plus evaporative cooling in high humid areas like us near who do not live in the Desert .. well you can set up a Solar evaporative cooler that ,, that instead of directly using that air to cool your house ,, you use it it cool donw your your thermal mass storage system again dumb ass I understand you ain’t gor no money and time you got a job and girls to fuck , but ,, D/c Motors like those available in car junk yards in the a/c systems of those junkers are cheap cheap cheap …. And D/C better than using a conveter to create A/C . so building a small evap cooler that exhanges heat directly off a shaded coil from a dead A/c that recycles water thru your thermal mass storage area you can then lower the temp of the water used in the coils that are the finall step of cooling and de humidifyinig before air is put into the house . … just like you will use a simple pool heater to heat water to heat your thermal mass storage area to heat your home thru the same pipes for winter … that pool heater get it off Ebay for 50 bucks …..
Think about a cave .. agin ,, inside it is 70 degress winter or summer ………. If it is in the 20’s outside then having 70’s in your house is comfy ,, if it is 100 outside then having 70’s inside your house is comfy ….. but dumbass it takes 100’s of feet of thermal mass storage to really heat or cool a house ,, the little box I described for the hot water heater was just that a .. a little box depending mainly on fuels but using thermal mass storage …. Yet done right you have 100’s of feet of coils running thru it . it the rock storage for heat . the brick oven ……
Young master just think how great the day will be when the average NASCAR redneck gets his hands on the tech of Hydrogen cars ,, and they build stock racers the average creative American male who will fucking do the fucking impossible , yes the sound of NASCAR will change you the sound of your cars will change but we will no longer send our money to some fucking RAGHEADS ….. let drink their fucking oil .. we have enough wind energy passing over only 4 states to power this whole fucking country , if we can use the DANGEROUS energy of an atome how come we can not use the GULF strem to make electricity to simply split the ocean water at the source and then refine it it as it rises in pipes to k=land ,, why why .. because the companies will no longer have a lock on ENERGY … energy thru complex purchase deals of finite resources ,,, the hideen complexity of economic salvery ,,,, CONFUSE YOU AND CONQUER YOU
Monday, May 21, 2007
Ho medics and Hitachi vibrators for sex
Hitachi and Ho-Medics vibrators for sex
Ok Young Master these tools are designed for health care in fact heatlch care workers use these to realx a client before a chiropractic adjustment or in massage therapy …. But these massagers are vibrators 110 volt vlibrators ….. each has its own feel the ho-medic has a slower revovlution and and more of a thud to its actions there is more of distinct end to each movement which is good …….. but the Hitachi is better very possibly in that since the heads are on raised flexible posts the shapness of the vibration is mellowed by the flexible posts , the high and low settings on the Hitachi are so fast as to feel sonic to feel ELECTRIFYING as compared to most machines … the long more thuddy stroke of course has its own pleasantness , but the Hitachi is worth investing in ……….. now when working these tools of play ,,,, you can put it on the base of a regular Dong a simple plastic dick and use the massager to fuck her , you get the idea the massaging head of the tool is what touches the base of the dong as you fuck her in and out … a two headed massager .. well you can hold it at such an angle as to vibrate the dong and as you fuck her you touch her clit also ……. Now off and on … off and on .. when it comes to her clit most times , and later on afater atleast 15 to 30 minutes of this type of fucking then force her to endure a more prolonged exposure to her clit ,, but realize the vibration , can cause pain if left on one spot to long . but because of the long tease time to get a good orgasim out of her ……. It atkes some real effort to pass the numbing effect that thesse tools can generate , the numbing and the over heating ……
Expericnce my frined the more you play with your toy and the massager , ( she is the toy the Hitachi is a tool … she goes SQUEEK ….. I the dog she the squeeeky toy ) and of course it has to do with her state of mind …. Time of month and age of your relationship .. the aging of the relationship ………. Here is an important aspect the o=longer I am with a girl the more deeply I lover her even if later like my wives we broke up ….. but the age of the relationship then there developed a different level of love and lust …….some may think the lust cools that is true … but that is a 1 on 1 effect …. The logic of animal effects of just the animal smells and effects that we humans still respond to …. Well that dynamic can only be effected started within a real form of Poligamy . The scent of other breeding age females on you and around the compaound around the house stimulates her seductive nature her submissive expressions.. submissive her openness to penetration keep that vision in your mind as your deepness of love for her grows ,, never forget ,, her SENSITIVE body ,, her sensitve pussy is the reason you both became friends in the first place reason that the love the deeper love you feel for her now started with the reactions her pussy had to your FUCK …
That vision do not lose for her whenever you see her …… I find myslf treating her like a chicken now adays , yep pecking her ….. I AM NOT A CHICKEN …. She says , as I kiss her multiple times in a pecking like form during the day …. A day I am not thinking about sex I am not lustfully kissing her as to keep my focus on those jobs I have to complete to keep our complex life going ………OUR COMPLEX LIFE !
Now Dumbfuck the patriotic pervert ideas are all about .. simplying life getting out of the happiness thru the MO BETTER …. The idea that happiness is when you the newest or the most of some item or items , ooooh of course you have heard of this idea that money can not buy you happiness but realy realy realy listen around to people talking ,,,,, they look for happiness thru the purchase of shit! ….. and you ,, you young master buy things and use your cars and stuff as bait to attract girls to you all to often just listen to yourself listen honestly to your friends …. And learn ……
Ok , by being invested in land .. and with that land showing signs of 3 homes the pond having been dug and the hones pads havning been built ,, you have that EGO item to show and talk about with girls ,,,, “ come out seemy my land “ just as good to say to a new girl as “ how a bout ride in my new car “ …. Next is the effect of 3 mom’s kids are a reality and alone stuck alone .. well just watch who is talking an old movie and any woman who has ahd a child can relate to the extremems of being a mom ,, and for the most part even if you are there an good man ,, she is realy alone , and over worked ,, she needs other girls to help her and and the kids beinfit form the other moms… each day as emotions and stress change they can get the attentions they need form other mom’s you can see this especially in family events where there are sisters who all have kids and all the cousins are around and the all the MOM’s mother all the kids …. The kids GLOW with the different styles of love anttention available to them as they , the kids change thru out every single day ,,,, and the mom’s have that support for when they need abreak there is som one else ,, she is NEVER TRAPPED ! no matter what the girl says at some level over time on occasion she feels that trapped feelings everynow and then …. It is like a depression a hopeless ness ,, and the POLY can help in this beinfiting everyone ,,, PLUS YOU DUMBASS can get alone time ! to sexually play since there are other mom’s to cover while you play with the pussy the JOY TOY ……..
So investing time and money into building an OFF GRID home will give you a life that needs little money and less stress , building a natural lifestyle where that you live off yor own land to and extent and the kids are not always just seeking intertainment thru watching TV but actually outside palying wearing themselves out , becoming healthy …. Sleeping better eating home grown food that they can be proud of ….. breathing fresh air no only recycled home polluted A/C air …… learning about value and wealth thru your example . well dipshit you do the best you can possibly do for the kids you will most likey have and .. and … you will be doing something different .. a chance of stopping the normal 60 percent divorce rate the 80 percent unhappiness rate ….
Ok …….. thermal mass , heating and cooling I brought up the box to heat water thru storing energy in rocks ,,,, well the rocks must extend atleat 2 feet around the thr tank … over .. over engeneer your designs .. put more MASS than you may think you will need ROCKS ARE CHEAP ……… do some on line research into people who have ran some experiments ……and understand in your experiments you will find some gliches but you will over come them …… think about what type of materials you can find cheap … like an A/C or small appliance grave yard a guy who does loads of repair work he is a great place to buy heat exchanges cheep ,,,, the food grade 55 gallon plastic drums can be very usefull ….. maybe for setting up a cistern .. water storage tank system ,,, where a solar pump will provide a small constant flow of water into you storage ( 6 – 55 gallon drums inline then a small pressure pump to feed the homes ) …. Sometimes think long tern yes a conventional system maybe cheeper or look more regular than an off grid system but over a year the off grid will pay for itself .. and the change in life style ……. Wellt hink about this .. the average person has become FAT AND LAZY because we no longer have to fucking move in this world of labor saving and convience , to the point they have to pay out money to go and spend time at a gym to work off the fat they get from being fucking lazy ? is this crazy or what ? instead of being moderately active everyday in their normal life ,,, thye work so fucking hard at a job they hate only to hate themselves more because they become fat then have to spen more money and more time to become healthy again ,, more time in that they have to go to a gym to be motivated because going home they will again become FUCKING FAT AND LAZY …… later on depressed and then spending more money and time to go to therapists and doctors to get drugs to feel happy ? a really stupid cycle that 80 percnt of females get trapped into ! …. Or your plan a plan based on natural ideas ………. 3 wives
Ok Young Master these tools are designed for health care in fact heatlch care workers use these to realx a client before a chiropractic adjustment or in massage therapy …. But these massagers are vibrators 110 volt vlibrators ….. each has its own feel the ho-medic has a slower revovlution and and more of a thud to its actions there is more of distinct end to each movement which is good …….. but the Hitachi is better very possibly in that since the heads are on raised flexible posts the shapness of the vibration is mellowed by the flexible posts , the high and low settings on the Hitachi are so fast as to feel sonic to feel ELECTRIFYING as compared to most machines … the long more thuddy stroke of course has its own pleasantness , but the Hitachi is worth investing in ……….. now when working these tools of play ,,,, you can put it on the base of a regular Dong a simple plastic dick and use the massager to fuck her , you get the idea the massaging head of the tool is what touches the base of the dong as you fuck her in and out … a two headed massager .. well you can hold it at such an angle as to vibrate the dong and as you fuck her you touch her clit also ……. Now off and on … off and on .. when it comes to her clit most times , and later on afater atleast 15 to 30 minutes of this type of fucking then force her to endure a more prolonged exposure to her clit ,, but realize the vibration , can cause pain if left on one spot to long . but because of the long tease time to get a good orgasim out of her ……. It atkes some real effort to pass the numbing effect that thesse tools can generate , the numbing and the over heating ……
Expericnce my frined the more you play with your toy and the massager , ( she is the toy the Hitachi is a tool … she goes SQUEEK ….. I the dog she the squeeeky toy ) and of course it has to do with her state of mind …. Time of month and age of your relationship .. the aging of the relationship ………. Here is an important aspect the o=longer I am with a girl the more deeply I lover her even if later like my wives we broke up ….. but the age of the relationship then there developed a different level of love and lust …….some may think the lust cools that is true … but that is a 1 on 1 effect …. The logic of animal effects of just the animal smells and effects that we humans still respond to …. Well that dynamic can only be effected started within a real form of Poligamy . The scent of other breeding age females on you and around the compaound around the house stimulates her seductive nature her submissive expressions.. submissive her openness to penetration keep that vision in your mind as your deepness of love for her grows ,, never forget ,, her SENSITIVE body ,, her sensitve pussy is the reason you both became friends in the first place reason that the love the deeper love you feel for her now started with the reactions her pussy had to your FUCK …
That vision do not lose for her whenever you see her …… I find myslf treating her like a chicken now adays , yep pecking her ….. I AM NOT A CHICKEN …. She says , as I kiss her multiple times in a pecking like form during the day …. A day I am not thinking about sex I am not lustfully kissing her as to keep my focus on those jobs I have to complete to keep our complex life going ………OUR COMPLEX LIFE !
Now Dumbfuck the patriotic pervert ideas are all about .. simplying life getting out of the happiness thru the MO BETTER …. The idea that happiness is when you the newest or the most of some item or items , ooooh of course you have heard of this idea that money can not buy you happiness but realy realy realy listen around to people talking ,,,,, they look for happiness thru the purchase of shit! ….. and you ,, you young master buy things and use your cars and stuff as bait to attract girls to you all to often just listen to yourself listen honestly to your friends …. And learn ……
Ok , by being invested in land .. and with that land showing signs of 3 homes the pond having been dug and the hones pads havning been built ,, you have that EGO item to show and talk about with girls ,,,, “ come out seemy my land “ just as good to say to a new girl as “ how a bout ride in my new car “ …. Next is the effect of 3 mom’s kids are a reality and alone stuck alone .. well just watch who is talking an old movie and any woman who has ahd a child can relate to the extremems of being a mom ,, and for the most part even if you are there an good man ,, she is realy alone , and over worked ,, she needs other girls to help her and and the kids beinfit form the other moms… each day as emotions and stress change they can get the attentions they need form other mom’s you can see this especially in family events where there are sisters who all have kids and all the cousins are around and the all the MOM’s mother all the kids …. The kids GLOW with the different styles of love anttention available to them as they , the kids change thru out every single day ,,,, and the mom’s have that support for when they need abreak there is som one else ,, she is NEVER TRAPPED ! no matter what the girl says at some level over time on occasion she feels that trapped feelings everynow and then …. It is like a depression a hopeless ness ,, and the POLY can help in this beinfiting everyone ,,, PLUS YOU DUMBASS can get alone time ! to sexually play since there are other mom’s to cover while you play with the pussy the JOY TOY ……..
