Soft round Ass
The Design of the Bio Machine you …. Are using ( you are not he body you are the TAO aspect of experincer ) …the DNa of the bio machine HUMAN …is one of an animal that LIKES SEX ,,THAT IS VERY VERY VERY SEXUALLY RECREATIONAL ….. your thich COCK … that has length , gives . FRICTION during the PENTRTATION ACTS …. Her adverstising for PENETRATION her enlarged breast and soft round ass cheeks …. Remember it is her deepest desires ..SHE GETS WET lubricates for PENETRATION ..look at the fotos lke they are part of your own vision board a remeinder … ,
Now the blog on vision boards is important to understand the proper use of them to INSURE how you are CHOOSING to think what you FOCUS is on
I am going to use the WORD TOOLS of Ester Hicks . the STREAM …. A tool to describe aspects of the TAO the UNTINKABLE ( ) ..... fear is you STANDING there in the middle of a running stream ,,the commucation ,,the FEELING like plain ENglsih you are not understanding is the VIBRATION of not moving with the CURENT the energy of your BRAODER self ……. It can be FEAR of death or DANGER .. it can bbe FEAR of ACCEPTANCE … or shyness … ahh shyness and getting you HARD COCK Buryed in the ass hole of that girl who ex cited your HORMONAL FLOW the big T ..rushing thru you viens , wiping hight thoughts form the tool of the human bio machine called brain , the REASON for testosrone is to ..FOCUS you …fight or FUCK ….. mainly fuck because we are not VIOLENT animals look again at the tools of WAR or violence which our body has Evovled out of …. We do not have the CLAWS of other animals not the FIGHTING teeth ,,, but we do have larger thicker DICKS than our Cousins ,,, she is built to attract your SEXUAL attention ….. in very graphic ways with her large breatsa nd soft ass … why doi you FEEL …FEAR is commcation saying you are not ACTING in accord with your wants with the AGRRED UPON expecations of our NATURE …. Hers also she is designed to be fucked by you and ENJOY IT …. To EXPERINCE INTENSTIY OF FEELINGS of frictions . of smells flavors to get that FEELING of submission … ahh the book about her nature form this page the link is there
Standing like a confused DEER in heads light wondering WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING on ….. and your greater TAO self is commicating with ITSELF YOU … thru vibration saying ,,,, I am going ..i am the STREAM of your WANTS … do not resit me ..but come ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT GENTLY DOWN THE STEAM MERRLY MERRLY MERRLY …LIFE IS BUT A ……DREAM !
It si commcating teeling you about the FOCUS the THOUGHT you are currently allowing or choosing to experience and saying to you IN PLAIN ENGLISH LANGUAGE OF …..SOURCE .. the language of sources is FEELING is VIBRATION ..the whole UNVIVERSE IS JUS THE vibration of quaNTAS in and out of being ….
Teeling you realize what you are thinking about ,,,,
Fear of death ,,, your Tao is wanting to live it is moving towards all those dreams you have placed into the ESCROW of toa … out BEFORE …the FORE GIVING of thought energy … it is out there in the UNTHINKABLE the un-impossible .. where from the Quantas will been there ASSEMBALAGE …. Into time/space . and you will start to expeince ADVENTUIRES ..the events from which to Feel and choose the WANTED and unwanted …. ..... thought about the ENDING of life are in contrast to your REAL wants thus that FOCUS on the ENDING is causing FEAR ,,when the time is right to go …. You enter BIO MECHANICAL STATES OF SHOCK where fear is not felt .
Shyness …. Is the results of SHOULDS of FASHION of living to make OTHERS HAPPY … you should live or dress like this so I WILL BE HAPPY … I and others like me will be happy ….. SHYNESS is thinking about yourself as BEING only this Bio machine ,,,, when the UNTHINKABLE-NESS of you is just that unthinka … you are not male or female or human or animal or rock or plant you are ,,, the .. I in I the paradox of feeling the bing of a singularity Quanta and realizing that even the quant has within in Infinitiies of possible . …. Unending WAY WAY WAY beyond the ability of the 2 gig persecond brain of human . or anything human has created to think with ( yet ? hmmm I do not limit the possible )
Shyness now learning simple tools to help you ..DEAL with the MIND FUCK ..of fear well that is the realm of these guys … 16 bucks will get you started open you mind and study the possibles .
But me I want to stay on the idea of the STREAM of the REAL you your TAO self …. Which is talking to you about truths ..she likes to take it in the asss ..the action of submission after she is truly HOT horny ,,, she has FREED herself of her own fear of masturbating in front of you ..while you were p[ussy fucking her ,,, once the fear is over ,,her RECREATIOANL desiogn the EVIDENCE TRIL of it being that soft sexy body , the aADVERTISNG softiness of her ASS CHEEKS …. All are saying I AM DESINGNED TO ….APRECIATE THE difference in FRICTIONS BETWEEN getting a pussy fuck and an ASS FUCK and find overwhelming feeling of the SUBLIME in both ..and your young master your SELFISH GREED TO ENJOY both activities of cuking is actually the sTRENGHT the … GIVING TO HER … selfishness of HUMAN EXPRESSION IN ACOORD WITH the DNA INSTINCTUAL MATURE not the GREED OF THE ..thought form EVE I bring up ,,, that is an UNANTURAL CREATION tied to ecomony and PHAROHS …
Like a JACKSON POLLACK ..of words
Esther said to us, "Abraham, how come you guys (meaning nonphysical entities) can't get your stories straight? This one says this. That one says that. If we have been talking to God, why doesn't God say the same thing to everyone? Why isn't everybody getting the same message?" And we said, "Everybody isn't asking the same question. Everybody is not at the same point of understanding. Everybody is not even wanting the same thing." We are all about eternalness which means we are about difference. It is in our difference that desires of all kinds come forth, and as all of these new desires pop up, every one of them, even in their difference, is important. --- Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Saturday, July 11th, 1998
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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