Monday, December 1, 2008

dryed sperm

Dryed sperm

The wetnnes of a fuck drys and then there is the desire the building up of the sperm growing in your balls which will drive you to ERECTION over and over … and so it iw with her pussy too. That INSTINCT to be pen etrated RMEMBER it is a MIND BODY SPIRIT THING ..not all 1 aspect yet it is all of the same ,,, 1 event or aspect being able to be experienced at a time ….. the blessing of TIME/SPACE to BE 1 thing .. instead of all things …… remember again , you ,this ASPECT of TAO … you are THINKABLE while tao is UNTHINKABLE USE THE READING of this guided imagery to tap inot that idea and again remember you are doing it thru THOUGHTS ….. so it is not the COMPLETE tao .. just a part of IN FI NITY. Do not get all fucking spiritual and holy like concerned to much with just one aspect .. the understanding of Tao realy is to help you CLEAR OUT THE PROGRAMING OF …FEAR …. From the passed down MYTHS of GOD/KINGS …..

If the PERMA CULTURE of will stabilize the fist 2 levels of MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS . ? will you not become bored lacking of contrasts ..NO …for after the basis of life are some what taken care of as NTURE DESIGNED them to be actually Quite easy …. then you have the OP to focus on LARGER GOALS ,,,, sure greedy things like the JET SKI , the WORLD WIDE VACATIONS ? all sorts of shit that you will balance into your braoder life style. …but then ideas like the offering of LIFE STLYE choices to others locally maybe world wide ,,,YOUR EXAMPLE … maybe teaching the concepts of SQUARE METER GARDENING ..the idea that world wide we have actually way to many resources and land to support the humanity that already here …… in fact so much that mankind could grow triple and till live in BETTER harmony with NATURE of the planet ….

Ohhhh one ting like always ..THINK FOR YOURSELF , in my ipinion ,,malsows pyramid is not written on a TABLET of stone from a god …. There are aspects that blend from one level to another constantly to make the whole thing work out … aspects of self esteem which is higher up effect choices of basics needs … and here again is the reason for my constant programming of the idea of TAO … if you can start to FEEL our ALL EQUALITY ….. the truth of the circle of LIFE . that plant life chicken life fish life and your life are all TIED to an OVER ALL..larger system …. And accept that you are not the END all to the ALL ….. you find the PEACE OF THE I - IN – I esteem in knowing that Tao can not truly BE without you ….. or the lettuce I killed this MORNING or my friend the chicken I killed for thank giving dinner …( OHHH WO DID YOUR killing FOR YOU last week ? would it not be better to give a good life to a good friend whose DNA desing is to CO-EXSISIT with humanity … continueing the CIRCLE of life that is in its DNA in a loving humane way …? Of be ABOVE IT …it .. what was alive that you now just call MEAT ? you have lost your PART TO FIT …. )

And I losing small ties of your PART TO FIT …. You lose more and more connection to everything and everyone ….. LIFE IS UPPOSED TO BE FUN contented …. You know that urge …. You feel that urge it is the CONTRAST that pulls your forward each morning as you wake up to find some thing GOOD in your day ……. And so it is with all life the PLANTS MOVING TO WARM SUNLIGHT AND MOIST ROOTS …. Animals basking in RELAXTION time sunny themselves .. rolling around playing with each other ,,,, I watch my cats .. SOCIALL GROOM EACH OTHER .. in contentment … life is meant to be fun … and yet the CAT HUNTS kills ,,,,the GRASSHoPPER EATS a plant all the way down to the root killing it …… yet what did it realy KILL?

It killed off a BIO MACHINE that an .. a ,, 1 .. aspect of the Tao was using to experience the BEING of that 1 thing at that 1 location have that 1 life and contrast . and everything MUST DIE …… no one gets out of here ALIVE ..aceept this do not fear this … remember the words of the SAGE Jesus … I believe eh talked about aspects of NOT worrying about DEATH …. Be good to the TEMPLE BODY ( the word tools of his day and age ) … enjoy life and LOVE all … and accept that you will never KNOW THE DATE OR TIME OF DEATH …. But the YOU …. Goes on . TAO ….

And all of this you think about … your tool.. of biomacine deals with little tiny aspects or …bytes of infinity .. at the rate of 2 gigs persecond … and we start to believe that this is all there is ,,, good for that makes this LIFE PASSIONATE …. Real … the most real of NOVELS or movies ..designed by the all of TAO and agreed upon by even the single quanta that comes in and out of BEING to enable the CONSTRUCTION of atoms to form molecules to create substances from which DNA can then be assembled … and in that DAN is INFORMATION … to guide the day to Day activity of a very COMPLEX …. BIO MECHANICAL … tool created of substance for a limited aspect of awarenss to use for TIME/SAPCE experience and free choices . got it? Got IT ? good ! think for yourself . life is long and full of stuff what do you want that stuff to be?

Your PASSION to get out of bed and move towards aspects of living that feel GOOD or BETTER ….. is what it is all about … and you get to FREELY choice the corse of it all …. Think for yourself .
Those that we see who are living long lives don't do so without powerful intent that keeps drawing. In other words, what continues the motion forward itself is the continuing setting forth of the new intent that draws life through. In fact, intending for long life assures that you must be leading the parade; people don't start diminishing their life until they stop leading and start falling back into the ranks of the parade, trying to do what others are leading them to do. --- Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Buffalo, NY on Tuesday, May 20th, 2003

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