So investing time and money into building an OFF GRID home will give you a life that needs little money and less stress , building a natural lifestyle where that you live off yor own land to and extent and the kids are not always just seeking intertainment thru watching TV but actually outside palying wearing themselves out , becoming healthy …. Sleeping better eating home grown food that they can be proud of ….. breathing fresh air no only recycled home polluted A/C air …… learning about value and wealth thru your example . well dipshit you do the best you can possibly do for the kids you will most likey have and .. and … you will be doing something different .. a chance of stopping the normal 60 percent divorce rate the 80 percent unhappiness rate ….
Ok …….. thermal mass , heating and cooling I brought up the box to heat water thru storing energy in rocks ,,,, well the rocks must extend atleat 2 feet around the thr tank … over .. over engeneer your designs .. put more MASS than you may think you will need ROCKS ARE CHEAP ……… do some on line research into people who have ran some experiments ……and understand in your experiments you will find some gliches but you will over come them …… think about what type of materials you can find cheap … like an A/C or small appliance grave yard a guy who does loads of repair work he is a great place to buy heat exchanges cheep ,,,, the food grade 55 gallon plastic drums can be very usefull ….. maybe for setting up a cistern .. water storage tank system ,,, where a solar pump will provide a small constant flow of water into you storage ( 6 – 55 gallon drums inline then a small pressure pump to feed the homes ) …. Sometimes think long tern yes a conventional system maybe cheeper or look more regular than an off grid system but over a year the off grid will pay for itself .. and the change in life style ……. Wellt hink about this .. the average person has become FAT AND LAZY because we no longer have to fucking move in this world of labor saving and convience , to the point they have to pay out money to go and spend time at a gym to work off the fat they get from being fucking lazy ? is this crazy or what ? instead of being moderately active everyday in their normal life ,,, thye work so fucking hard at a job they hate only to hate themselves more because they become fat then have to spen more money and more time to become healthy again ,, more time in that they have to go to a gym to be motivated because going home they will again become FUCKING FAT AND LAZY …… later on depressed and then spending more money and time to go to therapists and doctors to get drugs to feel happy ? a really stupid cycle that 80 percnt of females get trapped into ! …. Or your plan a plan based on natural ideas ………. 3 wives
Friday, May 18, 2007
wants equal wants forced sex
Wants equal wants
Young Master … 60 percent of females have forced sex fansty … 60 outs 100 … or better put as 1 out of 2 .. yep look at 2 girls and 1 has active submissive sex fantasy life and the other well 10 percent of her has that fantasy . 1 out of 2 …. Hhhhhm , what really cool odds ……… now to open those fantasys into realities use a question this is either an opener to giving her your card ….. Excuse me for interruption can I ask you a question ….. what is the difference between perceptions and experience between your own choices and the validations of others or maybe what you have trained yourself to accept , I would love to meet you some time for coffee . here is my card contact me online or phone , I am ________ have a great day …….. Quick and vague, and it opens the girl to enter her 4th level of mind … it takes her out of her mundane reality and shouts …. THIS GUY IS NOT THE SAME AS THE REST ….. and maybe she should meet this unusual amle ….. now that is a weird question diffulcult , to lon ? is saying that question beyond your personality? Or is it? The strangeness is it’s key , and really it will only last about about 30 seconds say it with an honesty as if you realy care ,, and how about this really do care you dumbass do care about how she feels about the validation she seeks form others ….. but how do you get a person to even think about that topic WELL by coming outside of the norm ….. Honestly dumbufck do you only talk about fishing sports the car and your work ? This is a strange pick up but
Ok Young Master , some of you by age 18 are searching for life time commitment to do the right thing others are looking to explore the world to achieve that thing .. and pussy is just pussy it is second to your career ( I know that was my case until I was aged 25 ) ……. Who are you right now dipshit well one thing for sure is sooner or later you will most likey be that settle down male , expecailly after you achieve that GREAT thing that level of success in your sport or carreer or dream . So whatch gonna do …. Play the suck odds and plan on the 1 on 1 working or be different ? and if you choose the be different , then search out those who want what you want ( something different ) ……….. not one who does not want what you want . and if she does want what you want …. If after she has explored her … validations .. the ones the world has given her the stress of what family and friends will think . or what she had accepted for herself ………. And YOU after she has compared the ideas of generalizations ………. 1 out of 2 girls are OPEN to ideas that would SUPRIZE you …….. and how will you know if you do not invest the time it takes to have coffee ? now dipshit whether you have commited started saving started the suffrage time to be able ot make that investment . but look dipshit you have opened her mind you have caused her to think right from the first meeting , in fact if you two will get together .. she will already be in a different state of mind than most of your dates . One your card suggests sex of course yet your presence your starting off contact was deeper than just sex ……..
Ok so , you talk frankly about your ideaas goals what your plans are …. What could happen ? she may leave , shaking her head , true , she may , want to know the man who has the guts to be so different , she may want to know him better , .. she may think you to be a challenge , some one to catch ( conscious or subcosnsiuosly she may be with you as a type of self fullfiing challenge ) to make you want her and only her …….. so keep true to your different ideals and the best way to do that is to , keep in mind the over all goal of POLY first , buy and invest in that goal before you allow yourself to enter into the SETTLE DOWN mind set ….
Now , back to BDSM the spice of SEX of passion ….. the extreme of the recreation of sex ….. if you have gotten the coffee and she is listening to you , and if you are feeling the goal of your lifestyle choice …. If you are CONFIDENT .. then that confedence will give her confidence to choose you as leader ….. as MASTER …. You dumbass will feel these signals …. One thing is to advance in on the touch as soon as possible …. Greet her with two hands , touch her often .. touching her often while you talk to her over coffee , ANCHORS HER MIND to the sound of your voice , since you will be taking about mental ideas and concepts even though much of it is Counting Buffulo man speak plans ideas logic …….. you are bringing up sex in an up front way ,,, everything about your request to meet for coffee to the explanations about family life issues you building plans the property you have already invested in ….the ALREADY of the land purchsase , is very equal to you owning a fancy car or truck ,, in fact it is much more powerful since she most likely did not meet you for coffee based on your car … the simple bait idea of hey baby yo baby wanna ride in my really cool truck … like the advertisements subconcsiuosly feed you with the idea that have an HD radio will be enough to get girls to want to be around you ,,, dipshit do you realize how you use your toys to attract girls to you then you wait , for them to get close to you , to in essence make the first move? … BDSM sex you advertise on your pick up PROP …. Your tool … that card …. You are presenting yourself as different ,,,, you are answering the fashion question that girls talk about …. ARE ALL MEN THE SAME ( yes we are really we men are a lot alike and so are the majority of girls there are many commons .. commons …. Think about the idea of commons ) ……. So in BDSM or DOM/sub , you are expected to lead , well . lead with the confidence … that if she does not follow you will meet 10 new girls tomorrow ……. Is this one realy that important ,, sounds COLD but honestly dumbass it is FREEDOM . and you are now DIFFERENT from the average male .. since the average male shy .
Ok Patroitic pervert , if you never hear about ALTERNATIVE ideas wellllllll you never hear about alternative ideas …. Poly or off gird ! … it is like organic farming it atkes time slow and steady ……... Thermal mass … the idea that heat or cold if exposed to the air , diss apates fast ,,, the heat of a flame just blows away …. The cold just melts and becomes warm ……. Think about a cold soda left on a seat in a car when you come out of work it will be the same temp as the car …. Even if it is not in derect sunlight it will become the same temp as the car if ,, it is in the direct sunlight it will be DONW RIGHT hot! Air does not hold heat ,,, water holds heat it absorbs the heat slower than air and releases releases it slower than air …… now STONE also holds heat and abosorbs it much slower and releases it much slower ,,,,, learn from the ancients , the PIZZA MAN .. yes the pizza man and his brick oven …. The baker of old ran his oven 24/7 always baking , he used much less heat than some one who had to heat and oven the let it cool …… the brick or stone oven gave off a gentle temp …. In the 100’s of degrees … baking temps , 400 + …. Now dumbass ever feel the exhaust of a gas stove or fireplace , the constanst , gentle heat escaping from the PILOT light ? yes that tiny little flame …… put you hand abouve one of those tiny flames some time …. Feel the heat that just disappears into the air! AIR ! …. Thin in terms oh heating 1 cubic inch of AIR .. now if you could CATCh that energy store in in fact compound it …. You could in essence create a space like the inside of you car .. which then can be used for heating ,, either water or AIR ….. so here dumbass something to think about … a steel 40 , 60 , 80 gallon water tank like the ones used on farms , first an area of about 4 by 4 , place a insulavitve foam down , then a plywood , preserved with the fiberglass resin cut by 50 percent acetone …. Then a simple concrete slab …. Then cider block fire pit 2 block high one block by 1 block by 1 block sides on side open for access door , which will be metal sheeting , insutlated then wood hingded … the tank goes directly on the cider block opps fill the blocks with concrete …. Under the tank coil two lines of copper one feeds in , one out …. You will have a 4 by 4 box around the tank filled with rock and sand and wound thru this rock and sand is the 2 100 foot coils of copper ( exchanger ) …. A metal tube with an air tight cap 4 inch dia. For fuel feed ( I will describe making SPLIFFS later like rolling realy big joints very easy natural fuel ) .. ohh fires must breath ,,, learn about dampers ,, the exshaust . coil smooth and slow thru the rock and sand …. No sharp turn to make , brush out simple ( every few year thing with fire flumes ) …… now dumbass , with your own study and creativity you can start to think about how to use the pilot light ,,, the utting off yourees in sliff form the gravity feed to create slow burn thru use of a damper . to have the fucking best hot water heater you could ever think of for fucking cheep and dumbass ,,, learn to sweat a copper fitting ,,, just fuck practice ,,, buy some copper and pratise get some map gass and flux , and solder ,, and pratise , maybe 3 hours over three weekends and you will be great at it ! ….. this water heater will cost max 200 plus it can be designed to be a home heater radiator also …… fire pit 1 metal grate stops the fuel for gassifaction and combustion , the pieces fall thru to an ember metal mesh then bottom level where fresh air enters thru the dampers piping …. Is where your ash box is ,, ( ash great fertilizer a very natural cycle growning and burning your own wood …. But not the apin in the ass of chopping big trees if you roll spliffs from your yearly trimmings … yo ! dumbass every one has to cut their own grass trim their own hedges ,,, unless you want the REGULAR LIFESTYLE ….. 1 home 1 wife ,,,, 1 lawn service …1 boss you hate and becoming and ECONOMIC SLAVE …. A little study , I do not want to cheat you fo the fun of DESINGING IT YOURSELF , the pride of being fucking smart and showing it
Young Master … 60 percent of females have forced sex fansty … 60 outs 100 … or better put as 1 out of 2 .. yep look at 2 girls and 1 has active submissive sex fantasy life and the other well 10 percent of her has that fantasy . 1 out of 2 …. Hhhhhm , what really cool odds ……… now to open those fantasys into realities use a question this is either an opener to giving her your card ….. Excuse me for interruption can I ask you a question ….. what is the difference between perceptions and experience between your own choices and the validations of others or maybe what you have trained yourself to accept , I would love to meet you some time for coffee . here is my card contact me online or phone , I am ________ have a great day …….. Quick and vague, and it opens the girl to enter her 4th level of mind … it takes her out of her mundane reality and shouts …. THIS GUY IS NOT THE SAME AS THE REST ….. and maybe she should meet this unusual amle ….. now that is a weird question diffulcult , to lon ? is saying that question beyond your personality? Or is it? The strangeness is it’s key , and really it will only last about about 30 seconds say it with an honesty as if you realy care ,, and how about this really do care you dumbass do care about how she feels about the validation she seeks form others ….. but how do you get a person to even think about that topic WELL by coming outside of the norm ….. Honestly dumbufck do you only talk about fishing sports the car and your work ? This is a strange pick up but
Ok Young Master , some of you by age 18 are searching for life time commitment to do the right thing others are looking to explore the world to achieve that thing .. and pussy is just pussy it is second to your career ( I know that was my case until I was aged 25 ) ……. Who are you right now dipshit well one thing for sure is sooner or later you will most likey be that settle down male , expecailly after you achieve that GREAT thing that level of success in your sport or carreer or dream . So whatch gonna do …. Play the suck odds and plan on the 1 on 1 working or be different ? and if you choose the be different , then search out those who want what you want ( something different ) ……….. not one who does not want what you want . and if she does want what you want …. If after she has explored her … validations .. the ones the world has given her the stress of what family and friends will think . or what she had accepted for herself ………. And YOU after she has compared the ideas of generalizations ………. 1 out of 2 girls are OPEN to ideas that would SUPRIZE you …….. and how will you know if you do not invest the time it takes to have coffee ? now dipshit whether you have commited started saving started the suffrage time to be able ot make that investment . but look dipshit you have opened her mind you have caused her to think right from the first meeting , in fact if you two will get together .. she will already be in a different state of mind than most of your dates . One your card suggests sex of course yet your presence your starting off contact was deeper than just sex ……..
Ok so , you talk frankly about your ideaas goals what your plans are …. What could happen ? she may leave , shaking her head , true , she may , want to know the man who has the guts to be so different , she may want to know him better , .. she may think you to be a challenge , some one to catch ( conscious or subcosnsiuosly she may be with you as a type of self fullfiing challenge ) to make you want her and only her …….. so keep true to your different ideals and the best way to do that is to , keep in mind the over all goal of POLY first , buy and invest in that goal before you allow yourself to enter into the SETTLE DOWN mind set ….
Now , back to BDSM the spice of SEX of passion ….. the extreme of the recreation of sex ….. if you have gotten the coffee and she is listening to you , and if you are feeling the goal of your lifestyle choice …. If you are CONFIDENT .. then that confedence will give her confidence to choose you as leader ….. as MASTER …. You dumbass will feel these signals …. One thing is to advance in on the touch as soon as possible …. Greet her with two hands , touch her often .. touching her often while you talk to her over coffee , ANCHORS HER MIND to the sound of your voice , since you will be taking about mental ideas and concepts even though much of it is Counting Buffulo man speak plans ideas logic …….. you are bringing up sex in an up front way ,,, everything about your request to meet for coffee to the explanations about family life issues you building plans the property you have already invested in ….the ALREADY of the land purchsase , is very equal to you owning a fancy car or truck ,, in fact it is much more powerful since she most likely did not meet you for coffee based on your car … the simple bait idea of hey baby yo baby wanna ride in my really cool truck … like the advertisements subconcsiuosly feed you with the idea that have an HD radio will be enough to get girls to want to be around you ,,, dipshit do you realize how you use your toys to attract girls to you then you wait , for them to get close to you , to in essence make the first move? … BDSM sex you advertise on your pick up PROP …. Your tool … that card …. You are presenting yourself as different ,,,, you are answering the fashion question that girls talk about …. ARE ALL MEN THE SAME ( yes we are really we men are a lot alike and so are the majority of girls there are many commons .. commons …. Think about the idea of commons ) ……. So in BDSM or DOM/sub , you are expected to lead , well . lead with the confidence … that if she does not follow you will meet 10 new girls tomorrow ……. Is this one realy that important ,, sounds COLD but honestly dumbass it is FREEDOM . and you are now DIFFERENT from the average male .. since the average male shy .
Ok Patroitic pervert , if you never hear about ALTERNATIVE ideas wellllllll you never hear about alternative ideas …. Poly or off gird ! … it is like organic farming it atkes time slow and steady ……... Thermal mass … the idea that heat or cold if exposed to the air , diss apates fast ,,, the heat of a flame just blows away …. The cold just melts and becomes warm ……. Think about a cold soda left on a seat in a car when you come out of work it will be the same temp as the car …. Even if it is not in derect sunlight it will become the same temp as the car if ,, it is in the direct sunlight it will be DONW RIGHT hot! Air does not hold heat ,,, water holds heat it absorbs the heat slower than air and releases releases it slower than air …… now STONE also holds heat and abosorbs it much slower and releases it much slower ,,,,, learn from the ancients , the PIZZA MAN .. yes the pizza man and his brick oven …. The baker of old ran his oven 24/7 always baking , he used much less heat than some one who had to heat and oven the let it cool …… the brick or stone oven gave off a gentle temp …. In the 100’s of degrees … baking temps , 400 + …. Now dumbass ever feel the exhaust of a gas stove or fireplace , the constanst , gentle heat escaping from the PILOT light ? yes that tiny little flame …… put you hand abouve one of those tiny flames some time …. Feel the heat that just disappears into the air! AIR ! …. Thin in terms oh heating 1 cubic inch of AIR .. now if you could CATCh that energy store in in fact compound it …. You could in essence create a space like the inside of you car .. which then can be used for heating ,, either water or AIR ….. so here dumbass something to think about … a steel 40 , 60 , 80 gallon water tank like the ones used on farms , first an area of about 4 by 4 , place a insulavitve foam down , then a plywood , preserved with the fiberglass resin cut by 50 percent acetone …. Then a simple concrete slab …. Then cider block fire pit 2 block high one block by 1 block by 1 block sides on side open for access door , which will be metal sheeting , insutlated then wood hingded … the tank goes directly on the cider block opps fill the blocks with concrete …. Under the tank coil two lines of copper one feeds in , one out …. You will have a 4 by 4 box around the tank filled with rock and sand and wound thru this rock and sand is the 2 100 foot coils of copper ( exchanger ) …. A metal tube with an air tight cap 4 inch dia. For fuel feed ( I will describe making SPLIFFS later like rolling realy big joints very easy natural fuel ) .. ohh fires must breath ,,, learn about dampers ,, the exshaust . coil smooth and slow thru the rock and sand …. No sharp turn to make , brush out simple ( every few year thing with fire flumes ) …… now dumbass , with your own study and creativity you can start to think about how to use the pilot light ,,, the utting off yourees in sliff form the gravity feed to create slow burn thru use of a damper . to have the fucking best hot water heater you could ever think of for fucking cheep and dumbass ,,, learn to sweat a copper fitting ,,, just fuck practice ,,, buy some copper and pratise get some map gass and flux , and solder ,, and pratise , maybe 3 hours over three weekends and you will be great at it ! ….. this water heater will cost max 200 plus it can be designed to be a home heater radiator also …… fire pit 1 metal grate stops the fuel for gassifaction and combustion , the pieces fall thru to an ember metal mesh then bottom level where fresh air enters thru the dampers piping …. Is where your ash box is ,, ( ash great fertilizer a very natural cycle growning and burning your own wood …. But not the apin in the ass of chopping big trees if you roll spliffs from your yearly trimmings … yo ! dumbass every one has to cut their own grass trim their own hedges ,,, unless you want the REGULAR LIFESTYLE ….. 1 home 1 wife ,,,, 1 lawn service …1 boss you hate and becoming and ECONOMIC SLAVE …. A little study , I do not want to cheat you fo the fun of DESINGING IT YOURSELF , the pride of being fucking smart and showing it
Thursday, May 17, 2007
30 second sex bite
30 second sex bite
Opps I meant sound bite , a capsule descritption the way most of us have been trained to think if it can be described in 30 seconds then a person can not or WILL NOT understand it . Young Master I have said over and over how much your training your mental programming has and is effecting your CHOIICES what you think and believe is possible it drives also your expectations ….. and this is what is important sometimes if your are thinking expecting problems well you tend to find that shich you expect that which you think about … that which you dwell on …..
But polygamy is not really something that can be understood in a sound bite … ohh yes dummbfuck you can say , I am building a family based on human instinct , where ther are 3 wives and 1 husband , it is a very dymanic relationship creating much needed support for the women children and male who live this life style and it respects NATURE , the natural differences between amles and females ……… but it is a concept that can not really be understood in a SOUND BITE ….. or really be even understood thru the filter of REGULAR realtaionship EXPECTATIONS ……. No it does take some real effort to explore what it is you and I see in the world around us , to think about history about human development outside of the BOX of expectations that we have each accepted . … well young master there is your 30 second sound bite the intro for the disccuion that your first meeting your first cup of coffee will bring ……. My friend DO NOT DATE ! ……. No ! just meet to talk to a fellow human being yes a female human but first a human an important person who you happen to find sexually attractive and YES her attractiveness to you generates that FLOOD of testosterone which ruins your ability to think clearly to keep yourself on track …… but I expect you to live up to your position to be MASTER . The more you realize your own ( weakness ? ) issues the better you are .
Mow females understand they feel a submissive desire but .. honestly it is realy maimly a submissive nature to be expressed during SEXUAL acts ,,, she needs to submit so that she can get fucked ,, plain and simple , but because of the confusions of todays world the girls may want totally or atleast ACT totally submissive , when that in reality does not respct their truth ……… the home the tents the children while still of age to have MILK teeth , this world is their world they rule that world ,, we are there to help and support them in their choices not think for them …. We DOM in other areas ,,, like the general issues of tents and land . and of course during sexual acts . Be aware up front about girls who want to help ……… there are different types of help and some are in reality a form of taking control yet calling it helping ,,, and then if you have a problem with her help or what her to stop helping she will use this type of CONFUSION to win her power back . to win the figtht or discussion ,,,, it is I WAS ONLY TRYING TO HELP …. How can you fight when someone was ONLY TRYING TO HELP …….. certain aspects are your responsibility and some are hers …….
Buying the land … your based on your personal … your won ! abilty to pay for the land … and the buying of the tenst the houses again must be based on your own abilty .. solely on your own ablity …. With out that disc usions of WHAT IF …. WHAT IF you got sick or shit like that ……. Problems will come and go and you will survie but to plan that way and to plan on being de[pendant on the females changes the dynamics ….
Meeting the girls …… now of course if a girl had a girlfriend , if she was already BI SEXUAL and her girl friend was really reall into the ideas also ….. in fact the girls friend helps sell even the first girl on the idea well …. There you may have a time where it is OK to allow her to pick your next wife . other than that you should do your own hunting! And then is the truth KNOWN bout the submission of the 1 or 2 girls who have chosen to become your wives ……. Do they invite a new girl in? do they hlp explain the life the ideas in FEMALE TERMS ? or are the girls you already have JUDGING THIS NEW girl based on her looks ? now if the judge her based on her attitude the DIPSHIT rethink why you choose her ,, was it that her package was real cute? Was it just tits and ass ? you gtta think dumbass it is her attitude the TONE OF HER VOICE her way around the house her true expression of SELF – LESS – NESS …. Not any acting but a real nature . and YOUNG MASTER many girls are not SELFLESS m but they are so god dam cute and act so sweet that it is honestly confusing to you ,,, hell even to the girl herself .. she can not she her own EGO ?
Young Master it is that you should be out of the picture a lot of the time and there to be INVITED in ,, and the girls will invite you in ,, it is natural do not worry girls like males , and they like you ! …I have had people say that the poly sounds o detached but it respects the nature …. We need and want each other and we will choose to be with each other ….. not forced into 1 on 1 24/7’s … unnatural … it is contrived and has shown a history of a very high percentage of failure of unhappiness like 80 percent …. Yes out of the picture so that she WANTS YOU AROUND …. Again the dating like want she feels for a male in the beginning ,that old truth about time making the heart grown fonder and it is important for you ….. yes you will have other girls but you love that one also … so time away makes her smell her taste her feel more fresh and important ….. but girls want you to have sex with the other girls in front of them so that they can see right away that at the end you still love them the most ! ….. control not submission ….. that is not both of the girls working together and making sure that each girl gets eqwual time with you …. In fact dipshit that will be one of you jobs to over all insure that not just one female controls or dominates the other iglrs that in fact you make sure you spend time with the other girls …. That they all get your interaction ….. yet always allow the girls to kind of choose first yet look for over all break downs in BALANCE . but Young Master caution when a girl wants to help ……….. she can help by doing woman’s work ……… GOD DAM I SOUND SEXIST ! but I am really describing instinctualist truth , respecting our inner animals instead of thinking only about the IT SHOULD BE LIKE THIS .. thinking only about the fairy tale……..
Ohh dumbass , the patriotic pervet ………. I have talked about energy storage did I say , that you do that buy storing energy into golf cart batteries ……. About 3 days worth , but dumbass do this two things ,,,, one is having a 3 to 5 horse power motor ….. get a pump head , a water pump head to fit it , and next a D/C generator ……. Then when life really sucks evry few years you may have to buy gass and generate power for a day or two kinds like during an hurricaine or whtever ,, next ,, and this is what fire season remeinds me of ….. is having the abilty thru your own wells and a gas pumpt to irragte you land and wet your fruit trees an hedges and homes so that if the wids drive the firs your way ,,, your plants firs off the fire for you ,,, agin dumbass ,,,, nature is prepared like a tree aircontions itself ,,,, keeps itself at a comprotable tempurture .. so it is ready to put oput a fire a hot emeber that lands on its leaves ,,,, GREEN WOOD DOES not burn ,, dry wood does ………. Next if you are driven out of your homes , you can set the pump on auto … even if the power lines were down having a gas pump means you can pump … of course ,, you would have to store your gas in the lake or pool with the pump outside …. And it should be feeding atleast 3 sprinklers groups which wett each home and the surrounding land …….set up rioght like a generator after a hurricane that pump will go for over 24 hours with out attention ,,,, my experience with lilving on generators after Andrew Frances Jean Wilma all the direct Eye hits I have lived thru . so a gas motor will give you insurance just in case the 3 days storage is not enough and also 3 day storage allows for times when you have large draws ,, let us say every one is going out and family is over and the BLOW DRYerS , are being used non stop ! hell those blow dryer will use up a days worth of power in but who cares , you got back up and most rpobaby the ability to generate power excess so that over a couple of days to catch up in stored evergy is not prob. ,,, so that life’s surge needs are not any real problem .
Opps I meant sound bite , a capsule descritption the way most of us have been trained to think if it can be described in 30 seconds then a person can not or WILL NOT understand it . Young Master I have said over and over how much your training your mental programming has and is effecting your CHOIICES what you think and believe is possible it drives also your expectations ….. and this is what is important sometimes if your are thinking expecting problems well you tend to find that shich you expect that which you think about … that which you dwell on …..
But polygamy is not really something that can be understood in a sound bite … ohh yes dummbfuck you can say , I am building a family based on human instinct , where ther are 3 wives and 1 husband , it is a very dymanic relationship creating much needed support for the women children and male who live this life style and it respects NATURE , the natural differences between amles and females ……… but it is a concept that can not really be understood in a SOUND BITE ….. or really be even understood thru the filter of REGULAR realtaionship EXPECTATIONS ……. No it does take some real effort to explore what it is you and I see in the world around us , to think about history about human development outside of the BOX of expectations that we have each accepted . … well young master there is your 30 second sound bite the intro for the disccuion that your first meeting your first cup of coffee will bring ……. My friend DO NOT DATE ! ……. No ! just meet to talk to a fellow human being yes a female human but first a human an important person who you happen to find sexually attractive and YES her attractiveness to you generates that FLOOD of testosterone which ruins your ability to think clearly to keep yourself on track …… but I expect you to live up to your position to be MASTER . The more you realize your own ( weakness ? ) issues the better you are .
Mow females understand they feel a submissive desire but .. honestly it is realy maimly a submissive nature to be expressed during SEXUAL acts ,,, she needs to submit so that she can get fucked ,, plain and simple , but because of the confusions of todays world the girls may want totally or atleast ACT totally submissive , when that in reality does not respct their truth ……… the home the tents the children while still of age to have MILK teeth , this world is their world they rule that world ,, we are there to help and support them in their choices not think for them …. We DOM in other areas ,,, like the general issues of tents and land . and of course during sexual acts . Be aware up front about girls who want to help ……… there are different types of help and some are in reality a form of taking control yet calling it helping ,,, and then if you have a problem with her help or what her to stop helping she will use this type of CONFUSION to win her power back . to win the figtht or discussion ,,,, it is I WAS ONLY TRYING TO HELP …. How can you fight when someone was ONLY TRYING TO HELP …….. certain aspects are your responsibility and some are hers …….
Buying the land … your based on your personal … your won ! abilty to pay for the land … and the buying of the tenst the houses again must be based on your own abilty .. solely on your own ablity …. With out that disc usions of WHAT IF …. WHAT IF you got sick or shit like that ……. Problems will come and go and you will survie but to plan that way and to plan on being de[pendant on the females changes the dynamics ….
Meeting the girls …… now of course if a girl had a girlfriend , if she was already BI SEXUAL and her girl friend was really reall into the ideas also ….. in fact the girls friend helps sell even the first girl on the idea well …. There you may have a time where it is OK to allow her to pick your next wife . other than that you should do your own hunting! And then is the truth KNOWN bout the submission of the 1 or 2 girls who have chosen to become your wives ……. Do they invite a new girl in? do they hlp explain the life the ideas in FEMALE TERMS ? or are the girls you already have JUDGING THIS NEW girl based on her looks ? now if the judge her based on her attitude the DIPSHIT rethink why you choose her ,, was it that her package was real cute? Was it just tits and ass ? you gtta think dumbass it is her attitude the TONE OF HER VOICE her way around the house her true expression of SELF – LESS – NESS …. Not any acting but a real nature . and YOUNG MASTER many girls are not SELFLESS m but they are so god dam cute and act so sweet that it is honestly confusing to you ,,, hell even to the girl herself .. she can not she her own EGO ?
Young Master it is that you should be out of the picture a lot of the time and there to be INVITED in ,, and the girls will invite you in ,, it is natural do not worry girls like males , and they like you ! …I have had people say that the poly sounds o detached but it respects the nature …. We need and want each other and we will choose to be with each other ….. not forced into 1 on 1 24/7’s … unnatural … it is contrived and has shown a history of a very high percentage of failure of unhappiness like 80 percent …. Yes out of the picture so that she WANTS YOU AROUND …. Again the dating like want she feels for a male in the beginning ,that old truth about time making the heart grown fonder and it is important for you ….. yes you will have other girls but you love that one also … so time away makes her smell her taste her feel more fresh and important ….. but girls want you to have sex with the other girls in front of them so that they can see right away that at the end you still love them the most ! ….. control not submission ….. that is not both of the girls working together and making sure that each girl gets eqwual time with you …. In fact dipshit that will be one of you jobs to over all insure that not just one female controls or dominates the other iglrs that in fact you make sure you spend time with the other girls …. That they all get your interaction ….. yet always allow the girls to kind of choose first yet look for over all break downs in BALANCE . but Young Master caution when a girl wants to help ……….. she can help by doing woman’s work ……… GOD DAM I SOUND SEXIST ! but I am really describing instinctualist truth , respecting our inner animals instead of thinking only about the IT SHOULD BE LIKE THIS .. thinking only about the fairy tale……..
Ohh dumbass , the patriotic pervet ………. I have talked about energy storage did I say , that you do that buy storing energy into golf cart batteries ……. About 3 days worth , but dumbass do this two things ,,,, one is having a 3 to 5 horse power motor ….. get a pump head , a water pump head to fit it , and next a D/C generator ……. Then when life really sucks evry few years you may have to buy gass and generate power for a day or two kinds like during an hurricaine or whtever ,, next ,, and this is what fire season remeinds me of ….. is having the abilty thru your own wells and a gas pumpt to irragte you land and wet your fruit trees an hedges and homes so that if the wids drive the firs your way ,,, your plants firs off the fire for you ,,, agin dumbass ,,,, nature is prepared like a tree aircontions itself ,,,, keeps itself at a comprotable tempurture .. so it is ready to put oput a fire a hot emeber that lands on its leaves ,,,, GREEN WOOD DOES not burn ,, dry wood does ………. Next if you are driven out of your homes , you can set the pump on auto … even if the power lines were down having a gas pump means you can pump … of course ,, you would have to store your gas in the lake or pool with the pump outside …. And it should be feeding atleast 3 sprinklers groups which wett each home and the surrounding land …….set up rioght like a generator after a hurricane that pump will go for over 24 hours with out attention ,,,, my experience with lilving on generators after Andrew Frances Jean Wilma all the direct Eye hits I have lived thru . so a gas motor will give you insurance just in case the 3 days storage is not enough and also 3 day storage allows for times when you have large draws ,, let us say every one is going out and family is over and the BLOW DRYerS , are being used non stop ! hell those blow dryer will use up a days worth of power in but who cares , you got back up and most rpobaby the ability to generate power excess so that over a couple of days to catch up in stored evergy is not prob. ,,, so that life’s surge needs are not any real problem .
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
her bi sexual past
her Bi sexual past
I sprobably the best that ahss happened to you , young master ,,,, understand this girl has already thought about different relationship alternatives she is already shoppinf ro THEORY for some for anything to stop the cycle of failure .. yet of course when it comes to a 1 on1 she does want to own you ,,, but with alil’ talking on your part she may . may .. think about real alternative option like the poly life you suggest ….. but I does not matter whether one girl in particular does agree or not ,, do not put so much energy into just one girl … do not become that I LOVE YOU SLAVE … by thinking that the fairy tale of love is the only loving relationship ,,, it is an expression of one extreme ,,, and extremem of being Selfish …. You being selfish and the girl being selfish ….. since you will not allow the idea of a greater good ………. Think of it like a 3 part yin and yang which the yin and yang actually is ( it is a toaist idea after all ) the male the female but of course those two parts are expressed in something greater the TOA itself …..
OK ONE THE LEFT HAND THINK ABOUT A BOOK ,, the fairy tale of love , white dresses , men on white horses ,,, tenderness sweetness .. flowers … and soft music and romance ……….. on your right hand is DNA another story book the book of you your true aninal history ….. now each book is as valid as the other each is real , yes the fairy tale I real but not workable 80 percent of the time …… becoming animal is real it is where you evolved from , but forgetting the use of language to return to living in a real cave is not VIABLE but the drives are real …………. Move both your arms together in front of you this is the blending of the two etremes , the TOA ,, the all possibilities that we in a free nation have the right ( if you want and have the guts ) the right to explore ,,, and dipshit if you are truly MASTER then I feel it is your responsibilities to explore .
Her Bi sexual past shows the ability to love and ablity to share her life with other females … even if it was only for short term sexual play a part of her was also exploring dumbass my friend girls with a bi sexual past now number in the 70 percnt ….. that means look at 2 girls chances are both have done it they have that past ,,, look at two more girls and you will see one has and one has not ….. now all this means ithat deep inside most girls is a girl with an open mind some one who deep down believes the REGULAR , fairy tale is flawed ,,,, but she will fight for the fairy tale because of mainly SOCIAL PRESSURES AND CONDITIONING …… manifesting in selfishness the greed of EVE … ( oh dumbass these storys the bible were tools to help train people about the idea of god ,,,,, it is not that there was only ever ,,, never ever ,, only 1 man or 1 woman …… the cycle of life and evolution is accepting by the highest levels of religious thoughts because they believe that GOD expresses itself thru NATURE . Wit of course the occasional miracle ) ADAM and EVE may come in discussions you have with girls over coffe as they try to understand you .. about the Poly
That middle the hands in front of you is a place where the stress of living , the need for love .. the need for sex …. Is realized it is delat with .. it si expressed in a way that has the best chance of working and taking into the whole family into consideration ,, not just SELFISH thoughts but the safety of the children to come , the idea of stability on your part young master , you being stable she can be stabler .. stabler … a topic that has been brought up ……. A fear of how do I say it .. a fear that no one will really fall in deep love no story book or fairy tale love … none of the violent high of the FAIRY TALE . because there
Because there is more in the world than just you two … WELL DUMBASS that is right there is more in the world than just you two ,,, the odds are you , and the odds are SHE will want to express their human nature by having KIDS ! ahhhhh more than just you two , the fairyt ale ended ! do you get it! Can you see it ! the 1 on 1 is unreal .. there is by NATURE , by DNA a drive to be animal ….. kids are a real fact of life the odds are you will have that drive to be DADDY ( and it will become the best part of your life dipshit honestly ) the poly takes into account your nature to be able to give to a woman emotionally what is NATURAL FOR YOU and no more she will have others friends sisters to give her extra emotional support ………. We are not wired to give females the total amount fo friendshitp they actually need …… that is a stress that you try to live up to which in turn tears the 1 on 1 apart .
Another idea is that of seeing her with another man ,, honestly if she is unhappy with you if you do not fulfill her core values if she is NOT SMILING , you are happy when later you see her ahppy ,, if not you never really loved her you were only being SELFISH … so when she brings up the idea of other males ,,, remember your DNA ,,,, the tiger male has a circle of 25 miles in that he mates with 5 females if another males enters that 25 miles there is a fight , the lion has the poly if another male shows up there is competitiona fight ,, the Gorrilla like the lion ,, in the animal poly the females have found that group lilfe was easier and better in the long run that is why it evolved. Think about the truth about the fairy tale , this last 1500 hundered years out of our 3.3 million years , that idea that only Christianity roman ideals greedy roman ideals are expressed in the fairytale of love …….. and the rest of the world still maintained a level of POLY … even in christain cultures the poly still evolved but with out the benefits of the strength and support of group female choice and together ness
Dumbass do you own study thinking and then when you do have coffee with a female one of the ….. 2 girls who has a history of exploring alternative relationships already ,, if you can talk logically ( count buffalo ) she will listen and think ….. they already are looking for GOOD MASTERS who have the guts to BE NOT ALL THE SAME . just look around at myspace the pharse that girls have ,,, saying prove to me that not all mena re the same ,,,, at first glance the poly seems like you are the same but with deep[er exploration you will be shown as a very HTOUGHTFUL . male.
I sprobably the best that ahss happened to you , young master ,,,, understand this girl has already thought about different relationship alternatives she is already shoppinf ro THEORY for some for anything to stop the cycle of failure .. yet of course when it comes to a 1 on1 she does want to own you ,,, but with alil’ talking on your part she may . may .. think about real alternative option like the poly life you suggest ….. but I does not matter whether one girl in particular does agree or not ,, do not put so much energy into just one girl … do not become that I LOVE YOU SLAVE … by thinking that the fairy tale of love is the only loving relationship ,,, it is an expression of one extreme ,,, and extremem of being Selfish …. You being selfish and the girl being selfish ….. since you will not allow the idea of a greater good ………. Think of it like a 3 part yin and yang which the yin and yang actually is ( it is a toaist idea after all ) the male the female but of course those two parts are expressed in something greater the TOA itself …..
OK ONE THE LEFT HAND THINK ABOUT A BOOK ,, the fairy tale of love , white dresses , men on white horses ,,, tenderness sweetness .. flowers … and soft music and romance ……….. on your right hand is DNA another story book the book of you your true aninal history ….. now each book is as valid as the other each is real , yes the fairy tale I real but not workable 80 percent of the time …… becoming animal is real it is where you evolved from , but forgetting the use of language to return to living in a real cave is not VIABLE but the drives are real …………. Move both your arms together in front of you this is the blending of the two etremes , the TOA ,, the all possibilities that we in a free nation have the right ( if you want and have the guts ) the right to explore ,,, and dipshit if you are truly MASTER then I feel it is your responsibilities to explore .
Her Bi sexual past shows the ability to love and ablity to share her life with other females … even if it was only for short term sexual play a part of her was also exploring dumbass my friend girls with a bi sexual past now number in the 70 percnt ….. that means look at 2 girls chances are both have done it they have that past ,,, look at two more girls and you will see one has and one has not ….. now all this means ithat deep inside most girls is a girl with an open mind some one who deep down believes the REGULAR , fairy tale is flawed ,,,, but she will fight for the fairy tale because of mainly SOCIAL PRESSURES AND CONDITIONING …… manifesting in selfishness the greed of EVE … ( oh dumbass these storys the bible were tools to help train people about the idea of god ,,,,, it is not that there was only ever ,,, never ever ,, only 1 man or 1 woman …… the cycle of life and evolution is accepting by the highest levels of religious thoughts because they believe that GOD expresses itself thru NATURE . Wit of course the occasional miracle ) ADAM and EVE may come in discussions you have with girls over coffe as they try to understand you .. about the Poly
That middle the hands in front of you is a place where the stress of living , the need for love .. the need for sex …. Is realized it is delat with .. it si expressed in a way that has the best chance of working and taking into the whole family into consideration ,, not just SELFISH thoughts but the safety of the children to come , the idea of stability on your part young master , you being stable she can be stabler .. stabler … a topic that has been brought up ……. A fear of how do I say it .. a fear that no one will really fall in deep love no story book or fairy tale love … none of the violent high of the FAIRY TALE . because there
Because there is more in the world than just you two … WELL DUMBASS that is right there is more in the world than just you two ,,, the odds are you , and the odds are SHE will want to express their human nature by having KIDS ! ahhhhh more than just you two , the fairyt ale ended ! do you get it! Can you see it ! the 1 on 1 is unreal .. there is by NATURE , by DNA a drive to be animal ….. kids are a real fact of life the odds are you will have that drive to be DADDY ( and it will become the best part of your life dipshit honestly ) the poly takes into account your nature to be able to give to a woman emotionally what is NATURAL FOR YOU and no more she will have others friends sisters to give her extra emotional support ………. We are not wired to give females the total amount fo friendshitp they actually need …… that is a stress that you try to live up to which in turn tears the 1 on 1 apart .
Another idea is that of seeing her with another man ,, honestly if she is unhappy with you if you do not fulfill her core values if she is NOT SMILING , you are happy when later you see her ahppy ,, if not you never really loved her you were only being SELFISH … so when she brings up the idea of other males ,,, remember your DNA ,,,, the tiger male has a circle of 25 miles in that he mates with 5 females if another males enters that 25 miles there is a fight , the lion has the poly if another male shows up there is competitiona fight ,, the Gorrilla like the lion ,, in the animal poly the females have found that group lilfe was easier and better in the long run that is why it evolved. Think about the truth about the fairy tale , this last 1500 hundered years out of our 3.3 million years , that idea that only Christianity roman ideals greedy roman ideals are expressed in the fairytale of love …….. and the rest of the world still maintained a level of POLY … even in christain cultures the poly still evolved but with out the benefits of the strength and support of group female choice and together ness
Dumbass do you own study thinking and then when you do have coffee with a female one of the ….. 2 girls who has a history of exploring alternative relationships already ,, if you can talk logically ( count buffalo ) she will listen and think ….. they already are looking for GOOD MASTERS who have the guts to BE NOT ALL THE SAME . just look around at myspace the pharse that girls have ,,, saying prove to me that not all mena re the same ,,,, at first glance the poly seems like you are the same but with deep[er exploration you will be shown as a very HTOUGHTFUL . male.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
a stop to mental anguish thru FUCKING
A stop to mental anguish thru sex
Young Master today a few things directly from my world …. One which is not sex is beer , I don’t drink a month ago when I was left with an inventory of beer after a weekend party I choose to throw the beer away rather than start a bad habit of having an easy inventory of beer to become … a habit ….. well a week ago I bouoght 2 beers I thought we my girl and I needed a beer , ( self medication ) to kinda mellow a LIFE SHOCK well us , we could not even really fininsh one of those 24 ouncers . the other was left in the frig . and I later the next day put that 1 into inventory …. 1 I was concerned that there maybe another need to sefl medicate since the life shock was still fresh , she may nned another calming ahot of drug of alcohol ….. but then as that was not the case I thought I would drink it on the weekend past I expected to be alone for the weekend and thought I may catch a buzz on of those nights well I did not ……… the last time the issue of having multiple beers in inventory came up it was my life partner who thought that would be a good idea , and I was hurt by the idea … it was a bit of a fight . ( actually I owe her an orchid for this one ) then a month later I inventory a beer with a goal yes but still inventory ……… but once she brought it to my awareness and since the events I had kept the beer for were no longer there ,,, I was reminded anout my choice not to let myself slip ,, slip so easly into the habit of using any DRUG by having it around in inventory . I thanked her and then threw that drug away that can of beer …….
Now the beer was bought to self medicate to ease the pain of separation ,, tears must flow to wash away the pain and sometimes a drug can help get those tears folwing … well that pain is still there and will need many more nights of tears till it is washed away for the most part … but to get stuck in depression in those tears is a real concern ,,, the use of a drug can start the tears and the effect of the drug can help the entry into sleep the ending of the tears ……… but SEX also can help reframe can help stop the tears can help make a speration between ,, a good mental cleansing TEARS and the reality that life is no ALL bad ! …… but my mr.nice guy was trapped I know that sex would reframe her , but to have sex at that time last night seemed so NON romantic .. and it was …. It seemed COLD .. it was not ! it was not ! ….. it was love yet common thought would see me saying , let us have sex now as me thinking about ME ! when it was me thingking abouthow to stop the tears , to set her down for sleep ……… so I explained to her , with first describing how my intent in this suggestion is to help her REFRAME … I explained the need to CRY to cleanse but also to stop and see the BEAUTY of life to balance ,, then I said I want ……… to fuck you …………….. ohhhhhhh it worked sex creates feel good hormones , self medication equal to any drug you can buy , and with less side effects ,, drugs like alcohol have longer side effects … they do not wash out of the blood stream like self generated medications like those formed during sex ……… the RESPONSIBILITY of MASTER ? to aid the girl I love ? yes . actuall I had a hard time getting stiff enough to fuck to but I got hard of course as I thrusted and saw her pyshicall response that she was REFRAMING ….
So young Master ….. whatch gonna do when you find you acting in a way that you have stated as OFFENSIVE to you …. When you act in what looks like a direct lie . ADMIT IT and say THANK YOU . Do not s[pend to much time explaining , saying but but but , I had X, Y , Z reason NO… just throw the $1 worht of beer away ,,,, think about penny wise dollar foolish …. How much money have you invested in the relationship would $ 1 or 10 or 100 or even 1000 really be worth the damage done by … not living yourself up the the moral levels that you expect others to live up to ?
Next , it is a fact , sex creates , the drugs better suited to ease mental pain that ,,, doctor prescribed . or illegal street bought .. or simple beer ,, no sex is much better if ,, if you … you both can reframe and understand the act of sex is …. What it is … it is not only selfish enjoyment or expression of animal LUST … but naturals pain reliever . NOT an insult but a show of real love and concern ……… she will need to cry for weeks fuck hell for months maybe on and off for years to wash awy this pain this loss …….. and well a good fucking helps bring us both out of this loss . this pain … because I tooo . fell her losss .. I lose her when she is crying .. I lose her . the fuck my hard cock being inside her body connects US again as a couple .
( how would this play out in a ploy ? hmmmm it would depend on the girlw who find themselves understanding they are sisters not ONLY children ,, hmmmm think dumbass think …. The quality you want in who you search for , would be one those 3 who will naturally understand that idea , they are not an only child
but a sister )
Young Master today a few things directly from my world …. One which is not sex is beer , I don’t drink a month ago when I was left with an inventory of beer after a weekend party I choose to throw the beer away rather than start a bad habit of having an easy inventory of beer to become … a habit ….. well a week ago I bouoght 2 beers I thought we my girl and I needed a beer , ( self medication ) to kinda mellow a LIFE SHOCK well us , we could not even really fininsh one of those 24 ouncers . the other was left in the frig . and I later the next day put that 1 into inventory …. 1 I was concerned that there maybe another need to sefl medicate since the life shock was still fresh , she may nned another calming ahot of drug of alcohol ….. but then as that was not the case I thought I would drink it on the weekend past I expected to be alone for the weekend and thought I may catch a buzz on of those nights well I did not ……… the last time the issue of having multiple beers in inventory came up it was my life partner who thought that would be a good idea , and I was hurt by the idea … it was a bit of a fight . ( actually I owe her an orchid for this one ) then a month later I inventory a beer with a goal yes but still inventory ……… but once she brought it to my awareness and since the events I had kept the beer for were no longer there ,,, I was reminded anout my choice not to let myself slip ,, slip so easly into the habit of using any DRUG by having it around in inventory . I thanked her and then threw that drug away that can of beer …….
Now the beer was bought to self medicate to ease the pain of separation ,, tears must flow to wash away the pain and sometimes a drug can help get those tears folwing … well that pain is still there and will need many more nights of tears till it is washed away for the most part … but to get stuck in depression in those tears is a real concern ,,, the use of a drug can start the tears and the effect of the drug can help the entry into sleep the ending of the tears ……… but SEX also can help reframe can help stop the tears can help make a speration between ,, a good mental cleansing TEARS and the reality that life is no ALL bad ! …… but my mr.nice guy was trapped I know that sex would reframe her , but to have sex at that time last night seemed so NON romantic .. and it was …. It seemed COLD .. it was not ! it was not ! ….. it was love yet common thought would see me saying , let us have sex now as me thinking about ME ! when it was me thingking abouthow to stop the tears , to set her down for sleep ……… so I explained to her , with first describing how my intent in this suggestion is to help her REFRAME … I explained the need to CRY to cleanse but also to stop and see the BEAUTY of life to balance ,, then I said I want ……… to fuck you …………….. ohhhhhhh it worked sex creates feel good hormones , self medication equal to any drug you can buy , and with less side effects ,, drugs like alcohol have longer side effects … they do not wash out of the blood stream like self generated medications like those formed during sex ……… the RESPONSIBILITY of MASTER ? to aid the girl I love ? yes . actuall I had a hard time getting stiff enough to fuck to but I got hard of course as I thrusted and saw her pyshicall response that she was REFRAMING ….
So young Master ….. whatch gonna do when you find you acting in a way that you have stated as OFFENSIVE to you …. When you act in what looks like a direct lie . ADMIT IT and say THANK YOU . Do not s[pend to much time explaining , saying but but but , I had X, Y , Z reason NO… just throw the $1 worht of beer away ,,,, think about penny wise dollar foolish …. How much money have you invested in the relationship would $ 1 or 10 or 100 or even 1000 really be worth the damage done by … not living yourself up the the moral levels that you expect others to live up to ?
Next , it is a fact , sex creates , the drugs better suited to ease mental pain that ,,, doctor prescribed . or illegal street bought .. or simple beer ,, no sex is much better if ,, if you … you both can reframe and understand the act of sex is …. What it is … it is not only selfish enjoyment or expression of animal LUST … but naturals pain reliever . NOT an insult but a show of real love and concern ……… she will need to cry for weeks fuck hell for months maybe on and off for years to wash awy this pain this loss …….. and well a good fucking helps bring us both out of this loss . this pain … because I tooo . fell her losss .. I lose her when she is crying .. I lose her . the fuck my hard cock being inside her body connects US again as a couple .
( how would this play out in a ploy ? hmmmm it would depend on the girlw who find themselves understanding they are sisters not ONLY children ,, hmmmm think dumbass think …. The quality you want in who you search for , would be one those 3 who will naturally understand that idea , they are not an only child
but a sister )
Sunday, May 13, 2007
a golden thread to her pussy
Golden thread to her Pussy
Young Master your mind your frame of mind , has been created to expect problems since you were about 12 and those first few stirrings of sexual desire became noticiabale .. and the training , the mind fuck started … the fear of pussy … the more you can admit to yourself the truth about your position your inner feelings about the street pick up, the best thing you can do is understand the reality about your HABIT PATTERNS , then of course the study of the other possibles the truth about what girls want … the shy girls dress the way they do , the facts about the acts of sex , the PENTRATION the submission to penentration the grasping ans holding you do to control that pussy so you can pentrate it … the pulling she does later as her lust for the feeling of getting fucked drives her to want you more ane more in the many ways …. The many ways …… DIPSHIT CHNGE THE ANGLE OF THE FUCK , do not just fuck straight in and out … grind that pussy … when she is a PUPPY … put a leg up on the bed and angle your self off to facing the side of her not straight and act like you are ficking the ass cheek not the inside of her body …. You will have to experiement eith this mental idea while fucking to understand but this action of stuffing your hard cock into her in these unusal angles will of course generatae new ssensations for her also , and that gives you want you really want the sounds of SUBMISSION of OH MY GOD OHH MY GOD ,, the idea that you are her god !
The idea that you fuckher till she is in PAIN or what to us would look like pain and exshatution total collapse , will give you a feeling of GUILT since you are a nice guy and you do love this female … but the idea that when she recovers she will search you out to show her love for you …. That she still loves you even though you fucked her hard , hard for your won pleasure and what is your pleasure that sense that she totlally is feeling you . she will come to you after she recovers and bond with you .
Now what does this have to do with a GOLDEN thread , well the golden thread is a mental training for you to reprogram .. that mind that has been fucked up by social programming , your mind . the idea that once a week while you are studing while you building your compound while you are doing something different …. ( ohh dipshit if you are just starting to read my crap , well keep this ide in your head , the idea of all the time you waste on the regular dreams and ideas and after they again fail , how many months have you wasted ,,,, when you come back to thinking about something new like my ideas …… so dumbass , while you slowly repreogram yourself ,,,, do the regular things enjoy the regular ways try the best you can to find happiness in the FAIRY TALE … but of course allow yourself to think freely about other ideas …… and one idea is to think once a week .. about the qualities the things you will want in the girl number 1 of your poly ,, whata and who is she do not see a face ,, so not force her to be any girl you NOW know ,,, just let the silhouette , the form of girl be there in your mind , what and how will she also enjoy the life you are planning ,, her passion for your ideas , how will her excited voice ,, her dreams for a nice life be fulfilled by your PLANS ….. thing about these qualities of her DREAMS ( head ) , that live in her head she does dream about a natural life about happy children less stress good sex ,,, puppy dog kitty cats , babys , swimming flowers and butterflys ? ,, and what about love ,, the compassion for human life in all forms …. The realizing about human nature and the trust that you are a good man , the idea about the GREED of EVE and the grred of ADAM .. how the greed to control to own a 1 is unatrual hurtfull … that she wiil love you her new sisterhood the children the future the grand children etc etc …… her Love ( heart ) and of course think about how she will submit to you sexually that she will be tied up by choice ,,,, exposing herself as you want so that you can ABUSE ?her ,,,,, it may seem like abuse but it is stimulation because honestly you do not want to hurt the TOY( pussy ) you female ,, of course not ,, you have and instinct to protect her , but to drive her sensation to levels of screaming is GOOD and fun ………. Now think about this female and you just think that you could let a golden thrend form connecting you and her at these 3 locations , head , heart pussy to your head heart and dick …….. do this once a week …. No real idea of what her face looks like no matter what girl you have right now just let the genral form of girl be there …… week after week take a few minutes to dream this dream … and you say to your self , this is stupid! Well it is , but how else will you make changes except to make changes , the regular ideas will lead you back to regular results ,, DO THE SAME OLD THING GET THE SAME OLD RESULTS ! …. Even if you head into the BDSM lifestyle guess what look at the rality the way things are realy happening in that world and you find it is just the same old thing …. Just a BANDAID …… just an illusion .. but there are aspects of that world that are important for you and her … take some ideas form here and there to build your world dipshit !
Now on to patriotic ideas , because if you can be a 1 who does something different , if you can find ways to stop sending your wealth into the hands of Arabs who will then thru there religion let your wealth flow into the hands of violent people … you make real CHANGES in the world 1 person at a time that is the only way , it will take 1 persona at a time .
The stand up FRIG of today is weird ,, up until 1940 at most you had an Ice box , ,,,, a box , cold air sinks down ….. the stand up frig was one of those real cool fancy things being abole to se everything in the ice box at one time ,, very waste full but who cares , there is lots of energy for the rich American ,,, who cares , what is global climate change ? well 3 hurricaines in 1 year for Port St. lucie Fl. ,, the expanding desert regions of our wolrd ….. have fun dumbass ! … so that waste full stand up frig . or the 10 seconds of trouble you have ( trouble only in the first 30 days as you cange stupid habits ,, it is just habit changing ) of living from baskets in a chest freezer , MODIFIED to become a frig! .. sll you gotta do is change out the thromostat and fit in a frig threom stat . you may need to customize it a bit ,, but so what this is your frig .. it is not for resale so go ahead and use that fancy 3M glue you can get it a marine store . this 9 cubic foot chest freezer mpe s frig will use the same energy as 1 regular light bulb would for 1 hour …… getting OFF gird . think about the ideas slowly do some web searching find out that 1000’s and 1000’s of people are off grid already and have been that way for decades … it is not weird . just like poly familys are not weird ….. except when you get trapped into listening only to the greed mindset of eve . and the greed mindset of ADAM how does your won desire to have only 1 girl be happy prevent the total well being of a LARGER GOOD . are you creating the pain of the world around you by not seeing how being responsible being a leader being MASTER ….. avoiding the idea of thinking outside the box . again I hope you think dipshit , just think .
Young Master your mind your frame of mind , has been created to expect problems since you were about 12 and those first few stirrings of sexual desire became noticiabale .. and the training , the mind fuck started … the fear of pussy … the more you can admit to yourself the truth about your position your inner feelings about the street pick up, the best thing you can do is understand the reality about your HABIT PATTERNS , then of course the study of the other possibles the truth about what girls want … the shy girls dress the way they do , the facts about the acts of sex , the PENTRATION the submission to penentration the grasping ans holding you do to control that pussy so you can pentrate it … the pulling she does later as her lust for the feeling of getting fucked drives her to want you more ane more in the many ways …. The many ways …… DIPSHIT CHNGE THE ANGLE OF THE FUCK , do not just fuck straight in and out … grind that pussy … when she is a PUPPY … put a leg up on the bed and angle your self off to facing the side of her not straight and act like you are ficking the ass cheek not the inside of her body …. You will have to experiement eith this mental idea while fucking to understand but this action of stuffing your hard cock into her in these unusal angles will of course generatae new ssensations for her also , and that gives you want you really want the sounds of SUBMISSION of OH MY GOD OHH MY GOD ,, the idea that you are her god !
The idea that you fuckher till she is in PAIN or what to us would look like pain and exshatution total collapse , will give you a feeling of GUILT since you are a nice guy and you do love this female … but the idea that when she recovers she will search you out to show her love for you …. That she still loves you even though you fucked her hard , hard for your won pleasure and what is your pleasure that sense that she totlally is feeling you . she will come to you after she recovers and bond with you .
Now what does this have to do with a GOLDEN thread , well the golden thread is a mental training for you to reprogram .. that mind that has been fucked up by social programming , your mind . the idea that once a week while you are studing while you building your compound while you are doing something different …. ( ohh dipshit if you are just starting to read my crap , well keep this ide in your head , the idea of all the time you waste on the regular dreams and ideas and after they again fail , how many months have you wasted ,,,, when you come back to thinking about something new like my ideas …… so dumbass , while you slowly repreogram yourself ,,,, do the regular things enjoy the regular ways try the best you can to find happiness in the FAIRY TALE … but of course allow yourself to think freely about other ideas …… and one idea is to think once a week .. about the qualities the things you will want in the girl number 1 of your poly ,, whata and who is she do not see a face ,, so not force her to be any girl you NOW know ,,, just let the silhouette , the form of girl be there in your mind , what and how will she also enjoy the life you are planning ,, her passion for your ideas , how will her excited voice ,, her dreams for a nice life be fulfilled by your PLANS ….. thing about these qualities of her DREAMS ( head ) , that live in her head she does dream about a natural life about happy children less stress good sex ,,, puppy dog kitty cats , babys , swimming flowers and butterflys ? ,, and what about love ,, the compassion for human life in all forms …. The realizing about human nature and the trust that you are a good man , the idea about the GREED of EVE and the grred of ADAM .. how the greed to control to own a 1 is unatrual hurtfull … that she wiil love you her new sisterhood the children the future the grand children etc etc …… her Love ( heart ) and of course think about how she will submit to you sexually that she will be tied up by choice ,,,, exposing herself as you want so that you can ABUSE ?her ,,,,, it may seem like abuse but it is stimulation because honestly you do not want to hurt the TOY( pussy ) you female ,, of course not ,, you have and instinct to protect her , but to drive her sensation to levels of screaming is GOOD and fun ………. Now think about this female and you just think that you could let a golden thrend form connecting you and her at these 3 locations , head , heart pussy to your head heart and dick …….. do this once a week …. No real idea of what her face looks like no matter what girl you have right now just let the genral form of girl be there …… week after week take a few minutes to dream this dream … and you say to your self , this is stupid! Well it is , but how else will you make changes except to make changes , the regular ideas will lead you back to regular results ,, DO THE SAME OLD THING GET THE SAME OLD RESULTS ! …. Even if you head into the BDSM lifestyle guess what look at the rality the way things are realy happening in that world and you find it is just the same old thing …. Just a BANDAID …… just an illusion .. but there are aspects of that world that are important for you and her … take some ideas form here and there to build your world dipshit !
Now on to patriotic ideas , because if you can be a 1 who does something different , if you can find ways to stop sending your wealth into the hands of Arabs who will then thru there religion let your wealth flow into the hands of violent people … you make real CHANGES in the world 1 person at a time that is the only way , it will take 1 persona at a time .
The stand up FRIG of today is weird ,, up until 1940 at most you had an Ice box , ,,,, a box , cold air sinks down ….. the stand up frig was one of those real cool fancy things being abole to se everything in the ice box at one time ,, very waste full but who cares , there is lots of energy for the rich American ,,, who cares , what is global climate change ? well 3 hurricaines in 1 year for Port St. lucie Fl. ,, the expanding desert regions of our wolrd ….. have fun dumbass ! … so that waste full stand up frig . or the 10 seconds of trouble you have ( trouble only in the first 30 days as you cange stupid habits ,, it is just habit changing ) of living from baskets in a chest freezer , MODIFIED to become a frig! .. sll you gotta do is change out the thromostat and fit in a frig threom stat . you may need to customize it a bit ,, but so what this is your frig .. it is not for resale so go ahead and use that fancy 3M glue you can get it a marine store . this 9 cubic foot chest freezer mpe s frig will use the same energy as 1 regular light bulb would for 1 hour …… getting OFF gird . think about the ideas slowly do some web searching find out that 1000’s and 1000’s of people are off grid already and have been that way for decades … it is not weird . just like poly familys are not weird ….. except when you get trapped into listening only to the greed mindset of eve . and the greed mindset of ADAM how does your won desire to have only 1 girl be happy prevent the total well being of a LARGER GOOD . are you creating the pain of the world around you by not seeing how being responsible being a leader being MASTER ….. avoiding the idea of thinking outside the box . again I hope you think dipshit , just think .
Saturday, May 12, 2007
A pussy frame of mind
A Pussy frame of mind
You FRAME of mind ,,, that feeling that you can do this . Have you ever been in the ZONE just had that feeling that something was going to be easy today , maybe it was something that in times past had , had caused you trouble but today you just felt good about trying … it ! …. That is frame of mind that is making a plan for your life instead of being re=active and letting circumstances mold a plan for you …. Of course being trained to be MR nice guy you take other people’s feeling in consideration , but honestly it has gotten to extremems ,,, YOUNG MASTER ,,, yes you had to think about the feelings of people like your mom and family , your female teachers . your mamagers at work ( many today again female .. get the int how often in your life your bosses your controllers were in fact females ! not in HARMONY with our animal instinctual NATURE ) dipshit you have that family man instinct it is in you but you have been trained to be to nice to considerate to the poiont that you have not THOUGHTS or plans of your own , they are all dependat on the effects you plan others will have to the ideas ….. think about what I just said …I am not talking to some men who have no feelings for others already because well they do not have the instinct to think about the total ,, I am talking about the male who is considerate ,, BUT WHEN A CONSIDERATE MANLE GETS CONTROLLED FOR TOLONG , go back to this list of “ effects of control “ there arrives a sub concsiuos time when he ,, the nice guy will change ….and lose his considerate nature ,,, the effects of being forced to ignore the call of his DNA ……….
Your frame of mind ,,,, the JUST DO IT …. AND WITH THAT MANTRA JUST do it ! … look at the online competition , the dating sites see who is you competition ,,, in reality look and listen to the males who have the guts to make on the street pick ups … they force themselves in to the girls world to make her decide something to quickly ,, when in fact girls hate to make many many types of dictions they want to be led .. honstly that is their nature in many aspects …… ( in the home that is a woman’s world they act like they want our in put but in fact they realy deep down want to control the home ,, OK fine 3 tents each to their won , your space is your space your office at the far side of the RECREATIONAL building ) the frame of mind in meeting a world full of girls ,, now dumbass … who is that hot chich on SI this month Beyonce ? well if you were bleind folded and and hard as hell and Beyonce slipped her pussy on you cock … fucked you for a minute then another chick slipeed her pussy on your cock and and fucked you then another girl … and you fucked al three until you came … then they left you .. and you took off your blind fold ….. who were the girls who fucke you ? if you did not know thiere names or how they looked they would just be PUSSY . so when hunting dumbass , it is not the pretty package as much as the WAY about the girl you should honestly be concerned about ,, the WAY of the girl ,, that magical feeling of her presence … NOW remember this every decision is constanty being remade ,, the girl who is ahppy with her life today is ready to get a divorce next week ! FACT !
That is why make contact with every girl . you like . HI EXCUSE THE INTERUPTION , My name is ________ I would like some time to meet you for a coffee maybe , here is my card and number have a a nice day ! ……….. NOW dumbass are you telling me you can not say that to ten girls every day … 10 girls a day ,,, that 1 sentence .. no push no forcing your self into their space ,, NO you are being you! .. polite considerate YET with the guts to talk not just on this tool of pickups the computer but to actually meet real people on the real street …….. NOW of course handing out abusiness card with fuzzy pink hand cuffs on the front is .. is … IS a form of OUTING yourself ….. but SO THE FUCK WHAT ,,, it is in that you have the guts to OUT yourself that you ahow the world that you are a MASTER …… not a game player . I have not been writing about DOM/sub issues or BDSM for a while and now I think that life style should be brought back into play ,,, and the study of SAFE SANE CONSENTUALL activities be brought back ,,,,, and the look at DOM you , the male ,, when and where is DOM real and not real ….. and sub ,,,, what is submission …. Seduction is evidence of submission ,, it is her trying to get you /// trying to get you , to attract you , because she values you ! When you are locked into the 1 on 1 by your code of honor your vow of love …….. she no longer has to seduce you be cause she knows your honor controls youuntill she fucks up to much then she will seduce again become all attentive and submsiive …….. HONSETLY DUMBASS , we are not supposed to be around each other as much as we do …… the psotive effects of the poly … and gues what there are pleanty of girls who will want to learnt to talk to ddicss ideas theory .. whether they choose you or not is NOT IMPORTANT … DO NOT put to much of your self image in the ahdns of whether another person accepts you or your ideas … this is being MASTER … your own frame of mind ,, not just re-active TO THE RESPOSNES YOU GET FROM OTHERS …. You can do this you can understand this
Now as a patriotic pervert …. I want you to think in a two yeatr plan ,,, when you joined the aRmy or national guard or wnet to school you were thinking in terms of 4 years more or less … well building the compound is the same way … fuck causually along the way do not get locked into one girl unless you get another girl very shortly after wards ,, because the 1 on 1 time is bad for her and you ! so we talked about catching the wind above your land .. cool … we talked about lots of ideas and time frames and budgets based on you working a job …. Here and now I want you to think about possilbes … okay the air pickup for home cooling is based on the idea that plants cool air to a level comfortable and based on ground temps ( in FL 70 degress where you live ? just bury a thremoter 2 feet in the ground in a shady area to get an idea ) now to fit your budget and time tables and plant growth you go ahead and plant the hegdge plants you want to fit the base home that first TIN TENT that single wide … with the idea that as you expand the house all you need to do is this ….. when you are ready to start building your additions … you prune a 5 ft. hedge down to 3 foot one weekend water it good , the next weekend you dig / cut the root ball in a 2 foot circle around each plant . and re water and rest for a week , then the following week you take those plants out put into pots or a temp location till building is done …. BREAK A COMPLEX , thing a big plan down into doable steps then it will not seem such a great big deal …. The additions get plans drawn up to code by a pro , shoop for a time to get the right price ,,,, the front addition 12 ft wide , with a road view that look like a nice hone ,,,, balance the home door in center ? two bay windonws ? one on each side …. Now the idside is to be 1 big open recreationa l room , NOT bed rooms or stuff ,,,, we want to create tax benefits here listem to me ,, you are building a life time location ,,,, and a life where you can go on vactions to feed that need for changes in environment we all like to have ….. ample money without over working … the back is just a porch ….. so that the house on the tax roles is still a 2/1 .. the back addition will be closed in after the tax man and the building expectors have left your property for good ,,,, so you get plans , you shop for guys to build the additions…. 3 men who know wood framing can knock out this type of contruction in about 3 to 4 weeks per home … how much will that cost .. depending on the economics of your area … is 150 dollars aday OK money for a working man during OFF season ? during an off season ,,,, would a Pro be happy weth 300 for himself and 100 a day for each of his laboresrs ? 450 for 3 guys or 500 for 3 guys …… 1500 per week … 3 weeks 4500 plus shell materials …. Each additions should be around 15 k …… after the inspection you can start your own retro fitting and interior changes …. And the tax load on each house will be the lowest it can be .. to get a home of about 1500 under air … over the years your taxes will be shit .
So when you bought your land you started grown you’re A/C unit yourhedges , your shade trees the large trees were placed in their finall locations in the beging based on the idea that the final home is going to be 1500 sqft. .. the hedge is moveable … fruit and nut trees , ( real food ) also are palnted in their finall locations ….. your Pond ( and think at the time of of digging this about digging a swimming pool …. Dig your pond to give your homes ample pads to put them high enough in case of any possible flooding rains that happen every 100 years ….. berm the ponds to control their shape and on one side split off the pond with the idea that you will put a very large pool liner in or custome cut and glue your own pool liner to make a pool of your dreams ….. so much is a DOABLE for you dipshit with some advanced planning and keep your ideas in a Journel ,,,, gather ideas , think think think
You FRAME of mind ,,, that feeling that you can do this . Have you ever been in the ZONE just had that feeling that something was going to be easy today , maybe it was something that in times past had , had caused you trouble but today you just felt good about trying … it ! …. That is frame of mind that is making a plan for your life instead of being re=active and letting circumstances mold a plan for you …. Of course being trained to be MR nice guy you take other people’s feeling in consideration , but honestly it has gotten to extremems ,,, YOUNG MASTER ,,, yes you had to think about the feelings of people like your mom and family , your female teachers . your mamagers at work ( many today again female .. get the int how often in your life your bosses your controllers were in fact females ! not in HARMONY with our animal instinctual NATURE ) dipshit you have that family man instinct it is in you but you have been trained to be to nice to considerate to the poiont that you have not THOUGHTS or plans of your own , they are all dependat on the effects you plan others will have to the ideas ….. think about what I just said …I am not talking to some men who have no feelings for others already because well they do not have the instinct to think about the total ,, I am talking about the male who is considerate ,, BUT WHEN A CONSIDERATE MANLE GETS CONTROLLED FOR TOLONG , go back to this list of “ effects of control “ there arrives a sub concsiuos time when he ,, the nice guy will change ….and lose his considerate nature ,,, the effects of being forced to ignore the call of his DNA ……….
Your frame of mind ,,,, the JUST DO IT …. AND WITH THAT MANTRA JUST do it ! … look at the online competition , the dating sites see who is you competition ,,, in reality look and listen to the males who have the guts to make on the street pick ups … they force themselves in to the girls world to make her decide something to quickly ,, when in fact girls hate to make many many types of dictions they want to be led .. honstly that is their nature in many aspects …… ( in the home that is a woman’s world they act like they want our in put but in fact they realy deep down want to control the home ,, OK fine 3 tents each to their won , your space is your space your office at the far side of the RECREATIONAL building ) the frame of mind in meeting a world full of girls ,, now dumbass … who is that hot chich on SI this month Beyonce ? well if you were bleind folded and and hard as hell and Beyonce slipped her pussy on you cock … fucked you for a minute then another chick slipeed her pussy on your cock and and fucked you then another girl … and you fucked al three until you came … then they left you .. and you took off your blind fold ….. who were the girls who fucke you ? if you did not know thiere names or how they looked they would just be PUSSY . so when hunting dumbass , it is not the pretty package as much as the WAY about the girl you should honestly be concerned about ,, the WAY of the girl ,, that magical feeling of her presence … NOW remember this every decision is constanty being remade ,, the girl who is ahppy with her life today is ready to get a divorce next week ! FACT !
That is why make contact with every girl . you like . HI EXCUSE THE INTERUPTION , My name is ________ I would like some time to meet you for a coffee maybe , here is my card and number have a a nice day ! ……….. NOW dumbass are you telling me you can not say that to ten girls every day … 10 girls a day ,,, that 1 sentence .. no push no forcing your self into their space ,, NO you are being you! .. polite considerate YET with the guts to talk not just on this tool of pickups the computer but to actually meet real people on the real street …….. NOW of course handing out abusiness card with fuzzy pink hand cuffs on the front is .. is … IS a form of OUTING yourself ….. but SO THE FUCK WHAT ,,, it is in that you have the guts to OUT yourself that you ahow the world that you are a MASTER …… not a game player . I have not been writing about DOM/sub issues or BDSM for a while and now I think that life style should be brought back into play ,,, and the study of SAFE SANE CONSENTUALL activities be brought back ,,,,, and the look at DOM you , the male ,, when and where is DOM real and not real ….. and sub ,,,, what is submission …. Seduction is evidence of submission ,, it is her trying to get you /// trying to get you , to attract you , because she values you ! When you are locked into the 1 on 1 by your code of honor your vow of love …….. she no longer has to seduce you be cause she knows your honor controls youuntill she fucks up to much then she will seduce again become all attentive and submsiive …….. HONSETLY DUMBASS , we are not supposed to be around each other as much as we do …… the psotive effects of the poly … and gues what there are pleanty of girls who will want to learnt to talk to ddicss ideas theory .. whether they choose you or not is NOT IMPORTANT … DO NOT put to much of your self image in the ahdns of whether another person accepts you or your ideas … this is being MASTER … your own frame of mind ,, not just re-active TO THE RESPOSNES YOU GET FROM OTHERS …. You can do this you can understand this
Now as a patriotic pervert …. I want you to think in a two yeatr plan ,,, when you joined the aRmy or national guard or wnet to school you were thinking in terms of 4 years more or less … well building the compound is the same way … fuck causually along the way do not get locked into one girl unless you get another girl very shortly after wards ,, because the 1 on 1 time is bad for her and you ! so we talked about catching the wind above your land .. cool … we talked about lots of ideas and time frames and budgets based on you working a job …. Here and now I want you to think about possilbes … okay the air pickup for home cooling is based on the idea that plants cool air to a level comfortable and based on ground temps ( in FL 70 degress where you live ? just bury a thremoter 2 feet in the ground in a shady area to get an idea ) now to fit your budget and time tables and plant growth you go ahead and plant the hegdge plants you want to fit the base home that first TIN TENT that single wide … with the idea that as you expand the house all you need to do is this ….. when you are ready to start building your additions … you prune a 5 ft. hedge down to 3 foot one weekend water it good , the next weekend you dig / cut the root ball in a 2 foot circle around each plant . and re water and rest for a week , then the following week you take those plants out put into pots or a temp location till building is done …. BREAK A COMPLEX , thing a big plan down into doable steps then it will not seem such a great big deal …. The additions get plans drawn up to code by a pro , shoop for a time to get the right price ,,,, the front addition 12 ft wide , with a road view that look like a nice hone ,,,, balance the home door in center ? two bay windonws ? one on each side …. Now the idside is to be 1 big open recreationa l room , NOT bed rooms or stuff ,,,, we want to create tax benefits here listem to me ,, you are building a life time location ,,,, and a life where you can go on vactions to feed that need for changes in environment we all like to have ….. ample money without over working … the back is just a porch ….. so that the house on the tax roles is still a 2/1 .. the back addition will be closed in after the tax man and the building expectors have left your property for good ,,,, so you get plans , you shop for guys to build the additions…. 3 men who know wood framing can knock out this type of contruction in about 3 to 4 weeks per home … how much will that cost .. depending on the economics of your area … is 150 dollars aday OK money for a working man during OFF season ? during an off season ,,,, would a Pro be happy weth 300 for himself and 100 a day for each of his laboresrs ? 450 for 3 guys or 500 for 3 guys …… 1500 per week … 3 weeks 4500 plus shell materials …. Each additions should be around 15 k …… after the inspection you can start your own retro fitting and interior changes …. And the tax load on each house will be the lowest it can be .. to get a home of about 1500 under air … over the years your taxes will be shit .
So when you bought your land you started grown you’re A/C unit yourhedges , your shade trees the large trees were placed in their finall locations in the beging based on the idea that the final home is going to be 1500 sqft. .. the hedge is moveable … fruit and nut trees , ( real food ) also are palnted in their finall locations ….. your Pond ( and think at the time of of digging this about digging a swimming pool …. Dig your pond to give your homes ample pads to put them high enough in case of any possible flooding rains that happen every 100 years ….. berm the ponds to control their shape and on one side split off the pond with the idea that you will put a very large pool liner in or custome cut and glue your own pool liner to make a pool of your dreams ….. so much is a DOABLE for you dipshit with some advanced planning and keep your ideas in a Journel ,,,, gather ideas , think think think
Friday, May 11, 2007
अनल fingering
Anal fingering
Young Master , I was thinking about girls in my past who had not learned the pleasure and excitement of ass fucking ….. and how I would intro them of course that would start with anal fingering , but honestly dipshit it starts before that ….. Ok dumbass , I keep talking about numbers about you building a life plan instead of letting life plan your future …. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE SOME ONE ELSE WILL … an old truth …. It starts with your enjoying the sensations that a woman feels … if you like seeing her feel ,, feel ,, her body if that is one of your great pleasures if that hobby is equal to fishng hunting and fixng up an old car .. then it is a antural thing for you to want every girl every time to really feel your attentions and anal orgasism is great ….. the competition the others guys out there that girls have to choose from are often not realy into girls , yes they like a fuck every now and again but they have no plan to fuck all the time . and well girls really like sex …. Remember to read the fronts of their magazines and think what do all those topics aabout their looks and losing weight and clothes and even sex have to do with well it is seductioin and sex and pleasure …. They like sex but they also have been trained to be good girls but they are also sluts …. Happy lil’ sluts it is in their nature they are built for pleasure their own and ours ….. and a lot of guys are just not into that they like twisting a wrench more . Sex is something they can take or leave honestly as long as they get a lil here and there they are OK …..
Hence dipshit if you got the guts to do street pick ups using a bussines card highlighting the concept the idea the hint ,,, fuzzy pink hand cuffs go on the web and do an image search … then go ahead and print a business card make on excellent card stock ….remember dumbasxs you are a great thing for any girl to be with … a great thing , she will have a good time with you …. She actually odes not fuck you truck or your car of fast motorcycle ….. no she gets fucked by you your tongue , your fingers , your dick … that is what is going to make her scream with FEELINGS …. Now dipshit she can take so much more than she thinks she can ,, but it does take time to train a girl who has not experience in receiving extremem pleasure well , like I said train her , she mays have dreamed about being forced to experience orgasims after orgasisim …… she may say stop …. So stop let her catch her breath then start back up ….. force her to shake all over again …… and being able to do that while switching from her ass to cunt … AHHHH now that will leave her in a ball of etreme feeling after shot your cummm inside her pull out and just stand there watcheing her twitch curl up into a ball moan in what sounds like pain ,, yet ,, yet be assured it is a pleasure in that moan of feeling not pain even if she moves away form you to curl up by herself … it is natural it seems like you raped her ,, WWELL YOU DID ! it is ok ! she will live she willl come back to you she will reach out for you ,, leave her alone to FEEL herself , her mind her body …… and ENJOY WHAT YOU ! <<< YOU ! created ……… now back to fingereing her ass start dumbass with just rubbing , bring her to a level of need get her to talk about how horny she is how much of a hot lil slut she is , how much she needs you to continue , then continue and fuck with her ass , and if she trys to brush your hand away ……… well pinn her her ahnd out of the way .. and force her to feel her ass ……. No if you have been meeting these girl by handing out personal cards with fussy pink cuffs foto on it you have a good chance that the girl is open she wants ,, DREAMS ABOUT SUBMSIIION ….. but dumbass take your time do not ruin a good ASS ….. even pushing her to experience mutli orgaisms … give her HOPE that it will end …. I have often done a COUNT DOWN … play stop bring myself close then say 10 ,, chill for a minute then fuck her hard till ig et way close then stop ,, and say 9 … it will help her learn to accept it …. Once she starts to , you can then push her till she wants you to stop ,, then start the count down , in that way you will give those fuckings that will make her curl up in that lil’ ball of FEELINGS . and you dumbass will feel incredibily proud of seeing her curl up part of me worries is she OK , but I trust she will reach out for me later when the feelings finally stop .
Now a patriotic pervert does some much for himself the family he plans but also the world by example ,,, there has been a flyer circulating about FPL fucking building a bullshit power plant how much water it will pollute , the air it will dirty ,, and to know to understand if we humans can control something as dangerous as ATOMIC evergy ,, then what? Are we to stupid to use the Gulf Stream as a power source , the tidal energy of every open ocean cut along the Atlanitc and Gulf coasts ?
So dumb ass buy you investing in advance planning to excape the 200 dollar a month trap of energy use of energy ignorance of energy addictions ……. You are an example of human intelligence , BY being creative in BED by fucking hard and enjoying it , by living off grid and enjoying it ,, you are an example ! … thinking about simple ideas like , Volts time amps equal watts . by realizing you already to your own home wiring often , living for 10 years on that extension cord mess you had created .. by accident … look dumbass your home will have to be wired for 110 , but your home power system will be 12 v DC ….. putting in safe after market DC wiring that looks good and is useful is as easy as that mees of extension cords you had created in your past ….. a little palnning and it will be very very safe and useful ….
Now for wind power even if you do not feel wind around your home ,,, there is wind above you above the hight of the local average tree line …. Plus there is and effect having to do with the hieght of local hills ,, but there is power up there , a breeze that I want you to catch now use to A/C your home …… again dumbass this is not rocket science it is a little investment up front .. and then decades of free energy ! do some study get all the free liturae all the manufactures free stuff , get on everyones mailing lists ,, get the ideas make the plans ……… like for a/c your tim tent that mobile home has air delivery pipes and registers grates in rooms these are 1/3 the size you will really want …. You want to change the air in these romms every few minutes ….. and doing this piping your self is so fucking easy ,,, cutting a floor to increase the register size so fuckingg easy ….. laying flex insulated piping under the house .. so fucking easy ……. Buying ehat exchanger coils used and gluesing and clanping rubber piping to feed it with cold water low flow low pressure .. then boxing those coils in ,,, insulating the box .. toping it with a D?C house fan …. Then splitting the air into the pipes you laid to feed each room , way fucking easy ,, break it down to the easy steps … then the big Impossible paln becomes possible .. alil here a lil there ….. like training her to enjoy ass fucking really they are very simaliar
Young Master , I was thinking about girls in my past who had not learned the pleasure and excitement of ass fucking ….. and how I would intro them of course that would start with anal fingering , but honestly dipshit it starts before that ….. Ok dumbass , I keep talking about numbers about you building a life plan instead of letting life plan your future …. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE SOME ONE ELSE WILL … an old truth …. It starts with your enjoying the sensations that a woman feels … if you like seeing her feel ,, feel ,, her body if that is one of your great pleasures if that hobby is equal to fishng hunting and fixng up an old car .. then it is a antural thing for you to want every girl every time to really feel your attentions and anal orgasism is great ….. the competition the others guys out there that girls have to choose from are often not realy into girls , yes they like a fuck every now and again but they have no plan to fuck all the time . and well girls really like sex …. Remember to read the fronts of their magazines and think what do all those topics aabout their looks and losing weight and clothes and even sex have to do with well it is seductioin and sex and pleasure …. They like sex but they also have been trained to be good girls but they are also sluts …. Happy lil’ sluts it is in their nature they are built for pleasure their own and ours ….. and a lot of guys are just not into that they like twisting a wrench more . Sex is something they can take or leave honestly as long as they get a lil here and there they are OK …..
Hence dipshit if you got the guts to do street pick ups using a bussines card highlighting the concept the idea the hint ,,, fuzzy pink hand cuffs go on the web and do an image search … then go ahead and print a business card make on excellent card stock ….remember dumbasxs you are a great thing for any girl to be with … a great thing , she will have a good time with you …. She actually odes not fuck you truck or your car of fast motorcycle ….. no she gets fucked by you your tongue , your fingers , your dick … that is what is going to make her scream with FEELINGS …. Now dipshit she can take so much more than she thinks she can ,, but it does take time to train a girl who has not experience in receiving extremem pleasure well , like I said train her , she mays have dreamed about being forced to experience orgasims after orgasisim …… she may say stop …. So stop let her catch her breath then start back up ….. force her to shake all over again …… and being able to do that while switching from her ass to cunt … AHHHH now that will leave her in a ball of etreme feeling after shot your cummm inside her pull out and just stand there watcheing her twitch curl up into a ball moan in what sounds like pain ,, yet ,, yet be assured it is a pleasure in that moan of feeling not pain even if she moves away form you to curl up by herself … it is natural it seems like you raped her ,, WWELL YOU DID ! it is ok ! she will live she willl come back to you she will reach out for you ,, leave her alone to FEEL herself , her mind her body …… and ENJOY WHAT YOU ! <<< YOU ! created ……… now back to fingereing her ass start dumbass with just rubbing , bring her to a level of need get her to talk about how horny she is how much of a hot lil slut she is , how much she needs you to continue , then continue and fuck with her ass , and if she trys to brush your hand away ……… well pinn her her ahnd out of the way .. and force her to feel her ass ……. No if you have been meeting these girl by handing out personal cards with fussy pink cuffs foto on it you have a good chance that the girl is open she wants ,, DREAMS ABOUT SUBMSIIION ….. but dumbass take your time do not ruin a good ASS ….. even pushing her to experience mutli orgaisms … give her HOPE that it will end …. I have often done a COUNT DOWN … play stop bring myself close then say 10 ,, chill for a minute then fuck her hard till ig et way close then stop ,, and say 9 … it will help her learn to accept it …. Once she starts to , you can then push her till she wants you to stop ,, then start the count down , in that way you will give those fuckings that will make her curl up in that lil’ ball of FEELINGS . and you dumbass will feel incredibily proud of seeing her curl up part of me worries is she OK , but I trust she will reach out for me later when the feelings finally stop .
Now a patriotic pervert does some much for himself the family he plans but also the world by example ,,, there has been a flyer circulating about FPL fucking building a bullshit power plant how much water it will pollute , the air it will dirty ,, and to know to understand if we humans can control something as dangerous as ATOMIC evergy ,, then what? Are we to stupid to use the Gulf Stream as a power source , the tidal energy of every open ocean cut along the Atlanitc and Gulf coasts ?
So dumb ass buy you investing in advance planning to excape the 200 dollar a month trap of energy use of energy ignorance of energy addictions ……. You are an example of human intelligence , BY being creative in BED by fucking hard and enjoying it , by living off grid and enjoying it ,, you are an example ! … thinking about simple ideas like , Volts time amps equal watts . by realizing you already to your own home wiring often , living for 10 years on that extension cord mess you had created .. by accident … look dumbass your home will have to be wired for 110 , but your home power system will be 12 v DC ….. putting in safe after market DC wiring that looks good and is useful is as easy as that mees of extension cords you had created in your past ….. a little palnning and it will be very very safe and useful ….
Now for wind power even if you do not feel wind around your home ,,, there is wind above you above the hight of the local average tree line …. Plus there is and effect having to do with the hieght of local hills ,, but there is power up there , a breeze that I want you to catch now use to A/C your home …… again dumbass this is not rocket science it is a little investment up front .. and then decades of free energy ! do some study get all the free liturae all the manufactures free stuff , get on everyones mailing lists ,, get the ideas make the plans ……… like for a/c your tim tent that mobile home has air delivery pipes and registers grates in rooms these are 1/3 the size you will really want …. You want to change the air in these romms every few minutes ….. and doing this piping your self is so fucking easy ,,, cutting a floor to increase the register size so fuckingg easy ….. laying flex insulated piping under the house .. so fucking easy ……. Buying ehat exchanger coils used and gluesing and clanping rubber piping to feed it with cold water low flow low pressure .. then boxing those coils in ,,, insulating the box .. toping it with a D?C house fan …. Then splitting the air into the pipes you laid to feed each room , way fucking easy ,, break it down to the easy steps … then the big Impossible paln becomes possible .. alil here a lil there ….. like training her to enjoy ass fucking really they are very simaliar
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